Transact SQL :: Parsing Formula Text To Float

Apr 27, 2015

There is a column in a table that has values like '23 + 45 + 63', '2 + 54 - 22'... and so on. I want to get the result of this formula as float like 131, 34... and so on. Is that possible with a SELECT statement. I tried:

SELECT CAST('23 + 45 + 63' AS FLOAT)

Didn't work.

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Formula Parsing

Jan 26, 2006

Hi,I have three tables in the following structure (simplified):Table 1: Containing the customers-------------------------------------------------create table Customers([cusID] int identity(1, 1) not null,[cusName] varchar(25) not null)Table 2: Containing the customer data fields---------------------------------------------------------------create table Data([datID] int identity(1, 1) not null,[datName] varchar(25) not null,[datFormula] varchar(1500))Table 3: Containing the customer data values-----------------------------------------------------------------create table Values([cusID] int not null,[datID] int not null,[valValue] sql_variant)In this structure the user can add as many data fields to a customer ashe wants (e.g. Country, City, Email, Phone, ...). I have added triggerswhich create a view similar to a pivot (I am working in SQL 2000) andadd triggers to the view so it is insertable, deletable and updateable.What I would like to do, is allow the user to create new fields wherethe values are based upon a calculation. This calculation would be donethrough a formula similar to what he would do e.g. in excel (thisformula is stored in the dimFormula field then).An example might help. Let's assume the user created a field 'Sales'(containing last year's sales) and 'Invoices' (containing the number ofinvoices that were created for him last year). Now, he wants to createa field 'AvgSales' with the formula '[Sales]/[Invoices]'.(Note that through adding these data fields, the above view was created(let's assume it is called vw_Customers and contains the columns [ID],[Name], [Sales], [Invoices], [AvgSales]).What I am looking for is a function which can parse this formula into at_sql query which runs the calculation. So, the formula'[Sales]/[Invoices]' would be translated into (let's assume there areno records with NULL or zero invoices):update vw_Customersset [AvgSales] = [Sales]/[Invoices]from vw_CustomersI am able to do the above with simple calculations (where you can evenuse sql functions e.g. year, len, ...). Now I would like to take thisone step forward into the possibility of using functions with morevariables.For example. Let's assume, the user wants to add a rating (field called'Rating') to his customers based upon the result of 'AvgSales. Heenters the formula 'if([AvgSales] > 2500, 'A', 'B')'.If anyone could help me on this, I would be very grateful. Thanks.M

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Parsing A Text Field

Oct 11, 2001

Does anyone have a script already written to parse a text field in SQL?

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Parsing Text Using A Cursor

Nov 1, 2001

I am trying to parse a text column using a cursor. Basically here is the statement I am trying to convert to the cursor:

There can be multiple errors in one string


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Parsing A Text Field Value Into More Than 1 Value

May 9, 2006


My table has 2 fields as 'count' and 'codes'. The 'codes' field has 'count' # of code values in each record. Size of each code is 4. For example, if my record is 2,'abcdefgh' then there are 2 codes and the values are 'abcd' and 'efgh'.

Currently I am using 'script component' to parse the field into multiple values. Since I have to read 1 million records and on an average, each record has 10 codes, it is taking hrs to load it.

Can it be done without 'script component' using some other transformations?


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Transact SQL :: Parsing Varchar Columns

Sep 22, 2015

I'm attempting to use T-SQL to strictly parse/pull Names from a string field like such: CN=John Doe,OU=xyz,DC=ituy,DC=qwer,DC=org...I would like the ultimate result to be JUST the full name John Doe (pretty much everything after the first = sign and before the first comma. I'm attempting combinations of REPLACE, STUFF, PATINDEX and SUBSTRING, but to no avail.

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Transact SQL :: Convert Float To Money

Oct 6, 2015

I have a column type of float and How to convert it show like this

default value =39260.80 MY db use this ',' seperator instead of '.'
wanna convert 39,260

This code is working if using '.' seperator

SELECT  parsename(convert(varchar,CAST(floor('39260.80') AS MONEY),1),2)
not work using ',' seperator
SELECT  parsename(convert(varchar,CAST(floor('39260,80') AS MONEY),1),2)

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Transact SQL :: Using EXEC To Execute A Formula Stored In A String

May 31, 2005

Basically, I have a table with a column that stores mathematical formulas in string format.  When my UDF is executed, it needs to select an appropriate formula from this table and evaluate it using values that are stored in local variables. 

Look at the example below:

Suppose I have a string named @vcFormula that contains the following:"@dVar1 + @dVar2 / @dVar2"Now suppose I have a variable named @dVar1 that contains a value of 1.0, and variable @dVar2 contains a value of 2.5.  I can use the REPLACE function to change my original string to look like this:"1.0 + 2.5 / 2.5"

Now I want to execute this string and find the numeric result, placing it in a variable named @dResult.  The following works, but presents a problem:CREATE TABLE #Result (dResult decimal(20, 10))INSERT #Result EXEC('SELECT ' + @vcFormula)SELECT @dResult = dResult FROM #ResultThe problem with using this method comes from the fact that I need to be able to evaluate @vcFormula from within a user-defined function, but temporary tables are not allowed inside UDF's. 

So I attempted to change the temporary table above into an instance of the TABLE data type.  This didn't work either because EXEC cannot be used to populate instances of the TABLE data type.  Then I came up with the bright idea to put the code above in a SP and call the SP from the UDF, but of course UDF's are not allowed to call SP's. Specifically, is there any way to execute a command/formula that is contained within a string other than by using EXEC? 

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Parsing Text File And Inserting Into DB

Mar 19, 2008

Hello all,
I have a question regarding importing text file data into SQL Server.  I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction, as my searches haven't turned up anything specific enough.
I'm trying to parse a large (24MB) text file.  It's a fixed-width file, with multiple columns.  I need to parse this file, check if a record already exists, and then import the data into the database.  But I don't need to insert every column.  There's only a few columns from the file I need to insert.  This parsing also needs to occur at regular intervals (daily).
I looked at BULK INSERT, but I can't find an example that uses only some of the columns.  Every example uses all columns, and the file is delimited, not fixed-width.
Is there anything within SQL Server that can accomplish this?  I haven't turned up anything that will solve my problem.  The only other solution I can think of is an application that parses the file for me and inserts the data into the database.  But can I schedule that application to run every night at midnight (for example) through SQL Server?
I'm not too familiar with SQL Server, so I appreciate any help offered.

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Parsing Long Text Blobs

Apr 15, 2004

Hey Guys I knwo this may sound impossible but lets say I have a number of fields one of which is a Long blob or long text

is there a way to have MYSQL search the blobs for keywords and then to extract them to other fields?
basically what I am asking is it possible to parse a long text blob for keywords and then grab data before or after those keywords?/

anyone know a way???

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Convert Text To Float In SQL Statement

Feb 20, 2004


Can you guys help me out?
I m trying to sum up some varchar-typed field. I need to convert it to float before doing the summing up so I m using "Cast".

I do get the answer but its not the correct figure. My SQL statement is as follow:

SELECT Sum((Cast(Qty1 as float)) + (Cast(Qty2 as float))) as intAnswer FROM TableName

Please help.

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Need Suggestions On Text File Parsing Into Database

Feb 28, 2007

I have a website, where people upload tab delimited text files of their product inventories, which the site parses and inserts into a database table.  Here's the catch: Instead of insisting that each user use a standardized format, each user can upload the file in whatever column order they want, they just have to let the site know through a GUI which column is in which order.   And, they may upload columns that if not mapped, will be ignored.  Right now, I am doing all of this in code and it runs slow, I was thinking of offloading this to either a stored procedure, ssis, or bulk upload.   But, with the varying format of the uploaded text file, I am not sure how I could do that.  Any suggestions? Thanks! 

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Parsing Text Field Into 4 Fields

Sep 5, 2014

I have a text field that I need to parse out into 4 fields.


I need to 26.625X14.875-11.125x22.875 should be 26.625 then 14.875 then 11.125 then 22.875

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Transact SQL :: Field Type Float - Case And IsNull

Oct 27, 2015

I have a field called PPH and this field type float. so, this field could be null, 0.0, or values. I am using case statement:
[PPH] = case when h.HoursFloat = 0 then 0 else
round(s.Pledges / h.HoursFloat,2) end,

I am trying to add where if h.HourFloat is null then 0 but, it does not work. I have tried different ways such as

[PPH] = CASE isnull (h.HoursFloat,0) 
when 0 then 0 else ....

How to add another condition to check on null then 0.

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SQL 2012 :: Parsing Out Data String With Text Delimiters

Nov 5, 2014

I'm trying to parse out a line of data that is separated by the text "atc1.", "atc2." etc.

For example,


If I only want the data after atc2., then I could search the string for "atc2." and collect all the characters afterwards. But how can I make sure to trim off all the data after "atc3." to make sure I'm only collecting "456" from the example above?

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String Parsing - Grab Some Key Value Pairs From Text In Column

Jul 21, 2014

I want to grab some key value pairs from the text in sql column


some text[Key1=Val1]some text[Key2=Val2][Key3=Val3]some text

I want a function which takes Keyname as input & returns the value related with it if found.

GetValueFmKey('Key1') should return Val1 and like on.

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Transact SQL :: Error Converting Data Type Nvarchar To Float

Sep 24, 2015

In the following code I want to compare 2 values: AccessVal and SQLVal. The values are stored as nvarchars, so I'm isolating the numeric values in a subquery. Notice I'm only selecting 1 row. The commented line, where I compare the values, is throwing the error.

SELECT QA_AutoID, AccessVal, SQLVal
,ROUND(ABS(CONVERT(float, AccessVal,1)),0) as AccessFloat
,ROUND(ABS(CONVERT(float, SQLVal,1)),0) as SQLFloat
WHERE QA_AutoID in (
--AND ROUND(ABS(CONVERT(float, AccessVal,1)),0) <> ROUND(ABS(CONVERT(float, SQLVal,1)),0)

Here is the output with the comparison commented out...

Here's what I get with the comparison line activated:

I've tried converting to numeric, int and bigint instead of float. I've tried CAST instead of CONVERT. Nothing works.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Text String Parsing To Apply Operators To Datasets?

Aug 7, 2015

I have a problem at the moment, where the client wants to be able to type in a custom algebraic formula with add/minus operators, and then to have this interpreted, so that the related datasets are then added and returned as a single dataset.

An example would be having a formula stored of [a] + [b] - [c]

and if I were to write the SQL to apply that formula, I might write something like (let's assume 1:1 relationships with the ID's)

select a.a + b.b - c.c as [result]
from z
inner join tblA a on =
inner join tblB b on =
inner join tblC c on =

The formula can change though, maybe things like:

[a] + [b] + [c] + [d]
[a] + [b]

The developer before me wrote something SQL-based where they parsed the string and assigned each value of the formula as either positive or negative (e.g A is positive, B is positive, C is negative, now sum the datasets to get the result), and then created one large table of values then summed them. This does (kind of) work, I'm just contemplating potential alternatives, as it is quite a slow process, and feels like it is quite convoluted, when I get into the details. If I were to do something like this in SQL, I'd normally want each part of the expression to be a column, and then to just apply the operators, but because the formula can change, then the SQL would need to be somehow dynamic for this approach.

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Reporting Services :: Add Formula To Formula Bar In Excel

Sep 1, 2015

In SQL reporting, How do I add the formula in the Formula bar?All the data is coming from a sproc.

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Transact SQL :: Server Text Field Not Returning Full Text

Apr 21, 2015

I have a column in a table that has a type TEXT,when I pull the length of a row it returns 88222 but when I select from that column it dows not show all the text in the result set.

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Convert A Binary Float To FLOAT Datatype

Apr 9, 2007

I can't take full credit for this. I want to share this with Jeff Moden who did the important research for this calculation here.

All I did was just adapting some old code according to the mantissa finding Jeff made and optimized it a little

Some test codeDECLARE@SomeNumber FLOAT,
@BinFloat BINARY(8)

SELECT@SomeNumber = -185.6125,
@BinFloat = CAST(@SomeNumber AS BINARY(8))

SELECT@SomeNumber AS [Original],
CAST(@SomeNumber AS BINARY(8)) AS [Binary],
dbo.fnBinaryFloat2Float(CAST(@SomeNumber AS BINARY(8))) AS [Converted],
@SomeNumber - dbo.fnBinaryFloat2Float(CAST(@SomeNumber AS BINARY(8))) AS [Error]

And here is the code for the function.CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnBinaryFloat2Float
@BinaryFloat BINARY(8)
@PartValue TINYINT,
@Mantissa FLOAT,
@Exponent SMALLINT,
@BigValue BIGINT

SELECT@Part = 1,
@Mantissa = 1,
@Bit = 1,
@Ln2 = LOG(2),
@BigValue = CAST(@BinaryFloat AS BIGINT),
@Exponent = (@BigValue & 0x7ff0000000000000) / EXP(52 * @Ln2)

WHILE @Part <= 8
SELECT@Part = @Part + 1,
@PartValue = CAST(SUBSTRING(@BinaryFloat, @Part, 1) AS TINYINT),
@Mask =CASE WHEN @Part = 2 THEN 8 ELSE 128 END

WHILE @Mask > 0
IF @PartValue & @Mask > 0
SET @Mantissa = @Mantissa + EXP(-@Bit * @Ln2)

SELECT@Bit = @Bit + 1,
@Mask = @Mask / 2

RETURNSIGN(@BigValue) * @Mantissa * POWER(CAST(2 AS FLOAT), @Exponent - 1023)
Thanks again Jeff!

Peter Larsson
Helsingborg, Sweden

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Transact SQL :: Getting Results As Raw Text?

Sep 4, 2015

I am working on an HTTP POST application where I am using SQL to return "message" based text results.

A typical query would yield a message something like:


I now have a requirement to have the same query return several rows, but when i send them, they need to be a single message containing several records delimited by CRLF, yielding (1) message, so the result set would look like:

135,15,3,1,1,4,1,1,1," 41"

how to do this?

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Transact SQL :: Getting Text Between 2 Characters

Jun 18, 2015

I have a column that is populated similar to below

[URL] ....

I need to extract just the 12345 portion. This will always appear after the first "=" and always be proceeded by &UL. I know how I can do this separately, which would be like

To get 12345&UL

replace(cast(MyCol as nvarchar(max)),
replicate(cast(' ' as nvarchar(max)),10000)),
10001, 10000)))

And then I could run an update on the table after doing the above step using something like


What I'd like to do is to have everything performed in one step, the above 2 SQL statements combined as one statement, so a separate update does not need to be ran.

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Transact SQL :: Converting Text Value To Time

Jun 4, 2015

Table contains field defined as text. First 12 characters will be date format 'mm/dd/yyyy'. then the next 3 characters could be:

9A, 12P, 3P, 7A or LTL

I would like to convert '9A' to be 09:00AM, so that I can sort by that converted field.

'12P to be 12:00PM    and so on....

I have tried various form of case with substring and convert commands, but cant' get the solution.  I can not change text field to varchar in table.

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Transact SQL :: Run Select Statement That Has (Text Already Placed Into Columns)

Sep 10, 2015

Created a new scheduled job using Transact-SQL.

Running a basic script SELECT FROM WHERE

As of now, it places it into one column, for all the fields. 

I need the fields to be placed in their respective columns.  Tried saving it as .xls and .csv.  Same issue.  Running SQL Server 2008R2.

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Transact SQL :: Extracting Certain Text After Special Character

May 18, 2015

I would like to write a SQL to extract a text after certain _ special character.Example : Relationship_Person_Type_Aunt

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Transact SQL :: REPLACE Part Of String With Different Piece Of Text

Apr 20, 2015

I have a string column in a DB where it's values contain the following midway through the string ([DOCUMENTGUID] is a uniqueidentifier that is different for each row):

<a href="../downloadDoc.aspx?dg=[DOCUMENTGUID]" target="_blank">

I would like to replace this part of the string with a different piece of text.

I know that I should be using PATINDEX and REPLACE functions but I don't know how to utilise.

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Transact SQL :: Text Data Type Cannot Be Compared With Distinct

Oct 9, 2015

Field is not listed as text in any of the databases it is a varchar(255) - and that can be changed if that is what causes the issue.  

But here is my syntax which produces the error Msg 421, Level 16, State 1, Procedure, Line 2

The text data type cannot be selected as DISTINCT because it is not comparable.

WITH c1 AS (
SELECT [abcd] AS table_name
FROM [intranet].[dbo].[soccerfieldinfo]
where [abcd] IS NOT NULL
), c2 AS (
SELECT Row_Number() OVER (ORDER BY table_name) AS r

[Code] ....

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Transact SQL :: Reading Text From BLOB / Varbinary Objects

Aug 26, 2015

We have an interface where we receive data from an external supplier. One of the fields in the interface is of type BLOB (the source is an Oracle database), which would be read into our MSSQL database as image. This can also be converted to varbinary, and a typical field value looks something like:

0x70697A5F8F000000789C0DCCBD0DC2301....etc. etc.

However, we know that the origin only contains text, and we even know the text from the GUI they supply us with. The text could typically be "Delayed by 3 minutes because of water damage" or something like that.

What I want to do, is to extract that text from the field.

First, I have stored the incoming data stream in a table, where one column is of type varbinary(max). It looks like this goes swell. But I don't know which command to use in order to get the text extracted.

I have tried these:

1) select master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(Myfield) from Mytable
-> Returns just the text "0x70697A5F8...." which I have no interest in

2) select cast(Myfield as varchar(max)) from Mytable
-> Returns just Chinese signs.

3) select cast(Myfield as nvarchar(max)) from Mytable
-> Returns just Chinese signs.

4) declare @ptrval varbinary(16)
select @ptrval = TEXTPTR(MyField) from MyTable   -- with MyField defined as image
READTEXT MyTable.MyField @ptrval 1 30
-> Returns just the text "0x697A5F8...." which I have no interest in

Of course, since only text is stored in this field, the field should never have been defined as BLOB in the first place. But the source system is external, and it's a standard system, so we may not alter it in any way.

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Transact SQL :: Flat Text File - Separate HTML String

Jun 24, 2015

I have a flat text file with lots HTML tags and corresponding values 

For example 
<Near_Side> 5563 </Near_Side>
<Top_Down_Code> Xe345 <Top_Down_Code> 

So, For example I can use the a function 

ALTER function dbo.StripHTML( @text varchar(max) ) returns varchar(max) as
    declare @textXML xml
    declare @result varchar(max)
    set @textXML = REPLACE( @text, '&', '' );

[Code] ...

To which Select dbo.StripHTML('<Near_Side> 5563 </Near_Side>')  Value 

I'll get 5563

However how would you get the values within the tag itself ? E.g. 

Value Name 
5563 Near_side
Xe345      Top_Down_Code

I was thinking along the Charindex but cant seem to get it right.

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Transact SQL :: How To Do Bulk Insert Into Temp Table From Text File

Sep 15, 2015

How do I do a bulk insert into a temp table from a text file. Text file looks like that:
ver_id TYPE
E57AB326-803C-436E-B491-398A255C919A 58
34D2A601-6BBA-46B1-84E1-3A805FDA3812 58
986E140C-62F1-48F1-B428-3571EBF00DA0 58

My statement looks like this:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblTemp]([ver_id]  [nvarchar](255), [TYPE] [smallint]) 
BULK INSERT [dbo].[tblTemp]
FROM 'C:v2.txt'
I keep receiving errors.

The error I receive is: Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 1, column 2 (TYPE).

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Transact SQL :: Failing To Change Owner Of A Full Text Catalog?

Oct 29, 2015

I am having troubles to change an owner of a full text catalog.  I am the owner of the database. I am doing this:

 USE database;
 ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON Fulltext Catalog::[ftrow_code_lookup_catalog] TO [dbo]; 

Catalog information:

Logical Name:  ftrow_app_facility_catalog
FileGroup:  ftfg_app_facility_catalog

But I get an error:

Cannot find the fulltext catalog 'ftrow_app_facility_catalog', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.

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Transact SQL :: How To Bulk Insert Rows From Text File Into A Wide Table Which Has 1400 Columns

Feb 3, 2010

we can easily load a file into db tables. However, my main concern here is the number of columns in the file. A text file TEXT_1400.txt has 1400 columns. I am unable to load data to my db table using BCP or BULK INSERT commands, as maximum of 1024 columns are allowed per table in SQL Server 2008. 

We can still go ahead and create ‘Wide Table’ (a special table that holds up to 30,000 columns.  The maximum size of a wide table row is 8,019 bytes.). But when operating on wide table, BCP/BULK INSERT commands still fail. After few hours of scratching my head over BCP and BULK INSERT, I observed that while inserting BCP/BULK INSERT commands are unable to identify SPARSE columns and skip these columns, which disturbs column mapping and results in data conversion and trancation errors.
Is there any proper way to load this kind of files into the db table? 

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