Transact SQL :: Calculate Minutes In Stored Procedure Using Datediff
May 9, 2015
I needed to create a stored procedure to lock a user who makes 3 incorect entries of his password. I did it successfully. Now the problem what i have is that i want to lock the user only if he makes the 3 incorrect entries within 30 minutes.
I created a field named "FirstEntryTime" of type datetime that saves the date of the first incorrect entry. I tried to make an if statement:
if (@timesOfEntry <=2 AND DATEDIFF(MINUTE, firstEntryTime,GETDATE()) <= 30)
Update myTable set ...
View 6 Replies
Apr 15, 2008
I need to create a stored procedure to select records that cal_callin_tm (this is a datetime field in table) is less than 10 minutes of the current system datetime. I want to update cal_callin_tm field with current system time and pass back the cal_assign_off_p field to my VS 2008/C# windows form. I'm new at SQL code, I know the basic stuff but this requires more knowledge than I have. I need from you experts the best practice to accomplish coding the SQL. I have some junk code below I have started with, help me out.
Thanks a bunch,
@offname varchar(40) = null OUTPUT,
SELECT * from dpcalldtl
where cal_callstat = 'ON SCENE' and (datediff(minute,0,cal_callin_tm) < datediff(minute, 0, currentdate)
If minute > 10
UPDATE cal_callstat
cal_callin_tm = @dt,
@offname = cal_assign_off_p
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Feb 9, 2007
I have two date columns one is sent_date and other is approved_date
my requirment is to find the difference between the two dates
which can be minutes/hrs/days.
using datediff function iam able to get it in minusts or hrs but my
output should be of the format hh:mm
23:10 (ie 23 hrs and 10 min) or say
48:00 (for 2 days)
sample date
sent_date approved_date
2/28/06 11:06 2/28/06 11:39
2/2/06 17:42 2/2/06 18:03
2/8/06 16:55 2/8/06 17:38
1/27/06 17:00 1/27/06 17:54
1/26/06 12:08 1/26/06 12:09
2/28/06 15:46 2/28/06 16:26
1/23/06 10:01 1/23/06 10:43
1/26/06 13:46 1/26/06 13:59
1/13/06 13:51 1/13/06 14:47
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Jul 7, 2015
I am going put in the whole query but my question is on changing a datediff minutes amount into DD:HH:MM.
Query is:
select c.APPLICANT_ID as [Applicant ID], aetc.EVENT_TYPE as [Event Type],
cast(aetr.CREATE_DATE as date) as [Registration Date],
cast(aetc.CREATE_DATE as date) as [C Creation Date],
datediff(mi,cast(aetr.CREATE_DATE as datetime),cast(aetc.CREATE_DATE as datetime)) as [time diff],
[Code] .....
I want this as dd:hh:mm rather than just minutes.
Currently this field is just minutes so a figure such as 20, depending on the time difference between the 2 dates.
I have tried the convert statement convert (char(5) ...........,108) within this but that's not working and I have used floor before to do this type of thing but not sure where that should go.
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Mar 2, 2014
Given the two datetimes below, what's the best way to obtain the total duration in hours, minutes and seconds (HH:mm:ss)?
Start Time: 2014-03-02 20:55:00.000
End Time: 2014-03-03 07:00:00.000
Duration = 10:05:00
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Nov 6, 2006
Can anyone help me convert a number to give the result in hours and minutes? For example 195 as 3:15 or 210 as 3:30. We are trying to create a report showing hours and minutes worked without having to export to Excel.
I've had a look around the net and this seems to be quite a difficult function in SQL Server.
Any guidance much appreciated.
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Jul 5, 2014
need to calculate the total hours mintues in sql server and
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Oct 8, 2014
I am having below schema:
CREATE TABLE #Attendance(
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[StudentID] [int] NOT NULL,
[ClassID] [int] NOT NULL,
[DateAdded] [datetime] default getdate() NOT NULL
insert into #Attendance(StudentID,ClassID,DateAdded) values(1,1,'2014-10-07 10:38:02.900')
[Code] ....
DateAdded column in first table is nothing but in and out time.
Now I want to prepare a query where I want to consider MIN DateAdded and max DateAdded and calculate the duration of student present in the class.
Validations i need to consider are:
If class is starting at 10am then student can come at 9:50am, i.e. Dateadded column should consider as student present in that class if value is less that 10 minutes of StartTime from #ClassAttendance table. Class End time i want to calculate depending upon ClassMinutes from #ClassAttendance
Also DateAdded column should be 10 minutes plus compared to calculated endtime. If its more than that consider lower DateAdded time.
And by using this thingIi want to calculate total number of minutes student present in the class and number of minutes absent.
If there is only one DateAdded for class then consider as a absent student.
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Apr 18, 2008
I need to calculate the datediff in minutes between Date1 and the lesser of Date2, Date3, Date4 (whichever came first)
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Jun 25, 2007
The query below runs in sub second time if I don't call it as a stored procedure. I have looked at the execution plan for both the query and the query as a stored procedure and they are the same.
When I put the query into a stored procedure it takes over 2 minutes to run.
All feedback (even the ugly stuff) is more than welcome. I want to master this issue and forever put it behind me.
This is the sql when I just execute it outright:1 DECLARE
2 @WebUserID nvarchar(20)
3 ,@DocumentTypeID int
4 ,@RouteID nvarchar(10)
5 ,@CustomerID nvarchar(15)
6 ,@DocumentIDPrefix nvarchar(20)
7 ,@StartDate datetime
8 ,@EndDate datetime
9 ,@OversoldOnly bit
10 ,@DexCustomersOnly bit
11 ,@DeviationsOnly bit
12 ,@CashNoPaymentOnly bit
13 ,@SignatureName nvarchar(45)
14 ,@SortExpression varchar(200)
15 ,@StartRowIndex int
16 ,@MaximumRows int
18 SET @WebUserID = 'manager'
19 SET @DocumentTypeID = 0
20 SET @DocumentIDPrefix = '%'
21 SET @StartDate = '04/17/2007'
22 SET @EndDate = '04/19/2007'
23 SET @OversoldOnly = 0
24 SET @DexCustomersOnly = 0
25 SET @DeviationsOnly = 0
26 SET @CashNoPaymentOnly = 0
27 SET @SortExpression = ''
28 SET @StartRowIndex = 0
29 SET @MaximumRows = 20;
31 WITH OrderedDocumentHistory AS
32 (
34 dh.DocumentHistoryID
35 ,dh.DocumentID
36 ,dh.DocumentTypeID
37 ,dh.DocumentTypeDesc
38 ,dh.RouteID
39 ,dh.RouteDesc
40 ,dh.CustomerID
41 ,dh.CustomerName
42 ,dh.DocDate
43 ,ISNULL(dc.HasReceipt, 0) AS 'HasReceipt'
44 ,ddt.Description AS 'SignatureReason'
45 ,a.Amount
46 ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.DocDate DESC) AS 'RowNumber'
48 DocumentHistory dh
49 INNER JOIN Customers c ON dh.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
50 INNER JOIN DeviationTypes ddt ON dh.DriverDeviationTypeID = ddt.DeviationTypeID
52 (
54 DocumentHistoryID
55 ,(COALESCE(SUM((CONVERT(INT, Units + DeviationUnits)) * (UnitPrice - UnitDiscount)) + SUM((CONVERT(INT, Cases + DeviationCases)) * (CasePrice - CaseDiscount)), 0.0)) AS Amount
57 DocumentHistoryItems dhia
59 dhia.DocumentHistoryID
60 ) AS a ON a.DocumentHistoryID = dh.DocumentHistoryID
62 (
64 dca.DocumentID
65 ,1 AS 'HasReceipt'
67 DocumentCollections dca
68 ) AS dc ON dh.DocumentID = dc.DocumentID
70 dh.DocDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate
71 AND (dh.DocumentTypeID = @DocumentTypeID OR @DocumentTypeID IS NULL)
72 AND (dh.RouteID = @RouteID OR @RouteID IS NULL)
73 AND (dh.CustomerID = @CustomerID OR @CustomerID IS NULL)
74 AND dh.DocumentID LIKE @DocumentIDPrefix
75 AND CASE WHEN @OversoldOnly = 1 THEN ISNULL( (SELECT TOP 1 (dhio.DeviationUnits + dhio.DeviationCases) FROM DocumentHistoryItems dhio WHERE dh.DocumentHistoryID = dhio.DocumentHistoryID AND (dhio.DeviationUnits > 0 OR dhio.DeviationCases > 0)), 0) ELSE 1 END > 0
76 AND CASE WHEN @DexCustomersOnly = 1 THEN c.DEXEnable ELSE 'Y' END = 'Y'
77 AND CASE WHEN @DeviationsOnly = 1 THEN ISNULL( (SELECT TOP 1 (dhio.DeviationUnits + dhio.DeviationCases) FROM DocumentHistoryItems dhio WHERE dh.DocumentHistoryID = dhio.DocumentHistoryID AND (dhio.DeviationUnits != 0 OR dhio.DeviationCases != 0)), 0) ELSE 1 END != 0
78 AND CASE WHEN @CashNoPaymentOnly = 1 THEN dh.Terms ELSE 'CHECK/CASH' END = 'CHECK/CASH'
79 AND CASE WHEN @CashNoPaymentOnly = 1 THEN (SELECT MAX(dhio.AlcoholPct) FROM DocumentHistoryItems dhio WHERE dhio.DocumentHistoryID = dh.DocumentHistoryID) ELSE 1 END > 0
80 AND CASE WHEN @CashNoPaymentOnly = 1 THEN ISNULL(dc.HasReceipt, 0) ELSE 0 END = 0
81 AND (dh.SigName = @SignatureName OR @SignatureName IS NULL)
82 AND (c.WarehouseID IN (SELECT WarehouseID FROM WebUserWarehouses WHERE WebUserID = @WebUserID)
83 OR @WebUserID IS NULL)
84 )
87 DocumentHistoryID
88 ,DocumentID
89 ,DocumentTypeDesc
90 ,RouteID
91 ,RouteDesc
92 ,CustomerID
93 ,CustomerName
94 ,DocDate
95 ,Amount
96 ,HasReceipt
97 ,SignatureReason
99 OrderedDocumentHistory
101 RowNumber BETWEEN (@StartRowIndex + 1) AND (@StartRowIndex + @MaximumRows) Here is the sql for creating the stored procedure. 1 CREATE Procedure w_DocumentHistory_Select
2 (
3 @WebUserID nvarchar(20)
4 ,@DocumentTypeID int
5 ,@RouteID nvarchar(10)
6 ,@CustomerID nvarchar(15)
7 ,@DocumentIDPrefix nvarchar(20)
8 ,@StartDate datetime
9 ,@EndDate datetime
10 ,@OversoldOnly bit
11 ,@DexCustomersOnly bit
12 ,@DeviationsOnly bit
13 ,@CashNoPaymentOnly bit
14 ,@SignatureName nvarchar(45)
15 ,@SortExpression varchar(200)
16 ,@StartRowIndex int
17 ,@MaximumRows int
18 )
19 AS
22 IF LEN(@SortExpression) = 0 OR @SortExpression IS NULL
23 SET @SortExpression = 'Number DESC'
25 IF @StartRowIndex IS NULL
26 SET @StartRowIndex = 0
28 IF @MaximumRows IS NULL
30 @MaximumRows = COUNT(dh.DocumentHistoryID)
32 DocumentHistory dh;
34 WITH OrderedDocumentHistory AS
35 (
37 dh.DocumentHistoryID
38 ,dh.DocumentID
39 ,dh.DocumentTypeID
40 ,dh.DocumentTypeDesc
41 ,dh.RouteID
42 ,dh.RouteDesc
43 ,dh.CustomerID
44 ,dh.CustomerName
45 ,dh.DocDate
46 ,ISNULL(dc.HasReceipt, 0) AS 'HasReceipt'
47 ,ddt.Description AS 'SignatureReason'
48 ,a.Amount
49 ,CASE
50 WHEN @SortExpression = 'Number DESC' THEN (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.DocumentID DESC))
51 WHEN @SortExpression = 'Number ASC' THEN (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.DocumentID ASC))
52 WHEN @SortExpression = 'CustomerName DESC' THEN (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.CustomerName DESC))
53 WHEN @SortExpression = 'CustomerName ASC' THEN (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.CustomerName ASC))
54 WHEN @SortExpression = 'CompletedDate DESC' THEN (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.DocDate DESC))
55 WHEN @SortExpression = 'CompletedDate ASC' THEN (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.DocDate ASC))
56 WHEN @SortExpression = 'RouteDescription DESC' THEN (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.RouteDesc DESC))
57 WHEN @SortExpression = 'RouteDescription ASC' THEN (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.RouteDesc ASC))
58 END AS 'RowNumber'
60 DocumentHistory dh
61 INNER JOIN Customers c ON dh.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
62 INNER JOIN DeviationTypes ddt ON dh.DriverDeviationTypeID = ddt.DeviationTypeID
64 (
66 DocumentHistoryID
67 ,(COALESCE(SUM((CONVERT(INT, Units + DeviationUnits)) * (UnitPrice - UnitDiscount)) + SUM((CONVERT(INT, Cases + DeviationCases)) * (CasePrice - CaseDiscount)), 0.0)) AS Amount
69 DocumentHistoryItems dhia
71 dhia.DocumentHistoryID
72 ) AS a ON a.DocumentHistoryID = dh.DocumentHistoryID
74 (
76 dca.DocumentID
77 ,1 AS 'HasReceipt'
79 DocumentCollections dca
80 ) AS dc ON dh.DocumentID = dc.DocumentID
82 dh.DocDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate
83 AND (dh.DocumentTypeID = @DocumentTypeID OR @DocumentTypeID IS NULL)
84 AND (dh.RouteID = @RouteID OR @RouteID IS NULL)
85 AND (dh.CustomerID = @CustomerID OR @CustomerID IS NULL)
86 AND dh.DocumentID LIKE @DocumentIDPrefix
87 AND CASE WHEN @OversoldOnly = 1 THEN ISNULL( (SELECT TOP 1 (dhio.DeviationUnits + dhio.DeviationCases) FROM DocumentHistoryItems dhio WHERE dh.DocumentHistoryID = dhio.DocumentHistoryID AND (dhio.DeviationUnits > 0 OR dhio.DeviationCases > 0)), 0) ELSE 1 END > 0
88 AND CASE WHEN @DexCustomersOnly = 1 THEN c.DEXEnable ELSE 'Y' END = 'Y'
89 AND CASE WHEN @DeviationsOnly = 1 THEN ISNULL((SELECT TOP 1 (dhio.DeviationUnits + dhio.DeviationCases) FROM DocumentHistoryItems dhio WHERE dh.DocumentHistoryID = dhio.DocumentHistoryID AND (dhio.DeviationUnits != 0 OR dhio.DeviationCases != 0)), 0) ELSE 1 END != 0
90 AND CASE WHEN @CashNoPaymentOnly = 1 THEN dh.Terms ELSE 'CHECK/CASH' END = 'CHECK/CASH'
91 AND CASE WHEN @CashNoPaymentOnly = 1 THEN (SELECT MAX(dhio.AlcoholPct) FROM DocumentHistoryItems dhio WHERE dhio.DocumentHistoryID = dh.DocumentHistoryID) ELSE 1 END > 0
92 AND CASE WHEN @CashNoPaymentOnly = 1 THEN ISNULL(dc.HasReceipt, 0) ELSE 0 END = 0
93 AND (dh.SigName = @SignatureName OR @SignatureName IS NULL)
94 AND (c.WarehouseID IN (SELECT WarehouseID FROM WebUserWarehouses WHERE WebUserID = @WebUserID)
95 OR @WebUserID IS NULL)
96 )
98 DocumentHistoryID
99 ,DocumentID
100 ,DocumentTypeDesc
101 ,RouteID
102 ,RouteDesc
103 ,CustomerID
104 ,CustomerName
105 ,DocDate
106 ,Amount
107 ,HasReceipt
108 ,SignatureReason
109 FROM
110 OrderedDocumentHistory
112 RowNumber BETWEEN (@StartRowIndex + 1) AND (@StartRowIndex + @MaximumRows)
Here is the code for calling the stored procedure:1 DECLARE @RC int
2 DECLARE @WebUserID nvarchar(20)
3 DECLARE @DocumentTypeID int
4 DECLARE @RouteID nvarchar(10)
5 DECLARE @CustomerID nvarchar(15)
6 DECLARE @DocumentIDPrefix nvarchar(20)
7 DECLARE @StartDate datetime
8 DECLARE @EndDate datetime
9 DECLARE @OversoldOnly bit
10 DECLARE @DexCustomersOnly bit
11 DECLARE @DeviationsOnly bit
12 DECLARE @CashNoPaymentOnly bit
13 DECLARE @SignatureName nvarchar(45)
14 DECLARE @SortExpression varchar(200)
15 DECLARE @StartRowIndex int
16 DECLARE @MaximumRows int
18 SET @WebUserID = 'manager'
19 SET @DocumentTypeID = 0
20 SET @DocumentIDPrefix = '%'
21 SET @StartDate = '04/17/2007'
22 SET @EndDate = '04/19/2007'
23 SET @OversoldOnly = 0
24 SET @DexCustomersOnly = 0
25 SET @DeviationsOnly = 0
26 SET @CashNoPaymentOnly = 0
27 SET @SortExpression = ''
28 SET @StartRowIndex = 0
29 SET @MaximumRows = 20;
31 EXECUTE @RC = [Odom].[dbo].[w_DocumentHistory_Select]
32 @WebUserID
33 ,@DocumentTypeID
34 ,@RouteID
35 ,@CustomerID
36 ,@DocumentIDPrefix
37 ,@StartDate
38 ,@EndDate
39 ,@OversoldOnly
40 ,@DexCustomersOnly
41 ,@DeviationsOnly
42 ,@CashNoPaymentOnly
43 ,@SignatureName
44 ,@SortExpression
45 ,@StartRowIndex
46 ,@MaximumRows
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Feb 14, 2014
Aim – Calculate the number of days between the [CreatedDate] and getdate, however if stage name = ‘Live Transactions’ then Calculate the number of days between [CreatedDate] & [CloseDate]
This is my query so far
SELECT [CreatedDate]
,DATEDIFF(dd,CONVERT(datetime,[CreatedDate]),GETDATE()) as Age
FROM [FDMS].[Dan].[Raz_Reporting_LCS]
Which produces the following
StageNameLive Transactions
When in fact the age should be 14days
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Apr 22, 2007
This is my SP:SELECT CAST(id AS varchar(10)) + ' - ' + UserName AS 'User List', Scanned, Scripts AS 'Total Scripts', Processed,CAST((Processed/ Scripts)* 100.0 as int) AS 'DONE (%)'FROM tblworkQueueProcessed and Scripts are both DataTypes of intMy DONE(%) column comes back with 0Any idea where I am going wrong?
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Oct 16, 2004
Hi, i'm trying to calculate on the expiry date for product which include the start date and end date.
the product can't b displayed if the start date haven't reached the date, besides, it oso can't b displayed if it has expired.
the storedprocedure tat i've written is:
DateDiff(day, StartDate, getDate())<=0
DateDiff(day, EndDate, getDate())>=0
i wonder why it can's show the result!!! is the code correct?
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Aug 30, 2005
i want to calculate the month salary of an employee.which will be calculated on the basis of previous available leaves and present available leave(i.e) 2 per month.
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May 5, 2015
I'm trying to write a Stored Procedure that have to calculate the closest date for manufacturing.
What I have:
- The BOM (bill of materials) with the needed quantity for production
INSERT INTO @BOM (ItemID, neededQuantity)
SELECT 1, 10
- a calculated table that told me the availability for each component of the BOM, sorted by date. (each row have a plus or minus of the quantity so it can by summarized)
DECLARE @WhareHouseMovement TABLE
INSERT INTO @WhareHouseMovement (ItemID, Quantity, Date)
SELECT 1, 10, '2015-03-01'
[Code] ....
My question is: how do I check when is the closest date to manufacturing? I have to check that the quantity of ALL the components of the BOM is enough to produce the product, but I can't get how to do it.
If I'm not wrong the example should give the result 2015-03-26.
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Nov 5, 2015
Can I invoke stored procedure stored inside from a user defined table column?
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Sep 24, 2015
I need an SQL query to get all tables in DB effected in last 15 minutes.
Effected in terms of insert/delete/Update
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Jul 10, 2015
Currently my script is using the below mentioned query to find the time difference.
DATEDIFF(HH,DATEADD(SS,hcreacion,fcreacion) ,DATEADD(SS,hcerrar,fcreacion))
If there is 1 hr 30 minutes time difference, I am getting 2 hours as output. But we need 1.30 as output. is there any way to achieve this?
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Jun 5, 2015
I have 3 requests to do and all 3 are below in SQL , i am planning to keep them as job and run on regular intervals as per request ..
1.Poll the contract approval table for no prepared new contracts. Check every 30 minutes from 9am to 10pm – 7 days a week.
SEND DBMAIL ---i have this part working already
2.Poll the contract approval table for no new signed contracts. Check every 30 minutes from 9am to 10pm – 7 days a week.
SEND DBMAIL ---i have this part working already
3.Poll the lead table for no new leads. Check every 5 minutes. 24/7.
SEND DBMAIL ---i have this part working already
I am planning to keep 1,2,3, in seperate sp's and run them as can i achieve below a,b ?
a.The procedures should accept a parameter that indicates the interval, in minutes, that they should look back
b.Each step in 3 jobs should invoke the procedures, specifying the interval with which the job runs at
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Sep 4, 2015
What is a more efficient way of doing the following such that DATEDIFF() does not have to calculated numerous times?
WHEN DATEDIFF(DD, @Today, COALESCE(POS.[PurchaseDate], POS.[FinalizedDate])) <= 0 THEN '<= 0D'
WHEN DATEDIFF(DD, @Today, COALESCE(POS.[PurchaseDate], POS.[FinalizedDate])) > 0 AND DATEDIFF(DD, @Today, COALESCE(POS.[PurchaseDate], POS.[FinalizedDate])) <= 7 THEN '> 0D AND <= 7D'
WHEN DATEDIFF(DD, @Today, COALESCE(POS.[PurchaseDate], POS.[FinalizedDate])) > 7 AND DATEDIFF(DD, @Today, COALESCE(POS.[PurchaseDate], POS.[FinalizedDate])) <= 30 THEN '> 7D AND <= 30D'
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Jul 30, 2008
I am trying to convert hours and minutes to decimal and arrive at a sum of time taken. The column TotalTimeSpent is the diff in hours/mins between the Started and Ended times.
SELECT DATENAME(weekday, Started) AS Day, C.Category, ClientCode,Description, dbo.FormatDateTime(Started, 'HH:MMS 12') as Started, dbo.FormatDateTime(Ended, 'HH:MMS 12') as Ended, CONVERT(varchar,TimeTaken,108) AS TotalTimeSpentFROM dbo.Journal JLEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Categories C ON J.CategoryID = C.CategoryIDWHERE--DATENAME(weekday, Started) =@Weekday AND Started >= @StartDate ORDER BY Day, Category, Started
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Sep 12, 2015
When running a query such as this on a database view:
select count(*) from WWALMDB.dbo.v_AlarmEventHistory2
SQL throws the following error:
The datediff function resulted in an overflow. The number of dateparts separating two date/time instances is too large. Try to use datediff with a less precise datepart.
Oddly on a Table the count(*) function works.
Is there a limit on views or the count(*) function that I am not aware of?
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May 7, 2015
How we can get to know what DML action(INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE) is present inside a Stored procedure, and i want to know if we have any specific columns are present in system tables or system related dynamic views which gives this info. I am aware of the SQL profiler, but in my scenario i want to use it through system tables or system related dynamic views.
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Jun 26, 2015
Why i cannot see my stored procedure in the result of
select * from sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats
SQL Server DBA
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Sep 29, 2015
I would like to perform autodeletion operation from my table using stored procedure....
Here is my table structure: | emp_name | dept | desig | time_out | date | emp_sign |
if the user inserts new employee record that record should delete automatically from original after
30 minutes..I don't want to keep that newly inserted record after
30 minutes...I don't know how to achieve this...
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May 27, 2015
How can I return results from this SP?
Procedure sp_Blocking
table blocked
[Code] ....
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Nov 5, 2015
I could identify the last or all stored procedure, which was performed on a database, +/- something similar to what the profile of sql server identifies as below ?
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Jun 17, 2015
In DB2 stored procedures are calling external cobol code/program, I want convert DB2 stored procedure to MS SQL stored procedure, on that case, How to call call cobol from MS SQL stored procedure.
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May 8, 2015
I have 3rd party application implementation I am doing, if I have stored procedure in one database, can it be copied to other database (newly created) on the same server? I will have the name of old and new database when this will be copied. I do need to automate this copy.
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Sep 23, 2015
If I create a stored procedure and do not specify a return value or type, why does SSMS show that the stored procedure returns an int in the object explorer? Is that simply the success flag?
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Apr 30, 2015
Currently through my stored procedure, I am pulling the data from my source systems in the way Daily Truncate and loading the data in to my database table. Currently my query looks as follows,
left outer join b ON a.col1 = b.col1
left outer join c ON b.col1 = c.col1.
Now, I want to change the above one to delta process(I have updateddate field in all the tables). The requirement is any of these 3 tables has updateddate = getdate() then i need to take "a.col1,a.col2,b.col3,b.col4,c.col5" columns and push to destination
I think usually delta process means we will use to consider the key table, in that table if there is an updated record will take that record and join with the other required tables to pull the updated record. But these logic seems to build the query for the above delta process? Since it is an urgent requirement need to implement asap.
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Jun 19, 2015
What is the difference between Batch and Stored Procedure?
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Jul 13, 2015
I linked MS SQL and MySQL and i would like to have insert trigger on MySQL to import certain fields every time when there's new entry.
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