Transact SQL :: Merge Statement Failed

Sep 17, 2015

I have a stored procedure that runs (SQL Server 2012 (SP1) Standard Ed) daily and I never had any problem with this stored procedure. However, there is MERGE statement on the stored procedure and I see an error saying that the MERGE statement failed..Here are the stored procedure and error message: 

-- FlushQueue
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[FlushQueue] (@RowCount as int = 10000)


The MERGE statement attempted to UPDATE or DELETE the same row more than once. This happens when a target row matches more than one source row. A MERGE statement cannot UPDATE/DELETE the same row of the target table multiple times. Refine the ON clause to ensure a target row matches at most one source row, or use the GROUP BY clause to group the source rows. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 8672).  The step failed.

Table definition:---CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ImportDefinitions]
[NodeName] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
[ProcedureName] [varchar](100) NOT NULL,
[FilePrefix] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
[ImportDelay] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ImportDefinitions_ImportDelay] DEFAULT ((0)),


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Transact SQL :: Update Statement In Merge Does Not Work

Jul 29, 2015

In the following t-sql 2012 merge statement, the insert statement works but the update statement does not work. I know that is true since I looked at the results of the update statement:

Merge TST.dbo.LockCombination AS LKC1
(select LKC.comboID,LKC.lockID,LKC.seq,A.lockCombo2,A.schoolnumber,LKR.lockerId
[LockerPopulation] A
JOIN TST.dbo.School SCH ON A.schoolnumber = SCH.type

[Code] ...

Thus can you show me some t-sql 2012 that I can use to make update statement work in the merge function?

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Transact SQL :: Current Flag On Merge Statement

Nov 12, 2014

I was using Type 2 for one of our Fact table.... and need to put a flag to know which one is the Current record... I couldn't able to figure how to implement logic in the merge statement... This is an example Query ....I was using like this for my fact table...

Basically I need to track CustomerName and City... So I need a Currentflag (Y) for latest record....

MERGE INTO [dbo].[TargetCustomer] AS TRG
USING [dbo].[MyCustomers] AS SRC
ON TRG.[CustomerID] = SRC.[CustomerID]
AND TRG.[CustomerName]=SRC.[CustomerName]
AND TRG.[City]=SRC.[City]

[Code] .....

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Transact SQL :: Insert On Merge Statement Not Working

Oct 7, 2015

In a t-sql 2012 merge statement that is listed below, the insert statement on the merge statement listed below is not working. The update statement works though.

Merge test.dbo.LockCombination AS LKC1
(select LKC.lockID,LKC.seq,A.lockCombo1,A.schoolnumber
[Inputtb] A
JOIN test.dbo.School SCH ON A.schoolnumber = SCH.type
JOIN test.dbo.Locker LKR ON SCH.schoolID = LKR.schoolID AND A.lockerNumber = LKR.number

Thus would you tell me what I need to do to make the insert statement work on the merge statement listed above?

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Transact SQL :: Managing First Application Of MERGE Statement In ETL Logic

Apr 20, 2015

In order to feed a fact table of a dwh from a staging table I'm using the MERGE statement in order to control insert and update operations. It is possible that the staging table has duplicate rows respect to the fields controlled in the merge condition:

When I run the first time the MERGE statement unwanted rows could be inserted in the fact table.

Does the MERGE statement allow to manage this case or do I need to filter data from the staging table before to write them into the fact table?

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Transact SQL :: MERGE Statement Did Not Catch Existing Row In Target Table

Nov 8, 2015

I am new to use MERGE statement. The MERGE cannot find any match Cardnumber in the target table.  It inserts row into an existing row on the target table causing SQL rejected with duplicate key not allowed. The CardNumber is defined as a primary key on the target table with no duplicate allowed. Below snippet stop when MERGE insert a row exists on the target. The source table contains multiple rows with the same Cardnumber because it is a transactional table with multiple redemptions. 

If MERGE cannot handle many (source) to one (target) relationship, what other method that I can change to in order to update the target GiftCard table which keeps track of gift card balance? 

Below is the error message:

Msg 2627, Level 14, State 1, Line 5
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_GiftCard'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.GiftCard'. The duplicate key value is (63027768).

The statement has been terminated.

DDL of the target table:

 TABLE [dbo].[GiftCard](
[CardNumber] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[Year] [int] NULL,
[Month] [int] NULL,
[Period] [int] NULL,
[TransAmount] [decimal](10, 2) NULL,

[Code] ....

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DB Engine :: Can't Use The MERGE Statement / How To Design WHERE Condition For Insert Statement

Nov 5, 2015

I've have a need with SQL Server 2005 (so I've no MERGE statement), I have to merge 2 tables, the target table has 10 fields, the first 4 are the clustered index and primary key, the source table has the same fields and index.Since I can't use the MERGE statement (I'm in SQL 2005) I have to make a double step operation, and INSERT and an UPDATE, I can't figure how to design the WHERE condition for the insert statement.

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Merge Replication Failed - Urgent Please

Mar 29, 2007

I have two databases A & B which have a merge replication between them. Both are live data. I wanted to alter table in db A, so i deleted subscription and altered the table from db A. After that i rebuilt the replication between A & B with initialization but now my replication fails. Every time i get different error messages..recently i get message of 'Subscriber failed to initialize'. Could anyone suggest how to resolve this? Urgent please.

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Transact SQL :: Update Statement In Select Case Statement

May 5, 2015

I am attempting to run update statements within a SELECT CASE statement.

Select case x.field
FROM OuterTable x

I get incorrect syntax near the keyword 'update'.

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Transact SQL :: How To Merge Two Rows Into One Row

Sep 24, 2015

I have a table that has columns like following


Is there an easy way to turn this into format below ??



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Transact SQL :: Merge Two Columns From Different Tables?

Oct 26, 2015

I have two temp. tables. I am trying to show the agents how makes the sales and the ones how didnt make sales based on the time that they clock in. One table is called #sales which has only the agents that make sales and other tables is #hours which has both agents that do not make sale. the problem is that I can not get both agents to show on my report. I tried different ways but I could not. #sales table uses (select statement from AmountStats table that stores only the agents who make sale). #hours table uses different tables to store all gents who makes sale and ones that are not making sale. 

@start datetime,
@end datetime,
@campaignId uniqueidentifier,
@campaignName varchar(250),
@segment varchar(50)

set @start = '2015-10-07'
set @end = '2015-10-20'


how to merge these two columns from #sales and #hours tables without duplication.

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Transact SQL :: Merge With Unique Identifier As PK

Jul 2, 2015

Using SQL Server 2014 i try to merge data from database [Susi] on server2 to database [Susi] on server1. Server2 is a linked server in server1. The PK of the table Core.tKontakte is uniqueidentifier with rowguidcol.

I wrote the following script and get error 206: "uniqueidentifier ist inkompatibel mit int".

    INSERT Core.tKontakte (KontaktID, AnredeID, Titel, Nachname)
    SELECT KontaktID, AnredeID, Titel, Nachname
    FROM [Susi].MSCMS.Core.tKontakte AS Client
    WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT KontaktID FROM Core.tKontakte AS Host WHERE Host.KontaktID = Client.KontaktID);

[Code] ....

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Transact SQL For Creating Merge Subscription

Sep 13, 2006

I am trying to create a merge publication in sql server 2005 and a merge subscription in sql server 2005 mobile through transact sql using sql server query analyzer.

I am succeeded in creating the publication but not subscription.

I am using sp_addmergepublication and sp_addmergesubscription.

sp_addmergepublication is working fine.

But the problem is in creating sp_addmergesubscription.

Can anyone please guide me how to create subscription to sql server 2005 mobile database using transact sql.

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Merge Statement

Dec 28, 2003

I have two tables: Orders and Appoitment. Each order can have up to 2 appointments. Now, I need a SELECT statement that gives me this:

1 appt1 appt2
2 appt1 appt2

and not this:

1 appt1
1 appt2
2 appt1
2 appt2

In other words, I want to merge the two appointments for each order. I tried using the merge statement but it does not work. Tried to google but saw nothing. My database is SQL server. Please help. Thanks

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How To Use Merge Statement

Aug 31, 2015

We have a current database table (PAF) that had a new column added to it named 'Email'. This table also has some other columns including one named [Employee Number].We also have an Excel spreadsheet that has 2 columns 'Employee Number' and 'E-mail Address'. I need to take the E-mail Address field from the spreadsheet, match it up with the employee number between the spreadsheet and PAF table, and then insert the email address into the database column.I'm guessing I would do this using a MERGE statement, correct?

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Merge Statement

Aug 17, 2006

Is there a merge statement in SQL Server 2000?

I want to combine update and insert statement into single statement as follows.

USING MyTempTable
ON MyTempTable.MatchingField1 = MyTable.MatchingField1
UPDATE UpdateField1 = MyTempTable.UpdateField1
INSERT VALUES(MyTempTable.MatchingField1, MyTempTable.UpdateField1)

Currently if I try to run this stmt, it gives error "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'INTO'."


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Snapshot For Merge Replication Error: Discover Dependencies Failed

Mar 1, 2006

I'm converting an existing production replication process to SQL 2005 for testing. My snapshot for a merge replication is failing.

Environment: Single XP server, no filters, @schema_option = 0x000000000C034DD1

I have several snapshot jobs in my process, 2 for transactional replication and 2 for merge replications. In both types, I'm replicating from A to B and then from B to C. In the failing job, I'm merge replicating from B to C. In this failing snapshot job, the error messages are:

2006-03-01 18:42:17.22 [58%] Bulk copying snapshot data for article 'MyName1'
2006-03-01 18:42:17.34 [58%] Bulk copied snapshot data for article 'MyName2' (0 rows).
2006-03-01 18:42:17.41 [58%] Bulk copied snapshot data for article 'MyName1'(195 rows).
2006-03-01 18:42:29.84 [61%] Discovering dependencies among article objects in the specified publication
2006-03-01 18:42:33.66 [61%] The replication agent had encountered an exception.
2006-03-01 18:42:33.66 Source: Unknown
2006-03-01 18:42:33.66 Exception Type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.FailedOperationException
2006-03-01 18:42:33.66 Exception Message: Discover dependencies failed.
2006-03-01 18:42:33.66 Message Code: Not Applicable
2006-03-01 18:42:33.66

Does anyone have an idea what I could look for to try and fix this?

The A to B snapshot obviously uses the same tables. My snapshot for merge job (which worked) messages for the A to B snapshot are:

2006-03-01 18:40:24.98 Time spent analyzing foreign key references (seconds): 0.00
2006-03-01 18:40:24.98 Time spent analyzing check and default constraint references (seconds): 0.19
2006-03-01 18:40:24.98 Time spent analyzing non-article object dependencies (seconds): 0.42
2006-03-01 18:40:24.98 Time spent preparing snapshot generation (seconds): 35.49
2006-03-01 18:40:24.98 Time spent generating merge replication procedures (seconds): 41.39
2006-03-01 18:40:24.98 Time spent generating merge replication stored procedure scripts for subscribers (seconds): 20.66
2006-03-01 18:40:24.98 Time spent bulk copying data (seconds): 1.25
2006-03-01 18:40:24.98 Time spent copying/compressing generated file (seconds): 0.00
2006-03-01 18:40:25.00 Time spent adding rowguid columns/creating merge triggers (seconds): 1.38
2006-03-01 18:40:25.00 Time spent posting snapshot commands (seconds): 25.97
2006-03-01 18:40:25.00 *******************************************************************************


I kicked off the job again and got a different error message:

2006-03-01 19:17:30.32 ---------------------------------------------
2006-03-01 19:17:30.32 -BcpBatchSize 100000
2006-03-01 19:17:30.32 -HistoryVerboseLevel 2
2006-03-01 19:17:30.32 -LoginTimeout 15
2006-03-01 19:17:30.32 -QueryTimeout 1800
2006-03-01 19:17:30.32 ---------------------------------------------
2006-03-01 19:17:30.32 Connecting to Publisher 'xxx-xxxxxxxx'
2006-03-01 19:17:30.34 Publisher database compatibility level is set to 90.
2006-03-01 19:17:30.36 Retrieving publication and article information from the publisher database 'xxx-xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx'
2006-03-01 19:17:30.54 [0%] The replication agent had encountered an exception.
2006-03-01 19:17:30.54 Source: Replication
2006-03-01 19:17:30.54 Exception Type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.ReplicationAgentSqlException
2006-03-01 19:17:30.54 Exception Message: Data is Null. This method or property cannot be called on Null values.
2006-03-01 19:17:30.54 Message Code: 52006
2006-03-01 19:17:30.54

Does that help provide a clue?


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Transact SQL :: MERGE Function And OUTPUT To A File

Sep 14, 2015

I used the MERGE function for the first time. Now I have to create a pipe-delimited delta file for a 3rd party client of any deltas that may exist in our database.

What is the best way to do this? I have OUTPUT to a result set of the deltas...but I have to send over the entire table to the 3rd party via a pipe-delimited file.

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Transact SQL :: Merge 2 Rows Into One Line Output

May 21, 2015

How to summarise the data in this table to a single row output per site (2 records for every SiteID). I am based in the UK so the data copied from SQL is in the US format. I can convert this to UK date without any issues.

TABLE [dbo].[MRMReadings](
[SiteIncomeID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1)
[SiteID] [nchar](5)

[Code] ....     

Is it possible to return the data in the following format merging 2 lines of data into one output:

 SiteID   ReadStartDate  ReadEndDate      ReadStartIncome     ReadEndIncome
L0020     19/05/2015 05:00  20/05/2015 05:00    85.98     145.98
L0101     19/05/2015 22:07    20/05/2015 22:14         1,936.08       1,438.89
L0102     20/05/2015 21:16   19/05/2015 21:48   143.65  243.5

I am using SQL 2008 R2.

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Transact SQL :: Merge Multiple Rows Onto A Single Row

May 13, 2015

I have a set of data which contains individual logon and logoff data. The table is as follows:

1234,       2015-05-12,    15 (For Logon) or 25 (For Logoff)

I'm hoping to extract this data as follows:


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Transact SQL :: Script To Merge Similar Content?

Jun 17, 2015

I have a table which contains single legs. E.g.

Row Leg-ID From To On DateFrom DateTo DOW

1 ABC123 AAA BBB CCC 01JAN15 01JAN15 1

2 ABC123 AAA BBB CCC 07JAN15 07JAN15 1

3 ABC123 AAA BBB CCC 14JAN15 14JAN15 1

4 ABC123 XXX YYY ZZZ 21JAN15 21JAN15 1

I now want to merge those single records, which follow a pattern. For the above case this would be Row 1+2+3, so the result should be:

Row Leg-ID
From To
On DateFrom
DateTo DOW
1 ABC123
14JAN15 1
3 ABC123
14JAN15 1

The pattern is, that the legs from Row 1 and 2 have identical attributes (Leg-ID, From, To, On, DOW) and are on consecutive weeks on the same weekday. I was doing this through a while-look:

check if there is a record matching the following week (a.DateTo = dateadd(d, 7, b.DateFrom))if there is a match, then update the previous week record DateTo with the following week DateFromdelete the following week record but this is very slow, for 50T rows it runs approx. 6 hrs to shrink everything..

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Transact SQL :: Insert Unique Values Only Using MERGE

Jun 2, 2015

I'm trying to use merge data from a staging table to a production table. There are a lot of duplicate values for serverName and I only want to insert one instance where there are duplicates.

How I can adapt the code I have so far to achieve this?

ON (TARGET.serverName = SOURCE.serverName)

UPDATE SET TARGET.serverName = SOURCE.serverName, TARGET.serverLocation = SOURCE.serverLocation

INSERT (serverName, serverLocation)
VALUES (SOURCE.serverName, SOURCE.serverLocation)


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MERGE Statement Into Two Tables

Aug 21, 2012

I am trying to update values in two tables (approx 1-2 million records).

I have decided to use a MERGE statement, however have been unsuccessful to do so.

Below is an example of the statement.

The error is receive is "Incorrect syntax near '('." right after the MERGE line.

Is it not possible to use this syntax ?

( SELECT, b.id2


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Transact SQL :: Merge Two Rows Into One Based On Same Customer Number

Oct 26, 2015

I have a table Customer with below column

CustomerNumber , FName,LName,DOB

I have either 2 or 1 row for each customer number  I want to write a SQL to pull data into 1 table based on same CustomerNumber, if only one row is present for the particular customer number it should pull null in FName2,LName2,DOB2 columns.

CustNumber  Fanme   Lname   DOB
1  Sam tiller 08/26/1981
1  Joe   timy  01/02/1986
2  jack  niks   09/09/1990

Result I want:
CustNumber Fname1  Lname1 DOB1 Fname2 Lname2 DOB2
1  Sam  Tiller 08/26/1981 Joe  timy 01/02/1986
2  Jack  niks  09/09/1990 null null null

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Merge Statement - Update All Data

Mar 14, 2014

I am using Merge Statement. Here is my requirement, I don't want to Insert data if Client State is NY, but I want to update all data

When Not Matched
and State not in ('NY')

the problem is sometime data NY data is inserted and sometime don't.

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Update Not Happening Using Merge Statement

Feb 11, 2015

Even rowchecksum is different in target from source then also update is not happening

alter Procedure SP_Archive_using_merge
Declare @Source_RowCount int
Declare @New_RowCount int

[Code] ....

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Select And Insert Statement Merge Together

Jun 9, 2007

is there anyway i can merge select statement and insert statement together?

what i want to do is select few attributes from a table and then directly insert the values to another table without another trigger.

for example, select * from product and with the values from product, insert into new_product (name, type, date) values (the values from select statment)

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Insert Statement With Merge Replication.

Nov 9, 2007


i have a little question.
Is it possible you can't perform an insert statement on a table wich is replicated with merge replication?

I set the replication up and everything works fine, but if i want to perfom an insert statement on the table, i get an error that the values i want to add aren't the same as the one in the table.

I know that merge replication creates a new column and I think that's the problem.

Can someone help me solve this or confirm that you can't perform an insert statement on a replicated table?


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MERGE Statement - Skipping Locked Records

Aug 27, 2012

skip locked records in a MERGE statement and output the list of skipped records.

Through the documentation, internet posts and testing, I believe it is NOT possible. MERGE acts like a single atomic DML statement, and therefore cannot avoid locked records.

I can use the READPAST hint, which will skip the row-locked records. However, it could actually insert duplicate keys in certain cases (as it is ignoring records, i would guess), which would not be acceptable.

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Transact SQL :: Merge Two Tables Data On Behalf Of ID In Comma Separated Manner?

Jul 2, 2015

Picture tells all what i need. Anyway i want to combine upper two tables data like below result sets. Means they should be grouped by bsns_id and its description should be comma separated taken from 2nd table. In sql server 2012 ....

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Comparison In The Merge Statement About Null Values?

Aug 22, 2012

I use the merge statement in a sproc to insert, update and delete records from a staging table to a production table.

In the long sql, here is a part of it,

When Matched and

((Student.SchoolID <> esis.SchoolID
Student.GradeLevel <> esis.GradeLevel
Student.LegalName <> esis.LegalName
Student.WithdrawDate <> esis.WithdrawDate
Student.SPEDFlag <> esis.SPEDFlag
Student.MailingAddress <> esis.MailingAddress)

Then update

Set Student.Schoolid=esis.schoolid,

My question is how about if the column has null values in it.for example

if schoolID is null in production table is null, but in staging table is not null, will the <> return true.or if either side of <> has a null value, will it return true.

I don't want it to omit some records and causing the students records not get updated.If not return true, how to fix this?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Merge Statement MULTIPLE INSERT Into Different Tables

Jul 23, 2014

Can we insert into multiple table using merge statement?I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2 and below is my MERGE query...

-> I'm checking if the record exist in Contact table or not. If it exist then I will insert into employee table else I will insert into contact table then employee table.

WITH Cont as
( Select ContactID from Contact where ContactID=@ContactID)
MERGE Employee as NewEmp
Using Cont as con


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SQL 2012 :: SSIS Package With Merge Statement Locking DB

Dec 11, 2014

We have a SSIS package which loads the data from csv files to DB. It only loads the new entries ie if the row already exists in the tables than it doesn't insert it. For this we load the CSV to temp tables for respective schemas and than those are compared with base tables of respective schemas and inserted new rows. For this we use Merge statement.

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