Transact SQL :: Script Not Running For Databases Other Than Master Database

Jun 5, 2015

Script only displays the result for 'Master' database. 

What changes are required for script to display result for all databases on the instance?

SELECT DB_Name() AS DatabaseName, OBJECT_NAME(ind.OBJECT_ID) AS TableName, AS IndexName, indexstats.index_type_desc AS IndexType, 
FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) indexstats 
INNER JOIN sys.indexes ind  
ON ind.object_id = indexstats.object_id 
AND ind.index_id = indexstats.index_id 
WHERE indexstats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 30 and indexstats.page_count >1000
ORDER BY indexstats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent DESC

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Accidentally Populate Tables Into System Databases/master Database

Jul 31, 2007


I accidentally populate tables into System databases/master database. What should I do? Should I delete all the tables I populate in mster database?

Thank you very much!

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[TRANSACT]Can't Switch From Master To Another Database

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,I encounter a problem with a small portion of sqlcode. I try to go ondatabase using "use dbname" but i always stay in master. I executescript with the sa user.declare @dbnamesysnamedeclare @ret_codeintDECLARE db_cursor CURSOR FORselectnamefrommaster..sysdatabaseswherename not in ('master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'pubs', 'Northwind')-- Open cursorOPEN db_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbnameWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINexecute ('use ' + @dbname)execute ('select db_name()')Thank's for help,Pierrot.

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Transact SQL :: Adding Stored Procedure To Master Database?

Apr 24, 2015

I have a SQL server instance being used as our data warehousing environment. The instance consists of several databases that I am snapshotting as part of our high availability strategy for data. I've created a stored procedure that takes the source database as an argument and that will create a new snapshot when a new one needs to be created and will also automatically remove the old snapshot. It also updates some synonym tables that point to the new snapshot but that might not be an important detail.

I would like to have the stored procedure stored some place global to all of the databases that I am routinely snapshotting, but that would mean putting it in the master database. Although having it there makes things significantly better in terms of usability, it seems like there's something wrong with putting any stored procedures in the master database. Am I wrong? Is it OK to put stored procedures there in situations like this?

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Transact SQL :: Dynamically Creating And Running A Database Restore Command

Jun 17, 2015

If I run the following command in a Query window it works:

RESTORE DATABASE CIS_Source_Data_Test FROM DISK = 'y:CIS_Source_Data_backup_2015_06_17_085557_7782407.bak' WITH RECOVERY, REPLACE

If I dynamically put together the command and store it in variable @cmd and then execute it using
exec sp_executesql @cmd or exec (@cmd) it does not work. I get the following:

Msg 2745, Level 16, State 2, Procedure CIS_Source_Data_Refresh, Line 92
Process ID 62 has raised user error 50000, severity 20. SQL Server is terminating this process.
Msg 50000, Level 20, State 1, Procedure CIS_Source_Data_Refresh, Line 92
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
Msg 0, Level 20, State 0, Line 0

A severe error occurred on the current command.  The results, if any, should be discarded.

Why it won't work when I try to create and run it dynamically?

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Transact SQL :: Script To Find List Of Queries Currently Running In Database With User Login And Host Name?

Dec 30, 2014

How to find the list of queries currently running in the Database with User Login Information.

Since my database application is running slow, to find the slow queries.

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Creating Databases Under Master

Mar 20, 2007

 When creating databases is it a good idea to use the master.dbo.sysdatabases database and then create databases under this.

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Multiple Databases For Each Client Of One Big Master DB?

Jan 29, 2004

We are designing a new data model, and have many clients. Currently they each have their own database in SQL.

We are contemplating the pro's and con's of migrating to a Single Master Database.

I would like to hear from others on what your thoughts are on the pros and cons. Also, if you have experience doing something similar, please speak up.

Thanks in advance,

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How Do You Hide The Default System Databases (i.e., Master)?

Feb 5, 2001

How do you hide the default system databases so that they cannot be viewed? Also when it it time for me to access them how do I unhide the databases?

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Weird Message Box When Running Master Package From VS

Apr 23, 2007


I have a SSIS Project thats been running fine for months up until yesterday.

There's a master package that calls other packages, and when i run it now in Visual Studio, i get a Message Box after each of it's child packages run. The message states:

TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio------------------------------The designer window cannot be closed while a package is running.Stop the debugger before attempting to close the window.------------------------------BUTTONS:OK------------------------------

This seems to be causing issues, because VS seems to hang on my machine at some point when running master packages, and i think it might due to a message box.

Anyone know how I can get rid of this?

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Mirror Of Master, Msdb, Tempdb, Or Model Databases.

Jul 20, 2006

Hi Guys,

Since,You cannot mirror the master, msdb, tempdb, or model databases.What will happen if i create new login,change existing security profile and new jobs,change of existing job on princicpal db. how these will be mirrored to other server and in case failover, how it will treat.


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Best Disaster Recovery Plan For System Databases(Master,MSDB...)

Nov 20, 2007

Hi all

What is best Disaster/Recovery methode to securing the system databases.

Master database allows only Full backup
MSDB allows Full ,Diff

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Running Query On All Databases Within An SQL

Oct 3, 2007


I'm running SQL 2000 SP4.

On this server I have a few databases. I need to run the below query against each database. Since the server has approx 50 databases this will take time.

Is there any way for me to modify this so as it will automatically
run against each database one at a time and then create a single output file with all the results.

I do not want it to run against all of the databases at the same time as it will kill my server so it must run and gather results on each database at a time.

QUERY to be run

SELECT RelativeFileName

FROM Collection, Saveset

WHERE Collection.CollectionIdentity = Saveset.CollectionIdentity

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Running A Query On Two Databases

Mar 31, 2008

Hello all,
Can anyone please tell me what query to use for joining two tables in two databases together?

Basically, we have two databases called 'system' and 'site' respectively. The 'system' database has a table called 'users' and each user has a unique id which is also linked to the tables in the 'site' database.

The only problem i have got is, I want to be able to get the actual user names not the unique id and the only way to get this from my SQL statement is to be able to link the uniqueid for each user in the 'site' database to their corresponding uniqueid in the 'system' database.

Please, how can I do this?

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Query : Running A Job/step In A Loop For ALL Databases

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I've written a job to export user and database permissions for alld/b's on a server. As you can see below, the T-SQL commands are thesame for each d/b. Can anyone assist with regard to re-writing this sothat any new d/b's added do not require ammending the job (loop)?Thx,GC.use mastergoSELECT db_name()EXEC sp_helpuserEXEC sp_helprotect NULL, NULL, NULL, 'o s'use msdbgoSELECT db_name()EXEC sp_helpuserEXEC sp_helprotect NULL, NULL, NULL, 'o s'use test1goSELECT db_name()EXEC sp_helpuserEXEC sp_helprotect NULL, NULL, NULL, 'o s'use test2goSELECT db_name()EXEC sp_helpuserEXEC sp_helprotect NULL, NULL, NULL, 'o s'

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TempDB Log File Running Out Of Free Space While Running DBCC CheckDB On Large Database

May 28, 2015

In my environment, there is maintenance plan configured on one of the server and while running DBCC checkdb on a database of size around 200GB, log file usage of tempdb is increasing and causing the maintenance job to fail.

What can I do to make the maintenance job run successfully, size of the tempdb database is only 50GB and recovery model is set to simple. It cannot be increased as the mount point on which it is residing is 50GB.

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Creating Multiple Databases Running Off The Same Data Engine

Aug 23, 2005

Hi, I have looked and loked for the answer to this question and made no progress.  I want to install MSDE on one of our servers, however, when I went to install it, I found that there was another MSDE already installed and running (it was an agent running with our backup software Veritas).  Is it alright to create another database and have 2 running simultaneous on the same data engine?  Is there any type of limitations that I sould know about - such as number of allowed accesses at one time?  Any help is greatly appreicated.

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Running Setup To Install AdventureWorks Sample Databases And Samples

Mar 23, 2007

Hi, i read article on how to install the AdventureWorks on my PC, basically i downloaded the sample db from microsoft website, but after i install several times, i seems cant get to see it in my sql server 2005, please assist on this, i have been craking head for this. Thanks :)

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Problem When Running A SSIS Master-package-child Package On Non Default Sql-server Instance

Dec 6, 2007

Hi there

We have a SSIS run which runs as follows

The master package has a configuration file, specifying the connect strings
The master package passes these connect-strings to the child packages in a variable
Both master package and child packages have connection managers, setup to use localhost. This is done deliberately to be able to test the packages on individual development pc€™s.
We do not want to change anything inside the packages when deploying to test, and from test to production. All differences will be in the config files (which are pretty fixed, they very seldom change). That way we can be sure that we can deploy to production without any changes at all.

The package is run from the file system, through a job-schedule.

We experience the following when running on a not default sql-server instance (called dkms5253uedw)

Case 1:
The master package starts by executing three sql-scripts (drop foreign key€™s, truncate tables, create foreign key€™s). This works fine.

The master package then executes the first child package. We then in the sysdtslog get:

Error - €œcannot connect to database xxx€?
Info - €œpackage is preparing to get connection string from parent €¦€?

The child package then executes OK, does all it€™s work, and finish. Because there has been an error, the master package then stops with an error.

Case 2:
When we run exactly the same, but with the connection strings in the config file pointing to the default instance (dkms5253), the everything works fine.

Case 3:
When we run exactly the same, again against the dkms5253uedw instance, but now with the exact same databases defined in the default instance, it also works perfect.

Case 4:
When we then stop the sql-server on the default instance, the package faults again, this time with

Error - €œtimeout when connect to database xxx€?
Info - €œpackage is preparing to get connection string from parent €¦€?

And the continues as in the first case

From all this we conclude, that the child package tries to connect to the database before it knows the connection string it gets passed in the variable from the master package. It therefore tries to connect to the default instance, and this only works if the default instance is running and has the same databases defined. As far as we can see, the child package does no work against the default instance (no logging etc.).

We have tried delayed validation in the packages and in the connection managers, but with the same results (error).

So we are desperately hoping that someone can help us solve this problem.

/Nils M - Copenhagen

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Transact SQL :: Log What Users Accessed Which Databases

Nov 9, 2015

I'd like to find out who is accessing various databases and log the time they did so.

Is there a way to do this? I just need the account name and the time logged and then to write to a table so I can query it.

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Transact SQL :: Cleanup Suspect Databases

Sep 26, 2015

After cloning our production SQL 2012 server to make DEV environment, there is a bunch of databases in "Suspect" mode. This is because the DB's and Logs have got out of sync.I can clean up each DB with this script:


but this takes a long time replacing DB_NAME and executing for each DB.I tried putting it all into a script with variables, but I have done something wrong and it does not work. Also is there a way to just apply it to the suspect DB's?

USE master
DECLARE @dbname sysname, @cmd varchar(1000), @cmd1 varchar(1000), @cmd2 varchar(1000), @cmd3 varchar(1000), @cmd4 varchar(1000)
DECLARE db_recovery_cursor CURSOR FOR
SELECT name from sysdatabases
OPEN db_recovery_cursor


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Transact SQL :: Getting Error When Trying To Union All Between Two Databases?

Nov 13, 2015

I am having an issue when trying to union all between two databases.

This is the error:

Implicit conversion of varchar value to varchar cannot be performed because the collation of the value is unresolved due to a collation conflict.

I have updated the collation in both DB to Latin1_General_CI_AS and I am still getting the error when running the query.

The queries run separately ok.  why I am still getting the collation error.

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Transact SQL :: Running Totals In A View

Sep 14, 2015

I have a ms-sql 2012 for this task. I read that running totals / sum over is better supported here.

There are customers with an account where they can insert or withdraw cash. When they insert, the inserted amount will get a date where it expires. After the expiration date, the cash becomes unavailable.

I'm not sure how to design the tables to meet my needs, but this is my best guess. And below is the first problem in the view.

Table: deposit    This table will hold all deposits

customerId    (string)
balanceType    (string)
transactionDate   (date) 
expiresOnDate   (date)
amount     (decimal)
transactionText   (string)

The data set for the deposit table could be:

1 Bonus 01-05-2015 30-04-2016  500  Inserted 500
2 Bonus 01-05-2015 30-04-2016  500  Inserted 500
3 Bonus2 01-01-2015 31-12-2015  100  Inserted 100
2 Bonus2 01-01-2015 31-12-2015  100  Inserted 100

Table: withdrawal  This table will hold all withdrawals

customerId    (string)
balanceType    (string)
transactionDate   (date) 
amount     (decimal)
transactionText   (string)

The data set for the withdrawal table could be:

2 Bonus2 01-04-2015 -100  Needed 100
2 Bonus2 02-04-2015 -100  Needed 100
2 Bonus2 03-01-2015 -100  Needed 100
3 Bonus2 10-04-2015 -50   Took out 50
3 Bonus2 11-04-2015 -100  Took out 100

[Code] .....

Now I need to combine the two tables in a view with a running total, ordered by customerId, balanceType and transactionDate


The view must show this, when selecting all records:

1 Bonus 01-05-2015 500  500  Inserted 500
1 Bonus 01-07-2015 -100 400  Yes, got 100
1 Bonus 02-07-2015 -100 300  Yes, got 100
1 Bonus 03-07-2015 -100 200  Yes, got 100

[Code] ....

And a last view that will show distinct totals for each customer and balanceType


1 Bonus -200
2 Bonus -300
2 Bonus2 -200
3 Bonus2 -550

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Transact SQL :: How To Calculate A Running Stock Value

Oct 8, 2015

I have the following store procedure :



What I am trying to get is a RunningStock level column which is able to display stock level as describe below :

If ItemStatus value is 0, that means that the item has been taken out from stock.

So based on that the first row running Stock level is calclulated as

(ProductQuantity * ItemUnitWeight)-ItemQuantity=9...

For the second record, ItemsStatus=1 which means the item return to stock, at the time the running stock value calculation should be the previous row Running Stok value (=9 ) +(ItemQuantity*ItemUnitWeight)When the ItemStatus=2, that means the item is definitely out and will be never back to current stock. Is there a way to get that calculation field ?

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Transact SQL :: Query On Running Value (difference)

Jun 18, 2015

I have a table that will be loaded over night everyday and I need to write a query on running value difference ?

List of Columns (ID, Branch ,Group, Date, Value)

ID    Branch   Group   Date                   Value
1        A           C      2015-06-01            10
2        A          C       2015-06-02            15
3        A          C       2015-06-03            25
4        A          C       2015-06-04            20
5        B          D       2015-06-01            20
6        B          D       2015-06-02            25
7        B          D       2015-06-03            10
8        B          D       2015-06-04            20

I want the Output like below with a Running value difference in comparison to previous day.

ID    Branch   Group   Date          Value    Running Value
1        A           C      2015-06-01            10         10
2        A          C       2015-06-02            15         05
3        A          C       2015-06-03            25         10
4        A          C       2015-06-04            20         -5
5        B          D       2015-06-01            20         20
6        B          D       2015-06-02            25         05
7        B          D       2015-06-03            10        -15
8        B          D       2015-06-04            20         10

Basically I need to compare the previous day and show the difference. How can I do this in SQL 2008 r2?

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Transact SQL :: How To Get Running Total In Server

Oct 21, 2015

I need to get a cumulative total for row by row basis. I need this grouped on name, id, year and month. ID is not a auto incremented number. ID is  a unique number same as name. The out put I need is as below,

Name     ID     Year   Month  Value  RunningValue
XX         11     2013  Jan      25          25
xx          11     2013  Feb      50          75
yy          22     2015   Jan     100        100
yy          22     2015   Mar     200        300

How I could get this query written? I am unable to use SQL Server 2012 version syntaxes. Writing a cursor would slow the process down because there is a large data set.

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Transact SQL :: List All File-groups For All Databases?

May 27, 2009

I would like to SELECT all filegroup on an SQL server instance, is that possible?Or only per database?

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Transact SQL :: Combining Two Queries From Different Linked Databases

May 20, 2015

I have 2 DBs located on separate Sql Servers but the DBs are linked. I am querying data from both DBs but want to combine the results. Here is my query but it doesn't seem to be working.

idname, name, address, address2, awardedtoname, suppno
house ON contract.idname = house.idname)
tpd.PropertyNumber AS [Property No], tpd.Address1 + ' , ' + tpd.Address2 AS Estate, tpd.Address1 AS Address1,

[Code] ....

How I could combine the results?

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Transact SQL :: How To Compare Columns On 2 Databases On 2 Different Servers

Aug 12, 2015

I need to compare columns in tables on 1 database on one server versus the same on a 2nd server.

I'm looking for added columns in dbase 1.

Is there a system T-SQL script that can be used for this?

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Transact SQL :: Script To Disconnect All Users Except One From Two Databases

Aug 20, 2015

I need a script to kill existing sessions on [db1] and [db2] except sessions from [user1]. I have a script like this now:

USE master
DECLARE @kill varchar(8000) = '';
SELECT @kill = @kill + 'kill ' + CONVERT(varchar(5), spid) + ';'
FROM master..sysprocesses
WHERE dbid = db_id('db1)

I just need to extend to run on db2 and don't kill sessions from user1

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Transact SQL :: Running Total In Server 2008

Nov 20, 2015

Is it possible to assign to a variable, then add to it later on?  When I run the below, all I get is 3 rows affected I never see the value printed.  What i am wanting to do is each loop sum the numbers so 2+1+3 =6 so in the end @sumofallnumbers
= 6
Create Table #Test ( randarnumbers int )
Insert Into #Test Values ('2'), ('1'), ('3')
Declare @sumofallnumbers int, @nbr int
Declare c1 Cursor For
Select randarnumbers
FROM #Test


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Transact SQL :: Running Query For Multiple Times Through The Day?

Jun 12, 2015

I want  the below query to run 24 hours ..once the insert is complete, run again , so on for 24 hours .

there is a way to run every second in as job but i want to run only after run complete there a way to run the query after every complete run ? and keep in job 
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Audit_Active]

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Update The Database Physical File Location In Master Database

Mar 8, 2015

I had to to relocate the database log file and I issued an Alter database command but by mistake I put a space in the file name as below. The space is at the beginning file name. Now I am unable get the database loaded to SQL Server. The database has 2 replications configured, so deleting and re-attaching the database means the replication needs to be re-configured. Is there an alternative way to issue a command to update the database FILENAME ? Not sure if this can be edited in master database (sys files).

MODIFY FILE (NAME = User_DB_log, FILENAME = 'I:SQLLogs User_DB_log.ldf')

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