Transact SQL :: Script To Disconnect All Users Except One From Two Databases

Aug 20, 2015

I need a script to kill existing sessions on [db1] and [db2] except sessions from [user1]. I have a script like this now:

USE master
DECLARE @kill varchar(8000) = '';
SELECT @kill = @kill + 'kill ' + CONVERT(varchar(5), spid) + ';'
FROM master..sysprocesses
WHERE dbid = db_id('db1)

I just need to extend to run on db2 and don't kill sessions from user1

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List Users Then Disconnect Users

Jun 4, 2008

I want to be able to list all users connected/logged in a specific database and disconnect them all or a certain user.

can this be done in SQL and if so how?

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How Do You Disconnect Users?

Mar 21, 2001

Does anybody have a job where it will disconnect certain users from the database

What I would like to do is schedule a job that will run at 11:00pm that will disconnect certain users (not all of them). This program should also kill any jobs that these users may be running.

I running into a problem occasionally, where a certain program hangs up and will not release its DB locks. This then keeps a couple of the nightly batch jobs from running.

(I run on SQL SERVER 7.0 on a NT server)

Matt Atkinson,

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T-SQL To Disconnect Users From A Db?

Jun 28, 2004

Is there a way to forcibly disconnect users from a db with t-sql? I'm doing a nightly restore of a db and users who shouldnt remain connected after hours, are. So I cannot restore the db unless I disconnect them as the db cannot be obtained for exclusive access.

Any thoughts on this?

Edward Hunter, Data Application Engineer
comScore Networks

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How To Disconnect All The Users

Oct 12, 2007

Dear All,
i've to drop one database....i'm sure....

but it is saying presently it is in use....
there no no replication....

some user is using....
that is a new can i throw all users from the database

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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Transact SQL :: Log What Users Accessed Which Databases

Nov 9, 2015

I'd like to find out who is accessing various databases and log the time they did so.

Is there a way to do this? I just need the account name and the time logged and then to write to a table so I can query it.

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How To Disconnect Users From SQl Server 7.0 Or 6.5

Mar 9, 2000

Hi All
IF some users are still connected to the database and I want to shutdown the server How can I disconnect them in order to shutdown.

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Force Users/connections To Disconnect From Db

Mar 6, 2004


I need to attach and detach 50 DB's, for which I have wrote a simple script. How can I make sure that there are no connections or users connected to the DB's, if there any users how can I forcefully disconnect them.


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Users And Logins Across Databases

Jun 2, 2007


In sql2k you used to be able to have a same user in 2 databases under the same login. Just moved to 2005, using sql authentication, and have some users who need to access 2 databases using the same login credentials. But sql2005 will not let me create 2 users under the same login across databases. Any ideas?


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How To Restrict Users To Particular Databases

Dec 16, 2006

While web hosting I use Sql Server 2000 as the database. Imagine I have hosted 3 Web Sites. All these 3 users want to modify/update their designs. What I did is I created respective 3 users having access to the respective databases only. So that they can registerd the ip and add to the Sql Server 2000 Enterprise Manager. These users are able to access their own databases only. But all these 3 users are able to access the default databases like master,pubs etc. How to restrict this.

Also suggest which is the optimal way to give control to the respective users while using Sql Server 2000.

====Suresh, P.R, Postal Training Centre, Mysore.

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How Do I Hide Databases From External Users?

Jan 31, 2003

I am going to give user rights for an external user to connect to my SQL Server via Client Network Utility.

Atlough I have given user permissions to only access one database and not the whole list, how do I make sure that they cannot see all the other databases on my SQL Server?

I have 20 instances of databases on my SQL Server and ideally I would like to give 20 different people access - but each of them when they enter my SQL Server, should not even know that the other databases exist.


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With User Sa I Can See Mot Databases How Can The Rest Of The Users See Them All?

Jun 26, 2007

I have a third party application that creates several databases on my sql server. This party uses the same user for accessing all this databases. However after moving to a new server this databases the user is no longer able to query them whith the exception of the "sa" user. Could anyone explain me how to add permissions to this databases manually so the user can query them again.

Thanks in advance



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Query To Obtain Users And Privileges From Databases

Apr 24, 2007

Hi to all, is my first post, i need a query or script to obtain all users and privileges from all my databases, someone to help me. I'm learning Administration SQL server 2005.

I know that sys.database_principals and sys.server_principals have information about that, but i need users - privileges of every database.

thank you

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Server Level Role That Can Add / Alter Logins And Corresponding Users On All Databases

Jul 7, 2015

Does securityadmin Server level role can add, alter logins and corresponding users on all databases ? 

If not what is the best role other thn SA to have to manager logins and users.

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SQL Security :: Can Hide Databases From Users Who Don't Have Access In Management Studio

Apr 21, 2015

I have a client who would like to access his database via SQL Server Management Studio. I created a login for him. This login has access only to his database on the server (I set this up using the user mapping), the Securables has Connect to SQL checked (otherwise he won't see his database).  When I test this login, he is able to see all the other databases on the server, though when he clicks on the ones he doesn't have access to, it will tell him that he can't access that database.  He can access his database alright.  My question is, can I hide all the other databases from him, and only display that only database he has access to?  I have tried many different ways, I can't seem to be able to do so.

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How To Prevent Domain Admin Users From Accessing SQL 2000 Databases?

Mar 6, 2008

Based on our database infrastructure, we need to secure our SQL databases. The security issue concerns on allowing a limited number of Domain Admin users to access the SQL databases.
We tried certain ways, based on the documents in the Microsoft web site, but we couldn€™t reach to the point of preventing the Domain Admin users accessing the SQL databases.

Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Delete Orphans Users From Multiple Databases

Oct 21, 2015

I have a requirement to delete all the orphans users for the databases. The issue I am having is with when database principal owns a schema in the DB, User cannt be dropped.

How do I transfer it to DBO in case I am looping multiple databases. This is what I got so far .

declare @is_read_only nvarchar (200)
Select @is_read_only = is_read_only from master.sys.databases where name='test' /* This should be a parameter value */
Declare @SQL as varchar (200)

[Code] .....

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Transact SQL :: Search For Users By Either Their Name Or Nickname

Oct 14, 2015

I am using a web service to search for users by either their name or their nickname. Users can type the persons name into a dot net text box that has a Autocomplete extender - which means it returns a list of user with each keystroke.

This works fine if I just search for a name.

select r.fname +' ' + r.lname
from users u
join log l
on l.riderid = u.riderid

where fname +' '+ lname like @item +'%'
group by l.fname , r.lname, nicknamellame

So if I am searching for Dan Brown When I enter a D I get all users whose name starts with D, A reduces the list to those that start with Da until you get a small enough list to find Dan Brown. This works - what I would like to allow is if they entered the users nickname (another column in the users table) it would also include those options: So, if Dan's nickname is DannyBoy typing that in would return the nickname.

select r.fname +' ' + r.lname
, nickname
from users u
join log m
on l.riderid = u.riderid
where (fname +' '+ lname like @item +'%')
or (nickname like @item + '%')
group by r.fname , r.lname, r.nickname
having max(l.[date]) >= '2014-01-01'

This does not work

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Transact SQL :: Loop - How To Get Data For Each Of Active Users

Jun 9, 2015

My insert statement for #Data - I only need to process each @EmployeeID one time, which is why I thought a loop would be sufficient, but I let this process run for 2 hrs and it still had not completed, so I feel I must have set-up something incorrectly!

This is my syntax, I am creating a table of active users, then wanting to get data for each of those active users.  But only get the data for each active user 1 time.

Declare @EmployeeID varchar(50)
,EmployeeID varchar(50)
,processed int
Create Table #Data

[Code] ....

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Transact SQL :: Number Of Distinct Users In Last 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 Months

Aug 26, 2015

I have table A(year int, month int, user varchar(20)), and I am trying to write a view that would show number of distinct users in the last 3 months, last 6 months, last 9 months and last 12 months(all from the most recent year/month) in following format:

3 months     6 months     9 months     12  months

number of distinct users        x                  y                  z                      w

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Transact SQL :: Stored Procedure For Total Count For New Users

Jul 14, 2015

I need to create a stored procedure for total count of the user's. If  User from front end  invites other user to use my tool, that user will be stored into a table name called "test",lets say it will be stored as"Invited 1 User(s)" or if he invites 2 users it will store into table as "Invited 2 User(s)."

But now we have changed the concept to get the ISID (name of the user)  and now when ever the user invites from the front end, the user who have invited should stored in two tables "test" and " test1" table .

After we get the data into test and test1 table i need the total count of a particular user from both tables test and test1.

if i invite a user , the name of the user is getting stored in both test and test1 tables.Now i want to get the count of a user from both tables which should be 1,but its showing 2.

Reason: Why i am considering the count from 2 tables is because before we were not tracking the usernames and we were storing the count in single test table.,but now we are tracking user names and storing them in both tables(test and test1).

Here is my sample  code:

I need to sum it up to get the total user's from both the table but I should get 1 instead of 2 

(select distinct COUNT(*) from dbo.test
where New_Values like  '%invited%'
and Created_By= 'sam'
(select distinct count (*)  from dbo.test1
where invited_by ='sam'

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Transact SQL :: Database Audit Specification On Specific Users

Mar 30, 2015

Currently I am using SQL server 2012 and would like to implement database audit specification on specific users in my database. These are the users in my database name Payroll :-

PayrollAndy.Bred - db_owner
PayrollArpit.Shah - db_owner
Payrollwebapp - db_datareader, db_datawriter, EXECUTE
web_payroll - db_datareader, db_datawriter, EXECUTE

In my database audit specification settings, I would like to capture any SELECT,UPDATE,DELETE and EXECUTE command for users PayrollAndy.Bred & PayrollArpit.Shah only since they owned db_owner access. However, I am unable to capture any single command from both users. I do not want to put 'Principal' as public since I just want to capture both users activity.

Is it I miss out anything? Is it because of windows login account?

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Transact SQL :: Send Email To Multiple Users Based On A Column

May 15, 2015

I have a query running and returning 3 columns, user name, e-mail and device name

SELECT DISTINCT v_R_User.Full_User_Name0 AS 'User full Name', v_R_User.Mail0 AS 'E-Mail', _RES_COLL_DEV00144.Name
FROM         v_R_System INNER JOIN
                      v_R_User ON v_R_System.User_Name0 = v_R_User.User_Name0 INNER JOIN
                      _RES_COLL_DEV00144 ON v_R_User.User_Name0 = _RES_COLL_DEV00144.UserName INNER JOIN
                      v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM ON v_R_System.ResourceID = v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM.ResourceID
 Where v_R_User.Mail0 <> ''
ORDER BY 'User Full Name'

From here I would like to generate an e-mail to each user (like mail merge) to each user in the table an include their machine name. I can do it with PS, but rather have it run directly from SQL. Is it possible?

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Transact SQL :: Fine Tune Procedure / Accessed By Multiple Users

Oct 13, 2015

i have a report that runs on a huge table rpt.AgentMeasures  , it has 10 months worth of data (150 million records as of today and will keep increasing).  i have pasted my proc below , the other tables that are joined to this huge table do not have more then 3k records.This report will be accessed by multiple users (expecting 20 ppl). as of now this reports runs for 5 mins if i pull for 1 month worth of data. if it is wise to use temp tables.

ALTER proc [rpt].[Get_Metrics]
@Medium Varchar(max),
@footPrint varchar(max),


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Transact SQL :: Cleanup Suspect Databases

Sep 26, 2015

After cloning our production SQL 2012 server to make DEV environment, there is a bunch of databases in "Suspect" mode. This is because the DB's and Logs have got out of sync.I can clean up each DB with this script:


but this takes a long time replacing DB_NAME and executing for each DB.I tried putting it all into a script with variables, but I have done something wrong and it does not work. Also is there a way to just apply it to the suspect DB's?

USE master
DECLARE @dbname sysname, @cmd varchar(1000), @cmd1 varchar(1000), @cmd2 varchar(1000), @cmd3 varchar(1000), @cmd4 varchar(1000)
DECLARE db_recovery_cursor CURSOR FOR
SELECT name from sysdatabases
OPEN db_recovery_cursor


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Transact SQL :: Getting Error When Trying To Union All Between Two Databases?

Nov 13, 2015

I am having an issue when trying to union all between two databases.

This is the error:

Implicit conversion of varchar value to varchar cannot be performed because the collation of the value is unresolved due to a collation conflict.

I have updated the collation in both DB to Latin1_General_CI_AS and I am still getting the error when running the query.

The queries run separately ok.  why I am still getting the collation error.

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Disconnect The User

Jun 28, 2004

I'm trying to detach my database.But i couldn't do that coz there are some users connected to it. So how can i disconnect them?is there any way to disconnect them from the DB?


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Telnet Disconnect

Nov 5, 2007

Running server 2003. I am running a program from home and am telneting in. When I leave for over 1/2 hour without inputting anything it disconnects me. How can I reset this setting to several hours befor it will disconnect me?

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Transact SQL :: List All File-groups For All Databases?

May 27, 2009

I would like to SELECT all filegroup on an SQL server instance, is that possible?Or only per database?

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Transact SQL :: Combining Two Queries From Different Linked Databases

May 20, 2015

I have 2 DBs located on separate Sql Servers but the DBs are linked. I am querying data from both DBs but want to combine the results. Here is my query but it doesn't seem to be working.

idname, name, address, address2, awardedtoname, suppno
house ON contract.idname = house.idname)
tpd.PropertyNumber AS [Property No], tpd.Address1 + ' , ' + tpd.Address2 AS Estate, tpd.Address1 AS Address1,

[Code] ....

How I could combine the results?

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Transact SQL :: How To Compare Columns On 2 Databases On 2 Different Servers

Aug 12, 2015

I need to compare columns in tables on 1 database on one server versus the same on a 2nd server.

I'm looking for added columns in dbase 1.

Is there a system T-SQL script that can be used for this?

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Package To Scheduled Job Disconnect

Jul 21, 2007

The package has 15 DTS 2000 tasks that execute sequentially, depending on 15 successes. The 15th task then invokes 11 more DTS 2000 tasks simultaneously which each invoke a mail task on their success. The package is saved as part of a valid project. The entire package is successful executing within Visual Studio -- 37 green boxes. I move the package as file system .dtsx to my database as a stored package within MSDB and then schedule it as a job via SQL Agent invoking the MSDB stored package.

The package has a log file referenced in the scheduled job for errors and diagnostics while each of the 26 Transforms Data Tasks within the DTS 2000 packages writes to a fully qualified exception file on my server. The log and exception files have valid data when the package runs in Visual Studio but the exception files are untouched when the job fails and the log only references one of the 11 dependent steps with a job failed message. SQL tables are updated and files created from the Visual Studio execution but nothing is created when the job fails.

I am assuming there is a disconnect with the way I am moving the package to the scheduled job but I don't know what the problem is. Can anyone help?


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Transact SQL :: Script Not Running For Databases Other Than Master Database

Jun 5, 2015

Script only displays the result for 'Master' database. 

What changes are required for script to display result for all databases on the instance?

SELECT DB_Name() AS DatabaseName, OBJECT_NAME(ind.OBJECT_ID) AS TableName, AS IndexName, indexstats.index_type_desc AS IndexType, 
FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) indexstats 
INNER JOIN sys.indexes ind  
ON ind.object_id = indexstats.object_id 
AND ind.index_id = indexstats.index_id 
WHERE indexstats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 30 and indexstats.page_count >1000
ORDER BY indexstats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent DESC

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