Transact SQL :: Increase Identifier Length

Dec 5, 2015

For example sake I removed the actual text, but this gets the point across as to what I want to do, but it throws this error

Msg 103, Level 15, State 4, Line 2
The identifier that starts with 'abc cde fghijkllmalama aljkjlkj alkjkljlkjkljk aljkljlkljk aljkascnalk alkjasdlkjlkajsd asdljklkasdjflkjasdf alkjasqquiouoie oiu' is too long. Maximum length is 128.

And this is my query

GETDATE() As [abc cde fghijkllmalama aljkjlkj alkjkljlkjkljk aljkljlkljk aljkascnalk alkjasdlkjlkajsd asdljklkasdjflkjasdf alkjasqquiouoie oiuoiuoqq aoiuou!]

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The Identifier That Starts Too Long. Maximum Length Is 128

Jun 23, 2006

Hi, i'm trying to run a stored procedure:"EXECUTE dbname.dbo.spGid 'KFT', '0000000011,0000000012', 'merch,DSMT','2006-02-01 00:00:00', '2006-02-28 00:00:00'"and gives me this error:The identifier that starts with"EXECUTE dbname.dbo.spGid 'KFT', '0000000011,0000000012', 'merch,DSMT','2006-02-01 00:00:00', '2006-02-28 00:00:00'"is too long. Maximum length is 128.Anyone could help?

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Transact SQL :: Merge With Unique Identifier As PK

Jul 2, 2015

Using SQL Server 2014 i try to merge data from database [Susi] on server2 to database [Susi] on server1. Server2 is a linked server in server1. The PK of the table Core.tKontakte is uniqueidentifier with rowguidcol.

I wrote the following script and get error 206: "uniqueidentifier ist inkompatibel mit int".

    INSERT Core.tKontakte (KontaktID, AnredeID, Titel, Nachname)
    SELECT KontaktID, AnredeID, Titel, Nachname
    FROM [Susi].MSCMS.Core.tKontakte AS Client
    WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT KontaktID FROM Core.tKontakte AS Host WHERE Host.KontaktID = Client.KontaktID);

[Code] ....

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Transact SQL :: Declarations Do Not Have DECLARE Keyword Prefacing Variable Identifier

Jul 20, 2015

So I was looking at the code for the proc created by Ola's script and noticed a number of variable declarations happening early on (like at line 10) but these variable declarations do not have the DECLARE keyword prefacing the variable identifier.

Then, a couple lines lower, a new batch of variables are declared, but this time with the DECLARE keyword. I was under the impression that you always needed the DECLARE. Is it a scope thing? Like related to the fact the first set of variables are before the stored proc's begin statement?

USE [master]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[DatabaseBackup] Script Date: 7/20/2015 2:23:36 PM ******/
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[DatabaseBackup]

[Code] ....

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Transact SQL :: Alter Table Set Quoted Identifier On And Set Ansi Null

May 27, 2015

I have existing table which is having Set Quoted Identifier Off and Set Ansi Null

Now I want to change those setting  so Is there any alter statement for the same?

Also Let's say At my database level If those settings are off and If I convert it to ON then It is not taking effect on existing tables SP which are already build.

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Transact SQL :: Get Max Length Of All Nvarchars In A Database?

Jun 9, 2015

I am looking for a query that can search an entire database and return max length of all nvarchars in a database. I can write a cursor but its a pretty big database with  lots and lots of columns using nvarchars with most of them having a length of around 300 and doing a select max(len(nvarchar_col) from table from few tables return only 12 or 13. So I want to restrict the length of this data type accordingly.

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Transact SQL :: Changing Length Of Datatype?

May 20, 2015

I have a field in a table

FormID nvarchar(6)

i want to change the length of the datatype to nvarchar(8).

what is the best way to do with out dropping the table?

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Transact SQL :: Length Of Column Values Mismatch

Jun 4, 2015

I have one column called ORGNAME NVarchar(34). There are two records which has the same value stored in that column"Mobile Payment Finland", in both records there are no spaces at start or end position, which mean both records are exactly same. But when i run


it gives, 34 for first record and 22 for the second record. I couldnt understand what could be the exact problem.

then i get 68 and 44

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Transact SQL :: DATALength - Split A Field Based Off Its Length

May 15, 2015

I need to split a field based off it's length.  Initial thought was to take Left(field, characters), and Right(field, characters), but now I see I am duplicating the data as I am capturing too much of the data in.  However, what I actually need to achieve is in field1 capture the left 1000 characters, and in field 2 take from character 1001 to the end.  How can I update my syntax so that field2 will ONLY capture from character 1001 to end?

field1 = COALESCE(CASE WHEN DATALENGTH(exitinterviewnotes) > 998 THEN LEFT(CAST(exitinterviewnotes AS VARCHAR(MAX)), 1000) ELSE exitinterviewnotes END,''),
field2 = COALESCE(CASE WHEN DATALENGTH(exitinterviewnotes) > 998 THEN RIGHT(CAST(exitinterviewnotes AS VARCHAR(MAX)), 1000) END,'')

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Transact SQL :: Invalid Length Parameter Passed To Left Or Substring

Dec 1, 2015

is it possible to identify which value is causing me the above  error message and how to resolve it,These are for British postcodes.

create table #tmp (postcode varchar(200) NULL)
insert into #tmp values ('NULL')
insert into #tmp values ('-')
insert into #tmp values ('.')
insert into #tmp values ('0L6 7TP')
insert into #tmp values ('AB10 1WP')
insert into #tmp values ('AB51 5HH')


This is the main query

select postcode,LEFT([Postcode], CHARINDEX(' ',[Postcode]) - 1)
from #tmp
order by Postcode
drop table #tmp

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Transact SQL :: Invalid Length Parameter Passed To LEFT Or SUB-STRING Function

Jul 22, 2015

when I am trying to perform below query,
    SELECT TOP 100 *

I am getting Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Procedure Parameter Length Declaration Less Than Column Length?

Jun 30, 2014

is there any way or a tool to identify if in procedure the Parameter length was declarated less than table Column length ..

I have a table

CREATE TABLE TEST001 (KeyName Varchar(100) ) a procedure
WHERE KeyName = @KeyName
KeyName = @KeyName

Here table Column with 100 char length "KeyName" was compared with SP parameter "@KeyName" with length 40 char ..

IS there any way to find out all such usage on the ALL Procedures in the Database ?

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BlobColumn.GetBlobData() With Data Length &&> Integer Length (32767)

Mar 27, 2008

For those of you who would like to reference my exact issue, I'm dealing with the RSExecution SSIS package at the "Update Parameters" data flow task, at the Script Component.

The script tries to split parameter data into name and value. Unfortunately, I have several reports that are passing parameters that are very large. One example has over 65,000 characters all in the normal "&paramname=value&parm2=value..." format.

The code in the script works fine until it gets to one of these very large parameter sets. I have figured out what is causing the issue. Here's some code:

Dim paramBlob as Byte()
paramBlob = Row.BlobColumn.GetBlobData(0, Row.BlobColumn.Length)

The second parameter of the .GetBlobData function takes an INTEGER as its count! Therefore, no matter what kind of datatype I pass to the string that the script will later split, it will be limited to 32767 characters.


Does anyone know a workaround for this issue? I need all of the parameter data to be reported, and I would hate to have to skip over rows like this. Also, if I'm missing something, please fill me in!

Thanks for your help in advance,

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Transact SQL :: Excel Data Import Truncate Data Length To 255

Jul 29, 2015

I am trying to import data from an excel Sheet to SQL Database using OPENROWSET. After import I found that all the cells containing data of more than 2000 length got truncated to  255 characters only. I tried finding the solution and found that We need to have the data with length more than 255 in first 8 rows of Excel sheet. It worked for me also. But In real scenario the data that I cant do the manual work on excel. I tried out with Dot Net utility and SSIS package also but the truncation is still the issue.

INSERT into tmp_Test
12.0;Database=D:Book1.xlsx', [Sheet1$])

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Transact SQL :: NVARCHAR Field Getting Truncated After Increasing Field Length?

Aug 28, 2015

I have a very strange situation. I've increased the size of an NVARCHAR field from 8 to 9 in a database table. The format of the data that I enter will either be an 8 character field (123456-8) or a 9 character field (1234567-9). The '-' is critical.

It used to only accept the 8 character version, but after increasing the field size, if I try to insert the 9 character field version, it gets truncated after the '-', as though it's still only allowing 8 characters. But that only occurs when I include the '-' or other such characters like '#'. If I try to insert 1234567a9, it works. The following explains the outcomes:

Inserted Value -> Result in table

123456-8 -> 123456-8      *Correct
1234567-9 -> 1234567-     *Wrong
123456789 -> 123456789    *Correct
1234567#9 -> 1234567#     *Wrong
1234567a9 -> 1234567a9    *Correct

Why is it that characters such as '-' and '#' are truncating the value, but only if the string is 9 chars long?

I'm currently using a direct t-sql insert statement in SQLExpress. The field is a simple NVARCHAR(9) field.

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Transact SQL :: Column Length Restriction When Naming CTE Column?

Jun 22, 2015

My CTE is failing and I don't know why...Is there a Common Table Expression column name length restriction???

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CommandParameters.length Don't Match Parametervalues.length

Feb 24, 2008

I am trying to narrow down this problem.  Basically, I added 3 columns to my article table.  It holds the article id, article text, author and so on.  I tested my program before adding the additional field to the program.  The program works fine and I can add an article, and edit the same article even though it skips over the 3 new fields in the database.  It just puts nulls into those columns.So, now I have added one of the column names I added in the database to the code. I changed my businesslogic article.vb code and the addarticle.aspx, as well as the New article area in the addartivle.aspx.vb  page. The form now has an additional textbox field for the ShortDesc which is a short description of the article. This is the problem now:  The command parameters.length is 9 and there are 10 parameter values.  Right in the middle of the 10 values is the #4 value which I inserted into the code.  It says Nothing when I hover my mouse over the code after my program throws the exception in 17 below.  Why is  command parameters.length set to 9 instead of 10?  Why isn't it reading the information for value 4 like all the other values and placing it's value there and calculating 10 instead of 9? Where are these set in the program?  Sounds to me like they are hard coded in someplace and I need to change them to match everything else.  1 ' This method assigns an array of values to an array of SqlParameters.2 ' Parameters:3 ' -commandParameters - array of SqlParameters to be assigned values4 ' -array of objects holding the values to be assigned5 Private Overloads Shared Sub AssignParameterValues(ByVal commandParameters() As SqlParameter, ByVal parameterValues() As Object)6 7 Dim i As Integer8 Dim j As Integer9 10 If (commandParameters Is Nothing) AndAlso (parameterValues Is Nothing) Then11 ' Do nothing if we get no data12 Return13 End If14 15 ' We must have the same number of values as we pave parameters to put them in16 If commandParameters.Length <> parameterValues.Length Then17 Throw New ArgumentException("Parameter count does not match Parameter Value count.") 18 End If19 20 ' Value array21 j = commandParameters.Length - 122 For i = 0 To j23 ' If the current array value derives from IDbDataParameter, then assign its Value property24 If TypeOf parameterValues(i) Is IDbDataParameter Then25 Dim paramInstance As IDbDataParameter = CType(parameterValues(i), IDbDataParameter)26 If (paramInstance.Value Is Nothing) Then27 commandParameters(i).Value = DBNull.Value28 Else29 commandParameters(i).Value = paramInstance.Value30 End If31 ElseIf (parameterValues(i) Is Nothing) Then32 commandParameters(i).Value = DBNull.Value33 Else34 commandParameters(i).Value = parameterValues(i)35 End If36 Next37 End Sub ' AssignParameterValues38 39 40 41  

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Dec 10, 2007

Choose an EEO-1 Classification: Increase all employees salaries that have: the selected EEO-1 classification by 10%.

Increase all employees salaries by 5%
Hi! I am new to SQL, but trying to teach myself. I have had lots of help from you guys and appreciate it very much. Today, I was trying to do the following:

In my table of "Employees", I have a column called classifications. I want to increase the salaries of the employees with a classification of EE0-1 by 10%, but I have not figured out to do so.

My second question is how would I increase all employees' salaries by 5%?

Anyone can help?



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Increase Ram?

Jul 20, 2005

i have DB 2GB on disk.if i increase tha ram up to 4GB, the sql sever use with theram to his temporary table while process quiry?

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Increase Number By 1

Sep 2, 2004

Hello all,
I have, what i think, is a unique problem that i'm hoping some of you can help me on.

I need to create a record number that is incremented by 1 whenever someone adds a new record to the database. For example, records numbering 1,2,3 are in the database. When the users adds a new record, SQL takes the last recordno, 3 in this case, and adds 1 to it thus producing 4.

Also, i need to have the ability to replace deleted record numbers with new ones. Using the example above, say a user deletes record number 2. Whenever someone adds a new record, sql would see the missing number and assign the new record that number.

I hope i'm making sense here. Does anyone have any ideas about this? Any articles on the web that someone could point me to?

Richard M.

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Sp To Increase Value Of Index

Jan 26, 2004

Can someone tell me how I can write a stored procedure that will automatically increment the value of the index by 001? I am attempting to build a table for a menu system and I need to increment the index value of the document by 001 when submitted to the database. I also need to have the script obtain the last index value of the node before inserting new value.

All ideas appreciated.



If interested, this requested is based upon an article written by Michael Feranda:

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Sql Log Files Can Not Increase?

Oct 30, 2006

Database's log file can not increase when nearly get 2 GB

Mine is sql server2000,What's wrong with this? Any idea about this?


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How To Increase The DB Size

Mar 5, 2007


I have one DB in SQL Server 2005.When I was creating it

takes 7813 MB.Now the databse size almost full.Now I want to extend the

DB Size.At my HDD has more space(near by 160 GB).But I don't know how to

extend the Size.More over I had one doubt.Am executing the

exec sp_helpdb command.It shows the Datafile maxsize is Unlimited.I want to

know when the data is full,whether it automatically takes the size from the

HDD or not.

Please Help me out to this Problem.

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Feb 14, 2007

We are getting the following error on an SSIS package:
"54 Diagnostic VirtualSQLName DomainUserName Load Daily 859CF005-CB7F-47D8-8432-AE7C074B343C 1A986F18-343F-4424-ABAB-AC6575187DF3 2007-02-14 10:05:42.000 2007-02-14 10:05:42.000 0 0x Based on the system configuration, the maximum concurrent executables are set to 4. "

Basically it is saying the we have reached the maximum amount of executables. How can we increase this value and where?


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Increase Scope Of CTE?

Jan 10, 2008

I am really starting to like CTEs. My only qualm is that you can only use them within the first statement after you declare them. I wish they would remain active for the duration of the sql batch just like everything else (variables,local temp tables, ect). Is there any trick so that you can use them multiple times? Maybe define them as a string and do dynamic sql or something like that? Hopefully (i have not researched the new version of sql server) in SQL Server 2008 the scope has increase. Anyways any help would be appreciated.


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Increase &#39;View&#39; Performance

Apr 1, 2001

I created a view on two huge tables. I tried to run a simple SELECT statement on this view and it took me several hours to obtain the result. How can I improve the performance of a view? The view should make use of the indexes built in both table, am I right? Thanks.

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Cursor Will Increase Performance Or Not

Jun 29, 2000

"Cursor provide row-by-row level processing and it will store the result sets in 'TEMPDB' database".

(Because of this) or (By using Cursor in Triggers or Stored Procedures) the performance will increase or performance will come down?. I am thankful if I get a good reason for this?


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How To Increase Number Of Licences?

Jan 29, 2001

I wonder is there any way to increase number of server licences without re-installing SQLServer?

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How To Increase The Maximum No. Of DB Processes?

Sep 4, 1998

I am receiving an error from my ODBC driver “Maximum number of DBPROCESSes already allocated.”

I confirmed that there are 25 connections and that this is the default. This is caused by error message 10029, SQLEDBPS, when the maximum number of simultaneously open DBPROCESS structures exceeds the current setting. I would like to increase this maximum.

I have found only two ways to do this. One is using dbsetmaxprocs using C and the other is using SqlSetMaxProcs using Visual Basic. My problem is that I am interfacing to SQL Server using a third party tool that is doing the lower level programming.

Is there some way that I can increase the maximum number of DB processes for all databases that are part of the SQL Server 7 environment, or can I set this value using a program that is called from a stored procedure?

Any ideas in this area will be greatly appreciated.

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Increase Segment Size

Oct 6, 1998

Hi all,
I encountered error 1105 (Can`t allocate space for object .....) while running a query.
I had dump transaction with no log sucessfully and retry running my query but
still encounter error 1105.

I had checked my database size and following are the info:
Datasize : 2500MB Database size available : 753.39
Log space : 500MB Log space available : 500MB (this was acheive after
after dump trans. twice. it was around 480MB before)

Thus looks like the data segment is full!!!
I expanded the size of the disk device D on which the segment device A is on by 50MB. When I did a sp_helpdevice D, the expansion is reflected.
Next I run sp_extendsegement, A, D.
However running sp_helpsegment A doesn`t show that segment A is expanded.
Please help!!! How do I expand the size of the segment? (without creating a new disk device, is it possible)
Any other way to resolve this problem?

Also how to check if a particular segment is full? eg. the %usage of data/log segment.

Thanks in advance.

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How Do I Increase Font Size In 6.5?

Jan 27, 1999

I seem to remember that the font size and type can be controlled in SQL Server 6.5 and the process controlls the fonts displayed
throughout the program - Enterprise Manager, Query Tool, etc.

I have just re-installed 6.5 and the fonts are way too small.

Can anyone tell me how this is done?



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How To Increase Tablespaces In Sql Server

Jul 14, 2004

Can someone tell me how to increase tablespaces in SQL Server?

Is the syntax the same as Oracle? Is there a wizard in Enterprise Manager?


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How To Increase The SQL Server Memory

Dec 21, 2004

We are using SQL server 7.0, our users use to connect to SQL server remotely using Visual Basic Application. When all the users are connected it keeps on increasing the memory utilization and at 1,836,848 KB memory utilization it stops increasing the memory i.e memory utilization become stangnet. The actual amount of physical Memory is around 5GB but SQL server dont increase it after the treshhold level and the performance of the server get affected badly. Any one please suggest me the possible solution.

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