Transact SQL :: Set Fields To Auto Increment Primary Keys In Bulk
Aug 4, 2015
I have imported a whole bunch of tables. Most of them have an ID (int) column. Is there a way to set the ID columns across all tables to auto increment Primary Keys in bulk?
I have recently been looking at a database and wondered if anyone can tell me what the advantages are supporting a unique collumn, which can essentially be seen as the primary key, with an identity seed integer primary key.
For example:
id [unique integer auto incremented primary key - not null], ClientCode [unique index varchar - not null], name [varchar null], surname [varchar null]
isn't it just better to use ClientCode as the primary key straight of because when one references the above table, it can be done easier with the ClientCode since you dont have to do a lookup on the ClientCode everytime.
How do I make a Primary Key in a table automatically increment as a new row of data is entered? do i have to do it with a trigger?? if so what is the code behind it....what I have is a Applicant table, which holds the ApplicantID (<<<needs auto incremented), FirstName, LastName, Address, City, State, Zip, and PhoneNumber. I enter all the other information through visual web developer, and what I need to do when the hit submit on the form with the data i want to automatically set an id right there. any suggestions will help!
Hi all,I have a table where I have my ProdPK set up as Primary key, turned on "Is Identity" and set the Identity increment to 1. But each time I add a new item, the number incremented by 2... I have couple of other tables and they are all fine, just this particular table increased twice as it should. I check the setting against other tables and everything seems to be the same. By the way, this is adding the data to the table inside MS SQL Server Management Studio manually. I haven't done anything in the ASP.NET page yet. Thank you very much,Kenny.
Dear all, I am using SQL express 2005 in visual studio 2008. I would like to use Form View to insert new record in the table. There is a column call "id". I think it is too stupid to let user enter a unique identifier instead of generating by the system. I know how to generate a random integer number in a normal TextBox. However, when I edit the InsertItemTemplate, I cannot modified the value of that textbox. For example, i couldn't use "TextBox1.Text = temp;" here. How can I achieve to change this TextBox's value by the system that I would like to generate a random interger. Thanks a lot. Regards, Eric Chan
I was just wondering on a very simple database table with lets say a primary key set to columb ID and another columb lets say products, can you make the primary key automaticly increment its self whenever a new entry has been put in?For instance say I have this table set up with ID Being the primary KEY, Columb 1 = ID( INT ), Columb 2 = Products ( VarChar(50) ), and have the fields ID = 1, and products = my product.....and if a user inserts a new record say from a gridview or some sort of data entry the second ID Feild will automaticly be 2 and the products gets updated per user input.......I'm very sorry but I'm having a hard time putting this into words for some reason..umm basicly user adds something into the products feild and the ID field automaticly increments one number higher from the last one?ThanksAdam.
Ok - I have two tables that are relational. I have been inserted data into the tables because of testing. I also have been deleting data. My question is how do I reset the auto-incremented Primary key values. For example: Primary key of table one is bizID. Well there are only 3 record currently in the table. The bizIDs are 1-3. If I insert another record the bizID will be 88 because that was the next auto-incremented number. I obviously deleted the other records. I want to start the primary key value over from zero. How do I accomplish this? thnks
How to auto increment an alphanumeric Primary Key in SQL? :( Because I want to add something like this in the Primary Key, for example i'll add a new data with an alphanumeric value of ABC-0001, then I'll add another 1, and it auto increments to ABC-0002 and so on.. How can I do it? And if I'll add a new alpha character in the Primary Key field, for example DEF-0001, then I'll add another and it auto increments to 002, and so on, and it will go back to 0001 if i'll use another combination of alpha characters. for example, i'll add a new alpha character AAA, will it go back to 0001 or it will continue? T___T I hope u get my point.. I want my table to look like this if i have added the dataABC-0001ABC-0002DEF-0001DEF-0002AAA-0001then if il add a new 1, for example ABCit will auto increment to 0003 in the same field, it will look like this after addingABC-0001ABC-0002ABC-0003DEF-0001DEF-0002AAA-0001Will it be possible? :(
Hi, So I'm having an issue with a SqlTransaction and retrieving the auto-increment ID after an insert. Presumably this is because I have to commit the transaction before the ID's are generated, but I need the ID's before I commit the transaction (because their is another part of the transaction that requires them). Is there any way to get these id's other than maybe getting the Max(ID) and auto-incrementing them myself in code to what they will be when the transaction is committed. If this is the best way how do I ensure no other connections can insert stuff while this transaction is going on? Or is there a better way to do this whole thing? (i don't know really know how to do stored procedures, and presumably this would be the best way, but is there a good way to do it not Stored Procedures) Thanks!
Just when I though I knew what I was doing. I ran into a roadblock.I have two tables, organizations & usersI am building a form online for orgs to input their own information.How do I insert into both tables when the org table needs to know what theuser_id is, but the user_id hasn't been created until the form is submitted?Any help or request for additional info would be more than great.Thanks!
Hi guys,I followed the official tutorial to create a DAL & Business Logic Layer ( I have a table with a int ID field. I wish to write a function to add a new entry into this table but have the ID field auto-increment.The ID field is set as the Identity Column and has a Identity Increment & Seed of "1". If I manually go to the table and insert a new record leaving the ID value null it automatically increments. But if I create a C# function to add a new entry I get an error saying that the ID field can't be Null. Is there any way to use the Update method as shown on line 14 below to add a new entry but with it automatically incrementing? I did create a function called InsertDevice that simply inserts the other fields using a SQL INSERT and it auto-increments fine, just wondering if there is a way to do it using the DataTable and the Update method? Thanks for any help!!! 1 public bool AddDevice(string make, string model) 2 { 3 //cannot have the same device entered twice! 4 if (Adapter.FillDeviceCountByMakeModel(make, model) == 1) 5 return false; 6 7 RepositoryDataSet.DevicesDataTable devices = new RepositoryDataSet.DevicesDataTable(); 8 RepositoryDataSet.DevicesRow device = devices.NewDevicesRow(); 9 10 device.make = make; 11 device.model = model; 12 13 devices.AddDevicesRow(device); << Error thrown Here! 14 int rows_affected = Adapter.Update(devices); 15 16 return rows_affected == 1; 17 }
I have a (1) date field and (2) an auto-incrementing ID field that always throw me errors when I'm doing a programmatic insert.
(1) After doing many searches on the subject, I don't think I'm using the correct syntax for the date and can't find any suggestion that works. Would appreciate your knowledge on correct SQL syntax for inserting a "today's date" field.
(2) I'm using the following code to create a new auto-incrementing ID for each record but it seems that there should be a smoother method to force the field's value to auto-increment. Any ideas?
Private objCmd As SqlCommand Private strConn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("conn"))...objCmd = New SqlCommand("select max(ClientID) from tblClients", strConn)Dim intClientID As Int16 = objCmd.ExecuteNonQuery + 1
Hello all,I'm a total newbie with SQL Server 2000 and I have a little problem whenmoving a database form Access 2000 to SQL Server 2000.In the Access database, each table has an auto-increment field.After importing the tables in SQL Server, all the auto-increment fieldsare turned into "int" type fields.Does anybody have an explanation for that mystery?Thanks in advance,Yan
i would to make a column contains of 3 characters and 6 auto increment numbers (example: "DLL - 123456")
and made it primary key and which data type i should use. i do not know whether i use after insert trigger in two columns one for three characters and another for code which has identity property >>>so please help me
Ok, so I've broken down and decided to write myself an invoicing program. I'd like to use GUID fields as the Primary Keys in my table. Now, I basicly bill for two seperate items:
Deliverables and Services.
So, my Layout's gonna look something like
Create Table Invoice( ID UniqueIdentifier Primary Key, -- Other Data );
Create Deliverable( ID uniqueidentifier Primary Key, ParentInvoice uniqueidentifier, -- Other data); --...
Im sure there are probems with that as it's written feel free to edify me as to what they are.
my questions are such:
1) Does a uniqueidentifier field automagically get a value? 2) If not how do I generate one in TSQL? 3) If so, what do I use to store my Foreign Keys. 4) How do I declare my Foreign key constraints?
I've attempted to identify a primary and foreign key in these two tables, but I am getting a bunch of errors re duplicate keys and column names needing to be unique.Perhaps the primary and foreign key I have identified don't meet the criteria?
CREATE TABLE StockNames ( -- Added Primary key to [stock_symbol] [stock_symbol] VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT PK_stock_symbol PRIMARY KEY, [stock_name] VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL, [stock_exchange] VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
We have upgraded our SQL 2008 server to 2012 last month. i've noted since then that many tables that have auto increment primary key bigint field increases by 1 like it should, then for some reason it jumps up by 1000 or even 10000? i have seed adn auto increment set to 1 but doesnt effect it. Is there anything that could be causing the next value to jump that much?
I wanted to find all occurrences of ADRSCODE in a Database where ADRSCODE is in either an Index or a Primary Key.
I know how to get all of the occurences of ADRSCODE in a database and the table associated with it, I just want to tack on the Index and/or primary key.
I Have a table that needs to have 2 unique number.
detail_id and detail_print_id.
detail_id is already an IDENTITY.
both fields need to be different, because when importing, it imports the same data into a table twice, with only a slight data change (and id is not one of the changes).
So I thought i could do the following:
detail_id INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,2), detail_print_id INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(2,2), --blah blah
that way, the detail_id will always be odd, and the detail_print_id will always be even. however SQL Server 2005 only allows 1 identity per table, and both these fields need to be auto generated when the field is inserted, so as to prevent double data.
is there anyway I can create a int column to auto increment, without the column being an IDENTITY??
also, I would prefer to not have to create a second table with a single column just for this work.
I have an MS SQL Server table with a Job Number field I need this field to start at a certain number then auto increment from there. Is there a way to do this programatically or within MSDE?
I'm going through my tables and rewriting them so that I can create relationship-based constraints and create foreign keys among my tables. I didn't have a problem with a few of the tables but I seem to have come across a slightly confusing hiccup.
Here's the query for my Classes table:
This statement runs without problems and I Create the relationship with my Users table just fine, having renamed it to teacher_id. I have a 1:n relationship between users and tables AND an n:m relationship because a user can be a student or a teacher, the difference is one field, user_type, which denotes what type of user a person is. In any case, the relationship that's 1:n from users to classes is that of the teacher instructing the class. The problem exists when I run my query for the intermediary table between the class and the gradebook:
CREATE TABLE Classes_have_Grades ( class_id INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
Query Analyzer spits out: Quote: Originally Posted by Query Analyzer There are no primary or candidate keys in the referenced table 'Classes' that match the referencing column list in the foreign key 'Classes_have_gradesFKIndex2'. Now, I know in SQL Server 2000 you can only have one primary key. Does that mean I can have a multi-columned Primary key (which is in fact what I would like) or does that mean that just one field can be a primary key and that a table can have only the one primary key?
In addition, what is a "candidate" key? Will making the other fields "Candidate" keys solve my problem?
ALTER TABLE [Students] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Students_Schools] FOREIGN KEY([SchoolId]) REFERENCES [Schools] ([SchoolId])
What kind of index would ensure best performance for INSERTs/UPDATEs, so that SQL Server can most efficiently check the FK constraints? Would it be simply:
CREATE INDEX IX_Students_SchlId ON Students (SchoolId) Or CREATE INDEX IX_Students_SchlId ON Students (SchoolId, StudentId)
In other words, what's best practice for adding an index which best supports a Foreign Key constraint?
Pls let me know How I generate script for All primary keys and foreign keys in a table. Thereafter that can be used to add primary keys and foreign keys in another databse with same structure.
Also how I script default and other constraints of a table?
It's been a long time since I've had to check an index for the highest value, then add 1, to create a new unique key. These past few years, it seems this is usually done for you. But now that I'm working with MS-SQL, I don't see it. Is it there? It's doesn't seem to be inherent in the definition.
Hello, Firstly Hello to everyone I'm new the forum and fairly new to .net I'm working on web datbase application using visual studios 05 and MS SQL05 I've used 2003 (briefly) before but 2005 is very new to me. To my problem I download the GUI interface from microsoft so I can now setup a local database and do my own testing. I have created the table and fields with in it however on a particular table i have made a primary Key and left it as an INT but I would like to set it as auto increment ! I dont know how to select that option as i was used to mysql way of doing things or does this have to be done as a stored procedure ? Any assistance much appreciated.
I am very new to using SQL server 7. I've always used mysql in the past. I cant figure out howto create a autoincrementing key for my tables... is it possible to do in SQL7?? If so.. how.. i thought you just set the datatype to auto increment etc...
I would like to avoid using a cursor. I am updating several rows in a table with sequential numbers starting at a number I pass into the Stored Procedure. Is there a way to do this with one update statement?
Users for a long time have been able to post new topics in our forums. However, a short time ago, the some users began to experience problems. What I have narrowed it down to is that upon inserting into the table, sometimes id value for the topic is the same as an id that is already in the table, so it fails to insert the record (due to a constraint). However, the topic id column is an auto-increment column and should just assign the next number for the id value.
I have important a table from mircosoft access into ms sql server 2000, I've created a new ID row and set the primary key - but I need to use the ID from microsoft access as well. therefore I'd like to add an auto increment +1 on the old access ID field... but how do I do that?