Transact SQL :: Find Parts Matching In Inventory
Sep 15, 2015
We have an application where we want to check to see if the vehicle part on a job matches to our internal parts inventory (PartsInventory table) before we order it. The problem is that sometimes the part number matches exactly and sometimes the part number has '-' or space but if those are removed, will match to our internal part number. Below is what I have so far but it only matches exact part numbers. One example would be if our part number was 1013738-00-C but the job (in RepairOrderLines) had a part number of 101373800C we should consider it a match. Both PartNumbers are varchar(30).
SELECT dbo.PartsInventory.PartNumber, dbo.PartsInventory.PartDescription, dbo.PartsInventory.VehicleMake
FROM dbo.PartsInventory INNER JOIN
dbo.RepairOrderLines ON dbo.PartsInventory.PartNumber = dbo.RepairOrderLines.PartNumber INNER JOIN
dbo.RepairOrder ON dbo.RepairOrderLines.RecordID = dbo.RepairOrder.RecordID INNER JOIN
dbo.Vehicles ON dbo.RepairOrder.VehicleID = dbo.Vehicles.VehicleID AND dbo.PartsInventory.VehicleMake = dbo.Vehicles.VehicleMake
WHERE (dbo.RepairOrderLines.RecordID = 46001)
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Apr 30, 2015
I would like to know how I could code so that I can get the ending inventory of each day. The following is my data
INSERT INTO #TEMP VALUES ('01/01/2015', 1 , '01/05/2015')
[Code] ....
So my query results should be something like this:
InventoryDate Received Sent Ending
1/1/2015 4 1 3
1/2/2015 5 0 8
1/3/2015 3 2 9
1/4/2015 0 4 5
1/5/2015 0 5 0
TOTAL 12 12
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May 8, 2015
how to measure a change in inventory over various stores. My sql2008R2 express db gets a new row of data everyday from each store(about 40 stores) for a single product stock count "OnHand" and if there is any new stock on order. When the new stock arrives it is added to the "OnHand" count. I want to measure the delta change per day,per store. I'm stuck on how to separate the stores and how to query the delta of stock.My data base looks like this
TimeStamp Store
OnHand OnOrder
2015/04/22 18 1 - Concord
2015/04/23 11 1 - Concord
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Oct 3, 2015
To setup some data in some new tables in t-sql 2012, I need to create a relationship between 2 tables were data is obtained from an inventory file. The inventory file will be loaded to sql server 2012 from an excel spreadsheet.
1. Columns that will be loaded to the first table are:
1. Inventory category number,
2. Inventory date,
3. Inventory Category total amount, and
4. Inventory category quantity on hand.
This table will have a column called Item number. This will need to be the value of item number that is in the second table.
2. Columns that will be loaded to the second table are:
1. Item Number,
2. item date,
3. Item price, Item quantity on hand.
Thus can you show me the sql that will load the table into both tables? This sql would also need to show how to obtain the values of item number from the second table and place that value into the first table.
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Jul 2, 2014
I'm trying to use a recursive query to find path between assembly and parts.
The BOM is similar to(I've limited the number of rows and lines):
BOM NumberMat Number
How should I modify it so that is returns the 4 path?
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May 7, 2015
In a stored procedure I have 2 dates that I need to combine parts of into a third date. I need the year from date1 and the month/day from date2.
Date1 = '2015/6/1'
Date2 = '2016/1/1'
Date3 needs to be '2015/1/1'
I have been messing around with datepart and dateadd with no luck.
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May 6, 2006
Users have to answer 17 simple yes/no questions and the answers are stored in an column for each question as tinyint 0/1 values.
At least that's what seems reasonable to me at the moment.
The table is under my control so I could change it if needed.
Now from several tenthousend or maybe hundreds of thousends of entries I need to find those with the closest match. Of course, I need all of the entries that have the exact same answers and this is no problem. But - at least if there are not enough full matches - then I need all records that have maybe 16,15,14... matches out of the 17 answers.
I have not yet the idea on how to handle this without quering 17*16 different answer schemes.
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Apr 11, 2006
Given an ID (column B), I need to find which IDs have identical data.That is, given '200', I want the desired result to be:100The idea is that the system sees that id=200 has 5 records with theindicated data in cols C and D.It should then find any other ids with the exact same data for thosecolumns.Note, in this case, both 200 and 100 have (30:1, 30:2, 30:3, 40:4,40:5) so they match. 300 and 400 should NOT be returned.Any bright ideas out there? Thanks!DECLARE @a TABLE(A int, B int, C int, D int)DECLARE @b TABLE(A int, B int, C int, D int)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (1, 100, 30, 1)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (2, 100, 30, 2)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (3, 100, 30, 3)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (4, 100, 40, 4)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (5, 100, 40, 5)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (6, 200, 30, 1)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (7, 200, 30, 2)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (8, 200, 30, 3)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (9, 200, 40, 4)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (10, 200, 40, 5)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (11, 300, 30, 1)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (12, 300, 30, 2)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (13, 300, 40, 3)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (14, 400, 40, 4)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (15, 400, 40, 5)SELECT * FROM @a
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Aug 10, 2015
I have two tables in my database. Some matching rules are associated with these tables and I want a query which will retrieve those data based on the matching rules provided below:
Table 1 & Table 2 contains the following data:
First Name
Last Name
Start Date
End Date
I want this output by writing a single query.
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Oct 29, 2007
I have a table called MessageBoard. It has a column called Messages.
A user can type text including any html tags through a text area ans when he saves it by clicking a button, the content typed by the user is saved in the MessageBoard Table (in the Messages) column. So once saved, the html tags are kept intact. If I have to find and replace certain html tags, what kind of SQL Query I have to write?
For example I want to find all the <pre> </pre> tags and replace it with <p> </p> tags. How do I do this?
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Oct 19, 2007
Hello All,
I have one table that contains information about invoices.
However I need to find out if invoice numbers have been used more than once.
I've tried to join the table to itself and find matching numbers, however I can't seem to get it to work properly.
Any help will be appreciated.
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Aug 9, 2007
Let's say I have a list of IDs called EntryID and each EntryID can belong to ONE table out of a group of six, what is the best way to get a listing of these?
For example:
select r.*
from #Reminders r
left join mytable1 mt1 on (r.EntryID = mt1.EntryID)
left join mytable2 mt2 on (r.EntryID = mt2.EntryID)
left join mytable3 mt3 on (r.EntryID = mt3.EntryID)
left join mytable4 mt4 on (r.EntryID = mt4.EntryID)
As you can see, #Reminders has one field called EntryID (and many rows).
In my example above, only ONE of those tables will actually be able to join but I have no idea which one has the matching EntryID.
What is the best way for me to do this? I want to grab "ReportStatus" from the corresponding "mytable"... (each "mytable" has a ReportStatus column)
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May 6, 2015
I'm developing a Lottery system. Here are some background information:
- Total 48 numbers
- Draw 6 numbers + 1 extra number
- each Bet select 6 numbers
And the Prize:
Selected Matched
Extra number Matched
[Code] ...
Below is my proposed table design (simplified):
Draw table
Primary Key
[Code] ....
There will be millions of Bet for a Draw. I need to write a stored procedure to check which bets won the 1st ~ 7th prizes. How to write a query to match the bets with the draw result? The query should be run within 1 minute. And should I change my table design?
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Apr 25, 2015
We were asked to fix a query to get rows from a prior year history table that did not match to rows in the current year to show a variance from one year to the next. Rows must match on [corpnbr],[plincd],[pgrpcd] and [pitmcd]. If the combination has rows in the current and prior year ([hstyr]) then everything is fine. However, if they have rows in the prior year (e.g. [hstyr]='2014') but not in the current year (e.g. [hstyr]='2015') then they do not show in the result. Below is how they designed the table and below that is the stored procedure to pull the records.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[BillingHistory](
[BillingHistoryID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[entity] [varchar](4) NULL,
[plincd] [varchar](3) NULL,
[pgrpcd] [varchar](4) NULL,
[pitmcd] [varchar](4) NULL,
[newplincd] [varchar](2) NULL,
[Code] ....
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Sep 22, 2015
I've two audit tables, AUDIT_ORDERS and AUDIT_ORDER_LINES.
The AUDIT_ORDERS has these columns: AUDIT_ID, ORDER_ID, AUDIT_DATE and other ones.
The AUDIT_ORDER_LINES has these columns: AUDIT_ID, ORDER_ID, ORDER_LINE_ID, AUDIT_DATE and other ones.
I need to join these two tables in order to select for each order line row the first order having the related audit date lower than or equal to the audit date of the related order line.
I don't want to use the TOP 1 clause or a subquery. I think to complete a such statement:
SELECT OL.Order_Line_ID, O.Order_ID, OL.Audit_Date, O.Audit_Date
on OL.Order_ID = O.Order_ID and O.Audit_Date <= OL.Audit_Date ...
I'd like to get the first row of the Audit_Orders with audit_date <= of the audit_date of the Audit_Order_Lines table by using the join clause.
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Aug 11, 2014
I have a patient record and emergency contact information. I need to find duplicate phone numbers in emergency contact table based on relationship type (RelationType0 between emergency contact and patient. For example, if patient was a child and has mother listed twice with same number, I need to filter these records. The case would be true if there was a father listed, in any cases there should be one father or one mother listed for patient regardless. The link between patient and emergency contact is person_gu. If two siblings linked to same person_gu, there should be still one emergency contact listed.
Below is the schema structure:
Person_Info: PersonID, Person Info contains everyone (patient, vistor, Emergecy contact) First and last names
Patient_Info: PatientID, table contains patient ID and other information
Patient_PersonRelation: Person_ID, patientID, RelationType
Address: Contains address of all person and patient (key PersonID)
Phone: Contains phone # of everyone (key is personID)
The goal to find matching phone for same person based on relationship type (If siblings, then only list one record for parent because the matching phones are not duplicates).
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Oct 6, 2015
Consider the following: I have a table, say ORDERS, with these entries -
2 2
3 1,2
4 4
5 1,2,3,4,5,CAN
6 10
8 1,CAN
I'd like to write a script to return only those rows WHERE ProductID = CAN along with other values in the same column. In this example, I'd like to return rows 5 & 8. How can I write this in T-SQL? So, say, check if ProductID has a comma ',' value plus the 'CAN' string. If yes, then return that row. If I use the LIKE operator, it'll return rows 1,5,7, and 8.
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Aug 10, 2015
I have two queries as below;
SELECT EventID, Role, EventDuty, Qty, StartTime, EndTime, Hours
FROM dbo.tblEventStaffRequired;
SELECT EventID, Role, StartTime, EndTime, Hours, COUNT(ID) AS Booked
FROM tblStaffBookings
GROUP BY EventID, Role, StartTime, EndTime, Hours;
How can I join the results of the two by matching the columns EventID, Role, StartTime and EndTime in the two and have the following columns in output EventID, Role, EventDuty, Qty, StartTime, EndTime, Hours and Booked?
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Jun 29, 2015
I have tables and a function as representated by the code below. The names for objects here are just for representation and not the actual names of objects. Table RDTEST may have one or multiple values for RD for each PID. So the function GIVERD will return one or multiple values of RD for each value of PID passed to it.
When I run the following query, I get the required result except the rows for CID 500 for which PID is NULL in table T1. I want the rows for CID 500 as well with PID values as NULL.
[Code] ....
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Oct 25, 2015
I have a temp table like this
ID int,
Source varchar(50),
Date datetime,
CID varchar(50),
Segments int,
Air_Date datetime,
Getting Error
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure PublishToDestination, Line 34 Incorrect syntax near 'd'.
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May 11, 2015
I need to generate a script where it should check the tables of a database from one server to another server(If server 1 database XYZ has 10 tables then server 2 database XYZshould match 10 tables). If the tables matches then truncate tables data and insert the data from one server 1 database XYZ to server 2 database XYZ. If tables does not matches, then it should check and create that tables which are not matching.
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Feb 4, 2007
Hi All
I have a strange request that might not be possible based on the laws of relational databases but I thought I'd give it a try.
I have three tables which for simplicity I will call A, B and C. Table A contains my master records, Table B contains user details and the final table contains some extra data
In my initial search when joining A and B, I return 100 records. I then need to search in table C for these 100 records based on a criteria. the expected result should return all 100 rows for the ones that match and also the ones that do not match. The problem is that in Table C, not all the 100 IDs exist, so there will not be a corresponding record. Unfortunately, our users still want to see all 100 records in the output. Is this possible
As always any help or direction would be appreciated.
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Nov 8, 2015
i have a table below like :
Id , Request
int nvarchar(100)
and in Request field i put below data :
1 <request><F3>353535</F3><F6></F6></request> 2 <request><F5>353535</F5><F6></F6></request>3 <request><F3>353535</F3><F6></F6></request>
now i need to a query that i can find records that exists <F3> and if exists , remove just the <F3> tag
below like :
1 <request><F6></F6></request> 2 <request><F5>353535</F5><F6></F6></request>3 <request><F6></F6></request>
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Oct 27, 2015
I have a table that has Serial numbers and MSDSID numbers and many other fields in the table.
What I need to figure out is if the table contains a distinct Serial number with different MSDSIDs.
So If I have in the table
Serial MSDSID Date Size...
001 20 1/1/2015 5
002 21 1/1/2015 3
001 22 2/1/2015 1
003 21 3/1/2015 1
004 23 1/15/2015 5
003 22 1/20/2015 6
004 23 2/21/2015 5
002 21 4/25/2015 4
I would like the results to show:
Serial Count
001 2 the count is 2 because Serial 001 has an MSDSID of 20 and 22
002 1 the count is 1 because Serial 002 only has MSDSID 21
003 2 the count is 2 because Serial 003 has an MSDSID of 21 and 22
004 1 the count is 1 because Serial 002 only has MSDSID 23
It would be even better if the results just showed where the count is greater than 1.
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Jul 19, 2015
I want to send an email twice a day, from database. So I have planned to make a storedproce which will be called by a job (which will select some record from one table and put it in other table based on a flag) but I want to run it in a transaction so that if email is send successfully then only it should commit else it should rollback.
How can i find that "Mail queued" now i should commit.
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Oct 20, 2015
I have looked around quite a bit, but mostly what I have found is looking to see if a table is used or if a column is in a stored procedure and honestly most of what I have seen does not work.
I want to reduce our nightly import by removing any columns that are not being used. We insert into our staging tables, Stage1 for example. And say Stage1 has column1 and column2. If those columns are not being used, then I want to remove them from Stage1. The only catch is that every Stage1 table has a v_Stage1. v_Stage1 should have all the columns from Stage1, but doesn't always. So I need to know what columns from Stage1 are used somewhere other than v_Stage1 and what columns from v_Stage1 are not used.
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Jun 12, 2015
create table example (f varchar(10))
insert into example values('fd')
insert into example values('fd')
insert into example values('fd1')
insert into example values('fd23')
insert into example values('fda23')
insert into example values('fd23g')
How to write SQl query to fetch this type of output.
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Jul 23, 2015
I am having trouble trying to find the max of 2 columns in one table. I've tried using a common table expression and a subquery, but can't seem to get the correct results. I want to get the max from refnum, then the max "number" associated with that max refnum along with the date and decision
IDCustomerRefnumnumberdate decision
Customer 1 had a max of refnum of 2 and 1st one on number
IDCustomerRefnumnumberdate decision
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Oct 26, 2015
I am working on one logic. I have a table as below.
Declare @Table table (ID int, StartDate datetime, EndDate datetime)
Insert Into @Table (ID, StartDate, EndDate)
Values (1, '2013-01-01', '2013-12-31')
, (1, '2014-01-01', '2014-06-30')
, (2, '2014-01-01', '2014-07-31')
, (2, '2014-08-02', '2014-08-30')
select * from @Table
I need as below.
ID, StartDate, EndDate
1, '2013-01-01', '2014-06-30'
2, '2014-01-01', '2014-07-31'
2, '2014-08-02', '2014-08-30'
Means If ID is same for two or more than two records then difference between first row's EndDate and second row's StartDate is 1 day then we should get one record as output. How can we built this logic in T-SQL ?
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May 10, 2015
I have this data as below. I need to find out the combination from the data and take a count of them
( nRef INT,
nOrd INT,
Token INT,
nNode INT,
sSymbol VARCHAR(50),
nMessageCode INT
( nReferenceNumber,nOrderNumber,nTokenNumber,nML,nNode,sSymbol,nMessageCode )
(1, 101, 1001,0,2,'SILVER',13073),
if you can see, the rows with column nRefNo 1 and 3 are same i.e. with same combination of Symbol viz. Silver and Castorseed. How to get this combination together and then take count of them. Please note i will be dealing with more than 5 million rows.
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Aug 20, 2015
How Do we find how many ROWS REPLICATED to subscriber at specific interval ?
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Oct 22, 2015
I have heard about fn_dblog() function, Is it possible to find a transaction in a backup using fn_dblog() function?
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Jul 15, 2015
I have 2 tables .Lets Say tableA and tableB.Both Have Columns ClaimNumber,Amount. Now, to get the matched records for these 2 tables, i wrote the following query Select * from tableA A Inner Join tableB B on A.ClaimNumber = B.ClaimNumber and A.Amount = B.Amount This query works perfectly fine and gives me only matching records, however if i want to have records which match with ClaimNumber and not with Amount i wrote something like this
Select * from tableA A Inner Join tableB B on A.ClaimNumber = B.ClaimNumber and A.Amount <> B.Amount.
And this query produces wrong results, its giving me match and also non match records.
how to write a query for my non match condition?
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