Transact SQL :: How To Remove All Unused Parent Value
Sep 25, 2015
I have a table contain ProductMaster and it is using in multiple table like sales,purchase,inventory,production and many of other tables. i want delete all product which are not using in any child table.
Given the sample data and query below, I would like to know if it is possible to have the outcome be a single row, with the ChildTypeId, c.StartDate, c.EndDate being contained in the parent row. So, the outcome I'm hoping for based on the data below for ParentId = 1 would be:
1 2015-01-01 2015-12-31 AA 2015-01-01 2015-03-31 BB 2016-01-01 2016-03-31 CC 2017-01-01 2017-03-31 DD 2017-01-01 2017-03-31
declare @parent table (Id int not null primary key, StartDate date, EndDate date) declare @child table (Id int not null primary key, ParentId int not null, ChildTypeId char(2) not null, StartDate date, EndDate date) insert @parent select 1, '1/1/2015', '12/31/2015' insert @child select 1, 1, 'AA', '1/1/2015', '3/31/2015'
1. For U_ID = 1, we have two diffrent U_NM and for one U_NM we have 2 child data. Need to show parent data order by U_ORD and need to show child data within their parent order by U_DT
2. For U_ID = 2, we don't have child data, hence need to show data order by U_ORD only
SELECT 1 AS U_ID, 'Plan' AS U_NM, '06/01/2015' AS U_DT, 1 AS U_ORD, NULL AS P_U_NM UNION ALL SELECT 1, 'Cust Plan 2', '06/05/2015', 0, 'Plan' UNION ALL SELECT 1, 'Cust Plan 1', '06/10/2015', 0, 'Plan' UNION ALL SELECT 1, 'Design', '06/15/2015', 2, NULL UNION ALL SELECT 2, 'Plan', '06/20/2015', 1, NULL UNION ALL SELECT 2, 'Design', '06/25/2015', 2, NULL
I am using the following code to get the next immediate parent of a customer in the hierarchy and it works fine. However, it works only for one customer at a time (i made this a scalar function and I pass the customer id as shown below).
How can I modify this so that i can get each customer and its next immediate parent (all of them in one shot in a single data set)?
WITH my_cte (CustomerID, ParentID, Level) AS ( SELECT CustomerID, ParentID, 0 AS Level FROM [dbo].MyTable WHERE CustomerID = @CustomerID
UNION ALL SELECT CustomerID, ParentID, Level + 1 FROM [dbo].MyTable e INNER JOIN my_cte AS cte ON e.CustomerID = cte.ParentID )
select CustomerID from my_cte WHERE Level <> 0 AND Level = (SELECT MIN(Level) FROM my_cte WHERE Level <> 0)
We have 2 different U_ID (1, 2) and I want a SELECT query to display,
1. For U_ID = 1, we have 2 parent U_NM (Design & Plan) and Plan having 2 child (Cust Plan 1 & Cust Plan 2). 2. I want to display parent U_NM ORDER BY U_ORD 3. If any parent having child element, then need to show immediately under that parent and ORDER BY U_DT 4. For U_ID = 2, we don't have any child, hence display ORDER BY U_ORD
I have used Aasim Abdullah's (below link) stored procedure for dynamically generate code for deletion of child tables based on parent with certain filter condition. But I am getting a output which is not proper (Query 1). I would like to have output mentioned in Query 2.
Link: [URL]
--[Patient] is the Parent table, [Case] is child table and [ChartInstanceCase] is grand child
--When I am deleting a grand child table, it should be linked to child table first followed by Parent
--- Query 1
DELETE Top(100000) FROM [dbo].[ChartInstanceCase] FROM [dbo].[Patient] INNER JOIN [dbo].[Case] ON [Patient].[PatientID] = [Case].[PatientID] INNER JOIN [dbo].[ChartInstanceCase] ON [Case].[CaseID] = [ChartInstanceCase].[CaseId] WHERE [Patient].PracticeID = '55';
--Query 2
DELETE Top(100000) [dbo].[ChartInstanceCase] FROM [dbo].[ChartInstanceCase] INNER JOIN [dbo].[Case] ON [ChartInstanceCase].[CaseId]=[Case].[CaseID] INNER JOIN [dbo].[Patient] ON [Patient].[PatientID] = [Case].[PatientID] WHERE [Patient].PracticeID = '55';
how to modify the SP 'dbo.uspCascadeDelete' to get the output as Query 2
The query repeats the Header row value for all children associated with the header.I need the output of the query in XML format such that..For every Header element in the XML, all its children should come under that header element//I am using -
SELECT Cols FROM Table Names FOR XML PATH ('Header'), root('root') , ELEMENTS XSINIL
This still repeats the header for each detail (in the XML) , but I need all children for a header under it.I basically want my output in this format -
I need to write recursive query to find child of a parent until the last leaf. Below is my code.
;WITH Parent AS( SELECT [ParentID],Value FROM[DynamicColsValues_TP1] WHEREValue IS null UNION ALL SELECT t1.[ParentID],T1.Value, FROM DynamicColsValues_TP1 t1 INNER JOIN Parent t2 ON t1.[ParentID]=t2.[ParentID] ) SELECT * FROM Parent option (maxrecursion 0)
When I execute this code. It is returning me millions of rows. Whereas i have only 20 rows in a table max 40 rows it should return.
I'm getting data from a flat file and there is space before few values. I'm unable to remove that space through replace or LTRIM. How to remove these spaces.For E.g.
i have a data base sql Server .I wrote a stored procedure or attach my database but it is attached in read only mode how can remove read-only.
this is my stored procedure.
create procedure attache as declare @trouvemdf int declare @trouveldf int if exists (select name from sysdatabases where name='Gestion_Parc')
[Code] ....
i try this EXEC sp_dboption 'Gestion_Parc', 'read only', 'FALSE' but it causes those error
Msg 5120, Level 16, State 101, Line 1 Unable to open the physical file "C: Gestion_Parc.mdf". Operating system error 5: "5 (Access is denied.)". Msg 5120, Level 16, State 101, Line 1 Unable to open the physical file "C: Gestion_Parc_log.ldf". Operating system error 5: "5 (Access is denied.)". Msg 945, Level 14, State 2, Line 1
I am trying to bulk update about 50,000 rows in a SQL table. The values that the table MUST contain are:
1-3 days 4-7 days 8-10 days
Some of the rows contain a space between the number and the hyphen like:
1 - 3 days 4 - 7 days 8 - 10 days
What would be my best methodology of removing the space between numerics only? I have seen multiple examples of how to remove ALL whitespace, but I only want to remove the space between the numbers and the hyphen *IF* it exists. And the field type is varchar(200)
I have a table that "Geography" that has the following columns: city, state, zip
There are tons of duplicate cities in this table. I ran this query and it shows me the number of occurrences of each city. I want to delete all the duplicates except for 1. I don't want to do this manually as there are a lot of records.
What would the SQL look like to delete the duplicate records but keep at least one?
I have table with columns as ID, DupeID1, DupeID2. ID column is unique. DupeID1 and DupeID2 -- the combination should only be there once. I don't want reverse combination of duplicates, i.e. DupeID2, DupeID1 in the table. How can I delete the reverse duplicates from this table?
I'm not sure about why I'm not able to remove spaces even after trimming them. Below is the result of query I'm usning.
select distinct LTRIM(RTRIM(Promotion_Code)) Promotion_Code --, count(Promotion_code) from dbo.Marketing_Promotion_Tb where Promotion_code like '%1BTPIZZA%'
I have two linked tables from two different databases, there is a column "product" on each table however the product on one table has a Prefix so not a direct match. How can I join these tables ? In the query I have used product2: Replace([scheme_pos.product],"-B","") then tried Joining on product2 but it says JOIN not supported.
I have a requirement where i want to delete the records based on the Date column. I have table which contain the columns like machinename ,lasthardwarescandate
I want to delete the records based on the max(Lasthardwarescandate) i.e. latest one, column where the machine name is duplicate menace it repeats. So how would i remove the duplicate machine names based on the Lasthardwarescandate column(There are multiple entries for the Lasthardwarescandate so i want to fetch the latest date column).
Note: Duplication should be removed based on “Last Hardware Scan” date.
Only latest date should be considered from multiple records for the same system. "
convert my table(like picture) to hierarchical structure in SQL. actually i want to make a table from my data in SQL for a TreeList control datasource in application directly.
ProjectID is 1st Parent Type_1 is 2nd Parent Type_2 is 3rd Parent Type_3 is 4ed Parent
SO when i try to load from Master table to parent and child table i am using using expresssion like
select B.ID,A.* FROM FLATFILE_INVENTORY AS A JOIN DMS_INVENTORY AS B ON A.ACDealerID=B.DMSDEALERID AND A.StockNumber=B.STOCKNUMBER AND A.InventoryDate=B.INVENTORYDATE AND A.VehicleVIN=B.VEHICLEVIN WHERE convert(date,A.[FtpDate]) = convert(date,GETDATE()) and convert(date,B.Ftpdate) = convert(date,getdate()) ;
If i use this Expression i am getting the current system date data's only from Master table to parent and child tables.
My Problem is If i do this in my local sserver using the above Expression if i loaded today date and if need to load yesterday date i can change my system date to yesterday date and i can run this that yeserday date data alone will get loaded from Master to parent and child tables.
If i run this expression to remote server i cannot change the system date in server.
while using this Expression for current date its loads perfectly but when i try to load yesterday data it takes current date date only not the yesterday date data.
What is the Expression on which ever date i am trying load in the master table same date need to loaded in Parent and child table without changing the system Date.
1. to display all parent with ORDER BY ItemOrder (no need to sort by ItemDate) 2. display all child row right after their parent (ORDER BY ItemOrder if ItemDate are same, else ORDER BY ItemDate) 3. display all grand child row right after their parent (ORDER BY ItemOrder if ItemDate are same, else ORDER BY ItemDate)
I have the below query which in turn goes in the where clause
SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT FROM InspectionType parent, InspectionType child WHERE = child.parentId AND parent.code = 'INSPECTION_TYPE_SAFETY_LIFE' AND parent.zoneId = 10129) THEN (SELECT FROM InspectionType parent, InspectionType child WHERE = child.parentId AND parent.code ='INSPECTION_TYPE_SAFETY_LIFE' AND parent.zoneId = 10129) ELSE (SELECT id FROM InspectionType WHERE code = 'INSPECTION_TYPE_SAFETY_LIFE' AND zoneId = 10129) END
I am getting below error
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
I tried to solve this problem with If and else but it is not going well with in-clause
Code: select * from InspectionType where id in (select IF EXISTS (SELECT FROM InspectionType parent, InspectionType child WHERE = child.parentId AND parent.code = 'INSPECTION_TYPE_SAFETY_LIFE' AND parent.zoneId = 10129) BEGIN (SELECT FROM InspectionType parent, InspectionType child WHERE = child.parentId AND parent.code ='INSPECTION_TYPE_SAFETY_LIFE' AND parent.zoneId = 10129) END ELSE (SELECT id FROM InspectionType WHERE code = 'INSPECTION_TYPE_SAFETY_LIFE' AND zoneId = 10129) )
I am using select * from InspectionType where id in() for illustation only. The sub-query results will go another query
Code: SELECT FROM InspectionType parent, InspectionType child WHERE = child.parentId AND parent.code ='INSPECTION_TYPE_SAFETY_LIFE' AND parent.zoneId = 10129
This returns more than one row.I know why is the error message but need to achieve this functionality.
I tried to remove AdventureWorksDB in the "Add or Remove Programs" of Contol Panel and I got the following errors: (1) AdventureWorksDB Error 1326: Error getting file security: CProgram FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL1MSSQLGetLastError: 5. |OK| and (2) Add or Remove Programs Fatal Error during installation (after I clicked the |OK| button). Please help and tell me how I can solve this problem.
I have uninstalled the CTP version of the SQL Server express so that I can install the released version but CTP version is still listed in the add/remove program list but without the change/remove button. I have been to different sites to find information on cleaning this up and I have ran all the uninstall tool I can find but the problem still prevails. I cannot install the released version without completely getting rid of the CTP version. Please help anyone.
I am trying to write a query that will retrieve all students of a particular class and also any rows in HomeworkLogLine if they exist (but return null if there is no row). I thought this should be a relatively simple LEFT join but I've tried every possible combination of joins but it's not working.
SELECT Student.StudentSurname + ', ' + Student.StudentForename AS Fullname, HomeworkLogLine.HomeworkLogLineTimestamp, HomeworkLog.HomeworkLogDescription, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY HomeworkLogLine.HomeworkLogLineStudentID ORDER BY
[Code] ...
It's only returning two rows (the students where they have a row in the HomeworkLogLine table).