As you can see its combine two rows of data group by id. Issue is If I use for xml path('') then its replace my html tags <b> to like <b> so after that then I again i need to replace all these symbols. Is it possible to get expected result without using xml path or if we use xml path then still my html tag leave as it is.
I have the table below and like to combine the rows to create a single link row in a new column. The rows should be combined based on the job number columns which is the same for the rows to be combined.
[Code] ...
Output should be as below
219242 16/7/15 called tenant and she thought we would just fix for free - advised her I can get a quote how ever she may have to pay - she will call back
219245 16/7/15 called tnt said no report number. Said she will speak with her husband and call back with her decision and 16/07/15 the work order was sent to agent ...
Hi!I have a table looking like(username) (account number) (start date) (end date) (product)wich I can have up to 4 lines for the same client.I wist to transfert those lines into a new table looking like(username) (account number) (start date 1) (end date 1) (product 1)(start date 2) (end date 2) ... (product 4)How (in SQL) I could do it?
I have a problem that need some help from expert.Is there any way I could combine many rows into a row in Access using Visual Basic. I want to change the below table from TABLE A to TABLE B
SampleCode Test Name
Result ID Name Sex
9300105 Peripheral Blood Film ....
a few poikilocytes are present. S7585512E DHANDAPANI MAHESH M
9300105 Peripheral Blood Film ....
No blast cells seen. S7585512E DHANDAPANI MAHESH M
9300105 Peripheral Blood Film ....
microcytes, elongated cells and S7585512E DHANDAPANI MAHESH M
9300105 Peripheral Blood Film ....
hypochromic but normocytic: . Some S7585512E DHANDAPANI MAHESH M
9300105 Peripheral Blood Film ....
Majority of rbcs appear slightly S7585512E DHANDAPANI MAHESH M
SampleCode Test Name
Result ID Name Sex
9300105 Peripheral Blood Film ....
a few poikilocytes are present, No blast cells seen.microcytes, elongated cells and hypochromic but normocytic. Some Majority of rbcs appear slightly S7585512E DHANDAPANI MAHESH M
I am writing a database system which recieves information parsed from various data formats. These data formats may or may not be complete, and as such some rows in the database can have gaps. The input formats may contain reference to the same row (in this case the same Company record) but hold different facts about that company. Eg one message may have name, phone and fax, whereas another message may contain name, address and website. I need to be able to insert new companies into the database OR update current records with extended data as relevant, ive been looking for UPSERT or MERGE queries in SQL Server but i cant find any useful resources explaining its use. Alternativly i'd like to be able to condense potential duplicates into single rows, eg: NamePhoneEmailnullNamePhonenullWebsite which would combine into one row where the null values get set by values derived from other similar rows: Name PhoneEmailWebsite
Any help at all would be really appreciated Thanks, Toby
In Sql Server 2005 Express I have this table:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Sections]( [SectionID] [int] NOT NULL, [DocumentNo] [smallint] NULL, [SequenceNo] [smallint] NULL, [SectionNo] [smallint] NULL, [DocumentTypeID] [smallint] NULL, [SectionText] [ntext] NULL) Each paragraph of text (SectionText) is in its own row (SectionNo) Each primary document has a DocumentTypeID of 1 with three subdocument types (2=Index, 3=Background, 4=Report).I run this query and return a collection of single rows from various documents grouped together by DocumentNo: SELECT * FROM Sections WHERE CONTAINS (SectionText, 'exercise') ORDER BY DocumentNo For each row that contains the search term, I would like to return the full document (all rows as parapraphs within one row of returned data). In other words, I want to reconstitute the full document as it existed prior to being inserted into the database with paragraph separation. For exampe, if the search term is in row 3 of DocumentNo=5, DocumentTypeID=2, I want to return all the rows of that document in one block of text that retains paragraph format (preferablly with a line break and carriage return between paragraphs). How can this be done?
I am running a query to pull data from 2 tables. However multiple data elements could be attached to one unique ID which when I run the query it repeats causing the entire data set to give inaccurate numbers. How to achieve this:
IS there a way to combine all matching rows in a table so that itoutputs as one row, for example:tblMyStuffUniqueID int IDENTITYParentID intSomeSuch nvarchar(50)SomeSuch2 nvarchar(50)Table data:UniqueID ParentID SomeSuch SomeSuch21 1 Dog Bark2 1 Cat Meow3 3 Cow Moo4 3 Horse Whinnie5 5 Pig OinkDesired query result from Query:SELECT ??? as myText from tblMyStuff WHERE ParentID = 3myText = Cow Moo, Horse WhinnieHelp is appreciated,lq
I'd like to get results from ZTest_Contract being my result set, and would like to combine the subquery (which gets the Max) into the primary view ZTest_Contract.
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[ZTest_Contract] AS Select M.CUSTNMBR, M.ADRSCode, M.Contract_number, M.MaxWSCONTSQ, M.Equipment_id,
I need a query to publish the front page of a blog. Each blog post needs to show BlogTitle, BlogText, PublishDate, PublishBy, Primary Image and number of comments. I would like to be able to do this in one sql statement, if possible.
The table structure is below, you can assume the first image returned from the image table is the primary image.
With the below query iam able to retrieve all the tables invloved in a stored proc. But, what I want to display the table names as comma separated list for each table.
;WITH stored_procedures AS ( SELECT, AS proc_name, AS table_name, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(partition by, ORDER BY, AS row FROM sysdepends d INNER JOIN sysobjects o ON INNER JOIN sysobjects oo ON WHERE o.xtype = 'P') SELECT id,proc_name, table_name FROM stored_procedures WHERE row = 1 ORDER BY proc_name,table_name
I have the following table. There are eight section IDs in all. I want to return a single row for each product with the various section results that I have information on.
Hi,I'm working on a system migration and I need to combine data from multiplerows (with the same ID) into one comma separated string. This is how thedata is at the moment:Company_ID Material0x00C00000000053B86 Lead0x00C00000000053B86 Sulphur0x00C00000000053B86 ConcreteI need it in the following format:Company_ID Material0x00C00000000053B86 Lead, Sulphur, ConcreteThere is no definite number of materials per Company.I have read the part of that talks about 'TheIterative Method' but my knowledge of SQL is very limited and I don't knowhow to use this code to get what I need.Can anyone help me?
Hi everyone,I really appreciate if anyone could help me with this tricky problemthat I'm having. I'm looking for a sample script to combine data inmultiple rows into one row. I'm using sqlserver. This is how data isstored in the table.ID Color111 Blue111 Yellow111 Pink111 GreenThis is the result that I would like to have.ID Color111 Blue, Yellow, Pink, GreenThere is no definite number of colors per ID. I have to use ID togroup these colors into one row. Therefore, ID becomes a unique keyin the table.Appreciate your help and time. Thank you in advance
I am wanting to create a query so that I can combine each of the found duplicates into one entry.
An example of this is:
Name |ID |Tag |Address |carNum ------------------------------------------------------- Bob Barker |2054| 52377 |235 Some road |9874 Bill Gates |5630| 69471 |014 Washington Rd. |3700 Bob Barker |2054| 97011 |235 Some road |9874 Bob Barker |2054| 40019 |235 Some road |9874 Steve Jobs |8501| 73051 |100 Infinity St. |4901 John Doe |7149| 86740 |7105 Bull Rd. |9282 Bill Gates |5630| 55970 |014 Washington Rd. |3700 Tim Boons |6370| 60701 |852 Mnt. Creek Rd. |7059
In the example above, Bob Barker and Bill gates are both in the database more than once so I would like the output to be the following:
Bob Barker |2054|52377/97011/40019|235 Some road |9874 Bill Gates |5630|69471/55970 |014 Washington Rd.|3700 Steve Jobs |8501|73051 |100 Infinity St. |4901 John Doe |7149|86740 |7105 Bull Rd. |9282 Tim Boons |6370|60701 |852 Mnt. Creek Rd. |7059
Notice how Bob Barker & Bill Gates appends the tag row (the duplicated data) into one row instead of having multiple rows. This is because I do not want to have to check the previous ID and see if it matches the current id and append to the data.
I cannot seem to find the syntax to combine IN + CASE in a WHERE clause
I'm trying not to use a temp table, but i may have to do so.. I'm using sql2005 for this case.
i have a derived table that makes the following results:
ID Status Name
2 1 "A"
2 2 "B"
I want to get the following:
ID Name1 Name2
2 "A" "B"
but like I said before, I can't repeat the query that gets the first 2 rows, as it's pretty invovled. a temp table is the best route I see right now, but I just wanted to be sure I'm not missing something. If I've aliased it as 'results', is there a way to alias results again as something else? or maybe a trick with CTEs? I will try that! It seems promising.
How to combine multiple rows to single rows for the below sql query.
SELECT dbo.AccessLog.RCDID, dbo.AccessLog.EMPLOYEEID, dbo.AccessLog.LOGDATE, LEFT(dbo.AccessLog.LOGTIME, 5) AS LOGTIME, dbo.AccessLog.INOUT FROM dbo.AccessLog LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.LogType ON dbo.AccessLog.INOUT = dbo.LogType.INOUT LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.viwEmployee ON dbo.AccessLog.EMPLOYEEID = dbo.viwEmployee.Employee_ID WHERE dbo.AccessLog.EMPLOYEEID='10763' AND (dbo.AccessLog.LOGDATE BETWEEN '01/04/2015' AND '01/04/2015') ORDER BY dbo.AccessLog.EMPLOYEEID
I'm trying not to use a temp table, but i may have to do so..
i have a derived table that makes the following results:
ID Status Name 2 1 "A" 2 2 "B"
I want to get the following: ID Name1 Name2 2 "A" "B"
but like I said before, I can't repeat the query that gets the first 2 rows, as it's pretty invovled. a temp table is the best route I see right now, but I just wanted to be sure I'm not missing something.
I need to concatenate the DisplayName column with distinct UserName and SysName using XML path
SELECT [sysName], [User_Name],[DisplayName] FROM (SELECT v_Add_Remove_Programs.DisplayName0 AS [DisplayName], v_Add_Remove_Programs.Publisher0 AS [Publisher] , v_R_System_Valid.Netbios_Name0 AS[sysName],v_R_System_Valid.User_Name0 AS [User_Name],v_Add_Remove_Programs.Version0 as [Version] FROM [Offline].[dbo].v_Add_Remove_Programs JOIN [Offline].[dbo].v_R_System_Valid ON [Offline].[dbo].v_Add_Remove_Programs.ResourceID = [Offline].[dbo].v_R_System_Valid.ResourceID)
insert into KPI (SVP, Wk1, Wk2, Wk3, Wk4, Wk5, Y, Q, Wk) Values ('SVP', 1,0,0,0,0,2014,1,1) insert into KPI (SVP, Wk1, Wk2, Wk3, Wk4, Wk5, Y, Q, Wk) Values ('SVP', 0,2,0,0,0,2014,1,2) insert into KPI (SVP, Wk1, Wk2, Wk3, Wk4, Wk5, Y, Q, Wk) Values ('SVP', 0,0,3,0,0,2014,1,3) insert into KPI (SVP, Wk1, Wk2, Wk3, Wk4, Wk5, Y, Q, Wk) Values ('SVP', 0,0,0,4,0,2014,1,4) insert into KPI (SVP, Wk1, Wk2, Wk3, Wk4, Wk5, Y, Q, Wk) Values ('SVP', 0,0,0,0,0,2014,1,5)
[Code] ....
Current result: SVPWk1Wk2Wk3Wk4Wk5YQWk SVP10000201411 SVP02000201412 SVP00300201413 SVP00040201414
I just started learning HierarchyID and copied the the following code from [URL] .... and Chapter 7 Hierarchical Data and the Relational Database of the book "Programming Microsoft SQL Server 2012", written by L. G. Lobel and A. J. Brust (Published by Microsoft Press):
-- shcHierarchyid_1.sql -- 19 August 2015 13:15 PM
[Code] ....
I executed the code in my Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Management Studio (SSMS2012). It worked nicely. But, I don't understand the following 2 things:
#1: In the Results, I got:
(No column name) Position Title 1 / CEO 2 /1/ 0x58 Purchase Manager 3 /1/1/ 0x5AC0 Purchase Executive 4 /2/ 0x68 Sales Manager 5 /2/1/ 0x6AC0 Sales Executive
I don't know how to give a column name for the /, /1/, /1/1/, /2/, /2/1/ (NodePath (?) I guessed). How I can give a column name to that column.
#2: The book lists "USE master GO .....". I wonder whether I can do the "hierarchyid" thing in the private database I created!!?? Whether I can do the "hierarchyid" thing in the private database or not.
DECLARE @File_Exists INT EXEC Master.dbo.xp_fileexist 'serverBSQL_Backupfile.bak', @File_Exists OUT print @File_Exists
And if check folder, can use "nul", but it doesn't work for UNC path
DECLARE @File_Exists INT EXEC Master.dbo.xp_fileexist 'serverBSQL_Backup ul', @File_Exists OUT
print @File_Exists 0
If use xp_subdirs like:
EXEC master.dbo.xp_subdirs 'serverBSQL_Backups'
If the folder doesn't exists,
Msg 22006, Level 16, State 1, Line 3 xp_subdirs could not access 'ServerBSQL_Backups*.*': FindFirstFile() returned error 67, 'The network name cannot be found.'
How to check if UNC folder exists in Backup? in my code I want to check if the unc folder exists before doing backup, the unc path is retrieved from other table or backup history.
Hellow Folks. Here is the Original Data in my single SQL 2005 Table: Department: Sells: 1 Meat 1 Rice 1 Orange 2 Orange 2 Apple 3 Pears The Data I would like read separated by Semi-colon: Department: Sells: 1 Meat;Rice;Orange 2 Orange;Apple 3 Pears I would like to read my data via SP or VStudio 2005 Page . Any help will be appreciated. Thanks..
In SQL Studio, I can go to the restore window and the click "verify backup media". This would check the restore plan listed in this window and check if some of the file are missed.Is there any way to reach this with TQSL? I know there is a "restore verify" command, but this will only verify one backup/file and not the complete restore path. I'm looking for a TSQL solution which is able to control that all necessary backup files are still present on the file System and not moved or deleted (e.g through cleanup task).
I have a SQL script to insert data into a table as below:
INSERT into [SRV1INS2].BB.dbo.Agents2 select * from [SRV2INS14].DD.dbo.Agents
I just want to set a Trigger on Agents2 Table, which could delete all rows in the table , before carry out any Insert operation using above statement.I had below Table Trigger on [SRV1INS2].BB.dbo.Agents2 Table as below: But it did not perform what I intend to do.
USE [BB] GO /****** Object: Trigger Script Date: 24/07/2015 3:41:38 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON
When trying to install Business Contact Manager (BCM) for Outlook 2007, the setup failed and I was refered to a log file in my Local Settings/Temp folder. The log actually says that Business Contact Manager was installed sucessfully! BCM is supposed to install SQL Express 2005 as an instance or as instance if SQL Express is already installed. There is an MSSMLBIZ instance in Services..
Who can I send the Log File to for analysis and the fix feedback?
When I first went into Computer Management and clicked on Services and Applications in the left panel, the error message appeared "Snap-in failed to intialize. Name: SQL Server Configuration Manager CLSID:{CA9F8727-31DF-41D2-975C-887D84903967} This message diappeared when I clicked on Services and Applications again. Under Services, there are 3 SQL services - one is an application that was uninstalled 3-4 weeks ago and I disabled this service. The other 2 are: SQL Server (MSSMLBIZ) and the other one is SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) When I tried to start either of the last 2, the message appeared: Services "Could not start the SQL Server (MSSMLBIZ) service on Local Computer. Error 3: The system cannot find the path specified. Under Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSGL.1 folder is mostly empty. So, it seems like the Path in the Registry is not valid and that nothing is being installed in the MSSQL.1 folder. If so, how do I fix this?
How do I get the BCM SQL instance to install and run properly? what do the messages in Services mean and how do I resolve these.