I joined these two tables and it pulled up the proper amount of records. If you check out the image you will see what the results are for this query.
Now all I need for this part would be to roll these up where I have one row per ProgramID and all the AttributeNames' together in a AttributeNames column for each id.
EXAMPLE: All in one row.
ProgramID | AttributeNames 887 | Studydesign, Control Groups, Primary Outcomes.
I have attached an image of the SQL VIEW that I need to modified so it does this.
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.tblProgramAttributes.ProgramID, dbo.tblProgramAttributes.AttributeID AS PAattributeID, dbo.tblAttributes.AttributeID, dbo.tblAttributes.AttributeName FROM dbo.tblProgramAttributes INNER JOIN dbo.tblAttributes ON dbo.tblProgramAttributes.AttributeID = dbo.tblAttributes.AttributeID WHERE (dbo.tblProgramAttributes.AttributeID NOT LIKE '%ProgramType%') ORDER BY dbo.tblProgramAttributes.ProgramID DESC
ALTER PROC [dbo].[sp_GetInvitationStatusTest] ( @invited_by NVARCHAR (50) ) AS BEGIN -- SELECT * FROM dbo.Merck_Acronym_Invitations WHERE invited_by=@invited_by select distinct t1.invited_isid as 'ISID', t1.invited_name as 'NAME',t1.invitation_status as 'STATUS',
[Code] ....
If you look at the where clause i have invited by , i get the desired output if i just provide 1 name in the execution such as exec [dbo].[sp_GetInvitationStatusTest] 'marfilj' But my requirement is to make the procedure work with more than one input variable such as exec [dbo].[sp_GetInvitationStatusTest] 'marfilj','sujith' now i should get the output for 2 people but if i run this i receive the following error Procedure or function sp_GetInvitationStatusTest has too many arguments specified.
how to make my procedure work with more than 1 input variable?
The recipe preparation instructions are stored in a table by RecipeID. The prep instructions are in a single VARCHAR(MAX) column and look something like this:
1. Boil Water 2. Add noodles 3. Add cheese sauce 4. Stir well
Now they want this single VARCHAR(Max) column broken into 2 columns - Step and Prep Instruction like this: Boil WaterAdd noodlesAdd cheese sauceStir well.I figure I can use the appearance of a number followed by a period and a space to determine the existence of a new row. How would I accomplish this in T-SQL?
Now we have different packages for 4 tables data loading. These 4 packages will start at a time. Before going to load the data we have to make the Flag to 1 and after that we have to load it. Because of this we have written Update statement to update the Value to 1 in respective Package.
Now we are getting dead lock because we are using same table at a same time. Because we are updating different records.
In a table I have some rows with flag A & B for a scode, some scode with only A and some are only B flags.
I would like to fetch all rows with flag A when both flags are present, no rows with B should be fetched. Fetch all rows when only single flags are present for a scode.How to achieve this using TSQL code.
I have created a single FULLTEXT on col2 & col3. suppose i want to search col2='engine' and col3='toyota' i write query as
TBL.col2,TBL.col3 FROM
TBL.col1=TBL1.[key] INNER JOIN
Every thing works well if database is small. But now i have 20 million records in my database. Taking an exmaple there are 5million record with col2='engine' and only 1 record with col3='toyota', it take substantial time to find 1 record.
I was thinking this i can address this issue if i merge both columns in a Single column, but i cannot figure out what format i save it in single column that i can use query to extract correct information. for e.g.; i was thinking to concatinate both fields like col4= ABengineBA + ABBToyotaBBA and in search i use SELECT
TBL.col1=TBL1.[key] Result = 1 row
But it don't work in following scenario col4= ABengineBA + ABBCorola ToyotaBBA
Result=0 Row Any idea how i can write second query to get result?
hi iam totally new to databases , as a project i have to design a database of users...they have to register first like any site..so i used stored procs and made entries to database using insert command...its working for now..now every user will search and add other users in the database..so every user will have a contact list...i have no idea how to implement this...so far i created a table 'UserAccount' with column names as UserName as varchar(50)Password as varchar(50)EmailID as varchar(100)DateOfJoining as datetimeUserID as int ---> this is unique for user..i enabled automatic increment..and this is primary key..so now every user must have a list of other userid's.. as contact list..Any help any ideas will be great since i have no clue how to put multiple values for each row..i didnt even know how to search for this problems solution..iam sorry if this posted somewhere else..THANK YOU !if it helps..iam using sql server express edition..and iam accessing using asp.net/C#
There will be one UniqueID for each row. We'll get the uniqueID and PK1 and PK2 in a file. Imp: We need to generate the Sequence_Id depending on number of Issue_dates or Issue_amounts or Issue_Categories or Issue_Rejects as in the above table.
Can we do this without using cursors? This is going to be one time process.
I've a temp variable where I'm moving some columns like below:
id value type1 type2
0 ab type1val1 type2val1
0 cd type1val1 type2val1
0 ef type1val1 type2val1
1 ab type1val2 type2val2
1 cd type1val2 type2val2
1 ef type1val2 type2val2 What I want to do is group these by their id and get the following o/p ab,cd,ef type1val1 type2val1 ab,cd,ef type1val2 type2val2
The grouped values need to be separated by commas.
What I'm doing currently: I'm using a temp variable to put all these values but am unable to coalesce and get the desired o/p.
was hoping someone couild provide some insight into a problem I'm trying to solve.
I have a table called SEARCHCRITERIA. It consists of a USERID column and a CRITERIA column. Users will be able to search for other users based on a set of criteria. There are 5 total criteria a user can choose. They can choose as few as none or all five. I'd like to store the criteria chosen as a single number in the SEARCHCRITERIA table. Then use a function to parse out the criteria. For example:
A user performs a search based on AGE, SEX, and LOCALE. I would then store the value 22 (the sum of 2, 4, and 16) in the SEARCH table. I would then need a function to pull out the three individual values.
Taking the Northwind database as an example,I have an order table: 'Orders'a order details table: 'Order Details'and a products table: 'Products'For reasons best ignored, I want to produce a query which has columns:Orders.OrderID, Productswhich has results like:10248, 'Queso Cabrales, Singaporean Hokkien Fried Mee, Mozzarella diGiovanni'10249, 'Tofu, Manjimup Dried Apples'________so for those who don't really know what I'm on about and haven't gotaccess to northwind, I want the second cell to contain the returnedcolumn of a second query (but in text format)could anyone suggest a way this could be done? am I entering the landof cursors?Many thanks,Neil
I have a table that contains many columns in a single row and I'd like to split the table so that it has fewer column values and more rows. My table structure is: create table #scoresheet (Decisions varchar(10), DNumericalValue int, DVI varchar(10), DComments nvarchar(255), Competence varchar(10), CNumericalValue int, CVI varchar(10), CComments nvarchar(255), Equipment varchar(10), ENumericalValue int, EVI varchar(10), EComments nvarchar(255)); I would like to have three rows with four columns. What I've done so far is create a stored procedure that uses a table variable: create procedure sp_splitsinglerow as
declare @Scoresheet_rows_table_var table ( ReviewArea varchar(25), NumericalValue int, VI varchar(10), Comments nvarchar(255)); insert into @Scoresheet_rows_table_var (ReviewArea, NumericalValue, VI, Comments) select Decisions, DNumericalValue, DVI, DComments from #scoresheet
The trouble with this approach is that I have to explicitly name the columns that I insert into the table variable. What I'd really like to be able to is have a loop construct and select the first 4 columns the first time, the second 4 the next time and the last 4 the third time.
Any ideas on how to achieve that?
BTW, I have resolved this issue by suggesting to the Developers that they change the structure of the original table, but I'd still like to know if there is another solution. :)
I am working with some old code that we are trying to clean up and perform some performance enhancements. The performance is now, so Very much better. From over 3 minutes to under 2 seconds.
But I am still trying to get the multiple rows into a single row. I would like to place this into a CTE to get the multiples into a single row. I just cannot get my head around how is the best, most efficient way to write the query.
This is a small example of what the rows look like in the resultset, and what I want to single to be.
DECLARE @BillingCorrect TABLE ( ContractNumber char(10) , pc1 int , pb int , om int , vp int
[Code] ....
I am not sure how to write the query to have all the data in a single row.
Hi I have aproble with stored procedure.I want to take the Data from a table with multiple rows,In the same select statement for the others select statemet.My store Proc is like this..
CREATE procedure spr_Load_TR_AccidentReport_Edit_VOwner ( @Crime_No varchar(20), @Unit_ID int ) as begin DECLARE @AD_Driver int,@AC_Cas int,@AV_Owner int,@A_Witness int DECLARE @Defect_ID varchar(100)
select @AV_Owner=Vehicle_Owner from TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE where Crime_No =@Crime_No and Unit_ID = @Unit_ID
(select TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails.OutSide_state from TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails,TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE where TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE.Vehicle_Owner = TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails.Person_id and TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE.RowID =TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails.RowID)[OutSide_state],
(select TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails.OutSide_City from TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails,TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE where TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE.Vehicle_Owner = TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails.Person_id and TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE.RowID =TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails.RowID)[OutSide_City]
---here I faced the problem- /*For the above Select only return one rows.But this select willreturn multiple row .I wnat to put that multiple data into a single field with comma*/
FROM tbl_TR_Accident_report,TBL_TR_Person_Details,TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE where tbl_TR_Accident_report.Crime_No=@Crime_No and tbl_TR_Accident_report.Unit_ID=@Unit_ID AND TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE.Crime_No=@Crime_No AND TBL_TR_Person_Details.Person_ID = TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE.Vehicle_Owner
I have two tables of news feed NewsHeader & NewsDetails NewsHeader: Time Header 10:15:34 AM News1 10:15:34 AM News1 10:15:34 AM News1 11:19:39 AM News2 11:19:39 AM News2 12:35:04 PM News3 12:35:04 PM News3
NewsDetails Time Text RowC 10:15:34 AM ABC 1 10:15:34 AM DEFG 2 10:15:34 AM HIJKL 3 11:19:39 AM AABB 1 11:19:39 AM CCDD 2 12:35:04 PM ZZYY 1 12:35:04 PM XXWW 2
Required Output Time Header Text 10:15:34 AM News1 ABCDEFGHIJKL 11:19:39 AM News2 AABBCCDD 12:35:04 PM News3 ZZYYXXWW
I have a SQL query that goes like this "select * from Product where ProductID in (1,2,3)" How can i create a stored procedure where a single input parameter can take multiple values? Can anyone help me with this?
I've a requirement where I need to merge multiple rows in single rows. For example in the attached image output, I need to return a single column for type Case like this.
CH0, CH1, CH2, CHX Case CM0, CM1, CM2, CMX Mechanical
I'm using T-SQL to generate the column type. Below is my DDL.
USE tempdb GO CREATE TABLE ProdCodes (Prefix char(8), Code char(5)
With the below query iam able to retrieve all the tables invloved in a stored proc. But, what I want to display the table names as comma separated list for each table.
;WITH stored_procedures AS ( SELECT o.id, o.name AS proc_name, oo.name AS table_name, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(partition by o.name,oo.name ORDER BY o.name,oo.name) AS row FROM sysdepends d INNER JOIN sysobjects o ON o.id=d.id INNER JOIN sysobjects oo ON oo.id=d.depid WHERE o.xtype = 'P') SELECT id,proc_name, table_name FROM stored_procedures WHERE row = 1 ORDER BY proc_name,table_name
I have the following table. There are eight section IDs in all. I want to return a single row for each product with the various section results that I have information on.