Transact SQL :: Returning Multiple Values From Column In Select Statement?
Nov 26, 2015
I am writing a query and have the bulk of it already written.
I am looking at a table that contains customer orders. There is a column named Customer_Order.Status Available values for this column is R, F, H, and C.
I'd like for my query to return all lines that have the value R, F, H.
My where clause is written like this
I know I'm missing something....
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Jul 20, 2005
HiI'm not sure what the best approach for this is:I have a stored procedure which I would like to use to return severaloutput values instead of returning a recordset.CREATE PROCEDURE Test (@param1 int, @param2 int OUTPUT, @param3 intOUTPUT) ASSELECT field2, field3 FROM Table WHERE field1 = @param1I would like to return @param2 as field2 and @param3 as field3How do I do this without using SELECT multiple times?THanks in advanceSam
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Apr 29, 2015
SELECT FirstSet.Country,FirstSet.[Month]
SELECT [Answer Text]'Country',interview_start 'Month',[ID respondent],
[Code] ....
I didn't find whats problem with this code. Actually I try to create a select statement with with cte select statement. In cte clause my output ok but when I try to receive that output from write another select statement then its show error.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 276
Incorrect syntax near ';'.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 315
Incorrect syntax near ')'.
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 351
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'as'.
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Jun 8, 2015
I have the following two tables...
I need to write a select query that gets the values of all columns but only returns unique sites because some sites are load balanced across several servers and where this is the case I don't want the site to appear multiple times in the list.
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Aug 12, 2015
I want to add a custom column in a select statement that has a value to true or false based on other criteria.
SELECT [ID], [Name], [Description], [EmpID], [Employed] FROM [Employees]
Now, in the above example there is no [Employed] Column in my table but I want it to show true or false based on whether or not [EmpID] equals a certain value.
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Aug 22, 2007
I have an SQL Select statement that I need to add a column to called SalePrice, the SalePrice column needs to be calculated by adding together the values of 12 columns, then multiplying that value by the value in a another column to calculate margin. My issue is that I can only get it to add 7 column values together, if I add any more columns to the equation it just returns and null result. My DB is SQL 2005 Express SP2. My select statement is below: SELECT dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.ID, dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.MachineName, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CPU.PartDescription AS CPU,
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CPU.PartCost AS CPUCost, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Motherboard.PartDescription AS Motherboard,
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Motherboard.PartCost AS MotherboardCost, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_RAM.PartDescription AS RAM,
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_RAM.PartCost AS RAMCost, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_HDD.PartDescription AS HDD,
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_HDD.PartCost AS HDDCost, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_OpticalDrive.PartDescription AS OpticalDrive,
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_OpticalDrive.PartCost AS OpticalDriveCost, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Video.PartDescription AS Video,
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Video.PartCost AS VideoCost, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_OS.PartDescription AS OS, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_OS.PartCost AS OSCost,
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Modem.PartDescription AS Modem, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Modem.PartCost AS ModemCost,
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_FloppyDrive.PartDescription AS FloppyDrive, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_FloppyDrive.PartCost AS FloppyDriveCost,
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CardReader.PartDescription AS CardReader, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CardReader.PartCost AS CardReaderCost,
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_PowerSupply.PartDescription AS PowerSupply, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_PowerSupply.PartCost AS PowerSupplyCost,
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CaseType.PartDescription AS CaseType, dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CaseType.PartCost AS CaseTypeCost,
dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.Notes, dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.MarginPercent, dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.PriceOverride,
(dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CPU.PartCost + dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Motherboard.PartCost + dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_RAM.PartCost + dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_HDD.PartCost
+ dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_OpticalDrive.PartCost + dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Video.PartCost + dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_OS.PartCost + dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Modem.PartCost
+ dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_FloppyDrive.PartCost + dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CardReader.PartCost + dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_PowerSupply.PartCost + dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CaseType.PartCost)
* ((dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.MarginPercent + 100) / 100) AS SalePrice
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CaseType ON dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.CaseType = dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CaseType.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Motherboard ON dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.Motherboard = dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Motherboard.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Video ON dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.Video = dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Video.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_PowerSupply ON dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.PowerSupply = dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_PowerSupply.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_OpticalDrive ON dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.OpticalDrive = dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_OpticalDrive.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Modem ON dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.Modem = dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_Modem.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_HDD ON dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.HardDisk = dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_HDD.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_FloppyDrive ON dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.FloppyDrive = dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_FloppyDrive.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CardReader ON dbo.MFG_DATA_Machines.CardReader = dbo.MFG_DATA_Parts_CardReader.ID
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Aug 31, 2000
I'm puzzled as to how to express what I want in a stored procedure. Assume two columns, Surname and GivenName. The surname might be missing. When I originally wrote this app in Access, I used the following expression:
SELECT Iif( IsNull(Surname), GivenName, Surname + ", " + GivenName ) AS Agent
FROM Agents;
I've looked at the syntax for CASE but I can't figure out exactly how to say what I intend, particularly the AS Agent column aliasing.
Any help greatly appreciated. Please cc me privately so I receive your assistance at once!
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Aug 18, 2015
how we can replace the multiple values in a single select statement? I have to build the output based on values stored in a table. Please see below the sample input and expected output.
SELECT @V1 = 'FirstName: @FN, LastName: @LN, Add1: @A1, Add2: @A2 '
(FN VARCHAR(100), LN VARCHAR(100), A1 VARCHAR(100), A2 VARCHAR(100))
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Nov 14, 2013
i have a table named masterlist wherein the columns are :
and i have also another table which is namelist that is linked to the masterlist table.. after i search for the record andrew in the table namelist..i updated andrew as 25 and sex is i want reset andrew's record, same to the records that andrew has in the table masterlist..
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Aug 1, 2007
I have such a problem. Need to add additional column to my query. The column should consist of set of fixed number (same as number of query rows) values (text). At start thought it's simple but now Im lost. Is there any chance to do it. Apreciate any help. I need to tell that I have only access to select on this database so no use of operation on tables.
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Jun 17, 2015
I have a SQL query like this
select CurrencyCode,TransactionCode,TransactionAmount,COUNT(TransactionCode) as [No. Of Trans] from TransactionDetails where CAST(CurrentTime as date)=CAST(GETDATE()as date) group by TransactionCode, CurrencyCode,TransactionAmount order by CurrencyCode
As per this query I got the result like this
CurrencyCode TransactionCode TransactionAmount No.OfTrans
AED BNT 12 1
[Code] ....
But I wish to grt result as
CurrencyCode TransactionCode TransactionAmount No.OfTrans
AED BNT 13 2
AED SNT 11 7
[Code] ....
I also tried this
select CurrencyCode,TransactionCode,TransactionAmount,COUNT(TransactionCode) as [No. Of Trans]
from TransactionDetails where CAST(CurrentTime as date)=CAST(GETDATE()as date)
group by TransactionCode order by CurrencyCode
But of course this codes gives an error, but how can I get my desired result??
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Jun 10, 2015
I created a query that got the following result. But I expect to get the structure like, care_nbr, cust_nbr,legal_name, address_type=physical address, addr_line_1, addr_line_2, address_type-primary address, ddr_line_1, addr_line_2. That means I only need primary and physical address, and expect them to show in a row to each care_nbr. How to perform that?
CARE_Nbr||Cust_Nbr||Legal_Name||||||| Address_Tpye |||Addr_Line_1 ||||||||||||||||Addr_Line_2
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Billing Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Mailing Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Primary Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Physical Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Suite 1||NULL
My script is here, and the sample result is attached. How should I modify this query to get my expected result?
select a.CARE_Number,
FROM dw_mart.dbo.DimCustomer a
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Aug 7, 2007
Hello all. I hope someone can offer me some help. I'm trying to construct a SQL statement that will be run on a Dataset that I have. The trick is that there are many conditions that can apply. I'll describe my situation:
I have about 1700 records in a datatable titled "AISC_Shapes_Table" with 49 columns. What I would like to do is allow the user of my VB application to 'create' a custom query (i.e. advanced search). For now, I'll just discuss two columns; The Section Label titled "AISC_MANUAL_LABEL" and the Weight column "W". The data appears in the following manner:
W44x300 300
W42x200 200
(and so on)
WT22x150 150
WT21x100 100
(and so on)
MT12.5x12.4 12.4
MT12x10 10
I have a listbox which users can select MULTIPLE "Manual Labels" or shapes. They then select a property (W for weight, in this case) and a limitation (greater than a value, less than a value, or between two values). From all this, I create a custom Query string or filter to apply to my BindingSource.Filter method. However I have to use the % wildcard to deal with exceptions. If the user only wants W shapes, I use "...LIKE 'W%'" and "...NOT LIKE 'WT%" to be sure to select ONLY W shapes and no WT's. The problems arises, however, when the user wants multiple shapes in general. If I want to select all the "AISC_MANUAL_LABEL" values with W <= 40, I can't do it. An example of a statement I tried to use to select WT% Labels and MT% labels with weight (W)<=100 is:
FROM AISC_Shape_Table
It returns a NULL value to me, which i know is NOT because no such values exist. So, I further investigated and tried to use a subquery seeing if IN, ANY, or ALL would work, but to no avail. Can anyone offer up any suggestions? I know that if I can get an example of ONE of them to work, then I'll easily be able to apply it to all of my cases. Otherwise, am I just going about this the hard way or is it even possible? Please, ANY suggestions will help. Thank you in advance.
Steve G.
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Jun 10, 2015
I created a query that got the following result. But I expect to get the structure like, care_nbr, cust_nbr,legal_name, address_type=physical address, addr_line_1, addr_line_2, address_type-primary address, ddr_line_1, addr_line_2. That means I only need primary and physical address, and expect them to show in a row to each care_nbr. How to perform that?
CARE_Nbr||Cust_Nbr||Legal_Name||||||| Address_Tpye |||Addr_Line_1 ||||||||||||||||Addr_Line_2
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Billing Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Mailing Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Primary Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Physical Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Suite 1||NULL
How should I modify this query to get my expected result?
select a.CARE_Number,
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Mar 28, 2006
Hi, I just want to know the following.
Is it posible to write a SQL statement that searches all values in a table where the
"Jobid = 1" and sort the result set according to the "CategoryID"?
then if you want to display the values, you can populate them according to the "CategoryID"?
and then also write the result set to a "text file", and catagorize everything according to the "categoryID" in the following format???
Category Number: 8 Description: Site
Date Labour Hours Rate Subtotal
10/05/2005 Artisan 20 95.00 1,900.00
10/06/2005 Labourer 7 45 315.00
Category Total 2,215.00
And then after that the next "categoryid"
Thank You, I really hope you understand what I mean.
your help will be greatly appreaciated.
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Mar 1, 2012
I have a table called tableA and i am fetching 10 rows from table.
select dept_id from tableA where branch = 'Chennai';
I got 10 records.
so n.....
Now i want to pass these dept_ids dynamically to a function parameter.
ie. exec function_name (@dept_id).
How do i write a function?
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May 23, 2015
I need to select specific values from all rows where the value of a specific column is "Active"
This part works: SELECT LastName, FirstName, MiddleInit, ClientId FROM dbo.Client
But I want to add: WHERE StatusType = (Active) and how to do this.
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Nov 4, 2015
#EMAIL_ADDRESSES which hold records similar to the following (CREATE code below):
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Aug 11, 2013
I have an SQL statement to find attractions between certain longitude and latitude values. The attraction i have already added to the database to test has values 51.502899 and 0.003552 for latitude and longitude. As you can see these values fall within the limits of the statement below but nothing is returned.
SELECT * FROM Attractions WHERE (Lat BETWEEN 51.51998 AND 51.49999) AND (Long BETWEEN 0.014 AND -0.006);
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Jan 16, 2013
I've got this sql statement that keeps returning the wrong data. (it's related to a previous post, but is different)
[Code] .....
The qry pulls like this: (wrong way)
HTML Code:
company partID Qty
Acme Inc ABC123 3
Acme Inc ABC123 4
Acme Inc ABC123 100
Acme Inc KLM444 3
Acme Inc KLM444 4
Acme Inc KLM444 100
Acme Inc QRP456 3
Acme Inc QRP456 4
Acme Inc QRP456 100
It should be:
HTML Code:
Co. part Qty
Acme Inc ABC123 3
Acme Inc KLM444 4
Acme Inc QRP456 100
The Qty field has duplicates. I've tried various ways, but I cannot make this work.
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Feb 7, 2007
my stored procedure performs actions of deletion and insertion. Both the inserted and deleted items are output in temp tables with single column.
Is there a way to return the content of these two tables?
Is there a way to return a table from the stored procedure?
Thanks in advance
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Jun 15, 2015
I'm running the following test query on a single table:
SELECT sph.datestamp, sph.stocksymbol, sph.closing, DATENAME(dw, sph.datestamp),
CASE DATENAME(dw, sph.datestamp)
WHEN 'Monday' then 'Monday'
ELSE (SELECT CAST(sph2.datestamp AS nvarchar) FROM BI_Test.dbo.StockDB AS sph2 WHERE sph2.DateStamp = DATEADD(d, -1, sph.datestamp) AND sph2.StockSymbol = 'NYA')
END AS TestCase,
[Code] ....
And here's an example of the output I'm getting:
Why the exact same subquery in the THEN of the second CASE statement is returning NULL when the first one completes as expected?
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Jan 29, 2013
I have a table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[XmlTable](
[XmlId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[XmlDocument] [xml] NOT NULL,
[Code] .....
With a schema structure:
<dev:Doc xmlns:dev="" SchemaVersion="0.1" Settings="Testing" Title="Ordering">
<dev:Base RevisionNumber="0" Baseid="34433" />
<dev:Rev Time="2013-01-21T15:08:00">
<dev:Person Name="Me" Systemid="54654" />
I am trying to return the id, number, name, and location of the visitors
Something like:
RevNumber Function Id Number Visitor Location Sender
========= =========== ======== ======= ======== ======
0 A1 1 Dev01 STLRF FGY(14A)
0 A1 1 Dev02 STLRF FGY(14A)
0 A1 1 Dev03 FGRTY FGY(14A)
Here is the table insert
INSERT INTO XmlTable(XMLDocument)
BULK 'C:Users123DesktopPractice.xml',
I Have gotten a little further, but the number is not showing for A2 and the Sender, visitor is showing null.
Document.value('@Title' , 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') Title,
Functions.value('@Id', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') Functions,
A1.value('@Number', 'INT') Number,
Results I am getting that are not all correct:
Title Functions Number VisitorName Location Sender
======== ========= ====== =========== ======== ======
Ordering A1 1 Dev01 STLRF NULL
Ordering A1 1 Dev02 STLRF NULL
Ordering A1 1 Dev03 FGRTY NULL
Not I changed Rev to Title
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Nov 13, 2007
Hi friends,
I am facing problem with SQLRowCount() function which is returning -1 when I tried to fetch records greater than 99 from my data file. if the data file contains total of 99 records then the above function is returning its second parameter value nRowCount as 99 but if dat file contains 100 records then it is returning nRowCount as -1
Please tell me whether it is a driver specic error or some thing else. I am using a ODBC driver for a database called MYOB.
Below is the piece of code that I used for fetching records.
if (SQLExecDirect(m_StmtHandle, (PUCHAR)sExecuteStatement.c_str(), SQL_NTS) != SQL_SUCCESS) return false;
if (SQLNumResultCols(m_StmtHandle,(SQLSMALLINT *) &nColumnCount) != SQL_SUCCESS) return false;
if (SQLRowCount(m_StmtHandle,&nRowCount) != SQL_SUCCESS) return false;
The string 'sExecuteStatement' in SQLExecDirect() function above is carrying a Select query that fetch 100 records.
Its strange that the function fails to return exact row count for 100 records, but it is working fine with 99 records.
I ma not using any kind of array with size of 99 or 100 in my code.
What I want to know is whether I can use SQLRowCount() with SELECT statement, If not what is the alternative.
Pleasee help me with a piece of code if you can.
Ishwar B.G
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Nov 13, 2007
Hi friends,
I am facing problem with SQLRowCount() function which is returning -1 when I tried to fetch records greater than 99 from my data file. if the data file contains total of 99 records then the above function is returning its second parameter value nRowCount as 99 but if dat file contains 100 records then it is returning nRowCount as -1
Please tell me whether it is a driver specic error or some thing else. I am using a ODBC driver for a database called MYOB.
Below is the piece of code that I used for fetching records.
if (SQLExecDirect(m_StmtHandle, (PUCHAR)sExecuteStatement.c_str(), SQL_NTS) != SQL_SUCCESS) return false;
if (SQLNumResultCols(m_StmtHandle,(SQLSMALLINT *) &nColumnCount) != SQL_SUCCESS) return false;
if (SQLRowCount(m_StmtHandle,&nRowCount) != SQL_SUCCESS) return false;
The string 'sExecuteStatement' in SQLExecDirect() function above is carrying a Select query.
Its an unpredictable error because the function fails to return exact row count for 100 records, but it is working fine with 99 records.
I am not using any kind of array with size of 99 or 100 in my code.
What I want to know is:
1. Can I use SQLRowCount() with SELECT statement, If not what is the alternative.
2. Is this a driver specific error?.
3. Can I use SQL_DIAG_ROW_COUNT instead of SQLRowCount? If Yes, How to use it?.
Your help will be greatly appriciated if you give me a piece of code for this issue.
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Sep 7, 2012
My table has a column called Period i want to get a list of different periods example:
then run an sql statement and should return you the following
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Jun 14, 2008
All- Please assist: In this SELECT statement:
1 SELECT person_id, (last + ', ' + first + ' on ' + CASE f.address_1 WHEN NULL THEN 'none' ELSE f.address_1 END) as last_first_address
2 FROM person
4 LEFT JOIN family f
5 ON person.family_id = f.family_id
I'm finding that the compound column last_first_address returns <null> when f.address_1 is null, even though it seems like it should return the string "none" per my CASE statement. If f.address_1 is not NULL, then it the statement works as expected. Please advise as to how I can fix the statement so that "none" is returned as the final string in last_fist_address if f.address_1 is null.
Note: I tried removing the parens. No effect on result.
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Feb 24, 2008
How do I create a select query which returns multiple columns from one actual DB column?
DB structure
ID (int), photo (nvarchar(50)), name (nvarchar(50))
Sample data
1, 'photo1.jpg', 'john smith'
2, 'photo2.jpg', 'jane doe'
3, 'photo3.jpg', 'bob brown'
4, 'photo4.jpg', 'mary brown'
5, 'photo5.jpg', 'sue smith'
6, 'photo6.jpg', 'bob rogers'
Required output
pic_col_1, name_col_1, pic_col_2, name_col_2, pic_col_3, name_col_3
photo1.jpg, john smith, photo2.jpg, jane doe, photo3.jpg, bob brown
photo4.jpg, mary brown, photo5.jpg, sue smith, photo6.jpg, bob rogers
Normally, I would just query the data and have the client data loop over the dataset to create the required output, however in this application it is not an option...
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Jan 9, 2015
Ok I have a query "SELECT ColumnNames FROM tbl1" let's say the values returned are "age,sex,race".
Now I want to be able to create an "update" statement like "UPATE tbl2 SET Col2 = age + sex + race" dynamically and execute this UPDATE statement. So, if the next select statement returns "age, sex, race, gender" then the script should create "UPDATE tbl2 SET Col2 = age + sex + race + gender" and execute it.
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May 5, 2015
I am attempting to run update statements within a SELECT CASE statement.
Select case x.field
FROM OuterTable x
I get incorrect syntax near the keyword 'update'.
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Dec 3, 2006
Hey Guys. I’m having a little trouble and was wondering if you could help me out. I’m trying to create a custom paging control, so I create a stored procedure that returns the appropriate records as well as the total amount of records. And that works fine. What I’m having problems with is reading the data from the second select statement within the code. Anyone have any idea on how to do this? Also.. how can I check how many tables were returned?
Here's my code. I'm trying to keep it very generic so I can send it any sql statement:public DataTable connect(string sql)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
SqlConnection SqlCon = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyDB"].ToString());
SqlDataAdapter SqlCmd = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, SqlCon);
System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet();
dt = ds.Tables[0];
//Here's where I don't know how to access the second select statement
return dt;
} Here's my stored procedure:
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.MyStoredProcedure
@Page int,
@AmountPerPage int,
@TotalRecords int output
Select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ID Desc) as RowNum
From Table
where Deleted <> 1
select * from MyTable
WHERE RowNum > (((@Page-1)*@AmountPerPage)) and RowNum < ((@Page*@AmountPerPage)+1);
Select @TotalRecords = COUNT(*)
from Table
where Deleted <> 1
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Jul 9, 2015
I have a table with 2 columns and my source data looks like this..
PolicyNum InsCode
1ABC12 1001
1ABC12 1002
1ABC12 1003
1ABC12 1004
1ABC12 1005
[Code] ....
My output should look like this..I need T-sql to get below output.
PolicyNum InsCode1 InsCode2
1ABC12 1001 1005
1ABC12 1002 1006
1ABC12 1003 1004
1ABC20 1001 1005
[Code] ...
Basically it's converting certain row values to new column. Every PloicyNum will have 1001 to 1006 Fixed InsCode values as a group.
Rule-1: InsCode value 1001 should always mapped to 1005
InsCode value 1002 should always mapped to 1006
InsCode value 1003 should always mapped to 1004
Rule-2: For a policyNum, If any Inscode value is missed from the group values 1001 to 1006, still need to mapped with corresponding values as shown in Rule-1
In the above sample data..
for PolicyNum - 1ABC20 , group values 1003,1006 are missing
for PolicyNum - 1ABC25 , group values 1002,1003,1004,1005,1006 are missing
Create Table sampleDate (PolicyNum varchar(10) not null, InsCode Varchar(4) not null)
Insert into Sample Date(PolicyNum, InsCode) Values ('1ABC12','1001')
Insert into Sample Date(PolicyNum, InsCode) Values ('1ABC12','1002')
Insert into Sample Date(PolicyNum, InsCode) Values ('1ABC12','1003')
[Code] ....
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Aug 29, 2006
I am currently having this problem with gridview and detailview. When I drag either onto the page and set my select statement to pick from one table and then update that data through the gridview (lets say), the update works perfectly. My problem is that the table I am pulling data from is mainly foreign keys. So in order to hide the number values of the foreign keys, I select the string value columns from the tables that contain the primary keys. I then use INNER JOIN in my SELECT so that I only get the data that pertains to the user I am looking to list and edit. I run the "test query" and everything I need shows up as I want it. I then go back to the gridview and change the fields which are foreign keys to templates. When I edit the templates I bind the field that contains the string value of the given foreign key to the template. This works great, because now the user will see string representation instead of the ID numbers that coinside with the string value. So I run my webpage and everything show up as I want it to, all the data is correct and I get no errors. I then click edit (as I have checked the "enable editing" box) and the gridview changes to edit mode. I make my changes and then select "update." When the page refreshes, and the gridview returns, the data is not updated and the original data is shown. I am sorry for so much typing, but I want to be as clear as possible with what I am doing. The only thing I can see being the issue is that when I setup my SELECT and FROM to contain fields from multiple tables, the UPDATE then does not work. When I remove all of my JOIN's and go back to foreign keys and one table the update works again. Below is what I have for my SQL statements:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT:SELECT People.FirstName, People.LastName, People.FullName, People.PropertyID, People.InviteTypeID, People.RSVP, People.Wheelchair, Property.[House/Day Hab], InviteType.InviteTypeName FROM (InviteType INNER JOIN (Property INNER JOIN People ON Property.PropertyID = People.PropertyID) ON InviteType.InviteTypeID = People.InviteTypeID) WHERE (People.PersonID = ?)UPDATE:UPDATE [People] SET [FirstName] = ?, [LastName] = ?, [FullName] = ?, [PropertyID] = ?, [InviteTypeID] = ?, [RSVP] = ?, [Wheelchair] = ? WHERE [PersonID] = ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The only fields I want to update are in [People]. My WHERE is based on a control that I use to select a person from a drop down list. If I run the test query for the update while setting up my data source the query will update the record in the database. It is when I try to make the update from the gridview that the data is not changed. If anything is not clear please let me know and I will clarify as much as I can. This is my first project using ASP and working with databases so I am completely learning as I go. I took some database courses in college but I have never interacted with them with a web based front end. Any help will be greatly appreciated.Thank you in advance for any time, help, and/or advice you can give.Brian
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