Transact SQL :: Create Query For Last Stock Quantity?
Sep 10, 2014
I need to create query for last stock quantity.
I have 3 tables. Stores, Dates and Transactions. I want to combine all Stores with all Dates in one table and then calculate Last Stock Quantity.
1.1.2014 London 1000
1.1.2014 Paris 1300
1.1.2014 Prague 1500
2.1.2014 London 800
3.1.2014 Prague 1200
And result should look like this Last_Quantity should be Quantity for last date in Transactions table.
1.1.2014 London 1000
1.1.2014 Paris 1300
1.1.2014 Prague 1500
2.1.2014 London 800
2.1.2014 Paris 1300
2.1.2014 Prague 1500
3.1.2014 London 800
3.1.2014 Paris 1300
3.1.2014 Prague 1200
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Sep 3, 2007
helo alll...,this is my data:my table is item(productid,stock) ,order(customerid,no_order), and orderdetail (no_order,productid,quantity) example: order and orderdetail displayed in gridview....order is displayed like this: customerid no_orderdetail A 1detail B 2 when i click detail in row 2, it's display orderdetail:no_order productid quantity 2 c1 2 2 p1 3 i have make all this is ok. but i want to decrease stok in item with quantity in code in procedure like:CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[order_item](@productid AS varchar,@quantity AS INT)ASBEGINBEGIN TRANSACTIONDECLARE @no_order AS INTDECLARE @stock AS INTINSERT INTO [Orderdetail]([ProductId],[Quantity])VALUES(@productId,@quantity)SET @no_order = SCOPE_IDENTITY()SET @Stock = (SELECT [Stock] FROM [item] WHERE [ProductId] = @productId)UPDATE [item]SET[Stock] = @Stock - @quantityWHERE[ProductId] = @productIdCOMMIT TRANSACTIONENDreturn it can't about his true code in store procedure?ok..., thx..
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Dec 11, 2014
I have been asked to report on missing Stock in my works Warehouses. My work uses SAP Business One for ERP, and Accellos for Warehouse Management. Both SAP / Accellos maintain stock levels, and whilst they do talk to each other (in real time), nothing is perfect and stock counts (within each system) sometimes develop discrepancies.
Here is the code that I developed to show stock discrepancies -
Tx.[Item Code]
, ISNULL(Ty.Qty, 0) AS 'A1 Qty'
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Dec 11, 2007
Im making a shopping cart website for a school project in with VB. I need help subtracting the quantity purchased (its saved in a session) from the stock number saved in a database.I know this:UPDATE inventory SET stock = stock - <quantity_purchased> WHERE id = <inventory_id>But I dont understand how to get the quantity purchased from the session to <quantity_purchased>. I tried putting the name of the session there and I got an error, i tried saving the session into a dim didnt work either.
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [stock] FROM [product]" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [product] ([stock]) VALUES (@stock)" UpdateCommand="UPDATE product SET stock = (stock - @Quantity) WHERE (productID = @productID)">
<asp:Parameter Name="stock" Type="Int16" />
<asp:SessionParameter Name="Quantity" SessionField="Quantity" Type="Int32" />
<asp:SessionParameter Name="productID" SessionField="productID" Type="Int32" />
and I have than in my VB code on submit : SqlDataSource1.Update()
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Jan 18, 2015
I want to calculate stock aging (qty, cost) based on the on hand quantity.
Currently I am recording only in/out transaction only.
For ex: Item A i have 115 pieces (Balance stock) as on to day.
Transaction History
Lot 1 - 01/01/2015 - 50
Lot 2 - 10/02/2015 - 50
Lot 3 - 11/03/2015 - 50
Lot 4 - 15/04/2014 - 50
I want to calculate cost of balance qty as shown below.
Jan -
Feb - 15 @ 1.1
Mar - 50 @ 0.90
Apr - 50 @ 1.2
Database schema
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[StockManagement](
[Uniid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[StockCode] [int] NULL,
[TransactionDate] [datetime] NULL,
[TransactionTime] [time](0) NULL,
[Code] .....
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May 8, 2015
I need sql query to select max date shipment where sum of quantity required > sum of quantity shipped from sales line table but i dont know how to make my sales line table as following
shipment date  quantity required quantity shipped
07/05/2015Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 200Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 100
07/05/2015Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 300Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 300
07/05/2015Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 100Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 50
06/05/2015Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 200Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 100
06/05/2015Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 200Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 200
Here the result of query i need is  max shipment date is 07/05/2015 and quantity required is 600 and quantity shipped is 450 so tat i must select this date because quantity Required is big from quantity shippedmy question How i write the query get result above in sql server 2005.
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Oct 8, 2015
I have the following store procedure :
What I am trying to get is a RunningStock level column which is able to display stock level as describe below :
If ItemStatus value is 0, that means that the item has been taken out from stock.
So based on that the first row running Stock level is calclulated as
(ProductQuantity * ItemUnitWeight)-ItemQuantity=9...
For the second record, ItemsStatus=1 which means the item return to stock, at the time the running stock value calculation should be the previous row Running Stok value (=9 ) +(ItemQuantity*ItemUnitWeight)When the ItemStatus=2, that means the item is definitely out and will be never back to current stock. Is there a way to get that calculation field ?
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Jun 5, 2015
In my inner query,Â
I have a column "Cost" (data type=varchar)Â and another column "Qty" (data type=int)Â
Now in outer query, I need to multiply this 2 columns Cost*Qty.But after trying some cast operation still getting "Error converting data type varchar to numeric."
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Jun 17, 2008
Well probably not that complex for some of you out there!
I need to work out the amount of stock which was sold between @datefrom and @dateto and how much we currently have on hand (to work out if we are over ordering etc). That's the pretty easy part but I also need to include a column which works out how many items have been sold 3 months prior to @datefrom (from invoiceline). The proc I have so far works out the items sold between 2 dates so basically what I need is another column which is the amount sold (QtySold) in the 3 months prior to datefrom
This is the basic part I have so far:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[rptstockholdinglevel]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@datefrom datetime,
@dateto datetime,
@periodname varchar(50),
@percentage int
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for procedure here
@periodname AS periodname,
isnull(SUM(invoiceline.qty),0) AS QtySold,
products.qtyonhand AS OnHand,
productmanufacturers RIGHT OUTER JOIN
invoices INNER JOIN
invoiceline ON invoices.invoiceid = invoiceline.invoiceid RIGHT OUTER JOIN
products ON invoiceline.productid = products.productid ON productmanufacturers.manufacturerid = products.manufacturerid LEFT OUTER JOIN
nominals INNER JOIN
productcategories ON nominals.nominalid = productcategories.salesnominal ON products.categoryid = productcategories.productcategoryid
(invoices.invoicedate BETWEEN @datefrom AND @dateto)
(invoices.invoicedate is null)
HAVING (SUM(isnull(invoiceline.qty,0)) < products.qtyonhand)
I'd be really grateful for any pointers as I'm just going round in circles on this one.
Thanks in advance as usual all :)
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Sep 11, 2007
helo all...,i want to make procedure like:examplei have table: item (itemid,itemname,stock)orderdetail(no_order,itemid,quantity)itemmoment(itemid,itemname,stock)item table itemid itemname stock c1 coconut 2 p1 peanut 2orderdetail tableno_order itemid quantity 1 c1 5itemmoment tableitemid itemname stock c1 coconut 0 p1 peanut 0 when customer paid, his quantity in orderdetail decrease stock in item stock in item table became:itemid itemname stock c1 coconut -3 p1 peanut 2it's not good, because stock may not i want to move -3 to itemmoment stock in item table became:itemid itemname stock c1 coconut 0 p1 peanut 2and in itemmoment table became:itemid itemname stock c1 coconut 3 p1 peanut 0my store procedure like:ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[orders]( @no_order as integer, @itemid AS varchar(50), @quantity AS INT)ASBEGIN BEGIN TRANSACTION DECLARE @currentStock AS INT SET @currentStock = (SELECT [Stok] FROM [item] WHERE [itemid] = @itemid) UPDATE [item] SET [Stock] = @currentStock - @quantity WHERE [itemid] = @itemid COMMIT TRANSACTIONENDit's only decrease stock with quantity. i want move stock minus from item to itemmoment..can anyone add code to my store procedure?plss.. helpp.thxx....
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Jan 9, 2001
Okay, here's an algorithm question for you TSQL gurus out there...
Due to circumstances beyond our control, our group has been tasked with a massive project and a very short timeline. And of course, timely completion is needed because our STOCK OPTIONS grants depend on this! And of course board meetings are always scheduled sooner than you expect.
Here's one of the killer questions we're trying to solve...
Given a table of employee ID's, associated supervisor ID's, and the amount of stock options given, how would you write a stored procedure to return, for any branch of the organizational tree, the sum of all the stock options in a particular branch?
1 2 100
2 30 500
3 2 150
30 50 1000
50 60 5000
What we need is something like : "sp_StockOptionsPerDepartment @SUPERVISORID=30"
with a result : "1750".
Basically we're building an organizational chart of our company from this table, on the fly, and also counting up for certain branches of the org chart, the total stock options.
If a manager has two managers under him, and each sub-manager has three employees, then we want to know the total stock options that all 3+3+2+1 = 9 people possess. Basically it's the total pool of stock options for a department, or work group, or division, etc.
Got this to work for a small set of employees, but when we begin to scale up to entire departments, the query times out because it takes tooooo long...
Any ideas? ANY ideas at ALL would be helpful...
(1) This is basically a tree-traversal algorithm, but conversion into SQL is not always so straightforward. Starting from an arbitrary root node, we must visit every child node underneath, walking all the way down to the leaves.
(2) We tried a brute force algorithm which is fast for smaller sets, but impossibly long for sets where we're dealing with hundreds of employees. Any cheats? Caching results as we go? Any ideas out there?
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Sep 2, 2015
I have a data with mutliple esn but different auditdate and opid. I will pull this data filtering by date and opid. My requirements is not to include the opid = 51 but need to get the desired opdesc for this esn that contains opid=51.
See below sample ddl and desired result. I dont want do include the opid = 51 because it will create a duplicate in transaction instead retain the opid 5
example: esn T9000000000019829505 has multiple rows with different auditdate and opid. retain the records for opid is equal to 5 but get the opdesc for opid is equal 51.
reate table #test
(esn nvarchar(35), dateaudit datetime, opid int)
insert into #test(esn,dateaudit, opid)values('352452060499834','2015-05-12 20:32:39.490',5)
insert into #test(esn,dateaudit, opid)values('352452060499834','2015-07-06 17:35:14.210',5)
insert into #test(esn,dateaudit, opid)values('T9000000000019829505','2015-01-14 15:18:45.620',5)
[Code] ....
Desired Result:
352452060499834------2015-05-12 20:32:39.490---5---Shipping--1
352452060499834------2015-07-06 17:35:14.210--5---Shipping--1
T9000000000019829505--2015-01-14 15:18:45.620--5---Scrap-----1
352452060499834------2015-05-12 20:32:39.490---5---Shipping--1---shipping
352452060499834------2015-07-06 17:35:14.210--5---Shipping--1---shipping
T9000000000019829505--2015-01-14 15:18:45.620--5---Shipping--1---Scrap
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Nov 20, 2014
I need to query SQL Server Express 2012 records to find 6 serial numbers that are all assigned to one common unique number. Normally in this use case, 12 serial numbers are assigned to one common unique number, so I'm trying to find the odd entry.
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Jan 22, 2014
I worked with someone else to create a query that gives us the age of a stock. How long it has been in the warehouse since the Purchase order date (without completely selling out). It does exactly what I want, the problem is that it only accepts 1 row as a result.
The error message I get is:
quote:Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
So my question is; can this code be modified to pass it multiple SKUS and run a report on every item currently in stock?
@skuVar, CAST(GETDATE()-ReceivedOn AS INT) AS 'Age'
(SELECT AS id,aggregateQty AS aggregateQty,-qtyreceived as qtyreceived, (aggregateQty - qtyreceived) AS Diff, ReceivedOn AS ReceivedOn
SELECT SUM (PurchaseItemReceive.qtyreceived)
FROM bvc_product pp
I use Microsoft SQL 2008
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Jun 21, 2015
How can I turn this query into an Email alert if one of the counts are GT 50. The Source are machines that I capture counts(Unprocessed_Cntr) from every 5 minutes and load to the Load_Time_Capture table. I also add a datetime to each capture(Unprocessed_Capture ). Â
If any individual source has a count > 50 or if the combined(ALL) GT 50 send an email to support person. Â
         WHEN 1 THEN 'ALL'
         ELSE [Source] END AS 'Input Source',      Â
         avg([Unprocessed_Cntr]) as 'Average Queue Past 15 Min'Â
FROM Â Â Â Â Load_Time_Capture
WHERE Unprocessed_Capture >= Â DateADD(mi, -15, Current_TimeStamp)
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Oct 15, 2015
I am trying to create a query that will get data from two diffrent SQL servers. I am trying to link the two servers by using the sp_addlinkedserver. This is the code I use:
USE master;
EXEC sp_addlinkedserverÂ
  N'SQL Server';
and it executes successfully. But when I try to run my query I get the error message "Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON'."As far as I understand I need to provide some credentials to the linked server, but how do I do that ?
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Jun 7, 2012
how to get the quantity from output of sql query command for example, I could get the container name by below command
select container_name from sysibmadm.snapcontainer
get the container number by
now I want to get the container number by below command output result select container_name from what more command should I add on above command, I mean I want to get the container number by container name from the output of above command, not by 'join'.
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Sep 15, 2006
I am having problem in getting result out of two table, one table is Item Mater which stores global items for all offices and other is stock file which stores office wise stock items as follows:
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D
5 E
1 1 1
2 2 1
3 3 1
4 1 2
5 2 2
6 4 2
7 5 3
I want office wise stock details which inludes items found in stock file and remaining itmes from item master. example for office 1
1 A 1
2 B 1
3 C 1
i want a single view from which i can select data like i shown above, any kind of help is highly appriciated, what i tried is , i created union of both tables and tried to get data out of union view but result is not up to desire.
Thanks in advance
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Jul 6, 2015
Is there a way to define a query-filter (Example: WHERE column1 > 5 AND column2 = 'value') in a function?
So I can create a query like this:
 FROM Table
 WHERE MyFunction()
I know it's a bit of a strange question, but I'm writing a dynamic software that will have the ability to run Stored Procedures on any database to create some data-checks. Through parametrisation, a user can define for a specific Stored Procedure that some results are no longer necessary in the result-set.
ID - Name - State
1 - Jozef De Veuster - Mad
2 - Piet Husentruut - Not Happy
3 - Jeroen Meus - Angry
Is the result of a Stored Procedure "Show_me_unhappy_persons". But we already know that Jozef De Veuster is ALWAYS Mad, so a user can say: Exclude ID = 1, so it won't appear anymore in the result.
I want to handle this by doing:
FROM PeopleStates
WHERE --Some stuff--
AND CheckUserExclusions(SomeID)
And CheckUserExclusions will translate to "NOT (ID = 1)"
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Jul 24, 2015
I have a query which I want to convert It PIVOT query
SELECTÂ Â Â Â Parties.AreaID, Parties.Area, CashSalesDetail.ProductID, CashSalesDetail.ProductName, SUM(CashSalesDetail.Qty) AS QtyFROMÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â CashSalesDetail INNER JOINÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â CashSales ON CashSalesDetail.CSNo = CashSales.CSNo INNER JOINÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Parties ON CashSales.PartyID = Parties.PartyIDWHEREÂ Â Â Â (CashSales.TransDate >= CONVERT(DATETIME, '2014-07-01 00:00:00', 102)) AND (CashSales.TransDate <= CONVERT(DATETIME, '2015-06-30 00:00:00', 102))GROUP BY Parties.AreaID, Parties.Area, CashSalesDetail.ProductID, CashSalesDetail.ProductName
following is my requirement after summing up qty of each area
ProductName     area a        area b      area c
abc                         10               0              Â
def                          1                Â
4Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 2
ghi                          5                Â
3Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 10
jkl                            7               Â
15Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 3
Note: numeric values are Quantity of each product in each area
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Jun 17, 2015
I pulled some examples of using a subquery pivot to build a temp table, but cannot get it to work.
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Pyr') IS NOT NULL
[4981] AS Primary_Ins,
[4978] AS Secondary_Ins,
The problems I am having are with the integer data being used to create temp table fields. The bracketed numbers on line 7-10 give me an invalid column name error each. In the 'FOR', I get another error "Incorrect syntax near 'FOR'. Expecting '(', or '.'.". Â The first integer in the "IN" gives me an "Incorrect syntax near '[4981]'. Expecting '(' or SELECT". Â I will post the definitions from another effort below.
--ivo_int_idINTEGERNOT NULL,
SQL Server 2008 R2.
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Jul 8, 2015
I have some data which is vertical...I want to create a pivot query in SQL that will give me a result that is horizontal like this. I cannot find a way of doing it without lots of IF or CASE statements?
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Apr 29, 2015
I want to create index for hash table (#TEMPJOIN2) to reduce the update query run time. But I am getting "Warning!
The maximum key length is 900 bytes. The index 'R5IDX_TMP' has maximum length of 1013 bytes. For some combination of large values, the insert/update operation will fail". What is the right way to create index on temporary table.
Update query is running(without index) for 6 hours 30 minutes. My aim to reduce the run time by creating index.Â
And also I am not sure, whether creating index in more columns will create issue or not.
Attached the update query and index query.
[Code] ....
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May 21, 2015
convert my table(like picture) to hierarchical structure in SQL. actually i want to make a table from my data in SQL for a TreeList control datasource in application directly.
ProjectID is 1st Parent
Type_1 is 2nd Parent
Type_2 is 3rd Parent
Type_3 is 4ed Parent
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Mar 4, 2007
Hi all, i don't know where to post these, and so i posted in here about sql stuff... I want to do a stock inventory for my restaurant, and i don't know how to start building the database, so, I want to ask if anyone knows if they have a database diagram for stock inventory... any kind of database diagram will helps, so I get and Idea how to start... thanks...
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May 7, 2007
hello,I have a table like this:thing, size, color, type_mov, vary1, s, red, sell, 11, s, red, buy, 21, m, green, return, 10....and the question is how I can see the total number of products by sizeand color having in mind that some type of movement are + and otherare other words, like stock I can control this in sql server?code, procedures?thanks!
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Jan 22, 2007
I am designing a Database Application that covers Inventory System. And I am now in a dilemma of chosing which design to track Inventory stock better, in performance, reliability, and error free?
1st Design
..and other unique info of the product..
Tracking Inventory stock is done by using (update, insert and delete) triggers in each of the DETAILS to update the QtyOnHand in the PRODUCT TABLE
2nd Design
The later design does not hold QtyOnHand, but only save QtyBegin instead. To get the QtyOnHand, it uses views/stored procedure with Union Query, so it looks like this:
QtyOnHand = QtyBegin + Sum(QtySold) + Sum(QtyPurchase) + Sum(QtySalesReturn) + ........
And at the end of a accounting period, the calculation of the QtyOnHand will be the QtyBegin of the next accounting period.
According to you guys, which way is better in PERFORMANCE, RELIABILITY, ERROR FREE, and why? What are the pros and cons of these two?
Thanks a lot.
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Mar 13, 2007
I would like to use analysis services to analyze stock prices.
I want to find conditional probabilities:
P (YpriceChg >= 10% s.t. Ydate between A and B| X Price Chg >= 20%)?
€¦ Like given a price change of X percent or greater, predict the probability of a price change of Y percent or greater, within a specified time window (like 2 days, 3 months etc.).
I also want to add a support filter, like:
N > 30 cases (i.e., there have been at least 10 instances of a 10% or greater price change, for the chosen time window)
I have a database of prices, monthly, daily, etc. I also have a number of cols that compute statistics such as pChg1M, pChg-1M, vChg1d. Like price chg 1 month forward, price change 1 month backward, volumeChg1d forward. Ideally, I would like to minimize the column flags necessary for the experiment. Can you offer some hints, as far as setting up appropriate columns/flags and choosing a algorithm (maybe decision trees, association rules, or NB)?
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Apr 21, 2006
I have stock data in 1 min intervals and would like to convert it into other timeframes (e.g., 10 min, daily, monthly).
Here's is some sample data and my final goal:
[DateTime] [Open] [High] [Low] [Close] [Volume]
10-Feb-05 12:10:00 3.88 3.88 3.87 3.87 10
10-Feb-05 12:11:00 3.87 3.87 3.87 3.87 2
10-Feb-05 12:12:00 3.86 3.86 3.86 3.86 1
10-Feb-05 12:13:00 3.85 3.87 3.84 3.85 23
10-Feb-05 12:14:00 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 6
10-Feb-05 12:15:00 3.86 3.86 3.86 3.86 1
10-Feb-05 12:16:00 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 1
10-Feb-05 12:18:00 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3
10-Feb-05 12:19:00 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3
[DateTime] [Open] [High] [Low] [Close] [Volume]
10-Feb-05 12:10:00 3.88 3.88 3.84 3.85 50 *
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Jun 3, 2007
hello all i am new here,
my question is how i can activate http in sql server 2005
i want to run a helpdesk application but i cant make a new database.
it has something to do with create endpoint, i have no knowlege off sql server 2005 its not my field
can someone help me please?
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Jul 29, 2015
I have got a table as follow:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[NozzleAllTbl] (
[nShellId] INT NULL,
CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.NozzleAllTbl_dbo.NozzleTbl_nBDId] FOREIGN KEY ([nBDId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[NozzleTbl] ([Id]),
CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.NozzleAllTbl_dbo.NozzleTbl_nShellId] FOREIGN KEY ([nShellId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[NozzleTbl] ([Id]),
CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.NozzleAllTbl_dbo.NozzleTbl_nTDId] FOREIGN KEY ([nTDId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[NozzleTbl] ([Id])
NozzleTbl is another Table.At the moment I am referencing only one NozzleTbl thrice. But how can I reference a collection of NozzleTbl thrice?So that in the c# code I could access the collections as:
NozzleTbl_1 = NozzleAllTbl.NozzleTbls[0]
NozzleTbl_2 = NozzleAllTbl.NozzleTbls[1]
NozzleTbl1_1 = NozzleAllTbl.NozzleTbls1[0]
NozzleTbl2_1 = NozzleAllTbl.NozzleTbls2[0]
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Oct 4, 2007
hi allin the sample of sqlserver2005(notification service(stock))this is code sample in :appADF.xml(stock) -------------------------- -- Update value in the chronicle if event price greater than value in the chronicle UPDATE StockEventsChron SET StockPrice = E.StockPrice FROM StockEvents E, StockEventsChron C WHERE E.StockSymbol = C.StockSymbol AND E.StockPrice > C.StockPrice.for scenario: + the first SubscriberId(Stephanie) set :StockTriggerValue=20, and stockPrice changge =50 -> one notification for Stephanie and in the table StockEventsChron the value field :StockPrice = 50, + the next : stockPrice changge = 25. the field value StockPrice of table StockEventsChron is still 50 + then second SubscriberId(Scott) set StockTriggerValue=30 but---------------- Insert Into StockNotifications ( S.SubscriberId, S.DeviceName, S.SubscriberLocale, E.StockSymbol, E.StockPrice ) SELECT S.SubscriberId, S.DeviceName, S.SubscriberLocale, E.StockSymbol, E.StockPrice FROM StockSubscriptions S JOIN StockEvents E ON S.StockSymbol = E.StockSymbol LEFT OUTER JOIN StockEventsChron c ON S.StockSymbol = c.StockSymbol WHERE S.StockTriggerValue <= E.StockPrice AND (S.StockTriggerValue > c.StockPrice OR c.StockPrice IS NULL) here :StockTriggerValue=30 < c.StockPrice=50 so no notification for Scott, why ?can anyone help me?
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Dec 30, 2011
Assume you have a table called Tick with 2 columns
tickId bigint IDENTITY(1,1)
, price int -- usually money data type, making it int for simplicity
I am tasked with creating bars that are 10 units long.
Now the catch is I'm not looking for the tickId where price is >= t1(price) + 10 where t1(price) is the price for the first row where tickId = 1. (it could also be where price <= t1(price) - 10)
Here is sample data:
1, 25
2, 26
3, 23
4, 26
5, 27
6, 30
7, 34
8, 32
9, 30
10, 33
What I am looking for are rows 3 (23) and 7 (34)
Currently I have:
DECLARE @tickDiff int
SET @tickDiff = 10
DECLARE @r1TickId bigint
This seems to work but it is taking multiple minutes to run for about 50k rows of data (which I created off of the 24 million row table I have just looking at data from today). So it takes ~5 minutes to create the first bar which is not acceptible.
If my logic above seems acceptable are there any indexes you could recommend. Database engine tuning advisor didn't find any.
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