Transact SQL :: Using Aggregate Function With Subquery?
Aug 6, 2015
SSMS does not like mine! THis is the error that I receive:
Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or a subquery.
And this is my syntax:
,COUNT(case when rehirestatus IN (select rehirestatus from regionalemptable where rtrim(storename) = 'Location1') THEN userID ELSE 0 END) +
COUNT(case when rehirestatus IN (select rehirestatus from globalemptable where rtrim(storename) = 'Location1') Then userID ELSE 0 End)
FROM production
GROUP BY employeeID
ORDER BY employeeID
I am working on a view in SQL Server 2005. I am trying to get a list of the number of sessions each user had by user. I tried doing it this way, but
SELECT userid, MAX ((SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT sessionId) AS SESSIONCOUNT FROM dbo.Sessions AS OD HAVING (sessionId = O.sessionId))) AS MAXSESSION FROM dbo.Sessions AS O GROUP BY userid
but it throws an error 'Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or subquery.'
(select SUM(sales.Total) from sales where StudentHist.Curdate = max(sales.curdate)) AS 'Balance'Iam trying to write a subquery to calculate the total amount of sales until the Curdate in studenthist equals the Curdate in sales to write this query??
Well adding it to a group by or function skews the result set. How to write this query so it displays as I need it to? This is what I have thus far, and it works as it should UNTIL I add in the line of
cast(cte.[C] As float)/cast(sum(cte.[C]) over() as float)*100 As [Rate1],
Presents the error of: Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 35 Column 'cte.[C]' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
This is my full on query -- with 3 CTE's involved to get me the actual result set I am after.
;with cte as ( select [state], case when exists (select 1 from table2 R where R.centername = d.centername) then 1 else 0 end as [L], case when exists (select 1 from table3 C where C.centername = d.centername) then 1 else 0 end as [C] FROM maintable d ),
I have a few tables I am trying to join to create a report. Everything was working fine until I tried to add an aggregate Sum function to a column (MaxCap) in table ctfBarn.
I tend to learn from example and am used to powershell. If for instance in powershell I wanted to get-something and store it in a variable I could, then use it again in the same code. In this example of a table order items where there are order_num, quantity and item_prices how could I declare ordertotal as a variable then instead of repeating it again at "having sum", instead use the variable in its place?
Any example of such a use of a variable that still lets me select the order_num, ordertotal and group them etc? I hope to simply replace in the "having section" the agg function with "ordertotal" which bombs out.
select order_num, sum(quantity*item_price) as ordertotal from orderitems group by order_num having sum(quantity*item_price) >=50 order by ordertotal;
I want to return only the sum total of each of the following two columns generated by this query, but when I wrap them in SUM() I get an error stating that I can't use an aggregate function on an aggregate or subquery.
Is there another approach that I might take to sum these?
SELECT CASE soitem.fmultiple WHEN 1 then (SELECT funetprice FROM sorels WHERE (sorels.fsono = shmast.fcsono) AND sorels.frelease = SUBSTRING(shitem.fsokey,10,3) AND sorels.fenumber = shitem.fenumber) * shitem.fshipqty ELSE (SELECT top 1 funetprice FROM sorels WHERE (sorels.fsono = shmast.fcsono) AND sorels.finumber = soitem.finumber) * shitem.fshipqty END as ExtPrice,
CASE CAST((shitem.fshipqty) as int) % nullif(CAST(inmast.fnusrqty1 as int),0) WHEN 0 then (CAST((shitem.fshipqty) as int) / nullif(CAST(inmast.fnusrqty1 as int),0)) ELSE (CAST((shitem.fshipqty) as int) / nullif(CAST(inmast.fnusrqty1 as int),0)) + 1 END as BoxCount
FROM shmast INNER JOIN shitem ON shmast.fshipno = shitem.fshipno INNER JOIN soitem ON (soitem.fsono = shmast.fcsono) AND (Convert(Int,soitem.finumber) = Convert(Int,SUBSTRING(shitem.fsokey,8,10)) / 1000) LEFT JOIN somast ON (shmast.fcsono = somast.fsono) LEFT JOIN inmast ON (soitem.fpartno = inmast.fpartno) WHERE (shmast.fbl_lading='00000000000000003784') AND (shitem.fshipqty > 0)
List all resellers whose annual sales exceed the average annual sales for resellers whose Business Type is "Specialty Bike Shop". Show Business type, Reseller Name, and annual sales. Use appropriate subqueries.
-- 396 Rows
SELECT R.ResellerName FROM dbo.DimReseller AS R WHERE R.ResellerKey IN ( SELECT F.ResellerKey FROM dbo.FactResellerSales AS F WHERE R.ResellerKey = F.ResellerKey AND R.BusinessType = 'Specialty Bike Shop' GROUP BY F.ResellerKey HAVING R.AnnualSales > AVG(R.AnnualSales) )
I would like to know which products are my best sells by sellers, but iwould like to retreive this info by product id, seller id and the totalamount of sells for this product.My Sells table is :Seller_idProduct_idTotaldate_s1 2 1020/05/042 4 1512/05/043 5 2206/06/041 5 1807/06/044 8 1213/05/047 2 1119/05/043 4 1421/05/042 4 1418/05/041 5 1817/06/042 5 5008/05/04etc....I know how to retreive the total sells by product id and seller idSELECT Seller_id, Product_id, SUM(Total) AS totalFROM SellsWHERE date_s > '01/05/04'GROUP BY Seller_id,Product_id order by Seller_idSeller_idProduct_idTotal1 5 361 2 102 5 502 4 293 5 223 4 14I would like retreive only the max of total, and the Seller id andproduct id, like this :Seller_idProduct_idTotal1 5 362 5 503 5 22How can i do without using a temp table ?Thanks for your help.
Does anyone know how to make a query and use an aggregate function? This is my current code...any help would be great. "SELECT tblTopic.Topic_ID, tblTopic.Subject, MAX(tblThread.Message_date) AS MessageDate, tblThread.Message FROM (tblThread INNER JOIN tblTopic ON tblThread.Topic_ID = tblTopic.Topic_ID) WHERE (tblThread.Message_Date LIKE '%' + @fldGenus + '%' GROUP BY tblTopic.Topic_ID, tblTopic.Subject, tblThread.Message"> Also, How can i limit the query to only bringing up 5 records? I'm trying to get a datagrid to show the 5 most recent forum posts for a particular category. Thanks.
I have three tables, tblschedule, tblresource and tblemployeename. in tblschedule table there are scheduleID, resourceID and employeeID. In tblResource there are ResourceID and ResourceName. In tblemployeename there are EmployeeID, EmployeeFName and EmployeeLame. I want to have a report that show how many times the resource has been reserved by employee. i would like to have a report. Look like the following:
ResourceName EmployeeFName EmployeeLName (Or use EmployeeName) Number of record.
I have a query where I need to use an aggregate function MAX in where clause, I know that MAX cannot be used in a Where clause because it is an aggregate function. Can anyone help me out in writing this query?
Hey everyone, I'm looking for a way to insert a count of a set of records into a table and then read that table and produce an XML file from that dataset. The problem that I'm coming across is that when you do this type of query you have to specify one of the values from the table and then get a count for the number of records of that particular range of values. The table that I am trying to get the data from will look something like this: ItemID ModuleID Description ......1 2869 blah blah blah2 2869 blah blah blah3 2869 blah blah blah4 2690 bit bit bit5 2690 bit bit bit6 2690 bit bit bit So I count the 2869's and 2690's and place the ModuleID and the count of the ItemID's in another table. Then I need to extract the data from the table and put it into an XML file that is readable by the ReadXML method in ASP.NET. So far I've got the SPROC to do only one record at a time but I would like one that does the whole table rather than one at a time using a parameter.
I am trying to write an update statement based on an aggregate and it will not let me. Please find below the SQL.
update abtimesummary set hours = sum(a.hours) from abtimestore a join abtimesummary b on (cast(a.weekno as varchar(10)))+'-'+(cast(a.empno as varchar(10))) = b.summaryid
and this is the error message:
Server: Msg 157, Level 15, State 1, Line 2 An aggregate may not appear in the set list of an UPDATE statement.
hi there, I have a query that works on sybase and want to make it also works on SQL Server. The problem is that in this query I 'm using a subquery in an aggregate function. It seems that SQL Server unlike Sybase doesn't support the use of subquery in aggregate function. How can I overcome this problem.
If you use Coalesce with Count will it return all values even when null? Reason I pose this question to you is that I am running the below query and am getting escalated results than what should be returned. 1st stop on the debug train is how does Coalesce handle it....for example Boston should return only 143 but the query retunrs 194 for Boston?
Code: Select Count(NumOnsite), originatingCity, Coalesce(Convert(varchar(4000),NewspaperNames), Convert(varchar(4000),MagazineNames)) As PaperNames From readytoshipOffsite Group By originatingCity, Coalesce(Convert(varchar(4000),NewspaperNames), Convert(varchar(4000),MagazineNames))
I want to count how many occurences their is of each date that is returned by my sql query. I am not sure how to add the aggregate function code to my query I know how to just tell it to count all records, but not to tell it to count for each group of dates. For example I want it to count how many times 5/6/08 shows up in the returned results and so on. Here is my query I currently have. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
The enc_timestamp is my date field.
Select a.template_id, a.enc_timestamp, a.created_by, b.first_name, b.last_name, b.last_name +', ' + b.first_name as fullname From template_audit a Join user_mstr b on a.created_by = b.user_id GROUP BY a.template_id, a.enc_timestamp, a.created_by,b.first_name, b.last_name Having a.template_id IN (543,3172,3031,3030,3134,3135,3171,1401,1937,3985,3173,2320,57,849,1775,1400,1747,3695,3957,3750,3954,3027,3241) ORDER BY a.enc_timestamp, b.first_name, b.last_name;
I am trying to use the following syntax and it is saying I can't use an aggregate function in a subquery. I can't use a GROUP BY in this case because if another field in the project table (such as status) is different, that project will show up twice.So in this case I am using this syntax to show the most recent quote within the project.
My goal here is to show the most recent quote within each project (there can be multiple revisions of a quote within each project). I want to show other fields such as the status of the quote, but if the status is different between quotes, the GROUP BY on that field will cause it to be listed more than once. All I want to show is the most recent quote for each project.
Hi, I just started database class Today is the first day i'm writtng code in sql SO when i try to run this code
It says "You tried to execute quiry that does not include the specified expression 'CUS BALANCE' as a part of aggregate function.
I have made an aggregate function sql (as far as I understand).I need the sum but also the features column. But I can only read one column in the select.Here is the select trying to read two columns:
select oitems.catalogid,oitems.features, sum(oitems.numitems) as SumOfItems from oitems
here is the error:
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression 'features' as part of an aggregate function.
I've the following query: select F_Mode, Issue_Count, Sum(Issue_Count) as IssueSum, milestone from rpt_fact_Paretos Group By F_Mode having milestone = 'SDS'
If the above query is executed, the resultset is: Fail1 5 5 SDS Fail2 6 6 SDS
Question: I'm not getting the SUM of Issue_Count. I agree that I'm using F_Mode as Group By and hence the result. But if I use milestone as Group By I won't get all the F_Mode in the result set.
hi how do i write a custom aggregate function or select query.I have Table name MemberDetail where which has two column Memberid and WokingDay.In this table same member could have multiple working days. i want select query that will return single row for each member and his/her quama separated working days. without using cursor. how do i do that.
i have on table temp and it has column name fhID, now that column name and table name comes as parameter in stored procedure from c#. now stored procedure has code somthing like below @column nvarchar(50) @tbname nvarchar(50) -- both are parameter comes from c# decalre @maxid select @maxid=max(@column) from @tbname rather than prints the maximum values of "fhid" it prints column name itself. now i how can i achive actual working of max function using parameter. is there any other way to pass parameter in aggregate function or it is not allowed to pass.??? plz help me, thanks vishal parekh 'fhid' now how can