Transact SQL :: Tables And Database Not Detecting Auto While Coding

Aug 27, 2015

When I type Select statemet like below, Tables names are not populate auto. I need to type full lenght instead of selection in list.

Ex: I have few tables and database in my schema and need to select while coding.

select * from (Table Name) When i type first char in the table space it will not populate list of tables in my sql studio. 

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DB Design :: Auto Selections While Coding Using Select Statement

Aug 25, 2015

enable or shortcut key for Auto Database or Table View while coding. When I wrote sample code like below


When I type V then I need to know there is Venkat Database with pop Message below.

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Transact SQL :: Detecting Modified Rows Before Writing To A Table?

Apr 17, 2015

I've a table with more columns and 1 identifier. I need to write this table when a modified row is detecting respect to the columns not to the identifier.

So I've created a temporary table to put the potential rows to write on the real table, but I want to detect the modified rows. I've thought to use the checksum function, but I don't know how to use it and if it could be useful in this scenario.

Moreover, in the temporary table I've collected daily the rows to write: the first day a row could have a value respect to his columns, the next day a different value and the next one the same value respect to the first day.

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Performance Based Transact Coding

Aug 28, 2006

Hi all,

I am looking for some study meaterial focussed on performance based transact SQL development. I am a fairly well seasoned (3+ years self taught), and I am getting into situations where different query constructs yield the same results, but the performance (execution time and disk I/O) varies.

I have found that sometimes nested select statements execute faster than joins, but usually the opposite is true, for example, and I would like to learn why.

Info would be appreciated.

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Detecting Database Changes

Jan 10, 2005

Is there a way in detecting changes in the database?


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Detecting A Change In A Particular Field In A Database

Nov 16, 2005

Is it possible, using VB code, to retain a user on a particular page
until the status of a certain field in a database is changed?
The scenario I am working on is that a person makes a reservation and
has to wait until that reservation has been accepted or rejected by the

Dim dsResv As DataSet
        dsResv = objResv.DALgetResvStatus(resvId)

        While (dsResv.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("resvStatus") = "pending")

            dsResv = objResv.DALgetResvStatus(resvId)

dsResv.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("resvStatus") = "denied" Then
                failure.Visible = True
                LinkButton1.Visible = True
ElseIf dsResv.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("resvStatus") = "reserved" Then
                success.Visible = True
                LinkButton1.Visible = True
            End If

        End While

This is how I tried to do it, but it doesnt seem to work.
Any suggestions?

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Transact SQL :: Calculate Size Of All Tables In A Database

Nov 16, 2015

I need to build a query to calculate the size of all tables in a database ...

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Transact SQL :: Transfer Tables With Data From One Database To Another

Jul 4, 2015

Transfer tables with Data from one database to another one on a same server? 

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Database Coding Standards?

Jan 4, 2012

Is there a Microsoft published document for SQL database coding standards and guidelines/T-SQL coding standards available??

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Transact SQL :: Database Size Does Not Decrease After Dropping All The Tables

Oct 15, 2015

I have a database consisting of two main tables and 12 sub tables.

This was leading to increase in database size. So we thought of storing the sub tables data in the main tables in form of xml  in a column of varchar(2000) type.

So we created a new database that only had 2 tables and we stored the data of the sub tables in the new column of the main table.

Surprisingly we saw that the database size increased rather than decreasing .

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Transact SQL :: Determine When Database Was Backed Up Without Using MSDB Tables?

Apr 22, 2015

I was wondering if there was another method to determine when a database was last backed up without using the backup history tables in msdb? whether using DBCC DBINFO, DBCC PAGE on a specific database page...etc.

Also, when restoring a database, is there a trace flag you can use to force restore details to be written to the error log?

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Transact SQL :: Move All Tables In Database From One To Another File  group

Oct 15, 2015

I have to move  all the tables in a database from one file group to another file  group.All my tables have millions of records and the indexes are in correct file group but not the tables. How much time will it take to complete the whole process ?

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Transact SQL :: Replicating / Synching Data Between Two Tables On Same Database With Live Transactions

Oct 7, 2015

Client is running X- version of application and corresponding database size is huge. Now client's vendor is releasing Y-version of same application with many database schema changes (like new tables added, new columns added, renamed existing columns and etc) To upgrade to the Y-version, vendor is suggesting to my client that down the system and do the upgrade for application/database to Y-version. We are sure that this process will take days together to upgrade to the Y-version. My client is not ready to down the system for that long. So we are trying to find the solution with minimal down time.The approach we are thinking is, 

1) Create the replicated database to another server (server2) from production server(server1) using golden gate with X-version

2) Create new tables/schema updated tables from Y-version database on same server1. Here for  Updated schema tables we are planning to use the name <table_name_Y_version> as the same table name exists in X-version.

3)With above 2 steps, golden gate replicate the changes from production to server1 and server1 will have the new Y-version table schema (with different concatenate name ' _Y_version'). BTW , there is no affect for the production

4) At this stage we are planning to find best approach, to fill the '<table_name>_Y_version' from X-version tables. two challenges here a) all data needs to be moved to Y-version tables b) they have to sync data in real time.

we thought of going to

a) ssis package to pump the data to Y-version tables, but real time data will not sync.

b) trigger based technique, previous experience said, lot of load

c) thinking about sql replication.

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Transact SQL :: Primary Key Auto Incrementing By 1000 Instead Of 1

Jul 13, 2012

We have upgraded our SQL 2008 server to 2012 last month.  i've noted since then that many tables that have auto increment primary key bigint field increases by 1 like it should, then for some reason it jumps up by 1000 or even 10000?  i have seed adn auto increment set to 1 but doesnt effect it.  Is there anything that could be causing the next value to jump that much?

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Transact SQL :: Set Fields To Auto Increment Primary Keys In Bulk

Aug 4, 2015

I have imported a whole bunch of tables. Most of them have an ID (int) column. Is there a way to set the ID columns across all tables to auto increment Primary Keys in bulk?

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Transact SQL :: Data Type Auto Identity Is (1,1) But Its Increasing 1000 Each Time

Apr 21, 2015

In my database table has auto Identity file which is (1,1) But Its Increasing 1000 Some time 100 I don't Understand why It is happening in my every table.

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Transact SQL :: How To Change Auto-sequence Numbers To Match Sorted Data

Jun 15, 2015

I have a database that has entries that I want sorted by date order. Each entry has an auto ID number allocated (primary key auto sequencing), which I want to change to reflect the sorting (so the first date has the first auto ID number and so on).I've gone into the database and sorted the entries as I want them. Then I've gone into Design View to delete and restablish the primary key autosequence. However, it is not keeping the date order in the database (ie entry ID 3140 date is 12/06/2015, but 3141 is 02/02/2012). How do I get it to maintain the order?

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Auto Generation Of Tables

Jul 25, 2013

I have been working on a Human Resource Management software in C# .NET. In its Employee Attendance module i need to keep records of attendance of all workers for one month in a single table.The problem I encounter is to auto generate an exact copy of the Attendance table after a particular month is finished. How can i accomplish this? I use SQL server 2008.

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Transact SQL :: Sending Auto Email With Queried Data (On INSERT And On Month Ends)

Oct 22, 2015

I have to send updated Employee list from employee master table to a particular email ID on every last date of Month and when a new employee is added / deleted / edited. Also need to send this as an Excel file 

I tried the following but "Invalid Object name dbo.tbl_EmployeeMaster" error coming while inserting a new employee.

USE [eXact]
ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[trg_Email]

[Code] ....

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Auto Update To Sql Server Tables

Oct 22, 2004

I'm changing data storage for an project from MS Access to Sql Server. I've got the web site working, but I need to update the sql server tables with data from our Oracle db daily. What is the "best" way to do that?

I've read about DTS, but have never done anything like that. Would it be worth the time and effort to study? (So far I've created a package, with the import wizard, that doesn't work & I don't have the authority to delete :-)

I know I could create a dataset with my Oracle data and use that to update sql server. But is there a way to schedule an aspx to run authomatically? Would this affect performance? The sql server db isn't very big (30-40,000 records), but the Oracle db is & I need to do quite a bit of manipulation to the data.

This is new to me & I'm don't know what I should be searching for to find help. And if there is a more appropriate place to post this question, please let me know.


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How To Auto Update Multiple Tables Daily

Apr 22, 2015

I have got 4 MS Access Database Files, which have got 3 Tables each, means Total 12 Tables which gets updated with new data every evening, by an external application. Means new data gets appended to all these 12 Tables.

I want to have exact same 4 Databases, which have got 3 Tables each, means Total 12 Tables, but WITHIN MS SQL SERVER. And then update all of these 12 Tables every evening, with the corresponding updates from the respective tables from the MS Access Databases.

What are the various options to get this kind of work done in SQL Server. I do not want to Manually Update all these 12 tables every evening into SQL Server. Hopefully there would be some easier method to do this in automatic manner.

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Auto Create History Tables And Triggers

May 30, 2007

For my company, we have made it a standard to create history tables and triggers for the majority of our production tables. I recently grew tired of consistently spending the time needed to create these tables and triggers so I invested some time in creating a script that would auto generate these.

We recently launched a project which required nearly 100 history tables & triggers to be created. This would have normally taken a good day or two to complete. However, with this script it took a near 10 seconds. Here are some details about the script.

The code below creates a stored procedure that receives two input parameters (@TableName & @CreateTrigger) and performs the following actions:

1) Queries system tables to retrieve table schema for @TableName parameter

2) Creates a History table ("History_" + @TableName) to mimic the original table, plus includes additional history columns.

3) If @CreateTrigger = 'Y' then it creates an Update/Delete trigger on the @TableName table, which is used to populate the History table.

Created By: Bryan Massey
Created On: 3/11/2007
Comments: Stored proc performs the following actions:
1) Queries system tables to retrieve table schema for @TableName parameter
2) Creates a History table ("History_" + @TableName) to mimic the original table, plus include
additional history columns.
3) If @CreateTrigger = 'Y' then it creates an Update/Delete trigger on the @TableName table,
which is used to populate the History table.
******************************************* MODIFICATIONS **************************************************
MM/DD/YYYY - Modified By - Description of Changes
CREATE PROCEDURE DBO.History_Bat_AutoGenerateHistoryTableAndTrigger
@TableName VARCHAR(200),
@CreateTrigger CHAR(1) = 'Y' -- optional parameter; defaults to "Y"

DECLARE @SQLTable VARCHAR(8000), @SQLTrigger VARCHAR(8000), @FieldList VARCHAR(6000), @FirstField VARCHAR(200)

SET @CRLF = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
SET @FieldList = ''
SET @SQLTable = ''

DECLARE @TableDescr VARCHAR(500), @FieldName VARCHAR(100), @DataType VARCHAR(50)
DECLARE @FieldLength VARCHAR(10), @Precision VARCHAR(10), @Scale VARCHAR(10), @FieldDescr VARCHAR(500), @AllowNulls VARCHAR(1)


-- query system tables to get table schema
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(500), SP2.value) AS TableDescription,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(100), SC.Name) AS FieldName, CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), ST.Name) AS DataType,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),SC.length) AS FieldLength, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SC.XPrec) AS FieldPrecision,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SC.XScale) AS FieldScale,
CASE SC.IsNullable WHEN 1 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END AS AllowNulls
FROM SysObjects SO
INNER JOIN SysTypes ST ON SC.xtype = ST.xtype
LEFT OUTER JOIN SysProperties SP2 ON SC.ID = SP2.ID AND SP2.SmallID = 0
WHERE SO.xtype = 'u' AND SO.Name = @TableName
ORDER BY SO.[name], SC.ColOrder

OPEN CurHistoryTable

FETCH NEXT FROM CurHistoryTable INTO @TableDescr, @FieldName, @DataType,
@FieldLength, @Precision, @Scale, @AllowNulls


-- create list of table columns
IF LEN(@FieldList) = 0
SET @FieldList = @FieldName
SET @FirstField = @FieldName
SET @FieldList = @FieldList + ', ' + @FieldName

IF LEN(@SQLTable) = 0
SET @SQLTable = 'CREATE TABLE [DBO].[History_' + @TableName + '] (' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[History' + @FieldName + '] [INT] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,' + @CRLF

SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[' + @FieldName + '] ' + '[' + @DataType + ']'

SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + '(' + @FieldLength + ')'
SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + '(' + @Precision + ', ' + @Scale + ')'

IF @AllowNulls = 'Y'
SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + ' NULL'
SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + ' NOT NULL'

SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + ',' + @CRLF

FETCH NEXT FROM CurHistoryTable INTO @TableDescr, @FieldName, @DataType,
@FieldLength, @Precision, @Scale, @AllowNulls

CLOSE CurHistoryTable
DEALLOCATE CurHistoryTable

-- finish history table script with standard history columns
SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[HistoryCreatedOn] [DATETIME] NULL,' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[HistoryCreatedByUserID] [SMALLINT] NULL,' + @CRLF

SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[HistoryCreatedByUserName] [VARCHAR](30) NULL,' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[HistoryAction] [CHAR](1) NOT NULL' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + ' )'


-- execute sql script to create history table

IF @@ERROR <> 0
PRINT '******************** ERROR CREATING HISTORY TABLE FOR TABLE: ' + @TableName + ' **************************************'

IF @CreateTrigger = 'Y'
-- create history trigger
SET @SQLTrigger = '/************************************************************************************************************' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'Created By: ' + SUSER_SNAME() + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'Created On: ' + @Date + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'Comments: Auto generated trigger' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + '***********************************************************************************************/' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'CREATE TRIGGER [Trigger_' + @TableName + '_UpdateDelete] ON DBO.' + @TableName + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'FOR UPDATE, DELETE' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'AS' + @CRLF + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'DECLARE @Action CHAR(1)' + @CRLF + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'IF EXISTS (SELECT ' + @FirstField + ' FROM Inserted)' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'BEGIN' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'SET @Action = ''U''' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'END' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'ELSE' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'BEGIN' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'SET @Action = ''D''' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'END' + @CRLF + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'INSERT INTO History_' + @TableName + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + '(' + @FieldList + ', HistoryCreatedOn, HistoryCreatedByUserName, HistoryAction)' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'SELECT ' + @FieldList + ', GETDATE(), SUSER_SNAME(), @Action' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'FROM DELETED'

--PRINT @SQLTrigger

-- execute sql script to create update/delete trigger

IF @@ERROR <> 0
PRINT '******************** ERROR CREATING HISTORY TRIGGER FOR TABLE: ' + @TableName + ' **************************************'


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Insert Into Two Tables, Both With Auto Increment Fields

Jul 20, 2005

Just when I though I knew what I was doing. I ran into a roadblock.I have two tables, organizations & usersI am building a form online for orgs to input their own information.How do I insert into both tables when the org table needs to know what theuser_id is, but the user_id hasn't been created until the form is submitted?Any help or request for additional info would be more than great.Thanks!

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Auto Incrementing-&>Updating Values In Two Related Tables :Help!!!

Nov 11, 2005

hi there,
 i am new to sql server database.i am doing small projects right
now using and sql to create webpages (very basic webpages)
My problem is:

Problem :
   i have two tables .....table 1 and table 2.
    Table 1 has following fields: studentid,student name,student address.
Table 2 has following fields:studentid and course .
  table1 student id is the primary key refrencing table 2 student id.
Now i delete a record in table 1 which will in turn also get deleted in
table 2 . so for eg  if i have three records 1 ,2 and 3 ....then i
delete 2 in table 1 ...i will have 1 and 3 in both table 1 and table i want 3 to become 2 in both table 1 and table that i
dont have empty space between two student id's 1 and 3. so this is my
problem....if any one can help me out with suggestions please
thank you all........

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SQL Server 2014 :: Create Auto Relationship Between Tables

May 12, 2014

I would like to create a auto relationship between tables.

Currently I am using Northwind DB with tables (Orders, OrderDetails, Customers)

Orders ( OrderId, Customerid)

Now, if the user wants to generate a relationship automatically based on SAME FIELD Names.

What is the approach?

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Transact SQL :: Matching Tables From Server To Another Server Same Database

May 11, 2015

I need to generate a script where it should check the tables of a database from one server to another server(If server 1 database XYZ has 10 tables then server 2 database XYZshould match 10 tables). If the tables matches then truncate tables data and insert the data from one  server 1 database XYZ to  server 2 database XYZ. If tables does not matches, then it should check and create that tables which are not matching.

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Set Custom Identity Keys For Master Tables(auto-incrementing):

Jun 17, 2007

I need some help for designing the IDs / Primary keys for some master tables in my database. Following are master tables. Client_Master, Buyer_Master & Seller_Master; I want to set Client_Id, Buyer_Id & Seller_Id as their respective primary keys and they should have following properties

Client_Id :- a) should be auto-incrementing value, b) unique & c)should be of the format – CLXXXXXX, where “CL” {Constant start characters} & “X” {any number 0-9}
Buyer_Id :- BYXXXXXX
Seller_Id :- SLXXXXXX

We are implementing the database in MS-SQL 2005 & MySQL

Can anyone help me find a solution to this, especially in MS-SQL.

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SQL Server 2014 :: How To Auto Update Multiple Tables Daily

Apr 22, 2015

I have got 4 MS Access Database Files, which have got 3 Tables each, means Total 12 Tables which gets updated with new data every evening, by an external application. Means new data gets appended to all these 12 Tables.

I want to have exact same 4 Databases, which have got 3 Tables each, means Total 12 Tables, but WITHIN MS SQL SERVER. And then update all of these 12 Tables every evening, with the corresponding updates from the respective tables from the MS Access Databases.

I do not want to Manually Update all these 12 tables every evening into SQL Server. Hopefully there would be some easier method to do this in automatic manner.

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An Attempt To Attach An Auto-named Database For File (file Location).../Database.mdf Failed. A Database With The Same Name Exists, Or Specified File Cannot Be Opened, Or It Is Located On UNC Share.

Sep 2, 2007

Greetings, I have just arrived back into the country (NZ) and back into ASP.NET.
 I am having trouble with the following:An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file (file location).../Database.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.
It has only begun since i decided i wanted to use IIS, I realise VWD comes with its own localhost, but since it is only temporary, i wanted a permanent shortcut on my desktop to link to my intranet page.
 Anyone have any ideas why i am getting the above error? have searched many places on the internet and not getting any closer.
Cheers ~ J

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SQL 2012 :: SSMS Auto-recovery / Auto-save New (unsaved) Queries

Feb 16, 2014

Since upgrading from SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2, I've noticed that it no longer autosaves queries that have not been manually saved first. If a file has been manually saved the autorecover files end up in the following directory:

%appdata%MicrosoftSQL Server Management Studio11.0AutoRecoverDatSolution1

However, I have ended up in the situation where I have unsaved queries when my computer has crashed and have not been able to recover them.

I have also found references to .sql files stored in temp files in the following directory, but the files here seem to be very haphazardly caught:


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Detecting IIS

Nov 17, 2005

Good Morning,

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Auto Insert Fro Date In Database

May 1, 2007

how i make date field in database auto updated,some one told me to use '" Now "' in insert command, but it dos't work, i think it's for asp. regards

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Auto-restore Of Database Backups

Feb 26, 2004

Our DBs are set up to do a full backup once a day (late at night) and then transaction log backups during the day at shorter intervals.

I want to setup a dev database on the same server. I want this database to be an automatically restored copy of the live database. So every night, after the full backup of the live DB, I want to restore the live DB to this dev DB.

Can this be automated? Can the restore automatically stop the dev database in case some open connections exist?

Is there a better way to do this?

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