Transact SQL :: Load Data For Last 15 Days By Decrementing Current Date And While Loop
Sep 21, 2015
I have a dynamic sql query where in I am comparing two tables and loading data for last 15 days. e.g today 2050921 then I am going to load till 20150906.
I pass on 2 variables @currentdate and @currentdate-1 to the query which are in date format 'yyyymmdd'
I need to do this for last 15 days how do I do this using while loop.
Note my date format is YYYYMMDD.
@sql = ' insert into target
select from table_1_currentdate a
LEFT JOIN Table_2_currentdate-1 b
on a.col1=b.col1 where b.col1 is null '
I have to use while loop and decrement it every time and load data for last 15 days comparing two tables. I tried so many times I am not getting it right .
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Jul 27, 2005
Hello. How do I increment or decrement a date by adding/subtracting days? For example I want to add 4 days to the date today. I should get 07/31/2005 since today is 07/27/2005. And if I add 5 days then I should get 08/01/2005. Thank you.
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Sep 22, 2006
I need help with creating a query that compares the current date with a stored date field. If the difference between the two dates is greater or equal to 5 days for example, I need to be able to return these records. I am not sure if this can be done through a query alone but any help and suggestions would greatly be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Feb 19, 2008
I'm having problems creating a query that brings the results based on last 8 days on date column (column9) and diferrent year from the current one.
If I run the each filter,
Code SnippetYear(Column9) <> Year(GetDate())
Code Snippet
(Column9 >= DATEADD(Day, DATEDIFF(Day, 0, GETDATE() - 8), 0)) AND (Column9 < DATEADD(Day, DATEDIFF(Day, 0, GETDATE() - 7), 0))
it returns the right values.
So far I've got (it returns no results):
Code Snippet
SELECT Column1, Column2, Column3, Column4, Column5, Column6, Column7, Column8, Column9, Column10, Column11, Column12, Column13, Column14,
Column15, Column16, Column17, Column18, Column19, Column20, Column21, Column22, Column23, Column24, Column25, Column26, Column27,
Column28, Column29, Column30, Column31, Column32, Column33, Column34, Column35, Column36, Column37, Column38, Column39, Column40,
Column41, Column42, Column43, Column44, Column45, Column46, Column47, Column48, Column49, data_anulacao, data_instalacao
FROM Contratos01
WHERE Year(Column9) <> Year(GetDate()) AND (Column9 >= DATEADD(Day, DATEDIFF(Day, 0, GETDATE() - 8), 0)) AND (Column9 < DATEADD(Day, DATEDIFF(Day, 0, GETDATE() - 7), 0))
ORDER BY Column1
Please give me your input.
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Oct 28, 2015
i have written a sql function which returns only number of working days (excludes holidays and Weekends) between given StartDate and EndDate.
/****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[CalculateNumberOFWorkDays] Script Date: 10/28/2015 10:20:25 AM ******/
I need a function or stored procedure which will return the date which is 15 working days (should exclude holidays and Weekends) prior to the given future Date? the future date should be passed as a parameter to this function or stored procedure to return the date. Example scenario: If i give date as 12/01/2015, my function or stored procedure should return the date which is 15 working days (should exclude holidays and Weekends) prior to the given date i.e 12/01/2015...In my application i have a table tblMasHolidayList where all the 2015 year holidays dates and info are stored.
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Sep 29, 2015
how to write a query to get current date or end of month date if we pass year and month as input
Eg: if today date is 2015-09-29
if we pass year =2015 and month=09 then we have to get 2015-09-29
if we pass year =2015 and month=08 then we have to get 2015-08-31(for previous months we have to get EOMonth date & for current month we have to get current date).
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Apr 16, 2015
I'm trying to calculate the time difference between a date field and today's date in days. The date field is not mandatory and can therefore be blank. I'm trying to execute the following query:
SELECT employee_code, Civil_ID, DATEDIFF(Day, Civil_ID, GETDATE())
FROM ODEV_VIEW_Credentials_Expiry_Dates
ORDER BY employee_code
I keep getting the following message:
The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.
No matter what filter I use to process non-blank dates, it never works.
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Sep 23, 2015
I have a column which stores a set of dates. I want to tell how many days left of a date till it’s month end. It should be noted that month ends are taken from the date series, not a calendar month end.
Something like below,
DateTD Days left
2009-01-05 14
2009-01-06 13
2009-01-07 12
2009-01-08 11
2009-01-09 10
2009-01-12 9
2009-01-13 8
2009-01-14 7
2009-01-15 6
2009-01-16 5
2009-01-19 4
2009-01-20 3
2009-01-21 2
2009-01-22 1
2009-01-23 0
2009-02-02 /
2009-02-03 /
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Nov 23, 2015
I have a the following date variables that's being set around the current date. how to adjust it to work around a date variable @Date instead of the current date? Lets the @Date = 2015-06-30 then the it would adjust the variable below accordingly. I'm assuming the getdate()) needs to be replaced with @Date but I can't seem to get it to work.
Declare @EndOfLMPriorYear Date = DateAdd(yyyy,-1,EOMONTH(Dateadd(Month,Datediff(Month,0,getdate())-1,0)))
Declare @EndOfPriorMonth Date = EOMONTH(Dateadd(Month,Datediff(Month,0,getdate())-2,0))
DECLARE @EndOfLastMonth Date = EOMONTH(Dateadd(Month,Datediff(Month,0,getdate())-1,0))
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May 21, 2015
declare @siva1 datetime;
declare @siva2 datetime;
set @siva1='2014-03-10 05:02:11'
set @siva2='2014-03-12 23:52:11'
i want output like this 2.18 means 2day 18hours difference how using query
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Sep 8, 2015
I need to run a select on Mondays to pull data for 7 days prior to the Thursday of last week; i.e. Friday - Thursday inclusive. I'm sure this is simple, but I work with dates so infrequently that I need a refressher.
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Oct 14, 2015
Here I have 2 Dates. CreatedDttm & ModifiedDttm.
I want - DATEDIFF(Day,CreatedDttm,ModifiedDttm) and I have to exclude the Weekend days from that query result.
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Sep 10, 2015
I have a calendar table against entire year 2015 with each day with 2 flag,
1. WK_DT_IN == except Satarday and Sunday, value is "Y", for Sat/Sun, value is "N"
2. HOL_DT_IN == value will only be "Y" only for holiday, example for '2015-01-01' date, it's value is "Y"
INSERT INTO @CAL VALUES ('2015-01-01', 'Y', 'Y'), ('2015-01-02', 'Y', 'N'),('2015-01-03', 'N', 'N'),
('2015-01-04', 'N', 'N'), ('2015-01-05', 'Y', 'N'), ('2015-01-06', 'Y', 'N'), ('2015-01-07', 'Y', 'N')
We have a given date, example '2015-01-01', I need to find out a date after 2 business days? I can think of loop, but will it work.
I need to exclude date which having HOL_DT_IN = "Y" and WK_DT_IN = "N".
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Nov 19, 2015
I am trying to get a query that subtracts a month and a day from current date in SQL Server.
Currently I have SELECT DATEADD("MM", -1,GETDATE()) which subtracts one month from the date but I want to subtract a month and a day from date.
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May 19, 2014
I created a dbo.Calendar table that stores dates and a work day flag (1=work day, 0=non-work day) so I can use it to calculate the next business date from a date using a function. I'm using a while group to count only the work days and a couple other internal variables but I'm not sure if I can even use them in a function.
Assuming Sats & Suns are all non-work days in April 2014, if my @WorkDays = 10 for 10 work days and my @DateFromValue - 4/1/2014, I would expect my return date to be 4/15/2014.
------ Messages after I click execute on my query window that has my function ------------------------------------------------------
Msg 444, Level 16, State 2, Procedure FGetWorkDate, Line 19
Select statements included within a function cannot return data to a client.
Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure FGetWorkDate, Line 20
Invalid column name 'WorkDay'.
Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure FGetWorkDate, Line 22
Invalid column name 'Date'.
------ my function code ----------------------------
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[FGetWorkDate](
@WorkDays VARCHAR(5),
@DateFromValue AS DateTime )
[Code] ....
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Oct 21, 2015
I have a requirement for the following query which uses a timestamp data type field
[eventdate]Select field1, fileds2, filed3, {min(eventdate) as max(eventdate) per day/date} from sometable
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Jul 23, 2015
I am trying to query a code where i need to loop a month in a specified date range. Inside the loop I need to return a result of data each month and need to update the table of the returned data. How do I do the update a field inside the loop? Here's my query:
declare @table1 table (
IDNumber (8),
SUBS_CNT smallint,
MEM_CNT smallint)
declare @StartDate datetime,
Others says I need to use exec sp_executesql N'' but how do I use it using my code above?
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Oct 20, 2015
Let's say if the date is 01/01/2015 till 01/01/2016
I want split these dates monthly format wise and then use them in variable in cursors to loop
For an example Monthly date should be 01/01/2015 and 01/31/2015 and use these two values in 2 variables and make a loop until it never ends whole date range which is 01/01/2016
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Aug 22, 2007
I would like to return data for working days only. This will need to exclude holidays.For eg In the Month of August we have 31 Days and every 1st day of 1st week is holiday.So my output should retrieve me 31-4=27 .
Any ideas?
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Jun 9, 2015
My insert statement for #Data - I only need to process each @EmployeeID one time, which is why I thought a loop would be sufficient, but I let this process run for 2 hrs and it still had not completed, so I feel I must have set-up something incorrectly!
This is my syntax, I am creating a table of active users, then wanting to get data for each of those active users. But only get the data for each active user 1 time.
Declare @EmployeeID varchar(50)
,EmployeeID varchar(50)
,processed int
Create Table #Data
[Code] ....
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Oct 3, 2015
To setup some data in some new tables in t-sql 2012, I need to create a relationship between 2 tables were data is obtained from an inventory file. The inventory file will be loaded to sql server 2012 from an excel spreadsheet.
1. Columns that will be loaded to the first table are:
1. Inventory category number,
2. Inventory date,
3. Inventory Category total amount, and
4. Inventory category quantity on hand.
This table will have a column called Item number. This will need to be the value of item number that is in the second table.
2. Columns that will be loaded to the second table are:
1. Item Number,
2. item date,
3. Item price, Item quantity on hand.
Thus can you show me the sql that will load the table into both tables? This sql would also need to show how to obtain the values of item number from the second table and place that value into the first table.
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Oct 27, 2014
The following is the sql being executed in my Crystal report. There seems to be an issue with the same date request. Sometimes it shows data, other times not. We have data every day, we are a mass market company. Is there anything i can do for the sql to do select when from and to dates are the same?
[Code] ....
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Jan 15, 2012
Tried loading JSON data to Sql Server ? Sample format is given below..Don't see any easy way doing it except writing some C# code deserialize it.
[ {
"name" : "peter_2.jpg",
"createdDate" : 1259728960000,
"lastModifiedDate" : 1308174976000,
"Secondary" : [ {
"Id" : 106275817,
"Sid" : 1
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Apr 25, 2008
I'm making some sort of application where people can add their resume.
They also need something to add places where they have worked or currently are working.
I have a form where they can add this and i add this experience using the following stored procedure:
create procedure [dbo].[sp_Insert_Experience]
@ExperienceId uniqueidentifier,
@ExperienceEmployee nvarchar(100),
@ExperienceFrom datetime,
@ExperienceUntil datetime,
@ExperienceQualifications nvarchar(250),
@ExperienceTechnologies nvarchar(250),
@ExperienceTasks nvarchar(250)
insert into Experiences
It must be possible to add the place where they currently are working. Then the ExperienceUntil has to be something like still going on. Then I decided that the user then had to set the current date.
But what I want is the following, I want that the ExperienceUntil keeps updating automatically, like everytime i get that record, it has to have current date.
Is this possible ?
But if the ExperienceUntil isn't the current date , it just had to take the supplied parameter date.
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Apr 16, 2014
What I am trying to do: Obtain attendance percentages for schools for the last five days. The outcome would look like this:
I am using nested subqueries for each day as follows: (total enrollment-total absent/total enrollment)
The query works with the following exceptions:
My issues are:
1. Avoid the "division by zero" error. This can occur if a school is closed for a day or if a smaller school has no absences for a day.
2. Avoid weekend dates. I need the query to display only weekdays
3. Currently I am using "PERCENTAGE 5: as a column header whereas I need the actual date as the header.
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May 26, 2015
I have 5 tables in Academy database. Like
Academy details tables, Academy Students table, Academy Student Parents table, Academy class Section Table, Academy Staff table.
I have created the tables and data into the database. And Now I need to prepare a Excel sheet to upload data into the these tables. How to prepare the Xlsx sheet and how to upload into database without using SSIS package.
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Nov 2, 2003
I am using one datetime data type ( name: date_added ) and getdate() as default value. I want to display only those records added today. How I can compare current date with date_added.
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May 12, 2015
In Master tabel i have these date datas
SO when i try to load from Master table to parent and child table i am using using expresssion like
WHERE convert(date,A.[FtpDate]) = convert(date,GETDATE()) and convert(date,B.Ftpdate) = convert(date,getdate()) ;
If i use this Expression i am getting the current system date data's only from Master table to parent and child tables.
My Problem is If i do this in my local sserver using the above Expression if i loaded today date and if need to load yesterday date i can change my system date to yesterday date and i can run this that yeserday date data alone will get loaded from Master to parent and child tables.
If i run this expression to remote server i cannot change the system date in server.
while using this Expression for current date its loads perfectly but when i try to load yesterday data it takes current date date only not the yesterday date data.
What is the Expression on which ever date i am trying load in the master table same date need to loaded in Parent and child table without changing the system Date.
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Jul 28, 2014
I need to get previous month data in the table based on current date.
In case of execution of each month, the data for previous month should come with date as between
create table TestDate
(Sno Int,
Name varchar(100),
DateofJoin datetime)
insert into TestDate values (1,'Raj', '2/21/2014')
insert into TestDate values (1,'Britto', '6/12/2014')
insert into TestDate values (1,'Kumar', '5/14/2014')
insert into TestDate values (1,'Selva', '6/27/2014')
insert into TestDate values (1,'Ravi', '5/2/2014')
insert into TestDate values (1,'Gopu', '6/2/2014')
if I execute in month July ( ie: today)
select * from TestDate where dateofjoin between 1-june-2014 and 30-june-2014
5 Ravi 2014-05-02 00:00:00.000
3 Kumar 2014-05-14 00:00:00.000
if I execute in month June
select * from TestDate where dateofjoin between 1-may-2014 and 30-may-2014
6Gopu2014-06-02 00:00:00.000
2Britto2014-06-12 00:00:00.000
4Selva2014-06-27 00:00:00.000
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Jan 21, 2015
I have to download the files from SFTP server, for which i am using WINSCP and i am able to successfully automate the process to download the files. But it is downloading all the files instead of only current day's files. Ihave searched for WINSCP documentation for time query parameter to pass to the get command. But its not working.
My source file name contains Datefield as "Filenameexample_150120_N001.txt".
Here 150120 mean Jan 20 2015.
Winscp has no functionality to query the files to parse using datefield. how to look for files which are from today's date.
Currently i am downloading files which contain *.* (meaning all files).
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Feb 4, 2008
I am pulling data that shows appt information on a patient:
FName,LName, PhoneNumber, ApptDate, ApptTime, and Status that equals Active. I need to pull this info everyday. How can I set this up in a stored procedure to pull all this information automatically on a daily basis where it pulls by Appt Date that is 2 days greater than the current date?
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Jun 8, 2008
I've this query
t1.ID, t1.Date, t1.Time,
t1.Date<CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 101)
Let's say, current date is 8 AUG 2005 and current time is 2045
So, i will get
ID | Date (this is datetime) | Time (this is integer) | Value
204 | 8/1/2005| 2359 | 90
205 | 8/1/2005| 2250 | 99
206 | 8/1/2005| 1950 | 88
207 | 8/7/2005| 1845 | 77
208 | 8/7/2005| 2255 | 77
209 | 8/7/2005| 2140 | 77
Can someone can show me to filter data between
t1.Date>=CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DATEADD(d,-7,GETDATE()),101) AND TIME>=CurrentTime
t1.Date<CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 101) AND TIME<=CurrentTime
If current date is 8 AUG 2005 and current time is 2045, so the result shown as follow
ID | Date (this is datetime) | Time (this is integer) | Value
204 | 8/1/2005| 2359 | 90
205 | 8/1/2005| 2250 | 99
207 | 8/7/2005| 1845 | 77
I only have this query,
t1.ID, t1.Date, t1.Time,
t1.Date<CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 101)
lack of idea to put the TIME condition.
Plz help me..
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May 31, 2015
I have a ssis package, which runs on date parameter. If we dont specify the date it always load data for yesterday's date. And if we give any specific date like '2015-05-10', It should load for that date. How can we achieve this dynamically (using package configuration)? Once we load for any specific date, package should be set for yesterday's date dynamically. How to achieve this as I am new to SSIS.
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