Transact SQL :: Cross Reference 2 Tables

Jul 28, 2015

I have 2 tables, OBJECTS and LINKS both have common field(OBJECT_ID).

I need to update certain records in table OBJECTS only if they meet certain criteria in table LINKS.

How do I go about doing this..???

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Cross Reference Or Pivot Table

Aug 23, 2007

Hi All,
The problem is about cross reference.
1. I have a third party cross reference store procedure SimpleXTab
CREATE       PROCEDURE [dbo].[SimpleXTab2] @XField varChar(50), @XTable varChar(100),@XWhereString varChar(250), @XFunction varChar(10), @XFunctionField varChar(50), @XRow varchar(300),@ResultTable varchar(100) ASDeclare @SqlStr nvarchar(4000)Declare @tempsql nvarchar(4000)Declare @SqlStrCur nvarchar(4000)Declare @col nvarchar(100)
set @SqlStrCur = N'Select [' + @XField + '] into ##temptbl_Cursor from [' + @XTable + ']  ' + @XWhereString + ' Group By [' + @XField + ']'
/* select @sqlstrcur */exec sp_executesql @sqlstrcur
 declare xcursor Cursor  for  Select * from ##temptbl_Cursor
 open xcursor
 Fetch next from  xcursor  into @Col  
While @@Fetch_Status = 0Begin  set @Sqlstr = @Sqlstr + ", "  set @tempsql = isnull(@sqlstr,'') + isnull(@XFunction + '( Case When ' + @XField + " = '" +@Col +                           "' then [" + @XFunctionField + "] Else 0 End) As [" +  @Col + "]" ,'')  set @Sqlstr = @tempsql  Fetch next from xcursor into @Col End
 /* Select @Sqlstr as [mk], len(@sqlstr) as [leng] */
 set @tempsql = 'Select  '  + @XRow + ', ' + @Sqlstr + 'into ' +@ResultTable+' From ' + @XTable +                             @XWhereString +  ' Group by ' + @XRowprint @tempsql set @Sqlstr = @tempsql
 Close xcursor Deallocate xcursor 
  set @tempsql = N'Drop Table ##temptbl_Cursor'  exec sp_executesql @tempsqlprint @tempsql /*  Select @Sqlstr as [mk], len(@sqlstr) as [leng] */print @sqlstr   exec sp_executesql @Sqlstr
if @@rowcount = 0  select 'No Records found'GO
2. I've use this store procedure for many cross reference successfully. But this time my cross reference value (resultcode) is a varchar which cannot be convert to int or decimal in sql, Probably, you've noticed that the fourth parameter is a function.    how can i modify SimpleXtab to avoid using math function but still can generate cross reference.
   exec simplextab2 'Sequence','##tbltempreport',' ','sum','resultcode','Parameter' ,'dbo.resultcodetable'
Many Thanks!

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Transact SQL :: Replace Group By With CTE And / Or Cross Apply

Jul 10, 2015

If I Have a table like

Id(identity), PupilPersonId, EducationTypeId,VehicleTypeId,EducationDate, EducatorId,Canceled
661187       9242382         2                       1                2015-07-07 00:00:00.000 O_2 False
661183       9242382         2                       1            2015-07-08 00:00:00.000 O_2 False
661186       9242382         1                       1                2015-07-08 00:00:00.000 O_2 False
661178       9242382         2                       1                2015-07-10 00:00:00.000 O_2 False
661185       9242382         2                       1                2015-07-10 00:00:00.000 O_2 False

The result I want is the unique rows from columns:  

PupilPersonId, EducationTypeId,VehicleTypeId AND there MAX EducationDate
SELECT er1.* FROM EducationResult er1
er.PupilPersonId, er.EducationTypeId, er.VehicleTypeId, MAX(er.EducationDate) as EducationDate

[Code] ....

I like to know is there another approach with CTE and or Cross Apply I can use instead?

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Transact SQL :: Bug In REVERT During Cross Database Call

Jul 28, 2015

I have noticed rather strange behaviour of EXECUTE AS and REVERT sequence during the cross database calls which appear to be a bug. I tested this issue on developer edition of SQL Server 2012

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - 11.0.5343.0 (X64)
 May  4 2015 19:11:32
 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
 Developer Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1)

This issue causes problems in SSISDB where similar piece of code appears in [catalog].[start_execution] and some other scripts in the [internal] schema. This was previous discussed in [URL] The following script illustrates the issue:

USE [master]

-- Set Database to Trustworthy to allow cross database connection

USE [Test2]
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[TestContext]


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Transact SQL :: Special Names For Columns In Cross Tabs?

May 7, 2015

While looking forward to design a multi-columnar cross-tab query I am anxious to know if there could be a way to change the default names of the pivot columns? In other words for the query like the following can there be a way to apply anAS type command to reflect some other names, instead of having the four dates in heading? Something like Month_A, Month_B?

X) P
PIVOT (SUM(AMOUNT_1) FOR REP_DT IN ([2014-12-31], [2015-01-31], [2015-02-28], [2015-03-31])) PVT_01

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Help With Cross Join - 3 Tables

Feb 26, 2008

I am wanting to show Total Quantity of Presentations2 for each EmpVol and TypeofPresentation, even if there are no Presentations done in TypeofPresentation or if an Employee did not do any Presentations.

I am close with the query below - but not getting back exactly what I want - Ideas.

SELECT ISNULL(Presentations2.Quantity, 0) AS Quantity, TypeofPresentation.Typeofpresforrpt, EmpVol_2.LastName, EmpVol_2.FSSTVOLUNTEER
FROM Presentations2 INNER JOIN
EmpVol ON Presentations2.ID = EmpVol.ID RIGHT OUTER JOIN
TypeofPresentation ON Presentations2.TypePresINT = TypeofPresentation.TypePresINT CROSS JOIN
EmpVol AS EmpVol_2
GROUP BY TypeofPresentation.Typeofpresforrpt, EmpVol_2.LastName, EmpVol_2.FSSTVOLUNTEER, ISNULL(Presentations2.Quantity, 0)


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Cross Join Tables And Nulls

Jan 31, 2015

I have a small doubt regarding cross join and NULL values,

Table A has four rows (1,2,3,NULL)..Table B has 4 rows(1,2,3,NULL)..if i cross join table A and B..

How many rows will be there in result

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Advanced Transact-SQL Reference Book - Need Recommendations!

Jul 20, 2005

I currently have two SQL server books for MS SQL Server 2000. One is aprep book for the 70-229 exam, the other is a Wrox book: "professionalSQL Server 2000 Programming."I'm looking for more T-SQL books that give me PRACTICAL tips onwriting advanced queries. What book do you refer to? Please post them.

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Transact SQL :: Find Circular Reference In The Table

Jun 1, 2015

Create table #tblActvity
activityIDvarchar (50),
Insert into #tblActvity
SElect '1',Null

[Code] ...

--If I pass activityId 3 or 2 or 4 it should return 0 as none of the activity is circular but If I pass 5, 6 or 7 it should return 1 as they have circular reference....

I need a sql qry which will require to find a circular reference in it.....

As in above sample of data ,If I pass activityId 3 or 2 or 4 to qry it should return 0 as none of the activity is circular but If I pass 5, 6  or 7 it should return 1 as they have circular reference....

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Transact SQL :: Replace A String Using Reference Table

Jul 21, 2015

I would like to create a function that will replace a string using a reference table

I have a table : reference

ID String ReplaceWith

1 ≈ &
2 < <
3 > >

If I pass a string into a function,  function needs to replace a string with replace with string column in reference table

For example, if I pass    a string : car $ap; fjld

The function should return car & fjld

How can i create a function like this so that i can call it in Stored procedure....

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Transact SQL :: Server Reference Field From Adjacent CTE

Oct 22, 2015

I am trying to eliminate a scalar function by rewriting a view. I currently have a structure similar to the following:

With FirstQuery as (SELECT Trial, SBOI, TBOI,
WHERE SBOI Between 22000 and 22999 and TBOI < 10000),
strt as (SELECT TOP 1 TimeOfEvent, Trial, SBOI, TBOI
From TU ORDER BY TimeOfEvent),

[Code] ....

What I trying to do is for the Trial, SBOI, and TBOI in FirstQuery, find the Start Time and Stop Time. TimeOfEvent is an integer in milliseconds. Say I have the following data:

TrialID     SBOI     TBOI     TimeOfEvent
A             22000   5000     5
A             22000   5000     10
B             22000   5000     8
B             22000   5000     15

So the DISTINCT output would be:

     Trial     SBOI     TBOI     StartTime     StopTime
     A         22000   5000     5                  10
     B         22000   5000     8                  15

The problem I am having is that strt is selecting the smallest time period. It doesn't seem to care what the current record in cte is. I thought that by using my joins, it would make it select smallest TimeOfEvent for the Trial, SBOI, and TBOI that are selected in cte. Obviously that is not the case. So, I was trying to add a WHERE to the strt Select Statement such as 

WHERE TrialID = FirstQuery.TrialID and SBOI = FirstQuery.SBOI and TBOI = FirstQuery.TBOI but it isn't working either.

What can I do?

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Cross Validation With Predictable Nested Tables

Dec 24, 2007

How does cross-validation work in the case of models with predictable nested tables? Is it supported? For classification and regression with a flat structure, during the testing phase (that is, validation phase) of cross-validation I can think of the inputs being presented and comparing the predicted value with the real value. But in the case of nested tables, the input is not a subset of the attributes (a subset of the input vector), but whole input vectors. (For instance, complete itemsets in the case of association rules). Can you please explain some more how the validation phase works in the case of the association rules and decision trees with predictable nested tables?

Gustavo Frederico

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Transact SQL :: Database Constraint Check On Table With Reference Key

Jun 11, 2015

Salesmanid BIGINT,
Productid BIGINT

INSERT INTO PRODUCT_SALES (Salesmanid,Productid) VALUES (1,1)
INSERT INTO PRODUCT_SALES (Salesmanid,Productid) VALUES (1,2)
INSERT INTO PRODUCT_SALES (Salesmanid,Productid) VALUES (1,3)


/* SalesmanID is reference key from Sales Master and ProductID is reference key from Product Master. How should i restrict user through DB with any constraint check, if user tries to enter

INSERT INTO PRODUCT_SALES (Salesmanid,Productid) VALUES (1,2),

It should throw error , if possible user defined message would be more useful.

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Reference Tables Or Lookup Tables

Aug 22, 2007

I have facing a design problem and unable to justify which design to choose for my data model.

Usually, what we have is like data tables and reference tables to store data in those data tables.
My database has tables with 20-30 columns in them. And most of them (though not all of them), stores data from some reference tables. Meaning each column has an associated reference table where it stores possible list of values for that particular column. Sort of data domain for that column. FYI, My database is related to medical field.

For example, A table that has a varchar(40) column called "Differentiation". It can only store values from following list:
- Undifferentiated
- Moderate
- Poor
- Poor - Moderate
- Moderate - well

Now, to implement this, simple solution would be to have a reference table where I can store all these possible values...And then have just a reference of each data item into my "Differentiation" column in the table.

This is simplest and probably the best solution for such thing and i can also have referential integrity implemented for this.

But now if we look at the bigger picture, my database is growing and I have about 80 tables which I need to create where most of the columns will have different reference tables like I mentioned above. Approximate number of reference tables is 300 tables. All the reference table will have same structure, with different values for different columns.

Now, what seems to me is, because the table structure is same for every column, rather than having 300 different tables, I can only have 2 tables, where I can put all these reference values into these 2 tables.
Table 1 :
This table can have name of the reference table like "differentiationlist" etc.

Table 2:

It has reference to the reference table list in Table 1 discussed above and all the values that are part of that reference table can go in this table with its reference.

But problem with this is, because all the reference tables are in these two tables, I don't know how to implement referential integrity in this design.

Does anyone have any idea or solution for situation like this?


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Un Reference Tables

Sep 1, 2004

I have two tables that are reference to each other by foreign key, now I would like to alter the table so the it doesn't reference each other any more. What is the syntax to alter a table so that the fk field doesn't reference a table anymore. Thanks in advance for the help.

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Self Reference Tables

Jul 14, 2006

Hi ,

I have the following structure:

Item table

Item Transaction Table

the data is somewhat like this:

Item table

Item Transaction table

Now i have a reauirement to build a stored proc in which all the transactions starting from one transaction like, if i want to know the chain for item no 2 it shall give the following result:


if i want to know the chain for item no 3 then it shall give following

if i want to know the chain for item no 1 then it shall give following

Please help.. Its urgent.....


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Need Help With Reference Tables - Subquery

Jun 18, 2008

Ok so I am trying to update rows which have a rNumber in the range of a specific lookup table fields. Example.

Table A (source table)
cn, rNumber
null, 223
null, 9999
null, 12345

Table B (Reference table)
cn, start_r, end_r
A, 1, 300
B, 9000, 10000
C, 11000, 13000

I want to find the 'cn' for tableA.rNumber where it exists in the range of tableB.start_r and tableB.end_r
how do I do it??

-Chris Varick

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How To Create Two Tables That Reference Each Other?

Jan 14, 2008

I'm trying to create two tables, Admins and SecurityGroups, I want to have the ability to assign a security group to an admin so that I don't have to specify all the rights individually to every admin. So, I have the securityGroupID in the Admins table and I reference the SecurityGroups table for data integrity. On the other hand, for audit purposes, I also want to record which admin created the security group so I have the AdminID in the SecurityGroups table and I reference the Admins table for data integrity. Of course when I try to create any of those tables I get an error message that the other table doesn't exist. I wonder if this can be done without having to remove the references constraint from one of the tables and then using alter table. Here's an example below to make it clearer:

SecurityGroup NULL REFERENCES SecurityGroups (SecurityGroupID)

CREATE TABLE SecurityGroups

Any suggestions are highly appreciated...

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Foreign Key Constraint- Reference 1 Of 2 Tables

Nov 2, 2007

I don't know if this is possible, i believe not, so I'm here to ask the experts if is possible to have a foreign key constraint that references the key of one of two tables.
Like this:
I have 3 tables: TABLE X, TABLE A and TABLE B
Is it possible to the FK on TABLE X refernce the PK of TABLE A OR TABLE B?
If yes, how can I do this?
If not, I need to have a fourth table, so TABLE X references TABLE A and TABLE Y references TABLE B.

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Multiple Reference To Mutiple Tables

Aug 23, 2007

Not sure if the title describes my situation or not.

Simplified example is:
I have an [Employee] table with EmpCode, EmpName

I have a second table [NewHires] that has: HireDate, EmpCode, Addedby

Both EmpCode and Addedby contain EmpCode referring to the Employee table.

I wish an output similar to:

New Employee (from EmpCode in NewHire), Hired on (From HireDate), Hired By (from Addedby)

My problem is with an Employee.EmpCode=NewHires.Empcode or Employee.EmpCode=NewHires.Addedby in the Where clause or Join part of the SQL I don't know how to get EmpName from the Employee table twice but using two different EmpCode as the reference.

Thanks in advance - Shawn

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Transact SQL :: Find All Stored Procedures That Reference Oracle Table Name Within Server OPENQUERY Statement

Aug 10, 2015

One of our Oracle Tables changed and I am wondering if there's any way that I can query all of our Stored Procedures to try and find out if that Oracle Table Name is referenced in any of our SQL Server Stored Procedures OPENQUERY statements?

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Composing A Reference From Fields Located In Mutiple Tables

Jun 12, 2007

Consider a situation. There is a table of submitted 'documents'. They have some attributes. There are assignments to process the things, which have a date they were created. Finally there is a price list which specifies the price according to document features and date, so that the assignment to process a document created at different time will have a different cost. In other words, there is a relation
(assignment->document.attribute(s) + -> pricelist.price

Creating relations has the integrity advantages: it is not possible to create an assignment, which price is not defined in the pricelist; precludes the pricelist entry removal if it is referred by any assignments.

Should a view, which combines all the foreign fields into one virtual table, be created to make establishing the reference possible?

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SQL 2012 :: DTSX Giving Errors - Object Reference Not Set To Instance Reference

Sep 10, 2014

I am using vs 2010 to write my dtsx import scripts.I use a script component as a source to create a flat file destination file.Everything have been working fine,but then my development machine crashed and we have to install everything again.Now when i use the execute package utility to test my scripts i get the following error:

Error system.NullReferenceException: Object refrence not set to an instance reference.

In PreExecute section
TextReader = new" file name")
In the CreateNewOutputRows:
dim nextLine as string
nextLine = textReader.ReadLine


is there something which i did not install or what can be the error?

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Transact SQL :: Top 10 Columns In All The Tables

Oct 21, 2015

In our production database we are looking top 10 columns in all the tables, for this using the below script, output was showing only one table how we get the all the tables top 10 ...

select top 10 * from ProductIdList

View 6 Replies View Related

Transact SQL :: How To Combine 4 Tables

Jul 6, 2015

I have 4 table 


1 2
2 2
3 2

1 2
2 2

1 3
2 3


1 2
2 3
2 2
2 2
3 2

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Transact SQL :: Getting Correct Results From Two Tables?

Oct 5, 2015

We have two tables. 

Servers | Numbers
Server1 | 1
Server1 | 2
Server1 | 3
Server2 | 1
Server2 | 2
Server2 | 4
Server3 | 2
Server3 | 5
Server3 | 9
Server3 | 7

         | Numbers
NULL | 1
NULL | 2
NULL | 3

I need to select Server1, Server2, Server3 and other servers that does not have correct value in Table2. Results should return server name and number that server does not have like:

Server2 | 3
Server3 | 1
Server3 | 3

Table1 is updated time to time, Table2 - static table. The best would be to avoid loop or cursor. Is that possible to get these results in one query?

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Transact SQL :: Missing Records In One Tables

Oct 11, 2015

I want to know one small query..

id Name
1 hi
2 how
3 are
4 you
6 can
7 do
8 not
9 did 
10 to 

I deleted some records now my table have below mentioned rows..

id Name
1 hi
2 how
4 you
6 can
8 not
10 to 

I want to know  the missing records in my table.

OUTPUT IS. 3,7,9

how can  i do that using sql query.

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Transact SQL :: Global Temp Tables

Jun 3, 2015

I have two global temp tables in my stored procedure.Is it possible for me to make the execution of a stored procedure dynamic. Based on a flag parameter value I should get the result set from first temp table  and viceversa ex: If my flag is 0.I should be able to get the result set from ##temp1 (select * from ##temp1).If my flag is 1.I should be able to get the result set from ##temp2 (select * from ##temp2).

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Transact SQL :: How To Retrieve All Tables From A View

Jun 29, 2015

We are accessing a database through Linked Servers. That database has a bunch of views.We are able to get a list of columns for our views by querying [syscolumns]. However, how do we find out which of those columns have primary keys?

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Transact SQL :: Query 2 Tables Using Where Exist

Jun 2, 2015

I need to show maxInspectionDate in my result but I can't figure out how to do it.

SELECT E.equipmentID, E.assetNumber, E.T5Code , E.InspectionDuration, E.Description,
E.AssetType, E.WorkingLimits
FROM Equipment E
(SELECT t.equipmentID, r.maxInspectionDate
SELECT equipmentID, MAX(nextInspectionDate) as maxInspectionDate
FROM equipmentInspection
GROUP BY equipmentID
) r
INNER JOIN equipmentInspection t
ON t.equipmentID = r.equipmentID AND t.nextInspectionDate = r.maxInspectionDate)

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Transact SQL :: Merge Two Columns From Different Tables?

Oct 26, 2015

I have two temp. tables. I am trying to show the agents how makes the sales and the ones how didnt make sales based on the time that they clock in. One table is called #sales which has only the agents that make sales and other tables is #hours which has both agents that do not make sale. the problem is that I can not get both agents to show on my report. I tried different ways but I could not. #sales table uses (select statement from AmountStats table that stores only the agents who make sale). #hours table uses different tables to store all gents who makes sale and ones that are not making sale. 

@start datetime,
@end datetime,
@campaignId uniqueidentifier,
@campaignName varchar(250),
@segment varchar(50)

set @start = '2015-10-07'
set @end = '2015-10-20'


how to merge these two columns from #sales and #hours tables without duplication.

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Transact SQL :: DDL Trigger For Specific Tables

Oct 14, 2015

How to set ddl triggers for specific tables, instead of on entire database.

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Transact SQL :: Sum Values By Grouping Name From Two Tables

Nov 6, 2015

I have two tbles that have ItemName and their bill amount

a) tblLunch

which shows records like below

Invoice   Item                          Amount  
1             COFFEE                       1000.00 
2             TEA                          2000.00
3             ICE CREAM                1000.00

b) tblDinner

which shows records like below

Invoice   Item                      Amount  
1             COFFEE                  1000.00 
2             TEA                        2000.00
3             PASTA         1000.00

I want to perform a query that should SUM Amount Columns by Grouping the Item from both the tables, so we could get the following result

Item                      Amount  
COFFEE                  2000.00 
TEA                        4000.00
ICE CREAM           1000.00
PASTA                    1000.00

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