I have a separate list of calendar years with radiocarbon year equivalents in SQL server but no conversion equation. Most but not all of the data I have is in radiocarbon years. I thought at first I could just link the tables but I don't want the data that is already in calendar years to be linked to this conversion table. Is there any way I can either link the two tables with criteria for which data is linked (Only ages that are in radiocarbon years). Or possibly a way to query all ages that are in radiocarbon years and do something similar to a find and replace with a large list of numbers to change?
I have a string and i want to get only the numbers from right.
For example if I have the string Like '123756zxfggr123456' then it will show me only 123456 or if i have the string like '4vbz67xfggr123dfd' then it will show me only 123 or if i have the string like '123756zxfgg43r5' then it will show me only 5.
I got a function where it gives me all the numbers in a string but I don't need that
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_GetNumeric (@strAlphaNumeric VARCHAR(256)) RETURNS VARCHAR(256) AS BEGIN DECLARE @intAlpha INT
[Code] ....
If I ran the select statement it gives me the result 111123456 but i want only 123456 or if i select
SELECT dbo.udf_GetNumeric('111zxfggr6587fhhfkwee') AS 'Num' it will show me 6587.
There are plenty of scripts to do this on a per-DB level, but any that will allow me to generate a script for all DB's at once? Mine are split across dozens and it would be much easier to do a loop (using MS_ForeachDB ? )
I'm trying to find a specific string (a name) and replace it with another inside of a VARCHAR(7000) field. Unfortunately, there are names like Ted and Ken that I'm trying to replace. I would like to leave words like Broken, admitted, etc... intact.
UPDATEtbl SETBody = LEFT(REPLACE(tbl.Body, pm.OldFirstName, p.FirstName), 7000) FROM Table tbl JOIN Person p ON p.PersonID = tbl.PersonID JOIN PersonMap pm ON pm.PersonID = p.PersonID AND LEN(pm.OldFirstName) > 2 WHEREtbl.Body LIKE '%[^a-z]'+pm.OldFirstName+'[., ]%
'The problem I'm running into is that the '[, ]%' in the LIKE excludes any record that ends with the FirstName because it is requiring either a space, comma or period after the name. Is there some way to add an empty string to the list of acceptable characters as that would cover any scenario in the data? I would prefer not to add all characters except space, comma and period, but I guess I could do that.
I'm trying to replace special characters in SQL SERVER and all the solutions for this RDBMS that I found, it uses loops and the source of my data it's in Oracle. in ORACLE and they use REGULAR EXPRESIONS to solve it..Do you know what its the better option to replace special characters? Using loops in SQL SERVER or REGULAR EXPRESSIONS in ORACLE ?
I have following query which return me SP/Views and Functions script using:
select DEFINITION FROM .SYS.SQL_MODULESNow, the result looks like Create proc create procedure create proc create view create function
I need its result as:
Alter Procedure Alter Procedure Alter Procedure Alter View Alter Function
I used following
select replace(replace(replace(DEFINITION,'CREATE PROCEDURE','Alter Procedure'), 'create proc','Alter Procedure'),'create view','Alter View') FROM .SYS.SQL_MODULESto but it is checking fixed space like create<space>proc, how can i check if there are two or more spaces in between create view or create proc or create function, it should replace as i want?
To ensure I don't leave orphans floating around in tables when records get deleted (values from one record might link to values in another) how do I find and possibly replace values in tables?For example, if I have a unit of measure table and want to delete the value "inches", how do I look in other tables to find this value and give the user the option to cancel or clear it out. If I don't it will cause controls bound to that value like the dropdownlist to throw an error.
Does anybody know how to search through all stored procedures (in SQL Server 2000) and find and replace text without having to open each one individually in Query Analyzer and doing so one at a time?
That would be so time consuming. I want to be able to change my table names, but I have so many stored procedures allready using the old names. To go and find each name and replacing them is a task I don't want to even try and do.
Wondering if anyone may have any advice on how to do this?
I need to do Find/Replace of text in a varchar field so that it looks for text I want then it replaces that text with the new text and updates the field with that specific change, leaving everything else intact.
acutally due to certain reason i have changed the few tables name in my database, but now i m facing problem in my software, i have alot of procedures and function as well in my database and these are using old table name, Is there any script that i can use to replace the name of the tables. i have checked few procedure/function in which i use table name with different style like [dbo].[tablename] and in some places i just use only [tablename].
I would like to change a column name, but before doing so would like to search all SPs and Views for occurrences of that name. I would be happy with just a list of them, but even cooler would be the ability to change all the occurrences to the new name.
I am looking for a good global find and replace utility for SQL Svr. I have tried the Speed Ferret demo which seemed to work well but did not address code outside of the databases such as DTS. Does anybody know of a utility that can go beyond databases?
Please help me with the sql script to manipulate the string data:
I need to add <Text> at the beginning and end of the string. I also need to add <option> before the first and after last occurence of the <Option> string. The original string
I have a database that is pre-populated with sequential part numbers.As people reserve the parts I update a flag to show the # is no longeravailable. Now they want the ability to take out a block of "x"number of sequential part numbers - say for example 5.If my database had the following numbers available:101104105110111112113114It should return 110 thru 114 and then I would write an update queryto change the flags to 1 (checked out).I have only been able to return the first "x" number of records - havenot been able to make sure they are stepped sequentially - with thefollowing:SELECT ID_ITEM From PARTNO_CHKOUT_SPECIAL M Where (Select Count(*)FROM PARTNO_CHKOUT_SPECIAL NWHERE N.ID_ITEM <= M.ID_ITEM) >= 0 AND TYPE_REC=1 ANDFLAG_CHECKED_OUT=0 {maxrows 5}The above would return 101, 104, 105, 110, 111I tried using an (N.ID_ITEM+1)-M.ID_ITEM=0 to try stepping and geterrors, probably incorrect syntax. Can I do this in an SQL statement?
I have a table called MessageBoard. It has a column called Messages. A user can type text including any html tags through a text area ans when he saves it by clicking a button, the content typed by the user is saved in the MessageBoard Table (in the Messages) column. So once saved, the html tags are kept intact. If I have to find and replace certain html tags, what kind of SQL Query I have to write? For example I want to find all the <pre> </pre> tags and replace it with <p> </p> tags. How do I do this?
Hello all, Being a relative newbie to large scale MSSQL development, I'd like to try and find out if there is some sort of utility, command or stored proc that I can use to globally change all text within my database's stored procedures.
For example... I would like to change a table name from dbo.xtable... to dbo.ytable... Is this possible?
Actually, I'd be happy with some way to search through all my stored procs to find a specific string (i.e. xtable in the example above).
We have over 200 variants of the above, but following the same syntax (@step_name, Dbname, @Command etc...
1) Note the unique identifier "~Z0x5F4F7B0688825E7544AC46CFD664F98AC". I would like it replaced for whatever is between "@step_name = N'" , and @command = N'DTSRun ; (this will form a filename).
2) Note the 'DTSRun /' string. I'd like that replaced with Dtexec /F "D:MyFileLocationFolderHere" (this folder remains constant).
Let’s say in one field there is the "year" as an integer 2010, and in another field is the "month" as an integer 11. How can you concatenate them and not add them?
Essentially the result I'm looking for based on the example would be this: 201011 but I still want this to be an integer and not a string.