Transact SQL :: DDL Trigger For Specific Tables

Oct 14, 2015

How to set ddl triggers for specific tables, instead of on entire database.

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Transact SQL :: Simple Trigger To Audit Who When Is Changing A Specific Column

Jul 6, 2015

I need a trigger to know who and when a char(1) column is changed.  Would like to write the audit trail to its own table I can query and record before and after values.


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Test](
[Customer] [varchar](12) NULL,
[Active] [char](1) NULL DEFAULT ('N') --Must use char 1 b/c more than 2 possible values

Insert into Test (Customer, Active) Values ('Acme','Y')..I want trigger to tell me whowhenwhere this value was changed.  If using sql auth capture client windows id if possible and write to audit table Update Test set Active = 'N'

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Transact SQL :: Select Specific Values From All Rows Where Value Of A Specific Column Is (Active)

May 23, 2015

I need to select specific values from all rows where the value of a specific column is "Active"

This part works: SELECT LastName, FirstName, MiddleInit, ClientId FROM dbo.Client

But I want to add: WHERE StatusType = (Active) and how to do this.

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Transact SQL :: Way To Have Trigger Fire When Something Happens To Tables That View Is Based On?

Nov 4, 2015

I created a view that joins several tables together and added an instead of insert, update trigger on it. My trigger works when I do an update/insert directly to the view, but it doesn't seem to fire when an insert/update is made to any of the tables that the view is based on. Is there a way to have the trigger fire when something happens to the tables that the view is based on? The application that the database is using is something that was purchased so I don't have access to the code to change any SQL statements that it's using.

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Disable Specific Trigger

Jul 26, 2004

I have a dilema, I need to have a delete trigger enabled to track user deletes to update an external history table. However, when the posting process runs for the table for which the delete trigger runs, all the records from that table are deleted. Th end result is that instead of capturing the specific deletes, it shows all recods being deleted. I know you can disable foreign keys and triggers as a whole, can you do it for specific triggers?

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Automatic Trigger On A Specific Time

Aug 25, 2006

Hi!I use SQL Server Express 2005 and would like that a trigger is fired automatically at a specific time. I have been developing a game which has a lot of periods with a start date and an end date. Every time a periode is finished the trigger should add new records for the next periode. The dates of the periodes are already setted at the beginning of the game. For example:periode      startdate                       enddate1                23.08.2006, 15:00      24.08.2006, 17:002                24.08 .2006, 17:00     25.08.2006, 08:00and so onCan anyone help me how to do this? Thanks!

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Trigger For Delete Or Specific Update

May 2, 2007

I have a table where I want to prevent user from deleting or setting a flag on a field to "y" with a database trigger (sql 2000). I understand the trigger for just one (stopping the delete, or stopping the field being changed to "y"). Should I have 2 seperate triggers or would there be a way to handle both.

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Trigger Based On Specific Field??

Jan 11, 2008

Do triggers work on the field level or only for full table updates, etc...?

I want to have a trigger that will change a field on another table based on the update of a specific field on a table.

Could anyone provide a sample please, if this is possible?

Thank you!

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Transact SQL :: Select With Value For Specific Month

Nov 13, 2015

I have table with below scheme

Year      Month      Day      RELH     
------    --------       ------     -------
1973       4            1            50
...... etc
1973      4             30           20 
1974       5             1              50
1974        5            30             99

I need to get years where average of RELH  of  months within year meet 

Month 4 Average(RELH) > 33 and
Month 5 Average(RELH) > 60 and 
Month 6 Average(RELH) < 33 

How can I achieve this?

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Transact SQL :: Capture Any Call For Specific SP

May 4, 2015

Is there a way to capture any firing for a SP such as (datetime , loginname,..) and not using SQL profiler ?

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Transact SQL :: INSERT Specific Data To Other Table

Aug 10, 2015

I am still learning T-SQL .Lets consider the table below, ID 1-3 shows our purchase transactions from various Vendors and ID 4-6 shows our payments to them

Table 1 - VendorTransactions

1       A               5000              Purchase
2       B               3000              Purchase
3       C               2000              Purchase

4       A               3000              Payment
5       B               1000              Payment
6       C               2000              Payment
7       A               1000              Payment

Now we have a blank table Table 2 - Liabilities


I want that SQL should look for each individual party from Table 1 and Calculate TOTAL PURCHASE and TOTAL PAYMENTS and then deduct TOTAL PAYMENTS from TOTAL PURCHASE so we get the remaining balance due for each party and then add the DIFFERENCE AMOUNT alongwith PARTY to the TABLE 2 so I can get the desired result like below

1       A               1000              
2       B               2000              
3       C               0       

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Transact SQL :: Returning Specific Characters After Space?

Jul 6, 2015

I have a column that has data in column user4 such as :

1900 No. 8 Road, RIchmond, BC, V6V 1W3

I can do a LEFT(user4, 7) That returns me the first 7 charcters but I need to retrieve the company information but the number of characters may vary with each field. Is there anyway I can do this without returning the entire line?

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Transact SQL :: Flattening Hierarchical Data In Specific Format

Apr 22, 2015

I have the data in this format

ID        NAME         ParentID
CV1      CV1NAME      CV
CV2      CV2NAME     CV

How can i flatten this data into this format

cv1        cv1name  cvx1        cvx1name    cvxx1     cvxx1name
cv2        cv2name  cvx2        cvx2name    cvxx2     cvxx2name

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Transact SQL :: Extract ID And Specific Part Of A String From Column

Jun 10, 2015

I have to extract a specific part of a string from a column in a sql server table. Following are the details and I have given the sample table and the sample strings.

I have 2 columns in my table [dbo].[StringExtract] (Id, MyString)

The row sample looks like the following

I have to extract the Id and a part of the column from mystring.

Id      MyString
1      ABC|^~&|BNAME|CLIENT1||CLIENT1|20110609233558||BIC^A27|5014589635|K|8.1|

[Code] ....

The part I want to extract is in the line "ZZZ" and the string part that i want to extract is between the 5th and 6th pipes (|). So my output looks like the following

Id      DesiredString
1      Extracts^This^String1
2      Extracts^This^String2
3      Extracts^This^String3

Is there a way to extract this either using TSQL or SSIS.

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[StringExtract]') AND type in (N'U'))
DROP TABLE [dbo].[StringExtract]
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[StringExtract]') AND type in (N'U'))
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[StringExtract](
[Id] [int] NULL,

[Code] ....

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Transact SQL :: Database Audit Specification On Specific Users

Mar 30, 2015

Currently I am using SQL server 2012 and would like to implement database audit specification on specific users in my database. These are the users in my database name Payroll :-

PayrollAndy.Bred - db_owner
PayrollArpit.Shah - db_owner
Payrollwebapp - db_datareader, db_datawriter, EXECUTE
web_payroll - db_datareader, db_datawriter, EXECUTE

In my database audit specification settings, I would like to capture any SELECT,UPDATE,DELETE and EXECUTE command for users PayrollAndy.Bred & PayrollArpit.Shah only since they owned db_owner access. However, I am unable to capture any single command from both users. I do not want to put 'Principal' as public since I just want to capture both users activity.

Is it I miss out anything? Is it because of windows login account?

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Transact SQL :: Select Unique From Table If Specific Value Does Not Exists

Jul 31, 2015

I have a table that has for each shop a value that can change over time.For example

BK_POS 1 --> Segment A
BK_POS 1 --> Segment /

What I would like to achieve is to get all distinct Shops (BK_POS) from the table above, but if for that specific pos a row exists where the segment = "/" then I do not want to take this BK_POS in my select query.More concrete, the for example above I do not want to select BK_POS 1 because he has one row where the segment = "/".

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Transact SQL :: How To Count Number Of Specific Columns Of Table

Jul 11, 2015

I have a table called Employees which has lots of columns but I only want to count some specific columns of this table.

i.e. EmployeeID: 001

week1: 40
week2: 24
week3: 24
week4: 39

This employee (001) has two weeks below 32. How do I use the COUNT statement to calculate that within these four weeks(columns), how many weeks(columns) have the value below 32?

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Transact SQL :: How To Select Data With Specific Priority Of A Column

Aug 1, 2015

i have table that has rows as below

(minv_code INT,
alert_msg varchar(10),
alert_time Datetime)


i want to select the data priority wise. the o/p should look like 

e.g first row - 873939, 'Meter', '7/24/2015 3:31:22'
second row - 873939, 'Tamper', '7/24/2015 3:30:00'
third row - 873939, 'Reverse', '7/24/2015 3:31:18'
fourth row -873940, 'Tamper', '7/24/2015 3:31:22' 
fifth row - 873940, 'Reverse', '7/24/2015 3:30:00'

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Transact SQL :: Extracting Specific Data From One Field Using Charindex

Jul 20, 2015

I’ve got an issue with extracting specific data from one field using charindex. Here’s an example of the dataset:

Cl_nr Var_data

20059942 ?;;300134BL10;?;;;;;;
20059958 ;2698;020225PU20;?;;;;;;
20059975    ;;100777ST20;?;;;;;;
20059976 ;;;;;;;;;
11001980 ;;051168PU20;?;;;;;;1001980
20034832 ;;060253BO10;?;;;;;;
20055246 ;;1108731;?;?;;;;;
20043656   ;;1022509;?;;;;;;
20059366 ;;1181750;31-12-2015;2;;;;;
20052712    ;;230626NO10;?;;;;;;

Goal is to get the data after the 2<sup>nd</sup> ; until the next ; starts. Ideal would be to catch everything between the 2<sup>nd</sup> ; en 3<sup>rd</sup> ; (number should be 10 characters).

If I try to select this data just using charindex it only goes until it finds the first ; (of course), what’s the best approach in this?

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Transact SQL :: Update Date With Specific Hour / Minute And Second

May 7, 2015

How I can update the following date to get the desired result with specific hour, minute and second
2014-01-01 00:00:00.000

Desired Result
2014-01-01 17:20:20.000

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Transact SQL :: Sequence Of Characters - Extract Some Specific Values

May 13, 2015

I've the following data:


And my goals is to the extract the following example:

11,12, 15, 18

How Can I do That?

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Transact SQL :: How To Convert Row Specific Values Into Columns In Join Query

Aug 18, 2015

I am using stored procedure to load gridview,i want to show row specific values in coloumns , as i an working on daily timetable of college and There are three tables Week_Day,Daily_Timetable & Subject.Daily_Timetable has data which has week_day,class_id,Subject_id,Period_No.

Each day has 6 periods and each period is mapped with subject in daily timetable.From below sql i am getting 6 rows of monday.

But i want to show in a row weekname,period1_subject_id(Period_No=1),period2_subject_id(Period_No=2),period3_subject_id.......upto

Please see my query below:-

SELECT     Week_Day.Week_Day_name, Subject.Subject_Code,  Daily_Timetable.Period_No
FROM         Week_Day LEFT JOIN
                      Daily_Timetable ON Week_Day.Week_Day_Id = Daily_Timetable.Week_Day_Id and Daily_Timetable.Class_Id=6  LEFT JOIN
                      Subject ON Daily_Timetable.Subject_Id = Subject.Subject_Id order by  Week_Day.Week_Day_Id ,Daily_Timetable.Period_No

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Transact SQL :: Convert Time In Specific Timezone To UTC (and Vice-versa)

Nov 17, 2015

In C#, I can convert UTC time to a specific timezone using:

TimeZoneInfo localTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Pacific Standard Time");
DateTime UTCTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(localTime, localTimeZone);

Is there any equivalent function in T-SQL (SQL Server 2014 / SQL Azure)?

Specifically, I want to be able to convert a time into UTC before inserting it into a table. Right now I am doing:

INSERT INTO Incident (IncidentDescription, dtOccurred)
VALUES (@IncidentDescription, DATEADD(hour, 8, @dtOccurred))

I don't want to hardcode "8" and I want it to adjust for daylight savings time (DST). 

Is there any concise solution that does not require me to define SQL functions or have lookup tables? I also don't want to use the difference between GETDATE() and SYSUTCDATETIME(), because the timezone of my server is not my local timezone.

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Transact SQL :: Comparing 2 Records / Multiple Instances In The Same Table For A Specific Combination?

Jun 10, 2015

I have a problem where I have 2 compare 2 records from the same table. This part looks easy but the problem is for a User there can be multiple records and I have 2 compare each record with its previous instance based on the timestamp. Not only I have to compare I have to perform some analysis. Below is the Table script and sample output.

Givens: All SQL Server 2008 or 2012 tools at your disposal.

Production database contains the following tables (simplified for example: constraints ignored, etc.) associated with a racing video game’s server.

-- A player of our game

-- Table greater than 10 million rows

TABLE [dbo].[User]
[bigint] NOT
[int] NULL   
-- User’s home country
NULL  -- User’s displayable name (‘John’, ‘Bill’)
[int] NULL
-- 0 == free, 1 == paid, for instance

Assume that rows get written into the event tables at a rate of 1,000 a minute,are never updated once written and currently are only read on a replica/reporting server.

Question Background: Write up a single query that would return the following: List of users and whose “TotalMoneyEarned” value ever grew (between logon events) at a rate of more than 1,000 per minute (we’d consider these suspicious and flag them for later investigation). 

For instance, if the sample data were:

-- example of [Events.UserLogon] data  -- not the query output we want

EventId     UserId               TotalMoneyEarned LogonDate
----------- -------------------- ---------------- -----------------------
1           1               1000             2010-10-16 00:19:56.460
2           1               1500             2010-10-16 00:20:56.460
3           1               3000             2010-10-16 00:21:56.460
4           1               10000            2010-10-16 00:29:56.460

Event 1 is okay because there’s nothing to compare it against

Event 2 is okay because the TotalMoneyEarned only grew 500 in a minute

Event 3 should be flagged, as the value grew 1500 in a minute

Event 4 is okay, as it grew 7,000 in 8 minutes (< 1000 per minute)

Query Output (your query should return data in a format like this):

User      Flagged Logon Time    Rate Since Last Logon (money/minute)
John      2010-10-16 00:21:56   1500
Dave      2010-10-16 00:30:50   3200
Bill      2010-10-16 00:35:23   1000

It is likely that you will need to create sample data for both the User and [Events.Logon] tables.  We are looking for a single query that returns data like what is represented in Query Output.

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Selecting Only Specific Tables.

Jul 30, 2001

Hi all,
I have a query similar to this:
select "bcp databasename.."+name+"
from sysobjects where type = 'U'
order by name

What I need to know is that, I need to unselect some of the tables that starts with name cj_. I don't want the tables that starts with a name cj_.
Can someone help me on this.
Thank you

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Checking All Tables That Have Specific Column Name?

Jan 5, 2012

Is there a command I can use to tell me all the tables in my schema that have a column name "Id"?

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Backup But Only Restore Specific Tables

Sep 29, 2014

In SQL 2008, there is a way to backup a database, but specify the tables backed up, and, during the restore on the destination server, restore only those tables in the database?

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Drop All Tables In Db That Have Specific Name Convention

Oct 23, 2007

I have 1000's of tables. Some are of the form dbo.VT_2006-10-12. I'd like to drop all tables with the "VT" in the table name. How is the best done?

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Recovering Specific Tables Within A Database.

Mar 27, 2008

We currently have a company program in foxpro which inputs all of our information into its database. We are trying to shift from this to new updated software and a SQL database. There is a program we created which converts all the data from our old database into our new SQL database in preparation for our final move to the newer software. However, some of the tables in SQL were not taken directly from our old database but rather added in directly after our initial use of SQL, so when we ran our conversion software, a couple of specific tables were wiped because there was no equivilant within our old database. We already altered our conversion program to not touch those tables again, but is there any way to do a roll back or to find a backup of specific tables?

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Find Out What Tables Contain A Specific Column

Jul 28, 2006

I want to write SQL that will search the tables in a database for a specific column, like this. For instance, I have a column "Unique_ID" that is in many of our tables (hundreds) but not in others and want to find out the tables it is in. It is always the first column.

I tried to find a system stored procdure to do this but couldn't and tried to create a script using the sysobjects and syscolumns tables in the Master db, but came to a roadblock because they don't seem to be related at all.

I would surely appreciate if someone else has already done this!


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Transact SQL :: Adding Count Before And After A Specific Time Doesn't Match Total Number Of Records

Nov 19, 2015

If I just use a simple select statement, I find that I have 8286 records within a specified date range.

If I use the select statement to pull records that were created from 5pm and later and then add it to another select statement with records created before 5pm, I get a different count: 7521 + 756 = 8277

Is there something I am doing incorrectly in the following sql?

DECLARE @startdate date = '03-06-2015'
DECLARE @enddate date = '10-31-2015'
DECLARE @afterTime time = '17:00'
General_Count = (SELECT COUNT(*) as General FROM Unidata.CrumsTicket ct

[Code] ....

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Copy Specific Cells Between Tables Based On Login ID

May 26, 2007

I want to copy FirstName and LastName cells from table1 to table2. Which FirstName and LastName cells depend on the username, i.e. which person has logged in.
Q1) How can this be done?  (I have chosen to SELECT from Table1 and output to variables (C# code); then INSERT these variables into Table2. [Finding it very difficult]).
Any suggestions/comments would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

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Select Columns For Specific Data From All Tables In DataBase

Oct 8, 2007

Hi friends,I need to  select columns for specific  data  from all tables in DataBasePls give me reply asap Regards,M.Raj  

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