PROBLEM: The SQL insert trigger code below is returning incorrect results. In some cases the results returned are from entirely different fields than those specified as the source field in the SET statement. For instance the value returne for the Price_BeforeAdj field does not = 20000000? It returns a NULL. See code below.
ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[xcti_WIPAdjustments_I]
  ON [dbo].[budxcWIPAdjustments]
  UPDATE budxcWIPAdjustments
I am/have been having an issue with Data Access from a Sql Server database. I have a class that contains a method called "GetDataReader" which takes in a string for the query. Occasionally, the DataReader returned has completely different columns thus resulting in an error when trying to read the data. Below is a small section of code that actually creates the datareader, opens the connection and executes the reader.SqlCommand cmdReader = new SqlCommand(); SqlDataReader drReturn = null; try { // Set the connection for the command object cmdReader.Connection = new SqlConnection(this._csbGlobal.ConnectionString); cmdReader.Connection.Open(); // Set the command type cmdReader.CommandType = Type; // Set the command text cmdReader.CommandText = Sql; // Set the command timeout cmdReader.CommandTimeout = _iTimeout; if (Parameters != null) { // Set the parameters for (int i = 0; i < Parameters.Count; i++) { cmdReader.Parameters.AddWithValue("@" + Parameters.GetKey(i), Parameters[i]); } }
// Get the return value drReturn = cmdReader.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); // Dispose of the command object cmdReader.Dispose(); cmdReader = null; } catch (SqlException e) { this.HandleError(e); } catch (Exception e) { this.HandleError(e); } // Return the reader return drReturn;The data access class is created on each page and only used for that page and any usercontrols on that page. I have checked all the datareaders and they are all being closed. I have been fighting with this issue for about a month and a half now. It only seems to happen when there are a lot of people on the site.If anyone has experienced this or konws how to fix it please let me know. Thanks-Jason
I'm updating one column using trigger but i am getting below error .
UPDATE failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or filtered indexes and/or query notifications and/or XML data type methods and/or spatial index operations.
Sp which inserts inforamtion into a table works fine. The trigger on that table which then inserts information into another table works fine. Only problem is that the SP will not return anything to Visual Basic.. Anyone know how to fix it?
SPbob INsert into b values(1,1,2,2) select 0
(this is a cut up version of the sp just to show about the way it is formated) Please help.
I'm trying to fill a temp table whose columns are the same as another table plus it has one more column. The temp table's contents are those rows in the other table that meet a particular condition plus another column that is the name of the table that is the source for the rows being added.
Example: 'permTable' has col1 and col2. The data in these two rows plus the name of the table from which it came ('permTable' in this example) are to be added to #temp.
Data in permTable col1   col2 11,   12 21,    22
Data in #temp after permTable's filtered contents have been added
TableName, col1   col2 permTable, 11,    12 permTable, 21,    22
I have four tables: Customer (CustomerId INT, CountyId INT), County (CountyId INT), Search(SearchId INT), and SearchCriteria (SearchCriteriaId INT, SearchId INT, CountyId INT, [others not related to this]).
I want to search Customer based off of the Search record, which could have multiple SearchCriteria records. However, if there aren't any SearchCriteria records with CountyId populated for a given Search, I want it to assume to get all Customer records, regardless of CountyId.
Right now, I'm doing it this way.
DECLARE @SearchId INT = 100 SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE CountyId IN ( SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT CountyId FROM SearchCriteria WHERE SearchId = @SearchId) THEN SearchCriteria.CountyId
[Code] .....
This works; it just seems cludgy. Is there a more elegant way to do this?
I am fairly sure that I am just overlooking something, but the following command is returning some incorrect fields. SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT ITNBR, (SELECT ITDSC FROM AMFLIBT.ITEMASA WHERE AMFLIBT.ITEMASA.ITNBR = AMFLIBT.ITEMBL.ITNBR) AS ITDSC, SUM(MOHTQ) AS Balance, (SELECT VNDNR FROM AMFLIBT.ITEMASA WHERE AMFLIBT.ITEMASA.ITNBR = AMFLIBT.ITEMBL.ITNBR) AS VENDOR FROM AMFLIBT.ITEMBL WHERE VNDNR = @DDLVNDNR GROUP BY ITNBR, VENDOR" SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters.Add("ddlvndnr", ddl1.SelectedValue) I have more code to show, if this looks correct. Just let me know. Thanks in advance.
Hi All,In ASP.Net, I am passing a date as a string formatted as yyyymmdd (e.g. 20080219) via an SqlParameter as follows:aSqlParams(0) = New SqlParameter("@DepartDate", inpDepartDate.Value)In the Stored Procedure (SP) I am using DATEPART(dw, @DepartDate).If I execute the SP from within SQL Server and enter a date, formatted as above, as tha value for the Parameter @DepartDate then DatePart returns the correct value (3).If I use the SP via ASP.Net it returns a value which is 1 less (2). When I execute the SP manually the resultant EXEC statement uses "@DepartDate = N'20080219'". Can something similar be done in ASP.Net when setting the SqlParameter? Thank you,
I am reposting this to a different forum, becasue I got not response... Using VS05 SP1 Pro SQL Express€¦ Take a simple stored procedure like the following to return a specific column from a specific row in a data table .... SELECT fld_IX_UserID FROM UserIDs WHERE (fld_UserID_Table_ID = @USERID_TABLE_ID) It works fine in Store Procedure, and if you create at table adapter to reference it, that works fine as well. Here is the issue. In the store procedure (i.e. under Server Explorer), when you execute the command to test it, it gives you the correct results. In Edit with Dataset Designer, Table Adapater, if you highlight it, right click preview data, it gives you incorrect results. In code, the table adapter gives you the correct resutls. In every case, Preview Results for a table adapter built on a stored procedure will give you the wrong results. This is clearly a bug and can result in a log of wasted time. Am I missing something? FYI, I realize I don't need to use the Table Adapater to execute the above stored procedure, but we are using table adapters for everything to be consistent. Thanks, Bob
I'm writing a FTS query which needs to search on two different columns.
E.g. Table contains "Location" and "LocationDescription" columns. Both columns are FT indexed. The query also uses AND/OR operators to filter out the results.
I found the following article which gives the solution to the same problem. Link:;en-us;286787 Is this problem associated with SQL Server 2005 also?
Making a third column which hold data from first two column is the only solution or is there any other way to acheive better results?
I have a smalldatetime column in my sql2000 database table and am sorting ascending on a smalldatetime. The problem is my results are not in desc order like I want. Now 5/15/2007 is showing up after 5/9/2007. I need my dates to sort from the most recent to the latest. Any help is appreciated.
It’s coming along but there are some problems, ASP.NET actually has 2 posts not 1. And the java totals are correct but it should be Java, 3, 10 (all in one line) Category.....Topics...Posts ASP.NET.........2........1 C#................1........1 Java..............1........1 Java..............1........2 Java..............1........7
Overview: use category id to get count of topics then use the topic id to get the count of posts.
SELECT C.CategoryName, T.ThreadCount AS Threads, T.PostCount AS Posts FROM Category AS C LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT tt.CategoryID, PostID.PostCount, COUNT(tt.ThreadName) AS ThreadCount FROM Thread AS tt LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT ThreadID, COUNT(PostID) AS PostCount FROM Post AS P GROUP BY ThreadID) AS PostID ON tt.ThreadID = PostID.ThreadID GROUP BY tt.CategoryID, PostID.PostCount) AS T ON C.CategoryID = T.CategoryID WHERE (C.CategoryID = T.CategoryID) GROUP BY C.CategoryName, T.ThreadCount, T.PostCount ORDER BY C.CategoryName
I'm seeing some change in behavior for a query in SQL Server 2005 (compared to behavior in SQL Server 2000). The query is as follows: ------------ create table #projects (projectid int) insert into #projects select projectid from tblprojects where istemplate = 0 and projecttemplateid = 365
Select distinct tblProjects.ProjectID from tblProjects WITH (NOLOCK) inner join #projects on #projects.projectid = tblprojects.projectid Inner join tblMilestones WITH (NOLOCK) ON tblProjects.ProjectID = tblMilestones.ProjectID and tblProjects.projectID in ( select projectid from tblMilestones where (parent = 683691 AND PrimaryDate between '4/15/2006' and '4/22/2006' ) and enabled = 1 ) ------------ This is dynamic SQL generated by the application when a user requests a report with variable parameters. It works fine in SQL Server 2000. It outputs 47 records which is correct.
In SQL Server 2005, for some reason, the DISTINCT keyword is behaving as a TOP operator and outputs just 1 record. (Results of Showplan Text at the end of this post).
If I modify the query even the slightest bit by: 1) Changing "where (parent = 683691 AND PrimaryDate between '4/15/2006' and '4/22/2006' ) and enabled = 1 )" To " where (parent = 683691 AND PrimaryDate between '4/15/2006' and '4/22/2006' ) ) and enabled = 1 "
3) Removing the Distinct keyword, storing into a Temp table, then performing a distinct on the temp table
5) OR completely fixing the query (remove redundant loops, etc) works fine (outputs 47 records). It also works if I created new tables (eg. tMilestones instead of tblMilestones) and inserted about 10 records into each and ran the query referencing these new tables.
I reindexed the tables, updated stats, updated usage, ran DBCC FREEPROCCACHE, changed MaxDOP settings...nothing makes the query behave the way it does in SQL Server 2000 without modifying the query/adding the query hint.
Have you come across this? Any ideas on what might be causing the "TOP" operation. (Somewhat resembles the bug mentioned in this article: - but this was apparently fixed POST-SQL Server 2000 SP4 - so has it not made it into SQL Server 2005 yet?).
I will appreciate any new insights you might have on this issue. Thanks much, Smitha
P.S. Results of Showplan Text:
StmtText ------------------------------ SET STATISTICS PROFILE ON
(1 row(s) affected)
StmtText ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Select distinct tblProjects.ProjectID from tblProjects WITH (NOLOCK) inner join #projects on #projects.projectid = tblprojects.projectid Inner join tblMilestones WITH (NOLOCK) ON tblProjects.ProjectID = tblMilestones.ProjectID and tblProjects.projectID in ( select tblMilestones.projectid from tblMilestones where (parent = 683691 AND tblMilestones.PrimaryDate between '4/15/2006' and '4/22/2006' ) and tblMilestones.enabled = 1 )
I have the following stored procedure that is returning nothing can anyone please help? SELECT job_id, line_num, cust_id, cust_po_id, product_desc, form_num, revision, flat_size, new_art_reprint, order_qty, po_recieved_date, ord_ent_date, customer_due_date, scheduled_ship_date, act_ship_date, act_ship_qty, ship_from, ship_to, price_per_m, misc_charges, commentsFROM tblOrderWHERE (cust_id = @Cust_Id) AND (po_recieved_date BETWEEN @Start AND @End) When I input parameters I make sure my start date is before the first po_recieved_date and the end date is after it yet it is returning nothing. I also made sure that I am putting the correct @Cust_Id
Hi, I have a query written in SQL 2000 which returns incorrect result. The query uses left outer join and a view. I read an issue related to this in one of microsoft bug report in this article
However, there's a slight difference in the sympton second bullet wherein instead of a expression the query returns a fixed string for one of the column value.
Although the issue mentioned in article seems to be fixed. The later one still seems to be reproducible even with Service Pack 4. However, this issue doesn't appear in SQL Server 2005.
Here's the query to reproduce this error.
Code Snippetcreate table t1 (pk1 int not null,primary key (pk1)) create table t2 (pk1 int not null,label1 varchar(10) not null,primary key (pk1)) go insert into t1 values (1) insert into t2 values (2, 'XXXXX') go create view V as select pk1, 'ZZZZ' as label1 from t2 go select A.pk1 as A_pk1, B.pk1 as B_pk1, B.label1 as B_label1 from t1 as A left outer join V as B on A.pk1 = B.pk1 go
This query is similar to the one mentioned in the article except that in the SELECT clause of CREATE VIEW statement I am passing a fixed value for column "label1".
I just want to confirm that this is an issue and no fix is available for this so far.
How do I get my data to show starting at the first row instead of skipping down?
Refer to the attachment.
Code: CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspReportData] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @Metric1 as varchar(50) = NULL, @Metric2 as varchar(50) = NULL, @Metric3 as varchar(50) = NULL, @Metric4 as varchar(50) = NULL, @Metric5 as varchar(50) = NULL, @Metric6 as varchar(50) = NULL, @Metric7 as varchar(50) = NULL, @Metric8 as varchar(50) = NULL,
Hi,I'm creating a stored procedure that pulls information from 4 tables based on 1 parameter. This should be very straightforward, but for some reason it doesn't work.Given below are the relevant tables: SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_Project]( [ProjID] [varchar](300) NOT NULL, [ProjType] [varchar](20) NULL, [ProjectTitle] [varchar](max) NULL, [ProjectDetails] [varchar](max) NULL, [ProjectManagerID] [int] NULL, [RequestedBy] [varchar](max) NULL, [DateRequested] [datetime] NULL, [DueDate] [datetime] NULL, [ProjectStatusID] [int] NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK__tbl_Project__0B91BA14] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ProjID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]
GO SET ANSI_PADDING OFF GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tbl_Project] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_tbl_Project_tbl_ProjectManager] FOREIGN KEY([ProjectManagerID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[tbl_ProjectManager] ([ProjectManagerID]) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tbl_Project] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_tbl_Project_tbl_ProjectManager] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tbl_Project] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_tbl_Project_tbl_ProjectStatus] FOREIGN KEY([ProjectStatusID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[tbl_ProjectStatus] ([ProjectStatusID]) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tbl_Project] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_tbl_Project_tbl_ProjectStatus]
SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_Report]( [ReportName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [ProjID] [varchar](300) NULL, [DeptCode] [varchar](50) NULL, [ProjType] [varchar](50) NULL, [ProjectTitle] [varchar](500) NULL, [ProjectDetails] [varchar](3000) NULL, [ProjectManagerID] [int] NULL, [RequestedBy] [varchar](50) NULL, [DateRequested] [datetime] NULL, [DueDate] [datetime] NULL, [ProjectStatusID] [int] NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_tbl_Report] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ReportName] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]
GO SET ANSI_PADDING OFF GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tbl_Report] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_tbl_Report_tbl_ProjectManager] FOREIGN KEY([ProjectManagerID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[tbl_ProjectManager] ([ProjectManagerID]) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tbl_Report] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_tbl_Report_tbl_ProjectManager] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tbl_Report] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_tbl_Report_tbl_ProjectStatus] FOREIGN KEY([ProjectStatusID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[tbl_ProjectStatus] ([ProjectStatusID]) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tbl_Report] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_tbl_Report_tbl_ProjectStatus]
And here is the stored procedure that I wrote (doesn't return results): SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetReportQuery] ( @ReportName varchar(100) )
DECLARE @DeptCode varchar(50), @ProjID varchar(50) SELECT @DeptCode = DeptCode FROM tbl_Report WHERE ReportName = @ReportName
SET @ProjID = @DeptCode + '-' + '%'
SELECT P.ProjID, P.ProjType, P.ProjectTitle, P.ProjectDetails, M.FName, M.LName, P.DateRequested, P.DueDate, S.ProjectStatus FROM tbl_Project P, tbl_ProjectManager M, tbl_ProjectStatus S WHERE ((P.ProjID = (SELECT ProjID FROM tbl_Report WHERE ((ReportName = @ReportName)))) AND (P.ProjectDetails = (SELECT ProjectDetails FROM tbl_Report WHERE ReportName = @ReportName) OR P.ProjectDetails IS NULL) AND (M.FName = (SELECT FName FROM tbl_ProjectManager WHERE (ProjectManagerID = (SELECT ProjectManagerID FROM tbl_Report WHERE ReportName = @ReportName))) OR M.FName IS NULL) AND (M.LName = (SELECT LName FROM tbl_ProjectManager WHERE (ProjectManagerID = (SELECT ProjectManagerID FROM tbl_Report WHERE ReportName = @ReportName))) OR M.LName IS NULL) AND (P.DateRequested = (SELECT DateRequested FROM tbl_Report WHERE ReportName = @ReportName) OR P.DateRequested IS NULL) AND (P.DueDate = (SELECT DueDate FROM tbl_Report WHERE ReportName = @ReportName) OR P.DueDate IS NULL) AND (S.ProjectStatus = (SELECT ProjectStatusID FROM tbl_Report WHERE ReportName = @ReportName) OR S.ProjectStatus IS NULL) ) END
Hi all,I have a SQL job where I do the following -I check for new rows in my Table "DumpResults", every now and then and get the new rows to be inserted into table "CleanTable". I use OPENXML() to get the new data to be inserted but for some reason I don't get the right data through OPENXML() - DECLARE @intDoc INTDECLARE @xmlDoc VARCHAR(8000)IF(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DumpResults WHERE DumpResults.C1 NOT IN (SELECT CleanTable.C1 FROM CleanTable)) > 0BEGINSET @xmlDoc = (SELECT * FROM DumpResults WHERE DumpResults.C1 NOT IN (SELECT CleanTable.C1 FROM CleanTable) FOR XML RAW) SET @xmlDoc = '<TABLE>' + @xmlDoc + '</TABLE>' PRINT @xmlDocEXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @intDoc OUTPUT, @xmlDoc--INSERT INTO CleanTable(C1, C2, C3, C4, C5) SELECT C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 FROM OPENXML(@intDoc,'/row',1)WITH (C1 INT, C2 CHAR(3), C3 CHAR(3) , C4 FLOAT, C5 INT)EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @intDoc END ELSE Output that I get is - <TABLE><row C1="1" C2="AAA" C3="BBB" C4="1.000000000000000e+000" C5="2"/></TABLE>(0 row(s) affected) SO "PRINT @xmlDoc" is returning back the xml data (new results) it collected from the "DumpResults" table which isn't there in "CleanTable" but the "Select... FROM OPENXML(...)" doesn't return any result. why so? If anyone knows please reply If anyone has any better method to do it, inputs are welcome. Thanks
Hello.... I am in the process of building a search function for an application (VS2005,, VB code, and AJAX functionality).The user's form has a textbox (for an input string) and two drop-downs. The user would then click on a "Search Now" button, and the data should populatein a Gridview to the left of the search form. I'm trying to search over an SQL database and need to know how to exactly implement what I have so far: <div id="mcb" style="background-color:#2e4b5b; width:195px; height:410px; float:left"> <div id="ht" style="background-color:#1b2c36;padding:10px; border-bottom:solid 1px #fffdff; width:175px;float:left;"> Quick Search </div><div style="clear:both;"></div> <div style="padding:10px; background-color:#2e4b5b"> <div id="tfta" style="padding:5px 0px 0px 0px"> <b>Vendor Name</b> <asp:TextBox ID="txtVendorFilter" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> <div style="font-size:1px; width:150px; height:1px; background-color:#8FA71F"></div><br /> <b>Contract Type:</b> <asp:dropdownlist ID="ddlContractTypeSearch" runat="server" Width="155px"> <asp:ListItem Value="0">Select...</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem Value="1">Vendor Maintenance</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem Value="2">Consulting Contract</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem Value="3">Hardware License</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem Value="4">Software License</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem Value="5">Statement of Work</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem Value="6">Admin Svcs. Agreement</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem Value="7">Master Service Agreement</asp:ListItem> </asp:dropdownlist> <div style="font-size:1px; width:150px; height:1px; background-color:#8FA71F"></div><br /> <b>Sort By:</b> <asp:DropDownList ID="ddlSortBy" runat="server" Width="155px"> <asp:ListItem Value="0">Select...</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem Value="1">Contract Name</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem Value="2">Contract Type</asp:ListItem> </asp:DropDownList> <div style="font-size:1px; width:150px; height:1px; background-color:#8FA71F"></div><br /> </div> <br /> <asp:Button ID="btnUpdateFilter" runat="server" Text="Search" width="120px"/> <asp:Button ID="btnReset" runat="server" Text="Reset" /></div> </div> Here's my select statement used to initially populate the Gridview (set up using the configuration of the Gridview):SELECT [ContractID], [ContractName], [ContractType], [EffectiveDate], [TerminationDate] FROM [Contract]Here's my btnUpdateFilter codebehind (VB): Protected Sub btnUpdateFilter_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpdateFilter.Click Dim strVendorName As String Dim strContractType As String Dim strSortBy As String If txtVendorFilter IsNot "" Then strVendorName = txtVendorFilter.Text End If ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''If ddlContractTypeSearch.SelectedValue = 1 Then strContractType = "1"ElseIf ddlContractTypeSearch.SelectedValue = 2 Then strContractType = "2"ElseIf ddlContractTypeSearch.SelectedValue = 3 Then strContractType = "3"ElseIf ddlContractTypeSearch.SelectedValue = 4 Then strContractType = "4"ElseIf ddlContractTypeSearch.SelectedValue = 5 Then strContractType = "5"ElseIf ddlContractTypeSearch.SelectedValue = 6 Then strContractType = "6"ElseIf ddlContractTypeSearch.SelectedValue = 7 Then strContractType = "7"Else strContractType = "0"End If ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''If ddlSortBy.SelectedValue = 1 Then strSortBy = "ContractName"ElseIf ddlSortBy.SelectedValue = 2 Then strSortBy = "ContractType"Else strSortBy = "ContractName"End If End Sub
My question is, "how can I form the proper SQL statement", and then implement it so that my gridview will populate using my generated SQL Statement? Thank you for the help!!! -S
I need some help. I have a function that used to use ADO.NET to return a dataview. Now I'm using linq, and I don't know how to make this work original function looked like this: public DataView getIssue() { //do some ADO, return the dataview return ds.Tables["Articles"].DefaultView; } With this I could write Gridview1.dataSource = getIssue();I want to do the same thing with Linq, but I'm running into some trouble:Here's my function now:public DataView getIssue() { var query = from a in db.Articles join i in db.Issues on a.IssueID equals i.IssueID select a; DataView dv = new DataView(); dv = query.asdatatable(); return query; }OK, first off I can't use asdatatable since I am using a join, so I can't make the results of my query a dataview. I can't return the results of my query in this function, something that seemed simple to do in Linq now seems like something that may only be possible in ADO.Thanks for your time
You know how osql can return the results of executing a .sql script to a window? Is there any way to achieve that same behavior in .NET? I am in the process of working on an application that needs to execute a .SQL script (which is easy to do) and then return the actual SQL output from the execution to a window. How do I get that output? None of the sql data objects seem to support this.
I have this script that captures metrics and sizes using T-SQL. When running in development I have no issues. I can run under the context of any database and get results back. When deploying to production servers no results are returning. I'm trying to figure out what permissions are needed for this to return results.
No error message is being returned either. My access is limited for triage against Production? I need to be able to have Production DBA set the right permissions so this job can run correctly.
I have a query running without issue on around 100,000 results however i have a couple where my MAX aggregate is returning two results for a MAX(date time) and i cannot figure out why. I have paired down the query to try and work it out but still don't know.
My query now looks like this (i have remove most columns)
SELECT STATUS, RunOn, sort, T_ID FROM dbo.Results WHERE (RunOn IN (SELECT MAX(RunOn) FROM dbo.Results group BY T_ID) AND T_ID = 21405)
I added the T_ID = 21405 to restrict the results to the problematic results, if i set T_ID to any other test result i get one value based on the latest RunOn, but for some reason with this T_ID i get two values, the latest one and one slightly older... The date time looks ok, i just can't work out why the latest and one older result are returned !
The original query was grouping by more items but i removed those to try and work out what is going one, as mentioned for 99.9% of results it works perfectly, but for this one i don't know.
I have a query with a nested query that is used as an in line view. When I run the whole query I keep getting slightly different results each time (10000, 10002, 10001, 9999 etc.), nothing is being changed, no jobs are running on the DB to affect the tables etc.
When I run the inline view query with the nested query, or nested query on its own, it returns same number each time.
What could potentially be the cause of this?
Using SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition on local W7 PC
I am new at SQL and am using SQL server express edition and im a bit stuck! I am using ASP.NET and C# in my website which is using sql database back end.
String SQLroom = "SELECT DISTINCT RoomName FROM Room INNER JOIN RoomCalendar ON Room.RoomID = RoomCalendar.RoomID WHERE Capacity = '" + reqCapacity + "' " + " AND NOT ('" + newRoomEnd + "' <= roomStartDateTime OR '" + newRoomStart + "' >= roomEndDateTime) AND (OHP = '" + ohpYesNo + "' AND AV = '" + avYesNo + "') ";
This is my SQL string... what it is trying to do is:
find the room where the capacity is the reqcapacity entered by user and the startdatetime and enddatetime entered by the user are not present in the table for that room capacity and then look at whether the user requires OHP or AV facilities, which are stored in the database as either yes or no values. The problem i am having is with the condition in the sql query... because the user may require an OHP and not AV, but then the room returned "`could" have AV facilities, as it wouldnt make a difference to them if it was there or not, basically, the yes condition has to be satisfied.
Not sure whether i should be using AND, or OR? or a combination.
I havea 2 part issue with a query I'm trying to run for a report.
I have an incident report that needs to show results based on dates from the week before. In addition, This report should run every Monday morning, with the exception of a Monday holiday, where in that case, the report will run the next business day. I have an idea to use a case statement, but it doesn't seem to work for me. Any suggestions?
Also,part of the query I have is pulling back the right data, as long as I don’t include parameters. When I do add values to the parameters the query includes all the dates. I need to see either/or - not both. I just want to either see dates without the param values or see only dates that I ask for in a parameter. Does that make sense?
FROM activities AS activities INNER JOIN incident AS incident ON activities.incid_id = incident.incid_id INNER JOIN activity_result_master AS activity_result_master ON activities.result_id = activity_result_master.result_id INNER JOIN security_users AS security_users ON incident.incid_assigned_to = INNER JOIN incident_priority_master AS incident_priority_master ON incident.priority_id = incident_priority_master.priority_id
WHERE incident.tagged_delete_flag = 'N' AND activities.result_id = '6' AND (incid_received_date_time >= DATEADD (d,-7,GETDATE()) AND incid_closed_date_time <=DATEADD (d,-3,GETDATE())) OR CONVERT(varchar,incident.incid_received_date_time,101) >= @StartDate AND CONVERT(varchar,incident.incid_closed_date_time,101) <= @EndDate
ORDER BY incident.incid_assigned_to, incident.incid_id
Hi,I wanted to know if this is possible and if so, how do Ido it. Say, I have a query "SELECT * FROM Table WHEREColumn="some_value". This executes on a very large dataset and I would like to return the results as they queryexecutes rather than wait for the whole query to execute.Basically, I want to get the results as they are preparedby the database. Any way to do this?Regards,San
Hi, I have three tables: 1 Order Details 2 Product Info 3 Received Qty
The query is pretty simple however I'm getting incorrect results.
The query grabs a load of information (including a SUM statement) from the order details tbl.. this is INNER JOIN ed to the products tbl to match an ID field which grabs some extra info from the product info tbl.
all fairly straightforward and works without a problem..
However I now need to add in the received qty tbl (as the name suggests this keep a track of the qty's of items received)
I need to join this tbl to the order details tbl based on a unique ID from the orders tbl and then SUM together all of the entries in that received qty tbl for that item.
Result is I get a single record which shows the qty ordered (from the order details tbl), and the total received (from the received qty) tbl
These are held in a seperate tbl as an order can be deliveryed in several stages.
Here is my statement:
SELECT PDS_Login.Supplier_Products.ProductName, PDS_Login.Supplier_Products.ProductCode, dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details.POID, dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details.PODetailsID, dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details.Qty, dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details.PricePerItem, dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details.PoDetailsStatus, dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details.PoDateExpected, dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details.PODateReceived, SUM(dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details.Qty * dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details.PricePerItem) AS LineTotal, SUM(dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details_Received.Qty) AS QtyReceived FROM dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details INNER JOIN PDS_Login.Supplier_Products ON dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details.ProductID = PDS_Login.Supplier_Products.ProductID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details_Received ON dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details.PODetailsID = dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details_Received.PODetailsID WHERE (dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details.POID = @POID) GROUP BY dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details_Received.Qty, PDS_Login.Supplier_Products.ProductName, PDS_Login.Supplier_Products.ProductCode, dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details.POID, dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details.PODetailsID, dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details.Qty, dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details.PricePerItem, dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details.PoDetailsStatus, dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details.PoDateExpected, dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details.PODateReceived, dbo.Suppliers_POs_Details_Received.Qty
The problem is, if there is more than one relating record in teh Received Qty tbl instead of that being added together as I want, two results appear...
It's obviously something simple but I can't seem to figure it out - anyone point me in the right direction?