I got the following error when I try running my “comments.aspx� page with visual studio 2005Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Transaction (Process ID 83) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.
The segment code was the problem sits in file "comments.aspx"::
string cmdText=��;
cmdText = string.Format(@"-- Get All Narative comments fo all students in the course from @selectedTermID down to its child terms
exec aagGetStudentSectionComments @companyID={0}, @sectionID={1}, @selectedTermID={2}, @StudentID={3}
", _companyID, sectionID, selectedTermID, studentID);
ds = fExecuteQuerySet(cmdText, "getMySet");
// the 2 functions to deal with ADO.NET to be called in above code segment
// return a dataset.
public DataSet fExecuteQuery(string commandText, string dataSetName)
DataSet mds = new DataSet();
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(commandText, _cn);
da.SelectCommand.CommandTimeout = 600; // 600 seconds
da.Fill(mds, dataSetName);
return mds; // return dataset
// Assume para commandText contains sql query which returns a table or more.
// return a DataSet.
public DataSet fExecuteQuerySet(string commandText, string dataSetName)
DataSet mds = new DataSet();
mds = fExecuteQuery(commandText, dataSetName);
return mds; // return DataSet
Please give me the reason why that dealock happens?
Thanks in advance
I was trying to extract data from the source server using OLEDB Source and SQL Server Destination when i encountered this error:
"Transaction (Process ID 135) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.".
What must be done so that even if the table being queried is locked, i wouldn't experience any deadlock?
I am having this table locking issue that I need to start paying attention to as its getting more frequent.
The problem is that the data in the tables is live finance data that needs to be changed and viewed almost real time so what I have picked up so far is that using 'table Hints' may not be a good idea.
I have a guy at work telling me that introducing a data access layer is the only way to solve this, I am not convinced but havnt enough knowledge to back my own feeling up. (asp system not .net).
ive seen this Deadlock Error message out on the internet being discussed, but no solution being offered. i have a windows service that's running Select Statements [one at a time] - so unless there's some command in sql server that would re-run these - it could be a problem for me. now if im running this select proc manually - of course i see the message and re-run the process, but how can this be accomplished programatically. see msg below:
Transaction (Process ID 106) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.
;) Hello Everybody, My name is Fabio and I post from Italy. First, I don't know if this argument was already discussed in the past, but I'm new in this group so ... Second I'm not so expert in DB due to the fact that I'm using SQL for the first time in my life ...
I use a store procedure to pass to every single user in my intranet (more than 150), details of different clients taken from an SQL table containing around 30.000 names. Users have an ASP page displaying the information Selected in the DB. This means that 150 users display info of 150 different clients.
To to this I use this code in store procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_assign_name @iduser int AS if exists(select top 1 * from recallornotes where tmkoperator= @iduser) update nominativitelecom set tmkmotrecall=convert(nvarchar(1), tmkstatus), tmkstatus=7 where id in (select top 1 id from recallornotes where tmkoperator=@iduser) else begin if exists(select top 1 id from nonotes) update nominativitelecom set tmkmotrecall=convert(nvarchar(1), tmkstatus), tmkstatus=7, tmkoperator =@iduser where id in (select top 1 id from nonotes with (UPDLOCK) order by NewID()) end GO
This is working quite well when the number of users are more ore less around 50/60, when the number grows, on the IIS server (Pentium IV server, with Win 2000 in English, MS SQL 2000, and 1 Giga of ram), a file called DLLHOST.exe start to use the 100% of the CPU, and the users cannot display any other ASP page on their screens. It is not a virus (some newsgroup report this problem connect to a worm virus, but we have latest antivirus files installed and spyware detect/delete on). The SQL log reports this error:
"transaction (process id 69) was deadlocked on (lock) resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. rerun the transaction".
Is there a way to avoid the conflict that occur when different users are trying to select the same record in the DB ? In other terms, which process will you use in the same situation to select one record per user ?
1. I have dropped 10 tables with each around 1-2 gb in DB ABC 2. I had run DBCC ShrinkDatabase (ABC, 20) and it is failed after running 133 hours this morning. Yes, 133 hours.
It ran 72 hours last month and shrinked from 200 gb to 180 gb. Thus, I expected it should be <= 72 hours to fnish since 10 more tables are dropped ?
Msg 1205 Transaction (Process ID 75) was deadlocked on lock | communication buffer resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.
DBCC shrinkDatabase will cause deadlocking? how to avoid it? Is there other ways to speed up?
In an SSIS package I am continually getting the same error:
"Transaction (Process ID 58) was deadlocked on thread | communication buffer resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
The package is attempting to do a simple Execute SQL Task. Since this seems like a database and not integration services issue, does anybody have any thoughts or insight into this error and where to begin troubleshooting?
Hi, i get this error while i manually execute dts. But when i execute dts on my .aspx page, i can't handle this error on "... catch(Exception ex) {... }" part. catch (Exception ex) { return ex.Message ; //DtsPackage.OnError += new PackageEvents_OnErrorEventHandler(DtsPackage_OnError); } Here is dts message in a text file. Step 'DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_3' failedStep Error Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL ServerStep Error Description:Transaction (Process ID 124) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.Step Error code: 80004005Step Error Help File:Step Error Help Context ID:0 Any idea?
Hi, i get this error while i manually execute dts. But when i execute dts on my .aspx page, i can't handle this error on "... catch(Exception ex) {... }" part. catch (Exception ex) { return ex.Message ; //DtsPackage.OnError += new PackageEvents_OnErrorEventHandler(DtsPackage_OnError); } Here is dts message in a text file.
Step 'DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_3' failed
Step Error Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Step Error Description:Transaction (Process ID 124) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. Step Error code: 80004005 Step Error Help File: Step Error Help Context ID:0
My transaction log backup task for the production database which normally takes about 10 seconds has been running for almost about 2 hours now.
Is there any way to stop it without restarting sql services? The scheduled task was stopped from the jobs but spid is still in 'runnable' status. I should not kill 'backup log' or 'xp_sqlmaint' tasks.( It doesn't solve the problem anyway. the SPID goes in rollback status and stays like that until server is rebooted). Any way to find out what causes this problem and how to prevent it?
The process could not execute 'sp_repldone/sp_replcounters' on 'sqldb2008'. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL20011).The specified LSN {00000000:00000000:0000} for repldone log scan occurs before the current start of replication in the log {001317bf:0000f736:0008}. (Source:Â
MSSQLServer, Error number: 18768).The process could not set the last distributed transaction. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, The process could not execute 'sp_repldone/sp_replcounters' on 'sqldb2008'. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL22037)
We have a scenarion in a batch job. There are 3 sp's which are executed for every record in a table. After the execution of first sp the second sp executes depending upon the result of first sp. Simillarly for 2nd and 3rd sp.
Now if any sp execution fails than the whole transaction for that record in the table has to be rolled back.
Can this whole process of executing the multplie sp's insides a single transaction be accomplished using service broker with either a single queue or multiple queues?
sp 1 (1 record)
__________ l_____________
l l l sp2 ( 3 records for 1 record in sp1)
Simillalry for the one record in sp2, sp3 executes for multiple records.
Or in other words if processing of any message in a queue fails all the messages that have been processed already shoould be rolled back and no further execution should happen?
Also i would like to know can a conversation group be rolled back if processing of any message in the conversation group fails. I am asking this as we can club sp2 and sp3 together to get the results directly and than try for parallel processing.
I am afraid that just after @statusOfEmployee is retrieved from table1, but before table2 is updated, someone else (a second user) calls this same stored procedure and changes the @statusOfEmployee value. This would create an inconsistent update of table2 by first user, since the update of table2 'might' not have gone ahead if the latest value of @statusOF Employee was used. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS SITUATION AND HOW I CAN BE SURE THAT ABOVE DOES NOT HAPPEN SINCE MULTIPLE USERS WILL BE HITTING THIS STORED PROCEDURE?
declare @status intbegin transet @status = (select statusOfEmployee from table1)if @@ERROR = 0 begin update table2 set destination = @destination /* @destination is an input parameter passed to the sp*/ where @currentStatus = @status if @ERROR = 0 commit tran else rollback tran endelse rollback tran return
We are having a really big problem with a zombie process/transactionthat is blocking other processes. When looking at Lock/ProcessIDunder Current Activity I see a bunch of processes that are blocked byprocess 94 and process 94 is blocked by process -2. I assume -2 is azombie that has an open transaction. I cannot find this process tokill and it seems that this transaction is surviving databaserestarts. I know which table is locked up and when I run a select *from this table it never returns. Does anyone have any ideas as tohow to kill is transaction.Any help is appreciated.A. Tillman
I have over 500 transaction records in a single DB process handling within SQL transaction (Begin, Commit, RollBack and End). Is there any limitation for the following rollbacktransaction function to handle more records (eg. over 500 records)? Public Shared Sub RollBackTransaction() Dim transactionObj As Object Try transactionObj = SqlTransaction.GetExistingTransaction If (Not IsNothing(transactionObj)) Then CType(transactionObj, SqlTransaction).RollBack() End If
Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Sub
Hello, I currently have a Transactional Log reader agent failing with the below error: The process could not execute 'sp_replcmds' Error: 14151, Severity: 18, State: 1 SQL Server Assertion: File: <logscan.cpp>, line=2223 Failed Assertion = 'm_noOfScAlloc == 0'. Stack Signature for the dump is 0x24642FE5 Error: 3624, Severity: 20, State: 1. SQL Server Assertion: File: <logscan.cpp>, line=1985 Failed Assertion = 'startLSN >= m_curLSN'. Stack Signature for the dump is 0xD7150BD4 Now, I understand that SP4 is supposed to fix a similar issue. SP4 has been installed and the errors keep happening. I do notice that the hot fix mentions different line numbers than the above errors. Does anyone know if this is a new bug? If not can someone explain the fixes to me, thanks,
Hi,I'm running SQL Server Version 8.00.194 on Windows 2000.I am am running this query:select TOP 2000TheoVolImpliedfrom OptionTradeswhere ReutersSymbol = 'IBM.N'and TheoVolImplied > 0.0TheoVolImplied is of type float, precision 15, length 8.When I run this query I get this error:Server: Msg 3628, Level 16, State 1, Line 1A floating point exception occurred in the user process. Currenttransaction is canceled.If I run this query:select TOP 2000TheoVolImpliedfrom OptionTradeswhere TheoVolImplied > 0.0It works fine with no problems.If I run this query:select TOP 2000TheoVolImpliedfrom OptionTradeswhere ReutersSymbol = 'IBM.N'It works fine with no problems.Anyone have any ideas about what might be wrong?
When I execute a select with an inner join my query is bombing out calling me a deadlock victim. I know what deadlocking is, but I am only doing a select. Why would a select lock records?
Could anyone explain what locking occurs when a select is fired with a join?
The errormessage after a deadlock gives very little information: "Your transaction (process ID #12) was deadlocked with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun your transaction."
But what resources, ie tables, indexes etc, are really deadlocked?
Is it possible to set a switch or something to log all relevant information about a deadlock for later investigation?
Sql version Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.818 (Intel X86) May 31 2003 16:08:15 Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 4)
I have dts running 24 X 7 every 5 minutes I noticed DTS failed few times a day with error
Step Error Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Step Error Description:Transaction (Process ID 74) was deadlocked on thread | communication buffer resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. Step Error code: 80004005 Step Error Help File: Step Error Help Context ID:0
The is no entry about in Server server log files. will trace identify deadlock and why deadlock info not entred into log file ?
please throw in any ideas as it matter of urgency.
We have rebuild our 24/7 heavy loaded website using ASP.NET 2.0 and SQL 2005 (we have one active-passive cluster for main activity and 2 active-active clusters to browse static data).
Main cluster is publisher and distributor for replication of data (small subset of it and it works fine).
Hi, i am getting this error when i am running a stored procedure.
Transaction (Process ID XXXX) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.
i think so it is getting this error becasue it blocking it self at one point in the SP
declare @cty varchar(2)
OPEN cty_Cursor; FETCH NEXT FROM cty_Cursor into @cty; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN EXEC SP_DO_SOMETHING @cty FETCH NEXT FROM cty_Cursor into @cty; END; CLOSE cty_Cursor; DEALLOCATE cty_Cursor;
i think so it calls the SP then before SP finsih its working it calls it back from cursor with other argument.
how we can make it sure it finish it execution before it is being called again. i think so we need some sort of lock here but i am not able to find right solution . please anyone suggest something.
Is there a way to write a script ,keep the script in SQL Agent job , run the  job to keep track of Blocked and deadlocked queries and store them in any Table or with triggers?with out Profiler,Audit,activitymonitor ?Â
Hello all, I am running into an interesting scenario on my desktop. I'm running developer edition on Windows XP Professional (9.00.3042.00 SP2 Developer Edition). OS is autopatched via corporate policy and I saw some patches go in last week. This machine is also a hand-me-down so I don't have a clean install of the databases on the machine but I am local admin.
So, starting last week after a forced remote reboot (also a policy) I noticed a few of the databases didn't start back up. I chalked it up to the hard shutdown and went along my merry way. Friday however I know I shut my machine down nicely and this morning when I booted up, I was in the same state I was last Wenesday. 7 of the 18 databases on my machine came up with
FCB:pen: Operating system error 32(The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.) occurred while creating or opening file 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataTest.mdf'. Diagnose and correct the operating system error, and retry the operation. and it also logs FCB:pen failed: Could not open file C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataTest.mdf for file number 1. OS error: 32(The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.).
I've caught references to the auto close feature being a possible culprit, no dice as the databases in question are set to False. Recovery mode varies on the databases from Simple to Full. If I cycle the SQL Server service, whatever transient issue it was having with those files is gone. As much as I'd love to disable the virus scanner, network security would not be amused. The data and log files appear to have the same permissions as unaffected database files. Nothing's set to read only or archive as I've caught on other forums as possible gremlins. I have sufficient disk space and the databases are set for unrestricted growth.
Any thoughts on what I could look at? If it was everything coming up in RECOVERY_PENDING it's make more sense to me than a hit or miss type of thing I'm experiencing now.
Dear list Im designing a package that uses Microsofts preplog.exe to prepare web log files to be imported into SQL Server
What Im trying to do is convert this cmd that works into an execute process task D:SSIS ProcessPrepweblogProcessLoad>preplog ex.log > out.log the above dos cmd works 100%
However when I use the Execute Process Task I get this error [Execute Process Task] Error: In Executing "D:SSIS ProcessPrepweblogProcessLoadpreplog.exe" "" at "D:SSIS ProcessPrepweblogProcessLoad", The process exit code was "-1" while the expected was "0".
There are two package varaibles User::gsPreplogInput = ex.log User::gsPreplogOutput = out.log
How do I use the execute process task? I am trying to unzip the file using the freeware PZUnzip.exe and I tried to place the entire command in a batch file and specified the working directory as the location of the batch file, but the task fails with the error:
SSIS package "IngramWeeklyPOS.dtsx" starting.
Error: 0xC0029151 at Unzip download file, Execute Process Task: In Executing "C:ETLPOSDataIngramWeeklyUnzip.bat" "" at "C:ETLPOSDataIngramWeekly", The process exit code was "1" while the expected was "0".
Then I tried to specify the exe directly in the Executable property and the agruments as the location of the zip file and the directory to unzip the files in, but this time it fails with the following message:
SSIS package "IngramWeeklyPOS.dtsx" starting.
Error: 0xC002F304 at Unzip download file, Execute Process Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "%1 is not a valid Win32 application".
The command in the batch file when run from the command line works perfectly and unzips the file, so there is absolutely no problem with the command, I believe it is just the set up of the variables on the execute process task editor under Process. Any input on resolving this will be much appreciated.
I am designing a utility which will keep two similar databases in sync. In other words, copying the new data from db1 to db2 and updating the old data from db1 to db2.
For this I am making use of the 'Tablediff' utility which when provided with server name, database, table info will generate .sql file which can be used to keep the target table in sync with the source table.
I am using the Execute Process Task and the process parameters I am providing are:
The customer.bat file will have the following code: tablediff -sourceserver "LV-SQL5" -sourcedatabase "TC_CTI" -sourcetable "CUSTOMER_1" -destinationserver "LV-SQL2" -destinationdatabase "TC_CTI" -destinationtable "CUSTOMER" -f "c:SQL_bat_Filessql5TC_CTIsql_filescustomer1"
the .sql file will be generated at: C:SQL_bat_Filessql5TC_CTIsql_filescustomer1.
The Problem: The Execute Process Task is working fine, ie., the tables are being compared correctly and the .SQL file is being generated as desired. But the task as such is reporting faliure with the following error :
[Execute Process Task] Error: In Executing "C:SQL_bat_FilesSQL5TC_CTIpackage_occurrence.bat" "" at "C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server90COM", The process exit code was "2" while the expected was "0". ]
Some of you may suggest to just set the ForceExecutionResult = Success (infact this is what I am doing now just to get the program working), but, this is not what I desire.
I'm pulling data from Oracle db and load into MS-SQL 2008.For my data type checks during the data load process, what are options to ensure that the data being processed wouldn't fail. such that I can verify first in-hand with the target type of data and then if its valid format load it into destination table else mark it with error flag and push into errors table... All this at the row level.One way I can think of is to load into a staging table then get the source & destination table -column data types, compare them and proceed.
should I just try loading the data directly and if it fails try trouble shooting(which could be a difficult task as I wouldn't know what caused error...)
I'm getting this when executing the code below. Going from W2K/SQL2k SP4 to XP/SQL2k SP4 over a dial-up link.
If I take away the begin tran and commit it works, but of course, if one statement fails I want a rollback. I'm executing this from a Delphi app, but I get the same from Qry Analyser.
I've tried both with and without the Set XACT . . ., and also tried with Set Implicit_Transactions off.
set XACT_ABORT ON Begin distributed Tran update OPENDATASOURCE('SQLOLEDB','Data Source=;User ID=*****;Password=****').TRANSFERSTN.TSADMIN.TRANSACTIONMAIN set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1 update TSADMIN.TRANSACTIONMAIN set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1 and DONE = 1 update OPENDATASOURCE('SQLOLEDB','Data Source=;User ID=*****;Password=****').TRANSFERSTN.TSADMIN.WBENTRY set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1 update TSADMIN.WBENTRY set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1 update OPENDATASOURCE('SQLOLEDB','Data Source=;User ID=*****;Password=****').TRANSFERSTN.TSADMIN.FIXED set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1 update TSADMIN.FIXED set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1 update OPENDATASOURCE('SQLOLEDB','Data Source=;User ID=*****;Password=****').TRANSFERSTN.TSADMIN.ALTCHARGE set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1 update TSADMIN.ALTCHARGE set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1 update OPENDATASOURCE('SQLOLEDB','Data Source=;User ID=*****;Password=****').TRANSFERSTN.TSADMIN.TSAUDIT set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1 update TSADMIN.TSAUDIT set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1 COMMIT TRAN
It's got me stumped, so any ideas gratefully received.Thx
I have a design a SSIS Package for ETL Process. In my package i have to read the data from the tables and then insert into the another table of same structure.
for reading the data i have write the Dynamic TSQL based on some condition and based on that it is using 25 different function to populate the data into different 25 column. Tsql returning correct data and is working fine in Enterprise manager. But in my SSIS package it show me time out ERROR.
I have increase and decrease the time to catch the error but it is still there i have tried to set 0 for commandout Properties.
if i'm using the 0 for commandtime out then i'm getting the Distributed transaction completed. Either enlist this session in a new transaction or the NULL transaction.
Failed to open a fastload rowset for "[dbo].[P@@#$%$%%%]". Check that the object exists in the database.
I am getting this error :Distributed transaction completed. Either enlist this session in a new transaction or the NULL transaction. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Distributed transaction completed. Either enlist this session in a new transaction or the NULL transaction.have anybody idea?!