Transact SQL :: Storing Parameter Value Used By Scalar Function

May 14, 2015

I've a scalar function which is killing my performance. I've been used the SQL profiler and also DMVs to catch execution information. I'd like to store the value received by this function and also the time that it happened, but I can't think in a way to do it.

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SQL XML :: Scalar Valued Function Slow Querying XML Passed As Parameter

May 28, 2015

I have a procedure that calls a SVF to convert an xmldocument. The ultimate purpose is to update the xml in a column in a multi-million row table. The xml is stored as varchar(MAX), it was supposed to carry any type of text, initially at least.

My question is: why is the xml-parsing performed inside the function much slower when i pass the xmldocument as type xml than when it is passed as varchar(MAX) and the CAST to xml is within the function? Does processing the xml input parameter in SlowFunction involve expensive crossing of some context border?

The two versions of the SVF (they return the rowcount in this simplified example):

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[FastFunction]
@inDetaljerText varchar(MAX)

[Code] ....

The two versions of the SP

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[FastProcedure]

[Code] ....

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Using A Scalar Valued Function As A Parameter Of A Table Valued Function?

Feb 1, 2006

Ok, I'm pretty knowledgable about T-SQL, but I've hit something that seems should work, but just doesn't...
I'm writing a stored procedure that needs to use the primary key fields of a table that is being passed to me so that I can generate what will most likely be a dynamically generated SQL statement and then execute it.
So the first thing I do, is I need to grab the primary key fields of the table.  I'd rather not go down to the base system tables since we may (hopefully) upgrade this one SQL 2000 machine to 2005 fairly soon, so I poke around, and find sp_pkeys in the master table.  Great.  I pass in the table name, and sure enough, it comes back with a record set, 1 row per column.  That's exactly what I need.
Umm... This is the part where I'm at a loss.  The stored procedure outputs the resultset as a resultset (Not as an output param).  Now I want to use that list in my stored procedure, thinking that if the base tables change, Microsoft will change the stored procedure accordingly, so even after a version upgrade my stuff SHOULD still work.  But... How do I use the resultset from the stored procedure?  You can't reference it like a table-valued function, nor can you 'capture' the resultset for use using the  syntax like:
DECLARE @table table@table=EXEC sp_pkeys MyTable
That of course just returns you the RETURN_VALUE instead of the resultset it output.  Ugh.  Ok, so I finally decide to just bite the bullet, and I grab the code from sp_pkeys and make my own little function called fn_pkeys.  Since I might also want to be able to 'force' the primary keys (Maybe the table doesn't really have one, but logically it does), I decide it'll pass back a comma-delimited varchar of columns that make up the primary key.  Ok, I test it and it works great.
Now, I'm happily going along and building my routine, and realize, hey, I don't really want that in a comma-delimited varchar, I want to use it in one of my queries, and I have this nice little table-valued function I call split, that takes a comma-delimited varchar, and returns a table... So I preceed to try it out...
SELECT *FROM Split(fn_pkeys('MyTable'),DEFAULT)
Syntax Error.  Ugh.  Eventually, I even try:
SELECT *FROM Split(substring('abc,def',2,6),DEFAULT)
Syntax Error.
Hmm...What am I doing wrong here, or can't you use a scalar-valued function as a parameter into a table-valued function?
SELECT *FROM Split('bc,def',DEFAULT) works just fine.
So my questions are:
Is there any way to programmatically capture a resultset that is being output from a stored procedure for use in the stored procedure that called it?
Is there any way to pass a scalar-valued function as a parameter into a table-valued function?
Oh, this works as well as a work around, but I'm more interested in if there is a way without having to workaround:
DECLARE @tmp varchar(8000)
SET @tmp=(SELECT dbo.fn_pkeys('MyTable'))
FROM Split(@tmp,DEFAULT)

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Transact SQL :: Passing Table Parameter To A Function

Nov 3, 2015

I have a function which accepts table parmeter. i have created a view and i need to use this function.

How can i do it. how can i pass dim table into the @table variable

select * from dim cross apply fnc_user(@table variable)

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Transact SQL :: Invalid Length Parameter Passed To LEFT Or SUB-STRING Function

Jul 22, 2015

when I am trying to perform below query,
    SELECT TOP 100 *

I am getting Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function.

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Transact SQL :: Pass Parameter To Convert Function To Format Decimal Precision Dynamically?

Nov 4, 2015

I want to change decimal precision dynamically without rounding value

For example

10.56788 value for 2 decimal precision is 10.56.
10.56788 value for 3 decimal precision is 10.567.
---CASE 1 without dynamic parameter---------
SELECT CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2),500000.565356) As Amount

[Code] ....

I am getting error as follows......

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 3
Incorrect syntax near '@DECIMALVALUE'

This decimal precision format value will vary  company to company ...

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UD Scalar Function

Mar 5, 2008

I want to add four fields of a table and place the toatal in a new field.Also I wanna have the average of the fields.

For e.g
I have created a marksheet having four subjects.Now I wanna add the subjects and find the average of the subjects and place them in two different fields in the same table along with the respective names in the table.Pls help.

Thanks in advance.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: UDF Scalar Value Function

Jun 24, 2015

I build a UDF scalar function like this:

CREATE FUNCTION VerificaAcessoPerfil
@codigo INT

[Code] ....

Curiously when i call my function the same one return always the same value, ex:

Select VerificaAcessoPerfil(2)

the return value is : 698 ??

but if i run the Select statment like this:

(case codigo WHEN 1 THEN 695
WHEN 11 THEN 697 WHEN 2 THEN 211
WHEN 10 THEN 698 WHEN 13 THEN 696
WHEN 4 THEN 1 END)[codigo]
FROM pf (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN pfu (NOLOCK) ON pfu.pfstamp=pf.pfstamp
WHERE codigo IN (1,11,2,10,13,4)

The value are:


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Scalar Function Columns

Jul 20, 2005

Is it ill-advised to have columns whose values pull from scalar functionsusing other fields in the record as parameters? For example, if I havecreate table a(iID int primary key)create table b(iID int ,iDetail int,CONSTRAINT PK PRIMARY KEY(iID,iDetail),CONSTRAINT FK FOREIGN KEY (iID) REFERENCES a(iID))Let's say in table b I put price information for each detail and in table aI'd like to put a column that sums these prices for the children of eachrecord. Should I make a computed column that references a function usingiID as a parameter? Or would it be better to create a view for this kind ofpurpose?Regards,Tyler

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Use Scalar Function Without WHILE

Jan 19, 2014

I have a scalar function, which calculates the similarity of two strings. I use the following query, to compare the entries of one table against the value 'Test' and return the entries, which have a value > 50:

;WITH cte1 AS (
SELECT b.FirstName,
(SELECT fn_similarity('Test', b.FirstName)) AS [Value],
FROM [AdventureWorks2012].[Person].[Person] b

FROM cte1
WHERE [Value] > 50.00

Now I want to use this query against the first 50 entries of the [Person] table, so that the resultset includes all the values of the first 50 persons and the entries, which are similar to them.

At the moment I use a WHILE-loop and write the five single resultsets in a temporary table. Is there another way / a better way, maybe via a join?

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How To Handle Error In Scalar Function?

Nov 28, 2007

Hi, I have the follow function:

@intHora int, --A valid hour
@intMin int -- A valid minute
RETURNS smalldatetime
declare @strTime smalldatetime
declare @errorvar int

select @strTime=cast(convert(varchar,cast((cast(@intHora as varchar) +':'+ cast(@intMin as varchar)) as smalldatetime),108) as varchar)
return @strTime;

the function works perfect but when the parameter for the hour is a negative number (for example -1), or a number > 23
and the parameter for the minute is an negative number (-1) or a number > 59, the function produce an error.
I need handle this error converting the wrong value in 0, but i don't want to do this using "if statement". for example

if @intHora < 0 or @intHora >23
set @intHora = 0
if @intMin <0 or @intMin>59
set @intMin = 0

please, If someone know some sql function (try - catch doesn't work) to handle this kind of error or some good way to do it, please help me.

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Impossible To Use A Scalar UDF To Pass A Parameter To Another UDF?

Jul 23, 2005

Hello there!I am working with MS SQL Server 2000.I have a table function that takes an integer parameter and returns atable, and I can successfully use it like this (passing a literalas a parameter):SELECT * FROM MyTableFunction(1)or like this (passing a variable as a parameter):DECLARE @i AS intSELECT @i = 10...SELECT * FROM MyTableFunction(@i)Now, if I have another function -- a scalar function that returns aninteger, I cannot find a way to use it to specify the parameter valuefor the first function. For example, when I writeSELECT * FROM MyTableFunction( dbo.MyScalarFunction() )SQL Server issues the following complaint:Incorrect syntax near '.'.I am really perplexed: what I am doing wrong?Interestingly, if I re-write the second snippet asDECLARE @i AS intSELECT @i = dbo.MyScalarFunction()...SELECT * FROM MyTableFunction(@i)everything works just fine; however, this trick cannot be used as aworkaround because I need to pass result of one function as a parameterto another inside a view's code -- I cannot declare variables and writeany procedural code...Any ideas, especially workarounds, would be greatly appreciated.Thank you,Yarik.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Proper Use Of CTE In Scalar Valued Function?

Dec 1, 2014

I have troubles with this scalar-valued UDF:

I get the error:

Select statements included within a function cannot return data to a client.

Is this a proper way to include a CTE in a function?

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[_Pink_FN_StartingDatePLGeographical](@StartingDate AS DATETIME) RETURNS NVARCHAR(20)


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SOLVED: How To Call Scalar Function From JDBC

Jan 28, 2008

As an example, I have a scalar function called TRIM that takes a VARCHAR parameter, does a LTRIM(TRIM(VARCHAR)), and returns the result.

How can I call this function from java using JDBC? I have only had luck calling basic stored procedures, but I need to call functions as well.

Thanks, Ken

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Table Scalar Function Syntax. . How Wrong And How Far Am I?

Aug 3, 2006








Declare @fieldname varchar(10)

Declare @stmt varchar(4000)

Declare Fields Cursor For Select Amounttype From Amounttypes

Set @stmt = 'Select pono, myid, billtype'

Open Fields

Fetch Next From Fields Into @fieldname

While @@Fetch_Status = 0 Begin

Set @stmt = @stmt + ', sum(amountfc * Case When amounttype = ''' + @fieldname + ''' Then 1 Else 0 End) As ' + @fieldname

Fetch Next From Fields Into @fieldname


Close Fields

Deallocate Fields

Set @stmt = @stmt + ' From multiplebillsviewall Group By pono, myId,billtype '

return Exec(@stmt)


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Return NULL From A CLR Scalar-Valued Function

Jul 11, 2007


I have an assembly that contains the following function:

Public Class Lookup

<SqlFunction()> _

Public Shared Function MyTest() As Integer

Return System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64.Null

End Function

End Class

Then in SSMS:


FROM '\machine empmyAssembly.dll'





when I run:

SELECT dbo.MyTest()

the following is returned:

Msg 6522, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate 'MyTest':

System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlNullValueException: Data is Null. This method or property cannot be called on Null values.


at System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64.get_Value()

at System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64.op_Explicit(SqlInt64 x)

at Informed.DCLG.IRS.SQL.IncidentTransform.Lookup.MyTest()

Can anyone please advise on how to return back a null value. Currently, my only other option is to return nothing (actually returns 0) and then wrap this up to convert the value to null - not ideal.



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Display Single Number Using ObjectDataSource Scalar Function

Mar 10, 2008

I wrote a Scalar UDF in SQL2005 that returns an integer.  I want to be able to display this integer in a ASP.Net 2.0 web page.  I typically use a DAL for all data so I added an ObjectDataSource as a Qeury that contains only the UDF.  How do I easily display the value in a Label Control or?
I have tried to use a Repeater with a label, a Formview with a Label, all to no avail.  Any suggestions?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Scalar Function Returning Zero When It Shouldn't

Jun 16, 2015

I have this code:

Declare @sql as varchar(4000)
declare @tbl as varchar(100)
declare @exists as bit
select @tbl = 'ACA_RSF'
select @sql = 'select count(*) from [member_score] where source_tbl = ''' + @tbl + ''''
print @sql
exec (@sql)

and it returns 18 million for a record count.I have this scalar returning function, which models the above, and it returns zero:

select dbo.fnGet_Rec_Count('ACA_RSF') as cnt

here is the code:

alter FUNCTION spGet_Rec_Count
@source_tbl varchar(100)
RETURNS bigint

-- Declare the return variable here

DECLARE @count bigint

-- Add the T-SQL statements to compute the return value here

select @count = (select count(*) from [member_score] where source_tbl = ''' + @tbl + ''')

-- Return the result of the function

RETURN @count

I get zero regardless of where @count is declared as in or bigint.

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Alternate Of Scalar Function For Comma Sepated Selection

Aug 9, 2007

I have 2 Tables as below,

1) Purchase_Invoice
a. PurchaseInvoiceID
b. SupplierName
c. BillNo
d. BillDate
2) Purchase_Invoice_Items
a. PurchaseInvoiceItemID
b. PurhcaseInvoiceID (FK to Purchase_Invoice Table)
c. ItemName
d. Quantity
e. Rate

Now I want to select all the records of Purhcase_Invoice table exactly once with one column at last containing comma separated Item name of particular PurhcaseInvoiceID as below

PurchaseInvoiceID | SupplierName | BillNo | BillDate | Items (Comma Separated Items)

Currently I am using Scalar Function which takes PurchaseInvoiceID as Argument and Returns Comma Separated Itemnames��

It works well but when number of records are large than performance is very poor.

Is there another way of doing same thing? By Join or By some System Function?


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Must Declare The Scalar Variable In Table-valued Function

May 18, 2007

Hi, I'm having trouble with this multi-statement table-valued function:

-- Add the parameters for the function here
@dateStart DATETIME,
Insurer VARCHAR(50),
NumRx CHAR(7),
PatientName VARCHAR(50),
Paid91120 MONEY DEFAULT 0,
Insurer VARCHAR(50),
NumRx CHAR(7),
PatientName VARCHAR(50),
Paid91120 MONEY DEFAULT 0,

SELECT DISTINCT Insurer,NABP,0,0,NumRx,Patient,0,0,0,0,0 FROM Pims;
UPDATE @arTemp SET Claim =
(SELECT SUM(Pims.AmtReq)
WHERE Pims.Insurer = @arTemp.Insurer AND
Pims.NABP = @arTemp.NABP AND
Pims.NumRx = @arTemp.NumRx


I get
Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Procedure MakeArDetail, Line 43
Must declare the scalar variable "@arTemp".

I don't understand why SQL thinks @arTemp is a scalar variable which has to be declared.
If I don't include the UPDATE command the thing works.

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Calling Scalar Valued Function From SSIS OleDB Command Transformation

Mar 2, 2007

Hi There,

I need to call a function to calculate a value. This function accepts a varchar parameter and returns a boolean value. I need to call this function for each row in the dataflow task. I thought I would use an oledb command transformation and for some reason if I say..

'select functioname(?)' as the sqlcommand, it gives me an error message at the design time. In the input/output properties, I have mapped Param_0(external column) to an input column.

I get this erro.."syntax error, ermission violation or other non specific error". Can somebiody please suggest me what's wrong with this and how should I deal this.

Thanks a lot!!

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How To Grant Rights For The Anonymous IIS Web User IUSR_.. To Execute Scalar Function In Assembly

Jul 26, 2006

Dear all,

Basically I want to set chain up the rights so that the anonymous web user IUSR_ .. can execute the new .NET subs, functions etc in the assembly, just as the anonymous web user can execute Stored Procedures when granted. In this way, it should be possible to call the .NET assembly just as classic stored procedures from ASP/ASP.NET.

I have written a .NET function which I can successfully execute if I log on to the database as an administrator by sending this T-SQL query; it returns the result of a given string:

select dbo.CLRHTMLString('abc')

The scenario is now to try to grant access to this assembly for a different role (webuser), which the classic IUSR_MYSERVERNAME is a login of, so that I can call the .NET Assembly when I am authenticated as the anonymous web user (e.g. via ASP, etc.).

To test access, I created a login (webusertest) for a user (webusertest) in the same role (webuser) on the database. But when I use this login, which supposedly has the same rights as the IUSR_, execution right is denied:

EXECUTE permission denied on object 'CLRHTMLString', database 'adt_db', schema 'dbo'.

Note: The 'webuser' database role has Execute permission on the Assembly.

I have also tested this from my actual web page, with the following results:
(1) IUSR_MYSERVER member of db_owner role: Web page has right to call assembly.
(2) IUSR_MYSERVER not member of db_owner role: Web page does not have right to call assembly.

Further test results:
(3) Function can be called when making the user "webusertest" member of the "db_owner" role, which is too much rights to grant for the anonymous web user.

(4) When adding the user 'webusertest' to get 'Execute' permissions on the assembly, it does not get added. After clicking OK, there is no warning message, but when opening the Assembly Properties -> Permission dialog box the same time, the 'webusertest' user does not appear in the list.

Thankful for any advice on this matter.

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Storing Variables From A User-defined Function

Jul 20, 2005

I've looked all over but can't find a solid answer. I've got afunction that runs from a View and when the function runs the firsttime it is calculating a Temperature for a group of Formulas. What Iwant to do is calculate this temperature in the UDF on the first passand store it somewhere (table, global variable etc.). On everyexecution after that I'd like to use the value stored so I don't haveto recalculate the value again for the specific group defined.I've looked at storing the data in a table from the UDF but UDF'sdon't support dynamic SQL statements and can't run a stored procedure.The key here is we have a view that calls a UDF (user-definedfunction). Using SQL 2000.Any ideas would be very helpful. Thanks.

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Transact SQL :: Nvarchar (max) Not Storing Whole Data

Nov 11, 2015

select name from sampletext where id=1

Value under the column name where id=1 is:- uhfhdajkfahgfiasfhgafahsfiahfiahfsai......(upto 600000 characters)

The value under the name column is more than 600000 characters. When i am using the following logic it is storing upto 72000 characters, not reading the whole value under the 'name' column.

declare @s1 nvarchar(max)
declare @substr nvarchar(max)
set @s1 = (select name from sampletext where id=1)declare @i int
declare @i int
DECLARE @j int

[Code] .....

Is there a way to get whole characters under a column instead of storing limited characters?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Set Default Parameter For Function Parameter?

Jan 13, 2014

I want to set the default parameters for a function. I;d like to set the date start date to current date and end date for the last 90 days. how to make this work?

Create Function HR.Equipment
@startdate Date =(Convert(Date,DATEADD(DAY,-1,GETDATE())),
@enddate Date = (Convert(Date,@StartDate-90)
FROM HR.Equipment
WHERE IssueDate <=@StartDate and IssueDate >=@EndDate

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Function To Call Function By Name Given As Parameter

Jul 20, 2005

I want to write function to call another function which name isparameter to first function. Other parameters should be passed tocalled function.If I call it function('f1',10) it should call f1(10). If I call itfunction('f2',5) it should call f2(5).So far i tried something likeCREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[func] (@f varchar(50),@m money)RETURNS varchar(50) ASBEGINreturn(select 'dbo.'+@f+'('+convert(varchar(50),@m)+')')ENDWhen I call it select dbo.formuła('f_test',1000) it returns'select f_test(1000)', but not value of f_test(1000).What's wrong?Mariusz

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Which Is Better? Storing Data In The Database OR Storing It In The File System

Dec 29, 2006

Hello there,I just want to ask if storing data in dbase is much better than storing it in the file system? Because for one, i am currenlty developing my thesis which uploads a blob.doc file to a web server (currently i'm using the localhost of ASP.NET) then retrieves it from the local hostAlso i want to know if im right at this, the localhost of ASP.NET is the same as the one of a natural web server on the net? Because i'm just thinking of uploading and downloading the files from a web server. Although our thesis defense didn't require us to really upload it on the net, we were advised to use a localhost on our PC's. I'll be just using my local server Is it ok to just use a web server for storing files than a database?    

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Parameter In Function

Jan 20, 2006


this has started from me wanting to write a report that allowed the user to choose from a drop down list of how many months they want the report to cover. IE i want the report for the last 3 months, or 5 months or ...

To do this i created a report with a value list parameter (values are negative integers to give the necessary start date for the reported rows) and had that parameter in the where clause, along the lines of ...
select *blah*
from *blah*
where ( *myfield* > dateadd (mm, @MonthParam, GetDate())

i get a sql error (ie an error from the database not reporting services) saying that the variable hasnt been declared.

I have worked around the problem in this instance but is there a 'feature' in RS that means report parameters cannot take part in functions?


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Function Parameter

Apr 20, 2007

I am writing a function which will take two parameters. One the fieldto be returned from a table and second parameter is the ID of therecord to be returned.Problem is it's not returning the value of the field specified in theparameter but instead returns the parameter itself. Is there afunction that will get the parameter to be evaluted first?ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[getScholarYearData](-- Add the parameters for the function here@FieldName varchar(50), @ScholarID int)RETURNS varchar(255)ASBEGIN-- Declare the return variable hereDECLARE @ResultVar varchar(255)-- Add the T-SQL statements to compute the return value hereSELECT @ResultVar=EXECUTE(@FieldName)FROM dbo.qmaxScholarYearID INNER JOINdbo.tblScholarYears ONdbo.qmaxScholarYearID.ScholarID = dbo.tblScholarYears.ScholarID ANDdbo.qmaxScholarYearID.MaxOfScholarYearID =dbo.tblScholarYears.ScholarYearID-- Return the result of the functionRETURN @ResultVarEND

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How To Get Function Result A Value Parameter

Dec 18, 2013

Need to INSERT into a different table the function value results in SELECT from a table for PurchorderNum and QtyOrder and not sure how

ALTER proc [dbo].[spCreateContainerFill]
(@containerID as nvarchar(64),
@lotNum as bigint,
@customerID as int = 1164,


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Table Name As Function Parameter

Mar 2, 2008

I'm trying to write a function that I can run with passing the table name as a parameter. I want to return an integer. The tables wll be differnet types (different colums) but they all have a similar field that i want to get a count of. Someting alng the lines of this:

Create FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_GetItemsToPromote]
@TableName nvarchar(100)
Declare @SQL nvarchar(500)
return select count(*) from [@TableName]where promote = 1

It doesnt like the @TableName. Can anyone show me how to do this correctly?


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Passing Parameter In Function

Mar 10, 2008

I have to pass 3parameters in function,
@begindate,@enddate and @group_type..
but in @group_type should be - state,zipcode and country from salestable

inview :vwstzipcont
create view vwstzipcont
select distinct s2.stype,s3.itemnmbr,s2.docdate,s3.state,s3.zipcode, from Salestable s3
left outer join (select distinct stype,docdate from salesdisttable) s2
on s2.stype = s3.stype
where s2.soptype = 2

create function mystzipcont

( @begindate datetime, @enddate datetime, @group_type char(70))

(Select distinct t.docdate,t.itemnmbr,t.index,t.group_type from
select distinct

p.index From Pubs P

inner join vwstzipcont vs

on vs.index = p.index

Where (vs.docdate between @begindate and @enddate)
and @group_type ) as t

order by t.itemnmbr,t.docdate


how can i assign @group_type variable or t.group_type? in s3.state,s3.zipcode,
can anyone tell me? what condition should be in where clause for this variable?


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Using Parameter (@value) For IN Function List

Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to select a group of records based on a parameter valuepassed to the db from a web page. The value comes in as @Status andhas a list of statusID's: (1,2,5,9) I've tried to use"Where table.status IN (Select * from @Status AS ValueList)"And also tried"Where table.status IN (@Status)"And neither worked. Any suggestions?

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