Transact SQL :: Update Table Based On Join

Sep 7, 2015

I have table A with colums ID and Product. I have table B with ID (same as table A) and revenue of product.

I need to update the field Product of table A with the revenue of table B.

I'm confuse with the update joining both tables. I tried this, but obviously has an error:

Update A set Product=B.Revenue where A.ID=B.ID

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Transact SQL :: Update Table Based On Available Date Range In Same Table

Dec 2, 2015

I would like to update the flag of the promotion ID should the promotion ID date range overlap with Promotion ID(All) Date Range. The general logic is as below.

Update TableName
SET PromotionID Flag = 1 AND Reason = 'Overlap with row ID(Overlap row ID number)'
Where EACH ROW(Except with Promotion ID ALL) Date Range Overlap with ROW(with promotion ID ALL) Date range

Note: ROW is Partition By ColumnA,ColumnB

TableName: PromotionList

ID PromotionID StartDate EndDate ColumnA ColumnB Flag Reason
1 1 2015-04-05 2015-05-28 NULL NULL 0 NULL
2 1 2015-04-05 2015-04-23 2 3 0 NULL
3 2 2015-05-04 2015-07-07 2 3 0 NULL
4 ALL 2015-04-05 2015-04-28 NULL NULL 0 NULL
5 ALL 2015-07-06 2015-07-10 2 3 0 NULL
6 1 2015-02-03 2015-03-03 NULL NULL 0 NULL

Expected outcome after performing update on the table

ID PromotionID StartDate EndDate ColumnA ColumnB Flag Reason
1 1 2015-04-05 2015-05-28 NULL NULL 1 Overlap with row ID 4
2 1 2015-04-05 2015-04-23 2 3 0 NULL
3 2 2015-05-04 2015-07-07 2 3 Overlap with row ID 5
4 ALL 2015-04-05 2015-04-28 NULL NULL 0 NULL
5 ALL 2015-07-06 2015-07-10 2 3 0 NULL
6 1 2015-02-03 2015-03-03 NULL NULL 0 NULL

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Transact SQL :: Update A Field In Table Based On Another Table

Nov 17, 2015

I have a daily record table (has field Date1, field2Update) and have another table(has field Date2, Flag (value: 0 and non 0 values)

I want to update table1 and set field2Update as somevalue where table2.Flag <> 0

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Transact SQL :: Update A Column Randomly Based On Values From Another Table

Oct 27, 2015

I'm trying to Update a column table based on values from another table but I need these values are random.My query looks like this and doesn´t work

DECLARE @Rowini int,
DECLARE @lastrow int
SET @Rowini = 1
SET @Lastrow = 80000


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Transact SQL :: Update Table With Max Value And Row Number (based On 2 Column Partitions)

Sep 15, 2015

I have 3 columns. I would like to update a table based on job_cd and permit_nbr column. if we have same job_cd and permit_nbr, reference number should be same else it should take max(reference number) from the table +1 for all rows where reference_nbr column is null

job_cd permit_nbr reference_nbr

ABC1 990 100002
ABC1 990 100002
ABC1 991 100003
ABC1 992 100004
ABC1 993 100005
ABC2 880 100006
ABC2 881 100007
ABC2 881 100007
ABC2 882 100008
ABC2 882 100008

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Transact SQL :: Update One Table Based On Another Table Values For Multiple Values

Apr 26, 2015

I have two tables  A(uname,address,full_name) and B(uname,full_name). I want to update table A for all matching case of uname in table B. 

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Transact SQL :: Difference Between Inner Join And Left Outer Join In Multi-table Joins?

Oct 8, 2015

I was writing a query using both left outer join and inner join.  And the query was ....

        S.companyname AS supplier,,P.productid, P.productname, P.unitprice,C.categoryname
        Production.Suppliers AS S LEFT OUTER JOIN
        (Production.Products AS P
         INNER JOIN Production.Categories AS C


However ,the result that i got was correct.But when i did  the same query using the left outer join in both the cases


        S.companyname AS supplier,,P.productid, P.productname, P.unitprice,C.categoryname
        Production.Suppliers AS S LEFT OUTER JOIN
(Production.Products AS P
LEFT OUTER JOIN Production.Categories AS C
ON C.categoryid = P.categoryid)
S.supplierid = P.supplierid
WHERE = N'Japan';

The result i got was same,i.e

supplier     country    productid    productname     unitprice    categorynameSupplier QOVFD     Japan     9     Product AOZBW    97.00     Meat/PoultrySupplier QOVFD    Japan   10     Product YHXGE     31.00     SeafoodSupplier QOVFD     Japan   74     Product BKAZJ    10.00     ProduceSupplier QWUSF     Japan    13     Product POXFU     6.00     SeafoodSupplier QWUSF     Japan     14     Product PWCJB     23.25     ProduceSupplier QWUSF    Japan     15    Product KSZOI     15.50    CondimentsSupplier XYZ     Japan     NULL     NULL     NULL     NULLSupplier XYZ     Japan     NULL     NULL     NULL     NULL

and this time also i got the same result.My question is that is there any specific reason to use inner join when join the third table and not the left outer join.

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Transact SQL :: Update Based On Results From Select

Jul 24, 2015

Update statement based on the results from this SELECT:


[Code] ....

I need to update all records where the 


I imagine that the UPDATE statement will be something like:


[Code] .....

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Transact SQL :: Update Column Based On Row Number For Previous Row

Jul 25, 2015

Below is the resultset I got using the following SQL statement

,NULL AS end_date
FROM dbo.Table_1


RowNum ID
create_date end_date
1 0001
2015-02-18 NULL
2 0001
2014-04-28 NULL

[Code] ....

Now, I want to update the end_date column with the create_date's values for the next row_number. Desired output is shown below:

RowNum ID
create_date end_date
1 0001
2015-02-18 NULL
2 0001
2014-04-28 2015-02-18

[Code] ....

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Transact SQL :: Update Incoming Rows Based On Percentage Calculation

Apr 2, 2015

This is on SQL Server 2008. Please find a detailed description and the file of the data, that I am working on.


equal to "Omnibus"
the 'Trans Description'is
equal to "Purchase"
one purchase and
one redemption that match on 'System'
'Account TA Number'
'Product Name'
'Settled Date'
the 'Trade Amount'
of the purchase and
redemption is
within 5%,
display those set of records.

deemed wash trades,
allow user to update the purchase and
redemption pair 'Trans Description'
to "Exchange In"
'Trans Description'
"Exchange out"

System Channel Dealer Name Firm Name Product Cusip Product Name Product Share Class Trade ID Settled Date Account TA Number Trans Description  Trade Amount 

SCHWABPORTAL US - ASG MILLIMAN MILLIMAN 64128K777 Strategic Income Fund A 29806259 30-Jan-15 000BY00F2RW Redemption  $      25,68,458.15

[Code] .....

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Join 2 Table Based On Date

Jul 16, 2014

I have 2 tables:

Table Transaction
EmpID TransDate
00001 1/1/2014
00001 1/2/2014
00001 1/3/2104
00001 1/4/2014
00001 1/5/2014
00001 1/6/2014
00001 1/15/2014
00001 2/1/2014
00001 2/2/2014
00001 2/20/2004 ....

Table Master
EmpID EffectiveDateFr Group
00001 1/1/2014 A
00001 1/5/2014 B
00001 1/9/2014 C
00001 2/1/2014 B
00001 2/20/2014 A ....

I want to create query the output should be:

EmpID TransDate Group
00001 1/1/2014 A
00001 1/2/2014 A
00001 1/3/2104 A
00001 1/4/2014 A
00001 1/5/2014 B
00001 1/6/2014 B
00001 1/15/2014 C
00001 2/1/2014 B
00001 2/2/2014 B
00001 2/20/2004 A

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SQL 2012 :: Creating A Table Based On Non-Join

Oct 21, 2014

I have 2 tables that I need to merge let me explain. I have a range of product ID's that have a product grouping of * meaning all product groups. So I have a table with products and one with around 100 groups

ProdID ProdGrp
-------- ---------
11 *
12 *

ProdGrp ProdGrpDesc
--------- ---------------
A Prod Group A
B Prod Group B
C Prod Group C

I need a table which looks like the below but I have no joining mechanism

ProdID ProdGrp
-------- ---------
11 A
11 B
11 C
12 A
12 B
12 C

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Transact SQL :: How To Get First Table All Rows In Left Join If Condition Is Applied On Second Table

Aug 15, 2015

I am using stored procedure to load gridview but problem is that i am not getting all rows from first table[ Subject] on applying conditions on second table[ Faculty_Subject table] ,as you can see below if i apply condition :-


Then i don't get all subjects from subject table, how this can be achieved.

Sql Code:-
ALTER Proc [dbo].[SP_Get_Subjects_Faculty_Details]
@Class_Id int

[code] ....

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Transact SQL :: Firing After Update Trigger - On Table Row Update

Jul 8, 2015

I have a table where table row gets updated multiple times(each column will be filled) based on telephone call in data.
Initially, I have implemented after insert trigger on ROW level thinking that the whole row is inserted into table will all column values at a time. But the issue is all columns are values are not filled at once, but observed that while telephone call in data, there are multiple updates to the row (i.e multiple updates in the sense - column data in row is updated step by step),

I thought to implement after update trigger , but when it comes to the performance will be decreased for each and every hit while row update.

I need to implement after update trigger that should be fired on column level instead of Row level to improve the performance?

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Update Data To A Table From The Sum Of A Field From Another Table Based On Some Criteria

Jan 22, 2008

Hello Friends,

I have two tables, And also I have Sample data in them.

create table X
(y int,
m int,
v int)

insert into X select 2007,1,5
insert into X select 2007,1,3
insert into X select 2007,2,9
insert into X select 2007,2,1

select * from X

Create table Y
(fy int,
fm int,
v int)

insert into Y select 2007,1,0
insert into Y select 2007,2,0
insert into Y select 2007,3,0

select * from X
select * from Y

I want to update the Table Y with the Sum of the Fields V from X based on the Criteria Y.fy = X.y and = X.m

Using temporary table cannot be done.

Thanks in Advance,

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Transact SQL :: Where Clause Based On Select Statement From Another Table

Jul 9, 2015

I basically want to select all GRNID's from one table but they have to be between dates in another table.So I want all GRN's between two dates found in the ABSPeriodEndDate table. To find out the start date for the between clause I need to find the MAX Period then minus 1 and the max year. To find the end date of the between clause I want I need to find both the max period and year. But I want the DateStamp column to return the results for the between clause. My query is below:

INNER JOIN ABSPeriodEndDates ON tblGRNItem.DateCreated = ABSPeriodEndDates.DateStamp
WHERE tblGRNItem.DateCreated BETWEEN
(SELECT ABSPeriodEndDates.DateStamp FROM ABSPeriodEndDates WHERE ABSPeriodEndDates.DateStamp = (SELECT


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Transact SQL :: Finding Multiple Records Based On Another Table

Nov 6, 2015

I have 2 tables A, B with 1 to many relationship

Table A(ProductID),  TableB(ProductID, FileID)

I need to find only the records in Table A that may have more than one FileIDs in Table B,  since some ProductIDS have multiple FileIDs in Table B...

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Transact SQL :: Populate Column On Insert Based On Value From Another Table

Jul 26, 2015

I have the following 2 tables:

Table: classes  Columns: classID, hp
Table: char_active  Columns: name, classID, hp

The classes table is already populated.

What I want to do is insert a new row into char_active using the name and classID column, and have the HP column auto populate based on the corresponding value in the classes table. This is the trigger I wrote but I'm getting the error

Incorrect syntax near 'inserted'.

I'm new to sql, this is actually the first trigger I've tried writing. 

create trigger new_hp on curr_chars.char_active
instead of insert
declare @hp tinyint
select @hp=lists.classes.hp from lists.classes where lists.classes.classID=inserted.classID
insert into curr_chars.char_active (name, classID, hp), inserted.classID, @hp

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Transact SQL :: Generate A Report Based Of Columns In Each Table

Oct 31, 2015

I have 5 different tables with same structure. Each table has an account column and another column count. I am trying to generate a report based of the columns in each table. Account is same in all tables with same account numbers but count will be different. 


Table 1 has Account Count

Table 2 has Account Count

Table 3 has Account Count

Table 4 has Account Count

Table 5 has Account Count

I want output as: 

Account Count Account Count Account Count Account Count Account Count 

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Transact SQL :: Using Join With Part Of A Table

Jul 14, 2015

I have a table like this : |   description |  start_date |  end_date |   load_date

I want to join this table with itself on reg. no. But not all the rows in table must be joined.

But for example, rows with load_date 01-07-2015 to be joined with rows with load_date 02-07-2015. And the rest of the rows should not used in join (for example, rows having other load_dates)

Is this possible ? and how?

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Transact SQL :: Get Min Date Row From Join Table

Sep 10, 2015

I have the following 2 tables:



1 Location can be attached to many policies.

I need to create a query to get 1 row per location and get the minimum PolicyBookingDt and RowUpdateDt from the policy table.  All the attributes from the Location table should also be from the Policy that has the minimum PolicyBookingDt.

 So from the above example, i need to get the following:

Getting a little confused on how to create the syntax for this.

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Update One Based On ANother Table

Oct 13, 2005

Here is my situation;I have two tables in a MS-SQL DB. One table with dollar amounts and servicecodes. I have a second table that I want to move some information into fromthe first table. The catch is I want to move one field as is from the firsttable to the second, but the rest of the fields in the second table arecalculations based on fields in the first table.The first table is called XFILE. It has fields SVCCODE, PRICE, DWAGES,DMATLS, etc. The second table has the same field names and I want to movethe SVCCODE from XFILE to Cost_Percent with no changes. For DWAGES in theCost_Percent table I want to do the following calculation;[ XFILE.DWAGE] divided by [XFILE.PRICE] and put the results in Cost_Percenttable DWAGES fieldSo basically I am putting a percent in the Cost_Percent table. I can movethe data from one table to another ok, but I can not figure out how to writethe query in the Query Analyzer to do this.I am ruining SQL2000 Standard on a Win2K3 server. I am using Query Analyzerand SQL Enterprise Manager from an XP-Pro WS.I have looked in the 'Books On-Line' for the answer but I sort of new to SQLand can't find the answer that I am sure is staring me in the face.Thanks in advance for any help.Mike Charneym charney at dunlap hospital dot org

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Set-based Update - Table Joined On Itself

Dec 15, 2005

Guys - sorry for the long post - hope it's clear

DDL/DML below

I want to update the startdate column (for all rows) so that when period is 0 then the new value
is a hardcoded value (say '01-Dec-2000') but for all other rows it takes the value in the
enddate column for the row of the previous column (with the same freq)

ie the startdate column for period 1 takes the enddate value for period 0 and so on for a particular freq

create table #periods (period int , startdate datetime , [enddate] datetime , freq int)
insert #periods ( period , startdate , enddate , freq)
select 0 , '01-Jan-1900' , '31-Jan-2001' , 1
union all
select 1 , '01-Jan-1900' , '28-Feb-2001' , 1
union all
select 2 , '01-Jan-1900' , '31-Mar-2001' , 1
union all
select 3 , '01-Jan-1900' , '30-Apr-2001' , 1
union all
select 4 , '01-Jan-1900' , '31-May-2001' , 1
union all
select 0 , '01-Jan-1900' , '31-Jan-2002' , 3
union all
select 1 , '01-Jan-1900' , '28-Feb-2002' , 3
union all
select 2 , '01-Jan-1900' , '31-Mar-2002' , 3
union all
select 3 , '01-Jan-1900' , '30-Apr-2002' , 3
union all
select 4 , '01-Jan-1900' , '31-May-2002' , 3

select * from #periods -- gives

01900-01-01 00:00:00.0002001-01-31 00:00:00.0001
11900-01-01 00:00:00.0002001-02-28 00:00:00.0001
21900-01-01 00:00:00.0002001-03-31 00:00:00.0001
31900-01-01 00:00:00.0002001-04-30 00:00:00.0001
41900-01-01 00:00:00.0002001-05-31 00:00:00.0001
01900-01-01 00:00:00.0002002-01-31 00:00:00.0003
11900-01-01 00:00:00.0002002-02-28 00:00:00.0003
21900-01-01 00:00:00.0002002-03-31 00:00:00.0003
31900-01-01 00:00:00.0002002-04-30 00:00:00.0003
41900-01-01 00:00:00.0002002-05-31 00:00:00.0003

Desired result
select * from #periods -- gives

02000-12-01 00:00:00.0002001-01-31 00:00:00.0001
12001-01-31 00:00:00.0002001-02-28 00:00:00.0001
22001-02-28 00:00:00.0002001-03-31 00:00:00.0001
32001-03-31 00:00:00.0002001-04-30 00:00:00.0001
42001-04-30 00:00:00.0002001-05-31 00:00:00.0001
02000-12-01 00:00:00.0002002-01-31 00:00:00.0003
12002-01-31 00:00:00.0002002-02-28 00:00:00.0003
22002-02-28 00:00:00.0002002-03-31 00:00:00.0003
32002-03-31 00:00:00.0002002-04-30 00:00:00.0003
42002-04-30 00:00:00.0002002-05-31 00:00:00.0003

I know I need a case statement to test for column 0 and to join the table on itself and have put something together
but it fails for column 0 and updates to NULL - I think it must be to do with the join ??

This is what I've got so far :

PA1.Startdate =
WHEN PA2.period = 0
2000-12-01 00:00:00.000
FROM #periods AS PA1
JOIN #periods AS PA2 ON PA1.Freq = PA2.Freq AND PA1.Period = PA2.Period + 1

Any help gratefully received as always

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Possible To Update A Table Based On Excel?

May 14, 2006

Hi all
I was wondering if it was possible to update a table based off of information from Excel. here is what I though would have worked.

update MyTest Set acctNumber='111' FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Excel 8.0;Database=C:MyFile.xls;HDR=YES', 'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]') where [ProductGroup]='Hal Butts'

with 'Update MyTest' being the table name. It does have the same name as the excel file. Just to rule that out.

It gives me this error

Ambiguous column name 'ProductGroup'.

If it is possible what is the correct syntax??


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Date Update Based On Another Table

Jul 9, 2007

I have to update dates column based on other table

1)MFGDt date which is a column in PRODWIN table should be before awaredt(say between 1 to 3 months)
which is in table incidents

2)Expirydt date from prodwin table should be after awaredt (incidents table)(say between 2 or 3 months)

UPDATE prodwin
SET expirydt =awaredt + DATEPART(hour, invcompleteddt)%5 + 1

It is giving me this error because not in the same table "Invalid column name"

3)prodrecddt should be after AWAREDT and before Invcomleteddt (incidents table)

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SQL Server 2012 :: Set Based Method To Insert Missing Records Into Table - Right Join Not Work

Apr 24, 2014

I have table A (EmployeeNumber, Grouping, Stages)
Table B (Grouping, Stages)

Table A could look like the following where the multiple employees could have multiple types and multiple stages.

EmployeeNumber, Type, Stages
100, 1, Stage1
100, 1, Stage2
100, 2, Stage1
100, 2, Stage2
200, 1, Stage1
200, 2, Stage2

Table B is a list of requirements that each employee must have. So every employee must have a type 1 and 2 and the associated stages listed below.

Type, Stage
1, Stage1
1, Stage2
2, Stage1
2, Stage2
2, Stage3
2, Stage4

So I know that each employee should have 2 Type 1's and 4 Type 2's. I hope that makes sense, I'm trying to change my data because ours is very proprietary.

I need to identify employees who do not have all their stages and list the stages they are missing. The final report should only have employees and the associated missing types and stages.

I do a count by employee to see how many types they have to identify the ones that don't have all the types and stages.

My count would look something like this:

EmployeeNumber Type Total
100, 1, 2
100, 2, 2
200, 1, 1
200 1, 2

So I know that employee 100 should have 2 more Type 2's and employee 200 should have 1 more Type 1 and 2 more Type 2's based on the required list.

The problem I'm having is taking that required list and joining to my list of employees with missing data and pulling from it the types and stages that are missing by employee. I thought I could get a list of the employees that are missing information and right join it to the required list where the missing records would be nulls. But, that doesn't work because some employees do have the required information and so I'm not getting any nulls returned.

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Transact SQL :: Query Based On Date - Get Data From Table Above WHERE DateofBirth Is Tomorrow

Oct 30, 2015

Lets say I have a table, tblPersons

FirstName |  LastName   |  DateofBirth
  Thomas   | Alva Edison |   10-10-2015
  Benjamin | Franklin    |     10-10-2015
  Thomas   | More        |     11-10-2015
  Thomas   | Jefferson   |    12-10-2015

Suppose today's date is 09-10-2015 in (dd-MM-yyyy format), I want to perform a query in such a way that I should get the data from the table above WHERE DateofBirth is tomorrow, so I could get the following result.

FirstName |  LastName   |  DateofBirth
  Thomas   | Alva Edison |   10-10-2015
  Benjamin | Franklin    |     10-10-2015

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How To Update A Table 2 Based On A Nother Table

Feb 20, 2001

hi, I have two tables named state and state2, please click on the link to view both tables. I want to update the second table by inserting the
state from table one. I tried to make it but failed,I would appreciate your

update state2
set state = (select code from state1 where id= select id from state1 where...I do not know how
where id =(select id from state.....I do not know how

anyway, I appreciate your help.

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Update Table Column Based On Value From Another Table?

Sep 2, 2005

Hi, I have two tables. I want to update two columns in my first table,[ADD_BSL_SALES] and [ADD_BSL_COST] with two values [Sales] and[Costs] held in my #temp table but based on a RUN_DATE from my firsttable.Can anyone point me in the right direction?Thanks in Advance ï?ŠBryanCREATE TABLE [GROSMARG_AUDIT_ADDITION] ([RUN_DATE] [datetime] NULL ,[SALES_DIFF] [numeric](19, 6) NULL ,[COST_DIFF] [numeric](19, 6) NULL ,[ADD_BSL_SALES] [numeric](18, 0) NULL ,[ADD_BSL_COST] [numeric](18, 0) NULL ,[ADD_SALES_DIFF] [numeric](18, 0) NULL ,[ADD_COST_DIFF] [numeric](18, 0) NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOINSERT RUN_DATE,datetime,INSERT SALES_DIFF,numeric(19,6),INSERT COST_DIFF,numeric(19,6)INSERT ADD_BSL_SALES,numeric(18,0),INSERT ADD_BSL_COST,numeric(18,0),INSERT ADD_SALES_DIFF,numeric(18,0)INSERT ADD_COST_DIFF,numeric(18,0)--- Second TableCREATE TABLE #DUPTOTALS[Sales][Costs]

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Transact SQL :: Get Result On Two Table Join With Multiple Parameter?

Jun 1, 2015

I have a criteria where i want to join table 1 with table 2 , table 1 consists of products which were given to salesman to sell and table 2 has the sales data which salesman has sold out. Now i want to know left over products of each sales with join .Below is my data, here is what i am trying to do, but it return only salesman 1 data.

CREATE TABLE Salesman_Product
SalesManID int,
ProductID int
INSERT INTO Salesman_Product (SalesManID,ProductID) Values (1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4)  
INSERT INTO Salesman_Product (SalesManID,ProductID) Values (2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4) 


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Transact SQL :: Join Same Table And Insert Values In Different Columns

Aug 7, 2015

I would like to compare values in the same table and get the single record with different values in the multiple columns.For table tab1, ID is my key column. If type1 is active (A) then i need to update X else blank on Code1 column and if type2 is active (A) then i need to update X else blank on code2 column. Both type1 and type2 comes from same table for same ID..Below is the example to understand my scenario clearly....

declare @tab1 table (ID varchar(20), dt date, status varchar(1), type varchar(10))
insert into @tab1 values ('55A', '2015-07-30', 'A', 'type1')
insert into @tab1 values ('55A', '2015-07-30', 'C', 'type2')
insert into @tab1 values ('55B', '2015-07-30', 'C', 'type1')
insert into @tab1 values ('55B', '2015-07-30', 'A', 'type2')


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Transact SQL :: Remove Prefix And JOIN Field To Another Table

Jun 30, 2015

I have two linked tables from two different databases, there is a column "product" on each table however the product on one table has a Prefix so not a direct match. How can I join these tables ? In the query I have used product2: Replace([scheme_pos.product],"-B","") then tried Joining on product2 but it says JOIN not supported. 

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Update Table With SEQUENTIAL # Based On Criteria

May 9, 2007

***** SQL Server 2005 ********

I have a table that needs to be updated with a sequential number based on criteria.

I am trying to update the SeqID and LinkSeqID with the same sequential number if the ProductID and StoreID are in the same group. For instance the 1st three rows below are in the same group 752534 and 4, therefore the SeqID and LinkSeqID should be 1,2,3 and restart at 1 once the grouping of ProductID and StoreID changes. Please look at the examples below.

SALES Table as IS:
ProductID StoreID DBRowID SeqID LinkSeqID
752534 4 1
752534 4 2
752534 4 3
896784 2 4
896784 2 5
896784 4 6
898874 2 7
898968 2 8

This is what the table should look like after the update in complete.

ProductID StoreID DBRowID SeqID LinkSeqID
752534 4 1 1 1
752534 4 2 2 2
752534 4 3 3 3
896784 2 4 1 1
896784 2 5 2 2
896784 4 6 1 1
898874 2 7 1 1
898968 2 8 1 1

Can anyone HELP me please?

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