Transact SQL :: Date Value Between One Of The Calendar Periods In Multiple Rows?
Aug 20, 2015
Question: How to determine if a date value was between one of the date periods that appear in multiple rows?
Background: We have a table of "license valid" periods, wherein each license can have one or more rows. (As you know, a driver's license can be started, expired, renewed, suspended, reinstated, revoked, etc.) Instead of of having a license activity table--from which valid license periods could be extrapolated--we store just the periods for which a license was valid.
My task is to take a list of licenses and specific dates and determine if each license was valid as of that date, returning either true or false. What is the best way to accomplish this?
DECLARE @ValidityInQuestion TABLE (
LicenseID int
, DateValidityInQuestion date);
DECLARE @LicenseValidPeriods TABLE (
LicenseID int
, BeginDate date
, EndDate date);
[Code] ...
How then do I query both tables in order to get the same result that results from the following query?
12345 AS LicenseID
, '2015-01-15' AS DateValidityInQuestion
, 1 AS LicenseActive
, '2015-02-04'
, 0;
I assume I need to join on the LicenseID columns, but my understanding stops there.
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Sep 10, 2015
I have a calendar table against entire year 2015 with each day with 2 flag,
1. WK_DT_IN == except Satarday and Sunday, value is "Y", for Sat/Sun, value is "N"
2. HOL_DT_IN == value will only be "Y" only for holiday, example for '2015-01-01' date, it's value is "Y"
INSERT INTO @CAL VALUES ('2015-01-01', 'Y', 'Y'), ('2015-01-02', 'Y', 'N'),('2015-01-03', 'N', 'N'),
('2015-01-04', 'N', 'N'), ('2015-01-05', 'Y', 'N'), ('2015-01-06', 'Y', 'N'), ('2015-01-07', 'Y', 'N')
We have a given date, example '2015-01-01', I need to find out a date after 2 business days? I can think of loop, but will it work.
I need to exclude date which having HOL_DT_IN = "Y" and WK_DT_IN = "N".
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May 19, 2014
I created a dbo.Calendar table that stores dates and a work day flag (1=work day, 0=non-work day) so I can use it to calculate the next business date from a date using a function. I'm using a while group to count only the work days and a couple other internal variables but I'm not sure if I can even use them in a function.
Assuming Sats & Suns are all non-work days in April 2014, if my @WorkDays = 10 for 10 work days and my @DateFromValue - 4/1/2014, I would expect my return date to be 4/15/2014.
------ Messages after I click execute on my query window that has my function ------------------------------------------------------
Msg 444, Level 16, State 2, Procedure FGetWorkDate, Line 19
Select statements included within a function cannot return data to a client.
Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure FGetWorkDate, Line 20
Invalid column name 'WorkDay'.
Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure FGetWorkDate, Line 22
Invalid column name 'Date'.
------ my function code ----------------------------
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[FGetWorkDate](
@WorkDays VARCHAR(5),
@DateFromValue AS DateTime )
[Code] ....
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Apr 21, 2015
I have a table with single row like below
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column0 | Column1 | Column2 | Column3 | Column4|
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Value0 | Value1 | Value2 | Value3 | Value4 |
Am looking for a query to convert above table data to multiple rows having column name and its value in each row as shown below
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column0 | Value0
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column1 | Value1
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column2 | Value2
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column3 | Value3
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column4 | Value4
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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Aug 31, 2015
So my data column [EODPosting].[MatchDate] is defined as a DATE column. I am trying to SELECT from my table where [EODPosting].[MatchDate] is today's date.
Is this not working because GETDATE() is like a timestamp format? How can I get this to work to return those rows where [EODPosting].[MatchDate] is equal to today's date?
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Aug 14, 2015
I have the following database structure
Stock Depth41 Depth12 Depth34
AAA 1 2 1
BBB 2 2 4
How can I show Each Depth column as seperate row
AAA 1 as follows
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Jun 20, 2007
Hi, this is my first post here, i'm working on a view wich I have to display the results by period.
1st period - Current month
2nd period - Last month
3rd period - Month before last
and so on.
How can I achieve this? of course I have a column wich has the date I want to use, I was thinking on semthing like:
case when DATEDIFF(M, TRXDATE, getdate()) <= 0 then ammount END as Period1
(TRXDATE and ammount are columns on my table)
Any ideas? would this work?
Thanks for your replies
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Oct 10, 2005
I need to compare 2 periods (start date / end date) in order to find out if the first period overlaps or in included in the second period.
any idea ???
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Apr 30, 2015
I have a table Transaction that looks something like the following :
Currency Credit Debit
1 USD 500 0
2 Afcu 6000 0
[Code] ....
I write query like this
select SUM(credit)-SUM(Debit)as [Balance] ,Source from Transaction group by Source
And it came like
Balance Source
1500 USD
6000 Afcu
6800 INR
7000 Pfc
-200 AUD
But I also want to add Afcu , Pfc with USD and want output like
Balance Source
14500 USD
6800 INR
-200 AUD
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Apr 11, 2008
Your help is greatly appreciated. How do you query each one of the following:
1) SELECT FieldValue WHERE DateTime is from 8:30AM - 12:00PM and 6:00PM - 9:30PM on Mondays thru Fridays (i.e. exclude Sat & Sun) for the whole month of January 2008.
2) SELECT FieldValue WHERE DateTime is from 9:30PM - 8:30AM on Mondays thru Fridays, AND ALL-DAY on Saturdays & Sundays for the whole month of January 2008.
Thank you in advance.
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Oct 17, 2015
i have this table the TDate in string (not date)
id | Name | TDate
1 | aa | 01.05.2015
2 | bb | 05.05.2015
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Feb 10, 2006
Date brain killer - I have a startdate and enddate and need, for a given period length in months, to identify the number
of periods betwen the startdate and enddate
so for example
StartDate datetime,
Enddate datetime,
NumberOfMonthsInPeriod INT ,
-- Initial data
insert @Periods
StartDate ,
Enddate ,
NumberOfMonthsInPeriod ,
TotPeriods-- for this illustration, initialised to 0 but need to be UPDATEd as per detail below
1 -- 1 month period
union all
3 -- 3 month period
union all
6 -- 6 month period
The following rules regarding periods apply
Each 1 (NumberOfMonthsInPeriod) month period is as would be expected ie
01-Jan - 31 Jan
01-Feb - 28-Feb (ie 1st March - 1 day which would deal with leap years - dateadd(...)
and so on to December
Each 3 (NumberOfMonthsInPeriod) month period is one of the following 'bands' per year
01-Jan - 31-Mar
01-Apr - 30-Jun
01-Jul - 30-Sep
01-Oct - 31-Dec
Each 6 (NumberOfMonthsInPeriod) month period is one of the following
01-Jan - 30-Jun
01-Jul - 31-Dec
I need to derive TotPeriods as follows:
For the row where NumberOfMonthsInPeriod = 1, the first period ie the one the start date falls within is 01-Sep-2005 to 30-Sep-2005, second is 01-Oct-2005 - 31-Oct-2005 and so on until
last period ie the one the end datye falls within is 01-Apr-2009 - 30-Apr-2009, a TotPeriods value of 44
For the row where NumberOfMonthsInPeriod = 3, first period is 01-Jul-2005 to 30-Sep-2005, second is 01-Oct-2005 - 31-Dec-2005 and so on until
last period is 01-Apr-2009 - 30-Jun-2009, a TotPeriods value of 16
For the row where NumberOfMonthsInPeriod = 6, first period is 01-Jul-2005 to 31-Dec-2005, second is 01-Jan-2006 - 30-Jun-2006 and so on until
last period is 01-Jan-2009 - 30-Jun-2009, a TotPeriods value of 8
Hope this is clear and thanks in advance
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Nov 9, 2006
hi guys,
i have a booking table which has the following columns...
dCheckin (format 11/9/2006 12:00:00 AM)
dCheckout (format 11/11/2006 12:00:00 AM)
when a new booking is entered, we want to make sure that the period entered does not conflict with an existing record.
not sure how to go about building the query required. any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Jul 14, 2015
I have a table with 100 rows, 1 field (ID), and I would like to write a query to output it as 4 rows, and 25 columns.
Row data
Output will be like
c1 c2 c3 c4 c5....
1 5 9 13
2 6 10 14
3 7 11 15
4 8 12 16
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Jul 16, 2015
I have the table below and like to combine the rows to create a single link row in a new column. The rows should be combined based on the job number columns which is the same for the rows to be combined.
[Code] ...
Output should be as below
16/7/15 called tenant and she thought we would just fix for free - advised her I can get a quote how ever she may have to pay - she will call back
16/7/15 called tnt said no report number. Said she will speak with her husband and call back with her decision and 16/07/15 the work order was sent to agent ...
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Aug 13, 2015
I have to join two tables and i need to fetch All records from @tab2 and only max date record from @tab1 that ID is present in Tab2
1.) @Tab1 have multiple records for each ID
2.) @Tab2 also have multiple records for each ID
3.) Kind of Lef Outer join those tables with ID and take all records from @tab2 and only Max of date from @tab1 and order by ID and Date
Note: @Tab1 always have lesser dates than @tab2 for each ID
Tables looks like as follows
declare @tab1 table (id varchar(3), effDt Date, rate int)
insert into @tab1 values ('101','2013-12-01',5)
insert into @tab1 values ('101','2013-12-02',2)
insert into @tab1 values ('101','2013-12-03',52)
In the given ex, ID 103 should not come as it is not present in @tab2, ID 104 should come even it is not present in @tab1 as we ahve to use left outer join Result should like follows.
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May 13, 2015
I have a set of data which contains individual logon and logoff data. The table is as follows:
1234, 2015-05-12, 15 (For Logon) or 25 (For Logoff)
I'm hoping to extract this data as follows:
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Oct 24, 2003
I have julian date in the format of 2003182 and I need to convert into our regular calendar date.
Anybody have any SQL statement for this.
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Oct 24, 2007
Any way to disable the calendar datepicker show it does not even show up on the report?
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Nov 7, 2015
The recipe preparation instructions are stored in a table by RecipeID. The prep instructions are in a single VARCHAR(MAX) column and look something like this:
1. Boil Water
2. Add noodles
3. Add cheese sauce
4. Stir well
Now they want this single VARCHAR(Max) column broken into 2 columns - Step and Prep Instruction like this: Boil WaterAdd noodlesAdd cheese sauceStir well.I figure I can use the appearance of a number followed by a period and a space to determine the existence of a new row. How would I accomplish this in T-SQL?
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May 10, 2015
Here is some data that will explain what I want to do:
Input Data:
Part ColorCode
A100 123
A100 456
A100 789
B100 456
C100 123
C100 456
Output Data:
Part ColorCode
A100 123;456;789
B100 456
C100 123;456
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Aug 18, 2015
I have a table with multiple rows per staff person. Each of these rows has staff_id, start_date, and end_date. Per staff, if any start_date comes between the start_date and end_date of a different row, or if any end_date comes between the start_date and end_date of a different row, then I have to flag these records as being identical.
How can I do this? I have tried doing a Cross Apply because I thought that would do Cartesian product (comparing every row), and I've also tried temp tables. But I haven't gotten either of these to work. Here is some dummy data:
if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects o where o.xtype in ('U') and = object_id(N'tempdb..#staff_records')
) DROP TABLE #staff_records;
create table #staff_records
staff_id varchar(max),
[Code] ....
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Oct 7, 2014
How can I compute the biweekly periods when a date is passed in as a parameter, for example if the user enters 9/12/2014 I should get:
Friday /2nd half9/12/2014
Friday/1st half 9/19/2014
Friday/2nd half9/19/2014
Wednesday 9/24/2014
Friday/1st half 9/26/2014
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Jan 21, 2014
I'm trying to create a cte to return a list of lots and every period between the first and last transaction date for each lot. I've gotten this far:
,DATEPART(YYYY, StartDate)StartYear
,DATEPART(MM, StartDate)StartPeriod
,DATEPART(MM, EndDate)EndPeriod
[Code] ....
This gives me the following results:
Now what I need is something that looks like this:
[Code] .....
Some lots may not have any transactions for some of the periods between the start and end dates but I need to report every period between the start and end period for each lot. I have a period table that I thought I could use but haven't come up with a way to get the results I'm after.
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Sep 22, 2015
In a table I have some rows with flag A & B for a scode, some scode with only A and some are only B flags.
I would like to fetch all rows with flag A when both flags are present, no rows with B should be fetched. Fetch all rows when only single flags are present for a scode.How to achieve this using TSQL code.
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Nov 4, 2015
Existing table structure is below:
Table name: Student
Columns in Student are below:
Combination of Student_Id, Subject_Id and Quarter columns is the primary key. One student can take one subject in a quarter. Now the new requirement is a student can take multiple subjects in a quarter. So need to add another table like below:
NEW table name: Student_Subject and
column are below:
All the above three columns combination is primary key.
After the new table Student_Subject created,
remove Subject_Id column
from Student table.
When the user clicks on a button after selecting multiple subjects and provide col1 and col2 data then one row gets inserted into Student table and multiple rows gets inserted into Student_Subject table.
Is there any other table design that satisfies one student can take multiple subjects in a quarter?
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Jun 30, 2015
I have a temp table with the following columns and data
drop table #temp
create table #temp (id int,DLR_ID int,KPI_ID int,Brnd_ID int)
insert into #temp values (1,2343,34,2)
insert into #temp values (2,2343,34,2)
insert into #temp values (3,2343,34,2)
I use the rank function on that table and get the following results
select rank() over (order by DLR_ID,KPI_ID,BRND_ID ) Rown,* from #temp
I am interested only in Rown and Id columns. For each Rown number, I need to get the min(ID) in the second column and the duplicate ID should be in 3rd column as shown below.If i have 3 duplicate IDs , I should have 3 rows with 2nd column being the min(id) and 3rd column having one of the duplicate ids in ascending order(as shown in Rown=6)
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Jul 16, 2015
We have control table which will be useful whether we need to start the job or not. If we are starting the Job we will make it to 1.
Below is the Table Structure.
Table Name IN_USE_FG
Now we have different packages for 4 tables data loading. These 4 packages will start at a time. Before going to load the data we have to make the Flag to 1 and after that we have to load it. Because of this we have written Update statement to update the Value to 1 in respective Package.
Now we are getting dead lock because we are using same table at a same time. Because we are updating different records.
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Jul 1, 2015
A vehicle loading confirm after that what time its gated out so i want to take the time duration between finish loading and gate out, find sample table records , i want to take more than 5 hrs difference between finish loading and gate out.
[Code] .....
I want to take the result like this
Finish Loading
Gate Out
Date and Time difference
2015-05-11 19:58:00
2015-05-12 08:42:00
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Feb 14, 2007
HI there,
Can someone please help with a query I have? Basically I want to return all rows in a table that have multiple date entries that are different. For example:
163610737464753422005-12-30 00:00:00.000
163610737464753592006-03-10 00:00:00.000
This security 1636 has two entries in the DB with different dates. They are lots of securities with multiple entries with the same date but I need a list of the ones with different dates. Any ideas please?
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Oct 20, 2015
I need to take all records from table @A where ID = 1. Also i need to process the records with datewise from table @A. Here is the table structure
INSERT INTO @A VALUES (1,'AAA','2015-10-01')
INSERT INTO @A VALUES (1,'BBB','2015-10-01')
INSERT INTO @A VALUES (1,'CCC','2015-10-01')
INSERT INTO @A VALUES (1,'AAA','2015-10-05')
INSERT INTO @A VALUES (1,'DDD','2015-10-01')
INSERT INTO @A VALUES (2,'AAA','2015-10-02')
INSERT INTO @A VALUES (2,'BBB','2015-10-02')
INSERT INTO @A VALUES (2,'CCC','2015-10-02')
INSERT INTO @A VALUES (2,'DDD','2015-10-02')
how to achieve this in SQL query, i cannot use CTE or temp table as i need to use this code in another tool, it has to be single query, can use subquery or join would be better.
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Jun 2, 2015
I have a table that is used to build rules. The rules point to other columns in other tables and usually contain only one value (i.e. ABC). But one of the options is to add a comma-separated list of SSNs (i.e. 123123123,012012012,112231122). I am trying to build a single query that allows me to leverage that list to get multiple rows from another table.
This obviously works:
SELECT * FROM vw_Person_Profile P (NOLOCK)
WHERE P.PrsnPIISSN_Chr IN ('123123123','012012012','112231122')
But this does not:
SELECT * FROM vw_Person_Profile P (NOLOCK)
SELECT '''' + REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(4000),txtFieldValue), ',', ''',''') + ''''
FROM MassProcessing_Rules PR
WHERE PR.intRuleID = 10
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Nov 17, 2015
I am wanting to create a custom workday calendar to show Monday - Friday as a workday, then go back and update a few holidays as non-workdays. This is the syntax I have to start with, but it is presenting with an error:
Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 21 Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
What should I alter?
CREATE TABLE dbo.CreateCustomCalendar
IsWorkday varchar(20) NOT NULL
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