Transact SQL :: Self Linked Server For Purpose Of Alias?
Oct 2, 2015
basically, we have two databases, one with fix name, eg. DB1 in all environments, and another is named with prefix based on environment, eg. DB2_DEV, DB2_TEST, that is generated by some managed application.Â
Then we have queries or view/SPs residing in the first database, eg. DB1 that access database resources from the second database, DB2_***. Both databases are residing in the same SQL instance.
Currently, we have hardcoded the database name in the query but would prefer not to manually rename or write other scripts to update the query with the correct database name when deploying to other environments.
For example:
SELECT * FROM DB2_DEV.dbo.vAccounts
When deploy to TEST, we need to update the query to:
SELECT * FROM DB2_TEST.dbo.vAccounts
So, I looked at Synonyms but it seems it can only create 'alias' for tables or views, and not database.
Hence, last thought is to create self linked server, so I can write my query like below and setup the linked server accordingly.
SELECT * FROM SRCDB.dbo.vAccounts
Any consideration to think of, eg. performance, security, etc?
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May 27, 2014
As a database developer, I have so many databases that I "own" scattered across various servers that it''s getting difficult to remember where all of my databases reside. It doesn't work that the DBAs have taken to some very hard to remember server naming conventions.
I was going to create aliases via the configuration manager, but it turns out the DBAs overwrite my entries each night with THEIR aliases and they won't add any for my use.
So I decided to simply add some records to my host file so that instead of having to connect to "SERVER-AD_DADF-DAFDASS" I can just use "CustomerA".
This solution seems to work until I tried to access a linked server. If I connect to the main server via it's actual name, I can hit the remote/linked server with no issue. However, if I connect to the main server using it's alias, connection to the remote/linked server fails with: Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON'.
The linked server is set up to use current security context and I'm not logging into the alias any differently that I do when using the actual server name.
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Apr 4, 2008
Can someone please shed some light on what seems to me to be a common requirement.
If I create an alias or linked server to Server1 - say Alias1 - on Server1 and then use that name in a query on Server1, a remote/distributed query is always used (even though we are running on the local server and that overhead is completely unnecessary).
Is SQL Server really not capable of deciding that
select * from Alias1.db1.dbo.table1
select * from Server1.db1.dbo.table1
should be optimized and executed exactly the same when Alias1 is Server1, but that it is a distributed query ONLY when Alias1 is really referring to a remote server? I realize that the four part name is not necessary when I am referring to objects on the current server, but I am trying to write code that is server instance independent.
It just seems that if that is not possible, then the only way to create system independent stored procs that can run in dev, staging, and production environments and work with multiple databases on multiple servers is to create all sorts of scripts to regenerate all the procs whenever you move a database between servers?
If SQL Server is even close to the enterprise big iron server that MS now claims it is, it surely needs to support running in dev, staging, and production environments and work with multiple databases on multiple servers?!
I'm really looking for someone to tell me I'm missing something simple, and of course you can do this - but complex workarounds are invited too :-)
This is not something I am investigating as an academic exercise, I am already doing this, but I have to figure out how to do it better because with all these unnecessary distributed queries, performance is horrible.
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Jul 18, 2015
use Northwind
,Cast(dbo.Orders.OrderDate As DATE)Order_DateÂ
, dbo.Customers.CustomerIDÂ
, dbo.Customers.CompanyNameÂ
, dbo.Products.ProductName
I cannot use the alias field names as part of additional calculations for new columns.Â
total_Amount and  Grand_Total cannot be done with my skill level.
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Aug 28, 2015
Is it possible to pull name & email from Active Directory using SSMS w/o a linked server connection?
And this would be using SQL 2008
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Jul 12, 2015
I am trying to compare Sales value of year 2015 with sales value of 2016 and the difference stored in alias column as Sales_growth for year 2016 , for year 2015 the alias column be as '1' similarly difference between margin of 2015 and 2016 and result stored in alias column as margin_rate in year 2016for 2015 as 1 but when there is no record for year 2015 and record present in 2016 for a given (month, SM,SG,CUST,SP) then the alias column sales_growth and margin_rate should be 100Â
Formula for calculation
SGR = (sales(2015)-sales (2016)) / Sales_growth(2015)
SGR = (3456.05-3603.33) /3456.05 = -0.043
MR =( margin (2015)-margin( 2016) / margin(2015)
MR = (1059.24-1053.07)/1059.24= 0.006
last record : as there is no record  for year 2015 and record present in 2016 for a given (month, SM,SG,CUST,SP) then the alias column sales_growth and margin_rate should be 100
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Oct 14, 2015
I am familiar with the sp_MSForEachDBand the USE Parameter I did Google and found [URL]
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Sep 24, 2015
I have set up two SQL server (e.g. Server1 and Server2) which are set up to use Windows Authentication with my login (e.g. login1).On Server1 I have created a linked server to Server2, I have then selected the Security tab and added my local login and selected impersonate. I have then selected ‘Be Made using the login’s current security context’.I then receive the error message ‘The linked server has been updated but failed a connection test. Do you want to edit the linked server properties?’
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Oct 19, 2015
I need to replicate database from one of LINKED server to another SQL instance on a different server. What will be a best way to achive this ? I'm using MS SQL server 2008 r2
- Should I just take a backup of my current database and restore it (Will this also cover up access to objects for different users, or do I need to write a separate script for it).
-Should I go to TASK > generate scripts and create one... Here I believe I need to additionally take care of access rights, indexes, constraints.
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Sep 20, 2015
I'm executing a sp name [uspGeneral_Getinfo]. It return a global temporary table's name and I want to get data from that table.
[] = Linked Server
Declare@LinkedServer varchar(40)='[].DBPharm.dbo.',@OutPutTableName varchar(50)=' ',@SQL nvarchar(max)Set@LinkedServer=Rtrim(Ltrim(@LinkedServer))Set@SQL=' Declare @OutPutTableName varchar(50),@SQL nvarchar(max) EXEC '+@LinkedServer+'[uspGeneral_GetDomainDataNew] 9,null, @OutPutTableName OutPut '+' Set @SQL='''+'Select * from '''+'+ @OutPutTableName'+' Exec sp_executesql @SQL 'Select@SQL
Above code are executing from another server [].But getting an error that .I can't able to search where the temp table created in linked serve tempdb or ...?
Database name 'tempdb' ignored, referencing object in tempdb.
Database name 'tempdb' ignored, referencing object in tempdb.
Database name 'tempdb' ignored, referencing object in tempdb.
Database name 'tempdb' ignored, referencing object in tempdb.
Msg 208, Level 16, State 0, Line 38
Invalid object name '##table1FD1B81Bx4EAFx4FFDx9F6Fx15B77B6445F'.
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Oct 7, 2015
We have migrated a database (myDb2014)Â to a SQL Server 2014 instance. We have another on a 2008R2 instance (myDb2008). Both on the same server.
I have setup a linked server to the 2014 instance from the 2008R2 one.
I have a number of sprocs on myDb2008 that call TVFs and sprocs on myDb2014. This worked fine when they were both on the same instance.
Now however, I have an issue where I would have to update all the references in each calling query.
I looked into creating Synonyms but this only works for Tables/Views.
Is there a workaround to querying myDb2014 TVFs/sprocs without having to update each calling query in myDb2008?
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Jun 18, 2015
I have a database that is off site, it has a database one it that I have a Linked server connection to. We have no other means of connecting to that server database except via that linked server connection. Is there a way I can Copy eplicatemoves etc... that database to an internal server with out doing it table by table. It is apx 80gig dbÂ
Copying a backup file is not an option either, and Mailing it on media make it a significant delay.
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Oct 29, 2015
I have configured a Linked Server with Active Directory (LDAP), working properly.
Now, through this Linked Server, I need information about password expiration date in my AD Domain accounts.
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Jul 22, 2015
Error below was returned from an agent job:
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI11" for linked server returned message "Query timeout expired". [SQLSTATE 01000]
A linked Server was set up against a remote database to backup a database and it runs perfectly well when executed directly against the remote server but returns the above error when set up through Sql Server Agent. Permissions are good as the step returns success. I reset the query timeout property to zero but error persist. What else should I be looking at to make this work?
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Nov 24, 2015
We will be moving 2 different databases (SS2005 & SS2008) to a new SS2014 SQL Server.  Currently our codes looks something like Server1DBInstance1... & Server2DBInstance2... Is it possible to move the objects from these 2 instances to Server3DBInstance3 and then use an alias to reference the objects?  Or does Server3 need to have DBInstance1 & DBIstance2?  Basically, is the alias just for the database or for the instance too?  Can I create an alias "Server1DBInstance1' on Server3DBInstance3 and assign objects to that alias?
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Feb 21, 2008
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May 17, 2006
hello sirspurpose OUTPUT keyword with examples
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Jan 29, 2007
Hi All
Does anybody know what the "NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM" login create during a SQL Server 2005 instillation is used for?
Does this login pose a security risk, and can it be removed safely? It seems to me as if it is similar to the "BultinAdministrator" login which we remove from our production servers?
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Oct 21, 2014
Assume I built a stored proc (dbo.testproc) that will return the OUTPUT parameter @RandomInteger.
I could pass a specific value for the parameter...
EXEC dbo.testproc 7
Or I could return a value from the proc...
DECLARE @ReturnInteger
EXEC dbo.testproc @RandomInteger = @ReturnInteger OUTPUT
SELECT @ReturnInteger
But I want to do both which, if this actually worked, might look like this...
DECLARE @RandomInteger
SET @RandomInteger = 7
EXEC dbo.testproc @RandomInteger = @ReturnInteger OUTPUT
SELECT @ReturnInteger
I want to pass a specific value and return the result from the proc. Do I need to use two parameters for this?
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May 16, 2014
We have a gaming application which generates transactional data in MongoDB which eventually sends the data to SQL Server and it is in JSON format. This data needs to be used for reporting tool but visualizing this data in forms of a table is proving to be difficult. One example of a column we receive is:
{responseCode:0 transactionId:null amount:200.00 message:account balance }
We need to build a sort of ETL or batch job but need to interpret this in a form which SQL Server can understand.
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May 20, 2015
I have 2 DBs located on separate Sql Servers but the DBs are linked. I am querying data from both DBs but want to combine the results. Here is my query but it doesn't seem to be working.
idname, name, address, address2, awardedtoname, suppno
house ON contract.idname = house.idname)
tpd.PropertyNumber AS [Property No], tpd.Address1 + ' , ' + tpd.Address2 AS Estate, tpd.Address1 AS Address1,
[Code] ....
How I could combine the results?
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Mar 25, 2002
Hi ,
On my Desktop i registered Production Server in Enterprise Manager
on that Server if i go to SecurityLinked Servers
There is another Server is already mapped, when i am trying to see the Tables under that one of the
Linked Server i am getting the Error message saying that
"Error 17 SQL Server does not exist or access denied"
if i went to Production Server location and if i try to see the tables i am able to see properly, no problems
why i am not able to see from my Desk top
i am using the sa user while mapping the Production Server on my DESKTOP using (ENTERPRISE MANAGER)
And i check the Client Network Utility in the Alias using Named Pipe only, i changed to TCP/IP still same problem
What might the Problem how can i see the Tables in Linked Server from my DESKTOP
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Apr 24, 2015
I am using Linked Server in SQL Server 2008R2 connecting to a couple of Linked Servers.
I was able to connect Linked Servers, but I cannot point to a specific database in a Linked Server, also, I cannot rename Linked Server's name.
How to point the linked server to a specific database? How to rename the Linked Server?
The following is the code that I am using right now:
USE [master]
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver
   @server = N'Machine123Instance456',
   @srvproduct=N'SQL Server' ;
EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'Machine123Instance456', 'false', NULL, 'username', 'password'Â Â
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Jul 18, 2006
Is there a way to bypass the syntax checking when adding a stored procedure via a script?
I have a script that has a LINKed server reference (see below) .
ACTDMSLINKED does not exist at the time I need to add the stored procedure that references it.
PLEASE to not tell me to add the LINK and then run the script. This is not an option in this scenerio.
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May 13, 2004
how to add a alias to a server?
I have gone through BOL where it says it can be done thru right click agent -->> connections and configure alias.
i want to know if i configure a alias to a server from a client is it valid for other connections also?
meaning there are two database servers A and B
i add alias to server A by using client network utilities on server B,
then is this alias available if i try to connect to the server A thro some other server c?
hope this is not that confusing as it sounds. ;)
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Mar 17, 2008
Is there any way to refer to an Alias in a select statement? For example, if I create an expression that sums to fields together and give it the alias TOTAL, and then in another field I want to create and other expresssion that multiplies a field by TOTAL, what is the syntax?
In MS Access the Alias name is surrounded by brackets, but I can't seem to find a way to do this with SQL Server.
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Dec 24, 2007
We have a SQL 2000 installation on a server called SATURN that has been around for a while. We've installed a new SQL 2005 installation on a server called DEIMOS. Our intention is to move all the databases that are currently on SATURN, to DEIMOS.
I've just been looking at the config settings, and it's suddenly occurred to me that the ability to set Server Aliases might save me quite a bit of work. What I'm thinking is setting a new alias on DEIMOS called SATURN. Then I won't need to go round the various applications changing the connection properties.
Does this sound reasonable?
I intend uninstalling SQL 2000 from SATURN, but the server itself will stay - is that ok?
What will happen if SQL comes alive on the server SATURN while the alias is in place - effectively there will be 2 servers responding to SATURN. I ask this because my intention is to shut down all the SQL services on SATURN, set up the alias, and once I'm happy with the testing, then uninstall. Just wondering what will happen if for some reason the services were restarted before I finish.
Is there anything else I need to consider?Regards,
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Jul 17, 2015
I'd like to modify the dates within this where clause to be dynamic, building the date depending on the current year, but everything I try doesn't seem to be syntactically correct.
FROM Openquery(LS_CIS, 'select * from BI_WRKFLW_TASKS where (BI_EVENT_DT_TM>=''1/1/2011'' and (BI_NEEDED_DT_TM>=''1/1/2011''))OR (BI_EVENT_DT_TM>=''1/1/2011'' and BI_NEEDED_DT_TM is null)') AS derivedtbl_1
I'd like to replace ''1/1/2011''Â in the where clause with something like:
CAST(CAST(YEAR (GETDATE())-4 AS varchar) + '-' + CAST(01 AS varchar) + '-' + CAST(01 AS varchar) AS DATETIME)
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Dec 1, 2007
Today I found a problem with alias name during retrieving values from database table with alias name. My query was like as following:
========================================================SelectEmpID,Case EmpNameOrEmpFirstLastNameWhen ‘EN’ ThenEmpNameElse--EmpLast + “, � + EmpFirst
EmpLast + ', ' + EmpFirstEnd As EmpName,CityFrom tblEmployeeWhere EmpName LIKE ‘N%’=======================================================
When I execute this query I get all the record which contains the N% in EmpName as well as from FirstName. As you know that should not because I give alias name EmpName to EmpLast + ', ' + EmpFirst. But here the problem is we cannot use the alias name in Where condition.
I resolve this problem by using #temp table like the following:=======================================================SelectEmpID,Case EmpNameOrEmpFirstLastNameWhen ‘EN’ ThenEmpNameElse--EmpLast + “, � + EmpFirst
EmpLast + ', ' + EmpFirstEnd As EmpName,CityInto #tmpEmployeeFrom tblEmployee
Select * from #tmpEmployee where EmpName LIKE ‘N%’=======================================================
It really very simple, isn’t it? You can use the reference link:Reference:
So friends enjoy, we are the Sql Master:)Regards,Vijay Modi
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Apr 3, 2002
I have a SQL Server 6.5 db on a server, we need to migrate SQL Server to another server.
We have about 400 users connected to an OBCD driver pointing to the original server and
would like to connect them to the new server.
How can I do this without changing all the users OBCD settings?
Is there a function to alias the new server?
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Apr 25, 2001
I understand there is a way for a user to connect to a SQL Server
using an ALIAS ( i.e. I am connected with one instance using the
name DUBAY and now I want to make another connection with my
ALias - George). I'd appreciate anyone telling me how to do this.
Thanks in advance.
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Jan 17, 2008
I am moving my Sql Server installation to a larger machine. In doing so, I don't want to change everyone's connection settings. Does anyone see any issues with using an DNS alias to connect to the new server?
Using the same name is not an option per the windows admin group that is provisioning the machine.
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Oct 6, 2006
In DTS 2000 when you created a connection you could use a server alias (as created in the network client utility) as the servername. When I try to use a server alias in connection mgr(I am using Native Client) it fails to connect with the standard error: "Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. Login timeout expired. etc etc...
Has anyone had success using a server alias? (Yes i set up the alias using sql configuration mgr)
The problem I am trying to solve is I have dev/test/production environments that I want to move this package to and I don't want to have to change any server name properties within the package when moving to the different environments.
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