Transact SQL :: Pull A Value Closest To Another Date
Apr 21, 2015
I have two tables and I am trying to pull a value closest to another date. There could be instances where the Eval_date in TableA matches the date in TableB so how would that be handled?
Basically, the sample raw data is a result from my last cte process which consolidate all the records. I want to find the closest date in PO ended using Receipt_date column but my problem, for this ESN R9000000000019761824, i wanted to get the latest or the last transaction date.
please see below DDL and sample data.
--this is the result from my last cte process Create table #sample (ESN nvarchar(35),ESN2 nvarchar(35), Receipt_Date datetime,PO_ENDED datetime)
insert into #sample(ESN,ESN2,Receipt_Date,PO_ENDED)values('990002036924452','990002036924452','2015-01-07 17:39:44.660','2014-01-09 04:13:29.000')
Is there any way in SQL of selecting a date closest to another date.
i.e. I have a date say 4/4/2002, and in the database I have dates 4/2/2002 and earlier and 4/7/2002 and later.
I want to do a query and return the date 4/2/2002 as it is only 2 days away even though it is an earlier date.
So short of writing a loop and saying if the date is eq then good else, take date and add a day if not correct take initial date and subtract a day etc etc. This way is proving to be a little too processor heavy.
Hello,I need help in writing a SQL statement in MS SQL Server 2000 to selectthe latest date (i.e., the date closest to or equal to the current date)for a given date.For example, in a table I have the following records:Date Exchange-Rate01/Sep/03 0.5505/Sep/03 0.59If the given date is 02/Sep/03, then the rate 0.55 should be return.If the given date is 03/Sep/03, then the rate 0.55 should be return.If the given date is 04/Sep/03, then the rate 0.59 should be return.Thanks in advanced,Benny*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
What I'm trying to select is the closest value from a list given by a parameter or select the matched value.
declare @compare as int set @compare = 8 declare @table table ( Number int ) insert into @table values(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (10)
If the parameter value match one of the values from the table list, select that matched one.If the value does not exist in the table list, select the closest lower value from the table list, in this case, it would be value 5.
- a calculated table that told me the availability for each component of the BOM, sorted by date. (each row have a plus or minus of the quantity so it can by summarized)
INSERT INTO @WhareHouseMovement (ItemID, Quantity, Date) SELECT 1, 10, '2015-03-01'
[Code] ....
My question is: how do I check when is the closest date to manufacturing? I have to check that the quantity of ALL the components of the BOM is enough to produce the product, but I can't get how to do it.
If I'm not wrong the example should give the result 2015-03-26.
I have a table that i'm trying to pull the first transaction and last transaction per prodid. The first transaction, the ctrid should be 'TOPPEntry'.
sample raw data result prodid--------lineid------itemid---------ctrid----------createddate-- ================================================================= TOP02296228--Line15-----TTC3071-IR------TOPPEntry------2015-01-03 07:45:31.000--input TOP02296228--Line15-----TTC3071-IR------TOPCBFG--------2015-01-07 16:18:26.000--fg--done processing TOP02296229--Line15-----TTC3071-IR------TOPPEntry------2015-01-04 07:45:31.000--input TOP02296229--Line15-----TTC3071-IR------TOPLens--------2015-01-05 12:12:31.000--wip--wip means still in process TOP02296230--Line15-----TTC3071-IR------TOPPEntry------2015-01-05 08:45:31.000--input TOP02296230--Line15-----TTC3071-IR------TOPCBSCP-------2015-01-06 14:18:42.000--scrap--done processing
I need to pull dates from a DB2 database via TSQL (Linked server - IBM DB2 for i IBMDASQL OLE DB Provider) and compare it to today for a less than or greater than type comparison.
Database: DB2, Customer information housed here Columns: UTOFMM - Month (2 character, numeric) UTOFDD - Day (2 character, numeric) UTOFYY - Year (2 character, numeric. Problem: years from 2000 to 2009 are stored as 0, 1, 2, ... etc) UTOFCV - Century Value (2 char, numeric. 0 = before 2000, 1 = in or after 2000)
I need to concatenate the date to be "sql" friendly, and then compare to today's date. It's to find any customer with date values in the fields above, and then differentiate between dates before today and after today.Here is the snippet of what I'm trying to fix. This portion of a nightly job is just checking for <u>any</u> value in the UTOFMM column of the current record.
Add Customer ID Update [responder].[Temp_RX_CUSTOMERS] set CustomerID = lf.UTCSID from [responder].[Temp_RX_CUSTOMERS] LEFT Outer Join [HTEDTA].[THOR].[HTEDTA].UT210AP lf ON [responder].[Temp_RX_CUSTOMERS].LocationID = lf.UTLCID where lf.UTOFMM = 0 GO
I'm trying to pull all records from one table and just a single record from another. I have this join, (see below). It works ok, but the problem is if a blog record doesn't have a corresponding image record it doesn't return. The end result should be the blog record and a single corresponding image record. But always a blog record.
Table 3: ID RoleID Time 1 1 09:14 2 1 09:15 1 2 09:16
Now I want all the records which belongs to RoleID 1 but if same ID is belongs to RoleID 2 than i don't want that ID.From above tables ID 1 belongs to RoleID 1 and 2 so i don't want ID 1.
I am looking to pull all records for current & previous calendar year in one query. I know how to pull the current calendar year, but how would I pull current & previous?
Can someone please help me with this? I need a query that will pull clients that made payments last year but not this year. I need the query to use date parameters so I can select any date range for the past year and the current year. I have listed the tables and fields that might be needed: I'm hoping to do this without temp tables. Date range is based on the tblPaymentReceipts.PaymentDate tblClients, ClientID tblPayment, PmtID, ClientID, Paystartdate, Paygroup tblPaymentReceipts, PmtRcptID, PmtID,CleintID,PaymentDate,PaymentAmount
I have the following table called BADSANTA: varchar(30) datetime NAME WHENBAD OJ Simpson 2007-1-12 xx:xx:xx:xxx OJ Simpson 2007-4-2 xx:xx:xx:xxx Monica Lewinsky 2006-7-4 xx:xx:xx:xxx Monica Lewinsky 2006-10-31 xx:xx:xx:xxx Bill Clinton 2006-7-4 xx:xx:xx:xxx Bill Clinton 2006-10-31 xx:xx:xx:xxx Bart Simpson 2006-11-2 xx:xx:xx:xxx Bart Simpson 2006-2-25 xx:xx:xx:xxx Bart Simpson 2005-07-27 xx:xx:xx:xxx
I want the records of the persons latest WHENBAD date. It should return one recordset for each person.
'17686568 - Bill Statement - 11/16/2006 - Stm. Date - 10/27/2006'
Above is the data string that I am trying to pull the information from. Here is the function I'm currently using:
cast(substring(c.itemname,charindex('Bill Statement - ',c.itemname)+18,10) as varchar)
...which gives me what i want most of the time, but beacuse the date is not equally formatted through out the database and the date can look like 5/4/2012 and using the above formula it will show up as 5/4/2012 -
So my question is how can i trim off the dash part when the data shows up like 5/4/2012 - ?
I need a script to pull the above records ONLY if the date repeats more than one within the same SEQ number. The proper script would output as follows:
I'm developing a Windows Mobile application, which is using RDA Pull for retrieving data from SQL Server 2005 database to PDA. Please, see the example:
Code Snippet
using (SqlCeEngine engine = new SqlCeEngine(connStr))
the sqlcesa30.dll cannot connect to SQL Server database.
In the sqlcesa30.log then I found following line:
Code Snippet
2007/04/17 10:43:31 Thread=1EE30 RSCB=16 Command=PULL Hr=80040E4D Login failed for user 'test'. 18456
The user 'test' is member of db_owner, db_datareader and public roles for the Demo database and in SQL Server Management Studio I'm able to login to the Demo database with using the 'test' users credentials and I'm able to run the select command on 'mytable'.
So, what's wrong? Why the sqlcesa30.dll process cannot login to the Demo database, and from another application with using the SAME connection string it works?
So I have to build dynamic T-SQL because of a date parameter that will be provided. The Date Parameter will be provided in SSRS in normal MM/DD/CCYY format. So how do I then convert that date to my Oracle format
I have a table here. I want find a way of getting the latest date, when the code is the same. If the Declined date is null. Then I still want the latest date. E.g. ID 3.
If the declined date is filled in. Then I want to get the row, when the Datein column value is greater then the declined date only.
I tried grouping it by max date, but i got an error message when trying this out. Against the code
WHERE MAX(Datein) > Declined
An aggregate may not appear in the WHERE clause unless it is in a subquery contained in a HAVING clause or a select list, and the column being aggregated is an outer reference. What do I need to do to get both my outputs working?
i have written a sql function which returns only number of working days (excludes holidays and Weekends) between given StartDate and EndDate.
USE [XXX] GO /****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[CalculateNumberOFWorkDays] Script Date: 10/28/2015 10:20:25 AM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO
I need a function or stored procedure which will return the date which is 15 working days (should exclude holidays and Weekends) prior to the given future Date? the future date should be passed as a parameter to this function or stored procedure to return the date. Example scenario: If i give date as 12/01/2015, my function or stored procedure should return the date which is 15 working days (should exclude holidays and Weekends) prior to the given date i.e 12/01/2015...In my application i have a table tblMasHolidayList where all the 2015 year holidays dates and info are stored.
So my data column [EODPosting].[MatchDate] is defined as a DATE column. I am trying to SELECT from my table where [EODPosting].[MatchDate] is today's date.
Is this not working because GETDATE() is like a timestamp format? How can I get this to work to return those rows where [EODPosting].[MatchDate] is equal to today's date?
My requirement is to get the latest start date after a gap in a month for each id and if there is no gap for that particular id minimum date for that id should be taken….Given below the scenario
ID StartDate 1 2014-01-01 1 2014-02-01 1 2014-05-01-------After Gap Restarted 1 2014-06-01 1 2014-09-01---------After last gap restarted 1 2014-10-01 1 2014-11-01 2 2014-01-01 2 2014-02-01 2 2014-03-01 2 2014-04-01 2 2014-05-01 2 2014-06-01 2 2014-07-01
For Id 1 the start date after the latest gap is 2014-10-01 and for id=2 there is no gap so i need the minimum date 2014-01-01
My Expected Output id Startdate 1 2014-10-01 2 2014-01-01
how to write a query to get current date or end of month date if we pass year and month as input
Eg: if today date is 2015-09-29 if we pass year =2015 and month=09 then we have to get 2015-09-29 if we pass year =2015 and month=08 then we have to get 2015-08-31(for previous months we have to get EOMonth date & for current month we have to get current date).
I have a the following date variables that's being set around the current date. how to adjust it to work around a date variable @Date instead of the current date? Lets the @Date = 2015-06-30 then the it would adjust the variable below accordingly. I'm assuming the getdate()) needs to be replaced with @Date but I can't seem to get it to work.
Declare @EndOfLMPriorYear Date = DateAdd(yyyy,-1,EOMONTH(Dateadd(Month,Datediff(Month,0,getdate())-1,0))) Declare @EndOfPriorMonth Date = EOMONTH(Dateadd(Month,Datediff(Month,0,getdate())-2,0)) DECLARE @EndOfLastMonth Date = EOMONTH(Dateadd(Month,Datediff(Month,0,getdate())-1,0))
I require outputting the date difference between two date's if it is greater than 7(DateDiff(day, DateAdd(day, t.[Started], Nxt.started), (t.[started])) > 7).I get incorrect syntax on my operator.What is the correct code?
print @@version print 'arithmetic with datetime' go begin try declare @datetime datetime = getdate()
[Code] ....
... I get this:
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP2) - 10.50.4042.0 (X64) Mar 26 2015 21:18:04 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Express Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.2 <X64> (Build 9200: )
arithmetic with datetime @datetime = Sep 22 2015 1:39PM arithmetic with date Msg 206, Level 16, State 2, Line 3 Operand type clash: date is incompatible with int
Why the inconsistency? Datetime is lenient in this regard - I can even do set @datetime += 0.5 (although the meaning is less intuitive).
I’m trying to write a query that will select closest value to Amount field in #TestValue without go over #SM.GMAdj value.Outcome of the query should be something like
Tables are: SELECT PercRate, Amount, Code INTO #TestValues FROM ( SELECT 6.00, 172715, 13 UNION ALL SELECT 6.50, 172716, 13 UNION ALL SELECT 7.00, 181351, 13 UNION ALL SELECT 7.50, 190419, 13 UNION ALL
I'm trying to manipulate the data in my Service_2 column to round off the Estimated_Miles to the closest 5K miles. I tried the round function (Round(EstimatedMiles, -4)) but this does not exactly give me the results I want. Below is my result set:
Row_ID Service_2 Estimated_Miles
1 40000 44012
2 50000 46124
3 120000 121512
4 30000 31857
5 10000 7547
6 80000 79500
And below is what I'd like to have
Row_ID Service_2 Estimated_Miles
1 45000 44012
2 50000 46124
3 125000 121512
4 35000 31857
5 10000 7547
6 80000 79500
The range of data I'm working with is pretty broad meaning my Min & Max Estimated_Miles is between 0 - 1,000,000. In essence, I would like to say is if the estimated mileage is between 0-4999 then Service_2 = the closest 5K miles otherwise round to the closest 10K miles. Any help is truly appreciated. Thanks