Transact SQL :: Nvarchar (max) Not Storing Whole Data
Nov 11, 2015
select name from sampletext where id=1
Value under the column name where id=1 is:- uhfhdajkfahgfiasfhgafahsfiahfiahfsai......(upto 600000 characters)
The value under the name column is more than 600000 characters. When i am using the following logic it is storing upto 72000 characters, not reading the whole value under the 'name' column.
declare @s1 nvarchar(max)
declare @substr nvarchar(max)
set @s1 = (select name from sampletext where id=1)declare @i int
declare @i int
DECLARE @j int
[Code] .....
Is there a way to get whole characters under a column instead of storing limited characters?
This is a common error for SQL Server, but I got it in a uncommon way.I have a table called - tblIDNumber where there are two columns - IDN_Number [NVarchar(200)] and Temp [BigInt]
If I run, SELECT * FROM dbo.tblIDNumber WHERE IDN_IDNumberTypeStaticValue = 33 AND IDN_Removed = 0 AND CAST(IDN_Number AS BIGINT) = 1
SQL Server give me the error: Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 1 Error converting data type nvarchar to bigint.
I first thought IDN_Number in type 33 has characters, but it doesn't, becasue the below query works!!!
UPDATE dbo.tblIDNumber SET Temp = CAST(IDN_Number AS BIGINT) WHERE IDN_IDNumberTypeStaticValue = 33 AND IDN_Removed = 0
To workaround, I ran the query,
UPDATE dbo.tblIDNumber SET IDN_Number = '123' WHERE IDN_IDNumberTypeStaticValue = 33 AND IDN_Removed = 0
and then I ran the first query, and SQL Server does NOT give me the same error - Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 1 Error converting data type nvarchar to bigint.
Second query approved there is nothing wrong from converting the value in IDN_Number to a BigInt, but the third query gave the hint that data might be the cause?????
finally, I found the root cause to be an index that the first query uses :
If I remove the index, the first query works without the error.
In the following code I want to compare 2 values: AccessVal and SQLVal. The values are stored as nvarchars, so I'm isolating the numeric values in a subquery. Notice I'm only selecting 1 row. The commented line, where I compare the values, is throwing the error.
SELECT QA_AutoID, AccessVal, SQLVal ,ROUND(ABS(CONVERT(float, AccessVal,1)),0) as AccessFloat ,ROUND(ABS(CONVERT(float, SQLVal,1)),0) as SQLFloat FROM QA WHERE QA_AutoID in ( SELECT TOP 1 QA_AutoID FROM QA WHERE ISNUMERIC(SQLVal) = 1 AND ISNUMERIC(AccessVal) = 1 ) --AND ROUND(ABS(CONVERT(float, AccessVal,1)),0) <> ROUND(ABS(CONVERT(float, SQLVal,1)),0) ORDER BY ROUND(ABS(CONVERT(float, AccessVal,1)),0) DESC ,ROUND(ABS(CONVERT(float, SQLVal,1)),0) DESC
Here is the output with the comparison commented out...
Here's what I get with the comparison line activated:
I've tried converting to numeric, int and bigint instead of float. I've tried CAST instead of CONVERT. Nothing works.
Hello there,I just want to ask if storing data in dbase is much better than storing it in the file system? Because for one, i am currenlty developing my thesis which uploads a blob.doc file to a web server (currently i'm using the localhost of ASP.NET) then retrieves it from the local hostAlso i want to know if im right at this, the localhost of ASP.NET is the same as the one of a natural web server on the net? Because i'm just thinking of uploading and downloading the files from a web server. Although our thesis defense didn't require us to really upload it on the net, we were advised to use a localhost on our PC's. I'll be just using my local server Is it ok to just use a web server for storing files than a database?
I am new to SQL and trying my hand at what I thought would be a simple query to bring back the loan products that are not HMDA reportable - hence the NOT IN and I get an error message after adding the NOT IN...I have read a lot of responses to the issue of an error message of 'Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value' to try and solve the error - and have had no luck. Before I throw my laptop out the window..Here is the error message along with what I thought was a simple query; Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '80/10/10' to data type int.Here is the query;
SELECT P.ProductID, P.Name, PC.Name AS [Product Group], LP.Name AS [Loan Purpose], CASE WHEN LP.IsHMDAReportableFL = 0 THEN 'No' ELSE 'Yes' END AS [HMDA Reportable],
1. to display all parent with ORDER BY ItemOrder (no need to sort by ItemDate)
2. display all child row right after their parent (ORDER BY ItemOrder if ItemDate are same, else ORDER BY ItemDate)
3. display all grand child row right after their parent (ORDER BY ItemOrder if ItemDate are same, else ORDER BY ItemDate)
Below Query works perfect, when count of child or grand child count less than 10, as SortOrder column here is
NVARCHAR, ;With cte As (Select t.ItemId, t.ItemName, t.ItemDate, t.ParentItemName, t.ItemOrder, t.ReportId, Cast(t.ItemOrder As nvarchar(max)) As SortOrder From @TBL t Where t.ParentItemName Is Null
[Code] ....
The output rows with ItemOrder's 10, 11, 12 (test grand child 10, test grand child 11, test grand child 12) should display after ItemOrder = 9 (test grand child 9). I know this is happening due to varchar sort order?
I've a scalar function which is killing my performance. I've been used the SQL profiler and also DMVs to catch execution information. I'd like to store the value received by this function and also the time that it happened, but I can't think in a way to do it.
I have a very strange situation. I've increased the size of an NVARCHAR field from 8 to 9 in a database table. The format of the data that I enter will either be an 8 character field (123456-8) or a 9 character field (1234567-9). The '-' is critical.
It used to only accept the 8 character version, but after increasing the field size, if I try to insert the 9 character field version, it gets truncated after the '-', as though it's still only allowing 8 characters. But that only occurs when I include the '-' or other such characters like '#'. If I try to insert 1234567a9, it works. The following explains the outcomes:
Hi everybody,I'm using SQL Server Management Studio Express.I'm trying to create a field which contains a text entered by the user. So, it should be able to contain at least 500 characters.I used the type "nvarchar(MAX)". The problem is that the type contains about 50 characters max!!I couldn't find out where and how to fix that. If you have any idea :)Thanks a lot
I have a table for articles that I want as the basis for a blog. I have a field of description where the actual article will go, I have only ever really used tables to put in 'blocks' of text, how would I go about storing/displaying data that is in my database table in a more formatted way, for example line breaks, indents etc?
Hi everyone, I have some data which is in korean Language and i want to store that data in sql server 2000 table's row.But i am not able to store it. When i try to store it then it display me square box in table. Does anybody have any idea about this matter? Plz reply me back as soon as possible. Thanks -------Nimesh Patel
Hi, I'm in the process of creating a database table and was wondering if it's better to store calculated values or recalculate them each time. So for example, I am creating a table that stores articles and then a table to store the pages to the article. If a new page is added should I update the pages field in the articles table or should I calculate the number of pages for an article when it's queried? Thanks,John
From what I've read this is called 'slowly changing dimensions'. Bassically the system I'm working on needs to store the history of certain data so that at any time a user can look up an old project and view it exactly as is, even though the associated parts might have had certain changes over time. From what I can tell Type 2 ( current and historical records are stored in the same table) seems to be the most popular. Type 4 (current records in one table and historical records in a seperate history table) seems like it would also work but I've been unable to find any articles comparing the two. Does anybody have any info on the dis/advantages of one v.s. the other?
if a decimal point exists. But if one does not the CharIndex comes back 0 and my equation does not work correctly.
I need to pull the data from the table, along with many other fields. How do I do this without using a cursor? I have millions of rows so need a solution that will be quick.
Scenario: We want to stage all data coming into our database from various applications. We have a generic control where all data goes through to get to the database.
We want have the data staged in a 'staging database'. My question is, what would be the best way to store the staging database in the database.
I'm thinking storing it as XML in a SQL column. The reason for this is because the data could change from application to application. It would be impossible to create a relational table because maintenance would be a nightmare.
Has anyone ever done something like this. Would you save the node names in another table in SQL?
I am trying to make my tables so that when data is entered using a formview even if a textbox is left blank there is still a value like for example NA entered into that field. Is that possible? also in the column properties under general what is the Default value or binding?
Hi i m new in sqlserver databases i need to know how to "store output of data from stored procedure in a text file " suppose i have a stored procedure which has to cuculate some out put from some tables and in the end i want that all out put in comma delimited text file. my databse name is check1 i need help please thanks in advance take care bye
I was wondering if any one could help me, I need to store large amounts of data in my database, at present I have it set to nvchar (8000), I've looked around and noticed you can use text which stores up to 2 million, but is slow in displaying the information.
Any ideas or points in the right directions would be great.
I have a very large array of floating point numbers which I am tryingtostore in an image type field. I am using the dataset class todirectly enter the data but am having trouble trying to get this typeinto the image field. I guess the question is how do I get a largefloating point array into an image (byte)field of a database using thedataset class for new row entry.Thanks
I'm storing thumbnails in SQL CE and accessing them from my WPF application. The save seems to take place ok and there's binary data in the image field however when it comes back out it appears to be corrupted somehow. Can someone have a look at the code below and verify I'm doing the conversion correctly before storing in my image field? Thanks!
nvarchar(max) I have a nvarchar(MAX) “Description” field in my SQL Server 2005 database. Somewhere I think I read that nvarchar(MAX) is the size of 4000. My question is in my Insert Stored Proc set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[syl_CodeScheduleTypeInsert] @ScheduleName nvarchar(50), @ScheduleDescription nvarchar(????????)ASBEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; BEGIN TRY INSERT I What number should replace the ???????? with? nvarchar(4000) is that correct? I tried nvarchar(MAX) and nvarchar but both versions only input one character into my database table. Please help a newbie out, cheers!
Hi i keep getting this error when i search based on Team name (dropdownlist) or coach name(textbox). However it works when i make the search based on the region id(dropdownlist) here is my stored procedure;ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[stream_FindTeam] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @coachName varchar(100), @TeamName varchar(100),@regionID INT
AS SELECT TeamID, coachName FROM Teams WHERE coachName LIKE @coachName OR TeamName= @TeamNameOR regionID = @regionID; Here is my code;SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["streamConnectionString"].ConnectionString); conn.Open();SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("stream_FindTeam", conn); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@coachName", coachName.Text); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TeamName", TeamList.SelectedValue);command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@regionID", Region.SelectedValue);SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); DataList1.DataSource = reader; DataList1.DataBind(); conn.Close();
I recently upsized my acess 2000 db to SQL 2000, but I am now having errors . . .
Error Type: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E07) [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The sum or average aggregate operation cannot take a nvarchar data type as an argument. /data_count.asp, line 4
The code within the asp file: <% dataSQL = "SELECT SUM(filesize) FROM DL where show=1" Set datacount = my_Conn.Execute(dataSQL) anBytes = datacount(0) %>
I am working on a survey system with another DB Engineer.Our current design includes 1 table per Question Type (Numeric, Boolean, Text), Response values are tightly coupled based on data being entered, to keep things simple assume there are only 6 tables in this this system (1 for each Question Type to define the "rules" of the data entered, and 1 for each Response collection).He is a former .Net programmer and has been talking with the .Net guys on the project and he is proposing that we abstract our Question Types to use one table and store the Input Values all as nvarchar(max).This obviously simplifies the DB design and reduces the amount of work I will need to do so I should be all for it. I guess I am a little concerned that we are no longer tightly coupling the data types and essentially leaving all the validation up to the application. Also should I be worried that a bunch of bit data will be stored as 1/0 in an nvarchar(max) column?Thanks,-John