Transaction Log Does Not Truncate And Shrink Using A SQL Server 2005 Maintenance Plan

May 15, 2006

We are using SQL Server 2005 (SP1). I have created a maintenance plan that backs up up the datebase every night. The problem is that the transaction log is continuing to grow. I have been told that a full backup will automatically truncate and shrink the transaction log. However, this is not happening. How can I truncate and shrink the transaction log after a full backup as part of our maintenance plan. Thank you.

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Truncate Transaction Log And SHRINK DATABASE

Aug 28, 2007

Is it possible to truncate Transaction Log and Shrink DATABASE while the database is being used by users or the database becomes unuvailable during this operations?

Thank you.

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Mirroring :: How To Truncate / Shrink Transaction Log If Mirror Is Enabled

Aug 18, 2015

We have a SQL server 2012 database with size 200mb and Transaction Log has gone up to 34GB.

We have SQL server Mirror is enabled and principal database is running with Full Recovery Model.

How can I truncate/Shrink Log files? Will it impact on existing mirroring setup? I am very much new to SQL server.

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Sql Server 2005 Maintenance Plan

Jan 17, 2006

I'm trying to create a maintenance plan to backup a database, and when I go to select the database in the dropdown, I don't have any of the user databases any more. They were there several weeks ago when I first created the 'plan'.
Does anyone know how to get the user db's to show up in the dropdown?

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Maintenance Plan Bug On SQL Server 2005

Oct 4, 2007

Hello, everyone:

I have a strange trouble on SQL Server 2005 on XP/local and Win 2003/server. When I connect local database and create a backup plan named by "backup plan", I can see the name under "maintenance plan" and "Jobs" under SQL Server Agent. But if I connect to server database and do the samething, I cannot see the name under "maintenance plan". I can see the name under "Jobs" under SQL Server Agent. But cannot delete this job, and message:

Drop failed for job "Backup Plan".(Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo).

Did someone meet this bug and have suggestions?



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SQL Server 2005 Maintenance Plan Failed To Run

Sep 19, 2007

I created a database maintenance plan on sql server 2005 (standard SP2, cluster environment). The plan created successfully on scheduled successfully. But when execute the plan, it fails. Here is the information in the log:

The last step to run was step 1 (TranLog backup).,00:00:01,0,0,,,,0
09/19/2007 12:06:38,Tranlog backups.TranLog backup,Error,1,LAIWWORKSITE1LA,Tranlog backups.TranLog backup,TranLog backup,,Executed as user: STROOCKSQLSRV. Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility Version 9.00.3042.00 for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 12:06:38 PM Warning: 2007-09-19 12:06:39.27 Code: 0x80012017 Source: Tranlog backups Description: The package path referenced an object that cannot be found: "PackageTranLog backup.Disable". This occurs when an attempt is made to resolve a package path to an object that cannot be found. End Warning DTExec: Could not set PackageTranLog backup.Disable value to false. Started: 12:06:38 PM Finished: 12:06:39 PM Elapsed: 0.688 seconds. The package execution failed. The step failed.,00:00:01,0,0,,,,0

Any ideas? Thanks.

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Maintenance Plan With Sql Server 2005 Express Sp2

Apr 21, 2008

I use SQL Server Express 2005 SP2.(Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3042.00)
I want to make a maintenance plan, but I don't have a task called "maintenance plan"
I am user sa with "sysadmin"
How can I make a maintenance plan.
Thanks for your help

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Maintenance Plan For SQL Server 2005 64-bit Doesn't Work!

Jul 5, 2007

Hi all,
We have a SQL Server 2005 64-bit, and recently I upgrade from build 3042 to 3054 and I try to do a maintenance plan for transaction logs(TL) backup, including cleanup for two days (have full backup every night).

Problem I have is that I want the TL files to dump in a different location(due to disk space), so I put in the UNC path in the "Create a backup file for every database - >Folder:\FileServerTLDBLogs"

NB: if using the local drives, it work

Check List
- The account that I used to create the plan is an sa account
- The location that I dump the TL files, I have full access to the folder

SQL Statement:
exec xp_cmdshell 'dir FileServerTLDBLogs' (it list all files)

Is this a bug for 64-bit? because I can do this on SQL Server 2005 32-bit and it's work perfectly

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Check Database Integrity In Maintenance Plan Not Working In SQL Server 2005 SP2

Apr 13, 2007

I installed SQL Server 2005 Enterprise, then SP1 and then SP2, Maintenance Plan worked. But if I installed SQL Server 2005 Enterprise and then SP2 directly (skipping SP1), the Check Database Integrity in Maintenance Plan was not working. The error message is as follows:

Executed as user: DomainSqlServiceAccount. Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility Version 9.00.3042.00 for 64-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 10:56:21 AM Could not load package "Maintenance PlansTest Plan" because of error 0xC0014062. Description: The LoadFromSQLServer method has encountered OLE DB error code 0x80004005 (Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.). The SQL statement that was issued has failed. Source: Started: 10:56:21 AM Finished: 10:56:21 AM Elapsed: 0.047 seconds. The package could not be loaded. The step failed.

Other tasks like Rebuild Index seem to be fine. SP2 is supposed to be inclusive. Does anyone have any ideas on why this is happening.



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Maintenance Plan Fails Trying To Delete Files Older Thean One Day. Running SQL Server 2005

Oct 1, 2007

I get the following message when I execute a mantenance plan to delete files older than 1 day.

Error # -1073548784

Executing the query "EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,N'',N'',N'2007-09-30T07:56:09'
" failed with the following error: "Error executing extended stored procedure: Invalid Parameter". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

Any help would be appreciated!!

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Maintenance Plan On 2005

Jan 23, 2006

Hi all,

I need to find out on runtime, a list of Maintenance plans and Jobs.
i dont know how to acquire the database name on which the plan/job are operating.
i also dont know from which table can i get the tasks ( backup,integrity,rebuild index etc.) that belongs to the plan.

its quite urgent,



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SQL 2005 Backup Maintenance Plan

Jul 9, 2007

Hi there

I feel like a complete nitwit. I've been using SQL 2000 for about 5 years now and regularly set up automatic backups using the wizard for many people. I'm in no way an advanced user and have enjoyed some of the more user-friendly features of SQL 2000 such as the backup wizard.

Well now we have SQL 2005 and I can't find the "wizard". I did a lot of googling and found very little on this. The frustration is mounting - let alone the fact that I had to edit the registry just to be able to perform a manual backup in the first place... :-(

Apparently their is a "maintenance plans" folder but the only place I can find this is under "Legacy" and you can't create jobs there.

Has anybody else had this issue? Is there a bug in SQL 2005? I reinstalled the full version with all options selected and still can't find this folder. Am I just being completely "blonde"?

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SQL 2005 Database Maintenance Plan

Nov 16, 2007

I need to create sql 2005 maintenance plan for system and user databases which includes Database integrity check and Rebuild index tasks but these two things should happen at different times. Is it possible to schedule these two tasks at different times under single database maintenance plan, if so please let me know...

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Sql 2005 Maintenance Plan Issue

Aug 4, 2006

I successfully created a simple Backup Maintenance Plan under SSMS. But now that the plan is created I need to change the number of days the backups are kept. When I pull up the plan udner SSIS and lok at the tasks I can't locate that option. I couldn't find it under the sql agent either. Anyone know where it is? (Or do I need to recreate the plan from scratch?)



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SQL 2005 Backup Maintenance Plan

Feb 16, 2007

In SQL 2005...

How do I specifty in the maintenance plan to only keep 3 days worth of backup.


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Sql 2005 Databases That Are Not In A Maintenance Plan

Apr 16, 2008

I need to build a query that shows which databases on a sql 2005 server are NOT included in a maintenance plan.

So far I have been unable to find a matching column from msdb sys.databases with any column in the following msdb tables:


Has anyone else been able to solve this challenge?


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Sql 2005 Database Maintenance Plan

Nov 16, 2007

I want to create sql 2005 maintenance plan which includes Database integrity check and Rebuild index tasks but these two things should happen at different times. Is it possible to schedule these two tasks at different times under single database maintenance plan, if so please let me know...ASAP

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: What Happens If Shrink Database With Truncate Only And Take A Backup

Apr 30, 2015

I would like to know what happens if i shrink the database with truncate only option and do a full backup or transaction log backup ? are the full backup or transaction log backup valid? I know that the performance of the database is bad if i shrink the database. What happens to full backup or transaction log backups?

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DB Maintenance Plan SQL 2005 On 6300+ Database

Mar 25, 2007

Hi,We have a SQL-cluster with over 6300 databases, most of them prettysmall in size and usage.For this reason all these databases are on auto-close ( Otherwise SQLwould need many many gigabytes ).We've recently upgraded to SQL 2005 because of the Management Studio,because the EM is unusable on a SQL-Server with lots of databases.But whenever you choose 'all user databases' or 'all databases' in anyof the DB Maintenance task, MSSQL begins starting up every databasewhich takes about 30 minutes. Until then, you cannot use your Studioanymore.My question : is there a possibility to avoid this behavior, it shouldnot go and check all those db's, just add my task.PS : Detaching these databases is not an option ...Thanks in advance,Sven Peeters

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Import And Export SQL 2005 Maintenance Plan

Nov 8, 2006

I had created a maintenance plan and configure and scheduled my maintenace plan to run. I would like to save this package as a file into a source control. SO I use SSIS to export the package under stored packages->MSDB->Maintenace Plan. After that, I wanted to test my import process. So I deleted the packages under SSIS ->stored packages->MSDB->Maintenance plan and I use the import to add the package from my previously exported package stored in a file .dtxs extention.

So the problem is, after I imported my package. I lost the configured schedule and the job runs without doing anything. When I try to go in and make changes to the package, by adding a new schedule under SQL server -> management->maintenance plan. I receive a odd error message and it doesn't allow me to save the package.. The error message I got is...."GUID should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxx-xxx-xx...)"

So my questions are: 1. why did the re-import loses the originally configure job run schedule. 2. why doesn't the re-import package works by backing up database as it was first setup. 3. why I cannot re-edit this package and saving the package error out?

Thank you for reading and for your helps! --Jon

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Maintenance Plan Tasks In SSIS(Sql 2005)

Oct 10, 2006

I am finding difficult to set Expression Property "SelectedDatabases" in Check Databases Integrity Task in SSIS.

I keep getting error:

TITLE: Expression Builder

Expression cannot be evaluated.


The data type of variable "User::varDataset" is not supported in an expression.

Reading the variable "User::varDataset" failed with error code 0xC00470D0.


I need the flexibilty to be able to control the Task behaviour during runtime through Variables.

Any suggestions .... or even a different approach will be helpful..



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Cannot Edit Maintenance Plan Created In SQL 2005, SP1

Sep 22, 2006


I have created a simple maintenance plan in SQL Studio. When I double-click on the task boxes (ie 'Rebuild Index', 'Backup') to just make changes or to look, I get the following message:

Cannot show editor for this task

Additional information:

Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0010014 (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSRuntimeWrap)

I also cannot save any change that I make in the schedule of the plan.

I HAVE installed Integration Services, which at least enabled me to initially SAVE the plan. I just can't edit the tasks or change the schedule.

Any help is most appreciated!

Eunice Griffin

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SQL 2005 SP2 : Cannot See DB IN SQL 7.0 CMP MODE In Maintenance Plan Wizard

Jan 30, 2008


I've small issue with SQL 2005 SP2. We have migrated database from another server with backup/restore procedure. Seems that db is properly set with cmp level 7.0. We are using standard maintenance plan for all SQL 2005 servers with option "backup all user databases", to have less work. Now it seems that dbs in SQL COMPATIBILITY LEVEL 7.0 cannot be backuped with Maintenance plan. They are not listed in the list of the databases and Maintenance plan is always reporting failure :

"Database '<DBNAME>' is not valid to be included in the maintenance plan."

Is there any way to fix this? Or can I safely switch db to CMP Level 8.0 at least?

Thanks for help

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How To Programmatically Create SQL 2005 Maintenance Plan

Nov 26, 2007

I need to programmatically create a SQL 2005 maintenance plan at hundreds of customer sites. Each plan will be a little different because of path names, database names, etc., so I can't use one canned plan without modifications. I know that SQL 2005 maintenance plans are XML packages and SQL jobs, so scripting isn't an option. I've seen mention of using the .Net API to create the plans, but I can't find any examples. SMO doesn't seem to have any objects for managing maintenance plans. Can someone point me to an example of using the API to perform this task?



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Maintenance Plan Problem After MSSQL 2005 Upgrade

May 5, 2008


I have recently upgrade from MS SQL 2000 to MS SQL 2005. The maintenance plan disappeared. Although the jobs are still around and running. What issues might arise from this? Thanks..

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SQL Tools :: Unable To Save A Maintenance Plan In 2005 / Class Not Registered

Nov 2, 2015

Unable to save a maintenance plan in sql server 2005, SP3. Error is class not registered.

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SQL Server Maintenance Plan

May 3, 2004

Hey Gang, Anyone have a Maintenance Plan Checklist? One that I can use on Multiple applications

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SQL Server DB Maintenance Plan Question

Sep 12, 2005

I have about 15, 100mb databases on my SQLserver and was wondering if my db maintenace plan was correct. I backup the db once a day, and the Transaction log gets backep up every four hours. I am also using the "Bulk-logging" option for each database. My main concern was if I ever do a manual backup of one of the dbs, will it corrupt my backup history and stop me from restoring a db sucessfully. Would simple logging be a "safer" option? I just want to have the most reliable plan in place. I would appreciate any wisdom.Thanks. 

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SQL Server Maintenance Plan Did Not Work??

May 15, 2000

Can someone tell what could possibly be the problem with SQL7 not running backups that were created and scheduled using the maintance plan wizar. There is no job history, or any record of the backups running. However, I did notice that the SQL Server Agent was set to manual. Could that perhaps have something to do with the jobs not running. If possible could some give me possible solutions or answers as to why these jobs didn't run.


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Maintenance Plan Wizard Vs Tsql Maintenance

Aug 17, 2007


I have a question that I hope someone can clear up for me. I have come across a number of different suggestions on DB maintenance, for example reindexing with the following script:

USE DatabaseName --Enter the name of the database you want to reindex

DECLARE @TableName varchar(255)

SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_type = 'base table'

OPEN TableCursor

FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @TableName
DBCC DBREINDEX(@TableName,' ',90)
FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @TableName

CLOSE TableCursor


My question is, doesn't the maintenance plan have this functionality inherent in it when you create the maintenance jobs to reindex? Is there a benefit to scripting things out vs just using the maintenance plan wizard for this sort of thing and any of the items it covers? I came from an Oracle background where this was a no-brainer but I am a bit confused on the choices with SQL Server.


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Setting A Maintenance Plan For A SQL Database In The SERVER

Jun 10, 2007

I learned how to make SQL database BACKUPs through Maintenance Plans in SQL server 2005 in my own computer.
So my question is: When I finally would be deploying my ( 2.0) web site in a distant real server, how could I set a Maintenance Plan there ?

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Using SQL Server 7.0, Backup Maintenance Plan Not Working

Aug 21, 2006

I am using SQL server 7.0. After restoring all the databses (Exceptdistribution) Everything seems to be working fine except the backupmaintenance plan. I put following detail in the maintenance plan"General Tab:Plan Name --- DB Maintenance Plan1() All DatabasesOptimizations tab:Reorganize Data and Index PageChange free space per page percentage to 10%Remove unused space from database filesShrink Database when it grows beyond 50 MBAmount of free space to remain after shrink 10% of the data spaceSchedule: Occurs every 1 week(s) on Thursday, at 1:30:00 PM.Integrity tab:Chack database integrityInclude indexes.Attempt to repair any minor problemSchedule : Occurs every 1 week(s) on Thursday, at 1:00:00 PM.Complete Backup tab:Backup the database as part of the maintenance planVerify the integrity of the backup upon completionDisk use this directory: d:SQL BackupsBackup file extension: BAKSchedule: Occurs every 1 day(s), at 2:10:00 PM.Transaction Log Backup tab:schedule: Occurs every 1 day(s), at 2:00:00 PM.Reporting tab:Write report a text file in Directory: D:SQL BackupsLOG "Problem:My databases(mroduction as well as systems) sre not at all gettingbacked up according to above plan.Error Message in the Log Directory:"Microsoft (R) SQLMaint Utility (Unicode), Version [Microsoft SQL-DMO(ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 4062: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL ServerDriver][SQL Server]Cannot open user default database '<ID>'. Usingmaster database instead."In the SQL server registration properties the login through whichgetting logged into the EM for that, default database is "my productiondatabase".Is this problem because of the distribution db which I am not able torestore.Please helpDeepak Sinha

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SQL Server 7 Transaction Log - Can&#39;t Shrink!

Jun 10, 1999

For some reason (I'm sure it was my code) my transaction log segments grew to a huge size (>1 GB each). They are normally in the area of 150 MB each, so I wanted to shrink them back down. But I have one transaction log segment that won't shrink! I'm a relatively new administrator, but I've tried shrinking the database (which worked for all but one segment) and truncating the logs, I've tried issuing a CHECKPOINT, I've tried stopping and restarting SQL Server, but I can't get that last segment to shrink to a normal size. Any ideas?



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