Transact SQL :: How To Get Info Which Stored Procedure Updated A Column For Particular Timestamp
Jul 31, 2015
How to get the details of a stored proc or sql query which updated a particular table for specified time stamp or interval. Is there any query to get this?
I want to be able to see when records have been added to a table. The issue is we have a DTS job scheduled to run every night. The developer who wrote it password protected it and doesn't work here anymore. I want to add a step to this series of DTS jobs and want to run it just prior to his job. Is there a way to see when the records are being added or when this job is being run? Thanks again, you guys are the best.
Im trying to insert the values from this query into a table, so I can later check the history of memory usage:
SELECT [total_physical_memory_kb] / 1024 AS [Total_Physical_Memory_In_MB] ,[available_page_file_kb] / 1024 AS [Available_Physical_Memory_In_MB] ,[total_page_file_kb] / 1024 AS [Total_Page_File_In_MB] ,[available_page_file_kb] / 1024 AS [Available_Page_File_MB] ,[kernel_paged_pool_kb] / 1024 AS [Kernel_Paged_Pool_MB] ,[kernel_nonpaged_pool_kb] / 1024 AS [Kernel_Nonpaged_Pool_MB] ,[system_memory_state_desc] AS [System_Memory_State_Desc] FROM [master].[sys].[dm_os_sys_memory]
What I'm missing is a way to insert the current timestamp every time I insert to the table.My plan is to use the insert into command.
When I create/alter a stored procedure I am expecting to get an error because one of the columns was renamed.
However, the stored procedure compiles without error. Is this correct behavior?
Example: Create a Test table. Create stored procedure that reference table along with temp table. The columns are not verified. The stored procedure still compiles, even with the join containing bad column names. Why is an error not thrown?
Example: create table Test (col1 int) GO
create procedure TestSP as create table #Temp (col1 int) select 1 from Test a join Temp b on a.bad = b.bad -- Bad column names GO
Hi AllI know an SQL Server timestamp seems to be as useful as rocking horse forshow jumping, but I'm hoping you know a 'fudge' to get me round a problem orat least confirm that it isn't possible.I have 2 tables, one called ACCOUNTS and one called STOCK.These tables have the usual ints, varchars, etc and have a timestamp fieldas well.My end user wants to see a simple list of the details in these tables(individually - no joins present here), but sorted from most recentlyupdated to never touched.As the timestamp seems to update each time a transaction hits it I thoughthis would be perfect, but I've had the following mixed results:1) I did a simple ORDER BY TIMESTAMP DESC, but because the order isalphanumeric I don't get a true 'recent to old' list.2) So I did ORDER BY CAST(TIMESTAMP AS INT) DESC. There is a numeric sortnow, but the timestamp values seem to be hit and miss so that an accountthat I know should be near the top is around about the middle.Do you know how I can achieve the results I want?Is the timestamp a waste of time?ThanksRobbie
I have this stored procedure that loops through a table and updates acouple of fields. For some reason one of the fields is not beingupdated. If I run the same code from query analyzer, it works fine.Let me know if anyone can figure out why @lastscandate would ever beNULL. If it is null it should be equal to @maildate. The senerio thatseems to fail is when no records are returned from the select statementto fill in @lastscandate. This should then active the next ifstatement and set the @lastscandate equal to the @maildate. MailDateis always filled in in the database and LastScanDate will be NULL.Thanks for your help.DECLARE c1 CURSOR LOCAL FORSELECT, m.acctno, m.ordid, m.cycle FROM master m WITH (nolock)WHERE m.printstatus IN ('ST', 'ML') AND (m.batchid IS NULL OR m.batchid= 0) AND (m.maildate ='' OR m.maildate IS NULL)AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM packagemaster p WITH (nolock)WHERE m.acctno = p.acctno AND m.ordid = p.ordid AND m.cycle = p.cycleAND p.status NOT IN ('BM', 'PM'))OPEN c1FETCH FROM c1 INTO @mid, @acctno, @ordid, @cycleWHILE @@fetch_status = 0BEGIN--Get MailDate from Manifest - if NULL then use GetDateset @maildate = NULLSELECT @maildate = MAX(whenmailed) FROM manifest WITH (nolock)WHERE acctno = @acctno AND ordid = @ordid AND cycle = @cycleif @maildate is NULLset @maildate = getdate()--Get Last Scan Date from Transactions - if NULL then use MailDateset @lastscandate = NULLselect @lastscandate=max(actiondate) from transactions whereacctno=@acctno and ordid=@ordid and cycle=@cycle and actionid=303if @lastscandate is NULLset @lastscandate = @maildateBEGIN TRANSACTIONUPDATE master SET printstatus = 'ML', maildate = @maildate,lastscandate=@lastscandateWHERE id = @midINSERT INTO transactions (initials, actionid, machinelogin, acctno,ordid, cycle, program) VALUES ('RLT', 55, 'Mars', @acctno, @ordid,@cycle, 'Update Mail Dates')COMMIT TRANSACTIONFETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @mid, @acctno, @ordid, @cycleENDCLOSE c1
Hi,I'm attempting to update one row using strored procedure which check timestamp field. IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'P' AND name = 'tbCharakterystyki_Update')BEGINDROP Procedure tbCharakterystyki_UpdateENDGO CREATE Procedure dbo.tbCharakterystyki_Update@CH_ID int ,@CH_CHARAKTERYSTYKA VARCHAR(30),@CH_OPIS VARCHAR(300),@CH_TIMESTAMP timestampAS UPDATE tbCharakterystyki SET ch_charakterystyka = @CH_CHARAKTERYSTYKA, ch_opis = @CH_OPIS WHERE ch_id = @CH_ID AND ch_timestamp = @CH_TIMESTAMP GO Function which call stored procedure:public int CallSP(DataRow dr) { try { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(this.strConnection); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.CommandText = "dbo.tbCharakterystyki_Update"; SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter(); p1.ParameterName = "@CH_ID"; p1.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int; p1.Value = dr[0]; SqlParameter p2 = new SqlParameter(); p2.ParameterName = "@CH_CHARAKTERYSTYKA"; p2.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar; p2.Value = dr[1]; SqlParameter p3 = new SqlParameter(); p3.ParameterName = "@CH_OPIS"; p3.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar; p3.Value = dr[2]; SqlParameter p4 = new SqlParameter(); p4.ParameterName = "@CH_TIMESTAMP"; p4.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar; p4.Value = dr[3]; cmd.Parameters.Add(p1); cmd.Parameters.Add(p2); cmd.Parameters.Add(p3); cmd.Parameters.Add(p4); cmd.Connection.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Connection.Close(); return 0; } catch ( Exception err ) { ShowError(err.Message) return null; } } And function which call "CallSP()":private void Update(){DataSet ds = helper.GiveDataSetCharakterystyki()DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Select("ch_id=51")[0]; dr[1] = "new value";CallSP(dr);}When I fire Update(), stored procedure (dbo.tbCharakterystyki_Update) is not started, Sql Profiler doesn't show it.Whilst when I modify stored procedure, removing WHERE ch_id = @CH_ID AND ch_timestamp = @CH_TIMESTAMP and put only WHERE ch_id = @CH_ID , it works perfectly.What I did wrong?
ok...i give up..... can this be done? (sql server 2000) all i want to do is have my stored procedure output some data to a file and i want the filename to include a time stamp. here's my current working file output code: EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp "select * from CEData..employee" queryout "c:employees.txt" -c -Usa -P' i'd like it to be something like this: EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp "select * from CEData..employee" queryout "c:employees" + datetime + ".txt" -c -Usa -P' but nothing seems to work.
How does one get the names and data types of the parameters of a SQL 2005 stored procedure? There does not seem to be a refresh for a command parameters object, and the syntax for the get() in I don't seem to have right in c++.
In the web site that I am building ( in C# language ), a hypothetic customer who would buy something would then be redirected to a Secure payments company where he would make the payment and then the company would send back to my web site, information about this transaction.
My program would then save this info in a Microsoft SQL database. The problem is that this company uses to send the same info several times repeatedly and I do not want to store the same info more than once.
So I want a SQL procedure where it takes the invoice number of the customer ( contained in its string of info ) and looks inside a table to see if it was already stored there. If it is there ( or not ), it would return a value, which could be false/true or 0/1 so my program could use this value to save a new info or not and then activate ( or not ) some related tasks.
I am still learning SQL and I tried the below procedure but it is not working. Which alternative procedure could solve the problem ?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CREATE PROCEDURE VerifyIfInvoiceExists (@Invoice VARCHAR(50)) AS SELECT COUNT(*) FROM IPN_received WHERE Invoice = @Invoice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
i want to have a user defined function or stored procedure(i don't know which one should be used, anyway!) which returns false if the table has no records, with the table name comes with a parameter.
Dear GroupI have found that table A had SELECT permissions for 'Public' but not tableB.Giving 'Public' SELECT permissions on table B did the trick.HOWEVER, I don't want anyone to be able to do a direct SELECT on table A orB but only give them access to the data by using the stored procedures. Isthere any way this can be set up?Thanks for your efforts!Have a nice day!Martin"Martin Feuersteiner" <> wrote in message news:...[color=blue]> Dear Group>> I'm having two stored procedures, sp_a and sp_b>> Content of stored procedure A:> CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_a> SELECT * FROM a> GO>> Content of stored procedure B:> CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_b> SELECT * FROM b> GO>> I have created a user that has execute permissions for both procedures.> When I run procedure A, all works fine but when running procedure B I'm> getting an error saying that the user must have SELECT permissions on> table B.>> Both tables are owned by dbo, and the security role for the user doesn't> has any SELECT permission on table a and b.> I'd be grateful if anyone could point me in a direction why this error> might come up for procedure B but not for A,> with a possible solution without giving the user SELECT permissions.>> Thanks very much for your help!>> Martin>[/color]
I am run a stored procedure using Execute SQL task in, I want to log information of number of record inserted update in my table. I want to enable SSIS logging after from where I get information number of record inserted update.
I know 2008 MS SQL Server has a timestamp data type that adds date and time when the rows are inserted. Is there a way to automatically update the date and time when the rows are updated?
I am looking to created a trigger that inserts records into a log table to show the stored porcedure that has updated a specific column to a specific value in a specific table
At present I have:
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trUpdaterTable] ON [dbo].[t_account]-- A DB level trigger FOR UPDATE --Event we want to capture AS IF update (document_status)
[Code] ...
However this doesn't appear to bring back the procedure that triggered the update...
The value the trigger should update on is document_status = 0
I am trying to change values of two tables in my sql server 2000 database. When one of the tables is modified in some way like adding/updating a record, I need a trigger procedure to copy this new data from the first table to the second. Problem is, how do I get the newly inserted or updated data from the first table? How do I specify that I only want the data which caused the trigger to execute? Anyone know?
For starters, please feel free to move this if it is in the wrong forum.
The issue I have is this. I have been asked to delete all information from a table that was inserted before May 12 this year. The issue is that when the DB was created, whoever designedd it neglected to add a timestamp column for the user data table (the one I need to purge). Does SQL, by default, happen to store insert times? Would it be something that might hide ina log file somewhere?
How we can get to know what DML action(INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE) is present inside a Stored procedure, and i want to know if we have any specific columns are present in system tables or system related dynamic views which gives this info. I am aware of the SQL profiler, but in my scenario i want to use it through system tables or system related dynamic views.
So What I am trying to accomplish is sum up overlapping time ranges while also keeping Unique data rows within the table. So If a data row is unique meaning it is NOT within a overlapping group of data rows then I want to just insert it into a "final table", but if the data rows are overlapping then I want to grab the min(timestart) and the max(timestop) and the PKID of the data row with the max(timestop) within the overlapping group.
I accomplish this task using nested cursors, however When I place my method into a trigger which runs on INSERT, then my trigger never runs and nothing happens. Is there a way to accomplish this without using cursors. I have placed my cursor method into the sql fiddle to be inspected.
create table temp1 ( pkid int, line int, dateentry date, timestart time, timestop time )
I have a datetime stamp and I want to round off the the time to 11:00 if the timestamp is between 5AM and 5PM. If it is beyond then round off to 23:00. I don't use date I only use timestamp in my query so I just want to round off the timestamp. Is there is function to do that.
I have column which has timestamp this column inserting date in encrypt format.
I want insert date format into that column.If it is not possible to insert date format while fetching (through select statement) want to decrypt format ( I mean date format).
I could identify the last or all stored procedure, which was performed on a database, +/- something similar to what the profile of sql server identifies as below ?
In DB2 stored procedures are calling external cobol code/program, I want convert DB2 stored procedure to MS SQL stored procedure, on that case, How to call call cobol from MS SQL stored procedure.
I have 3rd party application implementation I am doing, if I have stored procedure in one database, can it be copied to other database (newly created) on the same server? I will have the name of old and new database when this will be copied. I do need to automate this copy.
If I create a stored procedure and do not specify a return value or type, why does SSMS show that the stored procedure returns an int in the object explorer? Is that simply the success flag?
Currently through my stored procedure, I am pulling the data from my source systems in the way Daily Truncate and loading the data in to my database table. Currently my query looks as follows,
SELECT a.col1,a.col2,b.col3,b.col4,c.col5 FROM a left outer join b ON a.col1 = b.col1 left outer join c ON b.col1 = c.col1.
Now, I want to change the above one to delta process(I have updateddate field in all the tables). The requirement is any of these 3 tables has updateddate = getdate() then i need to take "a.col1,a.col2,b.col3,b.col4,c.col5" columns and push to destination table.
I think usually delta process means we will use to consider the key table, in that table if there is an updated record will take that record and join with the other required tables to pull the updated record. But these logic seems to build the query for the above delta process? Since it is an urgent requirement need to implement asap.