Transact SQL :: Row Level Locking In Server
Apr 22, 2015
We have one table.We have updated the status for one column to 1 and we did not committed the transaction. Can we do an another update on another row.
In below example i am updating GEO_D and transaction is not committed. Now my requirement is we have to update other records (not Geo_D). If try to update GEo_D it should wait.
[Code] ....
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Jan 5, 2001
I'm running SQL Server 7.0. I have a DB running with 6.5 compatibility mode.
Do INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE queries use row level locking in this DB ?
(I know if I set the db compatibility mode to 7.0 row level locking will be enabled)
Thanks in advance for your help.
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Nov 11, 2015
Is it possible to force row level locking in Sql server 2015 before inserting the data and release the same afterwords..find the code for which we would like to impliment the same
DECLARE @TravelAgentid Varchar(20)
set @TravelAgentid ='A101'
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May 3, 2007
Hi, Can anybody please explain me, what is low level and high level locking in SQL Server 2005 database.
Also what is the name of process which converts low level locking into high level locking and vise versa.
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Feb 24, 2006
I have a busy transactional table , I wanna use row level locking mechanism in msSQL.
where LastName ='Clinton'
is there any downsides of this approach?
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Sep 19, 2002
I used sp_indexoption to allow row locks and disallow page locks on all indexes of a heavily contented table (lots of concurrent selects/inserts/updates). The first error I saw was "The SQL Server cannot obtain a LOCK resource at this time. Rerun your statement when there are fewer active users or ask the system administrator to check the SQL Server lock and memory configuration.". I restarted the sql server and everything is ok (the server is not very powerful and will be beefed up).
My question is that with the above settings, will the select statements acquire row-level shared locks as well? Since our select queries are fairly complicated, my main concern is that we may frequently run of of resource even with a more powerful machine. Is my concern valid or I got everything wrong?
Thanks a lot.
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Apr 28, 1999
Hi there,
yes, There is a 'insert row level locking' but
Is there anything for delete or update row level locking?
We keep geting deadlock problem with our application with multi-users. First we ran into the deadlock on INSERT. By setting 'insert row level locking' help us to go a little bit further but later we run into deadlock with DELETE. For my knowlege, DELETE and UPDATE requires exclusive page lock. Might be I am out of date.
Thanks in advance for your help
Tung Nguyen
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Jul 20, 2005
How do I do row-level locking on SQL Server?Thanks,Nid
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Jan 3, 2000
I am writing a VB program, which needs to update record A in one table using transaction control (BeginTrans & CommitTrans). But due to the page-level locking, before the "CommitTrans", other users couldn't not read other records in the same table.
Is there any way that I can do the record/row level locking? If possible, could you provide me some VB source code? Such as how to use "DBCC ROWLOCK" or how to set for row-level locking.
Thanks for your kind help.
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Sep 17, 1998
SQL Server 6.5 on-line help states that IRL is only effective if the table has a unique clustered index defined on the table. IF this true and if so does anyone know why.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi,We have encountered deadlock on a table which is used to generatesequential numbers for different categories eg typical entriesCategory ValueTRADE_NO 1456JOB_NO 267.....The applications reference the relevant category applicable to themand updatethe Value accordingly. This is table is very small, occupying 1 page.However, it has no index as it was not seen to be appropriate for atable this size.However, can someone please advise whether1. An index is required for row level locking2. If an index on a table as small as above is likely to reduce thedeadlock rate.Also, please consider the following but which I am not sure isrelevant for above query.We noted that when we migrated the database concerned from SQL 6.5 toSQL 2000, using DTS, that the database was NOT strictly in SQL 2000format for non clustered indexes (NC) ie the clustered key was notpart of the NC index until the clustered index was rebuilt.Given this should I just rebuild this table with a fake index and dropit thereafter.We are aware of the different techniques used to avoid deadlocks (egtables accessed in same order etc) and have , as much as possible,implemented those practices.I thank you in advance for any help you may be able to offer.ThanksPuvendran
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Apr 20, 2007
I m using sql server 2005
i have got one request ,to apply page level locking on database
can nyone how it is done
i can do that for a single script and for session(transaction isolation level)
but dont know about database level locking scheme
thanks in advance
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Jul 20, 2005
HiIs it possible to force row level locking in one or more tables insome database. We have some problems when SQL Server decides to choosepage- or table-level locking.We are using SQL Server 2000.Best regardsAarno
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Apr 7, 2004
Hi all
We are writing a web-based multi-user call centre application application.
we are getting concurrency problems as you would expect with a multiuser application.
the application is made for callers who will bring up a different contact to call based on some predefined priority. now because the algorithm that prioritises the contacts takes a good 2 seconds to run, if 2 different caller request for the next prioritised contact, they will retrieve the same contact.
The only way that we think can resolve this problem is by building a queue. The queue would be implemented as a table, the particular implementation of this queue would be, when ever someone retrieves an entry from the queue, a background process will go on and generate a new queued item, i.e. in a FIFO manner. So that's how we think we should implement the queue.
Now come the question how to implement it. My idea is to have row level locking and a trigger to remove queue items from the queue. so that once one caller have looked at one of the item in the queue, another user can't look at the same item.
Any suggestions as to how i might be able to avoid concurrency problems?
What do you all think of my idea of implementing the FIFO queue?/
Is it possible to do row level locking in such a way that other users won't even be able to read the locked entry??
James :)
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May 9, 2008
I am running one maintenance plan which includes just "Chech DB Integrity" and "Reorganised Index". But it failed and I am getting following error:-
Failed-1073548784) Executing the query "ALTER INDEX [CgiExclusion_ProfileId] ON [dbo].[CgiExclusion] REORGANIZE WITH ( LOB_COMPACTION = ON )" failed with the following error: "The index "CgiExclusion_ProfileId" (partition 1) on table "CgiExclusion" cannot be reorganized because page level locking is disabled.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
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Dec 27, 2007
I have a question on locking pattern of read committed with snapshot isolation level that when two transaction update two different records then why do they block to each other even if they have previous committed value (old version of record).
I executed the below batch from a query window in SSMS
--Session 1:
use adventureworks
create table marbles (id int primary key, color char(5))
insert marbles values(1, 'Black')
insert marbles values(2, 'White')
alter database adventureworks set read_committed_snapshot on
set transaction isolation level read committed
begin tran
update marbles set color = 'Black' where color = 'White'
--commit tran
Before committing the first transaction I executed below query from second query window in SSMS
--Session 2:
use adventureworks
set transaction isolation level read committed
begin tran
update marbles set color = 'White' where color = 'Black'
commit tran
Here the first session blocks to second session. These same transactions execute simultaneuosly in snapshot isolation level. So my question is why this blocking is required in read committed with snapshot isolation level?
Thanks & Regards,
Subhash Chandra
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Oct 20, 2015
We currently have a large ETL import each night. There are lots of tables and some are quite large. If there is a problem with the nightly import, it is rerun during the day while users are running reports. The only updates to the tables is the nightly import.Currently the import does a BULK Insert and several INSERT INTOs. We are going to try to improve performance by adding a WITH (TABLOCK). But wonder if the TABLOCK will cause more locking, less locking, or be about the same. We do not have transactions batched. We insert all the records for a table in a single transaction.
Have found these references regarding TABLOCK, but I am confused what they mean, and how they differ from doing a BULK INSERT or INSERT INTO without TABLOCK.
TABLOCK - Specifies that a shared lock is taken on the table held until the end-of-statement. [URL] ....
Using INSERT INTO…SELECT to Bulk Load Data with Minimal Logging [URL] ....
Lock Modes [URL] ....
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May 14, 2015
declare @error int, @rowcount int
select @rowcount = COUNT(1) FROM STG_BCDR;
while @rowcount > 0
Above code i try to delete records batch by batch to avoid table locking at BCDR records in this BCDR table is 40,000 records. However I run the code at execution plan, the BCDR table still clustered index scan which means that the locking still happend.
If i change the delete top (5000)...... to delete top (5).... then thre is clustered index seek, which is good..The problem here is each time only delete top 5 records which is means it will realy take very long time to remove those data.
how to cater the situation inorder for me to delete those huge data without table locking happend. If table locking happend , then other user will not be able to access this table at the same time.
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Aug 12, 2015
I want to enforce a constraint on the table where , the same MenuId cannot have 2 different prices for the same date range (accidentally).I think CHECK constraint won't work.
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Aug 5, 2015
I have a query which works absolutely fine when connecting to an actual server:
'UA' AS Client,
If i change the connector to REPLPROD (which is a linked server): From REPLPROD.XUNMDTAUAI.dbo.UPPOREP UP INNER JOIN REPLPROD.XUNMDTAUAI.dbo.UKKMREP UK
I get the error:
Msg 8180, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Statement(s) could not be prepared.
Msg 125, Level 15, State 4, Line 1
Case expressions may only be nested to level 10.
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Oct 22, 2015
I have a requirements to collect Transactions per second from a sql server instances level. Any script to collect TPS in the instance level ?
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Nov 22, 2015
I have a table of Affiliates, each Affiliate can have a ParentId, which refers to another Affiliate. How can I retrieve all children of a given Affiliate, along with their depth level? I have this query which selects the total number of descendants of a given Affiliate, but I need to select all the children + their depth level, up to a certain level.
WITH Descendants AS(
SELECT RootId = Id, Id
FROM Affiliates
SELECT RootId, Af.Id
FROM Descendants
[Code] .........
What I want to achieve is a statement that has 3 parameters: RefererId, StartLevel, and EndLevel.
I need a statement that selects all the specified Affiliate.ReferrerId's descendants including their level distance from the referrer, filtered by the StartLevel and EndLevel (WHERE CurrentLevel >= StartLevel AND CurrentLevel <= EndLevel ).
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May 20, 2015
I need to group by transactions at line item level. As the each item in the transaction may belong to different category and I'musing case statement to identify particular category for one column , I'm using sub-query to retrieve the results at item level.
Here is the code:
Due to case by statement and having multiple category I have to use multiple group by.
select TransactionId
,Sum(CategoryAPurchase) CategoryAPurchase
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Jun 22, 2015
I have hierarchical data such as:
Id Level ParentId
1 0 1
2 1 1
3 2 2
4 0 4
5 1 4
6 0 6
7 1 6
8 2 7
9 3 8
10 4 9
11 0 11
As you can see even the parent element has parentId(in this case id = parentid)
How can I select the lowest level data in the hierarchy and get this result:
Id Level ParentId
3 2 2
5 1 4
10 4 9
11 0 11
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Nov 30, 2015
We have a service that inserts some rows into a parent table (P) and child table (C). This operation is atomic and performed within a transaction.
We also have a service that queries these tables such that rows are (should only be) returned from P where there are no children for that parent.
The SQL that performs this is simplified below:
LEFT OUTER JOIN C ON P.PKofP_Value = C.PkofP_Value
C.PkofPValue IS NULL
AND P.SomeOtherCol=0
Our expectation is that the query service should only return rows from P where there are no rows in C.
However, this seems not to be the case, and occasionally we find that rows from P are returned where there are matching rows in C.
We are sure that the process that inserts rows into P and C does so within a single transaction.
We have traced this with SQLTrace and can see the txn stag and committing and all operations using the same transactionid within the transaction.
We are running the default isolation level committed.
In SQLTrace we can see the query process start, the inserter process start and complete and then the query process continue (after presumably being blocked).
So how can the query process "miss" the child rows and return the parent from the above query?
Is it possible that, in this isolation level, the inserter process can block the query process such that when the inserter process commits and when the query process continues it does not see the child rows inserted because they were inserted in the table/index "behind" where the query process has already read - some kind of phantom phenomenon?
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Jan 16, 2008
I want to perform column level and database level encryption/decryption....
Does any body have that code written in C# or VB.NET for AES-128, AES-192, AES-256 algorithms...
I have got code for single string... but i want to encrypt/decrypt columns and sometimes the whole database...
Can anybody help me out...
If you have Store procedure in SQL for the same then also it ll do...
Thanks in advance
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Nov 19, 2007
AM in need of SSRS 2005 design documents for a project purpose. Can somebody let me know where can i find these documents? Thanks in advance
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Jun 28, 2001
I have a table X with 61390 rows on it. IT is a crucial table which is being read and updated constantly. If I create a clustered index on the Primary Key (identity column) and run UPDATE x SET c1 = 1234 where PKCOL = 4321 the best lock I can get is a table Lock. If I create a compound non-clustered index on C1 and PKCOL the best lock I can get is a Page Lock. PAge Lock is OK but as this table is in High demand I want a row lock so others can carry on referenceing other parts of the table. WHy does it take a page lock and not a Row lock?
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Jul 7, 1999
We are becoming increasingly more involved with SQL Server 7.0 development.
Can someone show me a good example of ROW LOCKING with exclusive and share
If I am starting a transaction with a SELECT and later an UPDATE, what is
the best way to handle locking?
Thank you for any help on this issue.
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Mar 6, 2007
is there a way of locking db on server. i am doing a overtime and pay system but there is a few members of IT staff that are very nosey and this is senstive information and i dont want them looking at the tables on the server can these be locked for only me to view
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Mar 22, 2007
I'm trying to determine if a row in a table is locked. First, I issue a lock on some rows. Then, I query the syslockinfo table to see which rows are locked. It tells me which rows are locked, but it returns a hashed resource value that, I guess, is somehow related to the key. How can I un-hash the value? Or, how can I hash my own key so that I can compare it with the hashed value? I have tried using the HashBytes function, but I don't know what is actually being hashed when the row is locked.
For example:
begin transaction
select * from test with (rowlock, updlock)
select * from master..syslockinfo
where rsc_objid = (select id from sysobjects where name = 'test') and req_mode = 4
rsc_text = (010086470766); rsc_bin = 0x000708001374FC020100010086470766
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Apr 23, 2007
I have a setting where two Web Servers access the same SQL Server database. To gaurantee consistent data writes and reads I need to lock part of the database in special conditions.
I know exactly when I need particular tables of the database to be locked, but I am in doubt of how to do it. Does SQL Server 2005 have any mechanism for providing locks gauranteed to free the lock if one of the web servers crash - or if SQL Server itself crashes?
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