We have SharePoint list which has, say, two columns. Column A and Column B.
Column A can have three values - red, blue & green.
Column B can have four values - pen, marker, pencil & highlighter.
A typical view of list can be:
Column A - Column B red - pen red - pencil red - highlighter blue - marker blue - pencil green - pen green - highlighter red - pen blue - pencil blue - highlighter blue - pencil
We are looking to create a report from SharePoint List using SSRS which has following view:
red blue green pen 2 0 1 marker 0 1 0 pencil 1 3 0 highlighter 1 1 1
We tried Sum but not able to display in single row.
In the above example, I want to swap Value 202 and 203 but its not straight forward. I want to swap in a way that, I need to group by Name column and check if 203 comes first in the group then swap else don't.
In the above example, I need to swap the values for name2 but not for name1. Below query is performing a straight forward swap.
UPDATE TblTest SET Value = CASE WHEN Value =202 THEN203 ELSE202 END
In a table I have some rows with flag A & B for a scode, some scode with only A and some are only B flags.
I would like to fetch all rows with flag A when both flags are present, no rows with B should be fetched. Fetch all rows when only single flags are present for a scode.How to achieve this using TSQL code.
I have the following report I need to create with 2 parameters. An equal OR not equal. I need the report to have a drop down that has equal to '1024' or a drop down option that IS NOT equal to '1024'. I also need the WHERE clause to return the equal or not equal based on the user selection inside of SSRS.
SELECT user1 AS [Company], reference AS [PAI_REF], statenumber, LEFT(user4, 7) AS [Supplier Code], user4 AS [Company Information], user8 AS [Transaction Type], user2 AS[Invoice Number], --CONVERT(VARCHAR,CONVERT(Date, user3, 103),101) AS [Invoice Date], [routeName] AS [Route], username AS [User Name]
I have 2 tables each containing a material type. Table 1 contains material from their 3D application. Table 2 contains material with specific values that is not ours and we cannot rename or edit the data. I need a type of junction or mapping table that can connect the user material to the preset material. for example:
User Material = Wood-MDF Preset Material = MDF Panel
I figured that i would make this table with 3 fields (ID, UserMaterialID, PresetMaterialID).How would i then construct a query view / Stored procedure that would return the Preset data values based on the user material id?
Basically it's converting certain row values to new column. Every PloicyNum will have 1001 to 1006 Fixed InsCode values as a group.
Rule-1: InsCode value 1001 should always mapped to 1005 InsCode value 1002 should always mapped to 1006 InsCode value 1003 should always mapped to 1004
Rule-2: For a policyNum, If any Inscode value is missed from the group values 1001 to 1006, still need to mapped with corresponding values as shown in Rule-1
In the above sample data..
for PolicyNum - 1ABC20 , group values 1003,1006 are missing for PolicyNum - 1ABC25 , group values 1002,1003,1004,1005,1006 are missing
Create Table sampleDate (PolicyNum varchar(10) not null, InsCode Varchar(4) not null) Insert into Sample Date(PolicyNum, InsCode) Values ('1ABC12','1001')
Insert into Sample Date(PolicyNum, InsCode) Values ('1ABC12','1002') Insert into Sample Date(PolicyNum, InsCode) Values ('1ABC12','1003')
I need to avg column data based on grid textboxes. I cannot use AVG because the column values come from a comma delimited string. I have tried using !Parameters to store a count and total for each column but they are always read only. What is the best approach.
The columns come from a field which is in the format of (99,75,60,100,-1,20,-1,80,75) for each record
-1 means the values are not counted in the average. I have a function for each textbox that parses the value from the list based on the column index. There can be 1 to many columns.
Everytime I to set the value of a field or parameter at runtime I get a read-only error.
TeamStatus T 1 Complete or Escalate T 2 Pick Up T 2 Resolve Case T 1 Pick Up T 1 Complete or Escalate T 1 Pick Up T 1 Complete or Escalate
I want to get he group based of Resolve Case value in Status Column. Anything before Resolve case will be considered as Group 1 and after Resolve Case status should be considered as Group 2. Below is desired new Group column,
Group TeamStatus Group 1 T 1Complete or Escalate T 2 Pick Up T 2 Resolve Case
Group 2 T 1Pick Up T 1Complete or Escalate T 1 Pick Up T 1 Complete or Escalate
> SELECT tranno ,mrno medrecno ,createdon,createdat,no_of_trans nooftrans FROM mytab WHERE mrno = 'MR1514' and tranno = 1111 ORDER BY no_of_trans tranno medrecno createdon createdat nooftrans
I have been banging my head against the wall for TWO days. I have gone back and forth with a very patient guy on thescripts.com. You can see the ridiculous thread here
If you have time, at least peruse that so we don't go in circles. Anyway, if you guys can help me solve this, I will be forever grateful!!
Here is the "basic" problem:
Here is an example for TWO different entities in the database.
EntityID XmlFieldName Value 1 City Austin 1 State TX 1 Country US 2 CityName Los Angeles 2 StateCode CA 2 CountryCode US 2 Zip 111111
Here is how the two different results should be
where EntityID = 1 <Address City="Austin" State="TX" Country="US"/>
where EntityID = 2 <Address CityName="Los Angeles" StateCode="TX" CountryCode="US" Zip="111111"/>
Notice how the attribute names (City or CityName, State or StateCode, etc) are based off the XmlFieldName and I don't know in advance what the possible values will be? I also don't know how many attributes there will be, but they can be different per entity, depending on how they have set up an address in our application.
Another thing to note, is that I kind of have this working in an sproc using PIVOT and generating a table with the values that have the correct dynamic column names (you can see this on my other thread I posted above) but I REALLY need this to not use dynamic SQL (so can use it in a function) if possible and be able to be used in a select statement, whether it be a temp table as I would like to get a result set back that I can do a FOR XML RAW on. If this is confusing, it is because I am delerious. OR is there a way to return a table from an SPROC that has dynamic columns built?
I am trying to calculate the the running total but also tried to reset to reset to zero based on a value of a column.
here I am trying to calculate the value of CalcVal column based on column Flag value...actually it is running total but it reset to zero if Flag value is 0.
Here is the example of data along with required column
Table: classes Columns: classID, hp Table: char_active Columns: name, classID, hp
The classes table is already populated.
What I want to do is insert a new row into char_active using the name and classID column, and have the HP column auto populate based on the corresponding value in the classes table. This is the trigger I wrote but I'm getting the error
Incorrect syntax near 'inserted'.
I'm new to sql, this is actually the first trigger I've tried writing.
create trigger new_hp on curr_chars.char_active instead of insert as declare @hp tinyint select @hp=lists.classes.hp from lists.classes where lists.classes.classID=inserted.classID insert into curr_chars.char_active (name, classID, hp) inserted.name, inserted.classID, @hp go
I have a scenario to compare previous records based on each ID columns. For each ID, there would be few records, I have a column called "compare", We have to compare all Compare 1 records with Compare 0 Records. If Dt is lesser or equal to comparing DT, then show 0. Else 1
We always only one Compare 0 records in my table, so all compare 1 columns will compare with only one row per ID
My tables look like
Declare @tab1 table (ID Varchar(3), Dt Date, Compare Int) Insert Into @tab1 values ('101','2015-07-01',0) Insert Into @tab1 values ('101','2015-07-02',1) Insert Into @tab1 values ('101','2015-07-03',1) Insert Into @tab1 values ('101','2015-07-01',1) Insert Into @tab1 values ('101','2015-06-30',1)
Insert Into @tab1 values ('102','2015-07-01',0) Insert Into @tab1 values ('102','2015-07-02',1) Insert Into @tab1 values ('102','2015-07-01',1)
select * from @tab1
1.) In the above scenario for ID = '101', we have 5 records, first record has Compare value 0, which mean all other 4 records need to compare with this record only
2.) If Compare 1 record's Dt is less or equal to Compare 0's DT, then show 0 in next column
3.) If Compare 1 record's Dt is greater than Compare 0's DT, then show 1 in next column
My requirement is to alter themaster table schema i.e to add a column with the name as of the table name i.e Cat3 and will lok lie as foolows Table Master {
I have 3 columns. I would like to update a table based on job_cd and permit_nbr column. if we have same job_cd and permit_nbr, reference number should be same else it should take max(reference number) from the table +1 for all rows where reference_nbr column is null
I have a query running and returning 3 columns, user name, e-mail and device name
SELECT DISTINCT v_R_User.Full_User_Name0 AS 'User full Name', v_R_User.Mail0 AS 'E-Mail', _RES_COLL_DEV00144.Name FROM v_R_System INNER JOIN v_R_User ON v_R_System.User_Name0 = v_R_User.User_Name0 INNER JOIN _RES_COLL_DEV00144 ON v_R_User.User_Name0 = _RES_COLL_DEV00144.UserName INNER JOIN v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM ON v_R_System.ResourceID = v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM.ResourceID Where v_R_User.Mail0 <> '' ORDER BY 'User Full Name'
From here I would like to generate an e-mail to each user (like mail merge) to each user in the table an include their machine name. I can do it with PS, but rather have it run directly from SQL. Is it possible?
I have a requirement where i want to delete the records based on the Date column. I have table which contain the columns like machinename ,lasthardwarescandate
I want to delete the records based on the max(Lasthardwarescandate) i.e. latest one, column where the machine name is duplicate menace it repeats. So how would i remove the duplicate machine names based on the Lasthardwarescandate column(There are multiple entries for the Lasthardwarescandate so i want to fetch the latest date column).
Note: Duplication should be removed based on “Last Hardware Scan” date.
Only latest date should be considered from multiple records for the same system. "
I have 3 different companies that share the same ticket_types(CRMS System). I need to display the Ticket Types and the 3 company's Ticket Count:
Ticket Type | Company A Count | Company B Count | Company C Count
I can get the information individually for each company, but if a company doesn't have a ticket in one of the ticket_types, then it isn't displayed in a row. So, I tried to write the following, which isn't pulling back any data.
DECLARE @startdate date = '20150306' DECLARE @enddate date = '20151031' DECLARE @AcctGrp varchar(20) = '111' ;WITH TType AS ( SELECT ctp.description as TicketType
[Code] .....
If I run each SELECT individually from above (excluding the last SELECT), it works and I get the following:
TicketType AR Request Credit Availability/Rush Cancel Order Credit Card Payment Expedite Order Freight Quote
[Code] ...
How to get the query results? Am I even close to getting it right?
Hello all. I hope someone can offer me some help. I'm trying to construct a SQL statement that will be run on a Dataset that I have. The trick is that there are many conditions that can apply. I'll describe my situation:
I have about 1700 records in a datatable titled "AISC_Shapes_Table" with 49 columns. What I would like to do is allow the user of my VB application to 'create' a custom query (i.e. advanced search). For now, I'll just discuss two columns; The Section Label titled "AISC_MANUAL_LABEL" and the Weight column "W". The data appears in the following manner:
AISC_MANUAL_LABEL W W44x300 300 W42x200 200 (and so on) WT22x150 150 WT21x100 100
(and so on) MT12.5x12.4 12.4 MT12x10 10 (etc.)
I have a listbox which users can select MULTIPLE "Manual Labels" or shapes. They then select a property (W for weight, in this case) and a limitation (greater than a value, less than a value, or between two values). From all this, I create a custom Query string or filter to apply to my BindingSource.Filter method. However I have to use the % wildcard to deal with exceptions. If the user only wants W shapes, I use "...LIKE 'W%'" and "...NOT LIKE 'WT%" to be sure to select ONLY W shapes and no WT's. The problems arises, however, when the user wants multiple shapes in general. If I want to select all the "AISC_MANUAL_LABEL" values with W <= 40, I can't do it. An example of a statement I tried to use to select WT% Labels and MT% labels with weight (W)<=100 is:
It returns a NULL value to me, which i know is NOT because no such values exist. So, I further investigated and tried to use a subquery seeing if IN, ANY, or ALL would work, but to no avail. Can anyone offer up any suggestions? I know that if I can get an example of ONE of them to work, then I'll easily be able to apply it to all of my cases. Otherwise, am I just going about this the hard way or is it even possible? Please, ANY suggestions will help. Thank you in advance.
ClaimNumTransactionDateUsername ClaimNum TransactionAmountUserName 2000074 20150209jerry.witt 2000074 -10000DATAFIX INSERTED ON 20150626 AT 162152493 LOCAL 2000074 20150626DATAFIX INSERTED ON 20150626 AT 162152493 LOCAL 2000074 -10000DATAFIX INSERTED ON 20150626 AT 162152493 LOCAL
[Code] .....
So,if we look at the result set, we notice 2 conditions where the IG_FinancialTransactionSummary.Username is like 'Data' and if we see the transaction date then sometimes that is the max transaction date or sometimes there are transactions that happened after but that doesn't have like '%data%' in username . So, i need to add a new column to my sql query which should basically verify if the username is like '%data%' and if that is the max(transaction date) or even if there are any transactions after that doesn't have like '%data%' then YES else No.
The following stored procedure works well as far as it goes but I need to amend it.
@AE decimal (18,2) outputAS BEGIN
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for procedure here
declare@odds decimal (18,2) (SELECT @odds= sum (1/ (RacingMaster.RM_SP) ) FROM RacingMaster where RM_Draw='1')
[Code] .....
The column RM_Draw holds integer values from 1 through to 20. provide a way so that when the procedure has produced a result based on RM_Draw='1'' it will produce a separate result for RM_Draw=2 and so all the way to 20 so that the resultant figures can be outputted to my vb.net app.