Transact SQL :: How To Remove Comma

Nov 25, 2015

i had a query for generating full address from add1,add2,add3 fields.

declare @temp table
(ADDR1 varchar(10),
ADDR2 varchar(10),
ADDR3 varchar(10)


but still i am getting ',' for second record as u seen when ADD1 is how can i remove that comma','

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Transact SQL :: Need To Select And Convert To First Name / Last Name And Remove Comma

Oct 14, 2015

I have a table that holds full names but it's lastname, firstname.I need to select and convert to firstname lastname and remove the comma.

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Remove Comma At End

Nov 14, 2013

I have a list of id concat them and remove the last comma at the end.

INSERT @TempGroup
SELECT 220100000000002


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Remove Last Comma From The String

Mar 11, 2008

Hi All,

I have one field with different values like


My requirement is to remove the last comma from that string. I need the output should look like



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Transact SQL :: How To Split Comma Delimited String

Oct 8, 2008

I have a parameter called Id in my SP which will be of nvarchar data type and i'm going to get the multiple ids at a time seperated by commas in that parameter from the application. Now my requirement is to update a table with these comma seperated ids in seperate rows.

For example, if i have 2 parameters called Id1 and Id2. Id1 will contain only one value and will be of int data type and Id2 will be of nvarchar data type as i can get multiple ids delimited by a comma from the application.

Suppose Id1 = 1 and Id2 = '1,2,3,4'. Then I have to update id2 in the tables seperately like wherever Id1 is '1' i need to update Id2 column for 4 rows with the value 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively in different rows.
how can i do this in T-SQL? How can i split the data of parameter Id2 in 4 different rows?

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Transact SQL :: Need To Exclude Last Column Comma Using Script

Jun 4, 2015

I want to populate data from Production to UAT(except Identity column).For that I created query,its generating script what i have required.But in last column getting with comma.I should eliminate the last comma.

script to my requirement:

declare @TABLE_SCHEMA varchar(10)
set @TABLE_SCHEMA='dbo'
declare @TABLE_NAME varchar(100)
set @TABLE_NAME='Demo_Table'

[Code] ....

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Transact SQL :: Replace With A Comma Separated List

Aug 5, 2015

I have a replace statement like the following:

select  (replace('FMG','FMG','FM'))

So this is straightforward as it will replace the word 'FMG' with 'FM'

However, SSRS is passing a comma separated list like this:

select  (replace('FMG','AFM','FMG','FM'))

And what I need to do is replace the comma separated list of 'FMG','AFM' only.  I tried this:

select  (replace('''FMG','AFM''','FMG','FM'))

But it still complaining about syntax errors. How do I get the comma separated list to be seen by the replace function?

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Transact SQL :: Split Comma Separate Value And Then Lookup ID

May 16, 2015

I have a table that has some comma separated values and then have another table with the lookup values. I"m not sure why it was created this way and have not had to do this. This is a vendor database so I can't go around and changing things. 

Table A 

Table B (Lookup table)

Expected results
88 test3
88,86,87test3, test1, test2
88,87 test3, test2

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Transact SQL :: Keep Entire Columns Into 2 Rows When There Is A Comma In A Column

Nov 2, 2015

I have a table and one of the column have tab delimited value and I need to separate the tab delimited values and keep them in separate rows.

ID       Name                  State      Country
1       Scott, Ricky            NSW       AUS
2       Martin                   VIC         AUS
3    James, Peter,John     WA        AUS

ID column is not a primary key. I want the output columns to identify the comma (,) and put them in separate rows as below

ID       Name                  State      Country
1       Scott                     NSW       AUS
1       Ricky                     NSW       AUS
2       Martin                   VIC         AUS
3      James                     WA        AUS
3      Peter                      WA        AUS
3      John                       WA        AUS

How to strip the camma(,) in SQL?

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Transact SQL :: Using A Variable Containing Comma Separated Values In IN Clause?

Jun 12, 2015

I am try to use a variable containing comma separated values in the IN clause.

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Transact SQL :: Get 3 Comma Separated Values Into 3 Column Of A Table

Aug 21, 2015

I have 3 variables that gets comma separated values. My requirement is to get them into a temporary table with 3 columns and each column should have single value. E.g. if 

Declare @SID varchar(max),@CID VARCHAR(MAX),@KID VARCHAR(MAX)
Set @SID='1,2,3,4'
Set @CID='6,7,8,9'

--Now my requirement is to get them in a temp table with 3 column and different rows as per comma separated values in variables.

Now my requirement is to get them in a temp table with 3 columns and different rows (as per number of comma separated values in variables) E.g.


How i can use them for joining with other tables.

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Transact SQL :: Multiple Comma Separated Input For A Procedure

Jul 14, 2015

The Input parameters will be supplied like below for a procedure.

DECLARE @Subject NVARCHAR(100) = 'Math, Physics, Science'
      ,@ClassNumber NVARCHAR(MAX) = '102,103|415,206|712,876'

I need to select subject with classnumber's supplied from the input screen and output a result like this.Let's say I have a temporary table dbo.TableA

--For  Math
SELECT @Subject FROM Class
WHERE @ClassNumber in (102,103)


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Transact SQL :: Powershell For Pass Comma Separated List

Sep 8, 2015

I have a requirement, we need to pass comma separated list using powershell script.

How can we achieve the above scenario?

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Transact SQL :: How To Split Comma And Pipe Separated From Single Set

Oct 21, 2015

I have an input parameter of an SP which value will be passed with different combinations with 2 seperators (comma and pipe)

Value to the parameter is like this :      '10|22|microsoft,20|25|sql,30|27|server,40|29|product'

I want output like this

Column1       Column2      Column3
10                   22              microsoft
20                   25              sql
30                   27              server
40                   29              product

Pipe separator is for column and comma separator is for row.

I know if its a single separator, it can be done with function but how to do if its 2 separators?

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Transact SQL :: Create Comma Separated List For Each Account And Date?

Jun 19, 2015

i have the following:

 OrgRoleNumTxt VARCHAR(10)
, AccountNm varchar(100)
, EffectDate DATETIME
, OperationNm varchar(100)
, Premium decimal(18,2)
Insert into @Table(OrgRoleNumTxt, AccountNm, EffectDate, OperationNm, Premium) VALUES
('00236', 'R.R. Donnelley', '2010-01-01', 'Chicago', 1000),
('00236', 'R.R. Donnelley', '2010-01-01', 'Boston', 3000)
select *
from @Table

but want this

Is it possible using basic T-SQL?

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Transact SQL :: Passing (comma Delimited) Parameter To Stored Procedure?

Aug 4, 2015

I am simplifying things here.  Basically I have:

SELECT ......... (my selection criteria)
    where Id in (@Haulers);

@Haulers is supposed to be a comma delimited list.   What do I need to do to make it filter correctly?  

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Transact SQL :: How To Split Comma Separated Columns Into Separate Rows

Sep 14, 2015

I have values in two columns separated by commas, like shown below:

I need the Output Like

How to do this in SQL server ?

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Transact SQL :: Function To Return Comma Delimited Values From Table Columns

May 12, 2015

I've to write a function to return a comma delimited values from a table columns

If a table has Tab1 ( Col1,Col2,Col3).

E.g. as below ( the columnName content I want to use as columns for my pivot table

@vCat NVARCHAR(4000)
SELECT @PList += N', [' + [ColumnName] +']'
FROM [ETL].[TableDef]
WHERE [IsActive] = 1
AND [Category] = @vCat

I want out put to be as below, I am getting this output from the select query independently by declaring @Plist variable and passing @vcat value, now I want it to be returned from a function when called from a select query output ,Colum1,column2,....

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Transact SQL :: Creating Comma Separated Value Logic Not Working Inside Function?

Jul 16, 2015

I am need to create comma separated list in sql and I am using below query.

declare @ConcatenatedString NVARCHAR(MAX)
select @ConcatenatedString = COALESCE(@ConcatenatedString + ', ', '') + CAST(rslt.Number AS NVARCHAR)
select 1 Number
select 2 Number
select 3 Number
select @ConcatenatedString

When I use the above code inside a function, i am not getting desired output.

create function GetConcatenatedValue
declare @ConcatenatedString NVARCHAR(MAX)
select @ConcatenatedString = COALESCE(@ConcatenatedString + ', ', '') + CAST(rslt.Number AS NVARCHAR)
select 1 Number
select 2 Number
select 3 Number
return @ConcatenatedString

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Transact SQL :: Merge Two Tables Data On Behalf Of ID In Comma Separated Manner?

Jul 2, 2015

Picture tells all what i need. Anyway i want to combine upper two tables data like below result sets. Means they should be grouped by bsns_id and its description should be comma separated taken from 2nd table. In sql server 2012 ....

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Transact SQL :: Remove Space In Value

Aug 3, 2015

I'm getting data from a flat file and there is space before few values. I'm unable to remove that space through replace or LTRIM. How to remove these spaces.For E.g.

'  2356'
' 1'
'   23'
'     ABCD'

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Transact SQL :: Get Multiple Rows Based On Comma-separated Ntext List In On Column?

Jun 2, 2015

I have a table that is used to build rules. The rules point to other columns in other tables and usually contain only one value (i.e. ABC). But one of the options is to add a comma-separated list of SSNs (i.e. 123123123,012012012,112231122).  I am trying to build a single query that allows me to leverage that list to get multiple rows from another table.

This obviously works:

SELECT * FROM vw_Person_Profile P (NOLOCK)
WHERE P.PrsnPIISSN_Chr IN ('123123123','012012012','112231122')

But this does not:

SELECT * FROM vw_Person_Profile P (NOLOCK)
SELECT '''' + REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(4000),txtFieldValue), ',', ''',''') + ''''
FROM MassProcessing_Rules PR
WHERE PR.intRuleID = 10

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Transact SQL :: How To Remove All Unused Parent Value

Sep 25, 2015

I have a table contain ProductMaster and it is using in multiple table like sales,purchase,inventory,production and many of other tables. i want delete all product which are not using in any child table.

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Transact SQL :: Remove Read Only From A Database?

Aug 26, 2011

i have a data base sql Server .I wrote a stored procedure or attach my database but it is attached in read only mode how can remove read-only.

this is my stored procedure.

create procedure attache
declare @trouvemdf int
declare @trouveldf int
if exists (select name from sysdatabases where name='Gestion_Parc')

[Code] ....

i try this EXEC sp_dboption 'Gestion_Parc', 'read only', 'FALSE' but it causes those error

Msg 5120, Level 16, State 101, Line 1
Unable to open the physical file "C: Gestion_Parc.mdf". Operating system error 5: "5 (Access is denied.)".
Msg 5120, Level 16, State 101, Line 1
Unable to open the physical file "C: Gestion_Parc_log.ldf". Operating system error 5: "5 (Access is denied.)".
Msg 945, Level 14, State 2, Line 1

[Code] ....

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Transact SQL :: Remove Space If Exists

Oct 23, 2015

I am trying to bulk update about 50,000 rows in a SQL table.  The values that the table MUST contain are:

1-3 days
4-7 days
8-10 days

Some of the rows contain a space between the number and the hyphen like:

1 - 3 days
4 - 7 days
8 - 10 days

What would be my best methodology of removing the space between numerics only?  I have seen multiple examples of how to remove ALL whitespace, but I only want to remove the space between the numbers and the hyphen *IF* it exists. And the field type is varchar(200)

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Transact SQL :: How To Remove Numbers Zero From The Left Only In Column

Jul 1, 2015


column: ID  numbercar      before         ID    numbercar         after

        1      00122011                      1        122011                                           
       2      00042010                       2         42010
       3      03102012                          3       3102012                                          

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Transact SQL :: Remove Trailing Spaces From A Column

Aug 31, 2015

The table I have is:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FTE2015](
[Firm Number] [varchar](50) NULL,
[w9] [varchar](50) NULL

select * from dbo.FTE2015
Firm Number w9
709485""   0
040898A" 12.5
709502"" 2.4
041382"" 0.4
709503"" 0.3
709681""  4.9

How do I remove the trailing blanks? I tried RTRIM but it does not work.

SELECT RTRIM([Firm Number])
FROM dbo.FTE2015;
(No column name)

How can I resolve this? The [Firm Number]column is not of a fixed length.

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Transact SQL :: Remove Blank Rows From Table?

Apr 17, 2012

I have a table for example like following

DECLARE @tmpTable table
name varchar(10),
address1 varchar(10),
phnno varchar(10),
mobno varchar(10)
INSERT INTO @tmpTable(name,address1,phnno,mobno)

[Code] ....

I want to remove all empty rows like row 1,2 and 3 in the above example.

I can't check all columns null values as there are many columns in my actual table.

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Transact SQL :: Remove Duplicate Records But Keep At Least 1 Record

Dec 3, 2010

I have a table that "Geography" that  has the following columns: city, state, zip

There are tons of duplicate cities in this table.  I ran this query and it shows me the number of occurrences of each city.  I want to delete all the duplicates except for 1.  I don't want to do this manually as there are a lot of records.

What would the SQL look like to delete the duplicate records but keep at least one?

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Transact SQL :: Remove Reverse Duplicates From Table

Sep 1, 2015

I have table with columns as ID, DupeID1, DupeID2. ID column is unique. DupeID1 and DupeID2 -- the combination should only be there once. I don't want reverse combination of duplicates, i.e. DupeID2, DupeID1 in the table. How can I delete the reverse duplicates from this table?

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Transact SQL :: LTRIM And RTRIM Does Not Remove Spaces

Oct 25, 2012

I'm not sure about why I'm not able to remove spaces even after trimming them. Below is the result of query I'm usning.

select distinct LTRIM(RTRIM(Promotion_Code)) Promotion_Code
--, count(Promotion_code)
from dbo.Marketing_Promotion_Tb
where Promotion_code  like '%1BTPIZZA%'

Result :

Promotion_Code   Length
1BTPIZZA                  10
1BTPIZZA                   8

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Transact SQL :: Remove Prefix And JOIN Field To Another Table

Jun 30, 2015

I have two linked tables from two different databases, there is a column "product" on each table however the product on one table has a Prefix so not a direct match. How can I join these tables ? In the query I have used product2: Replace([scheme_pos.product],"-B","") then tried Joining on product2 but it says JOIN not supported. 

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Transact SQL :: How To Remove Duplicate Records Based On Date Column

Jul 28, 2015

I have a requirement where i want to delete the records based on the Date column. I have table which contain the columns like machinename ,lasthardwarescandate

I want to delete the records based on the max(Lasthardwarescandate) i.e. latest one, column where the machine name is duplicate menace it repeats. So how would i remove the duplicate machine names based on the Lasthardwarescandate column(There are multiple entries for the Lasthardwarescandate so i want to fetch the latest date column).

Note: Duplication should be removed based on “Last Hardware Scan” date.

Only latest date should be considered from multiple records for the same system. "

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