Transaction Log Size

Apr 12, 2000

I have a very serious problem, if somebody can help me quickly. my transaction log file is getting bigger and bigger even after truncating. today morning when i checked, it was 1.5 GB, by evening it has gone upto 3GB, the total size of the database is 3.4 GB, out of which 3GB is Transaction log. why is it growing heavily!!!!!!!!. there is not much transaction happening. even after truncating the transaction log it is still showing 3gb.


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The Transaction Log Size.

Apr 5, 2001

We have unusual situation. We increased the size of transaction log up to 100MB.
After we run the transaction log backup the physical size of transaction log file getting smaller and smaller from 100 to 88 and then to 76 and so on.
Do you now the reason?
Thank you,

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Transaction Log Size

Feb 22, 2000

I currently have an database that is 110 mb and grows on an average of 5mb a week. THe enviornment is IIS 5.0 /ASP /SQL 6.5. However I find myself continously increasing the log file since it frequently fills up. At this point it is 300mb and can be filled in less than an hour with an average of 35 users. I realize that this file has alot of overhead and is affected directly by the application making the updates. Last week on a busy day (time card app) I witnessed the log increase from below 75% to 100% in a minute, forcing me to truncate the log. This application is an administrative nightmare! Any ideas what could cause this type of activity in the trans log.

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Size Of Transaction Log

Jan 7, 2003


We have here a small database (around 400 MB) with simple recovery. Also autogrowth is active.

But why does the transactionlog also sized up, when it is not in use?
Our TL is around 100 MB and filled with 5 MB.
Everytime the DB gets bigger, the TL also....

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Transaction Log Size

Jul 17, 2003

This isin continuation with my previous query. If i cannot reduce th T Log size , how can i stop it from increasing further. Can i make secondary log files which can be deleted later on?

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Transaction Log Size

Jun 26, 2006

Hi All,

I need to create a script that would return the size of transaction logs for all databases. I ran a select statement against the sysfiles table but you can only run it against one db at a time. Any suggestions?


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Transaction Log Size

Sep 25, 2007

Hello dear friends,
In my database i am not able to take the backup of transaction log.
Even if i took the back up and then shrunk the file it doesnt make any change to my transaction log size.
Still the size is same.
So in every two weeks i am restarting my server.
Once it is restarted then it is ok for another 2 weeks.
After 2 weeks my transaction log size will be more than the size of my datafile.
Can you suggest your openion.
No replication or log shipping exist.

Thank you

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Transaction Log Size

Jun 23, 2006

Hi All,

I need to create a script that would return the size of transaction logs for all databases. I ran a select statement against the sysfiles table but you can only run it against one db at a time. Any suggestions?


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Transaction Size

Apr 20, 2004

Hello, everyone:

I am deisgning the transaction log file, and having the rough idea for transaction numbers per hour. How to determine each transaction size?

Thanks a lot.


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Transaction Log Size

May 6, 2007

I have written an application which runs as a windows service. The application constantly requires to write data into the database.. pretty much every seond. Some of the tables have more than 800,000 rows.

the application works fine. Hoever I am noticing the transaction log grows very fast. All information added is handled through stored procedures. In one week the transaction log grew to 2GB. I assume a part of the reason was because I ran out of disk spae once. But generally this transaction log is growing fast. What could cause the transaction logs to grow fast, What could I do to keep the log file size down....I cant have the database down as the application needs to be running constantly.

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Transaction Log Size

Jan 8, 2008

I have a database whose recovery mode is FULL. I setup one maintenace plan do a backup for the database and another backup plan which backup the transaction log. The two maintenace plans runs daily.

However, the log file is still growing to a very large size. Should the log file be able to reuse after each backup of the transaction log ?

If I'd like to keep the database recovery mode as "FULL", what do I have to do to keep the transaction log within a reasonable size.

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Transaction Log File Size

Apr 17, 2002

How the size of transaction file is calculated. are there any standards.

I created my database with 2000 mb data filesize and 200 log file size.

now my datafile size has reach to 11000 mb but log file size is still 200.

Therefore when I take the online backup my logsize totally consumed and I have to cancel my backup.

Please reply ASAP.


Sanjeev Lamba

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Reducing Size Of Transaction Log

May 25, 2001

If I have a transaction log in a database of size 1GB ( space allocated is during creation of database) currently only 300 mb of its space is used i.e. nearly 700 mb is free. If I want to reduce physical file size of transaction log by 200 mb and release it for operating system then How can I do it???

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Transaction Log Size Question ...

Feb 14, 2001


I'm sure this question has been asked before but I need clarification on a couple of points.

I have a database (500 Mb) which is having a full backup every night at 2AM. I am doing a transaction log backup every 2 hours between 7AM and 7PM. I have noticed that the transaction log keeps growing bigger and bigger so I do a manual truncate.

- Will my transaction log keep growing bigger and bigger ?
- How can I automate a task to reduce the log size ?
- Does a full backup not truncate the log ?

Thanks for any advice,


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Transaction Log File Size.

Nov 29, 1999

I created a database and had its file size as automatic grow. Now the database file is of 17 MB and its transaction log file size is 230 MB. After checking transaction log file properties I came to that it is using 13 mb only and the rest of the 230 MB i.e 217 MB is free. I want that area in the transaction log to be freed and get the transaction file size to its actual size. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

P.S: It is very urgent.

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How To Reduce Transaction Log Size?

Mar 19, 2000

My database's transaction log has become 1.7 GB. Can I reduce it's size? I have tried to shrink database and also set truncate on checkpoint option and also taken the backup after that. but nothing helps. Please advice.

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Transaction Log Size Question

Feb 1, 2001


A very quick (and probably simple to answer) question.

I have a database for which I used Enterprise Manager to set up a complete backup at 2AM every day and a transaction log backup every 2 hours between 8AM and 8PM.

I have noticed that the transaction log is growing huge but I thought that it is supposed to get truncated every complete database backup !!

What can I do to "manage" the log file size ? (preferably automatic task)



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Size Of The Database And Transaction Log

Aug 26, 1999

Hi !

How can I find or calculate the exact space occupied by the database and transaction log in the hard disk?


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Reducing Transaction Log Size

Jul 17, 2003

i am new to sql server. i recently found the transaction log size of my database has reached 109 MB. how can i reduce it. a transaction log backup was sceduled daily at 12.00 noon nad full backup monthly.

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Transaction Log File Size Too Big

Jan 31, 2003

(Windows 2000 professional running SQL Server 2000)

How do you reduce the file size of the transaction log? Is it safe to delete the transaction log? I tried clicking on the ellipse (...) box in database properties, but even tho i'm the dba, it says i don't have permissions to do that! I see the "automatically grow transaction log" and "maximum file size for transaction log" dialogs, but our transaction log is already 5.5 GB, and we need for it to be WAY smaller! Is there a way to back it up, then start over with a new one or something?

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Transaction Log Size And SAN Utilitzation

Apr 12, 2007

DB data file size: 200GB
giant table A: 100GB

Sometimes we've had to do ALTER TABLE statements on giant table A such as converting from int to float that ballooned to using 200+ GB of transaction log to make a copy of the table with the new field type, copy the data in, rename and delete all in a transaction. So we ended up with a 250 GB log file that sits around being 98% empty most of the time as we do log file backups every 3 hours. This seems like a waste of SAN space, however there are times when we do need to do a conversion and we need the space available so it stays. Using a local hard drive for extra log space I would think would severely slow down the conversion. So how do most people handle this. Perhaps have a temp drive tray plugged in just for conversions shared by the data center? Any other suggestions?

I'm thinking we really only need the log file to be big enough to do all the index maintenance day to day and only grow it large when we know downtime and a conversion will be going on. Growing a log file to 250GB is time consuming in itself. No instant initialization of log files in SQL 2005.

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Transaction Log - Initial Size Too Big

Jul 23, 2007


Currently my db size is only 6 GB but the transaction log file initial size was set to 20 GB and has grown much way beyond the db size with the autogrowth feature turn on. The database was originally a test/development DB and was migrated to a production server including the log file. This probably caused the accumulation of transactions on the log.

We run backup everyday and tried to shrinkfile and file size did not change.

Can I change the "initial size" setting of the transaction log without causing any problems? Do I need to stop the service before I made the change assuming I made the change after the backup run? Or can I change it on the fly?

Thanks in advance.

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Transaction Log Size After Backup.

Jul 20, 2005

I have a MS SQL 2000 dB that is 3GB, the transaction log is about 2GB.I do a full dB backup every night. My question is, shouldn't thetransaction log shrink down to next to nothing after a full dB backup?D.p8oust7eh+

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Sql 2005 Transaction Log Size

Aug 9, 2006

We have a database that is backed up every night (full backup). The database size is around 5GB and the transaciton log is about 3GB. And it's 3GB after the backup too. I thought the log size should shrink after each full backup. I can't imagine what data the log needs to maintain after a full backup is complete.

What can be done about this large transaction log?



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Increase Transaction Log Size

Oct 22, 2007


How can I increase the transaction log size of my sql server 2005 database? i can execute the shrink and backup log which can shrink the .ldf file to 1MB. However, since my dts involves a lot of inserts and updates, the my transaction log grows to 700MB in the middle of my dts execution. How can i increase the transaction log size maximum capacity to probably 1.5GB just so it can accommodate my full dts execution?

BTW, this is my commands to shrink the log file:

DBCC SHRINKFILE(<dbname>_log, 1)


DBCC SHRINKFILE(<dbname>_log, 1)


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Transaction Log And File Size

Aug 21, 2006


Database transaction log file has reached to 1 GB and (99% of this space is free). When try to reclaim the unused space, I have no luck. Initial size of the transaction log has now reaches 1GB. When trying to change the initial size to 5 MB, it does not work.

I have backup the transaction log with Truncate the transaction log but system is no releasing the space.

Please Guide.



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Reducing Transaction Log Size - SQL2000

Jan 3, 2001

Can anyone help me reduce a transaction log. It is currently at 2.5GB because it was set to autogrow with no backup !?

I need to drastically reduce it and have backed it up and tried dbcc now says space used is 120MB but current size is still 2.5GB.

How can i reduce this down please ??


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Reduce The Transaction Log File Size

Dec 10, 2001

hi, i'm a newbie in SQL Server and have recently setup a test SQL 7 server. I used all the defaults at the beginning, and now the MDB file is about 500MB and the LDF file is of similar size.

i'm still trying to figure out how to reduce the size of the transaction log file. Currently I only have full backup of the database once a week, and there is no backup for transaction log.

as of this moment, the transaction log is of not much use to me, but I really want to get it reduced as i'm running out of disk space.

and i'd also greatly appreciate if someone could suggest a good DBA practice on the proper setup/handling of transaction logs (how to balance the disk-space usage AND be able to use the transacton logs for proper roll-over during a recovery process).

i'd soon be setting up a SQL 7 server where about 10 active users are expected at any one time. I've read that the transaction log file should be about 40% to 50% of the estimated size of the database file, and should be allowed "auto-grow". So what happens if the more space is required by the transaction logs? Does a full-backup purge the transaction logs (like the way they do in Exchange Server)?


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How To Reduce Size Of Transaction Log File (*.ldf)

Jul 19, 2002


My transaction log file's physical size has exceeded 2GB. How can I reduce that?
Is there any way by which this file size can be controlled?

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Obtain Database & Transaction Log Size

Aug 3, 2001

Is there any system stored procedures or system tables/db that can tell the space use, total available, for a particular db & its transaction log ?


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Reducing The Size Of The Transaction Log File

Oct 3, 2006

At this time I am only playing with the applications that generate the data and send it to the database. Without doing too much, and with deleting most data tables that were created, my transaction log file has grown over a gigabyte. I tried using the SQL server management studio (express) to shrink the database (tried shrinking files, too) but that did not make the file smaller. Right now there is hardly any data in the database (6 tables, a dozen columns and rows each) so it must be old transactions that are kept in the log. How do I get rid of the old data and make the file size smaller? Thanks.

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Transaction Log File Size Vs. Performance

Apr 29, 2004

Hello, everyone:

I am not sure wether transaction log file size affect the database performance. My SQL 2K suddenly became slow yestoday. The data file is 3GB, and transaction log file is 11GB. Someone suggested I should shrink transaction log file. Can it work?

Thanks a lot.


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MS SQL 2000- Reduce Transaction Log Size

May 5, 2004

The size of my transaction log file is out of control. I've backed up the database and the transaction log went from 120 GB to 120 MB. Now, I can't reduce the size of the transaction log file. It's still at 120 GB (w/ almost all of that being held as Free Space). I get errors when I try to manually reduce the file size. Any tips?

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