Transaction Log Backup On Server With Less HDD Space

Nov 29, 2007


I started working in one company as a DBA where the Ex-DBA left the company long time back. So all the databases have huge transaction logs (50-80GB) in size. But the problem is-
1. HDD space on the m/c its only 45GB. When I ran TLog backup cmd on that m/c, the hdd space was started reducing around 1GB/min and in few minutes I saw hdd space left is only 15GB so I stopped cmd (It had completed only 37% of the backup).
Second time again I tried to take TLog backup on hdd placed on n/w path but again I saw it was eating local disk space very fast.

So my question is, Is it like when you take Tlog backup of size say 80GB it will use 80GB local hdd as a temporary storage?

2. For this I found 1 workaround- I took Full backup then I restored it on some other m/c, then shrun the log files to few MB's then I again took Full backup of this shrunk db and restored it on production.
Is this only solution to my problem(Very less space on production's local HDD)? If anyone knows better soln than this then plz suggest me.

Thanks in Advance.

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Problem With Space Allocated For Transaction Log Space

Dec 5, 2001


Somebody know how to reduce the space allocated for the transaction log space for my SQL_DB ?

3700 MB allocated but only 100 MB used and 3600 MB are free !

Transaction log properties :
Automatically grow file are filled
file growth by percent = 5%
maximum file size - restrict filegrowth = 3700 MB (we can't reduce it !)

Thank you for your precious help !
Khaix from Brussel.

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Required Free Disk Space For SQL Server Backup Operations

Feb 4, 2008

What is the percentage of FREE disk space that is needed for a backup? I have backups that are failing with no disk space errors. But there is enough disk. Does SQL Server need a percentage of free space all the time?



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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Unable To Access Physical Server To Backup Transaction Log

Dec 5, 2014

I've recently started working with a public sector organisation who have 4 clustered sql instances that has 80% of it's db mirrored.

Looking at the transaction log - it seems that a transaction log backup is a good idea as the log is 4x larger than the data file.But I'm not allowed access to the physical server to check onto which drive I can create the trn. No RDP, no vmware - let's be honest I'm not even allowed to launch cmd line Also the Server Manager informs me "We will need to carefully look at database backups if you guys want to start doing these backups on box, as that will break our off box backup routine (it will screw the transaction chain)."

I don't understand how backing up the transaction log could break the "transaction chain"?

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Transaction Log 73.6% Space Used

Feb 20, 2001

Hi Folks,

It has come to my attention recently that my Transaction Log 200MB and a 1Gb Data Device has gotten much bigger than it used to be after
I deleted several thousand rows of data.
It used to be under 5% space used and now has settled at around 70 % space used. I have dumped the transaction log with no_log and done
backups immediately after on several ocassions and this has not solved the problem. I have also increased the log size from 150MB to 175MB
but this does not seem to have solved my problem.

Anyone got any ideas on how to decrease the % used log space in the Transaction Log ?

Is it bador unwise to have so much of the Transaction Log space used up ?

Thanks in advance,

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SQL Server 2000 - Run Transaction Log Backup Using Windows CMD File

Mar 19, 2007

How I can run a SQL Server Transaction Log Backup using a Windows CMD File.  It's that posible?  Anyone know the command or how do this?

We already have a application monitoring our SQL databases.  Everytime the transaction log get full, it sends us an alert.  Would be better if our application repair the problem itself, executing a command (Windows CMD File).

I'm not a expert using SQL databases or MS DOS Prompt commands.

Any help will be appreciate.

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SQL Security :: Full Backup Needed After Restoration Of Database Before Transaction Log Backup

Jul 15, 2015

We take a full backup in the early morning and hourly transaction log back during the working hours for one database in the production server. The application team made certain changes to the design of the said database in their development server. The backup from the development server was restored to the production server during working hours. After the restoration should we take a full backup before next transactional logbackup? Would the transactional log backup with out a full backup after the restoration of a database be valid?

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Transaction Log Space To Large

Feb 24, 2000

I am new to SQL and might be missing something very easy. I have a situation where the space allocated to the transaction log of a database is extremly large (5 Gig). I can not manually reduce it. This gives me a "Error 21335: [SQL-DMO]The new DBfile size must be larger than its current size." This is a problem because the increase in size has taken all available space on the server.


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Transaction Log Space Problems

Sep 2, 1998


I am having a strange problem, never encountered before. I have a database that has been allocated 3000MB of Data space and 1200 of Log space. When i go an check the Properties of Database it give a count of 662.23 Data space available and 47.99MB of log space available. That`s weired. I tried truncating the log the Log space available is still the same and neither there is a change in the data space. It should`nt eat that much of data space according to my analysis.

Any insight

Please help ASAP


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How Much Space Used In Each Transaction Log File

Mar 22, 2007

Is there a way to know how much space is free in each transaction log file of the same database?


A database with 3, 1GB files for transaction log: A, B and C created in this sequence.

From what I have read, since SQL Server 2005 writes to a single transaction log only, I guess if the transaction log is using 2.5GB than A and B are full and B is only half full. Is this correct?


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SQL Server 2008 :: Backup Device Creating Backups With A New Transaction Log For Each Day

Jun 19, 2015

Having a lot of problems with backup device creating backups with a new transaction log for each day. This is causing the backups to grow way to fast. Seems to be random with our clients. Created new device backups but getting same problem. A manual backup selecting overwrite all existing backup sets will fix it. But starts the cycle all over again.

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Free Some Space Of The Transaction Log .. Urgent Help Please .!!

Apr 11, 2002

Hi friends ,

I have a database with around 2 GB space for the data and 5.8 GB for the
transaction log .
Now the problem is i do not have any more space on the system and data files requires more space than 2 G.B to execute some stored procedures .

Is it possible to decrease some space of the transaction log , say from 5.8 GB to 2 GB and allocate it to the data files .
My data and log files are on different drives . I did not find anything related to this topic in the BOL .

Can somebody help me with this problem ? Anthing related to this issue will be of great help to me since i have no expertise in this field .

Thanks and Regards
Christine S.

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Why Does Database Need Minimal Space In Transaction Log?

Jul 27, 2000

The transaction log takes up a lot of space on my database, and even after I try truncating the log, doing a transaction log backup, and then shrinking it, I am not allowed to reduce the size of the transaction log to less than 250MB. Is there some reason why this space is required?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Running Frequently Transaction Log Backup During Integrity Check DB

Jul 6, 2014

Running Frequently Transaction logbackup during Integrinty check DB /optimization job will cause any issue /impact as duration will extend ...

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How Much Space Does Backup Need?

Aug 15, 2007

Hello everyone:

I have a backup file about 9gig to be resored. The hard drive has less than 11gig space free. Is it enough for restore? Thanks.


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Should Full Backup And Transaction Backup Be From One Plan?

Mar 11, 2008

Hello, everyone:

I just heard that for restore purpose, ths full backup and transaction log backup should be from one maintenance plan. Otherwise transaction log backup files cannot be restored after restoring full backup files.

Is it true? Can anyone offer official documents?

In my system, full and transaction backups are from one maintenance plan. Restores are doing fine. I am not sure that ideal is true or not.



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What Is The Differences Between A Differential Backup And Transaction Log Backup??

Jun 13, 2007

what is the differences between a differenctial backup and transaction log backup?

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Is It Possible To Restore From A Database Backup Without A Transaction Log Backup?

Oct 14, 2007

I neglected to backup the transaction log as part of the process of backing up the database. Now i only have the backup file for the database and no transaction log backup. When i try to do a restore on the database, i get the error on a "tail log missing" message (which i'm assuming is that it's looking for the t-log backup?).

Is it possible to restore or even restore to a new database? I'm only looking to retreive data from 2 tables within the backup file.


SQL Server 2005 on Windows 2003 Server x64.

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DB Engine :: Transaction Log Space Usage On TempDB Ever Increasing

Jun 15, 2015

today I've put in production a big database accessed by 200 concurrent users, this database has READ_COMMITTED_SNAPHOT set to ON.I know that RCSI set to ON is very aggressive on tempDB so I'm monitoring it.I've noticed that the Transaction log space usage (%) on TempDB is slowly but ever increasing, I mean in the last 24 hours I've started from a 99% space free, now we are 37% space it normal? TempDB log is 35GB in size.

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Problem Backing Up Database And Transaction Log Due To Disk Space Limitations

Jul 23, 2005

I am having a problem backing up my database and TLog files due to alack of local diskspace. The db file is about 30GB and the TLog isabout 20GB each on a different hard disk. Each disk doesn't haveenough available space to accomadate a backup. I also can't shrink thefiles because part of that procedure would require a backup.Question: Can I use a redirected drive for the backup media? Is therea way to trick SQL into allowing this? If the answer is no, doesanyone have a suggestion as to want I should do? I am in the processof requesting more disk space,but that could take a while.Thanks,

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Backup Failing, Plenty Of Disk Space

Jan 4, 2008

Good morning,

We get frequent (1 out of 3) "sqlmaint.exe failed" errors during backups for one of our larger databases (40GB). So i removed the maintenance plan and put in a custom backup job to get a better error msg in the log:

BackupMedium::ReportIoError: write failure on backup device 'F:MSSQLmydb_2008_1_3_21_45.BAK'. Operating system error 112(There is not enough space on the disk.).

However, we have PLENTY of space on disk:
LOG DISK - NTFS - used space = 2GB, free space = 81GB
BACKUP DISK - NTFS - used space = 29GB, free space = 82GB
So even if it doubled in size, there would still be 50GB free.

Any ideas?

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SQL 2012 :: Reclaim Disk Space By Shrinking Log File After TLOG Backup

Feb 25, 2015

I have a SQL Server 2012 DB in Full recovery mode that has never had a TLOG backup. the log is huge 200+GB.

I tried doing a transaction log backup but there is not enough space on the Disk.

How can I reclaim this log space in SQL Server 2012?

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Transaction Log Backup

Apr 11, 2001


I have a full backup and transaction log backup strategy for my test server.
My transaction log backup is failing as some user must have run some nonlogged operation. Is there any way to find out what is causing transaction log backup to fail?

Any hint would be appreciated.

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Transaction Log Backup

Sep 18, 2001

I have a problem w/ my Transaction Log Backup. The backup files continues to grow and grow and grow. I have created a new Transaction Log backup through EM, but instead of appending each backup to the existing backup file, I overwrite the existing backup file. My gut feeling is that this is not right. If it isn't, then how can I continue to backup my TL's w/o having the file growing at an astronomical pace?

I would appreciate your help


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Backup Transaction Log

Feb 9, 2001

Is there a possibility to recover a database up to the point of failure ?
I have a database with a primary datafile and a transaction logfile.
I have backup of the database and transaction log backups upto an hour before failure. But I also want to recover one hour data which is in the transaction log.
I have lost my primary datafile.

Is there a way to recover ?

How do I backup the transaction log before starting restore ?


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Transaction Log Backup

Feb 2, 2001

Hi friends,
I have set up the Transaction Log backup on one server he was running fine for few hour later he failed for two times and then after full backup it is running fine.
Can any one of shed some light on this issue.
Cannot allow BACKUP LOG because file 'ZTVData' has been subjected to nonlogged updates and cannot be rolled forward. Perform a full database, or differential database, backup. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 4213) Backup or restore operation terminating abnormally. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3013). The step failed.

Thank You,
Paul T

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Transaction Log Backup

Aug 26, 1999

Does the command,
backup log <database name> to <backup device name>
clear the inactive portions of the transaction log?


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Transaction Log Backup

Jun 9, 1999

I've set up 4 database maintenance plans for my databases. 1 for all system databases, and the other three for specific databases. they back up to a network drive on another computer.

The plans are set up to do complete backups every day and then transaction log backups every 15 minutes.

The complete backups work fine. They all create the backups on the network drive. The transaction log backups are only created for one of the databases though. All the others report "successful completion" but they don't actually create the backup file. I looked at the report created and it never has a step that backs up the transaction log. I compared the T-SQL code from the one transaction backup job that works to one that doesn't and all the commands are exactly the same (aside from different directories to save in to, job numbers, etc).

Does anyone have any idea what is going on? I've deleted the maintenance plans and recreated them to no avail. I've also created an on the side differential backup that works as well.

Any help would be appreciated


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Transaction Log Backup

Feb 21, 2001

I am using ArcserveIT 2000 SQL Agent to backup my SQL Server 7.0 db. I perform a full backup (with archive on) every day. ArcserveIT backsup both database and transaction log files. 'Truncate log on chkpt' is set to False in the databases. If I don't use SQL server's backup command with trunc. log on chkpt to true, will the transaction log file ever get trimmed? Does a third party backup utility like ArcserveIT will do something similar to 'backup command' in SQL server 7.
Anyone using ArcserveIT SQL Server 7.0 Agent, please comment.

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Transaction Log Backup

Mar 15, 2004

Good afternoon,

Has anyone ever had an issue with a Transaction Log being backed up but not truncating? We’ve been having trouble with this and now have to truncate the log manually. Any information at this point will be useful. Thank you.

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When & How To Take Transaction Log Backup.

Oct 3, 2001

Can anybody help me in,
When to take backup of transaction log and how to schedule it?

My database is in Full recovery mode with two log files.
I am doing mass insertion, then i am getting the following error
"The log file for database 'nags' is full. Back up the transaction log for the database to free up some log space."
I have taken backup of transaction log. now also it is giving the same error.

Any suggestions how to handle to this situation, to prevent the above error.

Thanks in advance.

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Backup Transaction Log

May 11, 2007

What is the proper way to backup a transaction log for a database whose name contains a space. (I.E. DBname = Database Name). I am trying to execute a command, but it does not like the space in the database name. I have also tried wrapping the name in single quotes and parethesis to no avail.

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Transaction Log Backup

May 29, 2008

How often do you guys back up your trans logs, every 10mins, 30mins or hourly???

Just curious

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