Transact SQL :: Update Statement In Merge Does Not Work
Jul 29, 2015
In the following t-sql 2012 merge statement, the insert statement works but the update statement does not work. I know that is true since I looked at the results of the update statement:
Merge TST.dbo.LockCombination AS LKC1
(select LKC.comboID,LKC.lockID,LKC.seq,A.lockCombo2,A.schoolnumber,LKR.lockerId
[LockerPopulation] A
JOIN TST.dbo.School SCH ON A.schoolnumber = SCH.type
[Code] ...
Thus can you show me some t-sql 2012 that I can use to make update statement work in the merge function?
I am currently having this problem with gridview and detailview. When I drag either onto the page and set my select statement to pick from one table and then update that data through the gridview (lets say), the update works perfectly. My problem is that the table I am pulling data from is mainly foreign keys. So in order to hide the number values of the foreign keys, I select the string value columns from the tables that contain the primary keys. I then use INNER JOIN in my SELECT so that I only get the data that pertains to the user I am looking to list and edit. I run the "test query" and everything I need shows up as I want it. I then go back to the gridview and change the fields which are foreign keys to templates. When I edit the templates I bind the field that contains the string value of the given foreign key to the template. This works great, because now the user will see string representation instead of the ID numbers that coinside with the string value. So I run my webpage and everything show up as I want it to, all the data is correct and I get no errors. I then click edit (as I have checked the "enable editing" box) and the gridview changes to edit mode. I make my changes and then select "update." When the page refreshes, and the gridview returns, the data is not updated and the original data is shown. I am sorry for so much typing, but I want to be as clear as possible with what I am doing. The only thing I can see being the issue is that when I setup my SELECT and FROM to contain fields from multiple tables, the UPDATE then does not work. When I remove all of my JOIN's and go back to foreign keys and one table the update works again. Below is what I have for my SQL statements:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT:SELECT People.FirstName, People.LastName, People.FullName, People.PropertyID, People.InviteTypeID, People.RSVP, People.Wheelchair, Property.[House/Day Hab], InviteType.InviteTypeName FROM (InviteType INNER JOIN (Property INNER JOIN People ON Property.PropertyID = People.PropertyID) ON InviteType.InviteTypeID = People.InviteTypeID) WHERE (People.PersonID = ?)UPDATE:UPDATE [People] SET [FirstName] = ?, [LastName] = ?, [FullName] = ?, [PropertyID] = ?, [InviteTypeID] = ?, [RSVP] = ?, [Wheelchair] = ? WHERE [PersonID] = ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The only fields I want to update are in [People]. My WHERE is based on a control that I use to select a person from a drop down list. If I run the test query for the update while setting up my data source the query will update the record in the database. It is when I try to make the update from the gridview that the data is not changed. If anything is not clear please let me know and I will clarify as much as I can. This is my first project using ASP and working with databases so I am completely learning as I go. I took some database courses in college but I have never interacted with them with a web based front end. Any help will be greatly appreciated.Thank you in advance for any time, help, and/or advice you can give.Brian
I have a stored procedure that runs (SQL Server 2012 (SP1) Standard Ed) daily and I never had any problem with this stored procedure. However, there is MERGE statement on the stored procedure and I see an error saying that the MERGE statement failed..Here are the stored procedure and error message:
-- FlushQueue CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[FlushQueue] (@RowCount as int = 10000) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SET XACT_ABORT ON;
The MERGE statement attempted to UPDATE or DELETE the same row more than once. This happens when a target row matches more than one source row. A MERGE statement cannot UPDATE/DELETE the same row of the target table multiple times. Refine the ON clause to ensure a target row matches at most one source row, or use the GROUP BY clause to group the source rows. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 8672). The step failed.
Table definition:---CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ImportDefinitions] ( [NodeName] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [ProcedureName] [varchar](100) NOT NULL, [FilePrefix] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [ImportDelay] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ImportDefinitions_ImportDelay] DEFAULT ((0)),
I was using Type 2 for one of our Fact table.... and need to put a flag to know which one is the Current record... I couldn't able to figure how to implement logic in the merge statement... This is an example Query ....I was using like this for my fact table...
Basically I need to track CustomerName and City... So I need a Currentflag (Y) for latest record....
MERGE INTO [dbo].[TargetCustomer] AS TRG USING [dbo].[MyCustomers] AS SRC ON TRG.[CustomerID] = SRC.[CustomerID] AND TRG.[CustomerName]=SRC.[CustomerName] AND TRG.[City]=SRC.[City]
In a t-sql 2012 merge statement that is listed below, the insert statement on the merge statement listed below is not working. The update statement works though.
Merge test.dbo.LockCombination AS LKC1 USING (select LKC.lockID,LKC.seq,A.lockCombo1,A.schoolnumber from [Inputtb] A JOIN test.dbo.School SCH ON A.schoolnumber = SCH.type JOIN test.dbo.Locker LKR ON SCH.schoolID = LKR.schoolID AND A.lockerNumber = LKR.number
Thus would you tell me what I need to do to make the insert statement work on the merge statement listed above?
In order to feed a fact table of a dwh from a staging table I'm using the MERGE statement in order to control insert and update operations. It is possible that the staging table has duplicate rows respect to the fields controlled in the merge condition:
When I run the first time the MERGE statement unwanted rows could be inserted in the fact table.
Does the MERGE statement allow to manage this case or do I need to filter data from the staging table before to write them into the fact table?
I am new to use MERGE statement. The MERGE cannot find any match Cardnumber in the target table. It inserts row into an existing row on the target table causing SQL rejected with duplicate key not allowed. The CardNumber is defined as a primary key on the target table with no duplicate allowed. Below snippet stop when MERGE insert a row exists on the target. The source table contains multiple rows with the same Cardnumber because it is a transactional table with multiple redemptions.
If MERGE cannot handle many (source) to one (target) relationship, what other method that I can change to in order to update the target GiftCard table which keeps track of gift card balance?
Below is the error message:
Msg 2627, Level 14, State 1, Line 5 Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_GiftCard'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.GiftCard'. The duplicate key value is (63027768).
I have this sql stored procedure in SQL Server 2012:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[CreateBatchAndSaveExternalCodes] @newBatches as dbo.CreateBatchList READONLY , @productId int , @cLevelRatio int , @nLevelRatio int AS set nocount on;
I have created a Dynamic Merge statement SCD2 Store procedure , which insert the records if no matches and if bbxkey matches from source table to destination table thne it updates old record as lateteverion 0 and insert new record with latest version 1.
I am getting below error when I ahve more than 1 bbxkey in my source table. How can I ignore this.
BBXkey is nothing but I am deriving by combining 2 columns.
Msg 8672, Level 16, State 1, Line 6
The MERGE statement attempted to UPDATE or DELETE the same row more than once. This happens when a target row matches more than one source row. A MERGE statement cannot UPDATE/DELETE the same row of the target table multiple times. Refine the ON clause to ensure a target row matches at most one source row, or use the GROUP BY clause to group the source rows.
2 Users in 2 locations issue updates to the same table. 1 updating 1 column and the other updating another column. Now in reality the actual Stored Procedure issuing the update statement is passed in all the possible columns that could change and builds an update statement that updates all columns even the ones that havent changed.
Will this break Merge Replications conflict tracking? Or does SQL Server 2005 Merge Replication pickup that in reality the 2 updates only in reality changed the values in 2 columns.
Problem Summary: Merge Statement takes several times longer to execute than equivalent Update, Insert and Delete as separate statements. Why?
I have a relatively large table (about 35,000,000 records, approximately 13 GB uncompressed and 4 GB with page compression - including indexes). A MERGE statement pretty consistently takes two or three minutes to perform an update, insert and delete. At one extreme, updating 82 (yes 82) records took 1 minute, 45 seconds. At the other extreme, updating 100,000 records took about five minutes.When I changed the MERGE to the equivalent separate UPDATE, INSERT & DELETE statements (embedded in an explicit transaction) the entire update took only 17 seconds. The query plans for the separate UPDATE, INSERT & DELETE statements look very similar to the query plan for the combined MERGE. However, all the row count estimates for the MERGE statement are way off.
Obviously, I am going to use the separate UPDATE, INSERT & DELETE statements. The actual query plans for the four statements ( combined MERGE and the separate UPDATE, INSERT & DELETE ) are attached. SQL Code to create the source and target tables and the actual queries themselves are below. I've also included the statistics created by my test run. Nothing else was running on the server when I ran the test.
Server Configuration:
SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1, Enterprise Edition 3 x Quad-Core Xeon Processor Max Degree of Parallelism = 8 148 GB RAM
SQL Code:
Target Table: USE TPS; IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.ParticipantResponse') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.ParticipantResponse;
When I run this update statement, it updates the proper badgenumbers but it only updates them to 1 when I did a count? As the data displays some of the results should be more than 1. Why did this occur?
I need all [FRMDAT] field set to ‘12/31/2014’ in the MKLOPT table, where the [JOBCOD] in the VALUE list BELOW have a [FRMDAT] that is currently (greater than) > ‘12/31/2014’
VALUE LIST PH00059 PH02775 PH03051 PH03305 PH03336 PH03342 PH03371 PH03992 PH03993 PH03994
I am trying to run the below but I get an error of 'Incorrect syntax ')'' --- I have tried every angle I can think of around the parens to fix this but nothing I do is working.
UPDATE abcdefg SET [Date] = GETDate(), [readytogo] = ( CASE WHEN [customername] NOT IN (Select [customername] from [server].[database].[dbo].[view]) THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'Needs Verification'
I have used the below update query. However, its updating only the first value. Like its updating AB with volume when c.Type = ABC, similarly for CD. Its not updating based on the 2nd or the next case condition.
Update XYZ Set AB = a.Amt * (CASE WHEN c.Type = 'ABC' THEN (c.volume) WHEN c.TYPE = 'DEF' THEN (c.volume) WHEN c.Type = 'GHI' THEN (c.volume) Else 0 END), CD = CASE WHEN c.Type = 'MARGIN' THEN '4105.31' WHEN c.Type = 'ABC' THEN '123.1' WHEN c.Type = 'DEF' THEN '234.2' WHEN c.Type = 'GHI' THEN '567.1' END from table1 a join table2 b on a.Cust = b.Customer join table3 c on b.account = c.account and
Why its not working properly? But if i use Select statement instead of update query its working properly.
In t-sql 2012, data is obtained from [Inputtb].lockCombo1 where it is defined as varchar(8). The data is copied to test.dbo.LockCombination.combo where the field is defined as varchar(8). This copies all the data except the last right column.
Basically a value that is '12-34-56' intially from [Inputtb].lockCombo1 ends on in st.dbo.LockCombination.combo looking like
'12-34-5'. In this case the last value of '6' is missing. I have tried to use various string functions to obtain the entire value that should be '12-34-56' and ends up looking like '12-34-5'.
Here are 2 sqls that I have used and I get the same results:
1. UPDATE LKC SET LKC.combo = lockCombo1 FROM [Inputtb] A JOIN test.dbo.School SCH ON A.schoolnumber = SCH.type and A.schoolnumber = @SchoolNumber JOIN test.dbo.Locker LKR ON SCH.schoolID = LKR.schoolID AND A.lockerNumber =
[Code] ....
I can not change the definition of the columns since these are production settings.
Thus can you should me modified sql that will end up with the entire value of 8 characters in the [Inputtb].lockCombo1 column?
table A: | ID | FRUIT | VEGETABLE | GOOD | -------------------------------------------- | 1 | orange | cabbage | no | | 1 | apple | lettuce | yes | | 1 | kiwi | broccoli | no | | 1 | pear | kale | yes |
table B: | ID | FRUIT | VEGETABLE | ------------------------------- | 1 | apple | lettuce | | 2 | pear | kale |
If the fruit and vegetable in table A is found in table B, then set the GOOD column = yes, else no.
This is what I have so far.
update tableA set GOOD = (case when = then 'yes' else 'no' end ) from (select as id from tableA A left join tableB B on B.fruit = A.fruit and B.vegetable = A.vegetable) C
I'm trying to update rows in a simple table that has a UNIQUE KEY CONSTRAINT defined on one of its columns. Here is the DDL for the table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SEC_USER]( [SEC_USER_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [USER_CODE] [varchar](100) NOT NULL, [USER_NAME] [varchar](128) NOT NULL, [EMP_CODE] [varchar](6) NOT NULL,
[Code] ....
When trying to execute the UPDATE statement the query fails with a constraint violation error:
Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'UQ__SEC_USER__A039F1EE62FE8444'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.SEC_USER'. The duplicate key value is (34337).
What has me baffled is that I'm not doing any insert. Also, the value that it's referencing - 34337 - doesn't exist in the table at all. I'd rather not drop the constraint.
My current proc updates(updates using joins of two or three tables) millions of records as per the condition provided for each department.
However, when the proc fails it writes to a ErrorTable, ERROR_MESSAGE(), ERROR_SEVERITY() and which department has failed.
Since the records are updated keeping the selected departments in loop, I get the department in a temp variable.Now, I was asked to log the specific record where the failure was occured.Something like log the identity column value or primary key value which record has failed.
SQL Ver: 2008 (not r2) Problem: The following code returns correct results when moving variable declarations and update statement outside a stored procedure, but fails to return a value other than zero for the "COMPANY TOTAL" records. The "DEPT TOTAL" result works fine both in and outside the sp.This may have to do with handling NULL values since I was getting warning message earlier involving a value being eliminated by an aggregate function involving a NULL. I only got this message when running inside the sp, not when running standalone. I wrapped the values inside the SUM functions with an ISNULL, and now return a zero rather than NULL for the "COMPANY TOTAL" records when running inside SP.All variable values are correct when running.
SQL CODE: DECLARE @WIPMonthCurrent date = (SELECT TOP 1 WIPMonth FROM budxcWIPMonths WHERE ActiveWIPPeriod = 'Y') select @WIPMonthCurrent as WIPMonthCurrent
I've have a need with SQL Server 2005 (so I've no MERGE statement), I have to merge 2 tables, the target table has 10 fields, the first 4 are the clustered index and primary key, the source table has the same fields and index.Since I can't use the MERGE statement (I'm in SQL 2005) I have to make a double step operation, and INSERT and an UPDATE, I can't figure how to design the WHERE condition for the insert statement.
I have a problem with creating Merge replication between two instances of MSDE 2000. In the article, published by Microsoft, described, that it is possible.
I am creating Merge Publication at MSDE 2000, with Distributor and Publisher configured at same machine, with options "Allow Pull Subscriptions" and "Allow Anonymous Subscriptions". There is no problem with creating of Publication. Even snapshot generation finishes successfully. Also I create a login with SQL Server Authentication and "System Administrators" database role at the publisher in order to connect to it from Subscriber.
The problem occurs, when creating anonymous pull subscription to this publication at another instance of MSDE. During initial synchronization an error occurs:
The process could not connect to Distributor '<publisher_server_name>'. Login failed for user '<login_created_at_publisher>'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. The step failed.
Although I didn't use Windows Authentication at all, so Subscriber doesn't need to connect to Distributor using trusted SQL Server connection.
What is a problem and how can I workaround?
Note: The same works correctly, if MS SQL Server used as a Publisher instead of MSDE.
Please, help!
I can provide publication and subscription creation scripts, if required.
Hi, we have developped an application on pdaphone. we try to use merge replication between our sql server 2000 sp4 and sql Ce 3.0 via GPRS . Sometime that works very fine . Sometime it's a nightmare !!! nothing work . we have multiple error....
can someone tell me, what are the rules to make it work ? can someone tell me, if it really works fine ?
I do realize that his could be posted in a few spots but I think the answer is in the SQL. I have a ASP.NET page, with a SqlDataSource, Text Box and Calendar Controls. I have the textbox and calendar controls eval'ed to the same sql data source DateTime Field. The text box is formatted eval to small time and the calendars eval has no formatting. ex: <asp:TextBox ID="START_TIME" Text='<%# Eval("EVENT_START","{0:t}") %>' runat=server Width=200></asp:TextBox> I want to merge the two controls; one has the date the other has the time when I update the pages data to the SqlDataSource field EVENT_START. I've tried a couple of methods, but I would like some other opinions. As Sql server only supports date and time together I am storing the two together. I could merge the two together in the code behind on the update button's event handler or merge the two during the update query using parameters. Not that I could get an illegal date for the calendar control, but I could get garbage from the textfield time. So I still would have to do validation on the text field before the SQL server could do the update. There's a few ways to go about this, so I was wondering if anyone else has figured out an elegant way to handle it. wbochar
I have been evaluating merge replication, 'push' subscription on SQL Server 2014. If the default resolver is used (I refer to @article_resolver parameter of sp_addmergearticle), all seems to work as expected. However if I use "Microsoft SQL Server Subscriber Always Wins Conflict Resolver" (or any other MS standard resolver for that matter), if the Subscriber is on a different machine, the merge agent invariably gives the following error: "The process could not initialize <resolver_name>. Verify that the component is registered correctly."
This does not happen if the Subscriber is on the same machine as the Publisher and Distributor.
The problem seemed to exist in SQL Server 2008 according to some posts but it has been apparently fixed since then. I've tried the following:
- @partition_options = 0, as was suggested somewhere.
- Copied ssrpub.dll (the resolver dll) to the Subscriber machine (should not really matter as this is 'push' subscription?)
- Registered ssrpub.dll with regsvr32 on the Publisher/Distributor machine.
I've also run sp_enumcustomresolvers on the Publisher machine, and it happily showed all standard resolver, including the "Microsoft SQL Server Subscriber Always Wins Conflict Resolver".
Another thought is, I'm using SQL Server Express as the Subscriber (on the remote machine). Perhaps it does not support custom resolvers? (I'm using the full SQL Server in the 'local subscriber' variant, which does work OK as I mentioned before).
Note also that if I create a new publication via SSMS, the Resolver tab of the Article Properties dialog is empty, i.e. it does not list any resolver. The same tab contains the full list of resolvers though, if opened for an existing publication.
Hi all, I am new to transact-sql and hoped that someone here might be able to help. I have a db with a field called "part" ... part contains text in the format:
(the number of x's before or after each hyphen vary) such that I could have xxx-xxxxx-xxx as the part.
Someone wrote this transact-sql to take my current "part" field and move it to three different part fields ... a,b,c
If xxxxx-xx-xxxxx was the part in the original db, then a would contain xxxxx .. b contains xx ... c contains xxxxx
Make sense? Here is the code. It doesn't work and I can't seem to figure out why! It looks like it is just trying to find the hyphens and cut out the text from that... but it fails with an error that says "invalid length parameter passed to the substring function". Note, if I take off the "-1" from each line below... then the function works but produces the wrong data.
char(45) = "-" (hyphen)
UPDATE [dbo].[parts] SET a = SUBSTRING(part,1,CHARINDEX(CHAR(45),part)-1), b = SUBSTRING(part,CHARINDEX(CHAR(45),part)+1,CHARINDEX(CHAR(45),RIGHT(part,LEN(part)-CHARINDEX(CHAR(45),part)))-1), c = SUBSTRING(part,CHARINDEX(CHAR(45),RIGHT(part,LEN(part)-CHARINDEX(CHAR(45),part)))+CHARINDEX(CHAR(45),part)+1,LEN(part)) GO
Does anyone know what I can do to fix this or is it much more difficult to do than what it seems?