I have a table that has a DATE field named. AccountingDate that is in the format YYYY-MM-DD. It's not a VARCHAR field. I simply want to convert this date field into the format MM/DD/YYYY and call it New_Accounting_Date.
I've played with various combinations of CAST & CONVERT but haven't been able to get it to work.
Below is my latest effort which returns the error:
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'as'
What code would work to return a MM/DD/YYYY value for New_Accounting_Date?
Select GLBATCH.AccountingDate, convert(GLBATCH.AccountingDate as date),101) AS New_Accounting_Date from GLBATCH
SELECT uri, evFieldUri, evFieldVal , CAST(evFieldVal AS BIGINT) FROM TSEXFIELDV
[Code] ....
It Returns:
uri          evFieldUri          evFieldVal          (No column name) 224016 3267      +000089243829 89243829 224019 2717      +000089243825 89243825 224472 3333      +000000000000000000000017    17 225052 3267      +000089243829 89243829 225055 2717      +000089243825 89243825
So, then I went back to:
SELECT uri, evFieldUri, evFieldVal , CAST(evFieldVal AS BIGINT) FROM TSEXFIELDV
[Code] ....
And it returns this error:
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 1 Error converting data type varchar to bigint.
So, I tried again, and this worked…
SELECT uri, evFieldUri, evFieldVal,CAST(evFieldVal AS BIGINT), ISNUMERIC(evFieldVal) FROM TSEXFIELDV WHERE URI > 0 AND evFieldUri IN ( SELECT URI FROM TSEXFIELD WHERE exFieldFormat IN (1,11))
I logged out and came back and tried again, and it still worked. So then I tried…
This is a common error for SQL Server, but I got it in a uncommon way.I have a table called - tblIDNumber where there are two columns - IDN_Number [NVarchar(200)] and Temp [BigInt]
If I run, SELECT Â * FROM Â Â dbo.tblIDNumber WHERE Â IDN_IDNumberTypeStaticValue = 33 Â Â Â Â AND IDN_Removed = 0 Â Â Â Â AND CAST(IDN_Number AS BIGINT) = 1
SQL Server give me the error: Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 1 Error converting data type nvarchar to bigint.
I first thought IDN_Number in type 33 has characters, but it doesn't, becasue the below query works!!!
UPDATE dbo.tblIDNumber SET Temp = CAST(IDN_Number AS BIGINT) WHERE Â IDN_IDNumberTypeStaticValue = 33 Â Â Â Â AND IDN_Removed = 0
To workaround, I ran the query,
UPDATE dbo.tblIDNumber SET IDN_Number = '123' WHERE Â IDN_IDNumberTypeStaticValue = 33 Â Â Â Â AND IDN_Removed = 0
and then I ran the first query, and SQL Server does NOT give me the same error -Â Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 1 Error converting data type nvarchar to bigint.
Second query approved there is nothing wrong from converting the value in IDN_Number to a BigInt, but the third query gave the hint that data might be the cause?????
finally, I found the root cause to be an index that the first query uses :
If I remove the index, the first query works without the error.
UPDATE P   SET  P.IsError=1 ,P.IsDrawingRevNo=1 ,ErrorMessage=ISNULL(ErrorMessage,'')+'| DrawingRevisionNumber DataType Is Not Valid, smallint expected(-32768 AND 32767)' FROM ZPTSMGR.ProjectDrawingRaw P WHERE  P.LogId=@LogId AND  P.ProjectId=@ProjectId AND  P.Revision > 32767  (P.Revision  NOT BETWEEN  -32768 AND 32767)  --SMALLINT RANGE  -32768 to 32767.
--DataType Range --tinyint DataType  (MinVal: 0, MaxVal: 255). Its storage size is 1 byte. --smallint DataType from -2^15 (-32,768) through 2^15 - 1 (32,767) and its storage size is 2 bytes. --int DataType  -2^31(-2,147,483,648) to 2 ^31-1(2,147,483,647). Its storage size is 4 bytes. --Bigint DataType -- from -2^63 (-9223372036854775808) through 2^63-1 (9223372036854775807). Its storage size is 8 bytes.
The SQl statement fails, and not able to update it. The IsError flag need to set since the value does not lies in given range of smallint.--------say 457896523 which is not a small int value
I have already registered the Dts.dll, but it did not make any change, also I have update the visual studio to latest update 4.I have registered the dll by using CMD to the below location and entering regsvr32 dts.dll, it brought up a popup message saying the dll the has been registered.
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server100DTSBinn
But the issue remains the same, I have to click ok on the popup msg for about 20-30 times to make it go away and the dtsx package in the solution work just fine after closing the pop up.
unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper.IDTSObject100'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{203E24BD-5203-4C76-AFC7-7C8545EBA1A0}' failed due to the following error: The application called an interface that was marshalled for a different thread. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8001010E (RPC_E_WRONG_THREAD)). (Microsoft Visual Studio)
I get the following error opening an existing (or working) ssis package on my new server.
Error loading 'TestExecutionFromScript.dtsx' : Unable to cast COM object of type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.PackageNeutralClass' to interface type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.IDTSContainer90'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{8BDFE892-E9D8-4D23-9739-DA807BCDC2AC}' failed due to the following error: Library not registered. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002801D (TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED))..
I found in a blog that this is caused due to a dll which is not registered ("DTS.dll")
Can anyone try to explain the exact reason for this? I am not even able to execute a package from the command prompt using the dtexec utility. I have "Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Designer Version 9.00.3042.00" on my server. My other machine which executed this package successfully was running "Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Designer Version 9.00.1399.00".
Trying to move data in Sybase IQ from one database (prod) to qa for a table. Using ADO.NET connection and just one Data Flow task , source , destination. Using Sybase IQÂ driver.
Error:[ADO NET Destination [2]] Error: An exception has occurred during data insertion, the message returned from the provider is: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Decimal' to type 'System.Char[]'.
Nether source or target table have column with data type Decimal or Char. All types I have in table are numeric (54,15) , bigint, varchar, date. Â
I'm getting the following error: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl' to type 'System.Xml.XmlTextReader'. This works in .net 1.1 but having issues in the conversion to 2.0. Public Function RunSPReturnXMLReader(ByVal strSP As String, ByVal ParamArray params() As SqlParameter) As System.Xml.XmlTextReader Dim objHelperConnection As SqlConnectionobjHelperConnection = New SqlConnection(sConnect)Dim myXmlReader As System.Xml.XmlReader = objHelperCommand.ExecuteXmlReader() RunSPReturnXMLReader = myXmlReader - GETTING ERROR HERE End Function
Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.Web.UI.DataSourceSelectArguments'. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.Web.UI.DataSourceSelectArguments'. Hi, In my pageload i have data retriving from a page and i want it to load it in the GridView. i have GridView and SqlDataSource but when the page loads i am getting the above error. i am not sure what im doing wrong here. i tried different ways. but no luck Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load If Not IsPostBack Thenfp = CType(Context.Handler, Member) 'lblEmail.Text = fp.EMM.ToString 'this labelbox for Email address is under the Name'lblEmail.Text = fp.EmailAddress.ToString
Dim conn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("imacstestConnectionString").ConnectionString) Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT , [fname], [mname], [lname], [address], [city], [state], [zip], [phone] FROM [t_CustomerAcct] WHERE = @email", conn)cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@email", fp.EMM.ToString) conn.Open() SqlDataSource1.Select(cmd.ExecuteScalar()) '.ExecuteScalar()
In Sql Server 2005, Sql Server Mangerment Studio 9.00.1399.00 I connected an user instance to the databases under .SQLEXPRESS(SqlServer 9.0.3042 -....) when I right click on a table and chose modify, or new table... I get
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio ------------------------------ Unable to cast object of type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Urn' to type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Urn'. (SQLEditors) ------------------------------ BUTTONS: OK ------------------------------
same thing for views What can I do to fix the problem? is there a patch?
btw script .... as seem to be erro free Error free is also View dependence,
When I open up my existing SSIS project, I always get this error. Does anyone know what was wrong ?
TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio ------------------------------
Unable to cast COM object of type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.PackageNeutralClass' to interface type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.IObjectWithSite'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{FC4801A3-2BA9-11CF-A229-00AA003D7352}' failed due to the following error: The application called an interface that was marshalled for a different thread. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8001010E (RPC_E_WRONG_THREAD)).
How do you cast 0 as DateTime? Is this possible to do.I am using UNION to combine two tables. I get an error when doing so...
Msg 206, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Operand type clash: int is incompatible with date SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT Opportunity_Name ,Status ,Closed_Status
I understand what is causing the error. In the top select statement both Closed_Status AND Expected_Close_Date are datetime values. But in the bottom statement they are int. Â
I understand what is causing the error. In the top select statement both Closed_Status AND Expected_Close_Date are datetime values. In the bottom statement they are int.  So I tried CASTing them as datetime, that didn’t work and I get this error.<o:p></o:p> Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'Open' to data type int.Is there a way to CAST 0 as a DateTime
Anyone please suggest me that , I have a text box where I am entering th date in dd/MM/yyyy format. But the default field in my SqlServer2005 is MM/dd/yyyy. How can i insert it into the database. or how can i change the MM/dd/yyyy of database to dd/MM/yyyy
Please, its urgent. Thanks in advance Regards Tapan
Casting 0 to SMALLDATETIME or DATETIME is allowed in T-SQL which produces to 1900-01-01. However, you can't cast 0 to DATE or DATETIME2. Why is that?
We are having problems with a new PC, we have installed oracle 10g client, Toad, and SQLServer2005 BITools PC regional settings set to en-NZ( we need date format to be dd/mm/yyyy) BITools/tools/options/international settings language = Same as Microsoft Windows
Ran a simple query(against oracle db) using between with 2 date parameters one parameter is datatype string the other datetime. When previewing report string is entered 01/03/2008 and datetime param is entered by choosing from datepicker, when view report button is clicked the datetime param is transposed whereas the string param remains unchanged.
The problem seems to be the datepicker not picking up on regional date format.
This is a new PC with xp-sp3 and the above software installed.
SELECT '1' AS Join_Field, T1.ID AS T1_ID, T2.ID AS T2_ID, T1.TimeStamp AS T1_Timestamp, T2.TimeStamp AS T2_Timestamp, DATEDIFF(Minute, T1.TimeStamp, T2.TimeStamp) AS Difference_Mins, T1.eventid, T1.shiftID, T1.Value, SD.Shift_Start_Date, T1.StopCode, T1.Status, T1.JobID, T1.StatusDesc, T1.StopDesc, T1.MachineID, CAST(CASE WHEN CONVERT(date, T1.TimeStamp, 103) < CONVERT(date, SD.Shift_Start_Date, 103) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS int) AS flag, CAST(T1.TimeStamp as DATE) AS TS_Date FROMÂ PolReporting.Event_M2_T1 AS T1 INNER JOIN PolReporting.Event_M2_T2 AS T2 ON T1.RowID = T2.RowID INNER JOIN Intouch.ShiftDates_Grouped AS SD ON T1.shiftID = SD.ShiftID
I am doing some analysis on shifts and what I want to do is say if the time from a timestamp field is between 00:00 and 05:59 then the figures belong to the day before. Eg. We have a night shift that work 22:00 - 06:00.
Here is my coding which logically looks sound to me but when I run it, it has an error:
SELECTe.ID, CAST(e.TimestampasDate)asEventDate, CAST(e.TimestampasTime)asEventTime, CASE WHENCAST(e.TimestampasTime)BETWEEN'00:00:01'and'05:59:59' THENCAST(e.TimestampasDate)-1 ELSECAST(e.TimestampasDate) END FROMIntouch.Event
I€™m getting a datetime format problem(mm-dd-yyyy for dd-MM-yyyy), when I install SQL Server 2005 Express. {The exception is: The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.} My windows Regional and Language options €“ English (United Kingdom), Sort date format is dd-MM-yyyy. When converting the date time in Sql server is using the mm-dd-yyyy format. But I€™m supplying the dd-mm-yyyy format date time.
I tried number of things none of them worked for me
1. Tried changing the default language and get the date time format - exec sp_configure 'default language', 2057 reconfigure - did not work EXEC sp_defaultlanguage 'my user name', 'British' - did not work (Ref: http://www.cactushop.com/support/UKUS-date-format-issues-with-MS-SQL---conversion-errors-or-blank-pages__592__.htm)
2. Tried a registry hack by opening regedit, and get the following 3 language keys and change it to decimal 2057: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server90ToolsClientSetupCurrentVersion] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server90ToolsSetup [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1Setup] (Ref: http://www.sqlteam.com/forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=62891) - did not work
3. Every thing in the Regional and Language options to UK and British with the date time format input language keyboard and every think else I could think of, which could link to US English or US date format --------- Did not work
4. even went into the extend of modifying the date format on a Windows machine for new users account by editing the HKEY_USERS registry key and creating a new user - Did not work (Ref: http://www.windowsitpro.com/Article/ArticleID/39407/39407.html )
5. Uninstall and reinstall SQL server express several time and did the steps 1 €“ 4 where applicable €“ did not work€¦.
If anyone has any idea of what I have to do to change the date time format in the SQL Server 2005 to use the dd-mm-yyyy format for dates.... Please help me or point me in the direction in which I have to look for an answer. Thank you very much€¦.
Hi to ALL Here I am using .net 2.0 and MS SQL 2K. In our database table DateTime saved as in the format of 2007-01-31 8:33:19.000(yyyy-mm-dd) to access to this records by searching based on Date, when we are searching based on Date that Date format would be (dd/mm/yyyy). How we can convert the date format.
Data Base Date Format: 2007-01-31 (yyyy-mm-dd) Search Criteria Date Format: 31/01/2007 (dd/mm/yyyy)
I have written following Code: Pls suggest me whether its correct r not ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Select distinct tbl_adminuser.adminUserName,tbl_adminCategory.Name, COUNT(dbo.tbl_outbox.msgUserID) As
FROM dbo.tbl_adminuser,dbo.tbl_AdminCategory, dbo.tbl_outbox
where tbl_adminuser.adminUserID = dbo.tbl_AdminCategory.CatID and tbl_AdminCategory.CatID =
and tbl_outbox.msgUserID <> 0 and Convert(varchar,tbl_outbox.msgDate,103)>=@fromdate and convert(varchar,tbl_outbox.msgDate,103)<=@todate group by tbl_adminuser.adminUserName, dbo.tbl_AdminCategory.Name --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I have a date and time field in the following format dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss:mmmm...I only want to retrieve the date in the following format dd/mm/yyyy When I use the following though it retreives it in yyyy-mm-dd format.
I have a requirement as follows: in my DB, i have a column in which i loaded the date data as dd.mm.yyyy. the column data type is string. now i want to change this value to YYYY-MM-DD format. Please help how to chaieve this.
I am trying to put the data from a field in my database into a row in a table using the SQLDataSource.Select statement. I am using the following code: FileBase.SelectCommand = "SELECT Username FROM Files WHERE Filename = '" & myFileInfo.FullName & "'" myDataRow("Username") = CType(FileBase.Select(New DataSourceSelectArguments()), String)But when I run the code, I get the following error:Server Error in '/YorZap' Application. Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.DataView' to type 'System.String'. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.DataView' to type 'System.String'.Source Error: Line 54: FileBase.SelectCommand = "SELECT Username FROM Files WHERE Filename = '" & myFileInfo.FullName & "'" Line 55: 'myDataRow("Username") = CType(FileBase.Select(New DataSourceSelectArguments).GetEnumerator.Current, String) Line 56: myDataRow("Username") = CType(FileBase.Select(New DataSourceSelectArguments()), String) Line 57: Line 58: filesTable.Rows.Add(myDataRow)Source File: D:YorZapdir_list_sort.aspx Line: 56 Stack Trace: [InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.DataView' to type 'System.String'.] ASP.dir_list_sort_aspx.BindFileDataToGrid(String strSortField) in D:YorZapdir_list_sort.aspx:56 ASP.dir_list_sort_aspx.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in D:YorZapdir_list_sort.aspx:7 System.Web.Util.CalliHelper.EventArgFunctionCaller(IntPtr fp, Object o, Object t, EventArgs e) +13 System.Web.Util.CalliEventHandlerDelegateProxy.Callback(Object sender, EventArgs e) +45 System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +80 System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +49 System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +3743 Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.42; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.210 Please help me!
I am stuck with a SSIS package and I can€™t work out. Let me know what steps are the correct in order to solve this. At first I have just a Flat File Source and then Script Component, nothing else.
[Script Component [516]] Error: System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to class type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection'. Instances of types that represent COM components cannot be cast to types that do not represent COM components; however they can be cast to interfaces as long as the underlying COM component supports QueryInterface calls for the IID of the interface. at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.HandleUserException(Exception e) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.AcquireConnections(Object transaction) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostAcquireConnections(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Object transaction)
Script Code (from Script Component):
' Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services user script component ' This is your new script component in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET ' ScriptMain is the entrypoint class for script components
Imports System Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Math Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper
Public Class ScriptMain Inherits UserComponent
Dim nDTS As IDTSConnectionManager90 Dim sqlConnecta As SqlConnection Dim sqlComm As SqlCommand Dim sqlParam As SqlParameter
Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
Dim valorColumna As String Dim valorColumna10 As Double
valorColumna = Row.Column9.Substring(1, 1)
If valorColumna = "N" Then valorColumna10 = -1 * CDbl(Row.Column10 / 100) Else valorColumna10 = CDbl(Row.Column10 / 100) End If
Executed SQL statement: SELECT Schoolindex, Variant, VVSchool, [index], indincl, VVRuimtes, School FROM School WHERE (Schoolindex = @PARAM1)
Error Source: SQL Server Compact Edition ADO.NET Data Provider
Error Message: @PARAM1 : Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 to type System.IConvertable'. ****************************************
The same querypreview works fine without the parameter:
SELECT Schoolindex, Variant, VVSchool, [index], indincl, VVRuimtes, School FROM School WHERE (Schoolindex = 186)
Can anybody tell me why this is? And tell me a way to get the tableadapter working?
I'm getting this error on a vb.net page the needs to execute two separate stored procedures. The first one, is the main insert, and returns the identity value for the ClientID. The second stored procedure inserts data, but needs to insert the ClientID returned in the first stored procedure. What am I doing wrong with including the identity value "ClientID" in the second stored procedure? Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.Parameter'. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.Parameter'.Source Error:
Line 14: If li.Selected Then Line 15: InsertClientCompanyType.InsertParameters("CompanyTypeID").DefaultValue = li.Value Line 16: InsertClientCompanyType.InsertParameters("ClientID") = ViewState("ClientID") Line 17: Line 18: Source File: C:InetpubwwwrootIntranetExternalAppsNewEmploymentClientNewClient.aspx.vb Line: 16 Here is my code behind... What am I doing wrong with grabbing the ClientID from the first stored procedure insert?
Protected Sub InsertNewClient_Inserted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SqlDataSourceStatusEventArgs)ClientID.Text = e.Command.Parameters("@ClientID").Value.ToString()ViewState("ClientID") = e.Command.Parameters("@ClientID").Value.ToString()End SubProtected Sub Submit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Submit.ClickInsertNewClient.Insert()For Each li As ListItem In CompanyTypeID.Items If li.Selected ThenInsertClientCompanyType.InsertParameters("CompanyTypeID").DefaultValue = li.ValueInsertClientCompanyType.InsertParameters("ClientID") = ViewState("ClientID")InsertClientCompanyType.Insert()End IfNextEnd Sub