Transact SQL :: Operator Used TempDB To Spill Data During Execution
Jul 9, 2015
As far as i know sql server iterators spill to tempdb when estimation number of rows less than actual number of rows ? for my example estimation > actual,but sort iterator still spill to temdb.
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Jul 10, 2015
I've been trying to make the following query more performant by breaking it up into smaller pieces.
-- ,M.*
Master_TAB M
[Code] ....
I know that the Spill is caused by the Sort but I can't remove the sort (sort can't be done in front end). My master table had 1.7 million rows and almost 200 columns (bad design? I know but can't be changed as there's too much that would be affected) every row is little over 1KB
Here's my attempt...
-- MASTER_TAB has 1.7 million rows and 50 columns
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tmp_ABC](
[A1] [varchar](13) NOT NULL,
[A2] [varchar](5) NOT NULL,
[A3] [varchar](4) NOT NULL,
[A4] [varchar](4) NOT NULL,
[A5] [int] NULL
[Code] ...
This is the Query that is causing the Spill (in reality I'm supposed to bring back all 200 columns fro the master table but for debug purposes I limited the columns)
Select c.A3+c.A4 as A34, c.A3, c.A1
-- M.*
from tmp_DEF c
join MASTER_TAB M on M.A1 = c.A1 and M.A2 = c.A2
order by c.A3, C.A4
if I just run the following I get no spill:
Select c.A3+c.A4 as A34, c.A3, c.A1
from tmp_DEF c
order by c.A3, C.A4
as soon as I add the Master table as a Join I get the Spill...
I read many articles, tried many suggested things (creating indexes... clustered, non-clustered) without success. Maybe I'm totally in Left Field and should enhance the performance going another route?
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Aug 19, 2015
Here with i have attached the execution plan, In that i have tempdb spill over in sort operation. i have created index to sort even it needs temp db spill over. [URL]....
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Jun 2, 2004
I get this error when I attempt to read from a datareader using the following sql statement:
Dim mysql As String = "SELECT PayrollTrans.PayrollID, Employees.[EmpFirstName] & ' ' & " _
& " Employees.[emplastname] AS FullName, Employees.[City] & ', ' & Employees.[State] & ' ' & Employees.[zip] AS CityState " _
& " , PayrollTrans.Date, PayrollTrans.EmployeeID, PayrollTrans.RegHours, " _
& " PayrollTrans.OTHours , PayrollTrans.RegPay, PayrollTrans.OTPay, " _
& " PayrollTrans.FedTax, PayrollTrans.FICATax, PayrollTrans.MedicareTax, " _
& " PayrollTrans.ESCTax, PayrollTrans.StateTax, PayrollTrans.ESCEMPTax, " _
& " PayrollTrans.FUTATax, PayrollTrans.NetPay, Employees.EmployeeID, " _
& " Employees.Address1, Employees.Address2, Employees.SSAN, " _
& " Employees.PayType, Employees.RegPayRate, Employees.OTPayRate, " _
& " Employees.MaritalStatus, Employees.FedExemption, Employees.StateExemption, " _
& " Employees.Active, Employees.SelectforPay, Employees.PayDate " _
& " FROM PayrollTrans, Employees where PayrollTrans.EmployeeID = Employees.EmployeeID;"
my reader command list as follows:
Dim objCM As New SqlClient.SqlCommand(mysql, SqlConnection1)
Dim objDR As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
objDR = objCM.ExecuteReader
Any ideas on where I am going wrong?
Thanks in advance
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May 18, 2004
I am getting a error message saying: Invalid operator for data type. Operator equals boolean AND, type equals datetime.
I traced the pointer to @gdo and @gd, they are both dates!
INSERT INTO AdminAlerts values (CURRENT_USER, 'UPDATE', getDate(), @biui, 'Updated booking, ID of booking updated: ' & @biui & ', Booking date and time before/after update: ' & @gdo & '/' & @gd & ', Room number before/after update: ' & @rno & '/' & @rn & ' and Customer ID before/after update: ' & @cio & '/' & @ci)
If I cut that two dates out it works fine.
Could someone tell me the syntax to include a date in a string :confused:
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Oct 28, 2006
Can anyone explaing briefly, why would this error appears???
Thank you
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Feb 11, 2008
Hi all,
I have a stored procedure, which returns a list of results/data.
Some of that data includes a count.
What I would like is to filter the data where we see all the count data that has 0 or all the count data greater than zero.
Now it is entirely possibly for me to go back to the stored procedure and amend it so that that is entirely possible, however i was wondering if it was also possible to produce this by filtering data at the dataset.
I provide a filter at the datset by clicking on dataset and then filters and then the expression for the field for the search count and having a parameter that provides the value.
Now it is straightforward if i just want to show all results where the searchcount = 0.
The problem lies where i want to show all results that have a searchcount > 0. The problem being it only allows me to choose one operator = or >, not a combination of both, meaning I cannot have the option to have either results.
Where am i going wrong?
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Oct 28, 2015
issues with triggers in Sql Server 2014.
A few weeks ago I've done a SQL Server migration from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2014.It was a bit tricky but anything worked fine.
I have some legacy VB6 (Visual Basic 6) applications written in house which worked with Databases on the old SQL server 2000.Surprisingly, these applications worked well after the upgrade to SQL Server 2014 without having to change a piece of code.
Now, some users tell me that they receive some unusual message when saving data from these legacy applications.After investing for a few hours, I discovered that triggers are not executed when those users try to save data from grids or forms in their applications.Trying to reproduce the INSERT statement in SQL Server Management Studio, the triggers run well.From the application, they don't.
These applications connect to Database Server thru OLEDB connection with the following ADO connection string :
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password={password};User ID={user};Initial Catalog={db};Data Source={datasource}.the {user} is a true SQL account who have read/write/delete access in the databases.
On the web there is a lot of questions involving the same issue, but only from SSIS.I found some articles about an OLEDB connection parameter named FastLoadOptions with a value of FIRE_TRIGGERS, but nowhere how to put it in the ADO OLEDB connection string.
how to reactivate the "normal" use of triggers from an ADO OLEDB connection ?Either with some obscur parameter in the connection string or options somewhere in the SQL Server 2014.
View 4 Replies
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Apr 28, 2006
What is wrong with this select statement?
SELECT lastName + ", " + firstName + " " + middleName as Name
FROM [users]
WHERE ([usrID] = 100)
I kept getting this error:
Msg 403, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid operator for data type. Operator equals add, type equals text.
Help is appreciated.
View 6 Replies
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Apr 28, 2006
What is wrong with this select statement:
SELECT lastName + ", " + firstname + " " + middleName + " " + maidenName as Name
FROM users
WHERE userID = 100;
I kept getting this error:
Msg 403, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid operator for data type. Operator equals add, type equals text.
Help is appreciated.
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Oct 23, 2005
Kudos to y'all experts out there. I kinda needed your help. I'm trying to run a query...
SELECT a.AUF_POS AS Pos, c.ZL_STR AS Panel, a.POS_TEXT AS Description, a.BREITE AS W1, a.HOEHE
WHERE (c.ZL_MOD = 0) AND (b.AUF_NR = '86260')
...and I keep getting this error: Invalid operator for data type. Operator equals multiply, type equals nvarchar. I've tried every possible CAST and CONVERT but I just can't make it work. I'm pretty sure that the data types for the columns I mentioned on the mathematical equation are all numeric. Please help...
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Feb 4, 2014
I came across a weird issue this morning while using Between operator am unable to retrieve data that starts with second option,
Example am using
select * from USER where vendor between 'N' and 'V'
Here I expect to get all the records that has vendor name starting with N,O,P,......U,V
But to my surprise i found am just getting N,O ......,U. I am unable to retrieve vendors start with 'V'
when i use between 'N' and 'W' it shows with 'V' also........but not showing vendors with 'W'
So I doubt whether between is considering second option 'V' or not.
View 8 Replies
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Nov 9, 2007
this is an error i am getting trying to run the query below.
Invalid operator for data type. Operator equals minus, type equals varchar
SELECT regardingobjectidname, actualend, owneridname, createdbyname, activitytypecodename
FROM (SELECT regardingobjectidname, actualend, Owneridname, createdbyname, activitytypecodename, row_number() OVER (Partition BY
ORDER BY actualend DESC) AS recid
FROM FilteredActivityPointer
WHERE statecodename = 'completed') AS d
WHERE recid = 1 AND (owneridname IN (@user)) AND (activitytypecodename = 'phone call' OR
activitytypecodename = 'e-mail' OR
activitytypecodename = 'fax') AND (actualend > dateadd(d, -'
+ CONVERT(nVarChar(20), @NeglectedDays) + ',GetUTCDate()
ORDER BY actualend
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Feb 18, 2008
I am trying to write a small dynamic sql statement and I am receiving the following error when working with a bit data type.
The data types varchar and bit are incompatible in the add operator
Here is what I have:
Code Snippet
create proc [dbo].[usp_SetupDatabaseUser]
@ProcAccess bit = 0
set nocount on
declare @sql nvarchar(MAX)
-- Check for user existence
select @sql = 'if (' + @ProcAccess + ' = 1)
print ''Hello World''
exec @sql
After I execute, that is why I receive the error. Any advice would be appreciated!
View 5 Replies
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Feb 6, 2014
I am trying to solve an issue in SQL but am getting this error
The data types xml and varchar are incompatible in the equal to operator.
My Query is fairly long. How I can resolve this?
UPDATE Promotions
SET PromotionDiscountData = '<ArrayOfPromotionRuleBase xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""><PromotionRuleBase xsi:type="ProductIdPromotionRule"><ProductIds><int>13,16,15215,15223,15225,15227,15231,15261,15266,15267,15272,15274,15276,15277,15288,15289,
[Code] ....
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Jun 13, 2014
I am using the below query for calculation and I get this error.
Operand data type nvarchar is invalid for sum operator.
'$ '+ REVERSE(SUBSTRING(REVERSE(CONVERT(varchar,(CAST(round(isnull(sum(t7.[Pre Override Cost]),0),0) as money) + 1 -
cast(round(isnull(sum(t8.[Shared Dollars]),0),0)as money)),1)),4,255)) as [PreOverride L2],
'$ '+ REVERSE(SUBSTRING(REVERSE(CONVERT(varchar,(CAST(round(isnull(sum(t7.[Post Override Cost]),0),0) as money) -
cast(round(isnull(sum(t8.[Shared Dollars]),0),0)as money)),1)),4,255)) as [PostOverride L2]
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Jun 24, 2006
The following is the full error message. I am posting the code after.
Server Error in '/XprtDr' Application.
The data types text and nvarchar are incompatible in the equal to operator.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The data types text and nvarchar are incompatible in the equal to operator.Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below. Stack Trace:
[SqlException (0x80131904): The data types text and nvarchar are incompatible in the equal to operator.]
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) +95
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) +82
System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +346
System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +3244
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString) +186
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async) +1121
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, DbAsyncResult result) +334
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe) +407
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() +149
System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceView.ExecuteDbCommand(DbCommand command, DataSourceOperation operation) +493
System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceView.ExecuteUpdate(IDictionary keys, IDictionary values, IDictionary oldValues) +915
System.Web.UI.DataSourceView.Update(IDictionary keys, IDictionary values, IDictionary oldValues, DataSourceViewOperationCallback callback) +179
System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormView.HandleUpdate(String commandArg, Boolean causesValidation) +1197
System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormView.HandleEvent(EventArgs e, Boolean causesValidation, String validationGroup) +545
System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormView.OnBubbleEvent(Object source, EventArgs e) +163
System.Web.UI.Control.RaiseBubbleEvent(Object source, EventArgs args) +56
System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormViewRow.OnBubbleEvent(Object source, EventArgs e) +118
System.Web.UI.Control.RaiseBubbleEvent(Object source, EventArgs args) +56
System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton.OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) +106
System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +177
System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +31
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) +32
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData) +242
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +3838
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InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [companyDetails] ([indexNo], [userName], [Title], [yearEst], [employeeCount], [Address_1], [Address_2], [Contacts], [TelNos], [FaxNos], [emailAddresses], [Website], [ManufacturingSubSectors_id], [ServicesSubSectors_id], [ExportDestinations_id], [ImportSources_id]) VALUES (@indexNo, @userName, @Title, @yearEst, @employeeCount, @Address_1, @Address_2, @Contacts, @TelNos, @FaxNos, @emailAddresses, @Website, @ManufacturingSubSectors_id, @ServicesSubSectors_id, @ExportDestinations_id, @ImportSources_id)"
OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" SelectCommand="SELECT [indexNo], [userName], [Title], [yearEst], [employeeCount], [Address_1], [Address_2], [Contacts], [TelNos], [FaxNos], [emailAddresses], [Website], [ManufacturingSubSectors_id], [ServicesSubSectors_id], [ExportDestinations_id], [ImportSources_id] FROM [companyDetails] WHERE ([userName] = @userName)"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE [companyDetails] SET [yearEst] = @yearEst, [employeeCount] = @employeeCount, [Address_1] = @Address_1, [Address_2] = @Address_2, [Contacts] = @Contacts, [TelNos] = @TelNos, [FaxNos] = @FaxNos, [emailAddresses] = @emailAddresses, [Website] = @Website, [ManufacturingSubSectors_id] = @ManufacturingSubSectors_id, [ServicesSubSectors_id] = @ServicesSubSectors_id, [ExportDestinations_id] = @ExportDestinations_id, [ImportSources_id] = @ImportSources_id WHERE [indexNo] = @original_indexNo AND [userName] = @original_userName AND [Title] = @original_Title AND [yearEst] = @original_yearEst AND [employeeCount] = @original_employeeCount AND [Address_1] = @original_Address_1 AND [Address_2] = @original_Address_2 AND [Contacts] = @original_Contacts AND [TelNos] = @original_TelNos AND [FaxNos] = @original_FaxNos AND [emailAddresses] = @original_emailAddresses AND [Website] = @original_Website AND [ManufacturingSubSectors_id] = @original_ManufacturingSubSectors_id AND [ServicesSubSectors_id] = @original_ServicesSubSectors_id AND [ExportDestinations_id] = @original_ExportDestinations_id AND [ImportSources_id] = @original_ImportSources_id">
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<asp:Parameter Name="Contacts" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="TelNos" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="FaxNos" Type="String" />
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<asp:Parameter Name="ManufacturingSubSectors_id" Type="String" />
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<td style="width: 5px; height: 435px">
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Feb 25, 2006
If I make a select query on my table, this error appears:
"The data types text and varchar are incompatible in the equal to operator"
In my table , I have 4 fields with "text" datatype.
My query is like : "Select * from table where field1='test'"
It's seems to be simple, but it doesn't work!!!
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Jun 16, 2015
I have an SSIS Package which Retreives Data using a  SQL Query like belowÂ
select  a.* from dbo.test a (nolock)
JOIN dbo.test1 b (nolock)
ON a.DetailsId = b.DetailsId
JOIN dbo.test c (nolock) on c.DetailsLineId = b.DetailsLineId
where convert(date,c.CpPlacedDate)>?
and convert(date,c.CpPlacedDate) Â < convert(date,GETDATE())Â
and c.PartnerCode in ('akakak07')
The CpPlacedDate DataType is Datetime. After the Successfull Execution of SSIS Package the final output results in destination is lesser than source. Â
The Maximum of cpplaceddate in the Destination for a particular date is '2015-06-13 23:46:08.923'
The Maximum of cpplaceddate in the Source for a particular date is '2015-06-13 23:59:14.873'Â
I am missing 16 records in between this time Gap.
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Aug 2, 2004
How can I make it work when I need to pull out a field which is text type using a stored procedure? Please help!!!Thanks
I am getting the following error
Error 409: The assignment operator operation could not take a text data type as an argument
===========my sp=================================
(@a varchar(50) output,
@b text output
set nocount on
select @a=name, @b= description from ABC
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Jan 3, 2006
Hi, i have a table in sqlexpress named Contacts:
ID (int) -primary key-
name (varchar(30))
lastname (varchar(30))
phone (varchar(15))
fax (varchar(15))
desc (text)
In my default.aspx page, i have a GridView that has the conecction to this table. The GridView has the Editing and Deleting checkbox enabled but my problem is that i can't edit or delete any row when the page is running and the massage is this: "The data types text and nvarchar are incompatible in the equal to operator"
It would have to work, but i don't know what happen, Please, any help!
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Feb 20, 2007
I have a table with a field that has a numeric data type (15,2) and length of 9. The problem is that it won't display the actual negative sign for any values less than 0 when running a query. Any ideas? I've used Query Analyzer as well as Access.
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May 22, 2015
Im reading in a CSV wiht double quote text delimiters. Data came from mySQL.
One column in mySql is text(65535) which is equivalent to varchar(max) as far as i understand.
This particular column can be blank, not null, just blank. If its blank i want to put in a value so i added a Derived column shape and added the following formula:
LEN(my_Column) < 1 ? Â "" : Â (DT_TEXT)my_Column
I get the below error from this expression:
 The data types "DT_WSTR" and "DT_TEXT" are incompatible for the conditional operator. The operand types cannot be implicitly cast into compatible types for the conditional operation. To perform this operation, one or both operands need to be explicitly cast with a cast operator.
I have tried this without casting but still get an error. As I have configured the column in the flatfile connector as DT_TEXT, im not sure where its getting DT_STR from.
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Oct 23, 2015
I get this error "Operand data type varchar is invalid for divide operator".
select V.[Parent Name],
round((V.SoftValue/VTMValue)*100,0) 'SPercentage',
round((V.HMUValue/VTMValue)*100,0) 'HPercentage2',
round((V.PrimaryValue/VTMValue)*100,0) 'PPercentage2'
I have even converted the values to float.
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Sep 23, 1999
Presently, we have allocated 600MB to tempdb and when I run the sp_spaceused command for tempdb I notice that the unallocated space is a negative number. I have not received any errors in the error log with regards to expanding the segment because segment is full. Is this just a bug in SQL 6.5 or something else?
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Apr 9, 2002
I have tempdb data device size default 2 MB, which has completely filled up. I am trying to expand data device to it.
I created new device tempdb_data_ext (250 MB) and tried to expand tempdb data device. But everytime I do it, it ends up adding space to tempdb log device. How can I expand tempdb data device?
It's extremely urgent.
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Dec 21, 1998
I have the following situation.
tempdb data file has 8Mb and log file has 1Mb - but I´m getting message that log is full.
Once tempdb is shrinked and expanded by the system (we even don´t see it at database folder!!), what can be done, (except reinstall from scrach and restore DBs) to make tempdb not vulnerable to very frequent expanding/shrinking (I guess this can be one of the root of the problem) ?
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Mar 20, 2007
Against my better judgement, we are using fixed allocations of tempdb on some of our servers. This is to deal with specific limitations of our applicaitons and hardware configuration that I'm not allowed to discuss in much detail.
The problem that I have is that the present plan is to configure the data file at around 18 Gb and the log file at around 2 Gb. This seems just plain wrong to me, but I haven't been able to find a formal recommendation that gives any relative sizing. I would expect to have about twice as much log as data space, especially for tempdb.
Does anyone know of a formal citation (preferably from Microsoft) that discusses this?
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Aug 27, 2007
This is a SQL 2005 production server.
I have to delete around 51 million rows from a table which has 149 million rows.
Can't use truncate option as the other rows in the table are still needed.
How can I delete the rows without filling up the tempdb ?
If the tempdb fills up I can't bounce the server.
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Mar 30, 2014
It is possible that Data Collection can cause massive increasing MB/sec to tempdb ? I cannot find connection with tempdb and I set cash file, but on same disk.
Or it can be something different? Last two weeks what I checked was Read/Write MB/s to tempdb increasing progressively.
One time it was about 20MB/sec
After it was reseting and again 1MB/sec..
What I checked , External company which install SQL Server made one file for tempdb, next week or during breaktime(it will be possible), I would like make 8files next weekend work.
Now I saw that TempDB mdf was still increased, but using was just 8-10%
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Mar 3, 2015
I'm having an argument with our infrastructure architect who has just gone and bought lots of SSD drives to use for our tempdb data and log files, sounds great doesn't it? There is a catch though, his plan is to add the disks to the two available slots in each blade in a RAID0+1 configuration, effectively giving you one usable drive, and adding both data and log files on to one disk.
I then pointed out that SQL Server best practice is to host tempdb data and log files on two separate drive to reduce contention. The architect then basically said that because this isn't spinning disk the issue of drive, r/w contention isn't an issue I don't agree with this and wanted to get some opinions from the community, I'm still advising that two separate disks should be used but someone just went and spent £80k ($150k) on SSDs and doesn't want to back down...
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Jul 10, 2007
I have some stored procedures that create table data types for temporary tables. From everything I've read about these, they shouldn't occupy space in tempdb. However we've been having problems with our tempdb log growing quite large, so I've done some profiling on the database and found that the temporary tables are being created in tempdb, and I don't understand why.
The Stored Procedure looks like:
DECLARE @t_InsertParams TABLE (ParamKey1 VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, ParamValue VARCHAR(1024), ParamOrder INT)
INSERT @t_InsertParams
FROM dbo.GetParamsOffload(@p_ParamList, @p_TargetTable)
and GetParamsOffload is a user defined function that returns a table:
CREATE FUNCTION GetParamsOffload(@p_ParamsList AS VARCHAR(8000), @p_TargetTable AS VARCHAR(50))
RETURNS @t_Params TABLE (ParamKey1 VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, ParamValue VARCHAR(1024), ParamOrder INT)
INSERT @t_Params
SELECT @_ParamKey
,ISNULL(@_ParamOrder, 0)
During the profiling of the application, I see numerous records of EventType "Object:Created" for the tempdb DatabaseId and the ObjectName is both @t_InsertParams and @t_Params. I am also monitoring the "Objecteleted" EventType, but I never see these objects deleted.
My first question is why this code uses the tempdb in the first place. I've read that you can't use the table data type in a few instances (can't insert the values of a SP execute into the table data type; cannot do SELECT INTO or INSERT INTO statements). Is there an issue with inserting data into the table data type from a function? Is there something that can be changed in the way the table data type is defined/used that will not use tempdb?
If I am stuck with the above using tempdb, is there something that should be explicitly called to Delete the specified objects from tempdb? Do I need to Drop those tables in my SP?
This SP is called via a CSV file parser - gets called A LOT over and over parsing files and I see these objects getting created in tempdb. I need to figure out how this process can manage the space in tempdb better.
I'm using SQL Server 2000.
Thanks for any help.
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Jul 14, 2004
Has anyone seen the SQL Server error:
"tempdb is skipped. You cannot run a query that requires tempdb"?
We're running a .Net web application with a SQL Server 2000 backend, and we get the error intermittently. Restarting the SQL Server service seems to fix it, as it causes tempdb to be rebuilt, but this isn't a long term solution. Any direction or hints would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
- Mike
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