Transact SQL :: How To Fetch Only Latest Address

May 10, 2015

Got a Table_A in the form of:
and another Table_B as:

In such a case let's say I need a View to represent the columns:

Cust_ID (From Table_A)
Cust_Name (From Table_A)
Cust_Address (From Table_B)

However, with the Customers changing their addresses and having multiple records of different dates in Table_B how to reflect the Latest address of the same in the requisite View?In other words Cust_Id (AB), Cust_Name (CD), who as per Table_B have 100 records with three different addresses (EF, GH & IJ) spread over two years. How to fetch the only latest address in this case? i.e. a record in View_C as:



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Query To Fetch Latest Record

Jun 29, 2012

Table has details like below:

==== ===============
mary time1
mary time2
mary time3
tom time1
tom time2
tom time3
tom time4
richard time1
richard time2

Output Expected:

==== ===============
mary time3
tom time4
richard time2

In summary, the requirement is to fetch the latest upated record for each unique NAME.

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How To Fetch Latest Column Values

Feb 12, 2008

Hi All,

I have two tables.
Table A contains a unique column of some Keys.
Table B contains Key column,Value column and Entry_Time column.
Now I need the most recently entered value for each of the Keys in table A using table B.
I dont need any repeatation of Keys in my result.

Please help me out.I am using DB2.

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Reporting Services :: Identify Latest Address Using FIRST And Date Commands

May 22, 2015

I would like to display the most recent seasonal address on my report. Here is the scenario,

I can search the SSMS and identify all available addresses. the recent sometimes appear at the top, in middle or at the bottom of the address list.I used a stored PROC to and a tempdb to find the initial search of all the addressesThen I used top 1 to select the address that I'm looking for. For situation where I have multiple addresses, is there a way to identify the latest address using FIRST and date commands.

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Transact SQL :: Cursor Fetch From Bottom To Top?

Sep 14, 2015

I write few lines to do a bottom-up calculation, with 'fetch last' and 'fetch prior'.

It seems that the condition 'WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0' does not work when cursor arrives at the first line, as there is an error message:

'(1 row(s) affected)
(1 row(s) affected)
Msg 16931, Level 16, State 1, Line 18

There are no rows in the current fetch buffer.

The statement has been terminated.'

how to fix the error?

Here is my code:

DECLARE @lastprice real
DECLARE @updatedprice real
DECLARE @updatedRe real
DECLARE @updatedAUX real
SET @lastprice = (
    SELECT Close_P from #ClosePrice where #ClosePrice.DateTD = (SELECT MAX(#ClosePrice.DateTD) FROM #ClosePrice)


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Transact SQL :: Recursive CTE To Fetch Parent

May 20, 2015

I am using the following code to get the next immediate parent of a customer in the hierarchy and it works fine. However, it works only for one customer at a time (i made this a scalar function and I pass the customer id as shown below).

How can I modify this so that i can get each customer and its next immediate parent (all of them in one shot in a single data set)?

WITH my_cte (CustomerID, ParentID, Level)
SELECT CustomerID, ParentID, 0 AS Level
FROM [dbo].MyTable
WHERE CustomerID = @CustomerID

SELECT CustomerID, ParentID, Level + 1
FROM [dbo].MyTable e
INNER JOIN my_cte AS cte ON e.CustomerID = cte.ParentID

select CustomerID from my_cte WHERE Level <> 0 AND Level = (SELECT MIN(Level) FROM my_cte WHERE Level <> 0)

View 14 Replies View Related

Transact SQL :: Count Only Latest Entry

May 25, 2015

I have a table with below structure, with a sample entry for 1 country:

ID Date              Event CountryCode TxnID
1   22/05/2015   ABC   123   111
2   23/05/2015   XYZ   123   111
3   20/05/2015   XYZ   123   222
4   21/05/2015   ABC   123   222

So, I need to get a count like:

ABC count= 1 
XYZ count= 1

Which means, I want to count for each transaction, the latest entry based on date. And there can be many countries like this. And I need to count both entries for ABC & XYZ.Normal count will give me duplicate entries.

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Transact SQL :: Tagging The Latest Entry?

Oct 1, 2015

Got a view with a number of monthly tables joined with union all. The fields' structure is as follows:


In such a case any query to reflect all the columns with an additional column reflecting the said Staff's latest Department?

In other words, ones still working in the organization reflecting in the latest Department field, the Current Department and those already resigned/fired reflecting the last department they worked at with respect to the Report_Date.

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Transact SQL :: Does Fetch Status In Nested Loops Conflict

Apr 24, 2015

Does fetch status in nested loops conflict?I have a script that should output a cluster record line and for each cluster record it must create a line for each household in the cluster.  All the data is pulled from one table, 'LFS_APRIL_2015.dbo.LISTING'.This is the script:

from [LFS_APRIL_2015].[dbo].[LISTING] where CLUSTER IS NOT NULL and DISTRICT = 1



It appears however that the clusters are being repeated.

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Transact SQL :: Querying Data With Latest Date

Jun 24, 2015

Below is the table information. I want the Code information with latest EDate only.

EDate Datetime,
Code varchar(255),
Cdate int,
Price int

[Code] ....

Expected output :
2015-06-23 00:00:00.000 CL 20150701 73
2011-04-08 00:00:00.000 XP 20110501 37
2015-06-23 00:00:00.000 HO 20150701 22

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Transact SQL :: How To Fetch Data Updated Today Irrelevant Of Timing

Apr 21, 2015

I need the rows updated today in catalogue table irrelevant of timing. I tried all the below queries.

select * from CATALOGUE where CAT_DATE=CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE(), 101))
select * from CATALOGUE where CAT_DATE= CONVERT(date, getdate())
select * from CATALOGUE where CAT_DATE= cast(GETDATE() as date)

I am getting output only if the information updated on 04/21/2015 but not for other timings, For example
04/21/2015, 04/21/2015 and all.

How can I retrieve all the records updated today.

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Transact SQL :: Create A Report Which Would Give Latest Transaction On Database

Jul 17, 2015

I'm trying to create a report which would give the latest transaction on a database, which all sit on different servers. I wanted to know if there is an a simple way tracking the latest transactions instead of getting the information from the database tables.

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Transact SQL :: Retrieve Latest Record Of Serial Number With Multiple Entries

Sep 30, 2015

I work for an organization that repairs serialized devices. Each time a device is repaired it's serial number is recorded in a database table along with the date it was repaired along with other information about the device. There are multiple cases where a unit has been repaired more than once.

I am trying to write a query that will return the serial only once and that record will be the record of the latest repair date. To sum it up,

Return a list of serials where if a serial exists more than once in the table, return only the instance of the serial record(s) with the max(created_dt). The end result will be a list of distinct serial numbers.

Here is my Query. The problem I believe is in my sub-query but I am not sure how to structure it.

, PinSerial
, L4Serial
, L4Model

[Code] ....

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Transact SQL :: Powershell Script To Fetch Database Usage Details For Multiple Servers (report)

Oct 28, 2015

Is there a way to fetch database usage details for multiple SQL servers (report) usirng powershell script.

Details: servername, databasename, datafile usage, logfile usage, free % age...etc.

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Transact SQL :: Find Missing Months In A Table For The Earliest And Latest Start Dates Per ID Number?

Aug 27, 2015

I need to find the missing months in a table for the earliest and latest start dates per ID_No.  As an example:

create table #InputTable (ID_No int ,OccurMonth datetime)
insert into #InputTable (ID_No,OccurMonth) 
select 10, '2007-11-01' Union all
select 10, '2007-12-01' Union all
select 10, '2008-01-01' Union all
select 20, '2009-01-01' Union all
select 20, '2009-02-01' Union all
select 20, '2009-04-01' Union all
select 30, '2010-05-01' Union all
select 30, '2010-08-01' Union all
select 30, '2010-09-01' Union all
select 40, '2008-03-01'

For the above table, the answer should be:

ID_No OccurMonth
----- ----------
20 2009-02-01
30 2010-06-01
30 2010-07-01

1) don't include an ID column,

2) don't use the start date/end dates in the data or

3) use cursors, which are forbidden in my environment.

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Transact SQL :: Selecting Latest Date But Over Another Date Column Including Nulls?

Nov 26, 2015

(ID int,
Code nvarchar (20),
Datein datetime,
Declined datetime )

[Code] .....

I have a table here.  I want  find a way of getting the latest date, when the code is the same.  If the Declined date is null.  Then I still want the latest date.  E.g. ID 3.  

If the declined date is filled in.  Then I want to get the row, when the Datein column value is greater then the declined date only.

I tried grouping it by max date, but   i got an error message when trying this out.  Against the code  

WHERE MAX(Datein) > Declined

An aggregate may not appear in the WHERE clause unless it is in a subquery contained in a HAVING clause or a select list, and the column being aggregated is an outer reference.  What do I need to do to get both my outputs working? 

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Transact SQL :: Find Latest Start Date After A Gap In Date Column

Apr 19, 2015

My requirement is to get the earliest start date after a gap in a date column.My date field will be like this.

Table Name-XXX
StartDate(Column Name)


 In this scenario i need the latest start date after the gap ie. 2015/09/01 .If there is no gap in the date column i need 2014/10/01

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Transact SQL :: Find Latest Start Date After A Gap In Date Field For Each ID

Apr 23, 2015

My requirement is to get the latest start date after a gap in a month for each id and if there is no gap for that particular id minimum date for that id should be taken….Given below the scenario

ID          StartDate
1            2014-01-01
1            2014-02-01
1            2014-05-01-------After Gap Restarted
1            2014-06-01
1            2014-09-01---------After last gap restarted
1            2014-10-01
1            2014-11-01
2            2014-01-01
2           2014-02-01
2            2014-03-01
2            2014-04-01
2            2014-05-01
2            2014-06-01
2            2014-07-01

For Id 1 the start date after the latest gap is  2014-10-01 and for id=2 there is no gap so i need the minimum date  2014-01-01

My Expected Output
id             Startdate
1             2014-10-01
2             2014-01-01

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Fetch Within A Fetch

Jun 12, 2004

Is it possible to have fetch within a fetch? I am getting this error message "A cursor with the name 'crImgGrp' does not exist." So i separate the process into two stored procedures?

@REID int


Declare @RRID int
Declare @ITID int

Declare @intIMEmail varchar(300)

Declare crReqRec cursor for
select RRID from RequestRecords where REID = @REID and RRSTatus = 'IA' and APID is not null
open crReqRec
fetch next from crReqRec

Declare crImpGrp cursor for
select ITID from RequestRecords where RRID = @RRID
open crImpGrp
fetch next from crImgGrp
while @@fetch_status = 0

EXEC TrigSendNewIMAlertP2 @ITID


close crImpGrp
deallocate crImpGrp

while @@fetch_status = 0


close crReqRec
deallocate crReqRec

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Data Fetch

Sep 5, 2007

i develope a web projects of horoscope or astrology(, there is an 12 Zodiaz sign and all the data call on this page through the Database , in this page i there is an one sql query ----                                                                                                                (Select Top 1 col from colour order by newid(),Select Top 1 num from number order by newid() ,Select Top 1 days from day order by newid()  )
then all data call one by one change ..
when the refresh the page the value of all zodiac is change that is wrong ,,,
so what is the quary that one time in day the value off all zodiac is same next day the value  has been change............................................
so please help me /...........
tell what is the process to not data change into the page refresh

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Fetch Cursor Help

Jun 22, 2004

Let's say i have 5 unique RRID's, column APID and ITID

1 13 700
2 13 700
3 13 700
4 14 700
5 15 700

If I run the stored procedure below, I get the results above however, I want my result to be

1 13 700
2 13 700
3 13 700
4 14 701
5 15 702

I want my cursor to loop at the same APID then assign one ITID then move to the next APID and so on...

Any help is highly appreciated....


@REID int,
@LOID int,


Declare @RRID int
Declare @APID int
Declare @intREID varchar(20)
Declare @intIMID varchar(20)

Declare crReqRec cursor for
select RRID from RequestRecords where REID = @REID and RRSTatus = 'AC' and APID is not null
open crReqRec
fetch next from crReqRec

set @APID = (select APID from RequestRecords where REID = @REID and RRID = @RRID)

set @intIMID = (SELECT ImplementationGroup.IMID
FROM ImplementationGroup_Location INNER JOIN
ImplementationGroup ON ImplementationGroup_Location.IMID = ImplementationGroup.IMID INNER JOIN
Applications_ImplementationGroup ON ImplementationGroup.IMID = Applications_ImplementationGroup.IMID where APID = @APID and ImplementationGroup_Location.LOID = @LOID )

insert into ImplementationTasks
SET @RetVal = @@Identity
while @@fetch_status = 0

Update RequestRecords
set ITID = @RETVal, RRStatus = 'IA'
where REID = @REID and RRID = @RRID


close crReqRec
deallocate crReqRec


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Fetch Question

Nov 30, 2004

i am having an endless loop after the first record.... anything i missed?



Declare @IMID int
Declare @IMID2 int
Declare @FS1 int
Declare @FS2 int

Declare crFirst cursor local for
select IMID from ImplementationGroup where IMSTatus = 'Y'
open crFirst
fetch next from crFirst

Declare crSecond cursor local for
select IMID from Employees_ImplementationGroup where Employees_ImplementationGroup.IMID = @IMID
open crSecond
fetch next from crSecond
set @FS2 = @@fetch_status
if not exists(select IMID from Employees_ImplementationGroup where IMID = @IMID2 and IMType = 'T')
DECLARE @MsgText varchar(700)
Set @IMGRPNAME = (select IMGrpname from ImplementationGroup where IMID = @IMID2)
--SET @MsgText = 'This implementation group has been without a last resort implementer for the past 24 hours. Please click here to assign a last resort implementer:' + @IMID2 + '&imgrpname=' + @IMGrpName

EXEC master.dbo.xp_sendmail
@recipients =',
@Message = @IMGRPNAME,
@Subject = 'needs attention'

while @FS2 = 0
fetch next from crSecond
set @FS1 = @@fetch_status
while @FS1 = 0


close crFirst
deallocate crFirst
close crSecond
deallocate crSecond

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Fetch Same Records

Apr 3, 2008

I need to see the records from two tables where the mobilenumbers are not same.
I have two tables named as messages and subscribers with Id, MobileNumber fields.

Now here I need to see the records where the mobile number exist in one table but not in other table.
Please give me the sql query for this.

with regards

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Fetch Last 2 Bills

Apr 2, 2015

I want to fetch all bills (except cancelled bills) for a given month and fetch the previous bill date.

This is to find out the frequency of a vehicle visit to a workshop.

Sample Data


Result Expected


What I tried is

Declare @Mh smallint,@Yr smallint
Select @Mh=2,@Yr=2015

Select Division,ChasNo,BillDt Into #CMBills from Service_Bills Where Month(BillDt)=@Mh and Year(BillDt)=@Yr and Status Is Null

Select SB.Division,SB.ChasNo,CMB.BillDt as CurBillDt,Max(SB.BillDt) as PreBillDt,Datediff(day,Max(SB.BillDt),Max(CMB.BillDt)) as DiffDays from #CMBills CMB
Left Join Service_Bills SB On SB.Division=CMB.Division and SB.ChasNo=CMB.ChasNo and SB.Status Is Null and SB.BillDt<CMB.BillDt
Group By SB.Division,SB.ChasNo,CMB.BillDt

But I'm not getting details for all the bills I fetched.

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Fetch Odd Or Even Records

May 21, 2007

How can I fetch only Odd or only even records from a table.The odd or even is depends up on Id (Its a primary key/ Integer).

Is there any query

Please help me!


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How To Fetch Records How Much You Want??

Dec 3, 2007

Hi Folks,

How do I right queries to fetch first 10 records, then next 10 and so on..

My table structure is as follows:
MPAD_EmpCode (Employee Code)
MPAD_Date (Date)
MPAD_Status (Attendance Status i.e. P, A, etc)

Sample Records for the same is given below

------- ------------ ---------- -----------
1 1001 11/01/2007 P
2 1001 11/02/2007 P
3 1001 11/03/2007 A
... .. .. ..
14 1002 11/01/2007 P
15 1002 11/02/2007 A
16 1002 11/03/2007 P

Please help me out in writing out this query.



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Fetch Question

Jul 20, 2005

I have a stored procedure that inserts one row into a table. From aSELECT statement I would like to call the SP on each row in theresults. Is setting up a cursor and using fetch statements the bestway (or even the only way) to do this?

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Problem With FETCH LAST

Jul 20, 2005

Hello everyone, hope someone can help me with this.I have a SQL stored procedure that inserts a record into a table,creates a cursor to fetch the last record that was added to get theunique key that was created and then writes that and other info to aseparate table. This procedure was working fine at our ISP under NT 4and SQL 7.We recently moved to another ISP on servers that are windows 2000 andSQL 2000. Now this code is going kerplooey. It actually worked finein the staging area but now that it was moved into production, it isnot working. also wanted to mention that the production database wasrestored from a backup. below is the code.the first time this is run it is ok, for example the transactionnumber is 1. the next time it is run, a new record is created in thesweep results with a transaction number of 2. but for some reason,when i declare the cursor to fetch the last record, it goes back tothe transaction number 1 record. so the counts from transaction 1don't match counts from transaction 2 and the next step has an errorcondition and doesn't work.thanks in advance for any help you can provideAnn Williams-- update the sweep results tableINSERT tbl_sweepresults (del_wrkfeedback_count,updnull_feedback_count, swp_feedback_count,swp_count_error, del_error, updnull_error, swp_error, init_error,sweep_date)VALUES (@var_del_wrkfeedback_count, @var_updnull_feedback_count,@var_swp_feedback_count,@var_swp_count_error, @var_del_error, @var_updnull_error,@var_swp_error, @var_init_error, GETDATE())-- create cursorDECLARE tbl_sweepresults_cursor SCROLL CURSOR FORSELECT transaction_no, sweep_date, init_error, updnull_feedback_countFROM tbl_sweepresultsOPEN tbl_sweepresults_cursor-- get transaction number, sweep date, init error, feedback sweepcount and pass to tbl_currentTrans for OPAL comparisonFETCH LAST FROM tbl_sweepresults_cursor INTO @var_transaction_no,@var_sweep_date, @var_init_error, @var_swp_countzeroDELETE tbl_currentTransINSERT tbl_currentTrans (current_transaction_no, current_sweep_date,current_init_error, current_swp_countzero)VALUES (@var_transaction_no, @var_sweep_date, @var_init_error,@var_swp_countzero)-- close the cursorCLOSE tbl_sweepresults_cursorDEALLOCATE tbl_sweepresults_cursor

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Data Fetch

Apr 13, 2007


I'm using a remote SQL Server Express database with a C# app, and to do so as most of you already know, there's no DataSource available, it's all around SQL. This poses a problem as when I want to browse (1 by 1 in my app, with search utility) the contents of a given table, I have to perform a Select command. Well the problem is when I do this it loads all records into a DataSet (or DataTable), which is fine by me, but one of my tables is expected to reach 400 or 500 records in a few months time. This will mean a lot of loading from the db once the app is launched. Is there a way to make this connection more efective? Thanks

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Help Me Out W/ My Query.. Should I Use Fetch?

Mar 13, 2008


i want to be able to get the columns from my table except for its pk. the long method is to selecting all columns by listing them one by one right? but what if i got 100 columns..

so.. i wanted to use the information_schema..

i have:

use dbase;
select column_name
from information_schema.columns
where table_name = 'table1'
and column_name != 'pkid'

so there i'm listing the columns, but how am i suppose to select those columns from my real table?

thanks in advance!

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Fetch The Value From Each Cell Into Datatable

Jul 23, 2007

I'm trying this code but nothing is being displayedSqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["STRING_CON"]);
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("my_sproc", conn);DataTable dt = new DataTable();
DataRow dr;
//Adding the columns to the datatabledt.Columns.Add("CategoryIdIn");
dt.Columns.Add("CategoryNameVc");foreach (DataGridItem item in gd_freq.Items)
dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = item.Cells[0].Text;
dr[1] = item.Cells[1].Text;
gd_freq.DataSource = dt;

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Can't Fetch Record From Cursor

Nov 4, 2007

I'm relatively inexperienced in sql, and am having trouble interpreting the behavior of a cursor in some code I have inherited.  When there is a record in both the Filters and FilterElements tables, the fetch_status is 0.  If there is a record in Filters, but no child record in FilterElements, the fetch_status is -1.  Since the tables are joined with a RIGHT OUTER JOIN, even when there is no corresponding record in FilterElements, a record is returned (I have verified running the select in a query window).  But when used in a cursor, the record is not fetched.  The fetch_status is -1.  Can anyone tell me why the fetch doesn't work in this case.  Thanks
DECLARE @CreatedByUser nchar(100), @WorkflowIDs varchar(50);
SET @MyVariable = CURSOR FOR
SELECT isnull(Filters.WorkflowIDs, ''),
isnull(FilterElements.CreatedByUser, '')
FROM Filters RIGHT OUTER JOINFilterElements ON Filters.ItemID = FilterElements.FiltersItemID
WHERE FiltersItemID = @FilterID;
OPEN @MyVariable;FETCH NEXT FROM @MyVariable
INTO @WorkflowIDs, @CreatedByUser;

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How To Fetch Time In 12 Hrs Format ?

Mar 11, 2008

I want ot get time just like this : 8:40:15 AMI am using
select convert(varchar(12),getdate(),8) to get this but this function return 24 Hrs format.
How to achive this by using small coding.

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