Transact SQL :: Employee Hierarchy In Server

Sep 9, 2015

I want to get the employee hierarchy like tree structure and reportes.

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Reporting Services :: Employee Hierarchy In SSRS

Sep 15, 2015

I have a requirement,Create employee hierarchy(tree structure) with two parameters 1)OrganizationId 2) EmplyeenameIf i select one employee, it should show only the employees reporting to him. URL....I created one level, if i select one employee , i am not able to see the reporties names.

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Reporting Services :: Employee Hierarchy Query In SSRS

Sep 18, 2015

I have one view, i written below query to get employee hierarchy based on orgid and employee name..

If i select employeename it shoukd show employee reporties(under employees and below employee reporties like tree structure)

It is running fast in SSMS Level, but it is taking more time in SSRS(Sql Sever Report Services), If i run this query in SSRS,Some times System not responding. 

Declare @OrgId int
Declare @EName varchar(30)
Set @OrgId=56793
Set @EName='ABCD'
Select EmpId

[Code] .....

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Transact SQL :: Select Last Inserted Value Row ID In Employee Table?

Nov 2, 2015

<g class="gr_ gr_54 gr-alert gr_gramm Grammar multiReplace" data-gr-id="54" id="54">I want</g> to get row number of last inserted into employee table?

How can i get it @@identity function returns null.

is there any way to do it?

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Transact SQL :: How To Write Script For Employee Multiple Punch In

Aug 20, 2015

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[multiple](
[emp_code] [varchar](20) NULL,
[swip_in] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[swipe_in_date] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[swipe_out] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Swipe_out_date] [nvarchar](255) NULL

[Code] ....

I want result like below:
Empcode swip_in1,   swip_out1,    swip_in2,   swip_out2,   swip_in3,   swip_out3

Condition :
1. 24 hrs who are multiple time punched 

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Transact SQL :: Joining A Calendar Table And Employee Table?

Apr 20, 2015

I run into a problem when asking to show a query of employee vacation days.

table 1:
column1  is dates


My query output need to be:


... etc... all the way to 2015-12-31

when i use left outer join, i only record one employee per date.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Employee Status On First And Last Day Of Pay Period

Mar 26, 2015

I have a requirement in a payroll system to show the status of an employee on the first and last day of each pay period. The pay periods are pretty simple, 24 per year starting on the 1st and 16th of each month. The status effective date, however, can occur on any day, not just the first or last day of the pay period. Here's my DDL.

declare @EmployeeStatus TABLE (
[EmployeeID] [int] NOT NULL,
[EmployeeStatus] [varchar](24) NOT NULL,
[EffectiveDate] [date] NOT NULL

[Code] .....

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SQL Server 2014 :: How To Update The Year Employee Has Been In Specific Title

Apr 1, 2014

--===== If the test table already exists, drop it

IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#mytable','U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #mytable

--===== Create the test table with

Title varchar(50),


I am new to this level of coding in SQL SERVER 2012, but I am looking to update the TITLE_YEAR field in the temp table with the Year the employee is in that title. For example for employee 11127 the data should look like this:

3 Senior Consultant 2009-01-01 00:00:00.0001
3 Director 2010-01-01 00:00:00.0001
3 Director 2011-01-01 00:00:00.0002
3 Director 2012-01-01 00:00:00.0003
3 Director 2013-01-01 00:00:00.0004
3 Senior Director 2014-01-01 00:00:00.0001

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SQL Server 2012 :: Find Trend How Employee Makes Sales Every Month?

Jun 7, 2015

How do I find sales trend of an employee via comparing current month and previous month sales?

I got so far query upto following,

;WITH SalesOrderHeader As


I am getting following error:
The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, subqueries, and common table expressions, unless TOP, OFFSET or FOR XML is also specified.

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Hierarchy In Sql Server

Dec 5, 2007

Hello ,

I'm facing a complicated problem and I don't think that the solution will be an easy one.

I have an SQL statement in Oracle which I need to translate it in Sql Server 2005.

select lpad(' ',5*(orderid)) || to_char(descr) as menui
from <table _name>
where MENU_ITEM not in ('test1','test2','test3') and item_parent not in ('test4,'test5,'test6')
start with <item_parent='item_parent' >
connect by prior <menu_item = item_parent and menu_name='something'; > ?(condition)

Somewhere I have read that SQL server does not support Hierarchical Sql statements. Is this true ? How am I going to do that ?

Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you

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Hierarchy Tree In Sql Server

May 15, 2008


do we have hierarchy query in sql like connect by prior in oracle to dispaly values in tree structure

Help needed

Tahnks in advance

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Define A Hierarchy In Sql Script For SQL SERVER 2005

Jan 16, 2007

Good day to all!I have a problem to resolve.Which is the script in sql in order to define one hierarchy of products categories?I have need to define the script for the creation of the table and store procedures (INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE,GET,GETALL).Thanks for the eventual answers !  

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SQL Server 2012 :: Better Way To Query A Hierarchy Table?

Jan 21, 2015

I have a table named 'DepartmentItem' which is designed with hierarchy structure. The column 'ParentId' from table DepartmentItem indicates parent-child relationship and department root among records. I have written and run a user-defined function I use recursive approach, but the function runs slowly.

My question: is there a better way to query that hierarchy table instead of using recursive?

** The current user-defined function that is written using recursive:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnGetDepartmentTree
@departmentItemId int
with DepartmentItemTree(DepartmentItemId , DepartmentItemTypeId , ParentId, ItemOrder, Level)


** And definition of table 'DepartmentItem' :

DepartmentItemId int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
ParentId int NULL, -- Each department root starts when this column is NULL or the current row is department root. If it is not NULL then the current row has ParentId whose record has DepartmentItemId = ParentId of the current row (see more below)
IsActive bit NOT NULL DEFAULT ((1)),

[Code] .....

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SQL Server 2008 :: Clone Hierarchy To Another Table

Apr 4, 2015

I have a table "t_prod_cat" which contains hierarchical data which is used in production to present data.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[t_prod_cat](
[cat_node_id] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[advertiser_id] [bigint] NOT NULL,
[cat_hid] [hierarchyid] NULL,
[level] AS ([cat_hid].[GetLevel]()) PERSISTED,
[cat_node_id] ASC

In order not to impact the production website during the time an advertiser is editing (the editing might take much time and also mainly because at any time during the editing, the advertiser could cancel all the changes he did), I was thinking of transferring all the data linked to that advertiser to another table and let the advertiser apply any modifications up to the moment he will commit the changes.

Therefore, I would like to "CLONE" the hierarchy related to a certain advertiser_id to another table "t_prod_cat_work"

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[t_prod_cat_work](
[temp_cat_node_id] [bigint] NOT NULL,
[temp_cat_hid] [hierarchyid] NOT NULL,
[advertiser_id] [bigint] NOT NULL

What can be the easiest way to clone all the hierarchical data (multi-levels) from 't_prod_cat' to 't_prod_cat_work' for a certain advertiser_id ?

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Website Navigation Hierarchy With SQL Server 2005

Mar 24, 2006

HiI'm trying to convert some verbose SQL Server 2000 T-SQL code that useslots temp tables and the like into a SQL Server 2005 only version,possibly using CTE.What I want to achieve is a menu like that on how you have the top level menu items, and then child nodesexpanded down to the low level page that link sends you to.Table sql:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[NavigationNode]([NodeId] [int] primary key nonclustered,[Text] [nvarchar](150) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,[AlternativeText] [nvarchar](250) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL,[Level] [int] NULL,[ParentNodeId] [int] constraint fk_parent_navnodeforeign key references [NavigationNode] ([NodeId]))Table data:1HomeNULL1NULL2SolutionsNULL113Solutions child1NULL224Solutions child2NULL225ContactNULL116solutions child1 child1NULL337solutions child1 child2NULL338solutions child1 child3NULL339solutions child1 child4NULL3310contact child1NULL25I have started to write some code with the common table expressionsyntax:declare @root int;set @root = 2;WITH Nav([NodeId],[ParentNodeId], [Text], [Level]) AS(SELECT [NodeId], [ParentNodeId], [Text], [Level]FROM [dbo].[NavigationNode]WHERE [ParentNodeId] = @rootUNION ALLSELECT n1.[NodeId], n1.[ParentNodeId], n1.[Text], n1.[Level]FROM [dbo].[NavigationNode] n1INNER JOIN Nav n2ON n1.[ParentNodeId] = n2.[NodeId])SELECT *FROM NavWhich returns:32Solutions child1242Solutions child2263solutions child1 child1373solutions child1 child2383solutions child1 child3393solutions child1 child43However I would prefer to the childnode, and then get parents of thatchild recursively. Doing that would leave me with a result set thatcould add the top level menu items to and have all the data required.Any help is greatly appreciated.-Brian

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SQL Server 2008 :: Converting Adjacency List To Hierarchy Table

Feb 10, 2015

I have been trying to convert an existing table that used adjacency list model (parentid,childid) to a table that use hierarchy Id type. So early on, I notice my original data does contains multiple roots. So I took a step to create dummy nodes to ensure all nodes fall into a single root structure. Another important fact is that each child node can have multiple parents.

My original source table contains 22461 records, when running the query below step 2 produces explosive number of records around 175,000+ records. I spent hours study the result and couldn't understand what actually causing this, I ran it against small set of test data I didn't seem the issue caused by child with multiple parents.

select * from SourceTable -- produces 22461 records

--step 1: first, get row number of child records in each parent

INTO #RelationshipTmp
FROM SourceTable;

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Finding Lowest Level Descendants In Hierarchy

Mar 11, 2015

I've got a fairly large hierarchy table and I'm trying to put together a query to find the lowest level descendants of the hierarchy. I think there must be some way to use the "Breadth-first" approach that's stated in the MSDN technet sites about SQL Server HierarchyID but i'm not sure how to write the necessary T-SQL to traverse that. I know I can get all the descendants of a parent node like this

FROM AdventureWorks2012.HumanResources.Employee
WHERE OrganizationNode.IsDescendantOf(@ParentNode) = 1

However, this query returns all levels for that parent's branch. If I just wanted list of employees that were at the lowest level of the branch(es) for this parent node, how would I do this?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Find All Employee Whose Salary Sum Is 80% Of Sum Of Salary Of All Employees

Aug 14, 2014

Let us assume that there are 100 employee in a company. And sum of salary of all employee is 10000. Find list of highest paid employees whose sum of salary is 8000. Remaining employee will fall in 20% bracket.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Query To Generate Relationship (Parent Child Hierarchy From A Table)

Jul 18, 2015

I am working on a query to generate parent child hierarchy from a table.

Table has below records.

--===== If the test table already exists, drop it
IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#mytable','U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #mytable

--===== Create the test table with

[Code] ...

how to achieve this.l tried with temp tables it doesn't work.

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TOP 1 For Each Employee

Jul 19, 2013

I need to select last order for each employees for homework. I use northwind database for testing. I can solve it by correlated subquery but the professor said me it is not optimized.

select orderid, customerid, employeeid, orderdate
from orders as o1
where orderdate = (select max(orderdate) from orders as o2 where o1.employeeid = o2.employeeid);

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Update Employee ID Throughout Database

Aug 15, 2012

I have a database that has dozens of tables. Many of these tables reference the employee ID.For example tblDaysOff has a column employeeID that is matched on tblEmployees.ID, and there are many such tables.

Now the employee IDs are changing the way they are generated. Instead of a alphanumeric value being stored as a text value, all employee IDs will be uniqueidentifiers stored as text values.The question is, how can I change every instance of "somevalue" in every record in every column where the column name is "employeeID" in every table in the database to "differentvalue" where employeeID = "somevalue"?This is what I have cobbled together from multiple sources ... but there is a syntax error where @max is located.

DECLARE @t TABLE(tRow int identity(1, 1), tSchemaName nvarchar(max), tTableName nvarchar(max))
FROM sys.tables AS t
JOIN sys.columns c ON c.object_id = t.object_id
WHERE LIKE '%employeeID%'


Obviously I don't want to run this and then have to try and recover the database when things go away.

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Sum Quantity With Like Employee And Itemname

Nov 8, 2014

I have a table Item_used like this

Itemname Employee Quantity
pencil samlopez 10
pencil samlopez 5

All I want is to make a report that sum all the quantity of the same items with the same employee like this

Itemname Employee Quantity
pencil samlopez 15

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How To Get Top Three Salary Getters From Table Employee

Mar 1, 2007

Dear All,i want to know how to get top three salary getters from the employee(eid , ename, salary) table
i tried this select  top 3  salary from employee order by salary desc       
but it gives me top three salary record say there is salary 1000,1200,1300,1300,1500then my query return me 1500,1300,1200 whereas i want to 1500,1300,1300,1200
how can i do it
please help

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How To Get All Employees Under Any Perticular Manager Employee !

Jan 31, 2008

I am using SqlServer 2000 with 2.0, I have a table tbl_employees, with fields (empId, empName, empManagerId), with following data...






Now the question is that what should be the single line query or best solution if i want to get all employess under a perticular manager ?For example; Employees under 'A' are (B,C,D,E)    //(C,D,E are also indirectly under A)Emplloyess under 'B' are (C,D & E; E is also under B as his because his managwer 'D' is himself under 'B')
Please advise..Thanks alot.

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Advantages/Disadvantages B/w Being Consultant Vs Employee

Jul 12, 2000

Hi, I would appreicate your opinion/ feed back about Being consultant vs Being employee.

What are the advantages/disadvantages.
Does consultant makes more money than an employee and why so

Thanks for your response

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Monthly Absence Calculation For Employee

May 30, 2012

I need to calculate monthly absence days for an employee using SQL Server 2008.

Need to calculate the number of absence days for each month when start and end of the absence dates are given

INPUT: 01/15/2010 05/25/2010

Jan 16
Feb 28
Mar 31
APR 30
May 25

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Find Junk Patterns In Employee Name

Jul 6, 2012

string starts with 3 digit same number
111 H,777GGG,9999 H etc

string starts with NULL

string that starts with sequential digits
123g,897 k

string that starts with sequential alphabets
abcmki12, ghimkkk, rst123 5 etc

string only one character (digit or letter)

string only has same character repeated 3 times except for OOO

string only has three characters, 1 digit and two letters or 2 digit one letter

string that has only two characters one digit and one letter

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Pull Email Address From Employee ID

Jan 28, 2014

There is a Table DISPLAY_DETAILS in which a Column - DISPLAY_NAME, which displays data in it as :

Joe Barnard(123456);Paul Johnson(114454); - Display as Name(Employee Id).

There is a EMployee Master Table EMP_MASTER Which contains Employee Id and Email Address Columns.

From this: Joe Barnard(123456);Paul Johnson(114454); I need to get the Email Address for these Employee Ids - 123456 and 114454

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Month Wise Employee Count

Apr 26, 2007

Hi Folks,

Please help me in writing a query. I need to get current strength of employee's, monthwise (till each month).

Table Structure

-------- ------- ---------
2006-01-02 SRINIVASA
2006-01-02 KAVITA
2006-01-02 VIVEK
2006-02-20 CHANDRA
2006-02-25 PARIMAL
2006-02-30 SATISH
2007-03-15 SANDEEP

I require the data in the below format..

For the year '2007-2008'

Month Count
----- -----
April(07) 10
May . 10
June . 10
July . 10
August . 10
Sept 10
Oct 10
Nov 10
Dec 10
Jan (08) 10
Feb . 10
March . 10


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Using Employee/Boss Self Referencing Table

Feb 28, 2008

I have an Employee table that has
EmployeeID (PK)
SupervisorID (which is really just another EmployeeID)
..random junk...

Now that part makes sense, everyone gets one and only one boss.

Their boss can change, and therefore the SupervisorID would be updated.

Now I have an EmployeeEvals table that has quarterly evaluation data.

I want to relate these two tables.

Eval table has
EvalID (PK)
ReviewedEmployeeID (the one being evaluated)
SupervisorID (the one doing the evaluation)

Now I need to link this back to the employee table (at least I think I do).

So I would want to relate it by the ReviewedEmployeeID going back to EmployeeID in the employee table and I also want the SupervisorID to do the same...

But of course that won't work because that would seem to indicate that a single record on the Employees table (say EmployeeID 55) should have a matching (or could) record in the Eval table that would look like
EvalID: 12345
ReviewedEmployeeID: 55
SupervisorID: 55

which of course wouldn't happen as an employee wouldn't evaluate themself.

How do I handle the relationships for this properly?

Do I just not link the SupervisorID back to anything?

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Finding Designation Of An Employee On A Given Date

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all,I have two tablesCREATE TABLE [JEMP] ([EMPID] [int] NOT NULL ,[DESIGID] [int] NULL , -- CURRENT DESIGNATION OF EMPLOYEE[DOB] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE TABLE [JPRO] ([PromoID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[EmpID] [int] NOT NULL ,[EffectiveDate] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL ,[NewDesigID] [int] NOT NULL , -- PROMOTED TO DESIGNATION[DesigID] [int] NULL -- PROMOTED FROM DESIGNATION) ON [PRIMARY]GOINSERT INTO JEMP(EMPID,DESIGID,DOB) VALUES(1,1,'1962-03-11 00:00:00')INSERT INTO JEMP(EMPID,DESIGID,DOB) VALUES(2,25,'1980-10-7 00:00:00')INSERT INTO JEMP(EMPID,DESIGID,DOB) VALUES(3,8,'1978-04-05 00:00:00')INSERT INTO JEMP(EMPID,DESIGID,DOB) VALUES(4,7,'1962-07-12 00:00:00')INSERT INTO JEMP(EMPID,DESIGID,DOB) VALUES(5,22,'1973-02-12 00:00:00')INSERT INTO JEMP(EMPID,DESIGID,DOB) VALUES(6,55,'1971-02-12 00:00:00')INSERT INTO JEMP(EMPID,DESIGID,DOB) VALUES(7,11,'1973-09-12 00:00:00')INSERT INTO JEMP(EMPID,DESIGID,DOB) VALUES(8,22,'1975-02-12 00:00:00')INSERT INTO JEMP(EMPID,DESIGID,DOB) VALUES(9,22,'1977-02-12 00:00:00')INSERT INTO JEMP(EMPID,DESIGID,DOB) VALUES(10,23,'1984-07-11 00:00:00')INSERT INTO JPRO(EmpID,EffectiveDate,NewDesigID,DesigID)VALUES(3,'2002-15-11 00:00:00',7,20)INSERT INTO JPRO(EmpID,EffectiveDate,NewDesigID,DesigID)VALUES(3,'2003-03-01 00:00:00',8,7)INSERT INTO JPRO(EmpID,EffectiveDate,NewDesigID,DesigID)VALUES(4,'2002-01-04 00:00:00',20,22)INSERT INTO JPRO(EmpID,EffectiveDate,NewDesigID,DesigID)VALUES(4,'2005-05-01 00:00:00',7,20)INSERT INTO JPRO(EmpID,EffectiveDate,NewDesigID,DesigID)VALUES(5,'2001-10-01 00:00:00',22,23)INSERT INTO JPRO(EmpID,EffectiveDate,NewDesigID,DesigID)VALUES(6,'2001-08-01 00:00:00',55,NULL)INSERT INTO JPRO(EmpID,EffectiveDate,NewDesigID,DesigID)VALUES(7,'2003-10-01 00:00:00',11,8)INSERT INTO JPRO(EmpID,EffectiveDate,NewDesigID,DesigID)VALUES(8,'2001-09-01 00:00:00',22,23)INSERT INTO JPRO(EmpID,EffectiveDate,NewDesigID,DesigID)VALUES(9,'2002-01-05 00:00:00',22,23)INSERT INTO JPRO(EmpID,EffectiveDate,NewDesigID,DesigID)VALUES(10,'2002-11-01 00:00:00',24,25)INSERT INTO JPRO(EmpID,EffectiveDate,NewDesigID,DesigID)VALUES(10,'2003-11-15 00:00:00',23,24)--I wish to find the designation of employee on given date by usingpromotion and master table . I am using the following query to get theresultselect isnull( ( select top 1 newdesigid from JPRO whereempid=1 and effectivedate<'anygivendate' order by effectivedate desc ), (select desigid from empmast where empid=1) )It did give the result but looking for better method to solve this.With regardsJatinder

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Deciphering Employee Shift Data

Feb 11, 2008

Here is my current challenge that I realize I could do a few different ways but nothing efficient or flexible comes to mind. Hoping one of you guys can help me out with an elequent efficient T-SQL script.

Employee workstate information in our system is stored by segment. Segment 1 cooresponds to the entire shift while segments greater than 1 coorespond to subsequent breaks during the shift (Segment 1). i.e.

SegmentNumber SegmentStart SegmentEnd

1 10:00am 06:00pm
2 12:00pm 13:00pm
3 03:15pm 04:00pm

What I would like to do is generate continuous nonoverlapping records. i.e.

SegmentNumber SegmentStart SegmentEnd

1 10:00am 12:00pm
2 12:00pm 13:00pm
3 13:00pm 03:15pm
4 03:15pm 04:00pm
5 04:00pm 06:00pm

*Notice End has changed to match start of first break and so on. Also records have been added to fill gaps between breaks during the shift.

What adds to the challenge is that the segment number for a given employee/report day can be 1 (meaning no breaks) to any number (lots of breaks). The segment start and end times can be any increment. In addition Breaks can be divided into paid time and unpaid time but I imagine given a solution to the above I could apply it to another level down on my own.

Thank you in advance for your help!

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How To Combine 2 Tables Employee And Holiday

Dec 20, 2007

how to
how to combine 2 tables but like this

table 1
table Employee on work
empid basedate shift
12345678 01/04/2007 1
12345678 02/04/2007 1
12345678 03/04/2007 1
12345678 04/04/2007 1
12345678 05/04/2007 1
12345678 06/04/2007 1
12345678 07/04/2007 1
12345678 08/04/2007 1
12345678 09/04/2007 1
12345678 10/04/2007 1

98765432 20/04/2007 1
98765432 21/04/2007 3
98765432 22/04/2007 3
98765432 23/04/2007 5
98765432 25/04/2007 4
98765432 26/04/2007 4
98765432 27/04/2007 4
98765432 28/04/2007 4
98765432 30/04/2007 4
table 2

table Employee on holiday
empid start_date end_date shift
12345678 11/04/2007 31/04/2007 10

98765432 01/04/2007 19/04/2007 10

how to create a view that show me and combine the 2 tables
all month from first day of the month until the end of the month like this
empid basedate shift
12345678 01/04/2007 1
12345678 02/04/2007 1
12345678 03/04/2007 1
12345678 04/04/2007 1
12345678 05/04/2007 1
12345678 06/04/2007 1
12345678 07/04/2007 1
12345678 08/04/2007 1
12345678 09/04/2007 1
12345678 10/04/2007 1
12345678 11/04/2007 10
12345678 12/04/2007 10
12345678 13/04/2007 10
12345678 14/04/2007 10
.................................... ...................add the missing date until the end of the month
12345678 31/04/2007 10

98765432 01/04/2007 10
.................................... ...................add the missing date from the start of the month

98765432 02/04/2007 10
98765432 16/04/2007 10
12345678 17/04/2007 10
98765432 18/04/2007 1
98765432 18/04/2007 10
98765432 19/04/2007 10
98765432 20/04/2007 1
98765432 21/04/2007 3
98765432 22/04/2007 3
98765432 23/04/2007 5
98765432 25/04/2007 4
98765432 26/04/2007 4
98765432 27/04/2007 4
98765432 28/04/2007 4
98765432 30/04/2007 4


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