Transact SQL :: Efficient Way To Calculate Unique Values?

Jul 14, 2015

I have a data set as -

ID       Set Date          DB Date
100     Null                 07/01/15
100     07/05/15         07/02/15
100     07/10/15        07/08/15

I want to able to get 2 unique dates

1. 07/02/15 - As I want the DB date for ID - 100 when set date changed from a null value to non null value.

2. 07/08/15 - As I want the DB date for ID - 100 when a non null set date changes.

The table has such records for lot of different ID's.

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Transact SQL :: Insert Unique Values Only Using MERGE

Jun 2, 2015

I'm trying to use merge data from a staging table to a production table. There are a lot of duplicate values for serverName and I only want to insert one instance where there are duplicates.

How I can adapt the code I have so far to achieve this?

ON (TARGET.serverName = SOURCE.serverName)

UPDATE SET TARGET.serverName = SOURCE.serverName, TARGET.serverLocation = SOURCE.serverLocation

INSERT (serverName, serverLocation)
VALUES (SOURCE.serverName, SOURCE.serverLocation)


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Transact SQL :: SELECT Unique Values In Single Column?

Jun 8, 2015

I have the following two tables...


I need to write a select query that gets the values of all columns but only returns unique sites because some sites are load balanced across several servers and where this is the case I don't want the site to appear multiple times in the list.

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Transact SQL :: Calculate DateTime Column By Merging Values From Date Column And Only Time Part Of DateTime Column?

Aug 3, 2015

How can I calculate a DateTime column by merging values from a Date column and only the time part of a DateTime column?

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Transact SQL :: Calculate Events On Each Day

Jun 17, 2015

Need calculating the count of events on each day. I have an event log table as shown below. 

DECLARE @EventLog TABLE ( event_id int, status_id varchar(20) , dttm datetime )
SELECT '100','Inplace','01/05/2015 05:00' UNION ALL
SELECT '100','Removed','03/05/2015 10:00' UNION ALL
SELECT '100','Inplace','05/05/2015 10:41' UNION ALL

[Code] ....

I need an output to look like on each day how many events were in place.

E.g.: for the month on May , Event_id 100 was inplace on 1st and removed on 3rd , so on 1st may 2 event_ids (100, 103) hence 2 . 

event_ids - 103 / 104 and inplace the whole month and not removed. so its calculated the count as 2 til towards teh end of the month. 

So I need to count of all each event_id in place for each day in may. 

How to calculate the missing dates to ...

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Transact SQL :: How To Calculate A Ratio

Oct 28, 2015

How do I author a SQL Query which meets the following requirement: Display a ratio of (instances where status is a success)/(instances where status is a success or instance is a failure). The below syntax is incorrect. However, I hope to beter explain what I am trying to accomplish using the incorrect SQL query below.

SELECT SUM(Case When Status = "SUCCESS")/SUM( Case When Status = "FALLBACK")
FROM ruleResults;

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How To Calculate Sum For Distinct Values In MDX

Jul 27, 2007

I need help in calculating sum of market value based on property_id. The sum should be calculated by finding the average market value for a given property and then sum the individual average of the property to get the Distinct sum.

I have a very little knowlegde in Cubes and analysis services. I need to perform this distinct sum by using calculated members using MDX on SQL server 2000.

Data example

P_Code Cus Prpty_IdMrkt Val

3000 1234 1111 $10,000 $10,000
3000 1234 2222 $20,000
3000 1234 3333 $30,000 $20,000
3000 5678 1111 $10,000
3000 5678 2222 $20,000 $30,000
3000 5678 3333 $30,000
3000 1020 1111 $10,000
3000 1020 3333 $30,000

Distinct Sum $60,000

Thanks in Advance


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Transact SQL :: How To Calculate A Running Stock Value

Oct 8, 2015

I have the following store procedure :



What I am trying to get is a RunningStock level column which is able to display stock level as describe below :

If ItemStatus value is 0, that means that the item has been taken out from stock.

So based on that the first row running Stock level is calclulated as

(ProductQuantity * ItemUnitWeight)-ItemQuantity=9...

For the second record, ItemsStatus=1 which means the item return to stock, at the time the running stock value calculation should be the previous row Running Stok value (=9 ) +(ItemQuantity*ItemUnitWeight)When the ItemStatus=2, that means the item is definitely out and will be never back to current stock. Is there a way to get that calculation field ?

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Transact SQL :: Calculate Total Between Two Columns?

Sep 16, 2015

I have table named #table and three columns. SinGroup(it does not matter, can be anything), Column1, and Column2.

sinGroup NVARCHAR(10)
,column1 INT
,column2 int

And i have some data:

INSERT INTO #table(sinGroup,column1,column2) VALUES

I want to know how to get this result set (c1 - c2 and group by Y and Z and the result shown under the column 1):

SinGroup C1 C2

y1 100 0
y2 0 60
y3 40 20
Y 60 0
z1 150 0
z2 0 50
z3 0 50

Z 50 0

And also result like this (c1-c2 and grop by each row,the result show under the column 1):

SinGroup C1 C2
y1 100 0
y1 100 0
y2 0 60
y2 -60 0
y3 40 20
y3 20 0
z1 150 0
z1 150 0
z2 0 50
z2 -50 0
z3 0 50
z3 -50 0

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Calculate Value Based On Other Values For Use In SRS Report

Mar 10, 2008

I am trying to create a report in SRS that will calculate a Composite Score based on the Sum of other scores and then that Sum is divided by 12.

Here is a copy of the Query I have created to calculate the numbers I want to use, but when I create the expression in SRS the calculations don't come out correctly. The expression that I use in SRS is at the bottom of the Script.

Thanks in Advance

--6 Trait_03052008.sql

--Pull test scores for 6 Trait out of Campus for SRS reports.

SELECT s.lastname+','+' '+s.firstname AS Student, e.grade, sm.lastname+','+' '+sm.firstname AS Teacher, AS School, AS Test, t.code, ts.rawscore,

CASE WHEN = '1 Ideas' AND ts.rawscore IS NOT NULL THEN CAST(ts.rawscore * 3 AS Numeric)END AS IComp,

CASE WHEN = '2 Organization' AND ts.rawscore IS NOT NULL THEN CAST(ts.rawscore * 3 AS Numeric) END AS OComp,

CASE WHEN = '3 Voice' AND ts.rawscore IS NOT NULL THEN CAST(ts.rawscore * 2 AS Numeric)END AS VComp,

CASE WHEN = '4 Word Choice' AND ts.rawscore IS NOT NULL THEN CAST(ts.rawscore * 2 AS Numeric)END AS WComp,

CASE WHEN = '5 Sentence Fluency' AND ts.rawscore IS NOT NULL THEN CAST(ts.rawscore AS Numeric) END AS SComp,

CASE WHEN = '6 Conventions' AND ts.rawscore IS NOT NULL THEN CAST(ts.rawscore AS Numeric)END AS CComp

FROM testscore ts

JOIN student s ON s.personid = ts.personid

JOIN roster r ON r.personid = s.personid

JOIN test t ON t.testid = ts.testid

JOIN calendar ca ON ca.calendarid = s.calendarid

JOIN enrollment e ON e.enrollmentid = s.enrollmentid and e.calendarid = ca.calendarid

JOIN section se ON se.sectionid = r.sectionid

JOIN course c ON c.courseid = se.courseid AND c.calendarid = ca.calendarid

JOIN school sc ON sc.schoolid = s.schoolid

JOIN staffmember sm ON sm.personid = se.teacherpersonid AND sm.schoolid = ca.schoolid

WHERE t.code LIKE '6%' AND c.calendarid =50 AND c.homeroom = 1

GROUP BY s.lastName,s.firstName,e.grade,sm.lastName,sm.firstName,,,t.code,ts.rawScore

ORDER BY [Student], t.code, DESC

Expression being used in SRS to calculate the Composite Score.


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Calculate Datediff Against Lesser Of Several Values

Apr 18, 2008

I need to calculate the datediff in minutes between Date1 and the lesser of Date2, Date3, Date4 (whichever came first)

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Calculate The Values From A Underlying Table

Jan 17, 2007

I am building a customerlist within the customer sales of a period. I have a dataset with two tables: "customer" and "customer_ledger_entry".

In the report I will present the customer number, the customer name and the sales. The problem is the sales value is not available as a field, but I have to calculate this value from the "customer_ledger_entry" table. In this table are several entries (invoices, credit notes, etc.)

How to calculate the values from a underlying table?

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Transact SQL :: Query To Calculate In Array Like Excel

Nov 4, 2015

I am trying to create a "Loan Ledger Card" in SSRS which does the calculation up to report extracting time. I was able to create it on Excel (Click to download the Excel file) as we can calculate amounts for each installment based on Row and Column name. You can test it by putting any amount (Here it should be below 62000 as it is the total balance of loan) in "Amount Paid" yellow cell and see the effect.

I have made a selection in SQL (attached query and result in screenshot). It calculates the total paid amount by now on the first row, and all due amounts in other rows. Basically, It should first deduct the interest from first row, then principle, same process for second row and so on until it covers the whole paid amount.

'0' As RN
,'Repayment' AS Type
,SUM(memrepay.mprinc) As PrincPaid
,SUM( As IntPaid

[Code] .....

How can I do the similar calculation of Excel file in "SQL query" or "SSRS custom code"?

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Transact SQL :: Calculate Rolling Year Sales?

Aug 19, 2015

I have 2 tables as follows:

table A-NewParts
product a


I want to get end result as sales for each new product for a rolling period from Launch date as year1 sales,year2 sales...and so on which I got through case statements.I am stuck on how to get the total Sales for all products (including new products) in the same rolling period based on the different launch dates for each new product.

Yr1 Sales
Total Yr1 Sales
Yr2 Sales
Total Yr2 Sales


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Transact SQL :: Calculate Size Of All Tables In A Database

Nov 16, 2015

I need to build a query to calculate the size of all tables in a database ...

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Transact SQL :: How To Calculate Size Of Files That Have UNC Paths For

Mar 27, 2014

I am on SQL Server 2008 R2. I have a table that contains a field called [Location]. In that field is a UNC path to the physical file on the repository. Is there a way in SQL Server that I can say give me the select sum([Location] UNC file) where criteria? I saw some posts about xp_filesize or xp_GetFileDetails, but I do not see them in master. I am unable to add anything and wondering if there is any native functionality that would allow me to accomplish this!?

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Transact SQL :: How To Calculate Number Of Employees In Each Month

Jun 17, 2015

I have a table which has name,Speciality,start date and end date. So each person may have 1/more rows .They will have more if they change their specialities. For example if you look at the data below.

Test Inside Property2009-08-29 2010-07-31
Test Management2010-08-012012-07-31

If we see at the data above Test has 2 rows because he changed his specialty in the middle.My requirement is to calculate the total number of employees in each month for last 2 years in each speciality. For example if we look at the example above, Test was in Inside property from 2009 Aug to 2010 Aug but if i use just the date start and take the month for each adjuster it gives me the number of adjusters started in that year and month but what i want is Test should be counted in all the months for Inside property until 2010 07 month. Which means i want to have the total number of adjusters present by each speciality for each month of last 2 years .

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Transact SQL :: Calculate Average Based On A Scenario

Oct 30, 2015

Col1                      Col2       Col3          Col4
54763.00              21           0              0             
59574.00              23           0              0             
64085.00              20           0              0             
0.0               0.00      0           0              0             

I'm trying to calculate Average of Col1 of above table based on below scenario:

CASE WHEN all the columns in the above table are “0” (as highlighted) THEN I want AVERAGE of Col1 as (Row1+Row2+Row3)/3

ELSE if at least one of the column of highlighted row has value other than “0”, THEN I want the AVERAGE of Col1 to be (Row1+Row2+Row3+Row4)/4

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Transact SQL :: How To Calculate Estimated Completion Time Of A Job

Nov 4, 2015

How to calculate estimated completion time of a job and what is the variance/difference in time based on previous job history. Looking for tsql query which can accomplish this.For example)...Daily a job is taking 10 mins to complete. However, today due to some reason, the job is running over an hour and still running. It could be a blocking issue or some performance issue on the server due to which the job is still running.

In such cases, using a tsql query or a stored proc which monitor these jobs every 3 mins (Configurable value), so every 3 mins , query has to check, if they are any jobs which are taking more time than its usual completion time/avg completion time in that case shoot an email using dbmail functionality i.e. sp_Senddbmail .. From there, DBA can dig further using waits or sql trace etc...

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Transact SQL :: Calculate Data Based On Position

Jun 4, 2015

I have a table "PrintArea" with below table structure.

The Details column have " " separated data.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PrintArea](
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[AccessDate] [datetime] NULL,
[IPAddress] [varchar](16) NULL,
[SerialNum] [varchar](256) NULL,
[Description] [varchar](256) NULL,
[Details] [varchar](2048) NULL,

This is how the data lookis like.

INSERT [dbo].[PrintArea] ([ID], [AccessDate], [IPAddress], [SerialNum], [Description], [Details]) VALUES (104280, CAST(0x0000A28A00A88310 AS DateTime), N'', N'InSign-f529c824-85a6-4a64-8c59-e9f786d718f3-YM2AS31367,BFEBFBFF000306A9', N'Printing', N'Headboard_Insert_4

[Code] ...

I want to calculate totalAreaPrinted based on below formula from Details column.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Calculate Total Sum Of Values Of Table

Jul 11, 2014

I've the table like

create table accutn_det
fs_locn char(50),
fs_accno varchar(100),
fs_cost_center varchar(100),
fs_tran_type char(50)

[Code] .....

Like all location details stored from all months in these table

here Dr=debit,Cr=Credit Formula= 'Dr-Cr' to find the salary wavges of amount

so i made the query to find the amount for may

amount=sum(case when fs_accno like 'E%' and fs_tran_type='Dr' then fs_amount
when fs_accno like 'E%' and fs_tran_type='Cr' then fs_amount * -1
accutn_det where fs_trans_date between '01-may-2014' and '31-may-2014'
groupby fs_locn,fs_accno

now i need the sum values of all costcenter for the particular to do that?

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Calculate Relative Totals With Absolute Values

Feb 28, 2015

Have a bit of an SQL challenge in that I need to create a well performing view in SQL2008R2 which calculates hours remaining at any given point in time. This is not a simple sum but has some absolute values included.

-- Basic simplified structure of maintenance and usage tables
CREATE TABLE #Maintenance (Id int NOT NULL
MaintenanceDate smalldatetime NOT NULL, -- When maintenance hours are reset
HoursAvailable numeric(5, 1) NULL -- Available hours until next maintenance

[Code] ....

-- Required output view so that at any given point in time I can determine hours remaining
-- AtDate HoursAvailable
-- '01-Jan-2015 15:00' NULL -- before first maintenance hence unknown
-- '10-Jan-2015 10:00' 10.1 -- maintenance hours reset
-- '11-Jan-2015 07:30' 8.9 -- subtract 1.2
-- '11-Jan-2015 11:10' 2.9 -- subtract 6.0
-- '15-Jan-2015 00:00' -0.1 -- subtract 3.0
-- '01-Feb-2015 00:00' 12.2 -- maintenance hours reset
-- '02-Feb-2015 13:00' 10.0 -- subtract 2.2

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Power Pivot :: Calculate Repeated Values

Jun 15, 2015

I have one table

Customer ID; Sort of Transactions;Value
1235 ;Kit;1

Looking for a formula for calculated column, which gives me sum of "Kit" for Customers

1235 ;Kit;1;4

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Transact SQL :: Calculate Minutes In Stored Procedure Using Datediff

May 9, 2015

I needed to create a stored procedure to lock a user who makes 3 incorect entries of his password. I did it successfully. Now the problem what i have is that i want to lock the user  only if he makes the 3 incorrect entries within 30 minutes.

I created a field named "FirstEntryTime" of type datetime  that saves the date of the first incorrect entry.  I tried to make an if statement:

if (@timesOfEntry <=2 AND DATEDIFF(MINUTE, firstEntryTime,GETDATE()) <= 30)
 Update myTable set ...

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Transact SQL :: Calculate Total Working Time Against Attendance ID?

May 16, 2015

I have a table like below

i need to calculate total working time against 'AttID' (where I - intime, O - OutTime)

ex : 

AttID TotalTime
1 08:02:00
2 07:45:00

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Transact SQL :: Calculate Working Days Excluding Weekends

Jun 7, 2015

Iam trying to calculate the number of working days between two dates. Iam getting the uouput as only 1 02 r working days??

select  building_number as SchoolID,building_name as Campus,   count( distinct( CASE  WHEN(( DATEPART(dw, CurDate) + @@DATEFIRST)%7 NOT IN (0,1)) tHEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) as NumberofDaysServed   from   Sales sl join Buildings b on  sl.Building_Num =b.Building_number join students2 s on  s.Student_Number= sl.Student_Num   join Sale_Items SI on   si.UID = sl.UID   where  CONVERT(CHAR(10),CurDate,120) between '2015-05-01' and   '2015-05-07'      and VoidReview <> 'v' and  SI.INum = '1'    group by  building_number,building_name order by building_number,Building_Name;

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Use Alias Name As A Column - Calculate Yearly Finance Values

Feb 25, 2014

I'm using this query to to calculate yearly finance values.

select [Year],[FinanceValue-2014],[FinanceValue-2013],[FinanceValue-2012],[FinanceValue- 2014]-[FinanceValue-2013] as [FinanceValue Variance]

Now I need to multiply the [FinanceValue Variance] * 2.50 and for that how can I use the alias name as column in the query. I tried this but it says invalid column name.

select [Year],[FinanceValue-2014],[FinanceValue-2013],[FinanceValue-2012],[FinanceValue- 2014]-[FinanceValue-2013] as [FinanceValue Variance], [FinanceValue Variance] * 2.50 as [NewVariance] from Finance

SumofVariance output will be like 5690.5893656 Also how can I show the SumofVariance to round off 4 decimal places like this 5690.5894.

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Calculate The Growth Percentage Or Previous Dates Values

Feb 7, 2008

This code displays dates, File name, and File size for four seperate dates 11/20/2007 , 11/30/2007, 12/30/2007 and 01/31/2007 . I'm trying to show the percentage growth from date to date (ie 11/20/2007 -11/30/2007 percentage growth)

is there a way i can get the previous date file size for each entry, so i can have a variable for the calculation. Or i can get the calculate it within this code (ie database_size_mb / ((database_size_md ) where database_size_datetime -1) *100
or whatever the formula is for percentage growth.

Code Snippet
FROM RC_STAT.dbo.Tbl_Database_Statistics AS Tbl_Database_Statistics_1
GROUP BY Database_Size_Datetime, Database_file_name, Database_Size_Mb

this is what it displays now:

2007-11-20 00:00:00.000 ACTReplication_Data 442.5000
2007-11-30 00:00:00.000 ACTReplication_Data 442.5000
2007-12-31 00:00:00.000 ACTReplication_Data 442.5000
2008-01-31 00:00:00.000 ACTReplication_Data 442.5000
2007-11-20 00:00:00.000 ACTReplication_Log 14.8125
2007-11-30 00:00:00.000 ACTReplication_Log 109.7500
2007-12-31 00:00:00.000 ACTReplication_Log 112.9375
2008-01-31 00:00:00.000 ACTReplication_Log 115.5625
2007-11-20 00:00:00.000 BAMArchive 0.6875
2007-11-30 00:00:00.000 BAMArchive 0.6875
2007-12-31 00:00:00.000 BAMArchive 0.6875
2008-01-31 00:00:00.000 BAMArchive 0.6875
2007-11-20 00:00:00.000 BAMArchive_log 0.4922
2007-11-30 00:00:00.000 BAMArchive_log 0.4922
2007-12-31 00:00:00.000 BAMArchive_log 0.4922
2008-01-31 00:00:00.000 BAMArchive_log 0.4922

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Transact SQL :: Convert Comma Separated String Values Into Integer Values

Jul 28, 2015

I have a string variable

string str1="1,2,3,4,5";

I have to use the above comma separated values into a SQL Search query whose datatype is integer. How would i do this Search query in the IN Operator of SQL Server. My query is :

declare @id varchar(50)
set @id= '3,4,6,7'
set @id=(select replace(@id,'''',''))-- in below select query Id is of Integer datatype
select *from ehsservice where id in(@id)

But this query throws following error message:

Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '3,4,6,7' to data type int.

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Calculate Total Tuition By Accumulating Column Values ( Loop?)

Jun 3, 2004

I am trying to create a procedure which will calculate the total tuition
This process involves 3 tables.
Contract table has tuition information which is all $100 (set price).
Discount table has discount type and discount percentage (ex. 0.3) on each discount type.
ContractDiscount table have contract number and discount number to connect both tables

I think I need to create a loop since some contract gets more than one discount.
I have to calculate and get result nee to be like this

total_tuition = (tuition - discountPer * tuition) - this has to be a loop condition

Do you have any suggestion ?


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SQL Server 2012 :: Calculate Total On-peak And Off-values For A Month

Nov 25, 2014

SQL query to calculate the total on-peak and off-values for a month as well as the Max/highest on-peak/offPeak hourly value for that month.

On a daily basis i store the hourly values of the meter in a SQL table.


Summer: Apr-Oct hours(7-22) on weekdays (M-F)
Winter: Nov-Mar hours(8-23) on weekdays (M-F)


Summer: Apr-Oct hours(0-6,23,24); Weekends (Saturday & sunday) ; all public holidays during those months as to be considered as off peak

Winter: Nov-Mar hours(0-7,24);Weekends (Saturday & sunday); all public holidays during those months as to be considered as off peak

Here is the DB Table Structure:

Column Name & Data Types
HourId - Uniqueidentifier
CustomerName - nvarchar(50)
Readingdate - datetime
IntegratedHour - TinyInt
Load - decimal(18,4)
Generation - Decimal (18,4)
LastModified - Datetime
ModifiedBy - nvarchar(50)

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SQL Server 2014 :: Calculate Running Difference In Values Between Days?

Oct 13, 2015

I am trying to write a query to calculate the running difference between data on different dates. Below is what my table of data looks like. Basically I want to calculate the difference between the total_completed for each state and date.

08/27/15CA 19,952
09/11/15CA 26,336
10/02/15CA 35,444
10/08/15CA 38,278

below is what I am trying to achieve:

08/27/15CA 19,952 0
09/11/15CA 26,336 6,384
10/02/15CA 35,444 9,108
10/08/15CA 38,278 2,834

below is my code (I almost have what I need) I just can't figure out how show 0 as the completed_difference for the first Date for each state since there is no prior date to calculate against.

LEFT JOIN TOTAL_COMPLETED T2 ON T1.[Date] = T2.[Date] AND T1.States = T2.States


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Analysis :: Calculate Percentage Difference Of Two Values From Selected Years

Aug 31, 2015

Developing a measure which displays the difference of two values from the selected years.

An example : Show the difference of the sales amount from 2013 and 2015.

Since i am not really into mdx or calculated members.

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