Transact SQL :: Left Join To Get Info From A Table With Foreign Keys

Sep 13, 2015

I am still new to SQL and I am having trouble obtaining the results I need from a query. I have worked on this command for some time and searched the internet but cannot seem to still get it correct.

I have a table called Patient. It's primary key is pat_id.

I have a second table called Coverage. It has no primary key. The foreign keys are pat_id, coverage_plan_id, and hosp_status.

I have a third table called Coverage_History.   It has a primary key consisting of pat_id, hosp_status, copay_priority, and effective_from. 

I want to get the pat_id and all the coverage information that is current.   The coverage table contains specific insurance policy information.   The coverage_history table will indicate the effective dates for the coverage. So the tables could contain something like this:

Patient (pat_id and lname)
P123  Monto
P124  Minto
P125  Dento
P126  Donto

Coverage (pat_id, coverage_plan_id, hosp_status, policy_num)
P123     MED1   OP   A1499
P123     ACT4   OP   H39B 
P124     MED1   OP   C90009
P124     RAC    OP   99KKKK
P124     RAC    OP   99KKKK
P124     MED1   OP   C90009
P125     ARP    OP   G190
P126     BCB    OP   H88

Coverage_History (pat_id, hosp_status, copay_priority, effective_from, coverage_plan_id, effective_to)
P123   OP   1   20150102  MED1    NULL
P123   OP   2   20150102  ACT4    NULL
P124   OP   1   20150203  RAC     20150430
P124   OP   2   20150203  MED1    20150430
P124   OP   1   20150501  MED1    NULL
P124   OP   2   20150501  RAC     NULL
P125   OP   1   20150801  ARP     NULL 
P126   OP   1   20150801  BCB     20160101

select p.pat_id, p.lname, ch.coverage_plan_id, ch.hosp_status, ch.effective_from, ch.effective_to, ch.copay_priority,
       from patient p   
     left join
  ( coverage_history ch left join coverage c on ch.coverage_plan_id = c.coverage_plan_id and ch.patient_id = c.patient_id and
                                   (ch.effective_to is NULL or ch.effective_to >= getdate()
         ) on ch.patient_id = p.patient_id
    where ( ch.effective_to is NULL or ch.effective_to >= getdate() )
So I want to see:

P123  Monto  MED1  OP   20150102    NULL       1
P123  Monto  ACT4  OP   20150102    NULL       2
P124  Minto  MED1  OP   20150501    NULL       1
P124  Minto  RAC   OP   20150501    NULL       2
P125  Dento  ARP   OP   20150801    NULL       1
P126  Donto  BCB   OP   20150801    20160101    1

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Transact SQL :: Identify Primary And Foreign Keys In Two Table

Apr 23, 2015

I've attempted to identify a primary and foreign key in these two tables, but I am getting a bunch of errors re duplicate keys and column names needing to be unique.Perhaps the primary and foreign key I have identified don't meet the criteria?

-- Added Primary key to [stock_symbol]
[stock_symbol] VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT PK_stock_symbol PRIMARY KEY,
[stock_name] VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL,
[stock_exchange] VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,


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Transact SQL :: Difference Between Inner Join And Left Outer Join In Multi-table Joins?

Oct 8, 2015

I was writing a query using both left outer join and inner join.  And the query was ....

        S.companyname AS supplier,,P.productid, P.productname, P.unitprice,C.categoryname
        Production.Suppliers AS S LEFT OUTER JOIN
        (Production.Products AS P
         INNER JOIN Production.Categories AS C


However ,the result that i got was correct.But when i did  the same query using the left outer join in both the cases


        S.companyname AS supplier,,P.productid, P.productname, P.unitprice,C.categoryname
        Production.Suppliers AS S LEFT OUTER JOIN
(Production.Products AS P
LEFT OUTER JOIN Production.Categories AS C
ON C.categoryid = P.categoryid)
S.supplierid = P.supplierid
WHERE = N'Japan';

The result i got was same,i.e

supplier     country    productid    productname     unitprice    categorynameSupplier QOVFD     Japan     9     Product AOZBW    97.00     Meat/PoultrySupplier QOVFD    Japan   10     Product YHXGE     31.00     SeafoodSupplier QOVFD     Japan   74     Product BKAZJ    10.00     ProduceSupplier QWUSF     Japan    13     Product POXFU     6.00     SeafoodSupplier QWUSF     Japan     14     Product PWCJB     23.25     ProduceSupplier QWUSF    Japan     15    Product KSZOI     15.50    CondimentsSupplier XYZ     Japan     NULL     NULL     NULL     NULLSupplier XYZ     Japan     NULL     NULL     NULL     NULL

and this time also i got the same result.My question is that is there any specific reason to use inner join when join the third table and not the left outer join.

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Transact SQL :: How To Apply Foreign Keys On Top Of A Common Lookup Table

Apr 29, 2015

I have an issue where i am mandated to enforce RI on an applications database (a good thing). but I have several common lookup tables where many of the "codes" reside for many different code types. I also have the mandate that i cannot change the underlying DDL to make composite keys to match the codes table PK. I am currently looking at creating indexed views on top of the Codes table to seperate the logical tables it contains. This is several hundred views.

I do know that I do not want to write several hundred triggers to enforce RI. Table schema below, the CdValue column is the column that is used throughout the hundreds of tables that use this codes table, and their corresponding column is not named the same.

CREATE TABLE dbo.CodesTable (
  , CdTyp  VARCHAR ( 8 ) NOT NULL
  , CompId INT  NOT NULL
  , CdValue VARCHAR ( 8 ) NOT NULL
  , CdValueDesc VARCHAR ( 255 ) NULL
  , AltValueDesc VARCHAR ( 100 ) NULL

[Code] ....

I did though run into one forum where a person brought up a great idea. Filtered Foreign Keys, what a novel concept, if it could work it would make so much less code to fix an issue like this.

ADD CONSTRAINT FK_dbo_BusinessStatus_CodesTable FOREIGN KEY (LoanStsDtCd) REFERENCES dbo.CodesTable (CdValue) WHERE CdTyp = 'Status'

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Transact SQL :: How To Get First Table All Rows In Left Join If Condition Is Applied On Second Table

Aug 15, 2015

I am using stored procedure to load gridview but problem is that i am not getting all rows from first table[ Subject] on applying conditions on second table[ Faculty_Subject table] ,as you can see below if i apply condition :-


Then i don't get all subjects from subject table, how this can be achieved.

Sql Code:-
ALTER Proc [dbo].[SP_Get_Subjects_Faculty_Details]
@Class_Id int

[code] ....

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Creating Inter-table Relationships Using Primary Keys/Foreign Keys Problem

Apr 11, 2006

Hello again,

I'm going through my tables and rewriting them so that I can create relationship-based constraints and create foreign keys among my tables. I didn't have a problem with a few of the tables but I seem to have come across a slightly confusing hiccup.

Here's the query for my Classes table:








CONSTRAINT Teacher_instructs_ClassFKIndex1 FOREIGN KEY (teacher_id)
REFERENCES Users (user_id)

This statement runs without problems and I Create the relationship with my Users table just fine, having renamed it to teacher_id. I have a 1:n relationship between users and tables AND an n:m relationship because a user can be a student or a teacher, the difference is one field, user_type, which denotes what type of user a person is. In any case, the relationship that's 1:n from users to classes is that of the teacher instructing the class. The problem exists when I run my query for the intermediary table between the class and the gradebook:


CREATE TABLE Classes_have_Grades



CONSTRAINT Grades_for_ClassesFKIndex1 FOREIGN KEY (grade_id)
REFERENCES Grades (grade_id),

CONSTRAINT Classes_have_gradesFKIndex2 FOREIGN KEY (class_id, teacher_id)
REFERENCES Classes (class_id, teacher_id)

Query Analyzer spits out: Quote: Originally Posted by Query Analyzer There are no primary or candidate keys in the referenced table 'Classes' that match the referencing column list in the foreign key 'Classes_have_gradesFKIndex2'. Now, I know in SQL Server 2000 you can only have one primary key. Does that mean I can have a multi-columned Primary key (which is in fact what I would like) or does that mean that just one field can be a primary key and that a table can have only the one primary key?

In addition, what is a "candidate" key? Will making the other fields "Candidate" keys solve my problem?

Thank you for your assistance.

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How To Do A Join Using Foreign Keys In Stored In A Database Column?

Apr 17, 2007

I have a database column that stores a comma delimited list of foreignkeys. Would someone show me how to do a join using the values from alist stored within a record?For example, a record in tbl_cds.genre_id might have a value of "2,5, 6" corresponding to genre_ids 2 , 5 and 6. I want to jointbl_cds.genre_id to tbl_genre.genre_id using the values in that datafield.It seems I need a loop like this:SELECT * FROM tbl_cdsWHEREBegin Looptbl_cds.genre_id[i] = tbl_genre.genre_idEnd Loop.Would someone give me the correct syntax?Is there an alternative method that would create less overhead?Sorry for such a novice post.

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Transact SQL :: What Is Advantage Of Foreign Keys In Database

Apr 22, 2015

suppose if we do not have FK then what kind of advantage we could not avail. we can fetch data from two table by creating a relation in sql.....then why FK is required.

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Transact SQL :: Size Of Foreign Keys In Server 2012?

Jun 30, 2015

I have question about the size of foreign key’s in sql-server 2012. If I in one table had a foreign key of the “INT” type. Do it still cost 4 bytes of storage?

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Why Is Left Table In LEFT JOIN Limited By Where Clause On Right Table

Jan 25, 2015

-- Why is the left table in a LEFT JOIN limited by the where clause on the right table?eg

INSERT @LeftTable (LeftValue)
VALUES (111)
INSERT @LeftTable (LeftValue)
VALUES (222)


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Transact SQL :: Left Join With Subquery

Aug 24, 2015

SELECT A.EmpId,A.IncidentDate
FROM EmployeePoints1 as A
WHERE IncidentDate=
(SELECT MAX(IncidentDate)
FROM EmployeePoints1
WHERE EmpId = A.EmpId) AND (DATEADD(day,28,DATEADD(WEEK, DATEDIFF(WEEK, 0,A.IncidentDate), 0)) < DATEADD(WEEK, DATEDIFF(WEEK, 0,GetDate()), 0)) AND (A.IncidentCode = 'I' OR A.IncidentCode = 'A')
LEFT JOIN EmployeeTotalPoints1 ON EmployeeTotalPoints1.EmpId = A.EmpId

I am trying to left join another table but  I got

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'LEFT'.

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2 Different Foreign Keys In One Table

Jun 13, 2006

There is itemlookup table, which stores item number and itemdescription. Also there is a child table, pricehistory, of theitemlookup table, which stores different prices and different dateranges. So it is one-to-many relationship. (Price can be stored morethan one with a different date range)And there is another table RequestItem that stores the foreign key ofthe itemlookup table to show the information of the itemlookup table.Then how do I know later which date range of the price was stored inthe RequestItem table? Since I only keep the foreign key of theitemlookup table, it will be impossible to keep track of the row of thepricehistory table if there are more than one data existed in thepricehistory table.Will it be a valid table structure to create a column for the foreignkey of the pricehistory in RequestItem table or any other ways tohandle this issue?

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Transact SQL :: Left Join Returns Too Many Rows Vertically

Jun 18, 2015

I have a query that based 2 tables. I wrote a query with a left join on the base table but the result set returns multiple rows for each occurrence in the second table because of the left join. I want but to return all records  from on table A and only matching records from table B which id but I would wan tit to keep return them vertically as the because it make it difficult to read when put in a spreadsheet. It want it to return the values horizontally so the rows are not increasing for each occurrence on table b.

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Transact SQL :: How To Select A Single Record In A Left Join

Sep 16, 2015

My tables look like this:

 Users //
 UserID // pk
 UserName // varchar
UserFamilyName // varchar
User_Friends //
 FriendsID // pk
 UserID // fk
 FamilyName // varchar

MY query:

U.UserFamilyName, F.FamilyName
Users U LEFT
JOIN User_Friends
F ON U.UserID = 
U.UserName = ‘JOHN’

How do I adjust my query to select just the very first record from Users_friends, I want only the top first one.And if there are no friends how can I return an empty string instead of Null.

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Left Join Vs Left Outer Join Syntax Generates Different Execution Plans

Apr 16, 2008

Anyone know why using

ON =
instead of

ON =

generates a different execution plan?

My query is more complex, but when I change "LEFT OUTER JOIN" to "LEFT JOIN" I get a different execution plan, which is absolutely baffling me! Especially considering everything I know and was able to research essentially said the "OUTER" is implied in "LEFT JOIN".

Any enlightenment is very appreciated.


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Transact SQL :: How To Join 2 Tables Have Different Foreign Key

Apr 23, 2015

i have two tables Table one have 2 columns id and value
id value

1 Dell

2 Hp

B2 Hp-mini
B3 Hp-lapTop

3 Acer

the second table have 3 clomuns id,name,idTable

1 TeaBou B
2 Mark B
3 Jack 1
4 Piere 2
5 Jean 2
6 Mark 3

i tried this query

select*from table1 t1 ,table2 t2

i had some data but also i need to include the person who have the B product.

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Update Table, Foreign Keys Etc

Aug 16, 2004

I have two tables as below. I want to update a quote and change the item for which it is for. So I want to do an update statement to change the cat_ref that the quote is for. However, when I do this I get a foreign key conflict with cat_ref in the item table. How do I get around this? Thanks


descrip VARCHAR(50),
cat_type VARCHAR(20))

CREATE TABLE has_quote (
date_last_pricecheck SMALLDATETIME,
REFERENCES Item(cat_ref)
first_name VARCHAR(10),
surname VARCHAR(10),
FOREIGN KEY (first_name, surname)
REFERENCES Customer(first_name, surname)

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Create Table With Foreign Keys

May 30, 2007

How do I create a table with a foreign key

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Problem In Table With Two Foreign Keys

Feb 5, 2008


I have a very elementary question on table design. This screenshot (which is part of a larger diagram) sets the context of the question.

There are two distinct groups of products with different attributes, hence two separate tables: Products_A and Products_B.
There's a third table that keeps track of daily production (DailyProduction), which must accept items from either product table. Now, my question is: How do I relate these two tables to "DailyProduction" ? If I place a double-constraint with two foreign keys, then I get an error whenever I attempt to insert a record in DailyProduction. For example, if the new item is of "Products_A" type, then the error message from SSMS is:

No row was updated.

The data in row 1 was not committed.
Error Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider.
Error Message: The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_DailyProduction_Products_B". The conflict occurred in database "MyDatabase", table "dbo.Products_B", column 'ProductB_ID'.
The statement has been terminated.

Correct the errors and retry or press ESC to cancel the change(s).

It's clear that the error message makes sense as SQL is trying to apply BOTH constraints. It's one AND the other, not one OR the other. Now, how do I remedy this ? What would be the most appropriate way to relate the three tables ?



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Transact SQL :: Left Outer Join And Transaction Isolation Level

Nov 30, 2015

We have a service that inserts some rows into a parent table (P) and child table (C). This operation is atomic and performed within a transaction.

We also have a service that queries these tables such that rows are (should only be) returned from P where there are no children for that parent.

The SQL that performs this is simplified below:

LEFT OUTER JOIN C ON P.PKofP_Value = C.PkofP_Value
C.PkofPValue IS NULL
AND P.SomeOtherCol=0

Our expectation is that the query service should only return rows from P where there are no rows in C.

However, this seems not to be the case, and occasionally we find that rows from P are returned where there are matching rows in C.

We are sure that the process that inserts rows into P and C does so within a single transaction.

We have traced this with SQLTrace and can see the txn stag and committing and all operations using the same transactionid within the transaction.

We are running the default isolation level committed.

In SQLTrace we can see the query process start, the inserter process start and complete and then the query process continue (after presumably being blocked).

So how can the query process "miss" the child rows and return the parent from the above query?

Is it possible that, in this isolation level, the inserter process can block the query process such that when the inserter process commits and when the query process continues it does not see the child rows inserted because they were inserted in the table/index "behind" where the query process has already read - some kind of phantom phenomenon?

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Insert Records Into A Table With Foreign Keys

May 21, 2008

i'm using sql express, management studio express and a visual web developer starter kit.
i have 4 tables: items; categories; categorization; old_items
the old_items table has both the item id and category fields in it, the new db has them separated:;; categorization.itemId, categorizaton.parentCategoryId, both of which are foreign keys.
i need to get the and old_item.category values into the new categorization table but it keeps choking on the foreign keys and i can't get past it.  as far as i've been able to figure out so far, i need to turn off the foreign keys to do the insert but i'm not sure and i haven't been able to find any sql query examples that demonstrate it or explain it well enough for my n00b self.
i've read, "How to: Disable Foreign Key Constraints with INSERT and UPDATE Statements" but i don't get how that affects it, it seems like one of the other options would actually disable them.
can anyone help?  i've been trying all the permutations of queries i can think of and not getting it.

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Disabling Or Getting Rid Of Foreign Keys So I Can Drop My Table

Apr 18, 2007

Kinda new to SQL, using SQL Server 2005.I have some foreign keys in a couple of tables. I need to drop thesetables, but can't since I'll get the error:Msg 3726,Level 16, State 1, Line 1Could not drop object 'Client' because it is referenced by a FOREIGNKEY constraint.I'm not sure how to disable or get rid of these foreign keys so that Ican drop my tables. I tried:ALTER TABLE Client NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALLAlter Table Client Drop Column Foreign Key Boss_ID;I went into the Object Explorer and deleted the FK lines from eachtable, but still the same error.What am I doing wrong?Thanks for your help.

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How To Detect That A Sqlserver Table Row Has Foreign Keys And Cannot Be Deleted?

Mar 27, 2006

What is the best way to detect that a sqlserver table row has foreign keys and cannot be deleted?Thanks,Keith

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SQL 2012 :: Create Table With Both Keys As Foreign (error)

Dec 15, 2014

I'm trying to create a table in Microsoft Server Management Studio 2012. The table has two fields which are both foreign keys.

I created the following:

create table tblRoomEquipment(
RoomID nvarchar(8),
EquipmentType nvarchar(1),
foreign key (RoomID) references tblRoom(ID),
foreign key (EquipmentType) references tblEquipment(Type)

Both tblRoom and tblEquipment have the red line error which when I highlight say the they both reference an invalid table!

Both tables are there and have primary keys defined as ID & Type. I have searched around and all I could find was that there maybe a permission problem.

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A Basic History Table - Foreign Keys And Deletes

Nov 19, 2007

Let's say you have a Users table, which simply contains a collection of people. Each person has attributes like their password, first and last name, username, etc. It would be useful to track changes to that table over time, so that if an entry is changed, you can simply look at a history table and see which changes occured, and when.

An INSERT/UPDATE trigger works well for this sort of thing, where the trigger inserts all of the 'INSERTED' values into a history table that has basically the same table definition as the Users table. But it gets tricky when considering Deletes.

If my History table entries reference back to the User in the Users table, this means that if I ever want to delete the user, I need to delete all their History first. This means I can't keep records of user deletions, which is significant. The other approach is not to have a foreign key reference in the History table, so that if a user is deleted, I can still keep my History about that user. Including deletes.

I have been timid about doing it this way, since I felt it broke the idea of a well structured database. Is there a better way to approach this? Is there a standard way to set up triggered history to track changes, including deletions, from a table?


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Creating Indexes On Columns That Are Foreign Keys To Primary Keys Of Other Tables

Jul 16, 2014

what the best practice is for creating indexes on columns that are foreign keys to the primary keys of other tables. For example:

[Schools] [Students]
---------------- -----------------
| SchoolId PK|<-. | StudentId PK|
| SchoolName | '--| SchoolId |
---------------- | StudentName |

The foreign key above is as:

FOREIGN KEY([SchoolId]) REFERENCES [Schools] ([SchoolId])

What kind of index would ensure best performance for INSERTs/UPDATEs, so that SQL Server can most efficiently check the FK constraints? Would it be simply:

CREATE INDEX IX_Students_SchlId ON Students (SchoolId)
CREATE INDEX IX_Students_SchlId ON Students (SchoolId, StudentId)

In other words, what's best practice for adding an index which best supports a Foreign Key constraint?

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2 Foreign Keys To The Same Table - Multitable Selection Query Problem

Jun 23, 2006

Hello,I have 2 tables:- Customers with columns:customerID(prim_key),customerName(with customer's names)- Deliveries with columns:deliveryID(primKey),sender(ref_key to CustomerID from Customers),receiver(also ref_key to CustomerID from Customers);I need to select all data about deliveries, but instead of havingsender's ID and receiver's ID, I need to have their Names.I tried to do:SELECTdeliveries.deliveryID,Customers.customerName AS sender,Customers.customerName AS receiverFROMcustomers, deliveriesWHERECustomers.customerID=Deliveries.sender ANDCustomers.customerID=Deliveries.receiver;But this only works if sender=receiver, which is obvious ;)I'd like to know if there is any other way for obtaining those datawithin one queryThank you very much for your helpChris

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My Table That Uses Aspnet Foreign Keys Won't Display Anything - CAUTION - Noob At Work

Apr 12, 2007

I've created a new table in ASPNETDB.mdf called 'customerInfo'. Most of the fields are, for the moment, data that exists in one of the existing ASPNET tables eg Membership_UserId (primary key), Membership_Email, Users_UserName etc.; the list goes on. I have put a new column 'amountspent' - just to test that I can do what I think I can do, however the table doesn't display any data. Am I OK in thinking that I can use the aspnet data in my own tables and reference through foreign keys to them. I've made sure that the procedure that I used to put the table into a gridview on the webpage is OK as I did the same thing to the membership table and that displays all of its data. Can someone either explain the steps I need to make this happen correctly or point me in the direction of a noob type walkthrough.

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Foreign Keys - On Which Kind Of Keys Do The Base On?

Nov 22, 2007

Hello!I have a table A with fields id,startdate and other fields. id and startdateare in the primary key.In the table B I want to introduce a Foreign key to field id of table A.Is this possible? If yes, which kind of key I have to build in table A?Thx in advance,Fritz

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Left Join Table

Jul 18, 2006

Now I have a table with the table design as following :

table cst_EmpProfile
intEmpId nvcEmpName nvcEmpAddress intEmployeeType bitActiv
1 Peter Null Null true
2 Juli 1, xxxx 2 true
3 Sam Null Null False

table cst_EmpType
intEmpType nvcEmployeeType
1 Free Enginner
2 Manager
3 Operator

To join the table but MUST follow the condition as bitActiv = TRUE:
select emp.nvcEmpName, emp.nvcEmpAddress, ety. nvcEmployeeType from cst_EmpProfile emp left join cst_EmpType on emp.intEmployeeTypee = ety.intEmpType and emp.bitActiv = 1.

But, the sql statement doesnt output the my expected result.
Because the data row return must be 1st and 2nd row as it bitActiv = true.
So, how's I going achieve what i want. tq.

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Problem With Left Join Table

May 7, 2008

I have a problem when I Left Join this table:

28101712 |992002 |ROSIAH |GURU

28101712 |992002 |KETRAMPILAN |2000
28101712 |992002 |PENYULUH BAHASA INDONESIA |2001

and the result is:

28101712 |992002 |ROSIAH |GURU |KETRAMPILAN |2000
28101712 |992002 |ROSIAH |GURU |PENYULUH |2001

There are 2 rows with the same person, but I need the result like this:

28101712 |992002 |ROSIAH |GURU |KETRAMPILAN |PENYULUH |2000 |2001

How can I join that table to make the result just one record?
Can anybody help me?

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Keep Order Of Left Table After Join

May 20, 2014

I have an problem with the order of the results after a join.

My first query works fine and the order of field Name ist correct.

Select *
dtree A1
A1.DataID IN
(select DataID from dtreeancestors where AncestorID=9940974)) t

When I do a join the order of the left table changes

Select *
dtree A1
A1.DataID IN
(select DataID from dtreeancestors where AncestorID=9940974)) t, llattrdata A4
t.DataID = A4.ID

How can I do a join and keep the order of the left table?

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Selection At Most 1 Row On 2nd Table In LEFT JOIN

Nov 30, 2006

I have a query that include a single LEFT JOIN. I would like to be able to select at most 1 row of the second table (providing that the JOIN represents a one to many relationship).

Does anyone knows how to do that?
Thanks in advance,

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