I have a query which I want to convert It PIVOT query
SELECTÂ Â Â Â Parties.AreaID, Parties.Area, CashSalesDetail.ProductID, CashSalesDetail.ProductName, SUM(CashSalesDetail.Qty) AS QtyFROMÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â CashSalesDetail INNER JOINÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â CashSales ON CashSalesDetail.CSNo = CashSales.CSNo INNER JOINÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Parties ON CashSales.PartyID = Parties.PartyIDWHEREÂ Â Â Â (CashSales.TransDate >= CONVERT(DATETIME, '2014-07-01 00:00:00', 102)) AND (CashSales.TransDate <= CONVERT(DATETIME, '2015-06-30 00:00:00', 102))GROUP BY Parties.AreaID, Parties.Area, CashSalesDetail.ProductID, CashSalesDetail.ProductName
following is my requirement after summing up qty of each area
ProductName     area a        area b      area c
abc                         10               0              Â
def                          1                Â
4Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 2
ghi                          5                Â
3Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 10
jkl                            7               Â
15Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 3
Note: numeric values are Quantity of each product in each area
I pulled some examples of using a subquery pivot to build a temp table, but cannot get it to work.
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Pyr') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Pyr GO SELECT vst_int_id, [4981] AS Primary_Ins, [4978] AS Secondary_Ins,
The problems I am having are with the integer data being used to create temp table fields. The bracketed numbers on line 7-10 give me an invalid column name error each. In the 'FOR', I get another error "Incorrect syntax near 'FOR'. Expecting '(', or '.'.". Â The first integer in the "IN" gives me an "Incorrect syntax near '[4981]'. Expecting '(' or SELECT". Â I will post the definitions from another effort below.
I have some data which is vertical...I want to create a pivot query in SQL that will give me a result that is horizontal like this. I cannot find a way of doing it without lots of IF or CASE statements?
In such a case, devising a dynamic cross-tab query, to cover all the items, and result like a pivot like the following to represent the data in a multi-header pivot like following:
Hi! I have a table Items(id, name, section, id_format, price) and a table Format(id, format,order) What I want to do is display: Name, Format1, Format2, Format3. How can I acheive that result?? THanks!! -JTM
I have a data with mutliple esn but different auditdate and opid. I will pull this data filtering by date and opid. My requirements is not to include the opid = 51 but need to get the desired opdesc for this esn that contains opid=51.
See below sample ddl and desired result. I dont want do include the opid = 51 because it will create a duplicate in transaction instead retain the opid 5
example: esn T9000000000019829505 has multiple rows with different auditdate and opid. retain the records for opid is equal to 5 but get the opdesc for opid is equal 51.
reate table #test (esn nvarchar(35), dateaudit datetime, opid int) insert into #test(esn,dateaudit, opid)values('352452060499834','2015-05-12 20:32:39.490',5) insert into #test(esn,dateaudit, opid)values('352452060499834','2015-07-06 17:35:14.210',5) insert into #test(esn,dateaudit, opid)values('T9000000000019829505','2015-01-14 15:18:45.620',5)
How can I turn this query into an Email alert if one of the counts are GT 50. The Source are machines that I capture counts(Unprocessed_Cntr) from every 5 minutes and load to the Load_Time_Capture table. I also add a datetime to each capture(Unprocessed_Capture ). Â
If any individual source has a count > 50 or if the combined(ALL) GT 50 send an email to support person. Â
SELECTÂ Â CASE GROUPING([Source]) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â WHEN 1 THEN 'ALL' Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ELSE [Source] END AS 'Input Source', Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â avg([Unprocessed_Cntr]) as 'Average Queue Past 15 Min'Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â FROM Â Â Â Â Load_Time_Capture WHERE Unprocessed_Capture >= Â DateADD(mi, -15, Current_TimeStamp) GROUP BY Â Â [source] WITH ROLLUP
I have 3 tables. Stores, Dates and Transactions. I want to combine all Stores with all Dates in one table and then calculate Last Stock Quantity.
Stores London Paris Prague
Dates 1.1.2014 2.1.2014 3.1.2014
Transactions 1.1.2014 London 1000 1.1.2014 Paris 1300 1.1.2014 Prague 1500 2.1.2014 London 800 3.1.2014 Prague 1200
And result should look like this Last_Quantity should be Quantity for last date in Transactions table.
1.1.2014 London 1000 1.1.2014 Paris 1300 1.1.2014 Prague 1500 2.1.2014 London 800 2.1.2014 Paris 1300 2.1.2014 Prague 1500 3.1.2014 London 800 3.1.2014 Paris 1300 3.1.2014 Prague 1200
I am trying to create a query that will get data from two diffrent SQL servers. I am trying to link the two servers by using the sp_addlinkedserver. This is the code I use:
USE master; GO EXEC sp_addlinkedserver   N'SC00SRVERP501R1',   N'SQL Server'; GO
and it executes successfully. But when I try to run my query I get the error message "Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON'."As far as I understand I need to provide some credentials to the linked server, but how do I do that ?
Is there a way to define a query-filter (Example: WHERE column1 > 5 AND column2 = 'value') in a function?
So I can create a query like this:
SELECT *  FROM Table  WHERE MyFunction()
I know it's a bit of a strange question, but I'm writing a dynamic software that will have the ability to run Stored Procedures on any database to create some data-checks. Through parametrisation, a user can define for a specific Stored Procedure that some results are no longer necessary in the result-set.
Example: ID - Name - State 1 - Jozef De Veuster - Mad 2 - Piet Husentruut - Not Happy 3 - Jeroen Meus - Angry
Is the result of a Stored Procedure "Show_me_unhappy_persons". But we already know that Jozef De Veuster is ALWAYS Mad, so a user can say: Exclude ID = 1, so it won't appear anymore in the result.
I want to handle this by doing:
SELECT * FROM PeopleStates WHERE --Some stuff-- AND CheckUserExclusions(SomeID) And CheckUserExclusions will translate to "NOT (ID = 1)"
I want to create index for hash table (#TEMPJOIN2) to reduce the update query run time. But I am getting "Warning!
The maximum key length is 900 bytes. The index 'R5IDX_TMP' has maximum length of 1013 bytes. For some combination of large values, the insert/update operation will fail". What is the right way to create index on temporary table.
Update query is running(without index) for 6 hours 30 minutes. My aim to reduce the run time by creating index.Â
And also I am not sure, whether creating index in more columns will create issue or not.
Attached the update query and index query.
Can we PIVOT on more than 1 column in SQL SERVER 2005? For eg, I have this select using Pivot, but I need to pivot on a second column too. I need to see a fourth column, in the output, that will be the TOTAL across for each requesters. How can I do that.
select case when requester is not null then requester else 'Unknown' end as Requester, [Pending],[PENDING - RECORDING INFORMATION] from (select case when requester is not null then requester else 'Unknown' end as Requester, case when AMPSSTATUS is not null then ampsstatus else 'Null'end as Ampsstatus,loannum from TABLEA )p pivot (count(loannum) for AMPSSTATUS in ([Pending],[PENDING - RECORDING INFORMATION])) as pvt
I need to create a T-sql script to create logins in bulk so users can access views on the database. Usernames as used in the local domain are all stored in a table.
Users already exist in the domain (let’s say: MYDOMAIN)ADSI.dbo.Ad.username is the column wich contains the usernames as used in the Active Directory domain (+/- 350)Script needs to check if login already exists to make sure login is not added twice.If possible give all these users db_datareader role, in let’s say: MYDATABASE
I currently have data stored in a temporary table and I would like to transpose the data into a better format. I would like for the query to be dynamic since one of the tables currently has over 500 columns.
The attached file provides an example of the table structure along with sample data. Below the first set of data is the desired final format.
SELECT Production_Date, Production_Order, LogicalVat KPI_Category, 'Probiotic Amt Consumed' KPI_Data1_Name,'RC Amt Consumed' KPI_Data2_Name FROM ( SELECT Production_Date , NULL Production_Order, LogicalVat, ReportValue ReportValue FROM BIReports.dbo.r_VatMake WHERE Production_Date between '10/27/2015' and '10/27/2015'
Now the attributes changed into like below where the number after RC is dynamic and I can't use the query above anymore
Example: RC Amt Consumed - RC 6 RC Amt Consumed - RC 7 RC Amt Consumed - RC 8
Probiotic attribute changed into like below where number after PROB is dynamic
Probiotic Amt Consumed - PROB 15 Probiotic Amt Consumed - PROB 16 Probiotic Amt Consumed - PROB 17
convert my table(like picture) to hierarchical structure in SQL. actually i want to make a table from my data in SQL for a TreeList control datasource in VB.net application directly.
ProjectID is 1st Parent Type_1 is 2nd Parent Type_2 is 3rd Parent Type_3 is 4ed Parent
I have a table which I would like to group on several columns, and for the Contract number, I'd like a maximum of four different columns which would contain pivoted information.
Here is my DDL:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SV00403]( [CUSTNMBR] [char](15) NOT NULL, [ADRSCODE] [char](15) NOT NULL, [Contract_Number] [char](11) NOT NULL, [WSCONTSQ] [int] NOT NULL,
-- drop table #temp create table #temp(ID bigint, Description varchar(50), ET varchar(200), ET_Status varchar(50), ET_Date datetime, ET_IsValid varchar(3))
insert into #temp select * from (values (1,'Test','A', 'Ack','08/15/2015', 'Yes'),(1,'Test','B', 'Nack','08/17/2015', 'Yes'),(1,'Test','C', 'Ack','08/21/2015', 'Yes')) a(ID, Description, ET, ET_Status, ET_Date, ET_IsValid)
I want to pivot this. My expected result look like this.
ID - Description - ET_A_Status - ET_A_Date - ET_A_IsValid -  ET_B_Status - ET_B_Date  - ET_B_IsValid - ET_C_Status  - ET_C_Date - ET_C_IsValidÂ
1  - Test   - 'Ack'    - '2015-08-15 00:00:00.000'  - 'Yes'   -  'Nack'  - '2015-08-17 00:00:00.000'  - 'Yes'  - 'Ack'   - '2015-08-21 00:00:00.000' -  'Yes'
I'm trying to Pivot and I keep getting an "Invalid Column Name" error, which I can't figure out since, if I run the query and exclude the Pivot statement, the query runs fine.
Columns ItemNmbr Char(31) not null SetupTime_I Numeric(19,5) not null WCID_IÂ Char(11) not null select ItemNmbr,SetupTime_I, WCID_I from RT010130 Results
Now run select ItemNmbr,SetupTime_I, WCID_I from RT010130 pivot (sum(SetupTime_I) for WCID_I in ([BLA01],[URE02])) PVT
And I get an Invalid Column Name error for both SetupTime_I and WCID_I - which, as far as I can tell, is demonstrably incorrect.
itemID | part 1Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â | A 1Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â | B 2Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â | A 2Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â | A 2Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â | A 3Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â | C
I need the table to look like the following:
itemID | part1 | part2 | part 3 1        | A       | B     | null 2        | A       | A     | A 3        | C       | null   | null
There will _never_ be more than three parts to an item, and it does not matter what order they are in.
The following is a SAMPLE data from an excel spreadsheet. This SAMPLE data has many other fields as date. Here I have only used two date columns i.e. 28 Dec 2006 and 29 Dec 2006 This data needs to be exported into sql server 2005 table which has the fields below where I have placed the data into a table. How can this be done please?
Ref Sector Name 28 Dec 2006 29 Dec 2006 1 Sovereign RUSSIA 05 null 173.21 2 Sovereign RUSSIA 07 102.99 102.22 3 Sovereign RUSSIA 10 114.33 104.63 4 Sovereign RUSSIA 18 115.50 145.50 ...
sql server table
create table tblData ( DataID int, Ref int, Sector varchar(20), Name varchar(20), Date datetime, value decimal(6,2) )
DataID Ref Sector Name Date value 1 1 Sovereign RUSSIA 05 28 Dec 2006 null 2 1 Sovereign RUSSIA 05 29 Dec 2006 173.21 3 2 Sovereign RUSSIA 07 28 Dec 2006 102.99 4 2 Sovereign RUSSIA 07 29 Dec 2006 102.22 5 3 Sovereign RUSSIA 10 28 Dec 2006 114.33 6 3 Sovereign RUSSIA 10 29 Dec 2006 104.63 7 4 Sovereign RUSSIA 18 28 Dec 2006 115.50 8 4 Sovereign RUSSIA 18 29 Dec 2006 145.50 ...
I have a query that uses the PIVOT function and works fine in SQL 2012. I've been asked to move the query to a database that has the compatibility level set to 80(SQL 2000). I receive an "Incorrect syntax near" error when I try to excute the query on the SQL 2000 database. I would like to duplicate the exiting PIVOT functionality in SQL 2000.The existing query retrieves employee names and the order that the employee should be displayed from a table. The names will appear on the report according to the order that is retrieved from the database. Also, the users have requested that only 5 names appear on each row of the report. This is why the PIVOT function was needed. Below is an example of how the existing query works.
Table CREATE TABLE [dbo].[EmpGuest]( Â [Guest_ID] [int] NOT NULL, Â [Guest_Name] [varchar](80) NULL, Â [Display_Order] [int] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]
I am trying to find a solution in order to make a pivot dynamically. One of my department charge every month all the sales figure in one table and I need to pick up the last two months archived in order to make a pivot and to see if something is changed or not. What I am trying to do is to have these last two months dynamically. create table forum (customer varchar (50), nmonth varchar(6), tot int, archived datetime)
insert into forum values ('Pepsi','201503',100,'2015-04-28'), ('Pepsi','201504',200,'2015-04-28'), ('Texaco','201503',600,'2015-04-28'), ('Texaco','201504',300,'2015-04-28'),
As you can see I have to change manually the values underlined every months but it's a temporary solution. How can I set up the last two months in a dynamic way?
I found this Microsoft article for creating crosstab-like queries in SSMS.Is it possible, however, to create this same query if I do not know what the values for the columns will be? Using their example for my problem, I will not know what the values in the "IN" criteria will be because my query would be for a "rolling" 12 months (thus causing that IN criteria to change every month).I've tried declaring variables to pull in the values, but since this will eventually go into a view, I don't think that I can use declared variables.
I need to pivot my records in columns into rows. Here is sample data:
create table #columnstorows ( Payer varchar (5), Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ID varchar (5), Â Â Â ClM varchar (2), Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Paid1 float, Paid2 float, Paid3 float ) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Desired result:
Payer1 Payer2 ID1 ID2 Paid1A Paid1B Paid2A Paid2B Paid3A Paid3B U001 U002 Â 001 002 76.58 19.53 Â 153.48 96.43 Â 53.48 Â 200
I am bring two fact tables and a Date Dim into my Power Pivot model. I try to create relationship where but Power Pivot just reverses them. When I create the relationship I get an info icon warning me it will be changed.Why can't I create a one to many relationship with fact table on many side and dimension on one side?Power Pivot will not let me mark my dimCalnder as a date table either. My date dim has surrogate key, year, month and monthlongname columns only...Â