Transact SQL :: Update Element Name For XML Column

Jun 2, 2015

I have sample XML data which is shown below in my table. I need to update one of the column names in this field.

Changing <Desc> to <Description>


DECLARE @myxml
SET @myxml
= '<Cust id="1">           


DECLARE @myxml
SET @myxml
= '<Cust id="1">

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Transact SQL :: Blank Element In XML Not Read By XQuery

May 14, 2015

declare @inputXml xml
set @inputXml='<root>

[Code] ...

I get below output ....

But I need below output ....

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Transact SQL :: How To Update A Column

May 19, 2015

I have a table that has two columns. One column has ID from 1 to 1800. The other column is null. I want to update the second column with values from 29 to 43. So for ID 1, value will be 29, ID value will 30 and it goes to 43. Then after it will start from 29 again and goes to 43. It goes all the way to the highest ID, i.e. 1800.I have added a script for better clarity 

declare @t table (stuID int, valueID int)
insert into @t (stuID, valueID)
values (1,null), (2,null), (3,null), (4,null)

the null part is what I want to have from 29 to 43 .... all the way untill the ID reachs to 1800

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Transact SQL :: Update Column With Row Number

Jul 23, 2015

I have a Users Table. It is full of users already and I would like to start using the UserPIN in the software (this is an nvarchar column).

I would like to update the UserPIN column with the row_number. All of my efforts have resulted in setting the UserPIN to 1 for every record.  I just want an update query that fill the UserPIN column in sequential order.

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Transact SQL :: Column Update With Comparison With Another Table

Nov 10, 2015

I upload data from a Txt File(Txt_Temp) where I have VinNumber with 6 digits. Another table name Resrve_Temp1 where I have Vinumber with 17 digit. Now I need to update the vinnumber 6 digit to 17 digit or to new column in Txt_temp.

Txt_Temp - Table

I tried this code with no succes and only one row is updating

update Txt_Temp Set Txt_Temp.Vinnumber=dbo.R_ResrvStock.Vin
from dbo.R_ResrvStock inner join Txt_Temp on Right (dbo.R_ResrvStock.Vin,6)=Txt_Temp.VinNumber

OR Add this code in view 

Select dbo.R_ResrvStock.Vin,R_Txt_Temp.Vinnumber,R_Txt_Te mp.Model_Code 
from dbo.R_ResrvStock inner join R_Txt_Temp on Right (dbo.R_ResrvStock.Vin,6)=R_Txt_Temp.VinNumber


Resrve_Temp1 - Table

My Result can be in Txt_Temp table or new table or with one or two columns

asddfghjklk123456 123456
asddfghjklk123123 123123
asddfghjklk123789 123789

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Transact SQL :: Cannot Update Identity Column (ItemID)

Jun 1, 2015

By mistake i deleted a record form prod table.

how can i enter that record back? i get this error.

INSERT INTO item_details(ItemID,Item_Name,price) VALUES(201, bag,10)

ItemID is  identity column. can i disable  identity column and enter and then enable using sql statement?

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Transact SQL :: Need To Update That Column Several Times With New Values For Different Nodes

May 28, 2015

I have a column with XML data stored in it. I need to update that column several times with new values for different nodes. I've written a CLR function to update the XML quickly but the update is always based on the initial value of the xmlData column. I was hoping that the subsequent updates would be based on the new data from the prior update (each xmlTable has several newData rows). Do I have to make this a table valued function and use cross apply?

UPDATE xmlTable
SET xmlTable.xmlData = Underwriting.UpdateByDynamicValue(xmlTable.xmlData,newData.NodeID,newData.NewValue)
FROM xmlTable
JOIN newData
ON xmlTable.ID = newData.fkXmlTableID

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Transact SQL :: Update Column Based On Row Number For Previous Row

Jul 25, 2015

Below is the resultset I got using the following SQL statement

,NULL AS end_date
FROM dbo.Table_1


RowNum ID
create_date end_date
1 0001
2015-02-18 NULL
2 0001
2014-04-28 NULL

[Code] ....

Now, I want to update the end_date column with the create_date's values for the next row_number. Desired output is shown below:

RowNum ID
create_date end_date
1 0001
2015-02-18 NULL
2 0001
2014-04-28 2015-02-18

[Code] ....

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Transact SQL :: ALTER Vs UPDATE When Creating A New Column With Default Value

May 8, 2015

I have a table with ~30M records. I'm trying to add a column to the existing table with default value and have noticed following ... When using alter with default value- (Executes more than 45 min and killed forcefully)


When using update command after adding column with alter (without default value) it completes is 5 min.

ALTER TABLE dbo.Table_X Add is_Active BIT NULL
UPDATE Table_X SET is_Active = 0 WHERE is_Active IS NULL

Why there is so much of difference in execution times ? I was just trying to understand internal behavior of the SQL in these two scenarios. 

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Transact SQL :: Get Identity Column Value When Update Statement Fails?

Sep 9, 2015

My current proc updates(updates using joins of two or three tables) millions of records as per the condition provided for each department.

However, when the proc fails it writes to a ErrorTable, ERROR_MESSAGE(), ERROR_SEVERITY() and which department has failed.

Since the records are updated keeping the selected departments in loop, I get the department in a temp variable.Now, I was asked to log the specific record where the failure was occured.Something like log the identity column value or primary key value which record has failed.

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Transact SQL :: Failure Update Table Column Script

Jul 17, 2015

I am dynamically creating a job using sql script and it does work fine(It creates the job and when it's done it gets deleted as it's created dynamically. so I won't be having any job history at all in the system.). I want to update an existing table if the jobs fails and I am not sure how I can do that using t-sql script. Is that possible?I have an idea but not sure whether it works. In the job create script, can I include the code for if the job fails then go to step 2 and update the table column with the error??? If so, how can I retrieve the error???

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Transact SQL :: Update A Column Randomly Based On Values From Another Table

Oct 27, 2015

I'm trying to Update a column table based on values from another table but I need these values are random.My query looks like this and doesn´t work

DECLARE @Rowini int,
DECLARE @lastrow int
SET @Rowini = 1
SET @Lastrow = 80000


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Transact SQL :: Update Table With Max Value And Row Number (based On 2 Column Partitions)

Sep 15, 2015

I have 3 columns. I would like to update a table based on job_cd and permit_nbr column. if we have same job_cd and permit_nbr, reference number should be same else it should take max(reference number) from the table +1 for all rows where reference_nbr column is null

job_cd permit_nbr reference_nbr

ABC1 990 100002
ABC1 990 100002
ABC1 991 100003
ABC1 992 100004
ABC1 993 100005
ABC2 880 100006
ABC2 881 100007
ABC2 881 100007
ABC2 882 100008
ABC2 882 100008

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Transact SQL :: How To Update Subsequent Columns If Proceeding Column Is Not Null

Jul 7, 2015

I've got a table with 6 fields :

(MasterID, LoginID, AccessID, Storage1, Storage2, Storage3)
that needs to be updated using the data in the following spreadsheet
(ID, MasterID, AccessID1, LoginID1)

There is a 1:1 relationship between the two tables..I'm trying to code a pair of update statements on the EmployeeAccess table (1 for LoginID, 1 for AccessID) with the following logic:

If LoginID is NULL, then Update LoginID with new LoginID1 value,
If LoginID is not null, and Storage1 is NULL then Update Storage1 with New LoginID1 values
If LoginID is not null, and Storage1 is not NULL and Storage2 is NULL then Update Storage2 with New LoginID1 values
etc etc...

The same applies when trying to populate the AccessID column

If AccessID is NULL, then Update AccessID with new AccessID1 value,
If AccessID is not null, and Storage1 is NULL then Update Storage1 with New AccessID1 values
If AccessID is not null, and Storage1 is not NULL and Storage2 is NULL then Update Storage2 with New AccessID1 values
etc etc.

I have no control over the schema of this table  so I'm trying to work the logic on how to update the columns in my table only if the corresponding column data is NULL, else update the next non NULL Storage column.

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Transact SQL :: How To Update New Table By Separating Single Date Column

Oct 11, 2013

I am trying to build a DIM table using a source table that has the following setup...

[POS] [decimal](10, 0) NOT NULL,
[APPL_STATUS] [varchar](5) NULL,
[APPL_APPLICANT] [varchar](10) NULL)


What I am trying to do is to break out the APPL_STATUS_DATE into a STATUS_START_DATE and an STATUS_END_DATE in a new table.  I also need to be able to update the STATUS_END_DATE based on the previous day's date. Like so...

[POS] [decimal](10, 0) NOT NULL,
[APPL_STATUS] [varchar](5) NULL,
[STATUS_END_DATE] [datetime] NULL,
[APPL_APPLICANT] [varchar](10) NULL)


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SSIS- The Element Cannot Be Found In A Collection. This Error Happens When You Try To Retrieve An Element From A Collection On A

May 19, 2008


this is sanjeev,
i have SSIS package, using my c# program i want to add one execute package task to this package's sequence container.

it is creating the new package with out any probelm. but when i opened the package and try to move the newly created exeute package task it is giving the following error.

the element cannot be found in a collection. this error happens when you try to retrieve an element from a collection on a container during the execution of the package

this is my code

Package pkg = new Package();
string str = (string)entry.Key;
pkg.Name = str;
alEntity = (ArrayList)entry.Value;

ConnectionManager conMgr;
Executable chPackage;
TaskHost executePackageTask;

Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application app = new Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application();

//string PackagePath = @"c:Genesis.dtsx";

//p = app.LoadPackage(PackagePath, null);
p = new Package();
p.LoadFromXML(parentPackageBody, null);

p.Name = str;

//Sequence seqContainer;

IDTSSequence seqContainer;
//seqContainer = (Sequence)p.Executables["Extract Genesis Data"];
seqContainer = ((Sequence)p.Executables[0]);

string packageLocation = @"Geneva Packages";
conMgr = p.Connections["SQLChildPackagesConnectionString"];

foreach (string val in alEntity)
if (seqContainer.Executables.Contains("Load_" + val) == false)
chPackage = seqContainer.Executables.Add("STOCK:ExecutePackageTask");

executePackageTask = (TaskHost)chPackage;
executePackageTask.Name = "Load_" + val;
executePackageTask.Description = "Execute Package Task";

executePackageTask.Properties["Connection"].SetValue(executePackageTask, conMgr.Name);
executePackageTask.Properties["PackageName"].SetValue(executePackageTask, packageLocation + ddlApplication.SelectedItem.Text + @"" + executePackageTask.Name);


app.SaveToXml(Server.MapPath("../SynchronizeScript/Packages/" + ddlApplication.SelectedItem.Text + @"") + str + ".dtsx", p, null);

please let me know what is the wrong in my code.

thanks in advance.

sanjeev bolllina

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Transact SQL :: Firing After Update Trigger - On Table Row Update

Jul 8, 2015

I have a table where table row gets updated multiple times(each column will be filled) based on telephone call in data.
Initially, I have implemented after insert trigger on ROW level thinking that the whole row is inserted into table will all column values at a time. But the issue is all columns are values are not filled at once, but observed that while telephone call in data, there are multiple updates to the row (i.e multiple updates in the sense - column data in row is updated step by step),

I thought to implement after update trigger , but when it comes to the performance will be decreased for each and every hit while row update.

I need to implement after update trigger that should be fired on column level instead of Row level to improve the performance?

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Transact SQL :: Calculate DateTime Column By Merging Values From Date Column And Only Time Part Of DateTime Column?

Aug 3, 2015

How can I calculate a DateTime column by merging values from a Date column and only the time part of a DateTime column?

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Transact SQL :: SUM Of Two Table Column Base On Another Column Value And SUBTRACT And Join Tables

Oct 14, 2015

I have the following table

Table Name EmployeeInformation
EmployeeID EmployeeFirstName EmployeeLastName
    1             |John                       |Baker
    2             |Carl                        |Lennon
    3             |Marion                    |Herbert

Table Name PeriodInformation
PeriodID PeriodStart PeriodEnd
    1        |1/1/14      |12/30/14
    2        |1/1/15      |12/30/15


I want a query to join all this tables based on EmployeeID, PeriodID and LeaveTypeID sum of LeaveEntitlement.LeaveEntitlementDaysNumber based on LeaveTypeID AS EntitleAnnaul and AS EntitleSick and sum AssignedLeave.AssignedLeaveDaysNumber based on LeaveTypeID  AS AssignedAnnaul and AS AssignedSick and subtract EntitleAnnaul from AssignedAnnual based on LeaveTypeID  AS AnnualBalance and subtract EntitleSick from AssignedSick based on LeaveTypeID  AS SickBalance

and the table should be shown as below after executing the query

EmployeeID, EmployeeFirstName, EmployeeLastName, PeriodID, PeriodStart, PeriodEnd, EntitleAnnual, AssignedAnnual, AnnualBalance, EntitleSick, AssignedSick, SickBalance

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Transact SQL :: Find Unique Rows In Column That Are Associated With Another Field In Another Column?

May 1, 2015

I am having issues trying to write a query that would provide me the unique GUID numbers associated with a distinct PID if the unique GUID's > 1.  To summarize, I need a query that just shows which PID's have more than one unique GUID. A PID could have multiple GUID's that are the same, I'm looking for the PID's that have multiple GUID's that are different/unique. 



The result of the query would only have PID1 because it has two unique GUID's. PID2 would not be listed has it has the same GUID3 in each row.



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Transact SQL :: Column Length Restriction When Naming CTE Column?

Jun 22, 2015

My CTE is failing and I don't know why...Is there a Common Table Expression column name length restriction???

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Transact SQL :: Distinct By One Column By Selecting Multiple Column?

Jul 17, 2015

I have a SQL Query issue you can find in SQL Fiddle


My query was like this

For Insert
Insert into Employee values('aa', 'T', 'qqq')
Insert into Employee values('aa' , 'F' , 'qqq')
Insert into Employee values('bb', 'F' , 'eee')
Insert into Employee values('cc' , 'T' , 'rrr')
Insert into Employee values('cc' , 'pp' , 'aaa')
Insert into Employee values('cc' , 'Zz' , 'bab')
Insert into Employee values('cc' , 'ZZ' , 'bac')
For select
select col1,MAX(col2) as Col2,Max(Col3) as Col3
from Employee
group by Col1

I supposed to get last row as 

    cc  Zz  bab

Instead I am getting 

  cc  Zz  rrr 

which is wrong

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Transact SQL :: Returning A Column Value Based Upon The Precedence Value Of Another Column?

Nov 4, 2015

#EMAIL_ADDRESSES which hold records similar to the following (CREATE code below):

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Transact SQL :: Get Table And Column Name In Separate Column Using PIVOT

Jul 16, 2015

Is there a way we can get Table and Column name in separate column using PIVOT or something?Right now what i have is:

Text                                                     QueryPlan             Plan_handle  
         Name         Value

select id,name,Address from person     <showPlznXML...   010101                 Table            Person
select id,name,Address from person     <showPlznXML...   010101                 column         id
select id,name,Address from person     <showPlznXML...   010101                 Table            Person


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Transact SQL :: Calculate SUM Of 100 Of EDSUM Column For EDCOST Column

Aug 18, 2015

How I can calculate the 'SUM of 100' of EDSUM column for EDCOST column. Every EDCOST should have sum of 100 on the calculation of EDSUM. I just want to know which is the EDCOST which has <>sum of 100.

Create table #sum (ED numeric, EDCOST numeric, EDName char(6), EDSum numeric, EDCode char(2))
Insert into #sum values (121, 2000,'HLMO',98,'DT')
Insert into #sum values (122, 2000,'HLMT',2,'DT')
Insert into #sum values (123, 2001,'HLMO',100,'DT')
Insert into #sum values (124, 2002,'HLMD',97,'DT')

[Code] ...

Expeced Output:
126 2003 HLMR   98 DT
130 2005 HLMR   98 DT

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Transact SQL :: Calculate Third Column Using Second Column And Variable

Nov 23, 2015

create table #t
id int,
col1 decimal(18,2)

[Code] ...

-- I want to subtract @X and col1. But my variable @X must be reduced for each value in col1 for each next row until it reaches zero.


-- id col1 col2
--@X at starting point is 15000
-- 1 5000.00 0 --@X IS 10000 = 15000 - 5000(col1)
-- 2 1000.00 0 --@X IS 9000 = 10000 - 1000
-- 3 10000.00 1000.00 --@X IS 1000 = 9000 - 10000
-- 4 12000.00 12000.00
-- 5 300.00 300.00
-- 6 35000.00 35000.00

--in col2 i just put zero where col1 is substract from @X and continue for every subsequent order.
-- in 3 row value is 1000 becouse @X is that big (1000 left from col1)

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Transact SQL :: Select Row With Max (column Value) Group By Another Column

May 19, 2015

i dont't know how to select row with max column value group by another column. I have T-SQL

MAX(T.[Second Start Date]) AS [Max Second Start Date],


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Transact SQL :: Add Spaces To First Column So That Second Column Will Be Aligned

Sep 14, 2015

I want to add spaces (like space - len(col)) to first column so that second column will be aligned when exported to email (text).

DECLARE @ColumnSpaces TABLE (
 Col_1 VARCHAR(50),
 Col_2 VARCHAR(50)
INSERT INTO @ColumnSpaces VALUES ('AAA', '123')

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Transact SQL :: XML Column Data Into Separate Column

Nov 18, 2015

I have a column with the data as below :-

  <Item Value="Value1" />
  <Item Value="Value2" />

How to get this data into seperate columns as 


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Transact SQL :: Script One Column To Multiple Column?

Sep 29, 2015

I have below dataset and i want to convert as per my requirement.


In the above dataset, if i take 9/5/2015 then i should get like below,

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Transact SQL :: Update Next Row With Above Value

Aug 25, 2015

Updating the Table . I need to update Two Column .. DEPT and Product .

For a Same EmployeeName DEPT and Product Name should Repeat till Next Value in encountered.

Example For EmployeeName 'A' Dept Value 100 should Repeat till 20 comes, based on Date, because 100 comes before 20 and Project P1 should repeat till P2 comes.

Below is the Sample Source Table.

SELECT 'A',100,'P1', '2015-01-01' UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','','', '2015-01-02' UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','','', '2015-01-03' UNION ALL

[Code] ....

Looking for UPDATE Query . I do not want to use Common table expression to achieve this .

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SQL Server 2012 :: Update A Column Using Value Of Another Column

Sep 9, 2015

I have a student table like this studentid, schoolID, previousschoolid, gradelevel.

I would like to load this table every day from student system.

During the year, the student could change schoolid, whenever there is a change, I would put current records schoolid to the previous schoolid column, and set the schoolid as the newschoolid from student system.

My question in my merge statement something like below

Merge into student st
using (select * from InputStudent ins)

When matched then update

set st.schoolid=ins.schoolid
, st.previouschoolid= case when (st.schoolid<>ins.schoolid) then st.schoolid
else st.previouschoolid
, st.grade_level=ins.grade_level

My question is since schoolid is et at the first line of set statement, will the second line still catch what is the previous schoolid?

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Update Column Value In Whole Database (based On Column Value)?

Aug 27, 2015

How to Update Column Value in the whole data base (based on Column Value)?

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