I have to calculate the total working hours between days, there hours must get automatically round off to nearest value example:
Date :12-05-2013 time : 4:15 will change to 4.00 and if Date :13-05-2013 time: 4:25 then needs to 4.30 and sum the above total hours and results Total : 8.30 hrs.
I created a PowerPivot measure which is a ratio Ratio = Number of Events/Time calculated on 12 months. I would like the grand total to be this Rate Sum(Number Of Events)/Sum(Time calculated).
In my Pivot I have one measure which I called Value and this value can have different types depending on one attribute.For instance one attribute is number of events, an other one is time and the third one is ratio.I want to display a custom grand total simple sum for events and time and a calculation of my ratio for ratio.
For instance 201501 201502 201503 TOTAL Number of events 8 10 10 28 Time 5 5 4 14 Ratio 8/5 10/5 10/4 28/14
Iam trying to calculate the number of working days between two dates. Iam getting the uouput as only 1 02 r working days??
select building_number as SchoolID,building_name as Campus, count( distinct( CASE WHEN(( DATEPART(dw, CurDate) + @@DATEFIRST)%7 NOT IN (0,1)) tHEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) as NumberofDaysServed from Sales sl join Buildings b on sl.Building_Num =b.Building_number join students2 s on s.Student_Number= sl.Student_Num join Sale_Items SI on si.UID = sl.UID where CONVERT(CHAR(10),CurDate,120) between '2015-05-01' and '2015-05-07' and VoidReview <> 'v' and SI.INum = '1' group by building_number,building_name order by building_number,Building_Name;
I can fetch the counts for total present and absent
Query i have tried is
Declare @StudentId Uniqueidentifier ='0B2D4D41-8D33-4D79-A981-03E0F093F458' Begin select A.StudentId ,A.Date,Count(Date)Total,B.Guid,
[Code] ....
AS result of this query i get the data.Present count and Absent count from date inserted in Dailyattendance tables.
SO my problem is if the student have promoted to next class then by this query it will count the before year also how do i need to calculate the count according to the Class StartDate and Enddate as i mention in the Class Details table what will be the query.
How to calculate estimated completion time of a job and what is the variance/difference in time based on previous job history. Looking for tsql query which can accomplish this.For example)...Daily a job is taking 10 mins to complete. However, today due to some reason, the job is running over an hour and still running. It could be a blocking issue or some performance issue on the server due to which the job is still running.
In such cases, using a tsql query or a stored proc which monitor these jobs every 3 mins (Configurable value), so every 3 mins , query has to check, if they are any jobs which are taking more time than its usual completion time/avg completion time in that case shoot an email using dbmail functionality i.e. sp_Senddbmail .. From there, DBA can dig further using waits or sql trace etc...
If I just use a simple select statement, I find that I have 8286 records within a specified date range.
If I use the select statement to pull records that were created from 5pm and later and then add it to another select statement with records created before 5pm, I get a different count: 7521 + 756 = 8277
Is there something I am doing incorrectly in the following sql?
DECLARE @startdate date = '03-06-2015' DECLARE @enddate date = '10-31-2015' DECLARE @afterTime time = '17:00' SELECT General_Count = (SELECT COUNT(*) as General FROM Unidata.CrumsTicket ct
Does anyone know how I can determine the number of page writes that have been performed during a set period of time? I need to figure out the data churn in that time period.
We are close to exceeding the Maximum Row size of 8K per row and the CIO asked me "how close are we to reaching the 8K row limit?"
I began by looking at byte requirements for the data types we are using from the systypes table then I wondered, do the indecie, Foreign Keys and Primary Keys use bytes which must be included in my Calculation for current number of bytes used per Row.
Question: How do I calculate Current total number of bytes used per row.
I have a SSRS report. I am displaying TOP 10 Stores by sales by creating a filter on group Store. It has 3 row groups (Store, brand, product).
There is no column group. In each cell, I am using sum function in expression (Sum(Fields!TotalSales.Value).
I am adding Totals by going on Group properties, but I am getting totals of all the rows not the total of all the groups within my Store level (which is my top Parent group).
Store Total sales(CW) TotalSales(LW) A 2 1 -expression used to calculated this value is sum(Fields!TotalSales.Value) B 3 2 C 7 3
I want subtotal =12 AND 6 under respective columns . ALSO, my store (A, B, C) can be expanded into Brands and brands into Products. I tried using running value but its not working as I have 3 groups within Store row parent group and I am doing a SUM on each group.
Like all location details stored from all months in these table
here Dr=debit,Cr=Credit Formula= 'Dr-Cr' to find the salary wavges of amount
so i made the query to find the amount for may
select fs_locn, fs_accno, amount=sum(case when fs_accno like 'E%' and fs_tran_type='Dr' then fs_amount when fs_accno like 'E%' and fs_tran_type='Cr' then fs_amount * -1 end ) from accutn_det where fs_trans_date between '01-may-2014' and '31-may-2014' groupby fs_locn,fs_accno
now i need the sum values of all costcenter for the particular account.how to do that?
Hi All, I have a table call case and case_status have two fields, date and status as below: date status 04/01/2006 open 04/05/2006 closed 04/10/2006 open 04/15/2006 closed Whenever i open and closed the case, one record is insert into the case_status table. Now I would need to calculate the total days of the case in storeprocedure. Anyone can help me please. Aung
I need a formula to calculate the time (let's say in minutes) between two dates/times. The problem is that I have to exclude the time between 06 PM and 06 AM and also exclude the time in the weekend (Saturday and Sunday). I will use this in a couple of reports made in Reporting Services. If anyone have an algoritm that could be modified for this and is willing to share this I would be very grateful. Many thanks! /Per Lissel
I am trying to create a procedure which will calculate the total tuition This process involves 3 tables. Contract table has tuition information which is all $100 (set price). Discount table has discount type and discount percentage (ex. 0.3) on each discount type. ContractDiscount table have contract number and discount number to connect both tables
I think I need to create a loop since some contract gets more than one discount. I have to calculate and get result nee to be like this
total_tuition = (tuition - discountPer * tuition) - this has to be a loop condition
Hi, I need to calculate the number of working days from a date backwards. For example 2 working days before Thursday would be the Tuesday (as a basic example)
I use the following code and a Calendar table to calculate the working days from a date but can anyone help with reworking this query to do the reverse
declare @WorkingDate as datetime
SELECT @WorkingDate=dt FROM tblCalendar AS c WHERE (@WorkingDays = (SELECT COUNT(*) AS Expr1 FROM tblCalendar AS c2 WHERE (dt >= @StartDate) AND (dt <= c.dt) AND (IsWeekday = 1) AND (IsHoliday = 0))) AND (IsWeekday = 1) AND (IsHoliday = 0)
-- Return the result of the function RETURN convert(varchar(12),@WorkingDate,106)
Hi i am trying to make a trigger that calculates a new due time from a start time. I have a hour target like 24 hours, but the dates have an starttime and stoptime or the days could even be closed. I need it to calculate the new due datetime using the 24 hours as effective working time.
How do you build a query to calculate the time of employement or any space of time for each person in a table? I'm thinking I would want to use a "Current Date" and "Select Datediff" calculations of some sort and reference the hiredate against the current date but I have been unable to find much on this type of query.. Please help..
Can anyone help with the following Transact SQL question? Thanks. Ineed a store procedure to return the the result recordset which will beexecute from a web page. The database has tables, A and B. For each Arecord, there are many related B records. In the B table there is atimestamp field which tracks the change of A record. For example, A1has B like the followings:ID TimeStamp Chg Code Descption== ========= ======= ========A1 1138375875 E null //end of the eventA1 1138025002 S resumeA1 1137092615 S don't careA1 1137092570 S stopA1 1137092256 I null //start of theeventI need to generate all records in table A and total elapse time foreach record, but B with Chg Code 'S' that has "don't cacre" to bededucted from the total time, so that the result will be like this:ID Name TotalTime(seconds)== ==== =======A1 xyz 351187
Need calculating the count of events on each day. I have an event log table as shown below.
DECLARE @EventLog TABLE ( event_id int, status_id varchar(20) , dttm datetime ) INSERT INTO @EventLog SELECT '100','Inplace','01/05/2015 05:00' UNION ALL SELECT '100','Removed','03/05/2015 10:00' UNION ALL SELECT '100','Inplace','05/05/2015 10:41' UNION ALL
[Code] ....
I need an output to look like on each day how many events were in place.
E.g.: for the month on May , Event_id 100 was inplace on 1st and removed on 3rd , so on 1st may 2 event_ids (100, 103) hence 2 .
event_ids - 103 / 104 and inplace the whole month and not removed. so its calculated the count as 2 til towards teh end of the month.
So I need to count of all each event_id in place for each day in may.
How do I author a SQL Query which meets the following requirement: Display a ratio of (instances where status is a success)/(instances where status is a success or instance is a failure). The below syntax is incorrect. However, I hope to beter explain what I am trying to accomplish using the incorrect SQL query below.
SELECT SUM(Case When Status = "SUCCESS")/SUM( Case When Status = "FALLBACK") FROM ruleResults;
Ok, I know that there is a very smart programmer out there that can resovle my issue.
I am trying to calculate time worked by 15 minute intervals.
Example: Emp 1 started work at 13:00:00 and worked 183 minutes Emp 2 started work at 17:15:00 and worked 150 minutes Emp 3 started work at 08:30:00 and worked 17 minutes