Transact SQL :: How To Convert Row Specific Values Into Columns In Join Query
Aug 18, 2015
I am using stored procedure to load gridview,i want to show row specific values in coloumns , as i an working on daily timetable of college and There are three tables Week_Day,Daily_Timetable & Subject.Daily_Timetable has data which has week_day,class_id,Subject_id,Period_No.
Each day has 6 periods and each period is mapped with subject in daily timetable.From below sql i am getting 6 rows of monday.
But i want to show in a row weekname,period1_subject_id(Period_No=1),period2_subject_id(Period_No=2),period3_subject_id.......upto
Please see my query below:-
SELECT Week_Day.Week_Day_name, Subject.Subject_Code, Daily_Timetable.Period_No
Daily_Timetable ON Week_Day.Week_Day_Id = Daily_Timetable.Week_Day_Id and Daily_Timetable.Class_Id=6 LEFT JOIN
Subject ON Daily_Timetable.Subject_Id = Subject.Subject_Id order by Week_Day.Week_Day_Id ,Daily_Timetable.Period_No
SELECT ID1, ID2, type, (case when type = '1' then sum(value) else '0' end) as Value1, (case when type = '3' then sum(value) else '0' end) as Value2, (case when type <> '1' and type <> '3' then sum(value) else '0' end) as Value3 FROM table1 WHERE ID1 = 'x' and ID2= 'y' GROUP BY ID1, ID2, Type
I would like to compare values in the same table and get the single record with different values in the multiple columns.For table tab1, ID is my key column. If type1 is active (A) then i need to update X else blank on Code1 column and if type2 is active (A) then i need to update X else blank on code2 column. Both type1 and type2 comes from same table for same ID..Below is the example to understand my scenario clearly....
declare @tab1 table (ID varchar(20), dt date, status varchar(1), type varchar(10)) insert into @tab1 values ('55A', '2015-07-30', 'A', 'type1') insert into @tab1 values ('55A', '2015-07-30', 'C', 'type2') insert into @tab1 values ('55B', '2015-07-30', 'C', 'type1') insert into @tab1 values ('55B', '2015-07-30', 'A', 'type2')
Is there any equivalent function in T-SQL (SQL Server 2014 / SQL Azure)?
Specifically, I want to be able to convert a time into UTC before inserting it into a table. Right now I am doing:
INSERT INTO Incident (IncidentDescription, dtOccurred) VALUES (@IncidentDescription, DATEADD(hour, 8, @dtOccurred))
I don't want to hardcode "8" and I want it to adjust for daylight savings time (DST).
Is there any concise solution that does not require me to define SQL functions or have lookup tables? I also don't want to use the difference between GETDATE() and SYSUTCDATETIME(), because the timezone of my server is not my local timezone.
I have to use the above comma separated values into a SQL Search query whose datatype is integer. How would i do this Search query in the IN Operator of SQL Server. My query is :
declare @id varchar(50) set @id= '3,4,6,7' set @id=(select replace(@id,'''',''))-- in below select query Id is of Integer datatype select *from ehsservice where id in(@id)
But this query throws following error message:
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '3,4,6,7' to data type int.
I have a table called Employees which has lots of columns but I only want to count some specific columns of this table.
i.e. EmployeeID: 001
week1: 40 week2: 24 week3: 24 week4: 39
This employee (001) has two weeks below 32. How do I use the COUNT statement to calculate that within these four weeks(columns), how many weeks(columns) have the value below 32?
Basically it's converting certain row values to new column. Every PloicyNum will have 1001 to 1006 Fixed InsCode values as a group.
Rule-1: InsCode value 1001 should always mapped to 1005 InsCode value 1002 should always mapped to 1006 InsCode value 1003 should always mapped to 1004
Rule-2: For a policyNum, If any Inscode value is missed from the group values 1001 to 1006, still need to mapped with corresponding values as shown in Rule-1
In the above sample data..
for PolicyNum - 1ABC20 , group values 1003,1006 are missing for PolicyNum - 1ABC25 , group values 1002,1003,1004,1005,1006 are missing
Create Table sampleDate (PolicyNum varchar(10) not null, InsCode Varchar(4) not null) Insert into Sample Date(PolicyNum, InsCode) Values ('1ABC12','1001')
Insert into Sample Date(PolicyNum, InsCode) Values ('1ABC12','1002') Insert into Sample Date(PolicyNum, InsCode) Values ('1ABC12','1003')
i have a table with dob and test results , i am trying to pull the data from the table and converting rows columns , below is the table i am using . i used to pivot to do this .
create table #TEST_RESULTS (ID INT,NAME VARCHAR(10),DOB DATETIME,DAYS_SINCE_BIRTH_TO_TEST INT,TEST_RESULTS INT ) INSERT INTO #TEST_RESULTS VALUES(1,'A','2015-01-01' , 0 ,1) ,(1,'A','2015-01-01' , 0 ,1) ,(1,'A','2015-01-01' , 1 ,3) ,(1,'A','2015-01-01' , 2 ,6)
Name Description Date Question Answer Customer A Profile Assessment 01/01/2015
How complex is the structure?
Customer A Profile Assessment 01/01/2015 The total value of assets? Less than GBP 1 million
Customer A Profile Assessment 01/01/2015 The volume of transactions undertaken? Low (-1 pmth)
[Code] ....
However, I would like it to output;
Name Description Date How complex is the structure? The total value of assets? The volume of transactions undertaken? How was the client introduced? Where does the Customer reside?
[Code] ....
The number of questions are unknown for each RiskReviewID and they can be added to in the future.
SELECT EventID, Role, EventDuty, Qty, StartTime, EndTime, Hours FROM dbo.tblEventStaffRequired;
and SELECT EventID, Role, StartTime, EndTime, Hours, COUNT(ID) AS Booked FROM tblStaffBookings GROUP BY EventID, Role, StartTime, EndTime, Hours;
How can I join the results of the two by matching the columns EventID, Role, StartTime and EndTime in the two and have the following columns in output EventID, Role, EventDuty, Qty, StartTime, EndTime, Hours and Booked?
I have a very large SQL Server table and want to pull all 50 columns that are in a certain row because something in that row has invalid varchar and is causing runtime errors. It is row 9054378701 and I am not sure how to create a query to pull that specific row and all 50 columns.
Select ID, FIRST(forename), FIRST(surname) from table1 GROUP BY ID;
I know First doesn't work in TSQL, I used to use it in Access and now need to run something like that in TSQL. Simply getting unique ID with first forename and surname, cause there are some dupes in a table.
There are records like:
ID forename surname -------------------------------- 1 John Kormack 1 James Dope 2 Erin Dupes 3 Will Hugh 3 Walter Heisenberg
I want to set a column to 0 if it is set to a certain number. There are several columns to check though, so I am wondering if I can do it all in one query, or if I have to do it in single queries?
In a table I have some rows with flag A & B for a scode, some scode with only A and some are only B flags.
I would like to fetch all rows with flag A when both flags are present, no rows with B should be fetched. Fetch all rows when only single flags are present for a scode.How to achieve this using TSQL code.
I've to write a function to return a comma delimited values from a table columns
If a table has Tab1 ( Col1,Col2,Col3).
E.g. as below ( the columnName content I want to use as columns for my pivot table
CREATE FUNCTION [RPT].[GetListOfCol] ( @vCat NVARCHAR(4000) ) RETURNS @PList AS BEGIN SELECT @PList += N', [' + [ColumnName] +']' FROM [ETL].[TableDef] WHERE [IsActive] = 1 AND [Category] = @vCat RETURN; END;
I want out put to be as below, I am getting this output from the select query independently by declaring @Plist variable and passing @vcat value, now I want it to be returned from a function when called from a select query output ,Colum1,column2,....
Select DATEPART(year, OrderDate) As Years,SO.TotalRevenue From Sales.Orders S Cross Apply (Select Sum(SD.Qty* As TotalRevenue From Sales.OrderDetails SD where S.orderid = SD.orderid ) SO Group by DATEPART(year, OrderDate),SO.TotalRevenue
For each customer, I want to add all of their telephone numbers to a different column. That is, multiple columns (depending on the number of telephone numbers) for each customer/row. How can I achieve that?
I want my output to be
Each 'Tel' will relate to a one or more records in the PHONES table that is linked back to the customer.
SELECT,,, second.string FROM first LEFT OUTER JOIN second ON = WHERE'2015/02/24'
This query means all record from second table and matching record from first table. Now my question is that on 24 Feb 2015 I have duplicate names in second table and I want distinct names from second table and then its matching values from first table. Now my query is showing all duplicate values from second table and its matching record from first table.
Please refer to the below query. I want to filter inner join rows based on outer query column value (refer to bold text).
SELECT M.MouldId, SI.StockCode, MI.Cavity, MI.ShotCounter, CQ.SumOfCastedQty as CastedQty, MI.CounterStartup FROM MouldItem MI JOIN (SELECT JD.MouldId, JC.StockCode, SUM(JS.CastedQty) AS SumOfCastedQty FROM JobCasting AS JS INNER JOIN JobCreationDet AS JD ON JS.JobDetId = JD.Uniid INNER JOIN JobCreation AS JC ON JD.JobIdx = JC.Uniid
I have a table (edw_sbx_bt.jjenkins_OVERAGE2) of 40,000 MA_NUM.
I want to find occurrences of those specific MA_NUM in another table (edw_ar_fl.ARTBASE) with specific attributes (CONTRACT_NUM = '593' and TRANSACT_STATUS_CD = 'D').
When I run the query below it returns 4 million rows. How can I write a query that will return the 40,000 MA_NUM (in edw_sbx_bt.jjenkins_OVERAGE2) with the sum total of MA_PAID_AMT associated with each?
SELECT edw_ar_fl.ARTBASE.MA_NUM, edw_ar_fl.ARTBASE.MA_PAID_AMT FROM edw_ar_fl.ARTBASE JOIN edw_sbx_bt.jjenkins_OVERAGE2 ON edw_ar_fl.ARTBASE.MA_NUM = edw_sbx_bt.jjenkins_OVERAGE2.MA_NUM WHERE edw_ar_fl.ARTBASE.CONTRACT_NUM = '593' AND edw_ar_fl.ARTBASE.TRANSACT_STATUS_CD = '
I want to update the NewVol1 and NewVol2 in table #Rec2 from NewVol1 and NewVol2 of table #Rec1. It is some tricky because the value is NULL in some records of NewVol1 and NewVol2.
Update query. SAP, Code, Code1, Code2 and SAPdate are keyfield when join both table to update the NewVol1 and NewVol2 in table #Rec2 from NewVol1 and NewVol2 of table #Rec1.
Create table #Rec1 (SAP char(10), Code char(6), Code1 char(6), Code2 char(6), SAPDate datetime, NewVol1 char(20), NewVol2 char(20)) insert into #Rec1 values ('SATRIP','AAA','AA','A','2014-01-01','838.88484884',NULL) insert into #Rec1 values ('SATRIP','AAA','BB','B','2014-01-01','839.88484884',NULL) insert into #Rec1 values ('SATRIP','AAA','CC','C','2014-01-01','848.88484884',NULL) insert into #Rec1 values ('SATRIP','BBB','AA','A','2014-01-01',NULL,'383.48377373') insert into #Rec1 values ('SATRIP','BBB','BB','B','2014-01-01',NULL,'385.48377333') insert into #Rec1 values ('SATRIP','BBB','CC','C','2014-01-01',NULL,'675.48377234')
ID Order Date ..... 1 Bla 2015-01-13 12:00:45.2713558 . 2 Mio 2015-01-13 12:05:45.2713558 . 3 Tala 2015-01-13 14:00:45.2713558 . 4 Bla 2015-01-13 15:00:45.2713558 . 5 Mio 2015-01-13 20:00:45.2713558 . 6 Bla 2015-01-15 17:00:45.2713558 . 7 Bla 2015-01-15 19:00:45.2713558 .
I tryed several things with CASE, IF, EXISTS,... but I had no success.
I have a query that returns material(items) that are used in an event on a certain day.
SELECT C.categoryName, count(I.itemID) AS InMission from items as I RIGHT JOIN Categories AS C on I.categoryID = C.categoryID INNER JOIN LinkMissionItem as LM on I.itemID = LM.itemID INNER JOIN Missions as M on LM.missionID = M.MissionID where '2015/12/19' BETWEEN M.freightLeave and M.freightReturn AND isReturned = 0 GROUP BY C.categoryName, C.categoryID ORDER BY C.categoryID
There are a total of 20 categories and I would like all the categories listed in the result even though there are no items booked in a mission. At the moment, I can only get the categories that have items in that category booked in a mission. I hoped that the RIGHT JOIN on the categories table would do the trick but it doesn't.
I have persons who speaks multiple languages and they are in one table, each row is added if he/she speaks multiple languages. Instead I want to add additional columns and load the data.(what I have shown in the desired output)
name language ------------- ron english ron french ron spanish andy english andy hindi kate english
Desired output
name language1 language2 language3 language4 language5 language6 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ron english french spanish andy english hindi Kate english
I have a SQL database where I am attempting to perform a complicated query that I cannot seem to figure out. I am using SQL Server.
I have 4 tables (TableA, TableB, TableC, and TableD). TableA and TableB are guaranteed to have a relationship.
TableC and TableD are guaranteed to have a relationship.
The trick is, I need to link between TableA and TableC essentially using a LEFT JOIN. I need to retrieve all of the values from TableA regardless and the information from TableC and TableD if there is a link, if there isn't a link, then the values from TableC and TableD need to be empty strings.
Does anyone know how I can do this? I've been trying for the last 5 hours without any luck. I feel I'm close, but there is something I feel I'm overlooking.