Transact SQL :: Striping Data Into Two Columns

Jun 3, 2015

In SQL statement is it possible to split the below column into two columns?


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Transact SQL :: Select And Parse Json Data From 2 Columns Into Multiple Columns In A Table?

Apr 29, 2015

I have a business need to create a report by query data from a MS SQL 2008 database and display the result to the users on a web page. The report initially has 6 columns of data and 2 out of 6 have JSON data so the users request to have those 2 JSON columns parse into 15 additional columns (first JSON column has 8 key/value pairs and the second JSON column has 7 key/value pairs). Here what I have done so far:

I found a table value function (fnSplitJson2) from this link [URL]. Using this function I can parse a column of JSON data into a table. So when I use the function above against the first column (with JSON data) in my query (with CROSS APPLY) I got the right data back the but I got 8 additional rows of each of the row in my table. The reason for this side effect is because the function returned a table of 8 row (8 key/value pairs) for each json string data that it parsed.

1. First question: How do I modify my current query (see below) so that for each row in my table i got back one row with 19 columns.


If updated my query (see below) and call the function twice within the CROSS APPLY clause I got this error: "The multi-part identifier "A.ITEM6" could be be bound.

2. My second question: How to i get around this error?

CROSS APPLY fnSplitJson2(A.ITEM5,NULL) B,  fnSplitJson2(A.ITEM6,NULL) C

I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 version. Windows 7 desktop.

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Transact SQL - Combining Two Columns Of Data

Oct 23, 2001

How do I combine two columns (ex: [first name] [last name]) to get a combined result in a new column of ([first name] [last name]).

Thank you,


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Transact SQL :: Put One Column Data Into Many Columns?

Oct 15, 2015

how to split a single column into multiple columns with | delimited. For example I have column old_values in this I have a data with | delimited and I need to split this data into multiple columns.

A     B       C        D       E        F       G
xxx  yyy    zzz     aaa    bbb     ccc    ddd

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Renaming Columns Based On Data Using Transact Sql

Jan 18, 2008

A happy belated New Year to all!

Can someone please help me with the following. How do I, in SS 2000, use a value to label a column?


Col A Col B Col C Col D
CA '12/1/07' '11/1/07' '10/1/07'

I want to use the month and year of the date to rename the column.

Col A 12-2007 11-2007 10-2007
CA '12/1/07' '11/1/07' '10/1/07'

Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.


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Transact SQL :: Generate Unique Username From Data Columns

Oct 19, 2015

I am trying to achieve the below problem statement, however I am getting stuck at the looping part.

EX: We have three columns

First Name |  Last Name | Mothers Name

I want to generate the username field using above columns, so lets consider, I have following data

First Name |  Last Name | Mothers Name
a                    b                  cdef
a                    b                  cdfg
a                    b                  cdfj

Expected Usernames:

1: a.b
2: a.b.c

Basically, it has to be FirstName.LastName.(incremental letters from MothersName until the name becomes unique)

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Backup Striping To Multiple Devices

Mar 29, 2004


I am trying to backup a VLDB (800+gig) to multiple devices. I am using 4 disk drives. Assuming all devices have the same performance, should the 4 devices fill equally? (IE 200gig per drive) If so, what would might happen if one of the 4 drives only has 100 gig free with the other 3 having 300 gig free each?

Thanks for the help--

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Transact SQL :: Split Data Into Two Columns Based On Where Space Appears

Jul 8, 2015

I have a field in a table that contains addresses e.g

15 Green Street
5F Brown Steet
127 Blue Street
1512 Red Road

I want to output the numbers into one column and the address to another column as i need to produce a report that only shows streets and roads but no numbers.

So basically no matter how many characters before the first space which can be numbers or letters i want these output into two columns.

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Transact SQL :: Get DataTypes And Other Schema Related Data Of Columns In A Query

Sep 11, 2015

Is it possible to get data-type,default-value, etc. (basically schema information) of columns in a particular query.This is something similar to what we get when we execute the following 

WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'Employees'

But instead of TABLE_NAME i would like to give a query like

SELECT [EmployeeID],[LastName],[FirstName] from [dbo].[Employees] order by [EmployeeID].

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A Word About Meta-data, Pass Through Columns And Derived Columns

Oct 13, 2006

Here's another one of my bitchfest about stuff which annoy the *** out of me in SSIS (and no such problems in DTS):

Do you ever wonder how easy it was to set up text file to db transform in DTS - I had no problems at all. In SSIS - 1 spent half a day trying to figure out how to get proper column data types for text file - OF Course MS was brilliant enough to add "Suggest Types" feature to text file connection manager - BUT guess what - it sample ONLY 1000 rows - so I tried to change that number to 50000 and clicked ok - BUT ms changed it to 1000 without me noticing it - SO NO WONDER later on some of datatypes did not match. And boy what a fun it is to change the source columns after you have created a few transforms.

This s**hit just breaks... So a word about Derived Columns - pretty useful feature heh? ITs not f***ing useful if it DELETES SOME of the Code itself after there have been changes in dataflow. I cant say how pissed off im about that SSIS went ahead and deleted columns from flow & messed up derived columns just because the lineageIDs dont match.

Meta-data - it would be useful if you could change it and refresh it - im just sick and tired of it that it shows warnings and errors when there's nothing wrong - so after a change i need to doubleclick all my transforms so that those red & yellow boxes would disappear.

Oh and y I passionately dislike Derived columns - so you create new fields based on some data - you do some stuff - combine multiple columns to one, but you have no way saying remove the columns from the pipeline. Y you need it - well if you have 50K + rows with 30+ columns then its EXTRA useless memory overhead for your package.

Hopefully one day I will understand how SSIS works (not an ez task I say) - I might be able to spend more time on development and less time on my bitchfest - UNTIL then --> Another Day - Another Hassle with SSIS

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Transact SQL :: Top 10 Columns In All The Tables

Oct 21, 2015

In our production database we are looking top 10 columns in all the tables, for this using the below script, output was showing only one table how we get the all the tables top 10 ...

select top 10 * from ProductIdList

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Transact SQL :: Merge Two Columns From Different Tables?

Oct 26, 2015

I have two temp. tables. I am trying to show the agents how makes the sales and the ones how didnt make sales based on the time that they clock in. One table is called #sales which has only the agents that make sales and other tables is #hours which has both agents that do not make sale. the problem is that I can not get both agents to show on my report. I tried different ways but I could not. #sales table uses (select statement from AmountStats table that stores only the agents who make sale). #hours table uses different tables to store all gents who makes sale and ones that are not making sale. 

@start datetime,
@end datetime,
@campaignId uniqueidentifier,
@campaignName varchar(250),
@segment varchar(50)

set @start = '2015-10-07'
set @end = '2015-10-20'


how to merge these two columns from #sales and #hours tables without duplication.

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Transact SQL :: COUNT And SUM Of Multiple Columns

Sep 2, 2015

I'm working on a data analysis involving a table with a large number of records (close to 2 million). I'm using only three of the columns in the table and basically am grouping results based on different criteria. The three columns are PWSID, Installation and AccountType. I have to Provide the PWSID column with a count of the total number of installations per PWSID, also a count of AccountTypes per PWSID. I have the following query, but the numbers aren't adding up and I'm not sure why. I'm falling short in the total count by around 60k records.

[Installation] [numeric](38, 8) NULL,
[AccountType] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[PWSID] [smallint] NULL,


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Transact SQL :: How Columns Are Populated In ETL Process

Apr 30, 2015

I need to query some hierarchical data. I've written a recursive query that allows me to examine a parent and all it's related children using an adjacency data model. The scenario is to allow users to track how columns are populated in an ETL process. I've set up the sample data so that there are two paths:

1. col1 -> col2 -> col3 -> col6
2. col4 - > col5

You can input a column name and get everything from that point downstream. The problem is, you need to be able to start at the bottom and work your way up. Basically, you should be able to put in col6 and see how the data got from col1 to col6. I'm not sure if it's a matter of rewriting the query or changing the schema to invert the relationships.

DECLARE @table_loads TABLE (column_id INT, parent_id INT, table_name VARCHAR(25), column_name VARCHAR(25))
DECLARE @column_name VARCHAR(10)
INSERT INTO @table_loads(column_id, parent_id, table_name, column_name)
SELECT 1,NULL,'table1','col1'


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Transact SQL :: Group By With Non-aggregate Columns

Aug 5, 2015

How can I aggregate this result into 1 row? (I got it from a UNION ALL)

Article         Assort1    Assort2
50095811    K1             NULL
50095811    NULL          K3

I would like to have

Article         Assort1    Assort2
50095811    K1             K3

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Transact SQL :: Convert Rows Into Columns?

Oct 8, 2015

How can I convert the following data

Create Table tbl_Customer_Bank_Details
[CustomerID] int,
[CustomerName] varchar(50),
[AccountType] varchar(50),
[BankAccountNo] varchar(50)

[Code] ...

into the following format

Create Table tbl_Customer_Bank_Details2
[CustomerID] int,
[CustomerName] varchar(50),
[AccountType] varchar(50),
[BankAccountNo1] varchar(50),

[Code] ....

I am looking at this [URL]

how to do this in SQL 2000.

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Transact SQL :: Convert Rows To Columns?

Apr 24, 2015

i have a table with dob and test results , i am trying to pull the data from the table and converting rows columns , below is the table i am using . i used to pivot to do this .

create table #TEST_RESULTS
VALUES(1,'A','2015-01-01' , 0 ,1)
,(1,'A','2015-01-01' , 0 ,1)
,(1,'A','2015-01-01' , 1 ,3)
,(1,'A','2015-01-01' , 2 ,6)


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Transact SQL :: Group By And Pivot Several Columns

Oct 2, 2015

I have a table which I would like to group on several columns, and for the Contract number, I'd like a maximum of four different columns which would contain pivoted information.

Here is my DDL:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SV00403](
[CUSTNMBR] [char](15) NOT NULL,
[ADRSCODE] [char](15) NOT NULL,
[Contract_Number] [char](11) NOT NULL,

[Code] ....

Here is my select statement:


[Code] ...

Here are the results of the select statement:

And here is what the result set is that I would like to achieve:

The yellow indicates the group by columns. How do I pivot the contract number into the four columns noted above ?

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Transact SQL :: Multiply Multiple Columns From One Row

Nov 23, 2015

I have a table with the following format

I am looking for a way to get the PRODUCT of all columns and group by M_DOMA, [FROM] - Basically multiply all columns on the row that are not M_DOMA or [FROM].

Is this possible using T-SQL 2012?

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Transact SQL :: Pivot With Multiple Columns

Sep 1, 2015

I have one table like this.

-- drop table #temp
create table #temp(ID bigint, Description varchar(50), ET varchar(200), ET_Status varchar(50), ET_Date datetime, ET_IsValid varchar(3))

insert into #temp
select * from (values (1,'Test','A', 'Ack','08/15/2015', 'Yes'),(1,'Test','B', 'Nack','08/17/2015', 'Yes'),(1,'Test','C', 'Ack','08/21/2015', 'Yes')) a(ID, Description, ET, ET_Status, ET_Date, ET_IsValid)

I want to pivot this. My expected result look like this.

ID - Description - ET_A_Status - ET_A_Date
- ET_A_IsValid -  ET_B_Status - ET_B_Date
  - ET_B_IsValid - ET_C_Status  - ET_C_Date

1  - Test    - 'Ack'       - '2015-08-15 00:00:00.000'  - 'Yes'   -  'Nack'  - '2015-08-17 00:00:00.000'  - 'Yes'  - 'Ack'   - '2015-08-21 00:00:00.000' -  'Yes'

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Transact SQL :: How To Select Only Multiples Of Two Columns

May 7, 2015

How do I select where two columns are the same, but the remaining columns might be different?  For example, if I have 4 columns: First, Last, Class, and Year.  I want a listing of First, Last, Class and Year but only if the same First, Last has > 1 row (ie that the same person is in the table twice.)

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Transact SQL :: Calculate Total Between Two Columns?

Sep 16, 2015

I have table named #table and three columns. SinGroup(it does not matter, can be anything), Column1, and Column2.

sinGroup NVARCHAR(10)
,column1 INT
,column2 int

And i have some data:

INSERT INTO #table(sinGroup,column1,column2) VALUES

I want to know how to get this result set (c1 - c2 and group by Y and Z and the result shown under the column 1):

SinGroup C1 C2

y1 100 0
y2 0 60
y3 40 20
Y 60 0
z1 150 0
z2 0 50
z3 0 50

Z 50 0

And also result like this (c1-c2 and grop by each row,the result show under the column 1):

SinGroup C1 C2
y1 100 0
y1 100 0
y2 0 60
y2 -60 0
y3 40 20
y3 20 0
z1 150 0
z1 150 0
z2 0 50
z2 -50 0
z3 0 50
z3 -50 0

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Transact SQL :: Find Max Of 2 Columns In One Table?

Jul 23, 2015

I am having trouble trying to find the max of 2 columns in one table. I've tried using a common table expression and a subquery, but can't seem to get the correct results. I want to get the max from refnum, then the max "number" associated with that max refnum along with the date and decision

IDCustomerRefnumnumberdate decision


Customer 1 had a max of refnum of 2 and 1st one on number

IDCustomerRefnumnumberdate decision

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Transact SQL :: Parsing Varchar Columns

Sep 22, 2015

I'm attempting to use T-SQL to strictly parse/pull Names from a string field like such: CN=John Doe,OU=xyz,DC=ituy,DC=qwer,DC=org...I would like the ultimate result to be JUST the full name John Doe (pretty much everything after the first = sign and before the first comma. I'm attempting combinations of REPLACE, STUFF, PATINDEX and SUBSTRING, but to no avail.

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Transact SQL :: How To Align Records From Two Columns Into One

Sep 3, 2015

How do I align output from two columns into a single column? Below are the DDL/DML as required with sample data.



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Transact SQL :: Case Statement With Different Columns

Oct 20, 2015

Is it possible to combine a CASE statement with two different columns to retrieve data into one result column? In one column it has multiple JobCode, but this needs to be divided.  The only way I can see to do this is take the data from another column to get the results.Ex. JobCode - has one code for several job descriptions (there are about 30), but all within this code cannot have the same level of access.  So I need to divide them out, and put them in one column for AccessLevel. 

 JobTitle - has one code for one job, (but there are over 100).I want to pull from both columns to get the results I need to assign appropriate access level in one column.

Case JobCode     (they all have same job code, but everyone in this job code should not have same access)
When '45' Then '1' (Principal, Asst. Prin, or any Administrator, Counselors)
When '25' Then '2' (this could be teacher, etc. )      
Case JobTitle   (this is how access should be)
        When '12345' Then '1' (this is Administration only) 


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Transact SQL :: Update Query Of Two Columns

Oct 23, 2015

I want to update the NewVol1 and NewVol2 in table #Rec2 from NewVol1 and NewVol2 of table #Rec1. It is some tricky because the value is NULL in some records of NewVol1 and NewVol2.

Update query. SAP, Code, Code1, Code2 and SAPdate are keyfield when join both table to update the NewVol1 and NewVol2 in table #Rec2 from NewVol1 and NewVol2 of table #Rec1.

Create table #Rec1 (SAP char(10), Code char(6), Code1 char(6), Code2 char(6), SAPDate datetime, NewVol1 char(20), NewVol2 char(20))
insert into #Rec1 values  ('SATRIP','AAA','AA','A','2014-01-01','838.88484884',NULL)
insert into #Rec1 values ('SATRIP','AAA','BB','B','2014-01-01','839.88484884',NULL)
insert into #Rec1 values ('SATRIP','AAA','CC','C','2014-01-01','848.88484884',NULL)
insert into #Rec1 values ('SATRIP','BBB','AA','A','2014-01-01',NULL,'383.48377373')
insert into #Rec1 values ('SATRIP','BBB','BB','B','2014-01-01',NULL,'385.48377333')
insert into #Rec1 values ('SATRIP','BBB','CC','C','2014-01-01',NULL,'675.48377234')


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Transact SQL :: How To Show Sum Of Columns To New Column In Server

Jul 8, 2015

I made a select query which shows following output as shown in picture . 

Now I want to add one more column in this query to show current bags  and Bags in these 2 columns i want to show calculation like    in first rows currentbags column (Receivedbags-DeleiveredBags) and in currentWeight column RecivedWeight+loss-gain-Deliverdweight) which is 1400 and  697.5 after that in secound row i want to add frist rows currentbags value+ second rows (Receivedbags-DeleiveredBags) and same in weight like daily stock register so output looked like below image

There is one more column common date according to which i have to make calculation like

rid     commondate   recdate   recbags        recweight             loss gain   delbags    delwght

101215109    01/01/2015   07/01/2015       1400                  697.5                0                  0            0             0
101215110   02/01/2015      08/01/2015         560                    279.64             0              0         0               0

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Transact SQL :: First Values In Multiple Columns Selection

May 19, 2015

I'm trying to run something like this:

Select ID, FIRST(forename), FIRST(surname) from table1

I know First doesn't work in TSQL, I used to use it in Access and now need to run something like that in TSQL. Simply getting unique ID with first forename and surname, cause there are some dupes in a table.

There are records like:

ID      forename     surname
1    John    Kormack
1   James  Dope
2   Erin    Dupes
3   Will  Hugh
3    Walter Heisenberg

So I want to pull out:

1 John Kormack
2 Erin Dupes
3 Will Hugh

How can I run it in TSQL?

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Transact SQL :: How To Break Rows Into Multiple Columns

Jul 14, 2015

I have a table with 100 rows, 1 field (ID), and I would like to write a query to output it as 4 rows, and 25 columns.

Row data

Output will be like
c1  c2   c3    c4    c5....
1    5    9      13
2    6    10    14
3    7    11    15
4    8    12    16

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Transact SQL :: How To Select Columns That Are Not In GROUP BY And Get COUNT

Jul 3, 2015

I am using SQL 2012.  I have a GROUP BY and I want to select two other fields from my table at the same time: One column that is a string (account_code) and one that I need to perform a count on (customer_number).  I know the code COUNT(DISTINCT customer_number) works for getting that.   I need to select both of those fields on top of what I have.  I have the following:

Provider_Name VARCHAR(20),
Uniq_Id VARCHAR(10),
Total_Spent MONEY,
Total_Earned MONEY)
INSERT INTO @Providers (Provider_Name, Uniq_Id,Total_Spent,

[Code] .....

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Transact SQL :: Table Name Followed By Columns Names In A Single Row?

May 12, 2015

I am able to get a list of columns in a table from the query I have written shown below:

select ColumnNames, TableName from sys.columns sc inner join sys.tables st on sc.object_id=st.object_id
order by

But I am looking for the resultset with the format below:

TableName   Columns
employee      employeeid,employeename,employeesalary
order             orderid,address,price 

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Transact SQL :: Subtract Two Columns With Windows Function

Dec 5, 2015

How can i subtract two columns:

I have table:
1 200.00 70.00
2 200.00 30.00
3 200.00 90.00
4 200.00 110.00Col1 - COL2

But to continue for each row and value is reduced by the previously value.

My output should be like as:

1 200.00 70.00 130
2 200.00 30.00 100
3 200.00 90.00 10
4 200.00 110.00 -100

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