Transact SQL :: Group By On A Transaction At Line Item Level?
May 20, 2015
I need to group by transactions at line item level. As the each item in the transaction may belong to different category and I'musing case statement to identify particular category for one column , I'm using sub-query to retrieve the results at item level.
Here is the code:
Due to case by statement and having multiple category I have to use multiple group by.
select TransactionId
,Sum(CategoryAPurchase) CategoryAPurchase
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Nov 20, 2015
I have records that I get in this format:
ID Customer Type TypeNUm
100 Tiger Item T100
100 Tiger Item T200
100 Tiger Item T300
100 Tiger Shiper SAAA
100 Tiger PO POAAA
200 Panera GL WE
200 Panera PO POBBB
The reftypes are not always the same, what I need is to get it in this form
ID Customer Type TypeNUm
100 Tiger Item T100,T200, T300
100 Tiger Shiper SAAA
100 Tiger PO POAAA
200 Panera GL WE
200 Panera PO POBBB
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Nov 30, 2015
We have a service that inserts some rows into a parent table (P) and child table (C). This operation is atomic and performed within a transaction.
We also have a service that queries these tables such that rows are (should only be) returned from P where there are no children for that parent.
The SQL that performs this is simplified below:
LEFT OUTER JOIN C ON P.PKofP_Value = C.PkofP_Value
C.PkofPValue IS NULL
AND P.SomeOtherCol=0
Our expectation is that the query service should only return rows from P where there are no rows in C.
However, this seems not to be the case, and occasionally we find that rows from P are returned where there are matching rows in C.
We are sure that the process that inserts rows into P and C does so within a single transaction.
We have traced this with SQLTrace and can see the txn stag and committing and all operations using the same transactionid within the transaction.
We are running the default isolation level committed.
In SQLTrace we can see the query process start, the inserter process start and complete and then the query process continue (after presumably being blocked).
So how can the query process "miss" the child rows and return the parent from the above query?
Is it possible that, in this isolation level, the inserter process can block the query process such that when the inserter process commits and when the query process continues it does not see the child rows inserted because they were inserted in the table/index "behind" where the query process has already read - some kind of phantom phenomenon?
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Oct 1, 2015
I have a query that returns the data about test cases. Each test case can have multiple bugs associated to it. I would like a query that only returns the test cases that have all their associated bugs status = closed.For instance here is a sample of my data
TestCaseID TestCaseDescription BugID BugStatus
1 TestCase1 1 Closed
2 TestCase1 2 Open
3 TestCase2 11 Closed
4 TestCase2 12 Closed
5 TestCase2 13 Closed
How can I limit this to only return TestCase2 data since all of that test case's bugs have a status of closed.
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Nov 8, 2006
G'day everyoneThat's a space between the ticks.It's all part of a longer script but seeing as the failure occurs online 1if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[config]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') =1)drop table [dbo].[config]GOThat's three lines only. Does it matter that they're in Unicode?Any ideas?Kind regards,Bruce M. AxtensSoftware EngineerStrapper Technologies
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May 15, 2007
Can somebody explain the process for implementing Item-Level security for reports? My requirement is as follows:
I have some reports pertaining to a specific department, where in I deployed them to a specific folder on Reporting Services. Now I need to give exclusive read access to those reports for the users in that department. They should not be able to create any folders / new reports etc.
The steps I have followed:
1. Deployed the reports from VS 2005 to a specific folder called "TheirReports" and in this I placed the Data source also as a seperate folder.
2. I clicked on Site Settings in Report Manager and then clicked on Configure Item-Level role definitions.
3. Clicked on New Role and gave a name as ReportsBrowser and checked the options --> "View Data sources / View folders / View reports / View resources"
4. Now I went back to the specific folder and clicked on Properties -> Security -> New Role Assignment.
5. Added the necessary users binding them to ReportsBroser role.
When I'm checking from the user machine, they are able to create new folders etc.
Appreciate your ideas.
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Jan 16, 2008
I need to figure out hours based on StartTime and EndTime (year does not matter) from the first table and totaled for the entire week based on the effective date in the second table.
I need it to return the follwing:
WorkHourGroup TotalWorkHours
TJOHNSO 24 Hours
Table 1 -'workhour'
WorkHourGroup DayIDStatrtTimeEndTime
TJOHNSO11899-12-30 09:00:00.0001899-12-30 17:00:00.000
TJOHNSO31899-12-30 09:00:00.0001899-12-30 17:00:00.000
TJOHNSO51899-12-30 09:00:00.0001899-12-30 17:00:00.000
Table 2 -'workhourgroup'
WorkHourGroupWorkHourDescEffective Date
SMBSMB Work Week2007-09-11 00:00:00.000
SMITHBSTANDARD2008-01-12 00:00:00.000
TJOHNSOJohnson12008-01-11 00:00:00.000
Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
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Jan 23, 2008
I need to use a self join on a table to get it to return one line item ofr all of the line items within the table. The subscriptions table has many line items containing product code. I need to eb able to return one line item containing each of the different product codes.
Table Subscriptions
ID, Product_code
101 ChaptA
101 ChaptB
101 ChaptC
Need to return
ID, Product_codes
101 ChaptA ChaptB ChaptC
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May 1, 2007
Use the Northwind database Products table as an example.Purchasing dept gets a report showing when inventory items on hand qty arebelow the reorder level.easy enough:Select ProductID, ProductName, SupplierID, UnitsInStock, ReorderLevelfrom Productswhere (UnitsInStock < ReorderLevel)Results:ProductID ProductName SupplierID UnitsInStock ReorderLevel2 Chang 1 17253 Aniseed Syrup 1 1325It would be nice to know what other products are purchased from this samevendor in case other items are close to their reorder level.All products for Supplier ID 1Select ProductID, ProductName, SupplierID, UnitsInStock, ReorderLevelfrom Productswhere SupplierID = 1Results:ProductID ProductName SupplierID UnitsInStock ReorderLevel1 Chai 1 39102 Chang 1 17253 Aniseed Syrup 1 1325This shows there is 1 more product (Chai) that also comes from Supplier 1.Is there a way to show all items from a vendor when some of the items arebelow the reorder level without needing a separate query for each vendor?Thanks
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Apr 14, 2008
Is there any way to know you're at the last row in a group footer? I'd like to just hide all other rows except that one...
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Feb 1, 2006
Hi,I am getting the following error from the query below against SQLServer 8.00.2039 (SP4)Error:====Server: Msg 107, Level 16, State 2, Line 1The column prefix 'd' does not match with a table name or alias nameused in the query.Select Statement:=============select ....from trades a,gems_product_groups b,portfolio_nav_mapping c,products d,limit_types eleft outer join gems_prod_trade_mod f on d.product_id =f.product_IDI know this was a known bug in MS-SQL7, but I thought it had been fixedin 2000.Can anyone help?Thanks
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Jul 26, 2015
I want a sum of the rows I have but only the unique items, for example
Client Name Amount
Client 1 $10
Client 2 $20
Client 2 $20
Client 3 $30
Client 4 $40
Client 4 $40
Client 4 $40
I want the sum of this to be Client 1 + Client 2 + Client 3 + Client 4 which is $100. But if I just do a sum it adds up each row. I also have them grouped together, so when it's shown, I only seen one of each item, but a sum still grabs all the duplicates.How can I go about getting the unique sum
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Jun 7, 2005
Simple SQL Error Can anyone help for a new starter. Error MessageServer: Msg 209, Level 16, State 1, Line 6 Ambiguous column name 'CustomerID'.Codeselect CustomerID, ContactName, OrderId from CustomersInner Join Orders OnCustomers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerIDDBMS = SQL Server 2000 SP 3aDatabase = NorthwindI have no idea why i receive this error
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Mar 16, 2001
Hi, I would appreciate your help. I donot know why I am getting this error when I run this query :
if (select SUBSTRING(de_ftpdownload,1,CHARINDEX('.',de_ftpdow nload,0)-1)as de_ftpdownload from vendor_invoice)
<> (select stamp_number from vendor_invoice)
select 'no'
select 'yes'
I get this Error
Server: Msg 536, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function.
(1 row(s) affected)
I would appreciate your hlep
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Jun 23, 2004
Can anybody help me with this syntax?
order by PHN.N_PHN_ID
here is the error message:
Server: Msg 107, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
The column prefix 'PHN2.PHN' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.
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Nov 22, 2004
Hello All,
This table was created by coldfusion and has been given all priviliges to public and I am in the public group but I still cant select from it. It gives me this error message: Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1. Help!
Thanks in Advance.
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Feb 15, 2008
I'm getting this error in SQL server.
Msg 8101, Level 16, State 1, Line 68
An explicit value for the identity column in table 'temp_notes' can only be specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON.
My original script looked like this.
DECLARE @patient_id int
,@phn varchar(9)
,@full_name varchar(100)
,@birth_date datetime
,@entry_note varchar(8000)
,@entry_date datetime
,@rec_counter int
,@Clinic_identifier varchar(24)
,@chart_count int
set @Clinic_identifier = 'MEDOWL.'
set @rec_counter = 0
DECLARE patients_cursor CURSOR FOR
SELECT a.full_name, a.birth_date, a.phn, a.patient_id
FROM patient as a
,clinicdoctors as b
WHERE a.patient_id IN (51450,49741,57290) --= 51450
and datalength(a.phn) = 9
and b.clinicdoctor_id = a.clinicdoctor_id
ORDER BY a.last_name,a.first_name,a.patient_id
OPEN patients_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM patients_cursor
INTO @full_name, @birth_date, @phn, @patient_id
--select @full_name, @birth_date, @phn, @patient_id
DECLARE chartcount_cursor CURSOR FOR
select count(*)
from ChartEntries
where patient_id = @patient_id
OPEN chartcount_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM chartcount_cursor INTO @chart_count
--select @chart_count as chtcount
DECLARE chartentries_cursor CURSOR FOR
select entry_datetime,entry_note
from ChartEntries
where patient_id = @patient_id
order by Patient_id, ChartEntry_Id desc
-- Variable value from the outer cursor
OPEN chartentries_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM chartentries_cursor INTO @entry_date,@entry_note
--select @entry_date,@entry_note
set @rec_counter = @rec_counter + 1
--select @@FETCH_STATUS as status
insert into temp_notes
values (@Clinic_identifier+@phn+'.'
-- Get the next entry note
FETCH NEXT FROM chartentries_cursor INTO @entry_date,@entry_note
--select @entry_date,@entry_note
CLOSE chartentries_cursor
DEALLOCATE chartentries_cursor
CLOSE chartcount_cursor
DEALLOCATE chartcount_cursor
set @rec_counter = 0
set @chart_count = 0
-- Get the next patient record
FETCH NEXT FROM patients_cursor
INTO @full_name, @birth_date, @phn, @patient_id
--select @full_name, @birth_date, @phn, @patient_id
-- Get the next chart record count
--FETCH NEXT FROM chartcount_cursor INTO @chart_count
--select @chart_count as chtcount
CLOSE patients_cursor
DEALLOCATE patients_cursor
I then changed it to left pad the variables @rec_counter and @chart_count.
DECLARE @patient_id int
,@phn varchar(9)
,@full_name varchar(100)
,@birth_date datetime
,@entry_note varchar(8000)
,@entry_date datetime
,@rec_counter int
,@Clinic_identifier varchar(24)
,@chart_count int
set @Clinic_identifier = 'MEDOWL.'
set @rec_counter = 0
DECLARE patients_cursor CURSOR FOR
SELECT a.full_name, a.birth_date, a.phn, a.patient_id
FROM patient as a
,clinicdoctors as b
WHERE a.patient_id IN (51450,49741,57290) --= 51450
and datalength(a.phn) = 9
and b.clinicdoctor_id = a.clinicdoctor_id
ORDER BY a.last_name,a.first_name,a.patient_id
OPEN patients_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM patients_cursor
INTO @full_name, @birth_date, @phn, @patient_id
--select @full_name, @birth_date, @phn, @patient_id
DECLARE chartcount_cursor CURSOR FOR
select count(*)
from ChartEntries
where patient_id = @patient_id
OPEN chartcount_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM chartcount_cursor INTO @chart_count
--select @chart_count as chtcount
DECLARE chartentries_cursor CURSOR FOR
select entry_datetime,entry_note
from ChartEntries
where patient_id = @patient_id
order by Patient_id, ChartEntry_Id desc
-- Variable value from the outer cursor
OPEN chartentries_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM chartentries_cursor INTO @entry_date,@entry_note
--select @entry_date,@entry_note
set @rec_counter = @rec_counter + 1
--select @@FETCH_STATUS as status
insert into temp_notes
values (@Clinic_identifier+@phn+'.'
+REPLICATE('0',3),convert(varchar,@rec_counter)+'. '
-- Get the next entry note
FETCH NEXT FROM chartentries_cursor INTO @entry_date,@entry_note
--select @entry_date,@entry_note
CLOSE chartentries_cursor
DEALLOCATE chartentries_cursor
CLOSE chartcount_cursor
DEALLOCATE chartcount_cursor
set @rec_counter = 0
set @chart_count = 0
-- Get the next patient record
FETCH NEXT FROM patients_cursor
INTO @full_name, @birth_date, @phn, @patient_id
--select @full_name, @birth_date, @phn, @patient_id
-- Get the next chart record count
--FETCH NEXT FROM chartcount_cursor INTO @chart_count
--select @chart_count as chtcount
CLOSE patients_cursor
DEALLOCATE patients_cursor
That is when I received the error, so I inserted this command before the insert line but it made no difference.
insert into temp_notes
values (@Clinic_identifier+@phn+'.'
+REPLICATE('0',3),convert(varchar,@rec_counter)+'. '
I'm concatenating four different variables together to insert into the column note_id.
What is the problem? I just don't see it. My table definition looks like this.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[temp_notes](
[temp_Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[note_Id] [varchar](24) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[phn] [char](9) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[full_name] [varchar](100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[birth_date] [datetime] NULL,
[entry_datetime] [datetime] NULL,
[Entry_Note] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[temp_Id] ASC
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Dec 4, 2007
Error 4305
What would be the cause of this error?
Msg 4305, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The log in this backup set begins at LSN 8229000000047200001, which is too recent to apply to the database. An earlier log backup that includes LSN 8219000000021400001 can be restored
And what would the fix be?
I am trying to restore from a Full Backup and then the log files on a development machine.
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Aug 2, 2007
I have built a stored procedure and the code is like below:
Code Snippet
DECLARE @Table_Name VARCHAR(100)
SELECT @Table_Name = 'Employee'
SELECT @Query = 'IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.triggers WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''[dbo].[DEL_' + UPPER(@Table_Name) + ']''))
DROP TRIGGER [dbo].[DEL_' + UPPER(@Table_Name) + ']'
SELECT @Table_Desc = (SELECT a.value
sys.extended_properties a, sys.tables b
WHERE a.major_id = b.object_id
AND a.minor_id = 0
AND = @Table_Name)
SELECT @Query = '''CREATE TRIGGER [DEL_' + UPPER(@Table_Name) + '] ON dbo.' + @Table_Name + '
DECLARE @Old_Value VARCHAR(8000)
DECLARE @New_Value VARCHAR(8000)
DECLARE @P_Key_Value VARCHAR(8000)
DECLARE @P_Key_Insert VARCHAR(8000)
DECLARE @Comment VARCHAR(8000)
SELECT @P_Key_Insert = ''''''''
EXEC(''''IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''''''''[dbo].[Temp_PrimKey]'''''''') AND type in (N''''''''U''''''''))
DROP TABLE [dbo].[Temp_PrimKey]'''')
T.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = ''''PRIMARY KEY'''' AND T.TABLE_NAME = ''''' + @Table_Name + '''''
EXEC(''''IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''''''''[dbo].[Temp_Value]'''''''') AND type in (N''''''''U''''''''))
DROP TABLE [dbo].[Temp_Value]'''')
EXEC(''''CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Temp_Value](
[PValue] [VARCHAR](max) NOT NULL
) ON [PRIMARY]'''')
EXEC(''''IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''''''''[dbo].[Temp_Deleted]'''''''') AND type in (N''''''''U''''''''))
DROP TABLE [dbo].[Temp_Deleted]'''')
SELECT * INTO Temp_Deleted FROM deleted
SELECT * FROM Temp_PrimKey
OPEN Curs_PrimKey
EXEC(''''INSERT INTO Temp_Value SELECT ''''+ @P_Key + '''' FROM Temp_Deleted'''')
SELECT @P_Key_Value = (SELECT PValue FROM Temp_Value)
EXEC(''''DELETE FROM Temp_Value'''')
SELECT @P_Key_Insert = @P_Key_Insert + @P_Key + '''' = '''' + @P_Key_Value + '''', ''''
CLOSE Curs_PrimKey
EXEC(''''IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''''''''[dbo].[Temp_Deleted]'''''''') AND type in (N''''''''U''''''''))
DROP TABLE [dbo].[Temp_Deleted]'''')
EXEC(''''IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''''''''[dbo].[Temp_Value]'''''''') AND type in (N''''''''U''''''''))
DROP TABLE [dbo].[Temp_Value]'''')
SELECT @P_Key_Insert = LEFT(@P_Key_Insert, LEN(@P_Key_Insert)-2)
SELECT @Comment = ''''' + CAST(@Table_Desc AS VARCHAR) + ' deleted, '''' + @P_Key_Insert
INSERT INTO TLOG(Log_Date, Log_Reference, Log_Comment)
VALUES (GETDATE(), @P_Key_Insert, @Comment)
--PRINT @Query
Problem is when I run it gives error:
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1Incorrect syntax near 'CREATE TRIGGER [DEL_EMPLOYEE] ON dbo.Employee FOR DELETEAS DECLARE @Old_Value VARCHAR(8000)DECLARE @New_Value VARCHA'.
If I print the @Query and run it in a query analyzer using the statement EXEC it worked. It's giving me headache, this supposed to be a simple exec statement. Please advise. Thanks.
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Jul 19, 2006
Hello Folks,
I am moving the model & Msdb databases to a different location and I have this error.
Msg 3710, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot detach an opened database when the server is in minimally configured mode.
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Mar 5, 2015
I'm developing and sql 2008 view that shows me the last month of sales of every customer and every item sold, the problem is that I need group by customer with the higher Sale Price of every item of the customer, example:
1.If We sold the same item to one customer then it must show just the higher sale price of every item
2.If the same item was sold to the same customer at the same price then it must show just the last sold date record of that item
This is I get :
OrderDate |DebNr|DebName|ItemCode|Descript|Qty|CostPrice|SalePrice|
2015-03-05|0001 |Deb0001|Item-001|Item 001| 3 | 223.10 | 289.00 |
2015-02-25|0001 |Deb0001|Item-001|Item 001| 2 | 220.00 | 286.00 |
2015-03-05|0001 |Deb0001|Item-002|Item 002| 1 | 75.00 | 110.00 |
2015-03-02|0002 |Deb0002|Item-001|Item 001| 1 | 218.00 | 265.00 |
2015-02-27|0002 |Deb0002|Item-001|Item 001| 1 | 218.00 | 265.00 |
This is I need :
OrderDate |DebNr|DebName|ItemCode|Descript|Qty|CostPrice|SalePrice|
2015-03-05|0001 |Deb0001|Item-001|Item 001| 3 | 223.10 | 289.00 |
2015-03-05|0001 |Deb0001|Item-002|Item 002| 1 | 75.00 | 110.00 |
2015-03-02|0002 |Deb0002|Item-001|Item 001| 1 | 218.00 | 265.00 |
This is my code :
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT OrderDate, DebtorNr, DebtorName, ItemCode, Description, Qty, CostPrice, SalePrice
WHERE (OrderDate >= DATEADD(MM, - 1, GETDATE()))
ORDER BY DebtorNr, ItemCode
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Jan 25, 2002
If we run the query below with the values of 'rml' and 'ra' it runs but if we use 'cca' and 'cc' we get this error:
Server: Msg 1101, Level 17, State 10, Line 8
Could not allocate new page for database 'TEMPDB'. There are no more pages available in filegroup DEFAULT. Space can be created by dropping objects, adding additional files, or allowing file growth.
Here is the query
Declare @Level_1 varchar(3),
@Level_2 varchar(2)
Select @Level_1 = 'cca'
Select @Level_2 = 'cc'
select distinct tblAsset.State, tblAsset.County, tblAsset.Plant, tblAsset.Account,
tblAsset.Acq_Yr, tblAsset.Acq_Pd, tblAsset_Book.Cost_Original,
tblCounty_Names.County_Name, CER..tblLocation.Location,
from tblAsset, tblAsset_Book, tblCounty_Names, CER..tblLocation, tblGL_Account
where tblAsset_Book.Level_1 = @Level_1
and tblAsset.Level_1 = tblAsset_Book.Level_1
and tblAsset_Book.Level_2 = @Level_2
and tblAsset.Level_2 = tblAsset_Book.Level_2
and tblGL_Account.Company = tblAsset.Level_2
and CER..tblLocation.SBU = tblGL_Account.Company
and tblCounty_Names.County = tblAsset.County
and CER..tblLocation.County = tblCounty_Names.County
and CER..tblLocation.Code = tblAsset.Plant
and tblGL_Account.Account = tblAsset.Account
and tblAsset_Book.Book_Number = '1'
order by tblAsset.State
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Jan 5, 2001
When I try to update one table from another I get the following error
message, Does anyone know what may be the cause of the error :
Server: Msg 8152, Level 16, State 9, Line 1
String or binary data would be truncated.
The statement has been terminated.
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Feb 9, 2006
Dear All participants.
My distribution log file size is reached upto 33GB, What I should do?
Any clue or helps are too appreciable.
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Aug 25, 2007
i have sp4 install. Anyone know how to fix it?
Server: Msg 2537, Level 16, State 43, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1376776012, index ID 0, page (1:56868), row 2. Record check (Valid SqlVariant) failed. Values are 7 and 0.
Server: Msg 2537, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 ... so on
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Nov 23, 2005
Dear (and mighty) all:I backed up a database (SQL server 7.0) and tried to restore it onanother system (SQL Server 2000). This is not the first time I'm doingthis and never had a problem before:-- in the source dbBACKUP db_icoaraci TO DISK = 'C:TEMPBACKUP-ICOARACI.DAT'--in the destination dbRESTORE db_icoaraci FROM DISK='E:TEMPBACKUP-ICOARACI.DAT'WITH MOVE='ICOARACI_DAT' TO 'E:DBICOARACI.MDF',MOVE='ICOARACI_LOG' TO 'E:DBICOARACI.LDF'Today, to my surprise, the destination SQL returned the followingerror:Processed 25592 pages for database 'db_icoaraci', file 'ICOARACI_DAT'on file 1.Processed 1 pages for database 'db_icoaraci', file 'ICOARACI_LOG' onfile 1.Server: Msg 1105, Level 17, State 2, Line 1Could not allocate space for object '(SYSTEM table id: 6)' in database'db_icoaraci' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full.Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.I searched the list and a found a few posts refering to the same error,but none in the exactly same scenario.I tried to restore the database with NORECOVERY, and, before restoringthe log, increase its size (ALTER DATABASE ... etc), but SQL Serversays that the DB couldn't be open because it's in the middle of arestore...I'll appreciate any help.Regards,Branco.
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Dec 17, 2007
I am experiencing some frustration in regards to parsing an email that I need to work with.
(I don't have control over the format of the email I am receiving)
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
Here is the error I get, when I use the SQL Query Analyzer to process my Stored Procedure. (Not every email gets this error, just some, others process just fine.)
String or binary data would be truncated.
The statement has been terminated.
Stored Procedure: eResponse.dbo.spParser
Return Code = -6
My Code is as follows:
@_id nvarchar(50)
--assumes the email is no longer than 4000 characters. if it might be longer, bump this number up.
-- Common Varriables
DECLARE @body nvarchar(4000)
DECLARE @i int
DECLARE @phone nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @phonestart int
DECLARE @phoneend int
DECLARE @email nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @emailstart int
DECLARE @emailend int
DECLARE @comments nvarchar(3000)
DECLARE @commentsstart int
DECLARE @commentsend int
DECLARE @OrigID varchar(50)
-- Jose Ole Variables
DECLARE @firstname nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @firstnamestart int
DECLARE @firstnameend int
DECLARE @lastname nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @lastnamestart int
DECLARE @lastnameend int
DECLARE @address1 nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @address1start int
DECLARE @address1end int
DECLARE @address2 nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @address2start int
DECLARE @address2end int
DECLARE @city nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @citystart int
DECLARE @cityend int
DECLARE @state nvarchar(5)
DECLARE @statestart int
DECLARE @stateend int
DECLARE @zip nvarchar(15)
DECLARE @zipstart int
DECLARE @zipend int
DECLARE @country nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @countrystart int
DECLARE @countryend int
DECLARE @phone2 nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @phone2start int
DECLARE @phone2end int
DECLARE @productname nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @productnamestart int
DECLARE @productnameend int
DECLARE @upccode nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @upccodestart int
DECLARE @upccodeend int
DECLARE @datecode nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @datecodestart int
DECLARE @datecodeend int
DECLARE @purchaseat nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @purchaseatstart int
DECLARE @purchaseatend int
DECLARE @purchasecity nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @purchasecitystart int
DECLARE @purchasecityend int
DECLARE @datepurchased nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @datepurchasedstart int
DECLARE @datepurchasedend int
DECLARE @dateopened nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @dateopenedstart int
DECLARE @dateopenedend int
DECLARE @subject nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @subjectstart int
DECLARE @subjectend int
-- Windosr Variables
DECLARE @name nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @namestart int
DECLARE @nameend int
DECLARE @company nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @companystart int
DECLARE @companyend int
--First replace all ASCII carriage returns and line feeds and assign the whole chunk of data to a variable.
SET @body = (select replace( REPLACE(convert(varchar(4000), message),CHAR(10),' '),CHAR(13),'') from message where mailid = @_id)
--below is the sample syntax for the individual replacements of line feeds and carriage returns, but it's combined into one statement above.
--SELECT REPLACE(@jb,CHAR(10),'') as firstpass
--SELECT REPLACE(@jb,CHAR(13),'') as secondpass
IF left(@body,47) = 'Fromubject:contact info sent from'
--If this is true.. then it is a sample company.
--The 12 in the start is compensating for the 12 Characters of "First Name: "
--Below is collecting First Name
SET @firstnamestart = (CHARINDEX('First name:',@body) + 11)
SET @firstnameend = (CHARINDEX('Last name:',@body) - 1)
SET @firstname = SUBSTRING(@body,@firstnamestart,@firstnameend-@firstnamestart)
----Below is collecting Last Name
SET @lastnamestart = (CHARINDEX('Last name:',@body) + 10)
SET @lastnameend = (CHARINDEX('Address 1:',@body) - 1)
SET @lastname = SUBSTRING(@body,@lastnamestart,@lastnameend-@lastnamestart)
--Below is collecting Address1
SET @address1start = (CHARINDEX('Address 1:',@body) + 10)
SET @address1end = (CHARINDEX('Address 2:',@body) - 1)
SET @address1 = SUBSTRING(@body,@address1start,@address1end-@address1start)
--Below is collecting Address2
SET @address2start = (CHARINDEX('Address 2:',@body) + 10)
SET @address2end = (CHARINDEX('City:',@body) - 1)
SET @address2 = SUBSTRING(@body,@address2start,@address2end-@address2start)
--Below is collecting city information
SET @citystart = (CHARINDEX('City:',@body) + 5)
SET @cityend = (CHARINDEX('State/Prov',@body) -1)
SET @city = SUBSTRING(@body,@citystart,@cityend-@citystart)
--Below is collecting state information
SET @statestart = (CHARINDEX('State/Province:',@body) + 15)
SET @stateend = (CHARINDEX('Zip/Postal',@body) -1)
SET @state = SUBSTRING(@body,@statestart,@stateend-@statestart)
--Below is collecting zip information
SET @zipstart = (CHARINDEX('Zip/Postal Code:',@body) + 16)
SET @zipend = (CHARINDEX('Country',@body) -1)
SET @zip = SUBSTRING(@body,@zipstart,@zipend-@zipstart)
--Below is collecting country information
SET @countrystart = (CHARINDEX('Country:',@body) + 8)
SET @countryend = (CHARINDEX('E-mail address',@body) -1)
SET @country = SUBSTRING(@body,@countrystart,@countryend-@countrystart)
--Below is collecting email information
SET @emailstart = (CHARINDEX('E-mail address:',@body) + 15)
SET @emailend = (CHARINDEX('Daytime',@body) -1)
SET @email = SUBSTRING(@body,@emailstart,@emailend-@emailstart)
--Below is collecting phone information
SET @phonestart = (CHARINDEX('Daytime Phone:',@body) + 14)
SET @phoneend = (CHARINDEX('Evening Phone:',@body) -1)
SET @phone = SUBSTRING(@body,@phonestart,@phoneend-@phonestart)
--Below is collecting phone2 information
SET @phone2start = (CHARINDEX('Evening Phone:',@body) + 14)
SET @phone2end = (CHARINDEX('Product Name',@body) -1)
SET @phone2 = SUBSTRING(@body,@phone2start,@phone2end-@phone2start)
--Below is collecting Product Name information
SET @productnamestart = (CHARINDEX('Product Name:',@body) + 12)
SET @productnameend = (CHARINDEX('UPC Code:',@body) -1)
SET @productname = SUBSTRING(@body,@productnamestart,@productnameend-@productnamestart)
--Below is collecting UPC Code information
SET @upccodestart = (CHARINDEX('UPC Code:',@body) + 9)
SET @upccodeend = (CHARINDEX('Date Code:',@body) -1)
SET @upccode = SUBSTRING(@body,@upccodestart,@upccodeend-@upccodestart)
--Below is collecting Date Code information
SET @datecodestart = (CHARINDEX('Date Code:',@body) + 10)
SET @datecodeend = (CHARINDEX('Purchased At',@body) -1)
SET @datecode = SUBSTRING(@body,@datecodestart,@datecodeend-@datecodestart)
--Below is collecting Purchase At information
SET @purchaseatstart = (CHARINDEX('Purchased At',@body) + 26)
SET @purchaseatend = (CHARINDEX('Purchase City:',@body) -1)
SET @purchaseat = SUBSTRING(@body,@purchaseatstart,@purchaseatend-@purchaseatstart)
--Below is collecting Purchase City information
SET @purchasecitystart = (CHARINDEX('Purchase City:',@body) + 14)
SET @purchasecityend = (CHARINDEX('Date Purchased',@body) -1)
SET @purchasecity = SUBSTRING(@body,@purchasecitystart,@purchasecityend-@purchasecitystart)
--Below is collecting Date Purchased information
SET @datepurchasedstart = (CHARINDEX('Date Purchased:',@body) + 15)
SET @datepurchasedend = (CHARINDEX('Date Opened',@body) -1)
SET @datepurchased = SUBSTRING(@body,@datepurchasedstart,@datepurchasedend-@datepurchasedstart)
--Below is collecting Date Opened information
SET @dateopenedstart = (CHARINDEX('Date Opened:',@body) + 12)
SET @dateopenedend = (CHARINDEX('E-mail Subject:',@body) -1)
SET @dateopened = SUBSTRING(@body,@dateopenedstart,@dateopenedend-@dateopenedstart)
--Below is collecting Email Subject information
SET @subjectstart = (CHARINDEX('E-mail Subject:',@body) + 15)
SET @subjectend = (CHARINDEX('Comments:',@body) -1)
SET @subject = SUBSTRING(@body,@subjectstart,@subjectend-@subjectstart)
--Below is collecting message information
SET @commentsstart = (CHARINDEX('Comments:',@body) + 10)
SET @commentsend = len(@body)
SET @comments = SUBSTRING(@body,@commentsstart,@commentsend-@commentsstart)
--below is the part that actually writes the data out to the Output table
INSERT INTO OutputEmails
(FirstName, LastName, Address1, Address2, City, State, Zip, Country, eMail, Phone, Phone2, ProductName, UPCCode, DateCode, PurchaseAt, PurchaseCity, DatePurchased, DateOpened, Subject, Comments, OrigID)
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@firstnamestart,@firstnameend-@firstnamestart)) as FirstName,
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@lastnamestart,@lastnameend-@lastnamestart)) as LastName,
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@address1start,@address1end-@address1start)) as Address1,
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@address2start,@address2end-@address2start)) as Address2,
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@citystart,@cityend-@citystart)) as City,
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@statestart,@stateend-@statestart)) as State,
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@zipstart,@zipend-@zipstart)) as Zip,
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@countrystart,@countryend-@countrystart)) as Country,
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@emailstart,@emailend-@emailstart)) as eMail,
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@phonestart,@phoneend-@phonestart)) as Phone,
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@phone2start,@phone2end-@phone2start)) as Phone2,
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@productnamestart,@productnameend-@productnamestart)) as ProductName,
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@upccodestart,@upccodeend-@upccodestart)) as UPCCode,
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@datecodestart,@datecodeend-@datecodestart)) as DateCode,
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@purchaseatstart,@purchaseatend-@purchaseatstart)) as PurchaseAt,
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@purchasecitystart,@purchasecityend-@purchasecitystart)) as PurchaseCity,
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@datepurchasedstart,@datepurchasedend-@datepurchasedstart)) as DatePurchased,
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@dateopenedstart,@dateopenedend-@dateopenedstart)) as DateOpened,
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@subjectstart,@subjectend-@subjectstart)) as Subject,
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@commentsstart,@commentsend-@commentsstart)) as Comments,
@_id as OrigID
FROM dbo.message
WHERE (mailId = @_id)
--below prints the whole value in the debugger (SQL Query Analyzer)
--print @body
--below prints the length of the whole value
--print len(@body)
--below prints the location of 'Callers Name:'
--Print CHARINDEX('Name: ',@body)
--Below is collecting the Name information
--The 6 in the start is compensating for the 6 Characters of "Name: "
SET @namestart = (CHARINDEX('Name:',@body) + 5)
SET @nameend = (CHARINDEX('Email:',@body) - 1)
SET @name = SUBSTRING(@body,@namestart,@nameend-@namestart)
--Below is collecting email information
SET @emailstart = (CHARINDEX('Email:',@body) + 6)
SET @emailend = (CHARINDEX('Title:',@body) -1)
SET @email = SUBSTRING(@body,@emailstart,@emailend-@emailstart)
--Below is collecting Company information
SET @companystart = (CHARINDEX('Company:',@body) + 8)
SET @companyend = (CHARINDEX('Phone Number:',@body) -1)
SET @company = SUBSTRING(@body,@companystart,@companyend-@companystart)
--Below is collecting phone information
SET @phonestart = (CHARINDEX('Phone Number:',@body) + 13)
SET @phoneend = (CHARINDEX('Comments:',@body) -1)
SET @phone = SUBSTRING(@body,@phonestart,@phoneend-@phonestart)
--Below is collecting message information
SET @commentsstart = (CHARINDEX('Comments:',@body) + 9)
SET @commentsend = len(@body)
SET @comments = SUBSTRING(@body,@commentsstart,@commentsend-@commentsstart)
--below is the part that actually writes the data out to the Output table
INSERT INTO OutputEmails
(Name, eMail, Company, Phone, Comments, OrigID)
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@namestart,@nameend-@namestart)) as Name,
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@emailstart,@emailend-@emailstart)) as eMail,
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@companystart,@companyend-@companystart)) as Company,
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@phonestart,@phoneend-@phonestart)) as Phone,
ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@commentsstart,@commentsend-@commentsstart)) as Comments,
@_id as OrigID
FROM dbo.message
WHERE (mailId = @_id)
--At the very end when you're satisfied that the data has been processed properly, delete the appropriate message record from the message table
DELETE FROM MESSAGE Where message.mailID = @_ID
Sample Data that has problems
Fromubject:contact info sent from samplesite.comBody:First name: Sample
Last name: Name
Address 1: 123 Testing Road
Address 2: Don't filled
City: Park Forest
State/Province: FL
Zip/Postal Code: 12345-1234
Country: USA
E-mail address:
Daytime Phone: 123-123-1234
Evening Phone: Don't filled
Product Name: Sample Product with Cheese
UPC Code: 12345-89521
Date Code: 1251237 D PST . 5290
Purchased At (Store Name): StoreName
Purchase City: Store City
Date Purchased: 12/8/2007
Date Opened: 12/14/2007
E-mail Subject: nail in product
Comments: when I purchased your product, there was something in it. Obviously I am not happy about this. Please contact me. Thank you John Q Public
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Aug 7, 2007
Dear All, I always got this error in CLR TVF:
Msg 6260, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
An error occurred while getting new row from user defined Table Valued Function :
System.InvalidOperationException: Invalid attempt to FieldCount when reader is closed.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReaderSmi.get_FieldCount()
at System.Data.Common.DbEnumerator.BuildSchemaInfo()
at System.Data.Common.DbEnumerator.MoveNext()
Here is my code:
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
using System.Collections;
public static class UserDefinedFunctions
[Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction(FillRowMethodName = "rowfiller",DataAccess=DataAccessKind.Read,TableDefinition = "ActID int, ActName nvarchar(50), ActCreatorID int,ActDesp nvarchar(200),ActCreateDate datetime,ActModifyDate datetime, ActStartDate datetime, ActEndDate datetime, Status int, Cost int")]
public static IEnumerable Func_GetSchCatActivityIDTable(int CatActivityID)
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("context connection=true"))
string sqlstring = "select * from Activity where CatActivityID=@CatActivityID;";
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlstring, connection);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CatActivityID", CatActivityID);
return command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft Performance","CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode")]
public static void rowfiller(Object obj,
out SqlInt32 ActID,
out SqlString ActName,
out SqlInt32 ActCreatorID,
out SqlString ActDesp,
out SqlDateTime ActCreateDate,
out SqlDateTime ActModifyDate,
out SqlDateTime ActStartDate,
out SqlDateTime ActEndDate,
out SqlInt32 Status,
out SqlInt32 Cost,
SqlDataRecord row = (SqlDataRecord)obj;
int column = 0;
ActID = (row.IsDBNull(column)) ? SqlInt32.Null : new SqlInt32(row.GetInt32(column)); column++;
ActName = (row.IsDBNull(column)) ? SqlString.Null : new SqlString(row.GetString(column)); column++;
ActCreatorID = (row.IsDBNull(column)) ? SqlInt32.Null : new SqlInt32(row.GetInt32(column)); column++;
ActDesp = (row.IsDBNull(column)) ? SqlString.Null : new SqlString(row.GetString(column)); column++;
ActCreateDate = (row.IsDBNull(column)) ? SqlDateTime.Null : new SqlDateTime(row.GetDateTime(column)); column++;
ActModifyDate = (row.IsDBNull(column)) ? SqlDateTime.Null : new SqlDateTime(row.GetDateTime(column)); column++;
ActStartDate = (row.IsDBNull(column)) ? SqlDateTime.Null : new SqlDateTime(row.GetDateTime(column)); column++;
ActEndDate = (row.IsDBNull(column)) ? SqlDateTime.Null : new SqlDateTime(row.GetDateTime(column)); column++;
Status = (row.IsDBNull(column)) ? SqlInt32.Null : new SqlInt32(row.GetInt32(column)); column++;
Cost = (row.IsDBNull(column)) ? SqlInt32.Null : new SqlInt32(row.GetInt32(column)); column++;
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? Many thanks
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Feb 20, 2007
I am using SQL express as a backend for my websites and my accounting software.
When installing my new app I run the install.sql file and all is good untill the end.
the following error occurs. Can someone direct me where to look to fix this please?
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure dni_invoices_get, Line 37
Incorrect syntax near '.'.
Thanks eveningjazz
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Aug 11, 2015
I have a table where I am grouping on one field and would like an individual (separate) count of values from another field of same table. So for example, I have following data:
instance_id, area, values
101 North 1
102 North 2
103 East 2
104 East 2
I would like to report on Area, and count of rows with different Values types, for example:
Area Value - 1, Value - 2, Value - 3
North 1 1 0
East 0 2 0
I am not sure what the technical term is for such report, but I can group by Area column, and but its aggregating counts on different Value types that I am having difficulty in performing in SSRS.
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Jun 20, 2007
I restored a database to my test server from a production server. I ran "sp_change_users_login 'report' " and found 1 orphan id. Then I ran "sp_change_users_login 'auto_fix', 'orphan_id' ". It gets the error. I have run it before with success. Any idea why this time is different?
View 4 Replies
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Apr 26, 2007
I'm getting a specific error when i try to run a .sql script for a Custom TableProfile from the site,when i Parse the .sql file Commands execute perfectly. But when i actually "Execute" the .sql script i get the following errors::
Msg 15151, Level 16, State 1, Line 5
Cannot find the user 'WYATT-PCWyattASPNET', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
How can i fix this??
Thxs in Advance Rattlerr
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Feb 25, 2008
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The multi-part identifier "dbo.JOB40115_Cost_Actindx.ACTINDX" could not be bound.
UPDATE dbo.JOB40115 set dbo.JOB40115.JOB_Cost_Index = dbo.JOB40115_Cost_Actindx.ACTINDX
SELECT JOB40115.ProjctID, JOB40115.SubLevel1, JOB40115.SubLevel2, JOB40115.CostCategorie, JOB40115.DepartementID, JOB40115.JOB_Cost_Index,
JOB40115_Cost_Actindx.ACTINDX, JOB40115_Cost_Actindx.ProjctID AS Expr1, JOB40115_Cost_Actindx.SubLevel1 AS Expr2,
JOB40115_Cost_Actindx.SubLevel2 AS Expr3, JOB40115_Cost_Actindx.DepartementID AS Expr4,
JOB40115_Cost_Actindx.CostCategorie AS Expr5
JOB40115_Cost_Actindx ON JOB40115.ProjctID = JOB40115_Cost_Actindx.ProjctID AND
JOB40115.SubLevel1 = JOB40115_Cost_Actindx.SubLevel1 AND JOB40115.SubLevel2 = JOB40115_Cost_Actindx.SubLevel2 AND
JOB40115.CostCategorie = JOB40115_Cost_Actindx.CostCategorie AND JOB40115.DepartementID = JOB40115_Cost_Actindx.DepartementID
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