Transact SQL :: Max Date Combine With Two Queries

Oct 18, 2015

I have 2 tables, i need to take the max date from PAY and Combine in MEN 

id  |  Fname  
1   |  AAA
2      |   BBB
3      |   CCC

id    |    Tdate
1    |   01.01.2015
1    |   02.01.2015
1    |   03.01.2015
2    |   06.01.2015
3    |   09.01.2015
3    |   10.01.2015i

I need to show this:

id  |  Fname  |  Tdate
1   |  AAA      |   03.01.2015
2  |  BBB      |   06.01.2015
3   |  CCC      |  10.01.2015

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Combine Sql Queries

Feb 19, 2008

Hello, I have these variables on my page:
userid = "10101"
RequestHost = ""
What would be the best way performace wise to first check if the userid 10101 exists in my sql server db.  If it does exist I would then need to check if "" exists for the userid in the userdomains table.  If these both exist I would then like to query some additional data.  I was hoping its possible to combine this into one query somehow.  I dont think this is the best solution:
 sqlcommand.CommandText = "SELECT UserId From Users Where UserID = '10101'"
dr = sqlcommand.ExecuteReader
if dr.hasrows then
sqlcommand2.CommandText = "SELECT UserDomain From UserDomains Where UserID = ''"
dr2 = sqlcommand2.ExecuteReader
if dr2.hasrows then
sqlcommand3.CommandText = 'Select Additional Data
dr3 = sqlcommand3.ExecuteReader
'read values
'do something
end if
'do something
end if  Thanks Very Much!

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Combine Two Queries Into One

Jun 16, 2008

I need to combine to sql queries. Separately they work fine, but I need the "total qty" from second query put into the first query

Query 1

SELECT dbo.Job.CompanyJobId, dbo.Job.Name, dbo.Region.CompanyRegionID, dbo.Job.Active,
FROM dbo.Job
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Division ON dbo.Job.DivisionGuid = dbo.Division.DivisionGuid
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Region ON dbo.Job.RegionGuid = dbo.Region.RegionGuid
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.JobType ON dbo.Job.JobTypeGuid = dbo.JobType.JobTypeGuid
WHERE dbo.job.CompanyJobId = 3505048
ORDER BY dbo.Job.CompanyJobId

Query 2

SELECT case dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId
when 'PR' then SUM(dbo.ProductionEvent.Quantity)
AS Ttl_Qty
dbo.Event ON dbo.Batch.BatchGuid = dbo.Event.BatchGuid INNER JOIN
dbo.Job ON dbo.Event.JobGuid = dbo.Job.JobGuid INNER JOIN
dbo.ProductionEvent ON dbo.Event.EventGuid = dbo.ProductionEvent.EventGuid INNER JOIN
dbo.Item ON dbo.Event.ItemGuid = dbo.Item.ItemGuid INNER JOIN
dbo.Source ON dbo.ProductionEvent.SourceGuid = dbo.Source.SourceGuid INNER JOIN
dbo.SourceType ON dbo.Source.SourceTypeGuid = dbo.SourceType.SourceTypeGuid LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Product ON dbo.ProductionEvent.ProductGuid = dbo.Product.ProductGuid left outer join
dbo.JobNoteEvent on Event.EventGuid = dbo.JobNoteEvent.EventGuid
WHERE dbo.Job.CompanyJobId = 3505048 and dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId = 'PR'
GROUP BY dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId

I have tried this but it doe not work:

SELECT dbo.Job.CompanyJobId, dbo.Job.Name, dbo.Region.CompanyRegionID, dbo.Job.Active,
dbo.Job.ChangeDate, Ttl_Qty
FROM dbo.Job
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Division ON dbo.Job.DivisionGuid = dbo.Division.DivisionGuid
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Region ON dbo.Job.RegionGuid = dbo.Region.RegionGuid
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.JobType ON dbo.Job.JobTypeGuid = dbo.JobType.JobTypeGuid
WHERE dbo.job.CompanyJobId = 3505048 and where Ttl_Qty =

(SELECT case dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId
when 'PR' then SUM(dbo.ProductionEvent.Quantity)
AS Ttl_Qty
dbo.Event ON dbo.Batch.BatchGuid = dbo.Event.BatchGuid INNER JOIN
dbo.Job ON dbo.Event.JobGuid = dbo.Job.JobGuid INNER JOIN
dbo.ProductionEvent ON dbo.Event.EventGuid = dbo.ProductionEvent.EventGuid INNER JOIN
dbo.Item ON dbo.Event.ItemGuid = dbo.Item.ItemGuid INNER JOIN
dbo.Source ON dbo.ProductionEvent.SourceGuid = dbo.Source.SourceGuid INNER JOIN
dbo.SourceType ON dbo.Source.SourceTypeGuid = dbo.SourceType.SourceTypeGuid LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Product ON dbo.ProductionEvent.ProductGuid = dbo.Product.ProductGuid left outer join
dbo.JobNoteEvent on Event.EventGuid = dbo.JobNoteEvent.EventGuid
WHERE dbo.Job.CompanyJobId = 3505048 and dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId = 'PR'
GROUP BY dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId)

ORDER BY dbo.Job.CompanyJobId

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Combine SQL Queries

Mar 29, 2008


I wonder if anyone can help. All I am trying to do is combine three SQL SELECT queries into one. They are:

SELECT COUNT(ISNULL(Result, 0)) AS Win FROM Games WHERE (CurrentSeason = 'True') AND Result = 'Win'AND ([MatchType] = @MatchType)

SELECT COUNT(ISNULL(Result, 0)) AS Lose FROM Games WHERE (CurrentSeason = 'True') AND Result = 'Lose'AND ([MatchType] = @MatchType)

SELECT COUNT(ISNULL(Result, 0)) AS Draw FROM Games WHERE (CurrentSeason = 'True') AND Result = 'Draw'AND ([MatchType] = @MatchType)

As you can see they are all doing pretty much the same thing. I have experimented by using GROUP and HAVING but end up with no results. Sorry if this is obvious but I am new to SQL!

Many Thanks

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Combine Two Queries - Help Please

Jul 23, 2005

I have a table that has two dates in it, a date opened and a dateclosed. I would like to create one query to give me the number ofrecords that have been opened each month plus, and this is the hardpart the number of those records that have been closed each month. Ican get the result with two seperate queries but have been unable toget it combined into one query with three values for each month, i.e.,the month, the number opened and the number of those that were openedin the month that have been subsequently closed.Here's my two queries. If anyone can help I'd appreciate.SELECT COUNT(*) AS [Number Closed], LEFT(DATENAME(m, DateOpened),3) + '' + CAST(YEAR(DateOpened) AS Char(5)) AS [Month Opened]FROM tableWHERE (DateClosed IS NOT NULL)GROUP BY CONVERT(CHAR(7), DateOpened, 120), LEFT(DATENAME(m,DateOpened), 3)+ ' ' + CAST(YEAR(DateOpened) AS Char(5))ORDER BY CONVERT(CHAR(7), DateOpened, 120)SELECT COUNT(*) AS [Number Opened], LEFT(DATENAME(m, DateOpened),3) + '' + CAST(YEAR(DateOpened) AS Char(5)) AS [Month Opened]FROM tableGROUP BY CONVERT(CHAR(7), DateOpened, 120), LEFT(DATENAME(m,DateOpened), 3)+ ' ' + CAST(YEAR(DateOpened) AS Char(5))ORDER BY CONVERT(CHAR(7), DateOpened, 120)TIABill

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Combine 2 Queries

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I have 2 queries that I need to join. I have the following tables:attendancelog :headeridreportmonthattlogstuds:headeridsidclass:sidclassstatusyearcodelogdatecdatemidThe result must return all the classes that appear in query2 but notin query1.I am not sure how to join the 2 queries.Help will be appreciated :-)ThanksQUERY1select sid fromattlogstuds studsinner joinattendancelog attlogon studs.headerid=attlog.headeridwhere reportmonth=10query2-- students learning excl. studs left before 1th class.SID from classleft outer JOIN ( select * from class where yearcode=26 and status=6and ( logdate <'20041001' or CDate< '20041001' )) c6 ON c6.sid = class.sid and c6.mid=class.midand c6.cdate >= class.cdatewhere class.yearcode=26 and class.status in (3,5) andclass.cdate<'20041101' and c6.sid is null

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Help: Need To Combine Multiple IF Queries

Apr 14, 2008

I hit a bit of a road block on a project I have been working on.  If anyone has a suggestion or a solution for how to combine my queries that use IFELSE that would be a huge help.  I noted my query below./* will remove for aspx page use */USE Database/* these params are on the page in drop down boxes*/DECLARE @ProductID int;DECLARE @BuildID int;DECLARE @StatusID int;/* static params for this sample */SET @ProductID = -1;SET @BuildID = -2SET @StatusID = -3/*the query that will build the datagrid.  currently this runs and produces three different result sets.How do I combine these statements so they produce a single set of results? */IF (@ProductID = -1) SELECT * FROM tblTestLog ELSE (SELECT * FROM tblTestLog WHERE (ProductID = @ProductID))IF (@BuildID = -2) SELECT * FROM tblTestLog ELSE (SELECT * FROM tblTestLog WHERE (BuildID = @BuildID))IF (@StatusID = -3) SELECT * FROM tblTestLog ELSE (SELECT * FROM tblTestLog WHERE (AnalystStatusID = @StatusID))

View 12 Replies View Related

Can Anyone Show Me How To Combine These Two SQL Queries Into One

Jan 29, 2004


i have a fairly big SQL query that is used to display data into a datagrid. Each query grabs data from two seperate databases. Is there anyway to combine these queries into one so all the data appears in 1 datagrid and not 2.

here is the 1st query:

SQL = "SELECT sum(case when month(pb_report_shippers.shipper_date_time) = 1 then pb_report_shippers_lots.quantity else 0 end) as Jan ,sum(case when month(pb_report_shippers.shipper_date_time) = 2 then pb_report_shippers_lots.quantity else 0 end) as Feb ,sum(case when month(pb_report_shippers.shipper_date_time) = 3 then pb_report_shippers_lots.quantity else 0 end) as Mar ,sum(case when month(pb_report_shippers.shipper_date_time) = 4 then pb_report_shippers_lots.quantity else 0 end) as Apr ,sum(case when month(pb_report_shippers.shipper_date_time) = 5 then pb_report_shippers_lots.quantity else 0 end) as May ,sum(case when month(pb_report_shippers.shipper_date_time) = 6 then pb_report_shippers_lots.quantity else 0 end) as Jun ,sum(case when month(pb_report_shippers.shipper_date_time) = 7 then pb_report_shippers_lots.quantity else 0 end) as Jul ,sum(case when month(pb_report_shippers.shipper_date_time) = 8 then pb_report_shippers_lots.quantity else 0 end) as Aug ,sum(case when month(pb_report_shippers.shipper_date_time) = 9 then pb_report_shippers_lots.quantity else 0 end) as Sept ,sum(case when month(pb_report_shippers.shipper_date_time) = 10 then pb_report_shippers_lots.quantity else 0 end) as Oct ,sum(case when month(pb_report_shippers.shipper_date_time) = 11 then pb_report_shippers_lots.quantity else 0 end) as Nov ,sum(case when month(pb_report_shippers.shipper_date_time) = 12 then pb_report_shippers_lots.quantity else 0 end) as Dec FROM pb_customers INNER JOIN pb_jobs ON pb_customers.customer_id = pb_jobs.customer_id INNER JOIN pb_recipes_sub_recipes ON pb_jobs.recipe_id = pb_recipes_sub_recipes.recipe_id INNER JOIN pb_jobs_lots ON pb_jobs.job_id = pb_jobs_lots.job_id INNER JOIN pb_sub_recipes ON pb_recipes_sub_recipes.sub_recipe_id = pb_sub_recipes.sub_recipe_id INNER JOIN pb_report_shippers_lots ON pb_jobs_lots.intrack_lot_id = pb_report_shippers_lots.intrack_lot_id INNER JOIN pb_report_shippers ON pb_report_shippers_lots.job_id = pb_report_shippers.job_id AND pb_report_shippers_lots.shipper_id = pb_report_shippers.shipper_id WHERE pb_customers.customer_deleted <> 1 AND pb_jobs.job_deleted <> 1 AND pb_jobs_lots.lot_deleted <> 1 AND pb_report_shippers.shipper_date_time between cast('01/01/2003 00:01AM' as datetime) and cast('12/31/2003 23:59PM' as datetime)"

Here is the 2nd query:

SQL = "SELECT ISNULL(sum(case when month(nonconformance.nc_date) = 1 then nonconformance.nc_wafer_qty else 0 end),0) as Jan , ISNULL(sum(case when month(nonconformance.nc_date) = 2 then nonconformance.nc_wafer_qty else 0 end),0) as Feb ,ISNULL(sum(case when month(nonconformance.nc_date) = 3 then nonconformance.nc_wafer_qty else 0 end),0) as Mar ,ISNULL(sum(case when month(nonconformance.nc_date) = 4 then nonconformance.nc_wafer_qty else 0 end),0) as Apr , ISNULL(sum(case when month(nonconformance.nc_date) = 5 then nonconformance.nc_wafer_qty else 0 end),0) as May ,ISNULL(sum(case when month(nonconformance.nc_date) = 6 then nonconformance.nc_wafer_qty else 0 end),0) as Jun ,ISNULL(sum(case when month(nonconformance.nc_date) = 7 then nonconformance.nc_wafer_qty else 0 end),0) as Jul ,ISNULL(sum(case when month(nonconformance.nc_date) = 8 then nonconformance.nc_wafer_qty else 0 end),0) as Aug ,ISNULL(sum(case when month(nonconformance.nc_date) = 9 then nonconformance.nc_wafer_qty else 0 end),0) as Sept ,ISNULL(sum(case when month(nonconformance.nc_date) = 10 then nonconformance.nc_wafer_qty else 0 end),0) as Oct ,ISNULL(sum(case when month(nonconformance.nc_date) = 11 then nonconformance.nc_wafer_qty else 0 end),0) as Nov ,ISNULL(sum(case when month(nonconformance.nc_date) = 12 then nonconformance.nc_wafer_qty else 0 end),0) as Dec FROM nonconformance INNER JOIN nc_department on nonconformance.department_id = nc_department.department_id INNER JOIN nc_major_category ON nonconformance.major_category_id = nc_major_category.major_category_id AND nonconformance.status_id <> '5' WHERE nc_department.scrap_category = '1' AND nonconformance.nc_date between cast('01/01/2004 00:01AM' as datetime) and cast('12/31/2004 23:59PM' as datetime)"

I know there has to be someway to combine these into 1. The issue I have is they are in different databases.

ANY HELP would be appreciated.

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Combine Results From 2 Queries

Nov 9, 2005

I'm trying to create a list of orders in my db that has been created correctly (some orders are not dealt with correctly...) An order should go from "open -> assigned" to "assigned -> responded" status.

I got the following query:

select, count(order) AS correct, NULL AS Total
from order
left join orderstatus o1 on = o1.order_id
left join orderstatus o2 on = o2.order_id
left join org on order.orgid on
o1.status = 'Open -> Assigned'
and o2.status = 'Assigned -> Responded'
and o1.time_stamp < o2.time_stamp

This gives me a list of all organisations with the correct number of orders in the system...

But now I need to add the total number of tickets they got in the system. So I was thinking about a union with a query without the were constraints

UNION 'with the above query
select, NULL AS correct, count(order) AS Total
from order
left join orderstatus o1 on = o1.order_id
left join orderstatus o2 on = o2.order_id
left join org on order.orgid on

..but that gives me a list like this:

name correct total
org1 324 NULL
org1 NULL 423

How can I combine them, or maybe doing it a better way?

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Help: Need To Combine Multiple IF Queries

Apr 14, 2008

I hit a bit of a road block on a project I have been working on. If anyone has a suggestion or a solution for how to combine my queries that use IFELSE that would be a huge help. I noted my query below.

/* will remove for aspx page use */
USE Database

/* these params are on the page in drop down boxes*/
DECLARE @ProductID int;
DECLARE @BuildID int;
DECLARE @StatusID int;

/* static params for this sample */
SET @ProductID = -1;
SET @BuildID = -2
SET @StatusID = -3

the query that will build the datagrid. currently this runs and produces three different result sets.
How do I combine these statements so they produce a single set of results?

IF (@ProductID = -1) SELECT * FROM tblTestLog
ELSE (SELECT * FROM tblTestLog WHERE (ProductID = @ProductID))

IF (@BuildID = -2) SELECT * FROM tblTestLog
ELSE (SELECT * FROM tblTestLog WHERE (BuildID = @BuildID))

IF (@StatusID = -3) SELECT * FROM tblTestLog
ELSE (SELECT * FROM tblTestLog WHERE (AnalystStatusID = @StatusID))

View 15 Replies View Related

Combine Two SQL Queries With Separate Where Statements

Jun 18, 2008

I have two SQL queries that I would like to combine.  Each query is dependent on the same table, and the same rows, but they each have their own WHERE statements. I've thought about using some JOIN statements (left outer join in particular) but then I run into the problem of not having two separate tables, and don't see where I can put in two separate WHERE statements into the final query.  I've read into aliasing tables, but I'm not quite sure how that works (how to put it into code or a JOIN statement) , or if it would solve my question.  Do you have any ideas or examples of how to solve this scenario? 

View 9 Replies View Related

Combine Result From Diff Queries

Jun 18, 2008

I have 3 sql queries:ex:select * from table 1 where id = 2select * from table 1 where  name = 'name'select * from table 1 where date = 'date' I want to combine these three queries into one stored procedure.I am not sure how to do this.i want to display  some column data from these 3 queries on 3 table rows as:<td> colum1 </td><td> colum2 </td><td> colum3 </td>so my SP should return some datatable .any suggestiions 

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Combine 2 Queries In To One (joint Query)

May 3, 2007

I have these 2 queries that I need to combine into one. What is the best way of doing it? This website is made up of 293 tables so it gets confusing.

(Query 1)
SELECT category_products.category, category_products.product, category_products.position, data.base_price, data.custom_description, models.manufacturer_id, models.custom_search_text,, models.image_location
FROM category_products, data, models
WHERE category_products.category = '36'
AND category_products.product = data.model_id
AND data.model_id =
AND = 'y'


(Query 2)
SELECT inventory_types.manufacturer_id, inventory_types.default_vendor_id,,
FROM inventory_types, vendors
WHERE inventory_types.manufacturer_id = '$manufacturer_id'
AND inventory_types.default_vendor_id =

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Confused On Syntax - Combine Two Queries

Apr 3, 2008

I have two queries that I'm trying to combine, but can't figure out how to combine them ... successfully!?! The first query is pretty simple in that I'm looking at several fields from two different tables, no big deal.

The second query calculates the years, months, days between two dates that are used in the first query. I'm stumped on how to combine the queries so that they place nice with each other and return results.

Here's the first query ...
RTRIM(RTRIM(vpi.LastName) + ', ' + RTRIM(ISNULL(vpi.FirstName,''))) Employee,
convert(varchar,vpi.FromEffectiveDate,101) PositionStart,
convert(varchar,vpi.ToEffectiveDate,101) PositionChange,
convert(varchar,vpi.PositionStartDate,101) PositionStartDate,
vpi.PositionReason, vpi.PositionCode, vpc.PositionCodeDescription
from vhrl_positioninfo vpi
inner join position_codes vpc on vpi.PositionCode = vpc.PositionCode

Here's the second query ...
[Age] = convert(varchar, [Years]) + ' Years ' +
convert(varchar, [Months]) + ' Months ' +
convert(varchar, [Days]) + ' Days', *
[Years] = case when BirthDayThisYear <= Today
then datediff(year, BirthYearStart, CurrYearStart)
else datediff(year, BirthYearStart, CurrYearStart) - 1
[Months]= case when BirthDayThisYear <= Today
then datediff(month, BirthDayThisYear, Today)
else datediff(month, BirthDayThisYear, Today) + 12
[Days]= case when BirthDayThisMonth <= Today
then datediff(day, BirthDayThisMonth, Today)
else datediff(day, dateadd(month, -1, BirthDayThisMonth), Today)
Birth = convert(varchar(10) ,Birth, 121),
Today = convert(varchar(10), Today, 121)
select BirthDayThisYear =
case when day(dateadd(year, datediff(year, BirthYearStart, CurrYearStart), Birth)) <> day(Birth)
then dateadd(day, 1, dateadd(year, datediff(year, BirthYearStart, CurrYearStart), Birth))
else dateadd(year, datediff(year, BirthYearStart, CurrYearStart), Birth)
BirthDayThisMonth =
case when day(dateadd(month, datediff(month, BirthMonthStart, CurrMonthStart), Birth)) <> day(Birth)
then dateadd(day, 1, dateadd(month, datediff(month, BirthMonthStart, CurrMonthStart), Birth))
else dateadd(month, datediff(month, BirthMonthStart, CurrMonthStart), Birth)
select BirthYearStart = dateadd(year, datediff(year, 0, Birth), 0),
CurrYearStart = dateadd(year, datediff(year, 0, Today), 0),
BirthMonthStart = dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, Birth), 0),
CurrMonthStart = dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, Today), 0),
select birth = convert(datetime, fromeffectivedate) ,
Today = case when convert(datetime, toeffectivedate) = '3000-01-01'
THEN convert(datetime, convert(int,getdate()))
else vpi.toeffectivedate

from vHRL_PositionInfo vpi inner join position_codes vpc
on vpi.PositionCode = vpc.PositionCode

) aaaa
) aaa
) aa

Here's the sample data ...
vpi table ...
LastName FirstName FromEffectDate ToEffectDate PosStartDate PosReason PosCode
Doe John 2001-10-15 3000-01-01 10-15-2001 Transfer OperPack
Smith Tom 1994-11-28 2001-10-14 1994-11-28 New Hire OperDC

vpc table ...
PosCode PosDescription
OperPack Pack Line Operator
OperDC Descaler Operator

This is what the results should look like ...
John, Doe 2001-10-15 3000-01-01 10-15-2001 Transfer OperPack Pack Line Operator 6 Years 11 Months 16 Days
John, Doe 1994-11-28 2001-10-14 1994-11-28 New Hire OperDC Descaler Operator 6 Years 6 Months 19 Days

I know the date calculation piece adds 5 additional fields to the end, but they are not needed for the final report. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! Jena

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Combine 2 Queries To Produce One Result Table

Jan 9, 2014

I would like to pull all the columns from a table where the date column is within 6 months from the max date (i.e. Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, & Dec). In addition to that, I would like to pull another column -the summary column - from the same table where the date = max(date) (Dec only).

I have written 2 queries and they produce the correct data. However, I don't know how to combine them into one resultant table. I tried to do a left join and had difficulties dealing with the different where statements from the 2 queries..

Here is query #1:

select investor, full_date, month_end_summary, category, loan_count
from cust_table
where datediff(month,full_date,(select max(full_date) from cust_table)) < 6
group by investor, full_date, month_end_summary, category, loan_count
order by investor, full_date

Here is query #2:

select investor, full_date, month_end_summary
from cust_table
where datediff(month,full_date,(select max(full_date) from cust_table)) =0
order by investor, full_date

Can they be combined into one query to produce one result table??

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Combine Delete Queries Running Separately

May 21, 2014

I have for delete queries which I run separately. Could I have a one statement to run instead.

DELETE FROM dbo.PatientHistory
FROM dbo.PatientHistory INNERJOIN TEST_PATS ON dbo.PatientHistory.PatientGuidDigest = TEST_PATS.PatientGuidDigest

DELETE FROM dbo.PostcodeScores
ON dbo.PostcodeScores.PatientGuidDigest = TEST_PATS.PatientGuidDigest

[Code] ....

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Transact SQL :: How To Combine 4 Tables

Jul 6, 2015

I have 4 table 


1 2
2 2
3 2

1 2
2 2

1 3
2 3


1 2
2 3
2 2
2 2
3 2

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Transact SQL :: Combine Two Rows To One Without XML Path

Aug 13, 2015

I have one table list this

declare @test table(Id int, Description varchar(500))
insert into @test
values (1, '<b>Name :</b> XUZ <br/><br/>'),
       (1, '<b>Type : </b> QWE <br /><br/>'),
  (2, '<b>Name : </b> ABC <br /><br/>'),
  (2, '<b>Type : </b> FGH <br /><br/>')

My expected result is 

1, '<b>Name :</b> XUZ <br/><br/> <b>Type : </b> QWE <br /><br/>'
2, '<b>Name : </b> ABC <br /><br/> <b>Type : </b> FGH <br /><br/>'

As you can see its combine two rows of data group by id. Issue is If I use for xml path('') then its replace my html tags <b> to like <b> so after that then I again i need to replace all these symbols. Is it possible to get expected result without using xml path or if we use xml path then still my html tag leave as it is.

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Transact SQL :: How To Combine Two Store Procedure

Jun 12, 2015

How to combine two or more procedure to make a single query. 

I tried like below:

Its throwing invalid syntax. 

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Transact SQL :: Combine Two Views Into One Statement Or One View

Oct 15, 2015

I'd like to get results from ZTest_Contract being my result set, and would like to combine the subquery (which gets the Max) into the primary view ZTest_Contract.

CREATE VIEW [dbo].[ZTest_Contract] AS

[Code] ......

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Transact SQL :: Combine Multiple Rows In A New Column

Jul 16, 2015

I have the table below and like to combine the rows to create a single link row in a new column. The rows should be combined based on the job number columns which is the same for the rows to be combined.


[Code] ...

Output should be as below

16/7/15 called tenant and she thought we would just fix for free - advised her I can get a quote how ever she may have to pay - she will call back  

16/7/15 called tnt said no report number. Said she will speak with her husband and call back with her decision and 16/07/15 the work order was sent to agent ...

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Transact SQL :: Combine 3 Tables In One Search Result

Jul 1, 2015

I need a query to publish the front page of a blog.  Each blog post needs to show BlogTitle, BlogText, PublishDate, PublishBy, Primary Image and number of comments.  I would like to be able to do this in one sql statement, if possible.

 The table structure is below, you can assume the first image returned from the image table is the primary image.  

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Blogs](
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[BlogTitle] [nvarchar](200) NULL,
[BlogText] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[Tags] [nvarchar](200) NULL,

[Code] ....

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Transact SQL :: Query To Combine Each Duplicate Found Entry

Nov 19, 2015

I am wanting to create a query so that I can combine each of the found duplicates into one entry.

An example of this is:

Name |ID |Tag |Address |carNum
Bob Barker |2054| 52377 |235 Some road |9874
Bill Gates |5630| 69471 |014 Washington Rd. |3700
Bob Barker |2054| 97011 |235 Some road |9874
Bob Barker |2054| 40019 |235 Some road |9874
Steve Jobs |8501| 73051 |100 Infinity St. |4901
John Doe |7149| 86740 |7105 Bull Rd. |9282
Bill Gates |5630| 55970 |014 Washington Rd. |3700
Tim Boons |6370| 60701 |852 Mnt. Creek Rd. |7059

In the example above, Bob Barker and Bill gates are both in the database more than once so I would like the output to be the following:

Bob Barker |2054|52377/97011/40019|235 Some road |9874
Bill Gates |5630|69471/55970 |014 Washington Rd.|3700
Steve Jobs |8501|73051 |100 Infinity St. |4901
John Doe |7149|86740 |7105 Bull Rd. |9282
Tim Boons |6370|60701 |852 Mnt. Creek Rd. |7059

Notice how Bob Barker & Bill Gates appends the tag row (the duplicated data) into one row instead of having multiple rows. This is because I do not want to have to check the previous ID and see if it matches the current id and append to the data.

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Transact SQL :: Finding Syntax To Combine IN And CASE In A WHERE Clause?

Oct 29, 2015

I cannot seem to find the syntax to combine IN + CASE in a WHERE clause

ses.BK_MS_SESSION <= '2015-03'
) IN ('D','R')

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Combine And Convert A Date?

Dec 5, 2007

how do I convert DATEPART(year, GETDATE()) - 1 into a string so I can combine with
'10/1/' to form '10/1/2006'

select '10/1/' + DATEPART(year, GETDATE()) - 1 AS StartDate

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How To Combine Date And Time Into One Field

Jan 27, 2012

We have a piece of software and database for student registers.

One of the biggest problems is the database has been difficult to work with, as I have had to work out the date using dateadd functions and combine fields from different tables.

I've now got the date correctly, but I want to add the time to the time part of a datetime field.

The time field is already stored in a datetime field, but the date in this field is always 1899-12-30.

This is the function I am using to get the date:

DATEADD(dd, e.day_of_week, DATEADD(ww, sm.week, '01/08/2011'))

And this is the function I use to get the time (from a datetime field):

SUBSTRING(CAST(e.start_time AS varchar(20)), 13, 5)

With the DATEADD function it appears you can only add individual elements each time hh, mi, ss.

Would I have to add a DATEADD function for each time element in order to add the time to the date?

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Combine 2 Columns To Get Date Time

Aug 28, 2007

adate atime
08-21-2007 11:09
08-20-2007 16:49
08-03-2007 00:39

I would like to combine adate with atime to get adatetime

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How To Combine Date And Time Before Import Data?

Aug 20, 2007

I have extracted the data from Point of Sales. it has two columns one for date and one for time in the database.
I need to combine both column into single column with the format "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss" before i import the data into the SQL server for my BI project.

Example: Data extract from Point of Sales

How can i combine those two when i import into SQL server like below:
01/14/2006 06:36:16
01/15/2006 07:07:43
01/16/2006 07:10:20

million thanks.

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Combine Separate Date && Time Fields Into One Datetime Field?

Dec 26, 2006

Good morning.I am importing an XLS file into one of my tables. The fields are:Date Id Time IO12/22/2006 2 12:48:45 PM 912/22/2006 16 5:40:55 AM 112/22/2006 16 12:03:59 PM 2When I do the import, I get the following:Date Id Time IO12/22/2006 12:00:00AM 2 12/30/1899 12:48:45 PM 212/22/2006 12:00:00AM 16 12/30/1899 5:40:55 AM 112/22/2006 12:00:00AM 16 12/30/1899 12:03:59 PM 2Here are my doubts:1. Would it be better to combine the Date & Time fields into onecolumn? If so, how?2. What issues or problems might I have when I program SQL reports, ifI leave the fields as they are?Any comments or suggestions will be very much welcomed.Cheers mates.

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Combine Separate Date &&amp; Time Fields Into One Datetime Field?

Dec 26, 2006

Good morning.

I am importing an XLS file into one of my tables. The fields are:

Date Id Time IO

12:48:45 PM

5:40:55 AM

12:03:59 PM

When I do the import, I get the following:

Date Id Time IO
12/22/2006 12:00:00AM 2 12/30/1899 12:48:45 PM 2
12/22/2006 12:00:00AM 16 12/30/1899 5:40:55 AM 1
12/22/2006 12:00:00AM 16 12/30/1899 12:03:59 PM 2

Here are my doubts:

1. Is it be better to combine the Date & Time fields into one column? Advantages/Disadvantages?
2. If I don't combine them, should I use varchar or datetime data type?
2. What issues or problems might I have when I program SQL reports, if I leave the fields as they are?

Any comments or suggestions will be very much welcomed.

Cheers mates.

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Transact SQL :: Joining / Combining Two CTE Queries?

Apr 29, 2015

I have these two CTE queries, the first one is the existing one which runs fine and returns what we need, the second is a new CTE query which result I need to join in to the existing CTE, now that would be two CTE's can that be done at all?The second query is working on the same table as the first one so there are overlaps in names, and they are the same, only columns I need to "join" is the "seconds" and "AlarmSessions".

;with AlarmTree as (
select NodeID, ParentID, NodeLevel, NodeName,
cast('' as varchar(max)) as N0,
cast('' as varchar(max)) as N1,
cast('' as varchar(max)) as N2,
cast('' as varchar(max)) as N3,


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Transact SQL :: Multiple Queries On Various Database Using Powershell

Oct 19, 2015

As a part of DBA, I used to execute various SQL files. Most of the time, it is like a manual effort to execute the files individually.

I am looking to automate the process, like a single click to execute all the .SQL files.

The main hurdle I have is, some files needs to be executed in A1 database, some in B1 database and some other SQL files need to be executed in C1 database. In this scenario, I need to pass the DBName information to the powershell query dynamically.

My design for this requirement is, say each .SQL file need to contain a template like

@DBName = 'your Database name'
@Executeon = 'When to execute'

In this case, the powershell first need to read the SQL file and finds the value for @DBName and replace it in the powershell query and execute the SQL files automatically.

Is it feasible ? Or any other alternate easier way to proceed.

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Transact SQL :: Combining Two Queries From Different Linked Databases

May 20, 2015

I have 2 DBs located on separate Sql Servers but the DBs are linked. I am querying data from both DBs but want to combine the results. Here is my query but it doesn't seem to be working.

idname, name, address, address2, awardedtoname, suppno
house ON contract.idname = house.idname)
tpd.PropertyNumber AS [Property No], tpd.Address1 + ' , ' + tpd.Address2 AS Estate, tpd.Address1 AS Address1,

[Code] ....

How I could combine the results?

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