Transact SQL :: FORMAT Command Failure On Time
Oct 4, 2015The first gives null (on sql 2014); the second works. why?
select format(cast('07:35' as time(0)), N'hh:mm')
select format(cast('07:35' as datetime2(0)), N'hh:mm')
The first gives null (on sql 2014); the second works. why?
select format(cast('07:35' as time(0)), N'hh:mm')
select format(cast('07:35' as datetime2(0)), N'hh:mm')
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),attnc_chkin_dt,101) as INDATE,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),attnc_chkin_dt,108) as TimePart
FROM pmt_attendance
indate 04/18/2015
time part :17:45:00
I need to convert this 17:45:00 to 12 hours date format...
what would be the TSQL in trying to create a new table with date-time format ending via a select into like:
into tblResults_
from qryResult
I have a table which stores date-of-birth in varchar 19861231(yyyymmdd). A view takes this data. I want to store this date as mmddyyyy in the view. How can we achieve this?
View 18 Replies View RelatedI am in need of a format string or simple vb code that can add the local time zone to the end of a time field.. Something like:
9:36 AM EST
9:36 AM PST
This timezone will just come from the machine that the reporting server is on. I don't see this listed as a standard format, and I have come up empty so far in my research - anyone got a solution for this?
Thanks a bunch!
I hope to update a DateTime column value with a Time input parameter. Poor attempt below but it looks like the @ApptTime param is coming in as 10:45:00.0000000 and I might have an existing @SendOnDate as: 2015-10-05 07:00:00.000...I hope to end up with 2015-10-05 10:45:00.000
@QuePoolID int=null
,@ApptTime time(7)
,@SendOnDate datetime
I have a table that has a DATE field named. AccountingDate that is in the format YYYY-MM-DD. It's not a VARCHAR field. I simply want to convert this date field into the format MM/DD/YYYY and call it New_Accounting_Date.
I've played with various combinations of CAST & CONVERT but haven't been able to get it to work.
Below is my latest effort which returns the error:
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'as'
What code would work to return a MM/DD/YYYY value for New_Accounting_Date?
Select GLBATCH.AccountingDate,
convert(GLBATCH.AccountingDate as date),101) AS New_Accounting_Date
When I execute Parent SP, it should Return 1 when Child SP is executed Successfully and Zero when Child SP fail .below are sample SP
I tried several way , but did not get correct syntax to modify Parent SP give 1 or 0 on child SP execution
I am dynamically creating a job using sql script and it does work fine(It creates the job and when it's done it gets deleted as it's created dynamically. so I won't be having any job history at all in the system.). I want to update an existing table if the jobs fails and I am not sure how I can do that using t-sql script. Is that possible?I have an idea but not sure whether it works. In the job create script, can I include the code for if the job fails then go to step 2 and update the table column with the error??? If so, how can I retrieve the error???
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to do the above using the Reporting Services Configuration Manager and I can't even connect. I get the error Provider Load Failure.
Anyone got any pointers?
Hi all,
Just a quick question, I've got an execute SQL task in the control flow and just want to know if anyone knows how to make it time out like you can do with OLEDB commands in the data flow. if it's sitting there waiting for something I want it to fail after x seconds.
I am writing below query to pull from customer table.
select * from Customer where SrNo in (Select distinct SrNo from Orders)
This is doing an exact match of SrNo in Orders table SrNo is part of string and can occur at any place in that string. I want to use the like command.
Please see below example.
from Customer
where SrNo
my local instance of reporting services is named and therefore I think causing me a problem when I issue the following command to set up an unattended account...
rsconfig -s localhostinstance name -e -u domain nameuser name -p password
the message I keep getting is "No Reporting Services instance found on local host.". I tried a couple of things including replacement of the word localhost with my computer name but to no avail. I tried single and double quotes around the -s parameter but no success.
Anybody know how to do this?
I want to calculate the Total_Cost and get the result of the formula from SELECT Query. Following is the formula of Total_Cost. I have declared variables for formula. How I can create SELECT/RUN query successfully for mathematical calculation to calculate the Total_Cost.
--Formula of Total_Cost = [min (price, Pay1) x Interest1 + max (min (price - Pay1, Pay2), 0) x Interest2 + Max ((price - Pay2), 0) x Interest3, LMT]
declare @price numeric(18,7)=255550
declare @Pay1 numeric(18,7)=645500
declare @Pay2 numeric(18,7)=235000
declare @Interest1 numeric(18,7)=0.05500
declare @Interest2 numeric(18,7)=0.03533
declare @Interest3 numeric(18,7)=1.00000
declare @LMT numeric(18,7)=10000.00
Select [min (@price, @Pay1) x @Interest1 + max (min (@price - @Pay1, @Pay2), 0) x @Interest2 + Max ((@price - @Pay2), 0) x @Interest3, LMT] as Total_Cost
I am looking for a way to retrieve the time from a Sql 2000 database in the format of hh:mm AM or PM. I am storing the information as a "datetime" data type. If I only supply the time (such as 02:30 PM) then the date defaults to 12/30/1899. When I read the information from the database I get "1899-12-30 14:30:00:000".
If I enter 02:30 PM I would like to get 02:30 PM.
I have tried various convert functions in Sql, maybe there is a way to format with an ASP.Net datetime function but I need help to get the information back in the right format.
Thx In Advance
I am taking datetime value from a table MA and separating date and time by using CONVERT function.
CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), MA.ArrivalDate, 101) AS ArrivalDate, '
CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), MA.ArrivalDate, 108) AS ArrivalTime,
but my ArrivalTime is coming as 13:01:00. I want to convert this time as 1:01:00. I have to do this conversion in my stored proc, not in my code. can you help ..? Thanks
I have TIME stored in the column as
Required output :
I need to get its as in 24 hrs (not required seconds)
I am also require without semicolon Ex:1612
Many Thanks in advance
we have a column in database named "time" but it stores value as VARCHAR(9) datatype,
when i display the "time" field (let us say "time" value is 07:54 AM) on reports, it displays the value as it is (07:54 AM)
but i need the value to be displayed as 7:45 AM on the reports.
how can i do that ?
field in the database is TIME (varchar(9))
07:45 AM must be displayed as 7:45AM
12:34 PM must be displayed as 12:34 PM
I tryed to write a function in sql reports properties code which acceptes array of charecters and depending up on the value of left most charecter of recieved array it will return charectr string back, but coulded get it worked
could you please help me for solution
Below the Error Log Reported in SQL Agent (64 bit SQLServer 2008R2 Enterprise Edition Service pack 2 ,32Core CPU Numa Node and 64GB Ram
[298] SQLServer Error: 10054, TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. [SQLSTATE 08S01]
[298] SQLServer Error: 10054, Communication link failure [SQLSTATE 08S01]
[165] ODBC Error: 0, A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct and if SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections.
For more information see SQL Server Books Online. [SQLSTATE 08001]
[382] Logon to server '(local)' failed (ConnUpdateStartExecutionDate)
I have been searching for a means to change the System Failure Error Check policy that comes as part of the Best Practice policies. I want to look back 24 hours. The WQL query shipped with the policy doesn't have a WHERE clause component that looks at TimeGenerated. That query looks like:
IsNull(ExecuteWql('Numeric', 'rootCIMV2', 'select EventCode from Win32_NTLogEvent where EventCode=6008 and Logfile="System"'), 0)
After searching for an example of how to do this and not finding any that are specific to PBM, I decided to fall back to a very basic approach - use wbemtest.exe to try out where clause additions and see how they work, then plug the result into the policy and see if it works. As a start, I tried the following query using wbemtest.exe:
select Event Code
from Win32_NTLogEvent
where EventCode = 6008
and Logfile = 'System'
and TimeGenerated > '20130101010000.000000–000'
This works great in wbemtest.exe. My next step was to plug this into the policy condition expression as follows: IsNull(ExecuteWql ('Numeric', 'rootCIMV2', 'select EventCode from Win32_NTLogEvent where EventCode=6008 and Logfile="System" and TimeGenerated > "20130101010000.000000–000"'), 0)
When I try to manually evaluate this policy in SSMS, I receive an "Invalid Query" error message.I assume that SWbemDateTime isn't available to use inside Policy Based Management policies. All the examples of how to handle the kind of dynamic date creation I have seen are for use in PowerShell, VBScript, or SSIS. I've played with using DateDiff, DateAdd, and GetDate inside the query string, with no success.
Why does the ExecuteWql above fail?Is it at all possible to dynamically generate a datetime (say, 24 hours ago) as part of the query string parameter of the ExecuteWql call?What might that look like?
Hello, the following code works perfectly in SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 Express over WinXP but when run against an instance of SL Server2005 Express over Win2003Server, the first time Command.Execute is invoked returns no error (even though no action seems to be take by the server), subsequent calls return the error -2147217900 couldn't find prepared instruction with identifer -1 (message may vary, it is a translation from may locale)
Any ideas?
Code Block
Public Sub Insert_Alarm(sIP As String, nAlarm As Long)
Static cmdInsert As ADODB.Command
Static Initialized As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHndl
If Not Initialized Then
Set cmdInsert = New ADODB.Command
Set cmdInsert.ActiveConnection = db
cmdInsert.Parameters.Append cmdInsert.CreateParameter("IP", adVarChar, adParamInput, Len(sIP), sIP)
cmdInsert.Parameters.Append cmdInsert.CreateParameter("Alarm", adInteger, adParamInput, , nAlarm)
cmdInsert.CommandText = "insert into ALARMS(date_time,ip,alarm,status) values (getdate(),?,?,1)"
cmdInsert.CommandType = adCmdText
cmdInsert.Prepared = True
Initialized = True
End If
cmdInsert.Parameters(0).value = sIP
cmdInsert.Parameters(1).value = nAlarm
Exit Sub
End Sub
So every time i run a DBCC command like DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS and DBCC INDEXFRAG, the query executes and goes on for ever. When i do a sp_who2 i notice that my DBCC SPID goes to sleep mode with high CPUTime and High DiskIO's. i also noticed that my server has no activity, no inserts, no updates and no select statements running by other users. Why cant i run a DBCC command?
You thoughts and suggestions are highly appreciated!
Thanks in advance
THE LADDERS (The Most $100k+ Jobs.)
I have to send an array, which are generated in C++ (or C#) to an SQL-INSERT. Something like this:
// a and b are my arrays//:a=A,B,C,D.....//:b=1,2,3,...
Is there any way to do something like my prototype in MS SQL Server? If yes how should be my INSERT?
In a select statement a date field contains 1/1/2004 3:00:00 AM.In my select statement how do I get the field to show as 1/1/04?
I want ot get time just like this : 8:40:15 AMI am using
select convert(varchar(12),getdate(),8) to get this but this function return 24 Hrs format.
How to achive this by using small coding.
I have a sql table setup with a date field and a time field. They are both set to datetime.
In my net form, the date is entered as a date and gets added the the SQL table OK.
My problem is the time field. If i enter it straight into the SQL table as say 2pm, it adds it correctly as 2:00:00 PM.
When I try to enter the time through my webform, the time gets added ok, but it places the date in the field as well to look like 14/04/2004 2:00:00 PM, I only want the time part of the field.
My code to add the time to the SQL table is as follows,
.Add(New SqlParameter("@time", SqlDbType.DateTime)).Value = txttime.txt
How do I remove the date from the time field.
Dear all,
i have one table that colum is
164020 ---- that on convert into hh:mm:ss like 16:40:20
advance thanks
When I edit the recurring job schedule for a job, I try to set a job run
in daily frequency at 11:00 am . But I can only edit the field in "11:00:00" and it always run at 11:00pm. Can someone know to set it run at 11:00am.
In SQL Server 2000 we are loading data into a smalldatetime field. The file is being loaded from a text file that contains the date in the following format: 07/24/2000 16:08
The problem occurs when the data is as follows: 04/28/2000 14:60
Microsoft SQL Server6.5 was forgiving and would translate this to 15:00 upon load but SQL Server2000 is failing with the Invalid Time Format error.
Can anything be done to force SQL Server 2000 to recognize this?
Thank you,
What do you think of a query that generates aSystem.Data.SqlClient.SqlException when submitted via a application,but when run through QueryAnalyzer or EnterpriseManager doesn'tgenerate a error? Here are 2 examples of the query:SELECT table1.*,table2.field1,table2.field2,table2.field3 FROMtable1,table2 WHERE table1.field1 = table2.field1 ANDtable1.field2='103' ANDtable2.TStamp > '12/19/2005 12:20:14 PM' ORDER BY table2.TStampSystem.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '12'.SELECT table1.*,table2.field1,table2.field2,table2.field3 FROMtable1,table2 WHERE table1.field1 = table2.field1 ANDtable1.field2='103' ANDtable2.TStamp > '12/8/2005 8:29:43 AM'ORDER BY table2.TStampSystem.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '8'.I believe the error is referencing the hour portion of the timestamp.When I run these queries through QA/EM I don't get a result set ... somaybe those apps just trap the exception and ignore it. Still, seeanything wrong with the TStamp?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to retrieve a date time field from SQL server. The format I want it to be retrieved is:
YYYY/MM/DD-hh:mm:ss:lll (l = millisec)
example '2006/06/21-15:26:39:994'.
Can somebody please tell me how to do it. I know how to do it in Oracle, but not in SQL server.
I have a DateTime parameter called End Date set up with a default value eg =DateAdd("s",-1,Today). When I preview, the default value appears as 19/09/2006 23:59:59, which is fine.
However, when the report is deployed, it is displayed as 19/09/2006 11:59:59 PM. This would also be fine, except when the user changes the date using the calendar, it converts the time back to 24 hour time - eg 19/09/2006 23:59:59. Then when the report is run, it converts the time format back to AM/PM again.
Also, I have a Start Date Parameter, with a default value of 12:00AM today. I would like this to be displayed as 19/09/2006 12:00AM in the Start Date parameter text box, however reporting services will not display the 12:00AM part. Using FormatDateTime in the Default value will return a string and cause an error. I don't want to change the parameter to a string and lose the date picker.
Any ideas,
PS Getting the Date/Time settings changed on the reporting server would be extremely difficult!
I have these values
in int format , now i want to convert them to hh:mm:ss tt format in sql. How can this be done ? I have used this query
declare @nvsDateTime int;set @nvsDateTime = 100;
select convert(datetime, convert(varchar(10),CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,120) + ' ' + stuff(ltrim(@nvsDateTime),3,0,':') ) AS Answer
But it is only converting 100 and 1300 but not 900 and giving me this error :
Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 2
The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.