Transact SQL :: Getting Random Rows From Table / Two From Each Group
Sep 2, 2015
I am using Sql Server 2008 R2.I have a existing query that basically says
Select Top 50 Subscriber_ID, Member_Name, Group_ID
from my_table
order by rand(checksum(newid()))
However the client now wants to have at least two from each group_id. There are 17 different groups. When I run this as is I get about six of the 17 groups in the results. How can I change this to get at least two results from each group_id?
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Apr 30, 2015
I have a table Transaction that looks something like the following :
Currency Credit Debit
1 USD 500 0
2 Afcu 6000 0
[Code] ....
I write query like this
select SUM(credit)-SUM(Debit)as [Balance] ,Source from Transaction group by Source
And it came like
Balance Source
1500 USD
6000 Afcu
6800 INR
7000 Pfc
-200 AUD
But I also want to add Afcu , Pfc with USD and want output like
Balance Source
14500 USD
6800 INR
-200 AUD
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Jun 15, 2015
I'm trying to add random dates to date column in existing table, but these need to be week days (Mon-Fri).I'm a beginner in TSQL, worked with MS Access many years - in Access I used to do something a bit different:
Table had ID, I gave a date it would start from (31/08/2015) and then range of ID to apply new date:
UPDATE table1 SET table1 .date = DateAdd("d",(Int((5*Rnd([ID]))+1)),#31/08/2015#)
WHERE (((table1 .ID) Between 1 And 5456));
This was applying random dates in range of 31/08/2015 + 5 days, so I could give a starting date of Sunday to get random dates populated over given IDs from Monday to Friday.Now, how can I do it in TSQL?I have a table with ID and dates column. I would like to apply new random dates from some range, but making sure they will be week days.
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Jun 9, 2015
How can I add a group number to the following query?
For example, I want to be able to have all rows that have Category = 'Field Sales' and Division = 'CA BDM' to be given a unique group number (GN):
RN ReportDate Category Division TotalBalance
-------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------------
1 2015-06-08 Field Sales CA BDM 299743154.3912
2 2015-06-07 Field Sales CA BDM 299765954.0354
3 2015-06-01 Field Sales CA BDM 297902654.4172
1 2015-06-08 Key Accounts Life Office 49954981.74
2 2015-06-07 Key Accounts Life Office 50016989.22
3 2015-06-01 Key Accounts Life Office 50169967.26
4 2015-05-31 Key Accounts Life Office 50169918.01
GN RN ReportDate Category Division TotalBalance
-------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------------
1 1 2015-06-08 Field Sales CA BDM 299743154.3912
1 2 2015-06-07 Field Sales CA BDM 299765954.0354
1 3 2015-06-01 Field Sales CA BDM 297902654.4172
2 1 2015-06-08 Key Accounts Life Office 49954981.74
2 2 2015-06-07 Key Accounts Life Office 50016989.22
2 3 2015-06-01 Key Accounts Life Office 50169967.26
2 4 2015-05-31 Key Accounts Life Office 50169918.01
i.e. each combination of Category+Division results in a new GN.
The query is:
selectROW_NUMBER() over (partition by Category, Division order by ReportDate desc) 'RN'
, ReportDate
, Category
, Division
, sum(BalanceGBP) as 'TotalBalance'
FROM FlowsAndOpenings
group by ReportDate, Category, Division
order by Category, Division, RN
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Jul 24, 2015
I have a SQL script to insert data into a table as below:
INSERT into [SRV1INS2].BB.dbo.Agents2
select * from [SRV2INS14].DD.dbo.Agents
I just want to set a Trigger on Agents2 Table, which could delete all rows in the table , before carry out any Insert operation using above statement.I had below Table Trigger on [SRV1INS2].BB.dbo.Agents2 Table as below: But it did not perform what I intend to do.
/****** Object: Trigger Script Date: 24/07/2015 3:41:38 PM ******/
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Sep 3, 2015
I have 2 table (Employee T0 & Employee Absense T1), T0 & T1 use Employee Code to connect.
In T0, I have EmployeeCode, Location Code, Shift Code & Hour Rate....,
T1 has EmployeeCode, Date, Quantity ...,
How to write a query to get summary of
T1.[Quantity] * T0.[Hour Rate] as AbsHR group by T0.[Location], T0.[Shift] ?
so the result has [Location], [Shift], [Date], [AbsHR] 4 column.
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Oct 31, 2007
I have a table, Table1 with 3 columns as follows: colItemKey, colGrouping1, colGrouping2.
colItemKey is the primary key. Say colGrouping1 has 4 different types: Grp1A, Grp1B, Grp1C and Grp1D and colGrouping2 has 5 as follows: Grp2A, Grp2B, Grp2C, Grp2D and Grp2E. How do I setup my select so that the result set is as follows:
Grp2A Grp2B Grp2C Grp2D Grp2E
Grp1A nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn
Grp1B nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn
Grp1C nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn
Grp1D nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn
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Jun 13, 2007
How do i group 2 table rows?
I have a report with a table and it has 58 rows, in some of the rows i am displaying the data like this
Roth contribution (Heading)
data for the roth contribution.
So depending on the options checked sometimes the heading Roth contribution is at the end of the page and the data is the next page. so how can i group 2 table rows together.
I have tried clicking on the 2 rows and grouping it, but nothing seems to appear in the report..
any help will be appreciated.
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Apr 8, 2008
I'm no expert at SQL, I can't figure out how to solve that problem.
The following statement:
SELECT TeamMemberId, max(MonthId) as MonthId
FROM Position
INNER JOIN [Month] m
INNER JOIN [Year] y ON m.YearId = y.Id AND (y.Id = @yearId OR y.Id < @yearId)
ON m.Id = Position.MonthId
GROUP BY TeamMemberId
TeamMemberId MonthId
1 14
6 20
which is exactly what I want: The greates MonthId for each TeamMember in a specific year.
But I need more data for this postition, like the PositionName.
But the statement:
SELECT TeamMemberId, max(MonthId) as MonthId, PositionName
FROM Position
INNER JOIN [Month] m
INNER JOIN [Year] y ON m.YearId = y.Id AND (y.Id = 2 OR y.Id < 2)
ON m.Id = Position.MonthId
GROUP BY TeamMemberId, PositionName
TeamMemberId MonthId PositionName
1 2 ***. d. Geschäftsführung
6 20 ***. d. Geschäftsführung
1 14 CEO
6 16 CEO
The red rows are the ones I wanna get.
How can I achieve that only the max. MonthId rows are returned, even when I need to select more columns?
Any help is much appreciated.
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Aug 15, 2015
I am using stored procedure to load gridview but problem is that i am not getting all rows from first table[ Subject] on applying conditions on second table[ Faculty_Subject table] ,as you can see below if i apply condition :-
Then i don't get all subjects from subject table, how this can be achieved.
Sql Code:-
ALTER Proc [dbo].[SP_Get_Subjects_Faculty_Details]
@Class_Id int
[code] ....
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Jun 17, 2015
I have a SQL query like this
select CurrencyCode,TransactionCode,TransactionAmount,COUNT(TransactionCode) as [No. Of Trans] from TransactionDetails where CAST(CurrentTime as date)=CAST(GETDATE()as date) group by TransactionCode, CurrencyCode,TransactionAmount order by CurrencyCode
As per this query I got the result like this
CurrencyCode TransactionCode TransactionAmount No.OfTrans
AED BNT 12 1
[Code] ....
But I wish to grt result as
CurrencyCode TransactionCode TransactionAmount No.OfTrans
AED BNT 13 2
AED SNT 11 7
[Code] ....
I also tried this
select CurrencyCode,TransactionCode,TransactionAmount,COUNT(TransactionCode) as [No. Of Trans]
from TransactionDetails where CAST(CurrentTime as date)=CAST(GETDATE()as date)
group by TransactionCode order by CurrencyCode
But of course this codes gives an error, but how can I get my desired result??
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Jun 10, 2015
Matrix table has ID column and data below.
ID Flag TestDate Value Comment
111 2 12/15/2014 7.5 null
222 2 Null 10 received
Matrix_Current table could have 1 or multiple rows as below.
ID Flag TestDate Value Comment
111 2 01/26/2015 7.9
111 2 02/23/2015 7.9
111 2 04/07/2015 6.8
222 1 null 8 test comment 1
222 3 null 9 test comment 2
When I run below update
SET M.Flag = MC.Flag, M.TestDate = MC.TestDate,
M.Value = MC.Value, M.comment = MC.Comment
FROM dbo.Matrix M inner join dbo.Matrix_Current MC on M.ID = MC.ID
Matrix table has value below:
ID Flag TestDate Value Comment
111 2 01/26/2015 7.9
222 1 Null 8 test comment 1
I want to update Matrix table from all row from Matrix_Current, final table would like below:
ID Flag TestDate Value Comment
111 2 04/07/2015 6.8
222 3 Null 9 test comment 2
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Sep 15, 2015
I have a question regarding the total count of the table rows
Select count (name) from test. Lets say I have got 200 count. And Select count (lastname) from test1.I have got 200.And this counts I should store it in "There are nn name items awaiting your attention and nn pending lastname's awaiting your approval".
So now I have to store the count in 'nn'.
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Apr 17, 2012
I have a table for example like following
DECLARE @tmpTable table
name varchar(10),
address1 varchar(10),
phnno varchar(10),
mobno varchar(10)
INSERT INTO @tmpTable(name,address1,phnno,mobno)
[Code] ....
I want to remove all empty rows like row 1,2 and 3 in the above example.
I can't check all columns null values as there are many columns in my actual table.
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Sep 10, 2015
I am a newbie to Sql server and i am having a task where my current table with always two rows existing and ID column as primary key looks like below:
ID PlateNo Type Image Name
27 455 User img1.jpg
32 542 Alternative img2.jpg
And i want a sql query to modify my table so that the data should be like as shown below:
ID PlateNo Type Image Name
27 542 Alternative img2.jpg
32 455 User img1.jpg
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Jul 21, 2015
I have a table with more than 1000 records. The columns look like this
Import id | Reference | Date | Username | Filename
Some of the rows are duplicates except for the fact that they have different values for the first column alone (import id)
11111 test 21-07-2015 xxxxxx yyyyyy
22222 test 21-07-2015 xxxxxx yyyyyy
Is it possible to delete these kind of duplicate rows by ignoring the import id ?
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Jul 29, 2015
Copy out all data from a DB table into/across delimited text file(s) ensuring that each text file size is no more than 3MB.Have created a SSIS solution where it achieves this requirement ..well sort of achieves the requirement ... Here it what the current solution (sparing the minute details) does in a nutshell & Problems with it:
1) Created a function (Script below) which finds the
maximum row size in bytes in a given DB table & uses it to calculate
how many rows can be copied out into a text file without exceeding 3MB size limit.
For instance: A DB table selected had 788 rows in total and this function for this particular table returned a value of 181 rows { select [dbo].[udf_GetRowPartitionNumber](‘<TableName>’)as #ofRowstoPartitionTableby --181} meaning in order to not exceed the requirement of 3MB per text file, we had to copy all the data from DB table across (create) 5 text files {Select
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Aug 11, 2015
I have a table with the following fields:
ID (int, identity)
Name (nvarchar(255))
Block (nvarchar(50))
Street (nvarchar(255))
Floor (nvarchar(50))
Unit (nvarchar(50))
Address1 (nvarchar(255))
Address2 (nvarchar(255))
I want to iterate through the table and populate Address1 as [Block] [Street] #[Floor]-[Unit].If the 'Floor' field contain a number < 10 (e.g., '8'), I want to add a '0' before it (e.g., '08'). Same for Unit.How would I do this using cursors (or other recommended method)?
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Apr 17, 2015
I've a table with more columns and 1 identifier. I need to write this table when a modified row is detecting respect to the columns not to the identifier.
So I've created a temporary table to put the potential rows to write on the real table, but I want to detect the modified rows. I've thought to use the checksum function, but I don't know how to use it and if it could be useful in this scenario.
Moreover, in the temporary table I've collected daily the rows to write: the first day a row could have a value respect to his columns, the next day a different value and the next one the same value respect to the first day.
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Aug 27, 2015
i have following table columns and i want to convert these all columns into row
[Code] ....
required output looks like
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May 6, 2006
Are there any way to execute a procedure and return N random rows?
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Dec 1, 2015
Lets say we have a table (tblProducts)
ID Item RandomNumber
1 JEANS 1234567
2 SHIRT 72813550
3 HOOD Null
4 TROUSER 72191839
I want to perform a query so that SQL should look for RandomNumber Values and set a Unique Random Number Where RandomNumber Value is Null or 0.So I have got a solution as one of the MSDN Member shared the below query
select id,item,RandomNumber=Case when RandomNumber=0 then (select floor(rand()*100000000-1))
when RandomNumber is null then (select floor(rand()*100000000-1))
else RandomNumber end from tblProducts
So, can you all confirm me, that performing this query ensures that if a Value is assigned to one of the Item in RandomNumber Column, that value will not be assignend to any other Item in RandoNumberColumn.
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Dec 2, 2015
This question is extension from the topic Updating table Rows with overlapping dates: [URL] .....
I am actually having a table as following:
Table Name: PromotionList
Note that the NULL in endDate means no end date or infinite end date.
ID PromotionID StartDate EndDate Flag
1 1 2015-04-05 2015-05-28 0
2 1 2015-04-23 NULL 0
3 2 2015-03-03 2015-05-04 0
4 1 2015-04-23 2015-05-29 0
5 1 2015-01-01 2015-02-02 0
And I would like to produce the following outcome to the same table (using update statement): As what you all observe, it merge all overlapping dates based on same promotion ID by taking the minimum start date and maximum end date. Only the first row of overlapping date is updated to the desired value and the flag value change to 1. For other overlapping value, it will be set to NULL and the flag becomes 2.
Flag = 1, success merge row. Flag = 2, fail row
ID PromotionID StartDate EndDate Flag
1 1 2015-04-05 NULL 1
3 2 2015-03-03 2015-05-04 1
5 1 2015-01-01 2015-02-02 1
The second part that I would like to acheive is based on the first table as well. However, this time I would like to merge the date which results in the minimum start date and End Date of the last overlapping rows. Since the End date of the last overlapping rows of promotion ID 1 is row with ID 4 with End Date 2015-05-29, the table will result as follow after update.
ID PromotionID StartDate EndDate Flag
1 1 2015-04-05 2015-05-29 1
3 2 2015-03-03 2015-05-04 1
5 1 2015-01-01 2015-02-02 1
Note that above is just sample Data. Actual data might contain thousands of records and hopefully it can be done in single update statement.
Extending from the above question, now two extra columns has been added to the table, which is ShouldDelete and PromotionCategoryID respectively.
Original table:
ID PromotionID StartDate EndDate Flag ShouldDelete PromotionCategoryID
1 1 2015-04-05 2015-05-28 0 Y 1
2 1 2015-04-23 2015-05-29 0 NULL NULL
3 2 2015-03-03 2015-05-04 0 N NULL
4 1 2015-04-23 NULL 0 Y 1
5 1 2015-01-01 2015-02-02 0 NULL NULL
Should Delete can take Y, N and NULL
PromotionCategoryID can take any integer and NULL
Now it should be partition according with promotionid, shoulddelete and promotioncategoryID (these 3 should be same).
By taking the min date and max date of the same group, the following table should be achieve after the table is updated.
Final outcome:
ID PromotionID StartDate EndDate Flag ShouldDelete PromotionCategoryID
1 1 2015-04-05 NULL 1 Y 1
2 1 2015-04-23 2015-05-29 1 NULL NULL
3 2 2015-03-03 2015-05-04 1 N NULL
4 1 NULL NULL 2 Y 1
5 1 2015-01-01 2015-02-02 1 NULL NULL
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Sep 17, 2015
I have been tasked with writing an update query to update a table with more than 150 million rows of data. Here are the table structures:
Source Tables :
[OC] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[DATE FIN] [date] NULL,
[Code Article] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[INSERTION] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Code] ....
The update requirement is as follows:
DECLARE @Counter INT=0 --This causes the @@rowcount to be > 0
while @@rowcount>0
SET rowcount 10000
update r
set Comp=t.Comp
[Code] ....
The update took more than 48h and didn't terminate , how to accelerate it ?
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Nov 4, 2015
Existing table structure is below:
Table name: Student
Columns in Student are below:
Combination of Student_Id, Subject_Id and Quarter columns is the primary key. One student can take one subject in a quarter. Now the new requirement is a student can take multiple subjects in a quarter. So need to add another table like below:
NEW table name: Student_Subject and
column are below:
All the above three columns combination is primary key.
After the new table Student_Subject created,
remove Subject_Id column
from Student table.
When the user clicks on a button after selecting multiple subjects and provide col1 and col2 data then one row gets inserted into Student table and multiple rows gets inserted into Student_Subject table.
Is there any other table design that satisfies one student can take multiple subjects in a quarter?
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Jun 30, 2015
I have a temp table with the following columns and data
drop table #temp
create table #temp (id int,DLR_ID int,KPI_ID int,Brnd_ID int)
insert into #temp values (1,2343,34,2)
insert into #temp values (2,2343,34,2)
insert into #temp values (3,2343,34,2)
I use the rank function on that table and get the following results
select rank() over (order by DLR_ID,KPI_ID,BRND_ID ) Rown,* from #temp
I am interested only in Rown and Id columns. For each Rown number, I need to get the min(ID) in the second column and the duplicate ID should be in 3rd column as shown below.If i have 3 duplicate IDs , I should have 3 rows with 2nd column being the min(id) and 3rd column having one of the duplicate ids in ascending order(as shown in Rown=6)
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Jul 16, 2015
We have control table which will be useful whether we need to start the job or not. If we are starting the Job we will make it to 1.
Below is the Table Structure.
Table Name IN_USE_FG
Now we have different packages for 4 tables data loading. These 4 packages will start at a time. Before going to load the data we have to make the Flag to 1 and after that we have to load it. Because of this we have written Update statement to update the Value to 1 in respective Package.
Now we are getting dead lock because we are using same table at a same time. Because we are updating different records.
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Jul 29, 2015
In a t-sql 2012 sql update script listed below, it only works for a few records since the value of TST.dbo.LockCombination.seq only contains the value of 1 in most cases. Basically for every join listed below, there should be 5 records where each record has a distinct seq value of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Thus my goal is to determine how to add the missing rows to the TST.dbo.LockCombination where there are no rows for seq values of between 2 to 5. I would like to know how to insert the missing rows and then do the following update statement. Thus can you show me the sql on how to add the rows for at least one of the missing sequence numbers?
SET LKC.combo = lockCombo2
FROM [LockerPopulation] A
JOIN TST.dbo.School SCH ON A.schoolnumber = SCH.type
JOIN TST.dbo.Locker LKR ON SCH.schoolID = LKR.schoolID AND A.lockerNumber = LKR.number
[Code] ....
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Nov 4, 2015
Windows Server 2003 R2 - Enterprise - SP2 - 32 Bit
SQL Server 2014 Express - 32 Bit
Problem: I have a calculated field on a PO table that adds up item prices on an Item table to get the total PO value. This works as expected until there are at least 10 rows in the PO table. From the 10 row on the calculated field stops working and only shows 0.
I have experienced this before and it seems like calculated fields break on the 10th row of a table and onward.
My PO table
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Quote_Number] [varchar](max) NULL,
[Customer] [varchar](max) NULL,
[CustomerPO] [varchar](max) NULL,
[PO_Received_Date] [datetime] NULL,
[Total_PO_Value] [decimal](18, 2) NULL,
[Code] ....
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Sep 28, 2007
I need to build an SQL query, which generates the random rows priority wise.
I found this on following article.
Can anyone test it?
In addition, tell me.
Is it good or have a bug?
If anyone have the better query then please tell me.
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Jan 23, 2008
Iam developing online test using ASP.NET,C#.NET.Now my doubt is test takers should get random questions from the database sqlserver2005.Already i ve inserted 10 question into the database.I ve used NEW ID() .But questions are repeating.I am new commer in to IT industry .Provide me with code.Given below is my code.I can retrive questions from the database now but cannot get in random order.protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
{Label10.Visible = false;
Label9.Visible = false;if (!IsPostBack)
{if (Session["id"] == null)
{Session["id"] = 1;
}Session["ans"] = 0;SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"server=123-9181FF31362SQLEXPRESS;user id=sampleu;pwd=Sampleu2;database=n;");
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from n3 where sno='" + Convert.ToInt16(Session["id"].ToString()) + "' ", con);SqlDataReader re;
re = cmd.ExecuteReader();while (re.Read())
Label1.Text = re[0].ToString();
Label2.Text = re[1].ToString();
Label3.Text = re[2].ToString();
Label4.Text = re[3].ToString();
Label5.Text = re[4].ToString();
Label6.Text = re[5].ToString();string sss = re[6].ToString();if (sss == "nil")
Panel1.Visible = true;Panel2.Visible = false;
{Panel1.Visible = false;Panel2.Visible = true;
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{string Answer = "";if (RadioButton1.Checked == true)
{Answer = "A";
}else if (RadioButton2.Checked == true)
{Answer = "B";
}else if (RadioButton3.Checked == true)
{Answer = "C";
}else if (RadioButton4.Checked == true)
{Answer = "D";
}else if (RadioButton5.Checked == true)
{Answer = "True";
}else if (RadioButton6.Checked == true)
{Answer = "False";
}SqlConnection con1 = new SqlConnection(@"server=123-9181FF31362SQLEXPRESS;user id=sampleu;pwd=Sampleu2;database=n;");
string ss = Session["id"].ToString();SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand("select Answer from n3 where sno='" + Convert.ToInt16(Session["id"].ToString()) + "' ", con1);
SqlDataReader re1;string result1 = "";
re1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader();if (re1.Read())
result1 = re1[0].ToString();
//Session["ans"] = 0;if (Answer == result1)
{Session["ans"] = (Convert.ToInt16(Session["ans"].ToString()) + 1);
Session["id"] = (Convert.ToInt16(Session["id"]) + 1);
RadioButton1.Checked = false;RadioButton2.Checked = false;
RadioButton3.Checked = false;RadioButton4.Checked = false;
RadioButton5.Checked = false;RadioButton6.Checked = false;
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"server=123-9181FF31362SQLEXPRESS;user id=sampleu;pwd=Sampleu2;database=n;");
con.Open();SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from n3 where sno='" + Convert.ToInt16(Session["id"].ToString()) + "' ", con);SqlDataReader re;
re = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (re.Read())
Label1.Text = re[0].ToString();
Label2.Text = re[1].ToString();
Label3.Text = re[2].ToString();
Label4.Text = re[3].ToString();
Label5.Text = re[4].ToString();
Label6.Text = re[5].ToString();string sss = re[6].ToString();if (sss == "nil")
Panel1.Visible = true;Panel2.Visible = false;
{Panel1.Visible = false;Panel2.Visible = true;
re.Close();int s = Convert.ToInt16(Session["id"].ToString());if (s == 11)
Label10.Text = Session["ans"].ToString() + " / " + "10";Label9.Visible = true;
Label10.Visible = true;
//int x = Convert.ToInt16(Session["ans"].ToString());
//int y = (x/10) * 100;//y = Label10.Text;
////// SqlConnection con6 = new SqlConnection(@"server=123-9181FF31362SQLEXPRESS;user id=sampleu;pwd=Sampleu2;database=n;");
////// con6.Open();
////// SqlCommand cmd6 = new SqlCommand("SELECT CONVERT(int, 10*RAND()) from n3 where sno='" + Convert.ToInt16(Session["id"].ToString()) + "' ", con6);
////// SqlDataReader re6;
////// re6 = cmd6.ExecuteReader();
////// //select top 5 * from Employee order by NEWID()
//////// SELECT FirstName,LastName
////////FROM Person.Contact
////// while (re6.Read())
////// {
////// Label1.Text = re6[0].ToString();
////// }
////// con6.Close();
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Sep 23, 2004
As a part of my unpaid internship, I am creating a ASP.NET interface for a MS SQL Server 2000. The table I am having problems with has over 750,000 rows by 26 columns. There isn't a primary key. It stores a transaction dump from another primitive Database server.
When perform a query I get one set of results. I run the same query again after a short wait and the rows returned are in a different order. The majority of the rows returned are the same ones returned in the previous query. Only, some rows may be missing and the order may change.
I really wasn't surprised by some duplicate rows. I am confused why they are showing up in a different order and the above mentioned inconsistancy in results.
I thought I was having problems with my Repeater Control; however, SQL Query Analyzer returns the same results.
What is causing the problem?
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May 26, 2008
I have 2 tables, Artists and Artworks.
I have a query:
SELECT TOP (4) dbo.Artists.ArtistID, dbo.Artists.FirstName + ' ' + dbo.Artists.LastName AS FullName, dbo.Artworks.ArtworkName, dbo.Artworks.Image
dbo.Artworks ON dbo.Artists.ArtistID = dbo.Artworks.ArtistID
This query returns random images, but the artists are sometimes repeated.
I would like to have DISTINCT Random Artists returned, each with a random image. I tried various subqueries, but I just get error messages.
Any help would be appreciated.
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